How Long Will it Take to Get Your Tax Refund? (2024)

  • I never got my card and I want to know why and why can’t I get in touch with you by your number..

  • On June 4, I called irs again, and was told I should expect refund in another week no later than the 13th, that everything was ok and approved, they were just finalizing. On June 16 I called as there was no dd. I was then told someone made a mistake and deleted my refund and I would need to resubmit everything within 10 days because they can’t find my paper work. I was directed to submit through usps and to get delivery receipt.They gave me an address, it was wrong because post office was unable to deliver it. I called again and was told to physically bring it to irs office which I did. At the office, I was also told I will need to wait 30 days for them to receive, then to send to correct department and after the 30 days to then wait an additional 6-8 weeks for them to re-process my return…that means I may not see my return till October. I’ve waited 6 months what’s another 3 :((

  • Mirmz77 I have had the same issue. I called them and they told me i have to answer some security questions. I answered all them right and then she said it will have to be processed now then I will get my refund in 6-8 weeks. That was May 1 when I called. Today is July 11 and still zip! I go online and stats it is still processing. Never had this happen before.

  • Mine was sent out on the 13th too And havent received it .. have you?

  • i filed mine through the mail h and r block messed up so i had to do some things on my own ……………pikachu

  • i did my taxes on march 10 2014 i checked the where’s my refund site today 6/21/2014 and my check will be mailed by the 6/27/2014 they took half of my return tho

  • I filed mines through mail and they said it will b sent on the 11th how long untill i get it

  • I haven’t received anything as well. I mailed my return Feb 7th. Six weeks later I called since I did not receive any information. I was told it was sent to collections by accident even though I owed nothing. When they saw this, they said it would take 30 days to fix and I should get notice in mail. I called again and I spoke to an IRS agent on April 17th, 2014 because I received letter stating they couldn’t give me any information on my return yet the agent told me it was still being reviewed and it should be between 30 days to 6 weeks before I get my refund. It has been six weeks since April 17th and still no word. IRS2go app states they are unable to give me any information, and where’s my refund site changes day to day from “return received and it is processing” to “no information at this time.” I am quite frustrated and was looking to use refund money to pay for my daughters h.s tuition, if not I will have to borrow from my retirement. I don’t know what to do. When I owed Irs, they were so quick to take the money, and send me a million notices and letters. Yet when it’s time for them to give me back my hard earned money, radio silence, no notices/letters and the big run around that they don’t know why it’s still processing. Is anyone having the same issue?

  • E-filed on Feb 10th. STILL no federal return! IRS said it was sent to a “quality review dept” and it was never sent back to them. Telling me it’ll be AT LEAST 30 days to hear from them about a return. Can I charge the IRS interest? Is there any penalty for them!?!

  • I sent mine in in late March and have not heard a single thing and it’s not the end of May. I recently moved, so the address I used is not the same one on my W2 from work. Also when I try to use where’s my refund or call the number they can’t retrieve any information. I’m just getting used to the fact that I’m not going to get one this year, even though I was really depending on it

  • i file mind feb 5 and was accepted the 5th after 21 days they said starting march 3 they will be holding it for 60 days some flags were raise and it could be many reasons may owe more in taxes they said if they need anything they will send a latter still no nothing me and my husband file together and we claim our son so may 3 of 20124 will be 60days can they hold it after that

  • @cqwalker, i e-filed it cause i paid for it with my credit card, and they have an irs refund cycle chart that said i were to get it by tomorrow. But due to the government shut down, they r a week behind. So i will get next friday according to the chart

  • I e-filed my taxes on 2/10/14, they got accepted on the same day, and been processing every since, haven’t gotten approved r nothing, do anyone know why?

  • WOW!!!!! That is a long time. But it sounds like you paper filed which can take 6 weeks until its even processed. I E-File and I usually have a date in a few days no longer than a week. I e-filed and had a check mailed to me and the whole process check in hand took like 15 days people that e-file and get direct deposit have received their refund in like 8 days for some each case is different. It’s now June and you mailed in March that sounds a little long. All I can comment on is my experience on how long it took. In your case I would call and try to get an actual human on the line to look into the case. Sorry hope it works out for you, these things usually do I know it sucks good luck TheCqw


  • The numbers on these tables are pure myth. I filed in mid Feb and still don’t know when I will get my refund. Funny how they expect us to do the paperwork on their theft of our income and then put off paying overcharges for as long as they want.

  • UPDATE: July 11, still no word from IRS, website wheres my refund still says Being Processed. I am in Florida and have an ordinary return nothing fancy, however a large refund due. Filed end of Feb /early March.

  • I am in ATLANTA. E-Filed my return in the last week of April. Still NO sign of refund. The website still says 6weeks. Whom do I contact to get my money asap ?

  • I posted on May 26 (below) still no refund, still says “being processed” it’s June 18.

  • Filed in March, efile, direct deposit. Gotmyrefund first said April 26. Now all it says is “being processed.” Have not recieved any other communication from IRS. Its May 26. No refund yet.

  • My return was accepted on March 8 and, till this year, never took more than 7 to 10 days for my direct deposit. It is now more than 8 weeks and nothing. The website still says “within six weeks” What a crock. I am increasing my dependents to make my refund zero or as close as possible.

  • Sorry that date is wrong I mean may 15th what the hell is going on ……

  • SamethiNg here my brother filed same day as me and received his but mine, say it being processes and I should receive by April 15:( after my date changed three different time anyone else out there this is happening to

  • I too filed and was accepted on Feb 4th and had a deposit date of Mar 6th. Then that day came and went with nothing being deposited. Then received a letter. the same one everyone else has telling them to wait 45 days before you contact them and you need not send them anything. It’s now April 13th and it’s really getting frustrating. You call and they give you no answers. May 2nd will be 45 days from the date of the letter hopefully something will happen before then?!

  • Once your delayed you just don’t know. I filed 03-10 and received a review letter saying they need nothing further. If you go to IGITMYREFUND.COM you’ll see there are all kinds of people still waitiing since January. Does the Irs web say you have a processing delay because thats the first sign that your looking at weeks of delays.

  • I mailed in my tax return and received a date to get my refund of March 27, 2012… that day came and went and the day after my WMR status changed to – your return has been received and is being processed”. I am curious if any of you have had this happen and what happens now???? THANKS

  • I mailed in my tax return and received a date to get my refund of March 27, 2012… that day came and went and the day after my WMR status changed to – your return has been received and is being processed”. I am curious if any of you have had this happen and what happens now???? THANKS

  • UPDATE: I mailed in my forms on March 15th. I opted for direct deposit, and I got it on April 3rd. About 2 weeks, AND they even took out what I have owed them since last year. Surprisingly easy tax return this year.

  • Ughhhhh. My employer didnt take enough out again this year so it looks like that big refund I was hoping for will turn into a little one.

  • Widowed in November. efiled and accepted March 8. Today is April 2. Nothing yet.

  • E-filed on 3/17. Direct deposit supposed to arrive today 3/29. Nothing.

  • any updates for anyone that received a review letter just stating they are going to do a thorough review but need nothing more.

  • the wmr site is now saying due to processing delays i should recieve my refund by april 10 whats going on i havent recieved a letter or anything but its been over a month since i filed

    1. @amanda23glass
      Same happened to me first and then yesterday I received a letter saying that they were go to review my returnandnot to call for 60 days. My return wasaccepted 03-10. They gave four reasons why I could have been selected and none apply to me. All the information I have on my return that they listed they can check in their own system. Its’ nonsense. They are using excuses so they won’t have to pay us until they get paid by people thatowe them. In my letter they didn’t ask for any additional items just for me to wait.

  • I am no longer going to efile. When you send a paper return you send all the w2s, 109, etc. that show your being honest. So many of these reviews are being done just because they don’t have the original documents. I just received a letter for a review for up to 60 days. There is sbsolutely nothing on that return that they can’t look into their own computor system and verify. For now on I will send a paper return with all the paperwork attached because those people are getting their refunds. IRS has now given me a tax advocate because I am need of this money for medical purposes. We’ll see how that goes. Really disappointed in our government.

  • I filed in early february with an injured spouse form. When I checked the wmr site it said march 13 then on the 13 changed to march 20 on march 20 it changed to processing and received with no other information can anyone tell me how much longer i should have to wait. about to lose my phone and lights and internet which i use to go to college online so stressing this really bad.

    1. @PennyBaultsame thing here…in total your looking at a wait of 8-11 weeks until you recieve your refund. IRS processing for injured spouse…its on the IRS website and i called and confirmed…i file jan 23 and accepted the 24th…its now 4/4/12 and wheres my refund just updated my date to be mailed out on 4/6.

  • Does anyone know how long does it take for the state tax refund to come, if you mailed in your tax return. I live in kansas! It

  • efiled my taxes on feb. 14. two weeks later it was bounced back because of a wrong birth date of one of my foster kids. Our tax preparer re sent it on march 1.
    wheres my refund stil says no information avaliable please check you ss number ect, Everything is right. Why is it not acknowledging even receiving it.

    1. because of the mistake it may take a little longer hold tight your money will get to u soon

  • dam this is not makin any sence i went to the wmr site to see what the process of my return was an it now says we have recieved your return an it is bein processed thats it no should recieve by nothing but yesterday it said should recieve by the 20 which is today i filed on 2/27 an got accpected the same day. i dont know what it means? with no date does that mean im gettin aduited? will i get my money first then will i get aduited ? someone please help

    1. @amanda23glass
      I don’t think your getting an audit…….Unless perhaps you have been giving the I.R.S. fraudulent information and they caught on to youbut only you know the answer to that, and I don’t want to know.I’m not saying you are I’m just throwing ideas out there.If in fact you are getting an audit you will not recieve any funds until the audit is complete and a refund amount is established.I’m not trying to scare you but I heard an audit is alot of stuff that usually involves youhiring a tax lawyer and the audit can go back into your finances several years not just this year.

      1. @cqwalker@amanda23glass
        You do not have to do anyting wrong to be audited. My return is to the penny with absolutely nothing that I can’t verify as true. And because of the audit they have my refund on hold so you also do not get any of your refund money until they are done.

  • Praise be to GOD in the most high. I recieved my check today 3/19/12.It was mailed from Philadelpha,PN. I live in Chicago, IL. It was mailed Friday3/16/12 And I received it today Monday 3/19/12 @ 4:30 pm (CST).Not bad.I e-filed 3/6/12 and was accepted same day 3/6/12 no direct deposit paper check mailed.

  • this site has been pretty quiet, I’m assuming that people who were waiting perhaps recieved their money and ran off without posting an update. Chelsea323,Britttbrattt,amanda23glass,Rob1,whats up? When I get my check I will post so others with questions may have a referance according to my post along with others who have followed thru.

  • I filed and was accepted on 3/6/12 I have a paper check being mailed to me the date I was given for the check to be mailed was 3/16/12 my date never changed. Today 3/17/12 I checked my status on the IRS web site and it now says that my check was mailed on 3/16/12 so the check is in the mail.Some people have different circ*mstances which is why it might take longer for some people to get their tax refund than others.God willing my return had no issues and I’M getting my refund on time right on time. I know everybody needs their money it will come I know it sucks waiting and not knowing where it is and its easy for me to say be patient and all that stuff because my money is comming.But for those that don’t know I’ve been there and I know your frustation all I can offer are words of hope be thankful your getting a refund cause many aren’t.

  • Really confused. My mom and I filed on same day, her refund came thru last week, I’m STILL waiting on mine…don’t know how I’m going to make it the next week let alone if I have to wait til April now like most I’ve seen comment 🙁

    1. @RebeccaJaymi

  • got news just galled the tax advocate hot line and the lady said that i have a dd date for 3/21 if i dont have it by then call i.r.s. if you have face book find this group 2011 tax refund delays (5405form,1301 or 1481 Error codes..there is about 8000 people have our problems and they r all giving help as much as possible ..i will come back and let you know if i got it but go on fb if you can a lot of great advice and you can vent …lol good luck to us all…

  • I did my refund on Feb.27,2012, and nothing plus they have no info for me on the site to give not sure whats going on? does anyone no if they can tell you on the phone when it doesn’t give you any info???

  • i filed on 02/27 and the wmr site is saying it was direct deposited on 03/14. no money omg im going crazy anyone else with this problem?

    1. @britttbrattt depends on your bank took me 48hrs…

    2. @britttbratttcall your bank to see if they recieved anything if not call1 877 777 4778 and ask for advocate they will ask you if you have hardship such shutoff notice late payments and they can see what irs see and they can let you know also..tell them you have hardship and cut off will be 3/21……

  • filed on 3/6/12 accepted on 3/6/12 I did efile with a paper check to be mailed to me they gave me a date of 3/16/12 for the check to be mailed and my mailing date has never changed..yet… god willing I should have it on monday or tuesday the lateist. I will let you know when I get it I live in Chicago.

  • Filed on 2/29 told get back by 13th or 14th now saying 4/24 wtf can anybody tell me if they gotthis also …this is so stressful they quick to take but slow to give….GOVERMENT ROBBING US SLOWLY THE BILL COLLECTORS DONT WANT EXCUSES …..ITS MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!

    1. @chelsea323I received the same response and filed/accepted 3/1. 4/24 is the expected refund date on the site and used e-file through a tax preparer.

      1. call the tax advocate to see if you got a real dd date the number is 1 877 777 4778..tell them you have hardship like shut office notice lights or gas…

  • First then said 3/13/2012 not they said April 24? I filed 3/6/2012


  • i just went on the wmr site yesterday it said i should recieve my refund 3/13 that it was still processin now it says 3/20 is when i should recieve it. which that date will be 21 days exactly from the time my return got excepted. im startin to get confused. does anyone know if i should receive a dd before that date on that date or after that date ??

  • SO upset – Filed end of Feb, told me my date was March 13, that was yesterday and when I pulled it up yesterday it said it has been received and it is processing. Now today it says due to long process times I won’t received it till APRIL 24! What is the world should I do?? this is crazy- if I would have known that i would have gone to H & R and got the refund on the spot..

    1. @this sucks

  • My DD made it today 3/14..the day the WMR said. Efiled Feb 2. A month and half of waiting over.

  • We filed ours last feb. 3 through and IRS accepted it feb.4 , after couple of days I checked the IRS where’s my refund website at first the website says they’re unable to confirm it and then I checked the next 3 days and stated that we will received our refund dd on March 6th, on March 5th i checked the irs website again and now its says your return has been accepted and is now being processed, If you filed and correct and accurate return you will receive it within six weeks. But still not in my bank.. very frustrating..

    1. @Shanna I just had the same issue and was concerned. Have you gotten your refund yet? I was concerned but feel a bit better that I am not alone.

  • My return was accepted on Jan.28th and I was given a refund date of feb. 14th which switched to “processing, within 6 weeks”. It’s been 6 1/2 weeks and I’m still waiting and haven’t figured out how to get ahold of anything that doesn’t just say check where’s my refund or I’ll have it within 6 weeks. Anyone have any idea what to do when it’s been beyond what they’re telling youthe dd date is?

    1. I lucked out and got an agent on the phone who really looked at my return. I was still getting the ‘within 6 weeks’ notice. She was able to give me date that the IRS would be done processing it. After that was done, I got my DD date-which is tomorrow, so here’s hoping. But the info was good to know.
      I would try calling them and asking them to look through the whole file and look for any dates.

  • the wmr site says that i should recieve my refund by march 13 tomorrow is the 13th but its still says that its processin even though i don’t have a dd will i recieve my refund tomorrow ???? or will i get a dd?? im so confused

    1. @amanda23glass I was suppose to recive mine today but its not there wmr says your refund is schedule for dd on 3/12 contact them if I don’t receive by 3/17 so for your question I really don’t know I’m confused also….

      1. @Babiegirl@amanda23glass keep us posted. My DD is 3/14, so I hope it goes in.

  • 2 more days. Longest wait ever!

  • Finally another DD date of march 14 hope it gets there this time.Its the 3rd dd date Ive had

  • my 4 thousnd gud luk everybody

  • Me and my boyfriend mailed our taxes the same day after a long wait they both showed up on the IRS where’s my refund our original day was April 3rd his was direct doposited early last Wednesday my date got changed to April 10 then. Changed to recieved and proccessing(no date) now it sayss no worried should I be?

    1. call them theyll tell u wasup@eileenrae

    2. Still no DD, just says received and processing I called no other info except they said it processing..

  • Update. finally! WMR gave DD date of March 14. If not in the bank by March 19, call my bank then IRS. I had e-filed Feb 2, so anyone else out still waiting….it will get there.

    1. @kfab good for you how long did it take to get an hdd for you I waited 2 weeks

  • Is this a hdd your refund is schedule to be direct deposit 3/12 if your refund is not credited to yourbank by 3/17 please call us on 3/17 because we are unable to do any actions by then…. will this be accurate for those of you who received a refund??

    1. @Babiegirl – Yes. Once you receive this message it will be credited to your account on the day it says. Once I got this message it was deposited on time. It didn’t go through any earlier but it was there when it said it would be. Congrats!

      1. @MandyCrow@Babiegirl Did you get it at midnight on your dd date? Babie-I efiled on Feb 2 and today was the first day I was ever given a DD date. It was a nightmare this year.

        1. @kfab @MandyCrow no not yet I hope Monday mine come…

        2. @kfab – I have no idea when it was posted. I checked it at 12 am on the dot and it wasn’t there yet. i then checked it around 7:30ish that morning and it was there. My bank doesn’t show the times of deposits, just the date’s.

  • Any one schedule direct deposit 3/12 recived anything today?

    1. @Babiegirli got mines schdule for today u shuld get ur on the 12th on earlier

      1. @dadddyygootzmoney Did U get urs today ?

      2. @ daddyygootzmoney Also what did your status say did it say your refund will be schedule on 3/9 if not recived on 3/14 please call no actions can be taken until then…..

  • another tip wmr has only been working for me around 8 pm to about 8 am then dies out try that people

  • anyone no the wait.time on the state return

  • i filed my taxes on feb 27 and as of today its saying sstill processing an i should recieve my refund by march 13.. really how long does processing take.. anyone else have the should recieve refund by the 13

    1. @amanda23glass I have 3/12 no later than 3/17 I’ve been waiting since 2/8 finally I have an dd hoping ill get it before Monday….

      1. ull get it the 12th a dd of the 9th and the rep from irs said no earlier but not guranted by 9th if dont recive by 14 call bak@Babiegirl

        1. @RosearyGang Did u get anything today ?

        2. yes I did…..ull get on the 12 did u recive ur state im still waitin for mine@Babiegirl

    2. usally once u get that it takes 3days till u get a dd thats wat happen for me atleast@amanda23glass

    3. @amanda23glass I am receiving that same message….as of this morning…nothing!

  • Still nothing from WMR for me still saying six weeks,that thing really does not work you would assume at least one time out of the past 5 weeks it would work for me,nope not at all,why have something there to use when it doen’t work its a waste of domain space -.-‘

  • Does anyone that has a dd of 3/12 if not recived by 3/17 have a refund yet?

  • heres my story mailed out on the 20th.. recievd and prossecing march 2nd now says dd of march 9 and to call if I dont recive by the 14 wish me luk I feel like mine was faster then efile

    1. mailed out feb 20*

  • Hi everybody. i filed on Feb. 6th, accepted Feb. 6th…deposit date Feb. 28th, went to bank…no deposit, called the next day same thing. i called the IRS the 29th of Feb., said there is a “hold” on my refund. First of all why didn’t the stupid IRS website “wheres my refund” say that it was on hold? Second, why wouldn’t ANYONE at the IRS know why it is on hold? Lastly, my taxes are very simple..i don’t make much money, just me my 2 daughters& my granddaughter. No business, houses, student loans..just claiming me and my girls. No one at the IRS tells me anything more than “you should be receiving a letter” Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated

    1. u might have iput sumtnvwrong for ur direct deposit@dani

    2. @dani did where’s my refund tell you your refund was dd on 2/28?

  • Is anyone even getting a date on the WMR? Mine just says 6 weeks and processing.

    1. @kfab
      not me still waiting and there is no help when you talk to IRS

      1. @bigbarneyhateswaiting Called, on hold for 15 min. She told me my 2011 wasnt posted. She had only pulled up my info from 2010.
        But she really looked at the info and gave me some answers and some dates. (Like I mentioned before, I had switched the names on the returns from previous years and it messed up everything) but she really looked at the returns and gave me some dates. I now have answers. Processing date will be completed on mine 3/12. Refund issued after that. I can at least call on 3/12 and get a dd date.
        I don’t know if you can reach a specific person but her names was Mrs. Mower and ID # 0901642.
        Good luck. Waiting that long still sucks! 800-829-0582 ext362

      2. @bigbarneyhateswaiting Any new info for you?

    2. @kfab mines too your not alone

  • My state is being process but my federal has no info do this means ill be getting my federal soon help me out here?

    1. @Babiegirl i honestly think that this year is just all crazy all together like i said a couple of post down i filed on the 13th of Jan and i actually got my state in before the federal got my state on the 3rd of FEB but here it is still waiting for my federal,i really pray every night that i get a call from my tax preparer with good news, all i can do is hope.

  • any 3/6 or 3/7 get deposits today?

    1. @kathyjmine was due on 3/6 and now it’s 3/7 and still not deposited, but though the wmr page said I wouldreceiveit 3/6 my tax preparer said I wouldreceiveit 3/9. So let’s just see how things go. Aside from that now the wmr page says as of today that “it’s still processing and can take up to 3 weeks” I’m really anxious for it but I guess I have no choice but to wait, it’ll eventually get here.

  • I filed Feb 2 and I’m still waiting. WMR just says 6 weeks. I called the IRS and they told me because last year we filed with my info first on the return and my husbands secondary and switched it this year that it threw everything for a loop and ‘still processing’.
    I thought technology was a tad more advanced than that. Just match up the SS#! Damn!

  • I filed on the 13th of January for RAC estimated for a 1/25 release well no they irs says something about my codes not being up till the 30th of Jan so then i called and then they said i have to wait 45 days including week ends for mines that’s insane here is today March 6th i know 45 days is till like th 15th of March but i was growing inpationt so i called to get an update so they stay telling me my refund its still being reviewed/Process to wait till the end of the 45 day period and if haven’t received anything to call them back and that as long as i don’t receive a letter from them everything is ok with the return,im so scared rite now im on a death row bill situation rite now with 2 kids and a 3rd on the way 🙁

    1. Don’t feel bad I been waiting since Feb8 & still don’t.have a dd I called to order transcripts hopefully ill get a refund soon its tells me its been process
      & no actual dd this has been the worst tax season for me ever nx year ill just mail my return my sister did on 1/19 &her return was sent in 4 weeks i just don’t understand what’s the problem with the systems im really pissed about this:(

  • what makes reviewing take long I doupt it take more then 5 mins per person ?

    1. @RosearyGang this is the same thing i would like to know anyone?

  • I efiled on the 19th of Jan and I was supposed to been have it in the mail , but they sent something in the mail saying we know your refund is important but its still under review a week or two ago I look on wmr and it still says still processing please fill me in …

  • By ordering transcripts will that give me an for sure due date on when my taxes will arrive I’ve been waiting since 2/22/12 nothing i filled on 2/8/12 wmr tells me nothing can anyone help me out here?

    1. @Babiegirl some people have said that as soon as they could order transcripts their money was released, others said it didnt make a difference.

      1. @kathyj thanks I’m going to go ahead & try that this has been a nightmare Im happy im not the only one still waiting..

  • Hi guys! I filed the 19th of JAN and was accepted a couple hrs later. First it showed a ” u should have ur refund by… ” but then went to the dreaded 6 week message. This was over a month ago. WMR still shows that message but I was told by a tax rep my refund will b issued the first week of march, I called today and they still show it is processing . My question is this: if I was able to order both transcripts Saturday, should I get my refund soon? I have seen a lot of talk about the transcripts, but didn’t see any definite answers. Thanks!

    1. @Adb5112hey i filed before jan 26 i was able order both my account and return transcripts last week, i received them today but still havent got any money and on wmr is says i shouldreceivemy refund by march 6. In addition ive called irs guys and they say my refunds are being reviewed and that i should ignore the date on wmr.

    2. @Adb5112
      Ive had my transcript 3 days now in hand and im still waiting on refund

      1. @bigbarneyhateswaiting @Adb5112 how long it take to receive transcript & did it tell you anything like a dd etc….?

        1. @Babiegirl@bigbarneyhateswaiting@Adb5112
          8 days to get it in mail and no dd dates just a copy of what I efiled this year

    3. @Adb5112 i am on a similar boat 🙁 look at my post up top lol

  • so it preety much takess 30 to 35 days to get refund bak from most that have got thers..

  • so it preety much takes 30 days to get refund bak from most that have got thers

  • So I mailed my return in on Feb 5th it got accepted on Feb 18th the WMR gave me a DD date on May 1st saying my refund is scheduled to be Direct deposit date of March 5th and it was there March 5th at 12 am (: Just an update just in case someone new comes along that mailed there’s in. Good luck to everyone else and I’m sure your refund will be there soon if it’s not there already!

    1. u give me hope lol if.i get mine around the same time line as u I got 13 long days to go@mochalattay

  • anyone get good news lst night?

    1. @kathyjGot mine (: 12:00 am 🙂 Yours will be there in 2 days (:

      1. @mochalattay@kathyj When did you get F/A? I was F/A on 2/9 and WMR gives me the 9001 message 🙁 It’s nice to hear other have received their refunds….it means there is hope for the rest of us still waiting….

        1. @jcr2012@mochalattay I wasnt one that has waited forever like some. I filed and was accepted on feb18th. was in imbo for a while but got a dd date for 3/7 now 🙂

  • I filed on 2/13/12, was accepted on the 13th and am stuck on 2/28/12 on WMR and the 1-800-829-1954. My son filed on the 2/20/12 and got a DD date today of 03/07/12, minus a past due tax obligation of $1,100, that we have no idea what it is. We’ll take the balance and fight later. Blessings and Love to those of us that are still waiting. Remember in his wors he said to be anxious for nothing but in all things give thanks. We still have a lot to be thankful for.

    1. We also were supposed to receive a refund from the State but they also took $1,100 of our refund for a debt that was supposedly not paid in 1996. Can’t believe they would go back 15 years! God knows we don’t have the records to substantiate whether this is correct or not.

    2. how did you find out about the $1100.00 tax obligation (deduction)? did it tell you on the irs wmr site or did you find out by calling the 800 number?

  • Hard dd date for 3/7 FINALLY! Now if it actually comes i will be so friggin happy!

    1. @kathyjYayyy!!!!! (:

  • no update for me so far….still sitting on BY feb 28th 🙁

  • I am sorry to see so many still waiting.

  • your moneys coming been through the same thing you all are going through its coming’

    1. @brokeashell how long u been waiting & when did u receive it?

  • Update !!!! If youve been waiting a while on a return and think that if you can oreder a transcript that it means your getting money soon don’t be fooled. I have waited and ordered a transcript and received the transcript today but still have no money and still no date for my DD. i filed Feb 3rd and was accepted Feb 3rd

    1. @bigbarneyhateswaiting Did you try calling them??? I called and they said that I should have my money deposited in my account on the 7 of this month. But I guess there’s only one way to find out:)

      1. @Just another day@bigbarneyhateswaiting
        I called and they said it could be delayed for a number of reasons but the IRS is behind and it could take up to 6 weeks from date I was accepted

    2. @bigbarneyhateswaitingand you still havent got any news ?

      1. @brokeashell
        still no date on WMR still says withinj 6 weeks and I called h and r bank and they still havent received it yet

    3. @bigbarneyhateswaitingSame here wth!!! Call and they tell me its in there system but theydon’thave a dd for me !! I have been patient but i’m starting to thin k i’m nevergoingto get it ? It say’d on the wmr within six weeks if iv’e filed a complete and accurate return well if i didn’t wouldn’t they have informed me by now i filed feb 3 gotexceptedthe same day had a msg saying by the 6th of march now i’m getting within six weeks ?Anyone have the same problem ?and receivedthere’s?

  • I been waiting for exactly a month as of today, and I finally was able to order a transcript. Didn’t know which one but So i order both. Lol. I’m so tired of hearing the IRS give me excuses. Like how I’m a first time filer and blah blah blah. Just give me my money! This is not fair, the IRS should be ashame of them selves because they don’t understand that they are hurting a lot of family. I hope to get my money soon, I hope we all do. Seems like everyone been getting their money and let us here hangin. If you have any questions I will try to help I been here for awhile.

  • another morning with the BY Feb 28th date 🙁

    1. @kathyjHave you called Kathy?

      1. @mochalattay Yes i called and i dont get any information other than it is still in processing, they dont see a problem and i will get it within 6 weeks….blah blah blah

        1. @kathyjAww well can’t wait to you get that message giving you a direct deposit date (:

  • Anyone get a status update today? Mine went from BY feb 28th last night to no info all day today. I just checked it again and now its back to BY feb 28th. Some money in my bank account would be amazing!

    1. Kathj
      I also have a direct deposit date of Feb 28th and at this moment Friday March 2, I have recived nothing. I try to call, but its an endless loop.

  • I filed on feb 3 and got accepted same day. I was able to order transscript on 22nd and still no money or date. mine still says witin 6 weeks

    1. @bigbarneyhateswaitingThat’s scares me… I mailed my return in on the 5th of Feb, it didn’t get accepted until the 18th of Feb. Since then 18th I been getting a refund by date and today I checked the site it actually said my refund will be deposited on March 5th… So I ordered a transcript because I heard that once you are able to order a transcript your refund is ready or done processing… Have you called the IRS?

      1. @bigbarneyhateswaitingAlso the site doesn’t really work… It’s saying no info for me as well and that’s why I called the IRS.

  • any new updates for anyone? None for me 🙁

  • Houston we have a problem!!!!!!!! Ok so I got a Direct Deposit date of MARCH 5th. Before it was telling me a BY date but now it says scheduled DDD… Why I don’t know but I just went on WMR site to put my information in again lol to make sure it was telling me the same thing because it keeps switching up on me and now it’s say I may have entered my info wrong which Trust me I DIDN’T! Has this ever happened to anyone, have you checked the site got a DDD and then later on checked it again to make sure nothing’s changed and got that screen with no info saying maybe you put your info wrong? I’m on hold with IRS now to see what’s that all about but just curious! Thank you (:

  • Mine was accepted 2/8 its 3/1 and I still hsvent received anyone in the same boat as me?

    1. @saulbedollajr ME!! Mine got accepted on 2/9. WMR said DD on 2/23 and now its 3/1 and nothing in my bank account. I dont know what to do or whats going on. Has anyone received theirs with a DD of 2/23??

      1. @jcr2012 – Yes. I e-filed on the 4th got accepted the same day and then it kept telling me that I would receive it by the 6th of March. It finally gave me an actual Direct Deposit date of 2/23 and it was in my bank account that morning at around 6 am. People are confusing the BY date with the actual DD date. Usually when it gives you a scheduled DD date, you get it by that date. And don’t freak out if it tells you that you entered your info wrong or that it doesn’t have any info for you. It did that to me numerous times but all was still well and I received my money when it said I would. Hope you get it soon!

        1. @jcr2012 – Also, if you were given an actual DD date and you have not received it then wait 5 days and then call the IRS.

      2. @jcr2012@saulbedollajrHave you called the IRS to see what’s going on?

      3. @jcr2012 @saulbedollajr I heard anyone who did their taxes 2/3-2/14 have been effected the most about not getting an accurate date. Cycle looks like its thrown off by 3 pay cycles so between these dates we might be looking at 3/15 unless IRS gets a handle to this situation

        1. 2/5-2/14

        2. @saulbedollajr Thanks so much for all the info everyone!! Well its now 3/2 and still no refund. I am hoping and praying that i get it by 3/15. I really counted on that money and i can’t believe they are taking this long. It just bothers me that WMR still says your money was DD on feb 23 please contact your bank if the money is not there. Well i have and they see nothing pending. I dont know what else to do but wait…and be mad at the IRS!!! Oh and i have called the IRS they keep giving me dumb excuses, one rep said you’ll get it on 3/2 today and nothing and another said you gave the wrong account number, well i checked my 1040 and the numbers are correct!! They dont know what they’re talking about!!!

  • Yay! WMR has gave me a due date! March 5th, FINGERS CROSSED! & I mailed mine in on the 5th of February it got accepted on the 18th of February if that helps anyone!

    1. @mochalattay did they give you march 5th as a deposit date or a BY date? you should be able to order transcipts either online or by phone…I hope you get your money soon 🙂

      1. @kathyjThank you kindly! & I actually got a Direct Deposit date this time, so I ordered a transcript online to make sure they were for real this time (: I hope you get your money soon too! We ALL NEED IT!

    2. @mochalattay so i wonder simce mine was accepted the 18th electronically if mine will be due march 5

      1. @MeganShanahan That would be nice (: I was informed that the WMR site is not working but it has been working for my family and me SoOoOo I would say check it and if your not getting any info from that call them, I didn’t hesitate to call to see what was going on 🙂

      2. @MeganShanahan@mochalattay I just checked mine again and it and it is now telling me that i entered info wrong….OMFG!

        1. That’s because the WMR site is tripping this year. IRS said use it as a guideline only but don’t depend solely on it. You can call the IRS and they can give you more accurate information. Which may be that it is still processing but I REALLY DON’T THINK YOU HAVE THAT MUCH LONG TO GO (: Anyday now you will get an DD DATE instead of a By date…. I checked the WMR site again after I had a scheduled due date and guess what it said, I put in wrong info lol I called IRS they said the site doesn’t work so call them if you want accurate real time results (:

  • Am I still the lone holdout…still saying I should receive it BY feb28th….no update…no money…no answers 🙁

    1. @kathyjNone here either 🙁

      1. @MeganShanahan hopefully someday soon we will get good news

        1. @kathyj ugh so i wonder if march 5first is our lucky day? If mochas was accepted 18th so was mine..

        2. @MeganShanahan@kathyj I sure hope so…this is making me gray before my time. I just checked wmr again and now it tells me they have no info on my return 🙁 I am so tired of not knowing.

  • I sent in a paper file on Feb 1, it just yesterday showed that it wasreceived…do I count 6 weeks from now or will I get my return sooner?

    1. @eileenrae this year….there is no telling when you will receive it. No one at the irs knows WTH is going on. No straight answers from anyone 🙁

  • I got mine today. I hope you all get yours soon. This has been the worse year I have seen for getting our money back. Maybe next year they will think about doing all their computer upgrades in the off season, instead of putting all of us through this.

    1. @sandsurf15 when did you file

  • I hate the IRS !!! they got my hopes up it is doing the same thing as before giving me a dd date and its not here! 🙁

    1. @jap4ever2003a due date as in your refund is scheduled to be DIRECT DEPOSITED on such and such date if it is not deposited on this date give us a call or you should receive your refund by such and such date?

  • My taxes were accepted on Feb 14th I had a dd date of Feb 28 2012 when I checked my acct
    it was not there I wated till today to check wmr site and now it saying it’s being proccesed I mean it was bad enough I had to let my brother claim my children because someone used my ss to file my taxes and they sent them a turbo tax card with my taxesthen they told me to either wait for up to 2 years to solve it or let my brother claim my kids and now I still have to wait because of all this bs fraud going on this is just not right to the tax payers

    1. Sounds like something I went through… Someone claimed my son on there income taxes using his SSN (they e-filed) So when I went to do my taxes I tried to E-File as well and mine got rejected ): So I had to print my return out and MAIL it in which makes me have to wait 6-8 weeks instead of 4-6 weeks… I also checked the WMR site and it said I should receive my refund by Feb 28th but from my understanding if it says you should receive it by a certain date that means it is still processing… It has to say, Your refund has been scheduled to be direct deposited into your account by such and such date. That means it is no longer processing.

  • I filed on 1/31, it was accepted 1/31, and im still waiting. I was told 2/13, then 2/23, and last week it was 2/28. Now im told 3/06. Im so glad I efiled through H&R Block, so that I could get a quick return…. this is insans.

    1. @mkrodsame exact thing is happening to me and today still no return anyone who filed on 1/31 receive anything i cant check the site its not saying anything so i guess i will call tomorrow

  • Glad to see that you are all getting your money today! I am still waiting 🙁

  • Thank You JESUS!!!! My money is finally here….People I just want to let y’all know, have faith and try your best to be patient. It wasn’t easy for us that recently received our refunds, I pray that everyone will receive their money. Thanks to everyone or all the helpful info, I will be checking in momentarily to help out with any questions that able to answer. God bless:)

    1. @staeluv did you file in Jan? Its helpful if you provide dates then we can calculate how far behind the Irs is. Ours was excepted 2/7 wmr originally indicated 2/28 now it says 6 weeks

      1. @saulbedollajrI filed 2/2 I was unable to see any info on WMR for 3 weeks. So I knew that it was still processing. Then it gave me a by date which was 3/06, I ordered a transcript then the date changed the next day to 2/29. I received my refund yesterday.

      2. @saulbedollajr You can also click on my profile so you can read all my comments.

  • Yeah!!! Mine are finally in! Filed Feb 3rd! Received Feb 29th !

  • Finally my taxes are in. It has been a long wait this year. I wiil be checking on the rest of you guys. Hang tight.

  • @kathyj I filed tha 4th got accepted tha 4th just got my refund today 2/29 and tha WMR site still says no info Bae just chill leave WMR alone it does not work but like the IRS told me if u don’t owe or have an offset it will come I waited over four weeks n got NO info tha whole time

  • OMG OMG OMG i went on the jackson hewitt website and it usually always says processing on the federal tax return section and now it says direct deposited!! ahhh my dd date is tommorro so i think its really there !! 🙂

  • so here I sit all alone I think….did everyone else get their refund but me? I filed my daughters the same day as mine and she got hers today 🙁 Nothing for me. It is still saying SHOULD BE REFUNDED BY FEB 28TH!

    1. @kathyj Usually if it says by then it’s still processing. If it says your refund will be dd on a date then it is done processing and you should receive your refund on that date.

      1. @staeluv how long before it is getting sent does the status change on the wmr site? anyone know? It did say March 6th and then last week changed to feb 28th….the refund cycle thing says feb 29th….I called today and all they would tell me is the same thing the wmr site said. NO HELP!

        1. @kathyj Do WMR say by 2/28 or dd on 2/28?

        2. @staeluv by 🙁

        3. @kathyj Ok, just be patient…it will be there soon:) Just have faith, this year has been super crazy with the IRS!! I needed my money weeks ago but it was nothing I could do. I never spoke wiyh anyone @the IRS office. I just kept checking the WMR website. Things will work out. I had to fall back from this site for a few days because I started to get even more frustrated…since I came back on I’ve been reading everyone’s post about not getting their money, I’m starting to freak out again instead of trusting God. If your taxes were done properly you’ll get your money:)

        4. @staeluv@the Just checked the wmr refund site again…and now its telling me they have no information about my refund……I am about to have a heart attack 🙁

        5. @kathyj Honey you may just have to wait at least another week to get some real info. You have to realize that you just mailed your return off a little over a week ago. The IRS is still probably still a little delayed. I e-filed and had to wait 3 weeks to get any info…My state return hasn’t even been processed yet.

        6. @staeluv I didnt mail it I efiled it. I know there isnt anything i can do about it. Just making me crazy that you cant get any real information from the irs….and that there is no clear way to figure out when you will get anything.

        7. @kathyj Oh okay….I know it’s so crazy, but you can’t drive yourself crazy then you can’t spend your refund. That’s why you need to take a deep breath and get off this site…seriously!! My sister thought I was crazy and I had to get off this site. I’m telling you the truth, some people can’t handle rejection well. I’m one of those people! You can’t change anything by worrying but make yourself sick!!! RELAX…..

        8. @kathyj@staeluvsome lady from the IRS just told me they are reviewing them for some reason and she can’t give me a date , and that’s why it says no information yet..

    2. @kathyj I filed on 2/2, I didn’t get any info on the WMR website for 3 weeks. Then on the 2/22 I finally had a date of by 3/6. I saw on here that some folks were ordering transcripts and would receive their refund in a couple of days. So I then tried to order one on 2/23 but was unable to. They had not even changed my address yet @the IRS. So try to order a transcript again on 2/24 and I was able to. I was also able to use my new address so I knew it was changed in the IRS records. On 2/25 I checked the WMR site and it updated to my refund is scheduled to be direct deposited on 2/29. So here I am waiting for tomorrow, I’ve been preparing my own taxes for a few years now. I always e-file and get my funds dd in my account, it has never taken this long. It has been a long ride for everyone, I hope we all get our refunds sooner than later…

      1. @staeluv@kathyj@theFrom what I have seen on here and it was the same with me, once you were able to order your transcript the WMR would update your refund to DD on instead of by. I have done my taxes every year for quite a few years now and I have never had a problem like this year. It has stressed me out so much. This has just been terrible!

      2. @staeluv@kathyj@theCan you order a transcript online or do I need to call and do it? Thank you!

        1. @mochalattay I was told you can order one online but I called.

        2. @staeluvPerfect! I just ordered one online so they must be for real about my deposit date (: Thank you!

        3. @mochalattay You’re welcome, and yes you’ll be getting your refund soon;)

    3. @kathyjI was told 3 different dates, and I still haven’t gotten anything. My sister in law filed by paper and got hers 2 weeks ago.. 🙁

  • If you have a DD that goes straight to your bank instead of through a bank before your bank, does IRS deposit it the morning they say it is soposed to be DD? I see so many of you that are soposed to have DD 2/29 like me already see that it was put in SBBT and Republic but what about ones like me where it goes straight to my bank? Should it be there when my bank opens in the morning or will it be there Pacific time? Will IRS send it to my bank tonight so I can get it when my bank opens in the morning? I don’t want to check my account in the morning when the bank opens and have a heart attack because it is not there after waiting 4 weeks.

    1. @Brooksie97 If the IRS says it will be in your account 2/29, it will be in your account on 2/29. As far as what time it will be in, I don’t know. HTH~

    2. @Brooksie97 I feel the same way you do Brooksie…I couldn’t see mine refund pending. I will be very upset if it’s not there in the morning!! I think it will be there though. Please let me know if yours is there in the am, I’ll do the same.

      1. @staeluvI will check my bank at 8:00 am which here in Indiana is Eastern time zone. I will let you know!

        1. @Brooksie97 Ok, that’s when I’m checking mine @8:00am. New Jersey the same time zone. I will post asa I see my account with or without my funds…lol

        2. @staeluvIt is 3:04 and I checkedmy bank and it is there! you should have yours too!

        3. @Brooksie97 I couldn’t really sleep, but I know how my bank is . I just wanted to wait @least until 6am, and my God it’s there. I’m so grateful!! This has been a stressful month for us all. Enjoy your money and life…lol Thanks for your support, it was well needed and kept me sane knowing I wasn’t alone:) God bless.

  • anyone filed by mail how long it take to get direct deposit I filed on the 18th do I still have a long way

    1. What do you mean when you say you filed on the 18th considering you mailed in your return?

      1. yea sorry dats wat i ment

        1. @RosearyGang@mochalattayHate to break it to you but yes you still have a while… I mailed in my return on the 5th of February.. It didn’t get accepted until the 18th of February. That’s 2 weeks from the date I mailed it… So if you mailed yours in on the 18th I would give them 2 weeks to accept it. Then another 4 weeks if that 2 process it… They say mailing it in takes 6-8 weeks unfortunately.

        2. Have u got urs.. so i takes about 2 weekz to show on wmr@mochalattay

  • Is there anyone who had the notice that your refund was being processed and you should receive it BY feb 28th actually gotten anything today?

    1. @kathyjI got the notice but didn’t get the money ):

    2. @kathyj When it says By, you’re tax return is still being processed. When it’s done processing, it says Scheduled DD Date, and that’s when you’ll receive it. I had the same problem. It would say by and then after it was done processing, it gave me a Schedule DD for March 1st.

      1. @Carlos4 how long did it take for yours to change? wmr first said March 6th then a few days ago changed to feb 28th and it still says BY not DD date.

        1. @kathyj I just saw this post, well if it says by then it’s still processing..

    3. @kathyj Mines said the same thing now it only say that it is being process and no I did not get it on the 28th. Hope this helps

  • ok the sbbt site says they got my refund today so I called bank of America customer service number >:/ to see if they can see if it’s processing the dumb b**ch was telling me that she wouldn’t Beable to know because if I don’t see it in my account then she wouldn’t Beable to see it! Anyone else having this problem and how come another bank can give you that kind of info but not bank of america! how many days will it take to post to my account

    1. @Sarah712You can ask to speak to a supervisor and they will be able to tell you… Sometimes only a Sup can see things that a regular operator can’t see.

      1. @mochalattay thanks this female on the phone was rude

        1. @Sarah712@mochalattayI believe it!!! That’s when I ask for a supervisor..

        2. @mochalattay Rite I was like how come everyone else can call there damn bank and get info but your sitting here telling me I can’t!

  • I filed the 18th I have checked the wmr site and i got march 7th as a date and then it changed to feb 28th… Still no refund in our account and our bank does not show anything pending.. Now when we go to the WMR site it says invalid information and doesnt work

    1. I filed same dayy but nuthn shows on wmr yet did u efile@MeganShanahan

      1. I it is the 29th and nothing.. i dont have charges coming out since i did our taxes like i do every year..on some charts i see march first..and at one point i even saw march 7th..this sucks lol

    2. @MeganShanahan same as me exactly megan. I also filed on the 18th and am getting the same info you are…I want my money!!!!

    3. @MeganShanahanFrom my understanding from a IRS rep the WMR site doesn’t even work. It is giving false information! I too got an update from the site saying that I should receive my refund by March 29th then it change to I should receive my refund by Feb 28th… Here it is the 28th and Nothing…

    4. @MeganShanahan anything new for you Megan….seems like we are in the same boat. Same file date, same messages. I filed my daughters at the same time and she got hers today….I got nothing.

      1. @kathyj nothing and its the 29th now… im so stressed lol..i have bills just hangin by a thread before shut off wish i knew something..i guess i can wait to see what happens tomorrow.. that was the other date i got..and then 7thno was what irs said before changing to 28th. Many of my military friends got theirs back so quick..we are just at standstill

  • What is this SBBT you are all talking about? Does the money go there before being deposited to the bank? I did not file with TT, H&R, not with TaxAct, I did mine with an accountant.

    1. @Carlos4 – The SBBT website is for people who are having any fees automatically taken out of their return. For example: If you paid your accountant for preparing your return up front, this website will not do you any good. However, if you are just having the fees taken out of your return, then go to the website and enter your info. The money is transferred to this bank from the IRS so they can deduct the fees, they then cut a new check and deposit it into your account.

  • Ok so I filed feb 1 and had a dd date of the 14th but it never got here I waited till after the 21st to call they told me they were unable to deposit it into the bank so they woukd mail us a check on the 28th anyone know where I can check a check?

    1. I filed hr block online free

  • Good news I filed the 4th got excepted same day looked on the sbbt site they have my refund now all I’m waiting for is to see it in my bank! Does anyone know how long it will take to see it in my bank account?

    1. @Sarah712 everyone that I have talked to that has fees taken out with sbbt…their money is in their actual bank account the following morning!

      1. @judgessidekick Thank you for responding have you gotten your refund yet! I’ve been stressing these four weeks!

        1. @Sarah712 yes….sbbt got it and have sent it to my bank as of today so praying it will show up in MY bank account in the morning!!! When that happens THAT is when I will be TOTALLY stress free!!! I trust NO ONE but me!!! lol

        2. @judgessidekick Lmfao that’s funny now a days that’s all you can do it trust yourself! Im also praying I see it in there tomarrow I’m sick of being stressed out

  • Well I guess everyone is getting their money finally. This will probably be my last post on here. I am so thankful to everyone here. Having a place to vent and to know that you are not alone is so extremely comforting. Grace and Peace to you all. Spend wisely! 😉

    1. @JuliaD you and I both lol filed the 1st of feb boooo

  • Filed on 2/4 = Accepted on 2/5 = DD for 2/29 = SBTPG receiving my refund today 2/28!! Now I can EXHALE!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!

  • Yes I got mine all 🙂

  • Just checked the sbtpg website and my return has been received not yet showing in my bank account yet. Will check my account around 11 am to see if it has been deposited. Will keep you all updated.

  • FINALLY, THE DAY HAS COME TO BE ABLE TO TAKE THIS STRAIGHT JACKET OFF! My refund is at sbbt and on it’s way to my bank! Thank you for this site and to all of you for your support from all around the world! Praying that EVERYONE on here gets their HARD EARNED MONEY very very soon!! I will be popping in and out!! GOD IS GOOD!!

    1. @judgessidekick I’m very happy for you….yes He is good!! 🙂

    2. @judgessidekickgood to hear ur finally getting urs to mine is supposed to be in my bank 2morrow. dont know how long it is gonna take to clear but ill just be happy knowing this bs is over lol. u filed on the 3rd too right?

  • It’s funny. Even though my money is in my bank pending until tomorrow, I still have to check it. With everything that we all have gone through, a part of me is still scared that they are going to take it back and say I have to wait 2 more weeks, lol.

    1. @JuliaD Me too I checked like 4 times yesterday and already checked today.

    2. @JuliaDme too!! Just so thankful that it is out of that IRS office!!! GLORY TO GOD!!

  • has anyone received their refund before the DD date?
    And I’m not talking about the BY this date, I’m talking about a scheduled DD date…

  • has anyone received their refund before the DD date?

  • Well anyone with the dd 2/29 that gets notified of anything plzzzzzzzzz let me kno …… Wish I had known about sbtpg I would have paid with my debit card this is irritating

    1. @Waitingonfeb29 Me Too!!!

    2. @Waitingonfeb29 I’m in the same boat, DD is expected on the 29th for me. I just checked with SBTPG and it has not received my funds yet. I will be patient ^_*

  • im pose to get dd today 2/28 0n my prepaid card but its not there yet….. does anyone know when a time the irs does the dd??????? please help

    1. @amanda23glassGl on you getting yours! I contacted the IRS today and they informed me that it says I should be receiving it by the 28th but they don’t know how accurate that is.. It may be delayed a week or two! ): Hope all goes well with yours (:

    2. @amanda23glass It’s still too early yet, maybe check up on it by 8am Pacific time or mid day. It will come!

  • Anybody file through turbotax with a dd of 29 money hit sbtpg yet?

    1. @Waitingonfeb29 Nothing as of Now:(

    2. not yet for me….someone said it probably won’t show until 9 am but I was hoping for earlier!! They said sbbt is Pacific time…just praying it will hit!!

      1. @judgessidekick yeah under SBBT faq page it says their hours are 6am 6pm Pacific Time:(

    3. is a dd date different than a BY date? I am so confused this year

      1. @kathyj Yes! A BY date means ur return is still processing. A DD date means that its completed processing and ur refund should be on its way

        1. @christeixeira@kathyj I had the march 6th date, then changed to BY feb 28th. The cycle schedule says feb 29th. I have no idea what thats all suppose to mean

        2. @christeixeira I just tried wmr again and the site is down 🙁

        3. @kathyj yeah the wmr hasnt worked right half the time i check. Hopefully we all get some good news tomorrow (fingers crossed)

      2. @kathyjwhat does by stand for?

    4. @Waitingonfeb29 Not yet..still waitin’

    5. @Waitingonfeb29I just checked and mines has but I am not showing it to be in my account as of yet. I’m gonna look at my account around 11 am are so to see if its there.

  • filed on feb 19th, originally said march 6th…..irs cycle thing said feb 29th….now i am getting a message saying it will be BY feb 28th…what should i really believe?

    1. @kathyjHonestly, we have learned this year that until you get an update that says “your refund is scheduled to be deposited on”, you can’t rely on WMR at all. Your best bet is to call the IRS and have them give you an update. They may be able to tell you a date if you are done processing. If you are not done processing they will give you a date to call back. WMR has been a big screw up this year.

  • what does WMR stand for?

    1. @jap4ever2003 Where’s my refund…

  • WMR still says that it was supposed to be mailed today. Idk if it was mailed or not.

  • We are the only ones left:(

    1. @christeixeira Lots of us still left=) It will come!!

    2. @christeixeiratrust me ur not the only ones left. i filed on the 3rd got accepted the 5th n ive been on here basically ever since. supposed to get my money on the 29th but we will see.#expecttheworsthopeforthebest

  • looks as though no one posts on here much anymore….sad! 🙁

    1. @judgessidekick I filed my own taxes so my money is going straight to my bank. I saw two people on here say their money is in the bank pending. I checked online and called my bank twice, they don’t see anything. I’m nervous because I needed that money two weeks ago. I hope it will be there on 2/29…I will keep every one posted.

      1. @staeluv@judgessidekickSome banks will show it as pending and some will not. I know banks that I have used in the past have not shown it until it actually goes in and is available. Luckily the bank I have now shows a pending status. I wouldn’t stress it too much. If you were told it was scheduled to be deposited, it should be available tomorrow. I know saying I wouldn’t stress it is a huge thing because we have all been stressing it for the past month. Good luck to you and keeping you in my prayers.

        1. @JuliaD Thanx, and yes it has been a roller coaster ride for us all. I will be posting my update in the morning…lol

      2. @staeluv@judgessidekickSame here !

    2. @judgessidekickI’m still here waiting. Soposed to get DD on the 29th straight to my bank account. It has been a long wait. Filed the 3rd and was accepted on the 3rd.

  • Anyone with a scheduled DD of Feb, 29 check SBBT, and there money was there?? Mine is not showing up yet, got me kind of nervous:(

    1. I am in the same boat….I am really nervous too!! Just really don’t want to go thru anymore delays!!!

      1. @judgessidekickhave you all checked the republic tax payer site. It’s possible that it could be there. I would check them both just to make sure.

    2. @christeixeira I hear ya! Please keep us updated if you have heard or seen change in your status~

  • question…..I have a DD date of 2/29…I filed tt and sbbt will be receiving my refund to get their fees before sending it to my actual bank…does anyone know when sbbt may get the refund and when it should be in my actual bank? I really really need it in my bank on the 29th!!

    1. @judgessidekick Good question! I really wanna know too…Anybody?..

  • Well I contacted the IRS this morning and they informed me that the WMR site is not working and that the information saying I will get my refund by the 28th of Feb is inaccurate. I mailed my return in on the 5th of Feb they accepted it on the 13th of February and said it would take 4 weeks from that date of acceptance before I receive a refund. I’m a little confused that the rep told me the site isn’t working when it (the WMR site) was 100% accurate for my mom…..

  • UPDATE!!!! My money is pending in the bank, scheduled to be available on Wednesday. Thank you JESUS!!! I will stick around until I see everybody getting theirs. Good luck everyone.

    1. @JuliaD Is it going straight to your bank account or did it go to the other bank to have fees taken out?

      1. @staeluvMine is going straight to my bank. I prepare them myself.

        1. @JuliaD Oh ok, I was just wondering because mine didn’t post yet. But when my pay check comes thru it doesn’t post until the morning. Maybe it’s just my bank…I just hope it’s there 2/29.

        2. @staeluv@JuliaDMine will go straight to my bank too. My bank doesn’t show anything pending. Hopefully it will be in there Wednesday morning.

        3. @Brooksie97 I know, I think it will be there in the morning. We have to have faith…

  • Update: I filed on the 3rd got accepted the same day. Nothing on wmr til about the 20th. Then it said processing you should have your refund by 3/6. Friday it change to dd date of 2/29. My bank has my money and will make it available at midnight 2/29.

    1. @casper61 Did you pay with Debit card, or did you have them take fee out of your refund, so that it goes to SBBT first??

      1. @christeixeira@casper61 I paid up front with debit

  • When u check on wmr do u put ur state and fed amount together

    1. @LouieVee No just the amount of your federal.

  • Had anyone who filed through turbo tax recieved a dd to their checking account n how long does it take to post ….? My dd is tha 2/29/2012 I’m just nervous:?

  • Yay I got my money!! WMR is finally giving correct dates. If it says 2/27 it will come on that date. Mine posted right after 12am. Thanks everyone and good luck. I’m not leaving you guys hanging.

    1. @Tasha704 ;( I’m still waiting

      1. @PrettyBigGirl1 when r up supposed to receive urs

        1. @marie24 Today

      2. @PrettyBigGirl1@Tasha704 it may be that your bank won’t post til morning. Thinking postive thoughts.

        1. @casper61 @Tasha704 I hope so

        2. @casper61 @Tasha704 Lol u was rite btw thanks again Everyone I’m all ;)s

  • Filed on the 2nd and I’m still waiting. WMR is saying I should get it by 3/6 if their is o processing delay. Is anyone still waiting like me that filed around there??? Pls answer:)

    1. @Just another day I filed on the 2nd and mine is supposed to get mailed out tomorrow.

    2. @Just another dayI mailed my return in on the 5th of February and the WMR site said that I will get my return no later than the 28th but there is no DD. After reading about a lot of people not getting there returns when WMR site is telling them is really starting to make me nervous although I did my mom taxes for her and she received her refund a week later on the exact date that the WMR site told her she would receive them. My brother actually got his 1 week before they informed him he would get his refund so my fingers are crossed that I will get mine when they say I will even though they haven’t gave an exact date. Only and by date? Which I think is weird!

      1. Tell me wen u get it cuz i maild mine to and want to no about how long it took to dd @mochalattay @Just another day

        1. @RosearyGang@mochalattay@Just Sure will!

        2. @RosearyGang Sure will!

    3. @Just another day Did you try to order a transcript? WMR was saying by 3/6 for me also, then I tried to order a transcript on Thursday it wouldn’t let me. I tried again on Friday I was able to order one. On Saturday I checked WMR website and my date changed to 2/29. But it said dd on not by…..I hope the information was helpful..

      1. @staeluv I tried ordering one online and it’s telling me that I can’t at the time. I true 3-4 times 🙁

        1. @Just another day I’m sorry to hear that…I pray that your money get released immediately! Did you e-file?

    4. @Just another day I filed on the 5th & got accepted same day mine says BY the 6th also

      1. @jfelton515 I’m just very sad because I been waiting forever and all the rep are telling me is that it’s still processing and that it’s because I am a first time filer. I have medical bills to pay. It’s just to a point where I just want to cry:( how can it still being processing when everyone that done there way after me got theirs already. I feel like I’m being picked on and it’s not fun.

        1. @Just another day@jfelton515 You’re not the only one still waiting. I filed Feb 2, got a date ‘by March 6’ and now it says up to 6 weeks from filing date..whatever that means. It just sucks.

        2. @kfab@Just another day@jfelton515 @kfab in the same boat filed 2/2 had by 6 now 6 weeks finally found out today its from 200 my wife owes in back fed tax the offset line has never said anything I am going to have to wait till atleast the 11th from 11-18 of march this sucks hope the advocate i talked to today helps me

        3. @PISSED AT IRS@Just another day@jfelton515@kfab So one of the IRS reps told you to wait until the 11th? Who did you talk to?

  • pokniomk,l;k;

  • has anyone filed through the mail and how long did it take till u got confirmation on wmr and how long if u allready recievd it thorugh DD

    1. I mailed my return in on February 5th and around the 23 of February I checked WMR site and it said that I should receive my return no later than March 29th!!! A few days later I checked it and it said that I should receive my return no later than the 28th of February and to contact them if I haven’t received it by them however on WMR site it is not giving me a DD, so I have no clue what’s going on!!

  • UPDATE: i filed and was accepted feb 4 thru taxact…i got no info on wmr until the 22nd it gave me a “by” date of 3/6…2 days later gave me a DD date of feb 27….now it says check in 6 weeks…however my money has been pending at my bank since friday….tomoro is the big day, pray nothing else goes wrong!!!!

    1. @brokeashellI pray nothing else goes wrong with your money either!!! (:

      1. @brokeashell I’m waiting lol

  • Mine is supposed to be mailed out tomorrow. I sure hope so!

  • Day 26 still no money boooo!

  • Day 26…still no refund booo!

  • i finally got a dd date of the 28 of feb im usin my turbo tax prepaid card it will still go on there even though i didnt file with turbo tax??

    1. @amanda23glassYes (:

  • I mailed my return in February 5th because someone had already E-Filed there taxes using my son’s SS number lol, On the 23rd I checked WMR and it said I should receive my refund by March 29th! A few days later I checked it again for a DD and it said I should receive it by the 28th of February… but it’s not giving me a DD, anyone knows what that could mean?

    1. did u let the irs know what happened ???

      1. @amanda23glassThey just said it’s processing!

    2. @mochalattay You need to cal irs and let them know. Find out what is up with you taxes.

      1. @casper61Thank you!

  • Gettn really pissed I filed on 2/6 & was accepted the same day thru ttax neva was able 2 get info til the 22nd so nw I have a dd date of BY the 6th… This is ridiculous it neva took a freakn month

  • Just checked WMR site and it says mine will be DD on 2-29 and to give it until 3-5 before I call if it isn’t. Finally something besides the 3-6 date. Now if it is really DD on 2-29.

    1. @sandsurf15 , when did u get an update? & do u have any idea when wmr is updated

  • Is the WMR site not working for anyone else?

    1. @Kristina303I can’t get it to work. Last I checked mine said 3-6 but when I called they said it was scheduled to be DD on 2-29. Hope they are right. I haven’t checked since yesterday but can’t get the site to work today.

    2. @Kristina303It is not working right now.

      1. @Brooksie97It may be updating

    3. @Kristina303 its not working 4 me. @ 1st it was sayn by 3/6 now its says I must have input wrong info.. #FRUSTRATED.COM

    4. @Kristina303It wasn’t working for me last night for a couple of hours but that was because it was updating.

  • has anyone ever filed an injuried spouse form! How long did it take you to get your refund and did you get your money back including your child tax credit! I’m so heated to know my ex husband has another baby out there!

    1. @Sarah712 I did, It came in 4months later, this was 2 years ago.

  • I been following here for weeks, I’m happy for everyone that’s getting a deposit date:) unfortunately I’m the unlucky one that’s still saying on WMR that my tax is still being process and that I should get it by 3/6. Anyone else in the same boat as me????! I filed on the 2/2.

    1. @Just another day
      You will get get it the 28th or 29th..february

    2. Have you called and talked to anyone yet? I kept getting 3/6 date and I called and got a date for 2/29 then the next day it WMR changed it to 2/29. Have you tried to order a return transcript yet?

  • Mines still says 3/6, anyone else??? 🙁

  • talked to jackson hewitt people and she said everyone that filed from feb.2 to feb 8 got caught in a delay.. checked the irs website and it finally gave me a date of feb 29. ! hope its true.

  • Everyone is getting theirs DD I’m actually get mine in the mail. It’s supposed to be mailed out on Feb. 27 anyone know how many days it will take for me to get it?

    1. @Kristina303 It should only take a couple of days by mail.

      1. @casper61 oh okay thanks.

  • finally got my taxes straight finally got a depoist date feb 28 after waiting for a month yayyyyy so happy

  • ok update… I filed.on the 2nd did not receive any type of information until feb22 it said i should receive by march 6 the next day it was scheduled or dd on27 well i bank and it is now pending in my account so seems lile they are trying to.get things moving

    1. @Nikki78 yeah

  • Just got off wmr. direct deposit on the 29. Good luck everyone, I hope all this ends very soon.

  • It sure looks like there is progress going on! So many people are given a DD for the 27th and 29th. I think we are finally going to get our money!

  • I called and got DD for the 27th and even said that on WMR for 2 days and now today it says being process and could be 6 weeks after accepted. Anyone else getting this message today? I’m just praying the IRS lady was right and we getting it on the 27t!!!!! Trying not to get hopes up but trying to stay positive!!! Why when we don’t have money gas is going up!!!!!!!!


      1. @brokeashell Good! Thank u!

    2. @blakensmith I’m sure it will be there monday.

    3. @blakensmith me. I had the March 6th message yesterday and today it said 6 weeks. Frustrating! I was able to order a transcript yesterday though. Am I getting close?

      1. @kfab@blakensmith Hopefully the 29th.

      2. @kfab we filed on the 3rd and accepted on the 3rd. We were a ghost till last week and got 3/6 date. Wednesday I ordered both transcript and then called and talked to IRS rep and said my DD date is 2/27. Thur. and Fri. The WMR site changed to 2/27 but today went to the 6 weeks thing. From what I’m reading on all the sites people who are getting DD and then 6 weeks are getting their money on their DD date! I’m praying that is true for us.

        1. @blakensmith@kfab I hope so too. The reason I am discouraged is because the IRS agent I talked to didn’t even give me a DD date. 🙁 She said it was being held up and ‘processing’ because I had changed the primary person on the return from previous years and didn’t screen as quickly.
          Do you think if I called back I would get a different answer?

        2. @kfab I called and talked to IRS after I was able to order a transcript and they were able to give me DD. I hope the same for u and i would try calling tomorrow. Good luck!

    4. @blakensmithSame thing for me except i had a 3/6 dd i heard that if you can order your transcripts its beenprocessed and were good to go !!!I guess we will just have to cross our fingers.

  • Have an update My refund is scheduled to be deposited on 2/29.

  • so happy for those that received their money FINALLY! I finally got a HDD date on wmr of Feb. 29th!! PRAISE GOD!!

  • Update… I filed on 2/3 and was accepted 2/4. Wasn’t able to get any info from WMR until 2/22. Finally was able to get a DD by 3/6 and was able to order transcripts. Finally WMR updated to a DD date of 2/27. This morning I checked my bank account and it was finally there! Thank goodness! Hope all who are still waiting get theirs soon! Thank you to everyone here who shared info and posted, you kept me sane!

  • Just got my DD for the 29th… If it don’t come then I am going to have a heart attack or an aneurysm. Please pray cause Ima go postal if it doesn’t come!

    1. @bigryn0i am praying for you!!!! (big) lol

  • Filed on 02-04-2012, accepted by IRS on 02-05-2012, waited/delayed long like everybody else, called today and was given a DD date of 02-29-2012. Awesome news!

  • Update: I filed on 2/2 and was able to order transcripts a few days ago. I got a dd date on wmr for 2/27. Well I just checked the Sbtpg bank site and they sent my refund to my bank so I am just waiting for my bank to release it. I pray everyone who hasn’t got their money get it soon.

    1. @Moferane So happy for you

    2. @Moferane Great to here!

  • I get so sad everytime I get on here and read what everyone is going through! What is going on with this government here in the USA? They want to help out other countries when they are hurting but them seem to forget about us here. So many people are hurting so bad here and we can’t even get money owed to us. We need help in this country! Can’t they see that?

  • Ok someone please answer me! Today I called to see where my refund was at there response next week on Wednesday it says it would be direct deposited, but it’s going to child support and something else my ex owes! if I would had know. This I would had never filed with him :,/! Anyways they told me to fill out a 1099 form an injuried spouse form! How long will this take and will I Beable to get my money back :,( its bad enough he abandoned me pregnant an with his three kids! Please someone respond

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this Sarah! I don’t know how long it will take for you to go through filling out something else because of all the crap we all have gone through so far. My heart goes out to you. You should just try and fill everything out ASAP and I would start calling attorneys and seeing if something could be done to make him pay youback.

    2. @Sarah712 They will send you some of the refund. I had to do it one time. I am sorry to say it took about 6 weeks back then. It was years ago so maybe they are faster now.

      1. @casper61 could you email me please @ Idk how to do this form and the address to send to :/. will they give me the money I made and my sons tax credit? Will they send me out a letter letting me k ow they got the form and it’s being processed? Thank so much for responding

        @Brooksie97 thanks Hun this is just too much to deal with! I’m hoping to get a couple hundred back! I need baby things bad!

        1. @Sarah712 n email. @Brooksie97

        2. @Sarah712 I sent you an email

        3. @Sarah712 it can tale up to 10 wks sarah from when they receive the form, my step mom has to file that form every year just so they dont take all of her taxes

  • I can understand how pissed every one is i been in the same boat..if you read thru the blog its alot to read yes but people going thru the very same thing has said when they have received… Everyones situation is.going to be different of course… I actually sjould have mine by monday so once you jave an actuall date then u will know you ate getting it if you have a by the so n so then you should be epecting an actual date soon good luck all

  • Filed 01/27 wmr has been saying feb. 14 for the past 3 weeks. Able to order transcripts last night then called to speak to a rep. Rep states mine is still processing. Asked if its still processing how am I able to order transcripts… to that she answers “I don’t know”. Still no date given. This sucks crusty ass! Thank You IRf*ckingS!

  • Has anyone not been able to order Return Transcript and has had their return processed and were giving a DD date by either the WMR or by a person from the IRS…….?

    1. @Carlos4 i have order the transcripts but have no dates

      1. Once I was able to order a transcript and I called the IRS at 1-800-829-0582 ext 362 I was able to get a date. Now if it really happens is another waiting game.

    2. Were you given a DD date? I saw a few people on here that said they were able to order transcriptsand didn’t receive their refund within a few days so this is all confusing.

    3. It seems like more people received their refunds if they were able to talk to someone and they gave them a DD date.

      1. @Brooksie97 I just got off the phone and the guy said it’s in the process of getting processed and gave me a date of March 3rd for the DD. We will see what happens. At this point, I have given up. I was just gonna use the money for a trip I have going on this weekend. Oh well! Till next year! Hope you get yours soon Brooksie!

        1. I sure hope you get yours before March 3rd. I understand how you are feeling and don’t trust what anyone says anymore. The only thing we can do is wait and see now. I pray we don’t go through this again next year. I hate the IRS!

  • What is a transcript? Been waiting for my taxes forever now:(

    1. When did you file? Here is a link to the transcripts. It has how to order them and the number if you want to call. It is just papers showing how the IRS processed your refund line by line.,,id=232168,00.html

    2. Call this number…
      Call 1-800-829-0582 ext 362 and see if your refund has been processed.

  • I feel like the lone ranger here. I spoke with someone from the IRS and they said I should expect any day next week. It took two weeks for WMR to give me any info and when it did, I gave me a BY MARCH 6th date and haven’t gotten any other info. Everyone else seems to be getting their DD date moved up to the 29th or 27th or even 2nd. Does anybody have the same problem? I also tried to request a Return Transcript but it will not let me at the moment. Does that mean my return has not been processed yet? Thank you!
    – The Lone Ranger…so far.

    1. @Carlos4I am right here with you. I only got to order my transcript today. My WMR still says by March 6th but I finally called IRS today and talked to a lady that told me it was processed and it will be DD the 29th. Keep checking out to see if you can order a transcript and don’t pay attention what WMR is saying.

      1. @Brooksie97@Carlos4What does a transcript do?

        1. It is just a transcript that shows how the IRS processed your refund. You go on the IRS site and order it or you can call and order it.

        2. @Brooksie97 I tried but I still can’t order a return transcript. Meaning it still hasn’t been processed right? Maybe I should call and ask if my return has been processed.

        3. Call 1-800-829-0582 ext 362

        4. @Brooksie97 I’m on the phone, let’s see how long this takes LOL

        5. @Carlos4I sure hope you get someone that can give your some information and I sure hope it is good!

    2. @Carlos4You are not alone. The WMR just started giving me a date of March 6th a week ago. I filed 2/3 and was accepted that day through H & R block. I called them again today, and they tell me that I am scheduled for DD on the 29th. The WMR still says the 6th, so I am not going to hold my breath for the 29th. I am beginning to think the 6th is a generic date to get people to cut the calls down, and at least give them a date.

    3. @Carlos4
      mine still says within 6 weeks no date at all anymore

    4. @Carlos4 Your not alone. Same here too:(

    5. @Carlos4I had a date of march 6Ththeydidn’tmove mine up and now it say’s i willreceivemy refund within six weeks sofrustrated!!!!! I was able to request a transcript but i’m not sure if that means anything at all?

  • I didn’t file either dates I filed on the 9th and the way the IRS talks it may be March 6th or later before I see mine. I should have had it on the 21rst. This whole thing has messed more tax payers up than the ones who filed between Feb 2nd-7th.

  • I see as of today not a lot of people talking or asking questions anymore. Maybe a lot of them got there return today. I’m happy for the ones who did. Just wanting the rest of us to be done with this nightmare also.

    1. @liftednumber0
      if you filed feb 2 or 3 you will have your money on feb 29

    2. I have been on here for awhile now. I filed the 3rd got accepted the 3rd. Kept getting no info up until last week. Then it was should be by the 6th of March. I wasn’t able to order a transcript until yesterday. I still have should be by the 6th on WMR but I talked to someone at the IRS today and she told me it has been processed and I should get it DD on the 29th, so I am still waiting. I will keep you all updated and I will come back on here after I get my return and help with any questions I can. It has been a nightmare and I sure hope the ones after us will not go through this. Thank you to the ones that have updated us with everything and I sure will keep updating.

  • I pray that ALL of us early filers that are still waiting will have our refunds NO LATER than the 29th!!! May God bless you all!!!

  • update – I was still showing processing and a receive by date of March 6….I filed 2/3 and accepted 2/4 thru turbo tax! I decided to call and the irs rep was very nice…put me on hold fo a couple of minutes then said she had good news for me…that the irs is showing a DD to be deposited to my tax preparer on the 29th! I was also only able to order a return transcript today and PLUS for the first time when the rep asked me for my address my actual NEW address that was on my 2011 return was the one she had..before it was still under my old address…I hope this means I am in the clear and be getting my refund soon!!

    1. @judgessidekickI have a good feeling that we will be getting our refunds by then!

      1. @judgessidekickthis year has been so stressful and I pray to God we will not go through this again next year. Last week my family had a death and my husband came home today from being so stressed out he got into it with someone at work and he might be fired on top of being stressed about this stupid refund! Things have to get better from now on!

    2. Judgessidekick- that is exactly how it happened for me. I had a new address this year too. I would try and order a transcript, and it would still have my old one. Then a few days ago I tried to order, and it had my new address. THEN, WRM updated to DD date for 2/27/12. Well I checked turbo tax’s bank today (2/24/12), and it is in there. They sent it to my bank today as well, but it will be 24-48 hours before it posts, so my guess is I will see it on Monday. All of that happened within about 4-5 days. Also, for anyone that may remember, I had an offset this year that should have taken my ENTIRE rfund….well it didn’t. Don’t know why, but I am getting my refund in FULL. Needless to say, today has been a fantastic day for me. So, for everyone that has FINALLY been able to order a transcript, believe me, it wont be long now. I will still be checking in to see how it goes for all! Good luck to every single one of you. I know how hard this has been for all of us.

      1. sooooo happy for you!!! ENJOY your blessing!!!

        1. @judgessidekick Great happy spending

      2. @LoveSanrio The IRS will forever remember that offset and keep adding interest and penalties. They will eventually get their money whether voluntarily or garnishment. Be careful!

  • I just got off the phone for the first time getting to talk to someone. I am soposed to have my refund DD 2/29. I filed Feb 3 and was accepted Feb 3.

  • The it’s are just giving people dates now based on there 21 day limit to keep people from calling over and over. Your dd could come sooner or later. I talked to the bank that the irs is sending my deposit to and she said nobody there can give you an exact dd date. Think about it the IRS was only able to tell you it’s processing but now they are giving everyone exact dates…. I believe the bank and not the IRS.

  • Ok so update…. If you had a dd date of the 27 th and filed with turbotax you might want to check their banks site.. mine was received amd should post to my account wothin 2 buisness days good luck everyone


  • update..not much but filed 2/3 and accepted 2/4…before I wasn’t able to order my return transcript (up until today) and before to even find out if I could I had to put my old address in to get an answer of not able to order BUT today I tried it again and this time I had to use my NEW address (the one on my actual 2011 return) and it let me order one! Does this mean that I am done with the processing even though the wmr STILL says processing and should receive refundBY March 6????

    1. @judgessidekick Hello, I would not go by the date… just call IRS and ask them. They might be able to give you a DD date now, like they did me this morning… good luck 🙂

  • One more step up the ladder, filed 2/4 and as of one hour ago finaly, it let me order my transcript.

  • I am so tired of this. I filed and was accepted 2-3 and nothing ever showed up in the system until yesterday 2-23 which showed a DD by 3-6. I checked this morning and it said that I should receive within 6 weeks of being accepted. I called IRS and after 45 mins on hold a lady answered and then keep saying I can’t hear you, so I am taking the next caller. I called back and after an hour on hold I was told that I should receive by 2-27 and if not call back.

    I am going to start having less taxes taken out and enjoy my money though out the year instead of waiting for a refund which TT promised a 7-10 day refund….

    bty I am just venting, so thanks for listing 🙂

  • The bank did tell me the irs does make deposits all through the day though…

  • I ordered both of my transcripts a week ago and for me still nothing yet…

  • I just went and ordered a return transcript and today it finally let me 🙂 is this great news! Anyone got to order theres then recieve there money soon? does the IRS release refunds all day?

  • I’m so pissed still nothing on the sbbt, where’s my refund is still saying march 6th, checked my bank account still nothing! fuuuuuuuuuk! When the frick will I get my money I seen brokenshell filed same day as me you got yours today :/ I didn’t irk what to do

    1. @Sarah712i still have mot received my money,,,my bank has it pending till the 27th…………so im jus waitin ….least its only 2 more days

  • I have an update it let me order a refund and a account transcript. I have notice that if you can order them your refund is only a couple of days away. I hope. Oh and I have a piece of paper under my pillow with the dollar amount of my refund. It will stay there til I get it.

    1. @casper61hey i did that piece of paper thing…<takin michigans advise….try anything….most of all PRAY

  • I called the irs again before all they could tell me is that it’s possessing. Now she tells me the dd date is March 2nd and she said the was a definite day no sooner or later than March 2nd. They gave me the banks number and the lady there tells me there is no way at all the irs knows what exact day. It could come sooner than the 2nd or later. Just wanted to tell everyone that. Even the day the irs tells you on the phone is also estimated just like WMR. No point talking to the irs.

  • I just got dd date 2/29/2012 we will c ……..

  • Wonderful update!!! I just got off the phone with the IRS. Deposit is going in on the 29th. CAN’T WAIT!!! Will keep you posted if anything else happens before then. Good luck everybody. I’m going to take a walk, lol.

  • filed free on h&r block, filed and accepted on feb 9th. its showed on irs that i’d receive feb 21. then on the 14th it changed to the 24th. well todays the 24th and still says the 24th and nothing has come. direct deposit. anyone get their refunds today?

    1. @Drewbearyea we did’

      1. @brokeashelltrying to reach my stupid bank of america and see if they have received it or not. on hold for 10 mins already

        1. @brokeashellwhat?! someone was trying to access my account and it was deactivated!! wtf? trying to reactivate now. hope i can still get my return then. only my lovely luck. plus i just got handed my walking papers from my job this morning. awesome day 🙁

        2. @Drewbear @brokeashell

        3. @Drewbear@brokeashell sorry to heaar that

        4. @casper61@brokeashelljust spoke with them. they reactivated the account. they said that the return was at the bank, however, since the account was just reopened it wouldnt appear til midnight when they are updated. said however if it isnt and the refund was sent back, i would have to probably refile. groovy. thanks whoever tried getting money out of my account!

  • No deposit here either

  • No deposit here!

  • I can’t reply to your comments on this phone for some reason. I used turbo tax and they are taking the fee out of the dd. Does anyone know what bank they use or a link to check?

  • Just checked and my refund is FINALLY there…should have by at least Monday when my bank opens…FINALLY!!!

    1. WMR said 2/27 so I guess they were right

  • okay, well I broke down and called irs again. They did tell me 10 days ago that if I didn’t have my refund by today to call them. Now they say that it has been processed and is scheduled for DD on 2-29. 5 more days of waiting if that holds true. I have my fingers crossed, but I am not get excited as I have seen to many people that have not gotten it when they were suppose to. And none of the bank sites I have to see if they have it for deposit are showing any information on it.

  • What bank does dd go in before it gets to mine? Does it depend on who I e-filed through?

    1. @liftednumber0
      Depends who you efiled through.If you paid them out of pocket it will go directly to your bank.

    2. @liftednumber0 Who u filled with? I did liberty tax and went tru

      1. @Meinsameboat I filed using turbo tax and I’m having them take out the fee from my dd.

        1. @liftednumber0 Sbt web page

  • Update!!!!! If you filed through H and R Block online and used simple pay then you can call the H and R bank to find out if its been deposited in their bank yet. 888-687-4722 they told me to check monday or wensday because thats when the Irs releases funds to them. Hope this helps someone By the way I was able to order a transcript 7 days ago and still no refund

  • Okay still no money and WMR saying March 6 but I was able to order my transcript this morning so hopefully I will get it soon.

    1. @ForPeaches The WMR site isn’t working, I called this number about 15 minutes ago and only had to wait about 4 minutes to talk to someone. 1-800-829-0582 and after you select which language and they start talking again, pust ext 362. Maybe they can give you a date of when yours will be DD. They gave me my date through there even though the WMR site stills says 3-6. I think that is a generic date.

      1. @sandsurf15Thanks so much I’m about to call now. Will updat you in a minute.

        1. @ForPeaches Have you gotten any news yet? I am on hold with them now.

        2. @JuliaD@sandsurf15 Just spoke with the IRS dd is 2/29. We will see I will let you know if I get it before then.

        3. @ForPeaches@JuliaD@sandsurf15 I just got off the phone with that extension. The lady told me mine was being held up because in the past when I filed jointly, I was the primary on the tax return. This year, I put my husband as a primary, and it threw off their automated screening processes.
          She wasn’t able to give me a DD date but I was able to order a transcript today and wasn’t able to yesterday. I filed Feb 2.


    1. @brokeashellWho did you file through?

      1. @sandsurf15i filed thru taxact on feb 4th

    2. michigan thanks for not abandoning me :))))

      1. @brokeashelli am still here! lol I had a funeral 🙁 we stayed 2 nights… but i am here again!

        1. @brokeashellthings lookin up??!!!

    3. @brokeashellI used Taxact too but mine is soposed to be Direct Deposit to my bank. Why did yours go to Republic Bank first?

      1. @Brooksie97because we paid tax act out of our taxes so they sent it there and then transferred it to my acct but the bank says they havent recveived it yet

        1. @brokeashelloh- I just paid upfront.

    4. @brokeashell I got mines too thanks to u guys who helped me and I hope all of y’all get y’all to

      1. @PrettyBigGirl1@brokeashellgood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • is anybody else gettin this from wmr?????
    “Your tax return has been received and is being processed.
    If you file a complete and accurate tax return, your refund will be issued:within six weeks of the received date.”

    1. i filed n got accepted on the 4th…then gotta “by” date of march 6th…then a DD date of feb 27,,,now this

    2. @brokeashell
      for the last 5 days

      1. @brokeashell you are so lucky I also filed the 4th nothing :,/

    3. @brokeashell Ni did smfh

      1. @PrettyBigGirl1@brokeashellmy money is there….yours cant be far behind !!!!!! …. we been pretty much gettin same info!

        1. @brokeashell I hope so

    4. @brokeashellI spoke w/ an IRS agent this morning that told me to ignore the WMR site a/o today. She confirmed my dd date of 2/27 and said once you are given an “on” date there is no reason to check back unless the money doesn’t reach your act. Thirty min after speaking w/ her my refund reached the clearing house bank for tt w/ dd date for today. I then called my personal bank to vfy if anything was coming down the pike and he informed that if reached the clearing house today then I can expect it in my act between 12pm-6am tonight. So there is hope yet! Warm wishes!

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    Update: IRS Refund DelayPosted on February 23, 2012 by admin

    February 23, 2012 – Updated Information on Nationwide IRS Refund Delay
    Like yesterday, the IRS is today again releasing some of the older refunds that had been delayed due to the nationwide computer problems at the IRS. Prior to today, up to 40% – 50% of the refunds for taxpayers who filed between 2/2 and 2/4 still had not been released by the IRS due to this nationwide IRS problem. For many of these taxpayers, the IRS “Where’s My Refund” had not been displaying any information at all. This problem at the IRS was incorrectly leading these taxpayers to think that their tax return was not filed even though it was actually filed. By early this morning, the IRS appears to have corrected this problem with its “Where’s My Refund” service. The warning message by the IRS to taxpayers that “Where’s My Refund” was not working properly no longer appears on the IRS web site.
    This problem was a nationwide problem at the IRS that effected all tax preparers across the country, delaying millions of refunds nationwide. Indications are that the IRS will soon release most of the refunds that it previously delayed due to its nationwide computer problem. We now expect most of these affected refunds to be released by the IRS in the next two days.
    Here are some statistics, provided by our banking partner Refund Advantage:
    – for returns filed on 2/01, approximately 7% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/02, approximately 40% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/03, approximately 50% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/04, approximately 50% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/05, approximately 25% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/06, approximately 10% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/07, approximately 10% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/08, approximately 10% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/09, approximately 20% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/10, approximately 25% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/11, approximately 25% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/12, approximately 25% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/13, approximately 25% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/14, approximately 50% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/15, the IRS has released only a small number of refunds

    This entry was posted in Recent News & Updates and tagged delay, IRS, Razzano Consulting, Razzano Consulting LLC, Refunds, tax preparation, taxes, Taxpayers. Bookmark the permalink.

    ← Obama Proposes Business Tax Reforms

    Search for:Follow Us On Twitter! 21 hours ago Breaking: IRS Experiences Further Tax Refund Delay Problems 2 days ago Congress Reaches Tentative Deal on Payroll Tax Cut Extension 7 days agoRecent Blog PostsUpdate: IRS Refund DelayObama Proposes Business Tax ReformsBreaking: IRS Experiences Further Tax Refund Delay ProblemsCongress Reaches Tentative Deal on Payroll Tax Cut ExtensionPresident Obama Proposes Tax Reforms in 2013 BudgetNews CategoriesHomepage (1)Recent News & Updates (146)

    Copyright ©. All rights reserved. Razzano Consulting, LLC. 1101 Wilmington Avenue New Castle, PA 16101 | Office: (724) 654-8970 | Fax: (724) 654-8972 |



  • This entry was posted in Recent News & Updates and tagged delay, IRS, Razzano Consulting, Razzano Consulting LLC, Refunds, tax preparation, taxes, Taxpayers. Bookmark the permalink.

    1. @Teresa45Ok, I found it, but that post is from Jan 27, 2012 so I wouldn’t go by it now. If it held true we would have all had our funds by today. And from what I am reading anywhere, the WMR site is not functioning properly and we should not go by it. So pretty much it is a sit back and see waiting game. I know I just checked my bank and no refund there. So for me it will no be here until at least next week at the earliest. I don’t think it does any good to call them, they don’t give you any helpful information. Just tell you something to settle you down and get pasted your call to the next one. I know I called over a week ago and was assured they had mine and I would have it by the 24th, even thou the WMR site site was saying the 6th of March.

      1. @sandsurf15
        the article i read was posted february 23d 2011 my search engine is bing..

        1. @sandsurf15
          im sorry 2012

        2. @Teresa45okay found it, hopefully some of ours will be at our banks before to long. Doesn’t really say for sure, but it’s more than any of us had to go on before.

  • do the its deposits returns all day I was able to order both transcripts but still nothing in the account this morning and wmr is still saying you will receive it by feb 28 no exact dd date

    1. @Beth1011You want an “on” date not “by” so that means the IRS is still finalizing your taxes. Once it’s completed you should be able to call and get a concrete date. Best wishes!

      1. @Leslie1974@Beth1011i called every day for 3 weeks and no info i got a date for the 3/6 it said by sooo dont count nothing out

  • Like yesterday, the IRS is today again releasing some of the older refunds that had been delayed due to the nationwide computer problems at the IRS. Prior to today, up to 40% – 50% of the refunds for taxpayers who filed between 2/2 and 2/4 still had not been released by the IRS due to this nationwide IRS problem. For many of these taxpayers, the IRS “Where’s My Refund” had not been displaying any information at all. This problem at the IRS was incorrectly leading these taxpayers to think that their tax return was not filed even though it was actually filed. By early this morning, the IRS appears to have corrected this problem with its “Where’s My Refund” service. The warning message by the IRS to taxpayers that “Where’s My Refund” was not working properly no longer appears on the IRS web site.

  • This problem was a nationwide problem at the IRS that effected all tax preparers across the country, delaying millions of refunds nationwide. Indications are that the IRS will soon release most of the refunds that it previously delayed due to its nationwide computer problem. We now expect most of these affected refunds to be released by the IRS in the next two days.

  • – for returns filed on 2/01, approximately 7% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/02, approximately 40% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/03, approximately 50% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/04, approximately 50% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/05, approximately 25% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/06, approximately 10% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/07, approximately 10% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/08, approximately 10% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/09, approximately 20% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/10, approximately 25% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/11, approximately 25% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/12, approximately 25% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/13, approximately 25% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/14, approximately 50% have not yet been released by the IRS. – for returns filed on 2/15, the IRS has released only a small number of refunds

    1. @Teresa45Thanks for posting this Teresa, but where did you get it from?

      1. @JuliaD

        1. @Teresa45Cool, thanks for keeping an eye out for us.

        2. @JuliaD
          your welcome.

        3. @Teresa45@JuliaDThis site takes you to a re-directs you to a photo site. I can find nothing on the information you are posting.

        4. @sandsurf15@JuliaD
          I typed in tax rfund update feb 23 2012 i then there was a article from razzano tax consulting.

        5. @sandsurf15@JuliaD

          This entry was posted in Recent News & Updates and tagged delay, IRS, Razzano Consulting, Razzano Consulting LLC, Refunds, tax preparation, taxes, Taxpayers. Bookmark the permalink.

        6. @sandsurf15@JuliaD
          iI copied a pasted the whole page on here check it out maybe it will help you find it…

    2. @Teresa45 Will avoid filing next year on some of those dates!

  • I finally got my state

  • i was able to order a transcrip today i wasnt yesturday.does this mean i will get my refund today.

    1. @Teresa45The best way to find out when your refund will come through is by checking the clearing house bank for w/e tax preparation svc you used. If you scroll, you can see the two most popular and their web address. Also, I was able to order mine a/o Wed and the refund hit clearing house at 8ish this am. Hope this helps. Warm wishes!

  • so now the wmr says
    “Your tax return has been received and is being processed.
    If you file a complete and accurate tax return, your refund will be issued:within six weeks of the received date.”…………..omg they r killin me!

  • Do I request a account transcript or return transcript to see if my refund has been processed?

    1. @Carlos4return

      1. @Carlos4I meant refund!

      2. @Brooksie97 Thank you

  • I was able to order a transcript this morning but my WMR still says should receive by March 6th.

    1. @Brooksie97Mine is the same this morning too Brooksie. Hopefully that means we are getting them maybe this weekend or Monday. Fingers crossed!!

      1. @JuliaDI sure hope so!!!!!

      2. @JuliaDIs your WMR still saying by March 6th?

        1. @Brooksie97yea, it still says by March 6, but I am not putting much stock in WMR anymore.

    2. I was able to order the account and return transcript so maybe we will have some good news this weekend!

  • Good morning okay this is my up date I filed 2-3 an couldn’t see anything until 2-16 then it said BY the 6th of march then a few days later I got the DD of the 24 an it was put in today at 3 am why 3 am well that capital ones update time I file thur turbox tax an was accepted on the same day an I don’t know if its true if you can order you transcript then your done processing I was able to order mine an it came ON THE DD DATE so if you get a DD not a BY date that’s the day your.getting your refund maybe even a earlier …just wanted to say all for your help !!! Your post help me thru this an yes There is hope !!!!!

    1. @Camey82 congrats!! Thanks for posting . My dd is 2/27.

  • What does the transcript tell you, does it do any good to order it, and does it come via email or regular mail?

    1. @sandsurf15You go on the the IRS website and order it. From what we have seen on here, if you can order it you usually get your refund back in a couple of days.

  • Ok I filed 2-2 went thru all the same steps and problems y’all have seen no info and called IRS since then and then seen the mar 6 now it says 2-27 I did order transcript yesterday and the IRS website says 10-21 days wich this is after sonic still wondering if I’d recieve it earlier than Monday since I’m 21 days as of Thursday but I guess since that glitch thing prolly not but dam 21 full days wasnt enuff it’s already a week past my projected date the 15 Th I’m
    Still confused I guess2-27 is better than no date I pray IRS has it there that day I cannot be put off till the mar 3 date then be callin them again I also used the republic bank website and no product info for me but my name was there I used liberty for the first and last time i never had an issue before with hr block

    1. It doesn’t matter who did your taxes, it is the date frame that is the issue. I think next year I am going to wait and not rush to get them done. My daughter did hers after mine and got hers in 8 days and my son did his before and had his in 8 days. I did mine on 2/3 at H & R Block. Still waiting. Here’s what was on our local news. Still doesn’t give us an exact date, but it’s their excuse for the mess. Apparently none of us should go by the WMR site. I called and they said by tomorrow, but I am sure I will not receive it them as it seems no one is. And it does no good to call again, they just give you another date to sit and wait for.

    2. @Tco12 were you able to order the Return Transcript, or The Account, or both?? Does one have more meaning than the other?

  • I also was able to order an account transcript does this mean things are moving along or I might get my refund soon

  • Okay so i was able to order an Account Transcript, But Not A Return Transcript. Is that the one i needed??

  • Well I was able to order a account transcript but, not refund transcript. I hope that means it is moving along. Wmr is still outta control. Maybe early next.

    1. @sandsurf15 thanks for sharing

  • Hey there everyone. I just got home after celebrating my wedding anniversary, and of course the first thing I do is check WMR. It still says the 27th DD, no changes at all. I am seriously wondering if it will be offset or not. Figured I would have seen something by now.

  • hi everybody, I would like to know if there are people who have sent their tax paper by mail (not online) and already received their return paper ? Im sorry if i made mistakes, I am french and i ask for my american boyfriend.

  • everyone listen up just read a article from irs saying all the early filed returns from february 1-5 will have there refund in the next two days yaaaay lets hope there correct.

    1. @Teresa45 could you get us a link. I would love to read it

    2. @Teresa45 please….where did you read that??????? That would be awesome!!! Just afraid that to is just them yanking our chain again!

      1. @judgessidekick
        razzano …I typed in tax refund update feb 23 2012 and the article came up and took me to razzano..

    3. @Teresa45I would love to see that one myself!! Where did you find it???

      1. @JuliaD @judgessidekick i really doubt that any news irs releases is on the web site i went and looked and did not see anything 🙁 it would be great tho would like to see a link for the article as well

        1. @Nikki78@JuliaD@judgessidekickyeah…me too..figured she would let us know where she read that being we are ALL sitting on pins and needles!

        2. @judgessidekick@Nikki78@JuliaD
          Im sorry.

    4. @Teresa45 Yeah this is bull I looked and didn’t find anything.

      1. @Kristina303 Why would she say she read a post but not give the site she read it at I’m really not in the moods for games I’ve been waiting 21 days for my refund!

        1. @Sarah712@Kristina303
          calm down we are all in the same

  • Anybody that filed the 3rd been able to get a transcript yet?

    1. @Brooksie97 not me

    2. @Brooksie97nope!

    3. @Brooksie97 I was reading on yahoo answers and some people said they got their late today

    4. @Brooksie97we filed on the 3rd & were able to order the transcript!

    5. @Brooksie97 No:(

    6. @Brooksie97

  • Has any tried calling the H& R Block Bank to see if they have received funds from IRS. I’m getting return on emerald card but cant get a hold of a real person!!

  • My last update….

    I filed on the 1st, WMR said I would get my return by the 21st, it changed to the 14th, then I finally got a DD date of the 23rd. The money was deposited yesterday and I received it today. Good luck everyone.

    1. @Bonita Happy you got your money.

    2. @Bonitamy dd date is set for 2/27 so maybe i will get my tomorrow or tuesday hopefully. thanks for posting

    3. @Bonita Yayyyyy!! Finally:)

  • It not just people that filed from Feb 2nd to Feb7th. I filed on Feb 9th and its giving me the same problems I have been reading here. Wmr told me I would get it on the 21rst and when I check the next day it says I can’t be found. I called the IRS and they just tell me it’s processing and I have no idea when I will see it. I used turbo tax and e-filed. Should have been here within 7 to 14 days but the IRS told me it could take up to a month. So this screw up is affecting a lot of people I think.

    1. @liftednumber0 I filed the 6th and received it today. my freidns who filed after me got theirs already. My friend who filed the third is still in the March 6th whole. This week it updated to the 24th and I got it today.

      1. @billstopay@liftednumber0 Did you have an EIC credit? I read that those are taking longer due to fraud screening.

      2. @billstopay@liftednumber0mine says 2/27 so i wonder will it come tomorrow or tuesday

  • What is the number for the offset hotline? I have called the 3107 number but it’s not automated.

    1. 800-304-3107

      1. I didn’t realize you had the 3107 number down. Sorry….I didn’t know there was an automated one.

  • I give up on trying to call these people! I have got cut off every single time! What stinks is Im using a cell phone so my minutes are getting used up pretty quickly!

  • I filed Feb 2nd and was accepted Feb 4th. The WMR has been so weird. After two weeks of waiting on Info, I finally got a date. “by March 6th” who know if anybody on will get it before. Good news, I just got off the phone with an IRS agent and he said that a batch of returns filed electronically between the 2nd and 7th got screwed up. He said they were not up for review, they were just screwed up because of the system. He said to ignore the 6th and that I should expect my refund any day next week. I guess that goes for anyone expecting it March 6th or filed between the 2nd and 7th and have not received it. He also stated that they deposit refunds Monday-Friday. Hope this helps and I hope I get it next week along with you all.

    1. @Carlos4 I sure hope this is true! I think the IRS shoud apologize to all of us that they put through this!

    2. @Carlos4 I hope so too, I am so tired of this waiting. Does anyone know what bank site you can check to see if yours it there if you filed at H & R Block and are having it DD?

      1. @sandsurf15 @Carlos4 I think most are using

        1. I am soposed to have direct deposit to my bank because I went through Taxact but I have seen many on here use those two I posted for you.

      2. @sandsurf15 @Carlos4 The one for H&R Block is down somewhere if not try googling it you might want to check email also if you provided one, try scrolling i have seen it posted before 🙂

  • where do you order the transcripts from ?

      1. You can call them too. 1-800-908-9946

        1. @Brooksie97 so they let me order both just to be clear that mean they have finished processing my taxes ??? I’m sport if you’ve Andersen this before 🙂

        2. It’s looking good for you! Everyone I have seen on here that was able to order ended up getting their refund soon afterwards.

        3. @Brooksie97 keeping the hope alive !!!!!

    1. I found out where to order them It let me order both does that mean its done processing even thought wmr still says processing?

      1. @Beth1011 yes!

        you should get yours in the next couple of days.

        1. @Brooksie97

          really thats great . I thought the Irs only deposited on wednesday’s?

        2. @Beth1011 They deposit everyday! Everyone that has been able to order the transcripts have received their returns in the next couple days.

        3. @Brooksie97

          even though our wmr says you will have it before feb 28th no dd date ? Sorry for all the question’s, but thanks for the info!!

        4. You can’t go by WMR information anymore.

  • WMR changed to feb 27th for me this mornin now its back to sayin i might have entered my data incorrectly

  • @judjessidekick Yeah, it listed it on the offset hotline, but WMR has said nothing, and neither have IRS agent. I have a DD date of 2/27/12. So…they have not intercepted my refund YET…and based on what I have seen I have no idea if they will or not. I have heard that if you call the IRS will tell you about an offset that might happen, and that when WMR updates it will give you a tax code while it is being proccessed, and then when you get your actual DD date it will show you that it has been offset, and give you the NEW refund amount. Noone of that has happened to me. Nothing in the mail either…???

  • @judjessidekick I found out on the refund offset hotline. It didn’t show up until Feb. 16, 2012. I had been calling every day. I have talked to the irs several times after that date and no one mentioned any kind of debt indicator, or an offset of any kind. WRM is still the same today… DD scheduled for 2/27/12. No mention of an offset, no code reference, nothing like that.

    1. @LoveSanrio so that number you called to see if your tax refund has been or will be offset is legit? Did it not tell you about the offset at all on wmr?? That is just wrong! So, probably we that are getting this March 6 date are being audited or reviewed?? I am so confused and totally physically sick over this whole situation!!

    2. @judjessidekick Yeah, it listed it on the offset hotline, but WMR has said nothing, and neither have IRS agent. I have a DD date of 2/27/12. So…they have not intercepted my refund YET…and based on what I have seen I have no idea if they will or not. I have heard that if you call the IRS will tell you about an offset that might happen, and that when WMR updates it will give you a tax code while it is being proccessed, and then when you get your actual DD date it will show you that it has been offset, and give you the NEW refund amount. Noone of that has happened to me. Nothing in the mail either…??? 7 minutes ago

  • Anyone who used sbbt. How long do d it take to hit ur actual bank. I recieved it this am at 9am eastern.

  • Hey all. Been following the site. I filed the sixth and it was rejected tjen accepted later that day. I didnt have any info till last week. I had the processing message, the 28th message the 6th message.this week it said the 24th. And low and behold. It was deposited this am with Hve faith. Itll come.

    1. @billstopay how did you find out that it was deposited into the sbtpg bank? Did they send you an email? Did you file thru turbotax?

      1. @judgessidekick I called at around 9am eastern time. I did turbotax. The.irs still says the 24th smdh.

        1. @billstopay what number did you call? sorry so many questions, just tired of waiting for an actual DD date instead of March 6…I filed 2/3 and accepted 2/4 and fill like the lone ranger here!

        2. @judgessidekick 18007177228. Or Girl I was bout to set some things off if friday came and went lol

        3. @billstopay lol…that’s how I feel!! I believe those of us that filed on the 3rd are the only ones not getting a DD date, just the March 6 thanks!

        4. @billstopay did the bank send you an email too?

        5. @judgessidekick nope no email I just checked. It still hasnt reached my bank yet :(. I checked all my info, its correct just gotta wait.

  • Mine is still saying Feb. 27th. Maybe if you check to many times it locks you out. Mine said March 6th yesterday. I’m just hoping this date is the real one.

  • still no change. by March 6 and still can’t order transcript. I will probably be the only one on here that gets royally screwed and never sees a return. I keep seeing everyone else’s change, but mine still remains the same.

    1. @JuliaD I am there with you except wmr has no info for me

    2. @JuliaD

      mine is also the same march 6 and i efiled feb 2

    3. @JuliaD Im right there with you! I am ready to give up!

    4. @JuliaD Mine hasn’t changed either, still says the 6th of March. Should have had it last week.

    5. @JuliaD nope…I’m still with you!! lol I read on another link that the ones that efiled on the 3rd were actually did not even begin to be processed untiil the 16th so that is why the March 6 date is on so many wmr updates….

      1. @judgessidekick @JuliaD I believe that because I never did get information on WMR until after the 16th and of course it was the March 6ht date.

    6. @JuliaD I have been March 6 since Saturday the 18 and have no changes on the wmr. Still says March 6 so you are not alone.

  • ok……i filed on jan.31…..the wmr told me that the dd would be march 21….that was last week this week it changed to february 21 and if im not mistaken today is february 23…..called bank and nothing…..cant get a real person at the irs #……people are saying that they are getting their dd on the second date that they are given….well not me!

  • how often are people checking the wmr today?? I think I have been locked out after about 4 times since early this morning…

    1. @judgessidekick I guess I checked to many times today too! I just get the no info now!

    2. I only check once a day…but didn’t have any kind of information until yesterday.

  • Does anyone know if I can check online to see what address the IRS has on file? I moved around Christmas and submitted change of address with my return..but you know how that is.

    1. @kfab not sure but I was told that they go by the address on your return to update their files! You may want to call and ask them….even though you will be on hold FOREVER!! Would ease your mind though!!

  • well…..I just checked the wmr site AGAIN (probably the fourth time since 7 this am) and now it is saying no information…..I am really scared that something is terribly wrong, offset, interception or something even though no debts were found under the treasury offset program (just checked, you never know)…..I just want a actual DD date and not that “should receive by March 6″….I guess the wmr has locked me out or something being that I keep checking it!

  • Well now the WMR website is also telling me that my refund DD date is for the Feb. 27th.

  • Okay mine is also saying Feb. 27th DD. It’s about damn time I got a DD. I’ve been waiting since the 3rd of February. Of course I needed the money now since I’m on vacation.

  • Ok if u have a turbotax card what is the bank

    1. @PrettyBigGirl1

  • I don’t know of any reason my refund should be offset but is there anyway you can find out if that is what’s happening? filed 2/3, turbotax, and no specific DD date just should receive by….?????

    1. oh…one more thing…I also called the Treasury Offset Program and as of today, no debts were found under my ss#…..??? Just don’t know how accurate that is….just trying to come up with some real REASON for the March 6 date!!!

      1. I dont think they know what they are doing because we were charged for 09 but we payed what we owned for 09 in our 2010 refund and was told we owned nothing further and now they still took out an extra $1000 for the same 09 taxs,so very confused!!

        1. @Jessie22 so when would it say on the wmr if your refund is being offset or intercepted? I can’t imagine who would do that to me…I am physically sick and am so afraid that like that person here that said she had no indication of her refund being taken but it was…the irs didn’t tell her, no code on wmr, no letter, had a DD date, etc….scary!!!

        2. I didnt know either.I kept checking wmr and it said no info and I kept calling and getting very rude agents that kept telling me it was processed yet but I called again on mon and the agent I talked to put me on hold forever but she said that she had to do that because our filed are encoded and they have to decode it and it takes time so after about 45 mins she came back and said they took out what we owned and we would get the remainder in this wk,next or even the following she coudnt give me a date.

  • I FINALLY got mine this morning!!!!!!! If the info will help, here’s my story: I e-filed on the 4th through the H & R Block at home program ( Its just like Turbotax but a little cheaper )and it was accepted the same day. I heard nothing for 11 days and it finally said I would have it by the 28th. This past Saturday it changed to “your tax refund is scheduled to be Direct Deposited on February 23”, and it was actually deposited on the day they said it would. I have been following these posts for a couple weeks now and it seems to me that people with an actual DD date do indeed get theirs on the day it says. I am praying that everyone gets theirs soon!

    1. @MandyCrowThank you!!!

  • So I finally got to talk to a nice agent and she said we owned the irs which they already took out of our refund the first wk (feb 1) we sent it in and we would get the rest in a few wks.Tell me how you already took your money but cant give me mine?And on top of that got a letter stating that they indeed did take what we owned but it was dated for feb 27,2012,I dont know I might be wrong but I thougt today was just the 23 of feb.

  • just got off the phone with irs she said the march 6 date dont matter we will get our refund sooner then that and i efiled feb 2 like today would be she said they have been backed up there so busy this time of year.

  • so i filed on the third n i just now got a actual dd date of the 6th next month saying it will be recieved. so if this is true it will have taken them 1 month n 3 days to get me my money

    1. @dajackson mine says the same thing but no DD date of March 6 just should receive by march 6 if no further processing delays or taxes owed…..?????

      1. @judgessidekick just tried checking again it sayin same as you now. what a flawed system…

        1. @dajackson @judgessidekick Mine is saying

          Your expected refund date has been changed due to processing delays. You should receive your refund by March 6, 2012.

          I still can’t order a transcript either

  • Well i have a update mine has changed back to you may have enter the wrong information. Nothing in the bank. Today is 3 weeks since I filed.

  • ok i just read there are others …..

  • i just checked wmr yesterday it said i should get it by 3/6 if there were no delays and if i didnt owe any taxes, now it says “your tax refund is scheduled to be direct deposited on February 27, 2012. if your refund is not credited to your account by March 3, 2012, check with your bank to find out if it was received. Please wait until March 3, 2012 before you contact us again because we are unable to take any action until then. (sorry for copying the whole thing) did anyone elses change to this message since yesterday? i filed 2/4/2012

    1. @nelly yes I did.

    2. @nelly I got the same message …. And yesterday it said by march 6th

  • Okay I did my sister taxes on feb 16 and she got her return today. I did my own on Feb 5 and I still have not received mines yet he said that it is in process and I should have it by March 6 per the WMR. This sucks….

  • Okay I have a dd date 2/27. I checked the Sbtpg bank site and they dd deposited my state today. They have my irs refund amount and fees to be deducted but hasnt recieved the money from irs yet. I hope it comes before monday. I filed on 2/2

    1. @Moferane me too

  • Ok so i offically have a dd it switched from by 3/6 to it will be dd on 27th.. i filed on the 2nd and just barely had any info on the wmr sitr this wed.

  • Just letting everyone know.. We got our DD.. we filled on the 7th.. The WMR said it would be DD on the 23rd and it was DD on the 23rd that they put the funds into the bank.

    1. @JoshNess I am very happy for you. I filed on 2/3 and I got no info or 3/6.

      1. @casper61 I will keep my fingers crossed for you hon.. I hope they get thier act together

    2. @JoshNess okay that gives me some hope cause I.had a dd of the 24 then today it changed to processing

      1. @Camey82 ill keep my fingers crossed for you also.. it should be in there if it said the 24th.. mine was there when it said the 23rd

        1. @JoshNess thanks I’m just ready for this to be over !! ASAP

        2. @Camey82 I know.. this year has been so different… most of the time there is no problems. i see a lot of problems with people who filled on the 3rd.. not fair to them at all.. this is insane! I wonder if it has to do with who u filled with..

        3. @JoshNess I know I filed on the third an it seems that they want to play with our money an time …I just thought it was over when I got a dd but not I’m worried with this processing an the day.before the dd at that stress level back up

        4. @JoshNess I filed with turbotax

        5. @Camey82 so did I and we got ours on the DD that WMR said.. so keep ur fingers crossed might be in there.. By the way it didnt hit the bank till 7 this morning!

        6. @JoshNess okay thanks that’s good info to know so I will just try to wait key word try lol if you don’t mind me asking who do you bank with ??

        7. @Camey82 Chase… I know the waiting game sucks.. I really do feel for everything.. it sucks

        8. @JoshNess okay well we will see how capital one do…I’ll keep you all posted 🙂

        9. @Camey82 @JoshNess I filed with Taxact and my refund should be directly deposited in my bank account.

        10. @Brooksie97 @JoshNess minds should too with Turbotax

        11. @Camey82 @Brooksie97 yes.. my refund did not go to the SBBT bank before going to my bank.. It went str8 to my bank.

        12. @Camey82 @JoshNess i heard alot of people say that theirs started sayin processin again right b4 they received their refund

        13. @brokeashell @JoshNess o really well hey there’s more hope rite there !!! I just want it to be over for all of us we get our money an put this crap behind us …well until next year

  • Has anyone that filed on the 3rd received their refund?

    1. @Brooksie97


    2. @Brooksie97 im on the third i havent heard of anyone getting there return if they filed that day yet

      1. @dajackson @Brooksie97 i filed 2/3 also thru turbotax and fees to be taken out by their bank…nothing on bank site and still “processing and should receive BY March 6 is no processing delays (whatever that means) and no taxes owed”! ????

        1. I called and spoke to a very nice irs representative that told me that the 3rd filers were pulled for further security processing….that there were no debt indicators on my return and no problems so far…but someone on here said that her ss# was flagged and her refund was being offset…I don’t know of anything like that I should have but…still worries me! He told me he didn’t see any indicators on my return so praying I will get it before the 6th…just really want a REAL DD date…that’s all!!!

        2. @judgessidekick@Brooksie97 mine says mine will be deposited on 03/06 now

    3. @Brooksie97 no

  • Okay just checked the wmr an it has been saying all week dd on the 24 now it saying it processing an I should have it in six weeks uggggh so does that mean in not getting it tommorow ???? If so why did they change it ugh irs !!!

  • Now mines says feb 27 and if it’s not there wait till march 3

    1. @PrettyBigGirl1 thats what mine says too

  • Okay just check wmr and my dd date is 2/27/12.I hope so because I filed on 2/2.

  • Well just checked and WMR gave me a dd date of 2/27…maybe this time they will keep it…hell of alot better than 3/06!!!

  • I got the “BY” date of March 6th yesterday, and just checked it now, and it says it is SCHEDULED to be DD on Feb.27th. Unfotunately I found out my ssn was flagged for offset on Feb16, 2012….so just a few days ago. I have heard nothing from the IRS about the offset, there is no status reference code on WMR, no letter, no mention of it when I call and talk to them. I also heard that if you get offset, proccessing will be delayed, and THEN WMR will update with a DD date, tell you that you had an offset, and show you the updated amount AFTER offset. Just for the record, my debt is $10,000, and refund is $9,523… so technically I should not be getting a direct deposit. I mailed in the injured spouse form, and they would have gotten it this past Tuesday. I am so confused! Anyone have any experience with this?

    1. there is a phone number you can call that will tell you if your refund has been or will be offset, did you ever call it? Now I am worried that maybe that is what has happened to mine even though I don’t know why….especially being that u were given a DD date and no indication of offset…wow! I am so sorry…

    2. @LoveSanrio how did you find out your ss# was flagged for offset on that date? you would think that the irs rep would had told you or seen a debt indicator on your return….

  • Well at least some of you have a projected due date for the future! Wmr still says its processing and I should receive my refund on the 14th of Feb. Before that I was given 2 other dates which came and went. Just for the record I e-filed on 01/27 and was accepted that day. Tired of talking to reps. They’re like psychics… they generalize everything so it can apply to anyone and have no specific answers. I give up! There’s absolutely nothing we non significants can do to remedy the situation. Its like being screwed up the ass with no vaseline… I feel violated and it hurts!

  • Nothing yet. Try again in the morning.Smh

  • I’m off to bed I need sleep to deal with this mess.

    1. @casper61 hey when did it give u ur date for the 1st time?

      1. @brokeashell It has been going from 3/6 to wrong info for about a week. S o that means they have been processing for a week. It won’t let me order a transcript.

    2. @casper61 i cant even sleep bcuz of this mess

  • wmr now sayin march 6th again!!! whata roller coaster!!!

    1. same here….just checked it!! OMG!!!!

      1. @judgessidekick sux!!!! atleast ous they r doin the same thing…makes me feel lil better

        1. @judgessidekick “ours are doin “

        2. well, I certainly don’t think we will be getting any money this week and that is NOT GOOD for me at all!!!

        3. @judgessidekick i kno im bout to have a nervous break down

    2. @brokeashell me too

      1. @casper61 earlier did it say that to u then change to incorrect data???

        1. @brokeashell All day it been no info now it’s back to 3/6

        2. @brokeashell it won’t let have transcript either. Irs online is so screwd up.

        3. @casper61 i ordered a transcript earlier…not sure which one i just pressed #2

  • I efiled thru turbotax on 2/3 and federal and state were both accepted on the 4th! I got my state refund 1 wk later but have fallen into the processing obess and have a March 6 date! I am starting to believe the only date that is not going anywhere is the filing on Feb 3! Just never dreamed this would turn into such a stressful situation! Filed the same way last year and had federal back in 7 days and state is 14….this is just CRAZY!!!

  • I efiled on 2/4 accepted 2/5 have the same date as you 3/6 , filed my daughters same day, she got her check in 7 days. thru turbo tax.

  • well….it seems to me that those of us that efiled on 2/3 are the only ones that continue to have the march 6 date! Just checked the bank, nothing and wmr has BY March 6, 2012 I am physically sick over this now!

    1. @judgessidekick Yes

    2. @judgessidekick

      I filed mine with TT through my bank on 02/02 and I just got the first update today which stated “by March 6th”. So I believe many of us our in the same boat. I, also, spoke with the IRS yesterday morning and she assured me that I wasn’t in a delayed status like many are and that I should see my refund deposited before the end of this week. In other words, I’m just as mentally and physically sick over this as you and many others.

    3. @judgessidekick Ours got accepted on 2/4 and our date right now is set to be 3/6. This is stressing my husband out big time. I can’t believe this is happening. Seriously, we are entitled to our own money in a timely manner.


    1. @alexya I happy to see thst some people are getting their money. congrats

  • doe any1 know what bank h&r block uses?.

    1. does*

      1. @alexya I still got no money. IRS is giving me a date of the 6th but they are giving me the latest possible, my state was processed as of 2/21 so I am just waiting! I can’t wait anymore. I got bills to pay

  • Has anyone here actually got a Direct Deposit date and it was not deposited? I’m not talking about a “should have it by” date but an actual “your refund is scheduled to be deposited on” date. . . . Trying to soak up information before I completely lose my mind. . . .

  • (OK PEOPLE) this is how you get back at the IRS. go to you’re employer and have you’re filling status changed to EXEMPT. pull the money out of you’re check that you would have topay to the IRS and put it in the bank. and draw interest of the money. that would really piss them off. no money to loan to the GOV. or pay back china.

  • I filed Feb, 3rd. Accepted Feb 4th Thru Turbo Tax. No Info on WMR for 2 weeks. Then Finally it gave a DD of March 6. Then it changed to Feb 21st. now today they have no information! I have been patient, but today i finally called and the irs is saying that my return is still processing per further review. WTF, its the same as last year. i do believe that anyone that did theres on the 3rd got caught up in some BS. Did my boyfriends last Monday and he got his today!! So freaking frustrated!!

    1. @christeixeira I think your getting there. A lot of us that are getting our returns this week filed on the 31st/1st/2nd. I bet if you call friday they will be done processing and have a DD date for you next week. Keep in mind a WMR “by” date is not a DD date. You can’t have a DD date unless they are done processing. A lot of people have been confused by this.

      1. @Bonita @christeixeira U right Bonita my DD kept changing finally the DD 2/23 stayed 4 a few day with no change. However I got my refund 02/21 a day before the WMR said good luck 2 all

        1. @Bonita @christeixeira I filled 2/2

      2. @Bonita thank you:) i feel like im at my wits end! i have been following all the posts for 2 weeks, and never felt the need to vent… Till today, LOL.

        1. @christeixeira I went through the same thing. Always processing. I called last thursday and it was still processing even though WMR said I would have it by the 14th. I called on Friday afternoon and they told me it was done and gave me a DD date for the 23rd and it has already been deposited. It took until Sunday for WMR to show the 23rd as my DD date. You really need to call even though it takes forever. I would wait until Friday afternoon and call.

        2. @Bonita – When did you file?

        3. @Bonita Awesome, Thank u so much!!

  • I am just so sick of this. I feel like Im going to have a nervous breakdown. I can’t stop checking on everything because there is no reason for this and it is so confusing. It is just absolutely making me sick physical.

  • update: done taxes on Jan 31st had a date of Feb 15th before the 15th came I got an email that put it back til the 21st. So far nothing. 🙁 inducing on the 4th so praying I have then money before then.

  • I also had a dd date of 3/6 this am, now nothing again. What the heck is going on?

    1. @Tasha704 i also had a date of 3/6 filed 2/2 and now WMR states they have no info…been beyond stressed for a week…and sill going :/

  • The wmr site was saying that we would have our refund by the 28th now it says it can’t find the info ? Any ideas on whats going on ? Still nothing with sbbt we filed on 2/3.

    1. @Beth1011says my info doesnt match on the sbbt site.. does it tell u anything different? im just wondering if im putting in the right webpage

      1. @JoshNess the sbbt site just tells me they didn’t receive our refund from the its yet

        1. @Beth1011ya when i go to the sbbt site it says my info doesnt match,.. just my luck

        2. @JoshNess try calling them there is a 800 number may be they will have more info

        3. @Beth1011 @JoshNess I think h&r block uses sbt web page
          Liberty tax
          Jackson uses republic bank

        4. @Meinsameboat @Beth1011 @JoshNess So what about turbotax

  • Refund update: I filed and was accepted on 2/2/2012. First got refund date of 2/21 then changed to 2/14. on the 16th it was changed to DD on 2/23. Well since i used jackson hewitt the bank that gets mine is Republic back and trust. on their site i can not log in, but i used their phone number and it says my funds have been recived and it will take 24 to 48 hours to be DD into my bank. if you used jackson hewitt call this number to get update on your check. 866 764 1040. Hope this helps those who used Jackson hewitt, and got the RAL loan, or didnt pay fees upfront. From what i have learned on here, and WMR, WMR is 98% of the time wrong, and Calling the IRS is the same. I have called and talked to someone atleast 10 times, always a different answer, and to this date none have been correct.

    1. @r00t It is interesting that my refund was exactlly the same. I filled with JH on the 1st. I got a date of the 21st, it changed to the 14th then finally got a DD date of the 23rd. I couldn’t login or get any info from Republic Bank by calling. After reading your post I still can’t log in but when I call, like you, it at least says they have my refund and I should have it in 24-48 hours.

  • Anyone have a good, working number for the IRS that I can call? I’ve tried a couple but they are both automated and even pressed 0 a few times and still nothing…I feel the need to tell them exactly how I feel…thx

    1. Well so much for that sh*t…now WMR is back to saying I enter the wrong info…FML

  • how many times can you check wmr before it just tell you no information? How many times are those of you on here checking it daily?

    1. @judgessidekick

      not to many times mine is now saying they have no info.

      1. @Teresa45 did you notice the changes on the irs website?

        1. @judgessidekick

          no im just frustrated..

        2. @Teresa45 me too!

    2. I check it daily and probably about 20 times a day!

    3. @judgessidekick from my experience u can do as many times if u want however afternoon don’t take many 2 lock up

  • Quick update….I just checked the sbg website and it states that my money is ready for disbursem*nt but I don’t have it on my card yet. Im keeping my fingers crossed. For those that don’t know I filed on the 1st of Feb however they didn’t recceive it until Feb 7th

    1. @lcombs68 how did you know to check the sbg website…are they sending you emails?

      1. I saw someone else post that they just received their money and they had checked that site as well and he had the same dd date as me…feb 23. i checked the site and the deposit is pending.

        1. @lcombs68 .o…well I have had the March 6 date on my wmr for over a week now so I really don’t know what is going on with mine…filed turbotax on 2/3 and accepted on 2/4…??? crazy

      2. @judgessidekick @lcombs68 I never got an email i logged on here: with my info and found out it was sent from IRS

    2. @lcombs68 i been noticing people with the card from sbg are getting theres put on around midnight or 1 am try then good luck

  • ok….looks as though there have been some subtle changes on the irs wmr website! Those several paragraphs that were there before trying to explain wmr, is now condensed down and when I checked my wmr status, it has no info…somethings going on….hmmmm…..

    1. I’m getting no information again on WMR. Still not letting me get a transcript either. The thing that makes me so mad is people getting their returns that filed way after us. Ours should of been priority before them.

      1. @Brooksie97 I know….the irs told me that those that filed between the 3rd and 5th were pulled for extra processing due to that being the time frame they switched to a new security processor!!

        1. @judgessidekick @Brooksie97 I wonder what that means. Extra processing how long does that take.

        2. I asked the irs guy that and he said it means an extra week is added to the 21 days after my return was accepted!! Which is why the 3/6 date was on wmr….something is going on with the wmr now I think because it’s not giving anyone any info!! Really wish they would just LET OUR MONEY GO!!!

        3. @judgessidekick Really, it’s not like they haven’t held on to it long enough. I wonder if we should change how it is taken out of paychecks and not let them have it to use for a year. Then we won’t get very much back or owe a little, which it better than having to wait forever for our money. And I thought I was doing such a good thing getting it done and out of the way so soon. My daughter waited till last week and already has hers back.

  • has anyone ever been through this befor? befor i can get my refund i have to wait 6 to 9 week ….because someone had to be selfish an file under my social last year… i mailed it in 1/30 an it got excepted on the 4th ..but i also had to file a identiy theft form im tryin to reslove it an its so frustrating it seem like now im being punished for someone else doings…has anyone ever been through this befor an if so how long did it take the irs to reslove it an get yur refund to u???

    1. Two years ago I had an issue to where I have always claimed my oldest son as a dependent for I have been supporting him. Someone had claimed him or filed taxes using his identiy so he had to write a letter to the IRS explaining that he did not file taxes and that I have permission to claim him as a dependent. That someone else had used his name. After he sent the letter then a person from the IRS called me and they also sent a letter and told me to do an admenment form to refile with my son as a dependent and they sent me the difference of what my taxes were too be.

  • well update they finally said my money would be deposited sometime between now and march 6 and it was filed and excepted on feb 2 so best of luck you guys

  • now the wmr is saying i mighta entered my info wrong???? wtf!!!!?????

    1. @brokeashell omg!!! wth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. @judgessidekick :(((( i knoooooooooooow god this is stressin me out

        1. @brokeashell so much for the being able to order transcripts theory..that it meant you were out of processing HE–!!

    2. @brokeashell I dont think you should worry much if they said they at one point had your refund hun i am sure they do, If you been following the news and what not the WMR has had several issues this year that they said would not mess up the refunds i know its nerve racking because im still waiting to I do know in the news they had said expect to be a week behind so eample if u where suppose to get last week then u probably will get it this week, and alot of people last week started noticing the money pending more towards thursday nightm friday and saturday. Good luck hope u get it soon

  • update***my funds have been recieved by SBBT so I should have in my bank in 1-2 business days. woooooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooo!!! Finally 🙂

    1. @Sabrina Johnson what day did u file?

    2. @Sabrina Johnson gives us your info…when did you file, thru who and what date did the wmr give you? sorry…just grasping at any info I can get…lol

      1. @judgessidekick @Sabrina i agree give us the info!!!!

        1. @brokeashell @judgessidekick @Sabrina Ok so I filed and was accepted 2/2. Married a joint return with 2 children. SBBT is the bank turbotax uses to withhold your fees. They have received funds from IRS, I just called my bank it is already showing as pending now, and will post in the m

        2. @brokeashell @judgessidekick @Sabrina Ooops morning to my checking account. I’m sooooooo happy the wait is finally over

        3. @Sabrina Johnson @brokeashell @Sabrina what date did the wmr give you and how did the bank notify you about your refund?? sorry, i file 2/3 , turbo tax, and had a March 6 date forever until today and now nothing…

        4. @Sabrina Johnson @brokeashell @judgessidekick @Sabrina did you ever get a date of when you should expect a dd? I filed and was accepted on the 2nd I barely today got a date of the 6th so still trying to figure out when i will actually get my money

        5. @judgessidekick @Sabrina @brokeashell WMR said a DD date of 2/23. I never got an email from SBBT. I just checked on their website and it was there.

      2. @judgessidekick @Sabrina WMR says DD of 2/23

        1. @Sabrina Johnson @Sabrina well, I am so happy for you!!! Enjoy the NO MORE STRESS!! lol

  • why does the wmr just say still processing and should receive my refund by March 6 but it doesn’t give an estimated DD DATE?????

    1. @judgessidekick I don’t think there is an “estimated” DD Date. You either have a date or you don’t.


  • All my family members that filed after me have already received their refunds. I have one that filed the 10th and getting his back the 24th. Here I filed the 3rd and they are saying the 6th. Just doesn’t make sense!

    1. @Brooksie97 same here….the 3rd seems to be the date that fell into the neverending processing catagory! I have just given up!

      1. I can’t get the transcript either. From what I am finding out it doesn’t even looked like they have processed mine. This is ridiculous!

        1. @Brooksie97 it’s all just crazy!! I wish I had just waited a couple of more days to file, then I would already have my money that I need sooooo bad! I will never file early again…I will wait until at least the end of Feb or first of March next year, IF I live another year after all this stress!!!!!

    2. @Brooksie97 Yes I’m pissed

  • Finally got some information from WMR. Filed on the 3rd accepted on the 3rd and just today they told me I will have my refund be the 6th of March. Unless they are telling everyone this to get us to stop harassing them…….lol

    1. @Urs same date for me too! filed 3rd and accepted on the 4th – efiled thru turbotax…irs told me today that still processing and wmr says march 6!!! Seems a LOT of people have the March 6 date!

      1. Im just happy I have a date. It gave me nothing until today. I’m not gonna rely on it being here on the 6th tho.

    2. @Urs I dunno they told me the same thing for the same filing date. Im kinda hoping for earlier

    3. No it looks like they have been telling everyone this lately. I had filed on feb. 2nd.

  • So I am like most everyone here…filed 2/3 accepted 2/4. No info on WMR until today. Finally states that DD by 3/6. I was able to order a transcript so I am hoping that this means the actual DD will be earlier than the 6th!

    1. @cwismine which type of transcript did you order…the return transcript or account transcipt? Did you order it on line or by phone? It let me order online my account transcript but when I called it wouldn’t let me order a return transcript…I am soooo confused! I NEED MY REFUND THIS WEEK!

      1. @judgessidekick I was able to order the return transcript and i did it using the app on my phone. Should I try to order the account transcript as well? I will do that and let you know!

        1. @cwismine thanks….but I believe I must still be in the “processing” black hole…thanks!

        2. @judgessidekick I feel your pain! It’s so frustrating!

      2. @judgessidekick I was able to order both transcripts, so I hope this means I will get this money soon! I am in desperate need like everyone else here!

        1. @cwismine so hoping you get yours this week…guess I am sunk down in the deepest darkest crack of the processing black hole….ugh!

        2. @judgessidekick @cwismine no im right there with u just sitting here waiting,basically given up so itll actually b a suprise when i finally get it

        3. @dajackson @cwismine me too!!

        4. @judgessidekick@dajackson hoping we all get them soon!

      3. @judgessidekick @cwismine

        how do you get the transcrip online.

      4. @judgessidekick @cwismine I haven’t seen anyone get their taxes finished processing then receive a refund in the next 2 days. It appears your best case would be next week.

  • here are the two types of transcripts, both free – the return one I couldn’t get but the account one I was able to order and so, does this been they have finished processing my return?????

    A tax return transcript shows most line items from your tax return (Form 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ) as it was originally filed, including any accompanying forms and schedules. In most cases, your transcript includes all the information a lender or government agency needs. It does not show any changes you, your representative or we made after you filed. Ask your financial institution to be sure a return transcript will meet their requirements. The tax return transcript is generally available for the current and past three years.

    We can also provide a tax account transcript. The tax account transcript, which is also free, shows basic data from your return, including marital status, type of return filed, adjusted gross income and taxable income. It also includes any adjustments you or we made after you filed your return. Like the tax return transcript, the tax account transcript is generally available for the current and past three years.

    1. @judgessidekick yes if u can order transcript from year filing then that means they r done processing u,irs agent told me this(my sisters husband)

      1. @wheresmymoney well…I just found out that if it didn’t allow me to order the return transcript then I am still processing, but it did allow me to order the account transcript so don’t really know what the heck I did…lol…I am really desperate now, its frustrating being stuck!!!

  • Filed the 3rd, accepted the 3rd. No transcript and WMR- Your expected refund date has been changed due to processing delays. You should receive your refund by March 6, 2012.

  • Ok…question! I think I tried to order a return transcript the first time and it wouldn’t let me but I went back and ask for an account transcript and it said i would receive my copy in 5 – 10 days….is the account transcript the one everyone is talking about that if they allow you to order one then the IRS is finished processing your refund??? PLEASE HELP…NEED AN ANSWER…sorry, confused!!

    1. @judgessidekick wow that confuses me to!!!! all i kno is i selected option 2 of the transcripts

      1. @brokeashell well, I did it on line and the pull down box for which type transcript the first was account and the second was return…so I read what each one was and selected account and it let me order one for 2011 but the first time I did it on line I selected return for 2011 and it didn’t let me…hopefully someone else ordered theres on line and can possibly shed some light on this situation!

  • Mine was accepted Feb 6. WMR first said Feb. 21 changed a week later to Feb. 14th. As of today Feb. 22nd no money and no update. Anybody else still have an expected refund date of Feb. 14th?

  • Well, WMR says that my DD is scheduled for tomorrow. I called my bank and they can’t see anything pending so I explained to them that I am due to receive my return tomorrow and they said that nothing will show a day before and that it should post anywhere from 12 am – 8 am. Soooo i am keeping my fingers crossed!!

  • wmr tells me “We have received your tax return and it is being processed. Unless there is a processing delay or you owe other taxes, you should receive your refund by March 6, 2012.” and it allowed me to order a transcript BUT I STILL HAVE NO DD DATE? WHY?

    1. @brokeashell i bet your processing was just recently done so the date hasn’t changed…I still believe you will get your money this week! Keep us posted! GOOD LUCK!!

      1. @judgessidekick i definately will!!!! thanks for the well wishes!!!

    2. @brokeashell just curious…when did you file and thru who?

      1. @judgessidekick i filed thru taxact on feb 4th…with my fees to come out of my refund from republic bank..

        1. @brokeashell I filed thru Turbo Tax on Feb 3 and accepted the 4th and still NOTHING! your bank sounds like mine…if any deposits are made outside of me making them direct they will NOT post until the next business day which begins midnight like they told you….I am sure you will have it tomorrow!! 🙂

    3. @brokeashell wow mine said the exact same thing so is it possible that it could come sooner :/

    4. @brokeashell If u check WMR site tomorrow or Friday I guarantee it’s going to change to DD the 2/28 it’s exactly what happen to mine this week got it yesterday good luck and check the on the 2/27 or 2/28 morning and u will c that it’s their good luck

      1. @Meinsameboat thx sameboat keepin my fingers crossed!!!

  • So I got an update for the first time today dd by 3/6. Hoping it will come sooner. I was able to order a transcript.

    1. @Tasha704 What’s this whole ordering transcripts! I it something that will help speed up your taxes

      1. @Sarah712 for me it was more of a way of knowing if the return was done processing.

        1. U@Tasha704 Yea I just tied to order transcript it wouldn’t let me!

        2. @Sarah712@Tasha704 me either! filed on 2/1 and acpt on 2/2…still nothing states irs has not released it yet, and WMR states i shall receive it by 3/6 🙁

  • Hey guys, if you want to order transcripts and are tired of sitting on the phone, that can be done at the irs page. Same information, get answers alot quicker. That is, if you even trust the information given by the website anymore.

  • Finally got an update after 3 weeks, march 6th is when I should expect my refund! I hope something good happens and I get it earlier then that :/

  • What number do you call to order Transcripts and what exactly is that?

    1. @MandyCrow 800-908-9946 – they are saying on here that if you are allowed to order a transcript for 2011 then you are done with the processing and your money should be on it’s way….of course, I wasn’t allowed to order one so screwed!!

      1. @judgessidekick – Thanks!

  • hey guys i just checked mine and it said mine will be deposited tomorrow it took exactly 1month and i guess my husband owed the irs 1100 thats y mine took so long. so hang in there guys youll get ur money

  • fyi: i got word that my money will be deposited tomorrow it took exactly 1month so dont wrry guys ur money will be here! my husband owed 1100 i guess to the irs thats y mine took so long

  • @casper61 ????does the wmr tell you by the 6th or on the 6th?

  • It says by the 6th!!! I just called to see if I can get the transcript and it said not able to process at this time!!!

    1. @cateyes235 same here!! Looks like we won’t be getting ANTHING this week!!!

  • does it say on the 6th or by the 6th?

    1. @casper61 mine says by the 6th and i was able to get a trans

      1. @Nikki78 @casper61 what transcript should i choose???

        1. @brokeashell @Nikki78 @casper61 just the regular free one NOT the photocopy one!

        2. @judgessidekick @Nikki78 @casper61 like option 1 or 2 right?

        3. @brokeashell @Nikki78 @casper61 yep! good luck!

        4. @judgessidekick @Nikki78 @casper61 ty so much…will it reject at the begining or end??

        5. @brokeashell @Nikki78 @casper61 you will go thru a pretty lenghty process and then they will tell you, sorry no transcript is available for the year you choose of 2011!

        6. @judgessidekick @Nikki78 @casper61 wheeeeewwww!!!! it let me order one said it will be here in up to 5 days

        7. @judgessidekick @Nikki78 @casper61 hope that is a good sign…ty judges…im prayin 4 you!

        8. @brokeashell @Nikki78 @casper61 thank u! I am glad you were able to order one…Hopefully that means you will get your money this week!!

        9. @judgessidekick @Nikki78 @casper61 yw ,,,im prayin i do….and you do as well…my utilities are to be cut off by the 27th…jus hopin its here by then!

        10. @brokeashell @Nikki78 @casper61 I bet you will have it by Friday! I pray you do! I know how it feels, I am in the same boat but it won’t let me order one so I am flat out of luck I guess for it this week, and next week is going to be too late…will have to come up with some other way of dealing with my financial hardships…..

        11. @judgessidekick @Nikki78 @casper61 u know i seen no progress till i called the irs 3 times yesterday and talked to 3 diff people askin what was goin on with my refund

  • Well I have checked my bank account and still nothing. Went on the WMR website and finallly it is telling me that my DD date is going to be March 6th. This is the first time that I was able to get an update on the website. I can not keep waiting any longer this has really messed me up too.

    1. @cateyes235 does it say dd on the 6th or by the 6th

  • Number to request transcript from IRS is 800-908-9946.

  • I am calling the advocate now…this waiting game is causing a major hardship on my and my family! I filed early as always to get me refund back quicker and waiting from Feb 3 to March 6 is NOT quick!!!

    1. ME and my family…sorry, so upset I couldn’t spell!

      1. @judgessidekick Would you mind updating on what the advocate says? I looked at that this morning as well, but wasn’t sure if this qualified.

        1. @JuliaD I was told that you have to show them proof of any hardship! I am needing to install a new handicap walk-in shower for my son but she said unless i had an invoice where I had this done or an estimate from a business on this I could not be considered a hardship! We are doing it ourselves to SAVE MONEY so I didn’t have that!! I just am at the point that I don’t give a S— anymore! It seems if you filed between the 3-4th of Feb. you will NOT get your refund before the 6th of March!!

        2. @judgessidekick such bull!! Well, what if only one adult works, three kids, no food, no gas, can’t pay bills. Ahh, not a hardship, not at all. All there is left to do is pray.

        3. @JuliaD totally with you! I am a single widowed mother of two, one that is handicapped due to a brain tumor, payday loans out the a–, car needed repairs, need to install handicap shower, medical bills ready to go to collections by end of the week, etc, etc….no hardship here….I just don’t understand why those returns filed Feb 3 -4 are the ones being held for so long! Can’t order a transcript and according to what I have read on here, if you are not able to order a transcript then NO MONEY on the way…so…NO MONEY!!!

        4. @JuliaD @judgessidekick i agree! pray!

        5. @judgessidekick @JuliaD Just hang in there, it’s coming I filed the 3rd and mine is pending at my bank now to be released on Fri.

    2. well…that got me NO WHERE!!! From now on I will NOT file my taxes before FEB 15!!!

  • how do i order a transcript? and what does it mean if i can order one ???? I had my taxes done feb.4th and untill today i couldnt find out anything , now saying the same as everyone else’s seems to be saying mar.6th ….

  • well….tried to order a transcript and after going thru all the info, said that I was not able to order a transcript for the year 2011!!!!!! I give up!!! ALL HE– IS GETTING READY TO BREAK LOOSE THIS WEEK WITHOUT MY REFUND..seems as though everything has to go bad all at once when you have NO MONEY!!! At least glad that others were able to order transcripts meaning there return is finished processing and on it’s way! Keep us updated please!

    1. @judgessidekick

  • If it helps you guys several people had the date march 6 as well but got it alot sooner so im in same boat still waiting i was able to order a transcript so thats a good thing

  • Looks like my state tax is going to get her b4.. It’s just bull sh*t

  • Now mine is saying…Due to a delay in processing you should receive your refund by March 6th. For 2 weeks it has been saying received your refund and it is processing should receive your refund by March 6ht and now they are saying “due to a delay” …..I give up!

  • still NOTHING….filed the 3rd accepted the 4th and still have the March 6 date with “still processing”!! NOT HAPPY AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Still nothing, can’t order transcript. So, guess I am screwed for this week. Good luck to everyone else.

  • So I Efiled through HRBlock on 2/2 – always use HRBlock – and after 21 days, finally got an update on Wheres my Refund. 3/6 Yeah. So much for 10-21 days after accepting my return. Our car is in serious need of repairs and I already dropped our state refund on it, and it still needs work. Go figure that when I actually NEED that refund asap it isn’t there. Bad enough my daughter isn’t getting anything for her birthday on Friday because of the no refund, but if our car dies, hubby has no way to get to work. (we have 66 dollars in the checking account thanks to the unforeseen car problems)

    1. Oh and calling that number did not even give me an option to order a transcript so it doesnt look like I am even one of the lucky ones who will still get their refund this week.

      1. @Momoftwokidlets

        I wish you the best and hope ur refund comes by thursday so ur daughter can enjoy her birthday.. I was like you before.. I had no money for my daughters birthday until pay day what was a week away from her birthday.. What I did for her birthday was print out a birthday card and put a Mommy and Daughter date to go on a shopping day (what was payday for us) and I then took her to and we looked at items and she picked out what she liked.. It helped make her day a lil special. a simple $1.50 cake mix for korger and some $1.50 frosting I turned on the music and we were dancing around the house and had her help bake the cupcakes.. all in all she enjoyed her $3.00 birthday that day and the shopping day when payday came was a hit..

        I do wish ya luck hon and I hope u get ur refund asap!

  • Okay I finally was able to get some information on the IRS website and I filed on Feb 5. It is telling me that it is being processed and I should have it by March 6.

  • I also filed on Feb 3 they gave us date of Feb 14th no money then a date of Feb 21st no money now it says up to 6 weeks with no date. I was able to order a transcript.I did call yesterday and was on hold over 30 minutes and irs told me it could take up to 3 weeks more to process. So not very hopeful to get my return anytime soon. My friend filed the 29th of jan and got his money on the 8th of Feb.What the heck is going on.

  • okay guys I will keep you posted. I hope everyone get their refunds by friday.

  • Okay now wmr is saying by 3/6. I filed on 2/2 and I was able to order transcripts hopefully my money will come by friday.

    1. @Moferane fingers crossed for u

      1. @aloveratwork thank you!

  • @wheresmymoney thank you!

  • sorry maybe this is a dumb question?! but what is a transcript and how do you order one?

    1. @nelly 800-829-1040 use automated system follow prompts to try order 2011 transcript it is free don’t order the photocopy one cause its 57$

      1. @wheresmymoney @nelly what prompt do you choose if you are wanting to order a transcript?

  • Hi guys been following this forum for a few weeks, have gotten some very useful info and just wanted to share mine, Filed on 02/03 and had no info on WMR until the 17th, then it said by 03/06, 2 days later updated to 02/24, well I just checked my account and my refund is at my bank as a pending transaction to be released on the 24th, so its on the way guys, and gals, good luck

    1. @aloveratwork This is good to hear!

    2. @aloveratwork who did you file thru?

      1. @judgessidekick turbo tax

    3. @aloveratwork ty for the info

      1. @brokeashell no problem

    4. @aloveratwork – Did you have to talk to someone at your bank to find that out? Which bank do you go through? I’m trying to decide if I should call my bank or not, don’t want to be disappointed lol. . . . .

      1. @MandyCrow I checked it online. I am a member of Michigan First Credit Union, it lists pending transactions who they are from and the date that the funds will be available to you.

    5. @aloveratwork what bank are you with

      1. @mschaunicewhite727 Michigan First Credit Union

  • i also finally got DD date of by march 6 after getting no info since a filed on 2/4/2012 …. hopefully i receive before…..

    1. @nelly me to no info until today]

  • The money is coming as long as u can order transcript that means they r done processing you,this I do know and I know they will pay us I hate its taking so long I remember waiting for mine it felt like days was longer and couldn’t sleep for checkincard ,but it came after I was done processing and was able to order transcript for 2011.good luck to all its coming

    1. @wheresmymoney – What do you mean by “Ordering Transcript”? How do you do that?

  • i been checking for 18 days str8…no info…just checked wmr n it now saids

    We have received your tax return and it is being processed. Unless there is a processing delay or you owe other taxes, you should receive your refund by March 6, 2012.

    so PRAY TO GOD i get it SOON!!!!!

  • Finally got a dd date of 3/06 this morning, filed on 2/2 accepted on 2/3…BS

    1. @Limbwalker same here…been gettin no until now…talked to irs agent yesterday n they said it was processin…now i have date of 3/6….but it dont say DD date!!!!!

      1. Any chance I could get it early?

        1. @Limbwalker there a chance of a day or two early itrs usually release funds to bank on one day and it takes bank sometimes a day to make funds available but if bank does soon as they get money then u could get it early,I been following this site sine 1-20,some people waited 3weeks some 2 some 1,but everyone that was able to order transcripts got they money 2-3 days later,I’m only going by what I’ve saw and try to make pattern out of this,

      2. @brokeashell @Limbwalker

        Same question – says same thing on the wmr that is is being processed and will receive refund 3/6 but doesn’t say anything about direct deposit.

      3. @brokeashell @Limbwalker

        Same question – says same thing on the wmr that is is being processed and will receive refund 3/6 but doesn’t say anything about direct deposit.

  • Ok heres an update: I havent been getting any info when checking the wmr site so this am i checed it and i actually got a date of 3/6 I do feel a little better even tho I still do not have any money yet maybe mine will come early like the rest 😕

  • Okay I was able to order transcipts, so hopefully my refund is on the way!

  • I filed and was accepted on 01/27/12. It is now 25 days later (yes, I’m counting down the days) and still no refund… original deposit date given was Feb. 08th then “due to processing delays” Feb. 14th. No updates on the web through wmr, just says I “should” receive it by the 14th and was instructed to call the call center if I hadn’t received it by that date. Spoke with a rep who gave me generic information on my filing status and then told me because my case was “under review” its going to take 4-5 more days. Today since there has been no updates available online or through the automated system; i called and spoke to a representative and she now states that I should wait until 03/02 before contacting them again because its still being processed. REALLY? what’s going on…

  • Does anyone really know whats going on? or are we just trying to make everyone feel better? if so, i’m on the band wagon. lets cross fingers for this week.

  • we have kept checking ours and it kept telling us it was being processed and would be there on feb. 21st. well now it says it is being processed and doesnt give a date?? is that bad??

  • we have kept checking ours and it kept telling us it was being processed and would be there on feb. 21st. well now it says it is being processed and doesnt give a date?? is that bad??

  • I filed on the 4th of feb. and my daughters right after mine, both got excepted on the 5th. 7 days later she got a text from turbotax that her money was on the card. I finaly got a dd date of 3/6. wth. tried wheresmymoney, nothing. what the hell is going on?

  • it won’t let me order a transcript so I guess mine or still on hold.

  • i got accepted on the 9th of feb…stated i should receive my refund today 2.21.12 and i have yet to receive it, i read the post from wheresmymoney about if it lets you order a transcript and so I just went and did that and it let me order transcripts for 2011 so prayerfully its on its way..

  • i got accepted on the 9th of feb…stated i should receive my refund today 2.21.12 and i have yet to receive it, i read the post from wheresmymoney about if it lets you order a transcript and so I just went and did that and it let me order transcripts for 2011 so prayerfully its on its way..

  • i am wondering has anyone that filed and got accepted the 3rd gotta a dd date?

    1. @casper61 check wmr now…finallly gave me sum info

    2. @casper61 I filed on 2/3 thru Taxact and received a DD date of 2/15. That never happened and I was a ghost in the system until today (2/22), which now says I should expect it on 3/6. I called the IRS and the rep told me that it was scheduled for DD on 2/27. We’ll see…

    3. @casper61 I filed on 2/3 thru Taxact and received a DD date of 2/15. That never happened and I was a ghost in the system until today (2/22), which now says I should expect it on 3/6. I called the IRS and the rep told me that it was scheduled for DD on 2/27. We’ll see…

  • I filed on Jan 20 got it on 2-8, then wife filed 2 -8 and it says dd on 2-23 ,I do know that once u get a dd date it will be there on or a post date before,and if u can order a tax refund transcript from 2011 year then that mean u r outtaprocessing and ur money is on the way,

    1. @wheresmymoney thanks for posting. I was able to order my 2011 trancsripts…hopefully my refund is on it’s way!!

    2. @wheresmymoney U will probly get today mine was DD 2/22 andy money came in 2/21 good luck

      1. @Meinsameboat @wheresmymoney I hope so. Thanks!

  • ok please i need information… i filed my return by mail 01/31 an it got excepted on the 4th ..but i also had to file a identiy theft form im tryin to find out how much do got to wait for my money…has anyone ever been through this befor?? if so how long did it take the irs to reslove it an get yur refund

  • OMG- now the WMR is saying can’t find any information! What the …..

    1. @Brooksie97 Thay don’t mean anything I got my money yesterday and it says no info 3 weeks to process

  • so can sbbt release funds anytime of night/day? becuz alot of random ppl have luckily gotten their funds released. have NO DD waiting on the chk to be realeased @ tax preper’s! filed 2/1

  • I did mine on the 4th . Did any one get it yet ..

    1. @vinnyboy i did mine on the 4th…no date…no info…

  • Any of you that filed the 3rd and was accepted the 3rd. What are they saying to you now? They are still telling me March 6th.

    1. @Brooksie97 Me to. We went through h & r block.

    2. @Brooksie97 same here smh

    3. @Brooksie97 That is what they are telling me too. Getting real tired of this. My daughter filed last Monday and she got hers today. Hers was a more complicated return too, kids, works and owns her own business, and still got hers before we did.

    4. @Brooksie97 I file on the third an got accepted that same day an I have a dd date 24 it was the 6 then it changed an has been that way for some days now

  • Ok so tuesday wasn’t so lucky so come on lucky Wednesday give it to me baby!!!

    1. @evoevy1 me and you are in the same boat :/

      1. @Sarah712 I know ugh..I filed 2/2 through h&r block online ..what about you? Alot of peeps that filed after me got return was simple single no kids

        1. @evoevy1 I filed threw turbotax the 4th got excepted a couple hours later! I’m about to lose my mind

  • @kfab Yes I got mine today. DD. was 2/22 for a while and I got it today however the WMR has no info @ all could take 3 weeks it says

  • I filed on the 3rd got approved on the third and just on Friday the wmr site said march 6th. My daughter filed last Monday, has her own business, a regular job and lots of deductions and she got hers today. It doesn’t make sense. Does anyone know what bank to check if you filed through H & R block and it is suppose to DD to your bank account?

    1. @sandsurf15 If you are having your fees deducted from your refund it’s If you already paid your fees, it will just go straight to your bank.

      1. @JuliaD@sandsurf15 checked on and has all the deductions listed but still states that they havent received it from the IRS, what time does the IRS release funds anyone know?

        1. @mjcarter6 @JuliaD @sandsurf15 From what I am reading this year, The IRS is releasing funds all different times and days.

  • There were a few that did. If you scroll down you will find them.

  • Did anyone else already get their STATE refund and our waiting on their FEDERAL now??? I got my state last week so I figured my federal would be coming right after.

  • Just curious if anyone got their refund today? (Tues)

  • Just curious if anyone got their refund today? (Tues)

  • Just curious if anyone got their refund today? (Tues)

  • Just curious if anyone got their refund today? (Tues)

  • just looked up the sbbt and they have not recieved my refund from the irs yet!? how can this be i filed on 2/1?!

    1. @mjcarter6 whats sbbt

      1. It is Santa Barbara Bank & Trust. I think it the bank that is used for people using Turbo Tax.

      2. @ChristinaL its like the govt bank that distributes the chks to whatever bank or tax prep-er u got it from..

        1. @mjcarter6 ohh okay.. well I heard that people that filed the last week if jan and first weeks of feb are delayed a week from getting their refund. I don’t know the exact details just was told the early birds on taxes got screwed.. :/

  • I filed on the 31st of jan. Anyone else with that date. email status about my refund says Ill get it today still but nothing. but I got my stat refund last week. Im so confused..

  • Just got done talking to the IRS fkrs didn’t have info for sh*t I’m losing patients here :,/ all they said was to wait until the end of the week that’s when my 21 days are up and if it’s not there give them another call back Monday just GREAT!

  • I haven’t seen anyone that went through Taxact that filed during the time I did get their return yet. Mine goes directly to my bank account from the IRS so I just have to keep checking my bank account. Nothing was deposited in there today. I will check again 8:00 in the morning. this is absolutely crazy. I keep getting the March 6th on WMR and saying they are still processing it. I filed the 3rd and was accepted the 3rd. It shouldn’t take that long to process especially because there was nothing really hard about my return. Married with one child. Did 1040. What makes me mad is we just do the regular deductions and we could itemize and probably get a lot more back but we just do it the easy way. There should be no problem but yet there seems to be this year. We efile to get our returns back earlier but yet we don’t.

    1. @Brooksie97 i efiled with taxact got email they accepted my federal on 4th..and my state on the 9th..they said today it was processin then said they didn have it at all then said it was processin again..have u got ur state??

      1. @brokeashell I haven’t filed my state yet because we owe on that. My husband was collecting Unemployment for part of last year so of course we owe them now. I will wait until the last minute to file that one!

  • Tried calling again and it hung up on me ugh!! WMR just keeps saying no info,so im thinking they still havent processed mine.

  • Ok guys update on my refund .
    I filed on 2/2 WMR never showed me a DD until last Wednesday DD of 2/28 on Thursday it changed to 2/22 and stayed that way till today say no info on my refund (site probly down) well I checked the web page republic bank and says the money has been received waiting approval allow 24 to 48 to b available .
    I did my tax with liberty taxes.
    Now I just wait to pick up my check good luck to all and I’ll still b around after I get my money how all get soon

    1. Well they just call me my check ready on way 2 pick up awesome

    2. @Meinsameboat CONGRATS!!!

  • you guys are GREAT! thanks so much for all the good advice, talks it really helped! (even though there is alot of people that are waiting way longer then i did) i was a little frightened to say the least after all the crap I have heard! I am still here, I really want to know everyones outcome! but thanks again EVERYONE!!!! in a weird way, kinda glad i freaked out and found this site!……….. POSITIVE THOUGHTS REMAIN>>>>>>>>>>

    1. @michigan97 ty

  • runnin to store be back

  • im thinkin should i refile like the 2nd irs agent said????

    1. i just dont kno what to do :(((

      1. @brokeashell who did you efile thru? I wouldn’t efile again…not yet but that’s just my opinion…when did you file? IRS told me that just like if our returns were going down a conveyer belt, they pulled out a bunch and those are in the black hole right now…at least causing a week to two week further delay on releasing tax refunds! I would give them what proof you have that you already efiled…sorry, but I just don’t want you to do something to fast, again, just my opinion!

      2. @brokeashell I wouldnt either in my opinion, i would think that if you would have to wouldnt your tax person tell you that? isnt that what they get the big bucks for??? lol Seriously I would think if you dont have anything this week, then we should search new avenues for you, you think?

    2. @brokeashell Who did you file your taxes with?

      1. @ForPeaches i filed thru tax act on the 4th

        1. @brokeashell I filed thru Turbo Tax and when I call and spoke with a rep at the IRS they keep telling me it’s in process but when I try the automated system and the WMR it gives me no information and never have.

        2. @ForPeaches same here

  • So I’m guessing 2/2ers are in a major blackhole!! Any 2/2ers recieve their money? (I know they are all long gone but there mmight be that one lol)

    1. @evoevy1 lol…there was a 2 of the feb 7ths that got theirs today

    2. @evoevy1 Same here filed 2/2 and my DD is 2/23 tomorrow sucks

      1. @Meinsameboat I don’t even have a date 🙁 hope I get mine tomorrow too I’m just strolling along with everyone lol trying to guess my date

        1. @evoevy1 Well I got some news on mine says bank received waiting for approval

        2. @Meinsameboat @evoevy1 yay!!! when did u file???

      2. @Meinsameboat @evoevy1 sameboat what time did u get ur money?

        1. @brokeashell @evoevy1 I filled 2/2 and I checked the tax preparer bank @ about 4:30 ET and was allready their

        2. @Meinsameboat @evoevy1 congrats!!!!!!!!!!!

  • omg now WMR is sayin i might not of entered my info correctly!!!!!!!!!!!! this sux ass

    1. @brokeashell It tells me the samething when I enter my info. It has not said anything else but when I call the IRS they tell me it’s in process.

      1. @ForPeaches good thinkin im callin the automated # n see what it says…the WMR has always said that to me…but for bout 3 hours today it went to a dif screen sayin they have no info,,,i kinda got xcited cuz atleast there was a change..but now its back to the samething 🙁

        1. @brokeashell @ForPeaches I have found that after you have checked the wmr site over and over again, it locks you out and you get that “we have no ifo” crap! I also was told that the 9001 code was another way of telling you that you have exhausted the wmr too many times…..

    2. @brokeashell Thanks 2 all and been a roller coaster but I’ll stick around I was on the same boat but thank good it’s all good hope all get ur refund soon

  • Glad to see so many got their money hopeful I will get mine soon

  • the IRS delay seems to be affecting only those efilers that filed between Feb 2 – 5th! OF COURSE that would had been when I filed!! Those that are filing now are getting theirs back before I will!!! ugh!

  • did anyone on here file on the 3rd with turbo tax, accepted same day and getting the March 6 POSSIBLE refund date? If so, are you still waiting or have you received your refund?

    1. everyone who has got their money is gone!!!!

      1. @brokeashell yeah…duh~~you’re right!! lol was a pretty dumb question…lol

      2. @brokeashell not me!!!! I want to see a good outcome from this group!

      1. @Teresa45 lol….where have you been hearing we should get them feb 23??? IF, you don’t mind my asking……

    2. @judgessidekick I filed the 3 and accepted same day no money and nothing on wmr.

  • Ok here’s my situation..I defiled through the free editio h&r on feb 2 was accepted within an hour or so…waited a few days checked wmr and said iI should recieve iit by Feb 21 checked it a few days after that and said it was scheduled to be deposited Feb 14 and if it wasn’t in by the 19th to call my bank..well 14th came and went…checked it the 18th and changed to no info call number blah blah with code 9001 sooo now I don’t have a DD date has anyone rreceived their money without a DD date? I’m sooo irritated

    1. N@evoevy1
      Last week it was telling me feb 15 th I’d recieve it I called it yesterday and today no info! This is bs

  • Great job this year IRS.not u suck at life n now the ppl that paid you on time everytime r getting screwed. i like how they say to not count on your refund but the thing is last time i checked that money was mine. how come i paid you on time everytime i got paid but now its your turn to give me my money back and you have no info to give me at all and no apology nothing. the irs sucks at life n they r worthless

    1. It really makes me sick that they can take their time paying back and have no penalties. When we efile we should be reimbursed something if we don’t get it within 21 days.

  • to anyone who has been told thier shyt is processing,,,how long did it take to get a DD date??

    1. I just got a dd date today. I filed on Feb 1 however the IRS states that they didn’t get it unitl Feb 7. It kept telling me that it was processing. I checked today and I have a DD Feb 23 and if I don’t receive it by Feb 28 then to contact my bank. I will be keeping my fingers crossed as I have been waiting for a long time.

      1. @lcombs68 good luck

        1. @brokeashell Thanks

    2. @brokeashell Been waiting 20 days no info yet.

      1. @casper61 o wow!! 17 days here n they just told me today it was processin but i had to speak w/someone…automated sys or wmr gives me no info

  • does anyone know a real contact number for turbo tax??? I am going to call them and find out what they know!!! Probably be ANOTHER dead end!!

    1. I didn’t get any help with Turbo Tax. They kept telling me that its all on the IRS and they did their part. I had to go to their website and click on the contact button and then they give you the 800 number to call them. It was worthless to talk to them. This was the first and last year for me using their services.

      1. @lcombs68 I just talked witih turbo tax too….the girl was very nice but she told me I needed to go by what ever date the IRS gave me! ANOTHER DEAD END!

        1. Yes the person I talked to was nice as well however it was such a waste calling them. I just hope that I get it soon. Its been almost a month and people that filed before me have already gotten theirs

  • I efiled on feb 1st,it got accepted same day.I was supose to have dd feb 16 and still nothing.I called twice and the two very rude agents keep telling me it hasnt been processed.I’m sorry it’s NOT my fault you idiots waited until tax season to update your system.I just had a kidney transplant and i need my refund for meds and medical bills as I had to stop working.I dont understant how ppl filed on the same day as me and after me and have gotten their refund.I want to call again but why waste my time.

    1. @Jessie22 I filed on the 1st also. When was the last time you called? I called on Thurs and it was still processing. I called on Fri and it was done processing and scheduled for DD this Thursday. They said it would take 3 weeks and the 23rd is 3 weeks.

      1. I called sat and the agent said it hasnt even been processed yet.She said to call back after 3 weeks so I guess i’ll be playing the waiting game lol.Glad to hear you’ll be getting your!!

        1. @Jessie22 i filed the 4th…called today n its suppose to be still processing

        2. I just think this is crazy.I have friends and family that dont even care if they get it or not and of course their the ones that get it back a wk after

        3. @Jessie22 ridiculousness!!!!!

        4. Your telling me….they are off on shopping sprees and Im here looking dumb like wth?But what can i do?Just sit and wait and hopefully they actually get to processing it something in my

      2. @Bonita. I finally called them on Friday as well and I actually got a nice man this time. He told me that I could expect it on Feb 23rd as well. That is on a thursday so I am wondering if it will actually be this week as I heard that they only make deposits on Wednesdays…not sure if thats true or not. I will just be happy when I see it!!

        1. @lcombs68 It appears they deposit on several different days. For this week people are scheduled the 21,22,23rd. Same with last week. Last week a lot of people from the 29th, 30th and 31st got their money. These week I have seen people from the 1st and 2nd scheduled.

        2. thanks Bonita! I’ll stay positive and hope for the best. Good luck to you as well!

  • WMR was sayin i may i entered the incorrect data b4 ….now it says no info

    1. @brokeashell. Does it give you that 9001 reference code?

      1. @evoevy1 no it dont

  • We filled on the 7th and the wmr site says a DD of the 23rd.. Our friend who did his the same way we did ours filled on 3rd and he got his last week. i think they just pick out of a hat who to pay…grrr

  • just checked my bank…… I GOT IT!!!!!! THERE IS MONEY!!!!! YEAH!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!>>>>VERY VERY HAPPY!!!!!!!!

    1. that wmr site is bogus!!!!!! IT I TELLING ME THE 6TH OF MARCH!!!!!!! Its in my account TODAY!!!!!

      1. @michigan97 yay!!!! what time did u get it?

        1. @brokeashell about 2pm

        2. @michigan97 well,,,,,,,im gonna miss you lol…congrats!!!!!!!!!!

        3. @brokeashell I will be here until you and others get your positive thoughts!!!!!!!!!

        4. @michigan97 lol awwwwwwwwwww!!!!

        5. @brokeashell aw…. thats nice! but i will be here until i hear all good news!!!!!!!

      2. @michigan97 when did you file and who did you file thru?

        1. @judgessidekick my tax lady feb 7

        2. @judgessidekick not thru turbo or h=r block or anything like that

    2. yayy! congrats! super happy for u, send those good luck vibes this way plz!

    3. @michigan97

      Yay congrats.. thanks for the update hon.. thats great news.. another person down.. so brings it closer for them to do mine!

    4. @michigan97 hell yeah im happy for u now i hope they can get to mine b4 i lose it lol

    5. @michigan97 WOW!! Sooo happy for you!

    6. @michigan97 when did you file? Happy that you got your.

    7. @michigan97 What day did you file your again michigan97, I filed my Feb 9th and my dd date says today as well. Also did you file your michigan tax’s that day and have you gotten them. Im from michigan too so just wondered 🙂 glad you got yours!

      1. @ash12488 feb 7th

    8. @michigan97 that’s Aweeesssoooommmeeea!! Congratulations

      1. @evoevy1 thanks very happy!!!!! they are coming guys…….. I will be here to get updates….. now off to get my kiddos from school….. i will be checking back!!!!!!!!

    9. Im happy for you! I haven’t got mine yet. I have DD to my bank and I haven’t gotten anything that has a certain date yet. Just the still processing and should receive by March 6th. The 3rd was when mine got accepted.

      1. @Brooksie97 the wmr website still says march6th!!! i just checked it again lol, so really anything is possible this year! CRAZY 2012!!!!!!

  • UPDATE…just got off the phone with a VERY nice young man! He explained that there are returns that were filed in the middle to later part of January and again the early part of Feb. that those returns hit the time frame when they were adding a new fraud/security processor to the processing of returns, so those that fell into that time frame are delayed a week past the 21 days after their return was accepted!! He told me that would make my refund due date about March 2!!! NOT what I really wanted to hear at all….really wanted my money this week but it is a few days better than March 6!!!

    1. @judgessidekick wow if we wouldve waited a couple of more days to file we would already have our returns. its sad they know this happened to our returns n still didnt do anything to get us our returns on time. atleast u got some new information about the situation

      1. @dajackson @judgessidekick why would they make changes in the middle of tax season

        1. @brokeashell @judgessidekick idk doesnt make sense but it doesnt have to cause they r the irs and they cant be held accountable for it so now i have to sit here broke pretty much and dream of the day i get my return lol. hope they have this sorted next year but i doubt it they had a whole year to prepare this year but that wasnt enough time i guess lmao

      2. @dajackson just not the information I really wanted to hear…I was REALLY hoping I would get mine this week! When did you file and thru who?

        1. @judgessidekick i filed on 02/03 it was accepted 02/05 and i used turbotax to do it. on my turbotax app i was supposed to recieve it on 02/10 but i have no clue when it will come. im about to start devoting my time off to harrasing the irs.When did u file and who did you use?

        2. @dajackson I filed the same as you with Turbotax! The IRS guy told me that there was nothing wrong so far regarding my return but still processing and that there was no indication of any release of my refund as of today!!! I am soooo upset! I have a disabled son and I really need this money to install a handicap bathtub so I am really about in tears!!

        3. @judgessidekick the only thing i can tell you is to talk to a tax advocate and see if u can claim a financial hardship and then they can sometimes force the irs to release your refund.

        4. @judgessidekick @dajackson sorry bout that…prayin u get urs soon!

    2. @judgessidekick It still doesn’t make sense to me why people that filed after us are getting theirs before us. They should of put ours first!

      1. @Brooksie97 @judgessidekick yeah the new better system works great doesnt it. they r working backwards to fix it. on wmr it says i should have it march 6th. i was supposed to have it on 02/10

        1. @dajackson @Brooksie97 just my ongoing luck that when I file the date would fall into the March 6 BLACK HOLE!!!

  • filed on 2/2…havent received anything yet, my tax office says im still not “on the list” for checks today…and to make things even more messed up the WMR still claims to wait till 3/6…anyone have any luck today?

  • I’m on the phone with IRS again now….waiting 10-15 mins for someone to check the status of my refund….kinda just doing this for fun really because I just want to see what they say THIS TIME!!

  • I wonder if theres a way that I can get my money back from H&R for paying extra just to file because this is taking to long and i can sure use what I payed for gas money . since its almost 4

  • 26th is on a sunday.. how can they deposit on a sunday?? its all weird. I don’t understand it.

  • I got my state refund in the mail on the 18th which i asked for it to be deposited but o well and was told the 21st my refund should be in my account.. still waiting on it. checking my account every hour.

    1. @ChristinaL me too! expected it today! i keep checking as well!!!!

      1. @ChristinaL hopefully they didnt mail that one too??!!!!

        1. @michigan97 they probably did. my mother in law did my taxes and is certain she didn’t push the mail button but all I want is my money wether n mail or account.

  • so….just what the H— is processing anyway??? I thought it was just to get your money to you, but it seems as though they are checking each of us to make sure we are even alive, personal references, birth certificate, criminal background check, any living relatives, religious preference, what political party we belong to, do we prefer coffee or tea, how much we weigh, do our kids behave….OMG!!! this PROCESSING is nothing more than they don’t have our money!!!!

    1. @judgessidekick AMEN!

      1. @michigan97 why is all this crap not all over the news media?? I really think the IRS should have to suffer some major consequences for all this hoop-holla and major mess-up with hard-working people’s MONEY!!!

        1. @judgessidekick @michigan97 i agree 100%

        2. @brokeashell @judgessidekick @michigan97 i wanna know if there is a way that we could sue them cuz this is ridiclous we r taxpayers they r supposed to work for us. its sad they get a whole year to get ready but somehow still can do there job properly

        3. @dajackson @brokeashell @michigan97 taking the IRS on would be like taking on T-REX!!!!! They have their tail-ends covered no matter what, I can promise you that!! sorry

        4. @judgessidekick @brokeashell @michigan97 yeah thats what i figured i just feel like we should be taken care of better since we r the ones making this country go round you know. this is ridic. last time i checked if you cant or dont know how to do ur job u got fired or they taught u how to do it. guess the irs just likes to wing it. im thinking bout puttin in a application, sounds like an easy job. just sit around and bs people about there hard earned money and not give the any actual real info that could help them out

        5. @dajackson @brokeashell @michigan97 lol….point well made! I honestly believe that for those who filed between 2/2 and 2/8, those “accepted” returns have fallen into the IRS’s BLACK HOLE and they are just filling us up with a bunch of BS until they can come up with a better excuse of why they aren’t letting go of OUR MONEY!!!

        6. I mean…HONESTLY, there is absolutely NOTHING we can do about any of it…that’s the sickening part for me!!!

        7. @judgessidekick @brokeashell@michigan97 to me it seems like they r working backwards to fix it if i was the irs i would make it a point to take care of the people getting screwed first b4 anyone else but since we cant do anything to them i think they r just gonna take care of it when they can which i think is BS

        8. @dajackson @brokeashell @michigan97 TOTALLY AGREE!!!! Like I said, they know there is NOTHING we can do about any of this so they could care less! Just another example of how the lower to upper class in this country are treated! sorry, but just how I feel about it!!

        9. @judgessidekick @brokeashell @michigan97 i feel bad for the ppl that paid extra to get theres quicker. im also supprised this hasnt been in the national media alot more. i think the irs needs to get there s**t together next year cause with the amount of people this is affecting this could cause a damn riot. lol wouldnt mind seeing a riot at an irs office right now. pretty sure it would be therapeutic for me lmao

        10. @dajackson @brokeashell @michigan97 I just called the IRS again and kept punching 0 like someone told me to do on here..well, a nice gentleman answered rather quickly but after finding out I was wanting to check the status of my refund being that I keep getting the run around he said he would have to transfer me to the Individual tax refund extension…so, of course AGAIN I was told that due to a high call volume, my call could not be accepted and to call back the next business day!!! How’s that folks?? Wow…that’s the NEW way they are AVOIDING dealing with us!!

        11. @judgessidekick @dajackson @brokeashell wow! never experienced that one!!!!

        12. @michigan97 @dajackson @brokeashell first for me too…like I said..they had to come up with ANOTHER way to deal with us

        13. @judgessidekick @michigan97 @dajackson thats bs!!! ive called 3 times now!!!! since 7:00 am

        14. @judgessidekick @dajackson @brokeashell @michigan97 this is the 2 different things I have heard one from a lady that works for the IRS when I called.The IRS is out of money, yes that is what she told me. The lady that filed my taxes at H&R told me that there were over 50,000 fraudulent claims made and they had to be gone over again. I filed on the 2nd and now have a dd day of the 23 but nothing yet.

        15. @SSGPRATTSWIFEY @dajackson @brokeashell @michigan97 omg…r u kidding me?? You mean they can accept your return and still br fraud??? OUT OF MONEY??? crazy!!

        16. @judgessidekick @SSGPRATTSWIFEY @brokeashell @michigan97 idc if they r the irs if they dont plan on giving us our money we can sue them, i thought this was america not a communist country, wow this is some major BS

        17. @dajackson @judgessidekick @SSGPRATTSWIFEY @michigan97 somebody file suit so i can jump on board!

  • ARE WE ALL ON WHAT WOULD YOU DO TV SHOW??? comeon, someone speak up………lol

  • okkkkkkkkkkkkkk i just talked to the 3rd person today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he said my return is still processing!!!!!!!!!!!! that since i was accepted on the 4th i have until 26th for me to just wait

    1. @brokeashell is that what all 3 said?

      1. @michigan97 no…the 1st said processing…then when u told me i should call back i did…the 2nd person said they never received my return n i needed to refile….3rd person said disregard what 2nd person said that its in processin :(((

        1. @brokeashell lord, you playing with us!

        2. @brokeashell lol, I really just think that this processing sh*t is just a excuse they are told to say to buy time, that is a looong processing time, damn! this is just tooooo weird! I would loove to be a fly on the wall right now in the irs building!

        3. @michigan97 this will make somebody go crazy i tell ya!

        4. @michigan97 @brokeashell seriously, it seems like some kind of test from the Lord, do not live for the things of this world for my kingdom is greater, well God, I need some f-ing groceries.

        5. @brokeashell@michigan97 Guess I’m gonna wait until the 26th. I will be home by then.

        6. @Stbres @michigan97 yea so my shyt been processing for 17 days!!!!

        7. @Urs @brokeashell soooo dumb! well on the bright side, some people had a DD date of 23rd, and you could get it anytime of the day! people have been getting them at all hours!!! good luck sent your way!

        8. ur $ still no show???

        9. @brokeashell no show!

        10. @michigan97 it’s coming!

        11. @Stbres @brokeashell I do not like to be tested!!!!! not like this anyways! WAS NEVER A GOOD TESTER!!!!!

        12. @brokeashell @Stbres 17 days WOW……….. processing my ASS!

        13. @michigan97@Stbres i know!!!!

        14. @Stbres @michigan97 @brokeashell That is the best thing I’ve read all day and certainly brought a smile to my face during this waiting period. Best wishes to you all!

  • This infuriates me. They take so much money from all of us all year long and we get this measly portion of it back and we can’t even get it back in a timely manner. I am in need of this money so bad..just like everyone else…times are tough…come on IRS!!

    1. @Erica71 i hear you on that, they get a whole year to get ready and we pay all year every time we get paid and this is the service we get

  • Well I just got off the phone and they told me the same thing that it was accepted on the feb. 2 but it is still in process and it can take up to 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!

    1. @cateyes235 still processing???? comeon!!!!! that is getting old irs!!!!! think of another excuse to give us!!!!!!!

      1. Yeap!!! They probably this have it written down in front of them what to say to everyone who is calling. They dont have no real dates for anyone and the refunds are just ramdomly going thru in no certain order. No matter when you filed you just be lucky for when you receive it.

        1. @cateyes235 yeah thats right! just this generic garbage… wait.. blah blah weeks….. then if …..not! blah…..

    2. @cateyes235 I was told the samething it could take up to there weeks and I filed on the 5th.

      1. @ForPeaches @cateyes235 have u gotten a DD date or any ifo off WMR?

        1. @brokeashell @cateyes235 I want give me any information no dates, nor does it say that it is in process.

        2. @ForPeaches @cateyes235 samething here…i had to call n wait on the phone 4 an hour…

  • Just got off phone with IRS. the lady I talked to told me to ignore any dates given by the IRS as to when the refund would arrive. She told me it could be as long as two weeks before I get it back, I was scheduled for the 21 and filed on the 3. Super upsetting, what to do now?

    1. @Stbres you could still get it today! i am really thinking positive that I might as well, keep checking, I have heard they come in at any hour….. good luck!

  • I have been following the site for a few days because I filed my taxes on the Feb 5th and still can’t get ant information from the IRS website. Called and spoke with w rep and he advised me that they received it on the 6 and it was still in process and they have up to 3 weeks to process it. Guess I will have to wait to see what happens next.

    1. @ForPeaches i filed on 4th….basicly same story as you 🙁

      1. @ForPeaches so keep me posted…maybe we should get our refunds bout the same time….good luck

        1. @brokeashell I will. Are you able to get any information from the WMR?

        2. @ForPeaches no none!!! never have…it just says u may have entered ur data incorrectly

        3. @brokeashell Same here I guess I will have to wait and c.

        4. @ForPeaches have u called n spoke to someone?

        5. @brokeashell Yes he said they got it and it is still in process and they have 3 weeks to do so. He gave no date as to when I should get it.

        6. @ForPeaches same here except…the 3rd guy told me they have till the 26th,,,n have no deposit date

  • well, its 11:00, no money in my account YET! boooo!!!! Recap for those who havent heard…. got accepted on feb7th, got on the wmr about 10days later………gave me a “by “date of 28th, checked a couple days later DD Date of 21st, called irs, one lady said its still processing call us back…blah blag………. talked to another 1 day apart…says done processing so DD 21st again, looked yesterday it says “by” march 6th?!!! however, sbbt said that the irs released the funds to them I should have it today! I will check again later, has i hear it comes at all times!!! i will keep everyone updated, what an emotional rollercoaster!!!! I tell ya!!!! TODAY PLEASE……………………………………………….. lol

    1. @michigan97 What is SBBT? Is that your bank? If there is another site that will at least give me a date I would be happy.

      1. @Urs @michigan97 u can only check sbbt if ur having fees takin out of ur refund n i think its only for turbotax also

        1. @dajackson @michigan97 Ok I had no fees taken out. Mine was pretty simple but I paid in to much so THEY OWE ME. lol……I went through Tax Act.

        2. @Urs @dajackson @michigan97 I went through Taxact too. I filed on the 3rd got accepted on the 3rd. should have a DD to my bank. All I have ever gotten was on WMR is that is still processing and should receive by March 6th.

      2. @Urs well sbbt is a bank that the irs uses to transfer money if you have fees taken out, you can try it doesnt hurt to try whatever you can right now! no, its not only for turbo tax, I used an independent office.

        1. @michigan97 I got the same info that WMR is given me. Should I say what it

        2. @Urs no info?!

    2. @michigan97 girl im prayin for you!!! keep that positive attitude lol!!!!! when u get it tho u better atleast post n let us kno hehe

      1. @brokeashell I def. will be updating! I havent been quiet on this thing…….. EVERYONE will know when i get mine!!!!! lol lol

  • they said i have to call back friday when the 21 days are up and she said due to the glitch that they may push it back two more weeks

    1. @timarie woooooooooooooooow

    2. @timarie what?!!!

    3. @timarie You’ve got to be kidding me. I should of just waited until today to file my taxes.

    4. @timarie WHAT THE HELL!!! Next year I will make sure not to make plans with my refund until the money is in my hand. This puts me in danger of losing my home.

      1. @Tasha704 @timarie Me to. I thought I would have my refund by now that’s why I planned my trip. Now I’m here and still having fun but would be having more fun if I had my refund.

      2. @Tasha704 @timarie yeah, I am with you guys as well, they say not to count on it, but its our damn money!

  • Where Is MY REFUND!!!!

  • Well I had called once already myself and I did get thru and they transferrd me to another line which says wait time is 15 minutes. I had to hang up for I am at work and needed to do something but I am on the phone again now and also on hold. The WMR also tells me the same thing asking if I am putting the right information in the system.

  • Nothing here. Has anyone who filed on the 3rd received money? What are the updates your getting. WMR still tells me nothing not even if its processing. Its hard to be patient when your getting no info at all. I had no fees taken out so sbbt is not an option for me.

    1. @Tasha704 WMR hasn’t given my a date or anything since I filed on the 3rd. Just reference number 9001

    2. @Tasha704 i filed on the 3rd but still no money, it says ill get it by 03/06 not that you can really count on wmr, id really like “MY MONEY” soon or atleast an actual date so i dont have to sit around checking my account every hour

      1. @dajackson @Tasha704 yeah feel the same way. I just want a date. I scheduled a vacation to California to visit family. So now I’m here in Cali for 4 more days with a small amount of money in my checking account. I just want a date so I know what I can and can’t spend.

    3. @Tasha704 i filed on 4th got confirmation email on 4th…have never got any info on WMR ever i finally called irs n spoke w/someone…1st person said it was processing,,2nd person said they didnt have it at all for me to refile..WTF is really going on!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. @brokeashell @Tasha704 If you received comfirmation from where you efiled that the IRS received your tax info then I wouldn’t refile. They are saying that if you received an email saying they received it then they did. Well thats what the IRS is saying. But who can believe them.

        1. @Urs @Tasha704 im on hold again…maybe 3rd person will tell me sumthin diff

        2. @brokeashell@Tasha704 Let us know what they say. I was on hold and got disconnected.

        3. @Urs @Tasha704 sorry i posted the update at the top of the blog…yea the 3rd person did tell me sumn different …he said that they do have it that it is processing…the 2nd guy was like refile..he said worst sinerio they end up recieving my first one n kick the 2nd one out…he said best is they get the 2nd one done before the 1st is even processed..

  • I check my bank account of course the balance was what it was yesterday. So I check the WMR site and it it given me the same thing “No information” I still haven’t even been given a date and I filed on the 3rd and it was accepted the same day. It’s saying call the IRS and reference number 9001. So I guess I will be calling. What the hell is going on. Last year I got my refund back in 5 days.

    1. @Urs i seen a couple of people say they got that code…but it was a mistake…

      1. @brokeashell omg you’ve got to be kidding me. im on hold with IRS, I haven’t even been given a date and when I called last my call wouldn’t even go through.

    2. @Urs I filed the same day as you and never got a date on wmr until 02/17

      so then i called found out the date it shows on wmr doesnt really matter n i was basically told ill get my money when i get it. the irs is a joke. they had a whole year to get ready for this n still somehow cant get there work together. We r the ones who pay them and they still wont give us good service or really any info

      1. @dajackson Did you call to get a date? The WMR site is a joke. What date did they give you. I’ve heard that alot of people who filed on the 3rd will be getting their money on the 6th of march.

    3. @Urs I know! i have always got it within the 10 day window!

  • me and my sister filed on the same day and she got hers back on the 15th and i still have not got mine

  • im on hold with irs right now i hope i may talk to someone i been knocked off three times already 🙁 this is as far as i have gotten

    1. @timarie keep us posted as to what they say

  • Well I have checked my bank account and still nothing either. This is really stressfull. If the IRS is so behind then maybe they should be working on the weekends or should of not even took the holiday off and get caught up. When they want their money they demand it by a certain time and they dont care what your situation is if you cant pay. So they should be givie us our money as the date they said we should of receive it.

    1. @cateyes235 was today your DD Date?

  • Is that 21 working days, because I filed mine on the 3rd and still don’t have it.

  • hello teresa45 r u talking about the federal or state refund

    1. @misslady196


  • Did anyone get thr refund today that has the march 6 date on wmr..

  • how about talked to one person earlier n they said it was processing…called back n talked to someone else n they said they didn have it at all for me to refile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! r you serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im flippin the fk out

    1. @brokeashell honey dont stress i got the same crap last week they have it they to damn lazy to do the research its bs how the givernment is allowed to give us all the run around but heaven forbid we not pay them we would be penalized in prision for tax avasion damn shame

      1. @Nikki78 did u refile???

        1. @Nikki78 im soooo stressin jus makes no sense

  • just tried calling and they are saying that due to such a high call volume (surprise, surprise) they couldn’t accept my call and to call back on Wed. or Thursday!!! WHAT THE HECK!!!???

  • it’s been 3+ weeks I sill have not got my ny state refund do anyone knows how much longer it should take?

  • @Kaybizzal I will, thanks! If my federal refund was being offset or intercepted for some unknown reason, shouldn’t that be on the wmr instead of a possible dd deposit date? I am just grabbing at any possible reason for this LONG delay!!! NEVER has this happened before when I efile with Turbo Tax!!! I’m surprised with all the people not getting their refunds that this hasn’t hit the National News level!!

    1. @judgessidekick@kaybizzal i talked to an irs rep n he said that the wmr site isnt accurate right now so ur best bet is to call and talk to someone

      1. @dajackson what’s the number? I just hope I don’t get someone with an attitude…NOT TODAY!! I may just have to open a BIG CAN OF WHOOP A– out, not playing….I will do a “MADEA” on someone!!! lol

      2. @judgessidekick 1-800-829-1040 just keep hitting 0 till it directs u to an actual person.if they ask what day u filed say that you dont know so they will actually look up your information.good luck ive pretty much given up on caring bout it. i was supposed to get my money on 2-10 now idk n idc. it just better come eventually

      3. @dajackson that is my mind set right now to!! Really need the money but nothing I do will make it get to me any faster, so just have to play the game THEIR way!

      4. @judgessidekick yeah its ridic truthfully there isnt even really a reason to call cause the ppl they let you talk to r not the ppl that send the money, they are just puppets with scripts that r getting paid to BS people. R gov is a joke right now. how hard is it to look at how much we gave them n then give us a percentage of it back? The IRS is a damn joke.

  • @judgessidekick wait until the 21 day marker…. After 21 days I would call again

  • @judgessidekick wait until the 21 day marker…. After 21 days I would call again

  • Congrats.. YaY.. Glad you did thats another person who got thiers that gets me closer for them to do mine LOL

  • whats the irs number

  • update…still NOTHING!! I give up!! filed the 3rd, accepted on the state refund over two weeks ago and just keep getting that stupid “being processed with a 3/6 dd date if not before” just a bunch of NOTHING!! I hope a lot of you get yours today or asap! Sounds a though a bunch of you filed and accepted before me!

  • @Kaybizzal yayyy hopefully more people get theirs as well mine still says processing with no refund dadte and my 21 days is on thursday 2 more days

    1. @Nikki78@kaybizzal same here nikki…i dont sho anything on WMR but i called irs n spoke with someone n they said it is still processing…my 21st day will be friday

  • I think we should all do to them what they are doing to us and not pay taxes this year then when they try to contact us tell them that uts still processing and to give it 21 days

  • Update: I got my refund in my bank account this morning. It took exactly 21 days!

  • Update: I got my refund in my bank account this morning. It took exactly 21 days!

  • i filed wit DD

  • recieve it.sorry,my spelling is off today.

  • No refund in the bank this morning.wmr still saying in process and should tecieve it by march 6 im so pissed i filed feb 2.

    1. @Teresa45 mine wmr says that too!!!!!! well not still processing but it says “by” 3-6!!! but the sbbt says it has received my refund from the irs, supposed to be here today?!

      1. @Teresa45 mine has changed sooooo much!

      2. @michigan97

        I went through a private really frustrated.

        1. @Teresa45 so did I, I got my fees deducted from my refund, which the irs sends it to sbbt and sbbt sends it to me.

      3. @michigan97

        what is sbbt i paid my fees and it should be dd in my bank account.

        1. @Teresa45

        2. @michigan97

          what is sbbt i paid my fees and get dd in my dank account.

        3. @Teresa45 if you already paid your fees to your preparer, then sbbt wouldnt have any info on you, sorry:( not sure what to say….. you know that the wmr website sucks!!!! call and speak to someone, maybe that will give you a clearer outlook!

        4. @michigan97

          Im going to call again and this time my taking

        5. @Teresa45 I will be back in a few……. just a warning!!!lol

  • yes i mailed it in 1/30 cause someone had a bright idea to file under my social last year the iwheres my refund says we have recieved yur rreturn yur refund by february 21

  • the irs says processin an i should recieve my refund 2/21 but yet nothing i mailed it in 1/30 whats takin so long

    1. @amanda23glass you mailed it? on the 30th?

      1. yes i mailed it in 1/30 ithe wheres my refund says we are still processin an u should get my refund by february 21 but yet nothing

    2. @amanda23glass well most of us efiled and still havent received ours

    3. @amanda23glass

      when u mailed it in did u go with DD or are u waiting for a paper check?

      1. direct deposit

  • Ok so i called irs againnn and they told me its still being procesded guy was a total di*k i field on the 2nd and 21 days is the 23 has anyone else had the same prob as me and actuallu received a return

    1. @Nikki78 i just called as well…they said mine is still being processed it was received on the 4th.

  • come on money…. come to mama!!!! lol lol

    1. @michigan97

      michiqannnnn! hello! any luck? 🙂

      1. @alexya @michigan97 whats goin on w/ you??? u get ur money yet???

  • if it wasnt for all these people on here in the same situation i would have done been hospitalized with a MAJOR panic attack!!! im still on the verge dont get me wrong but it is comforting to kno its not just me….lord help us!

    1. @brokeashell yeah, you are CORRECT!!!

    2. i kno i keep thankin god n talkin about prayin n im not a real religious person…but they say to turn to him in a time of need n lord am i in a time of need right now

    3. @brokeashell kinda figured that ya know, the name brokeashell”!!! lol

      1. @michigan97 lol i kno…when i found out bout this site n seen everyones comments my bf was like u need create us an account so we can talk to these people..i did,,,he was like broke-a-shell ???? why would u put broke a shell bahahaha…so thought well maybe thats what other people think too 🙂

        1. @brokeashell ha ha thats funny!!!!! I know, this sight is really a good thing! I am soooo glad I found it, never needed it any other year, this year sucks butt!!!!!!!!!!!

        2. @michigan97 i kno…at 1st i didnt even realize there was a prob seemed like everyone around me was getting their refund

        3. @michigan97 ok so just talked to someone n they said that my return was received the 4th but they are changing to a new computer system n its still in “processing” for me to allow up to 4 weeks to get my refund AAAAAND if i havent got it by then to give them a call back…RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

        4. @brokeashell I automatically knew something was up! when i heard about the delays if you filed from blah date to blah date, which were not my dates, but still kinda caught my attention! Then my mom had problems, and i played it all cool, like oh itll come don’t worry…………….,your stressing for nothing……….. then i found this website…….THANK GOD!!!!! She still has not got hers and she filed on the 26th!!!! After she had problems, i started to panic!………………lol

        5. @michigan97 OH EM GEE she filed the 26th!!!!! o wow bless her!!! lol theres that religion comin outa me again…but 4 real that is awful!!!!

        6. @brokeashell WHAT!!!???? still processing????!!! did they tell you before that it was done processing? THAT IS A LONGGGGG PROCESSING TIME!!!! WTF!!!!

        7. @michigan97 i know!!!!! well i got a email from taxact sayin my return had been accepted by the irs…idk… the guy i talked to was rude as hell! i said STILL PROCESSING!!!! WHY? he went in to talkin bout its because of the computer system…blah…i feel hopeless!!!!

        8. @brokeashell I would call again! i have gotten those weirdos before, then i got a real nice one that really looked up my info! Did he put you on hold? or did he just ask you when you filed and spit out that info?

        9. @brokeashell not hopeless, comeon……. god didnt make us hopeless!!!!!!

        10. @michigan97 he asked when i filed n i knew from readin on here its best to play dumb…so i was like i think it was the 1st week of feb…he asked for my ss/ name/address/n if i claimed any dependents n how many then he put me on hold..n said that shyt

        11. man, this is crazy!!!! That is just way too long for processing! Geez…… I don’t know what is going on?! Do you use sbbt? do you get fees taken out of your refund? cause you could call sbbt and see what info they have……

        12. @michigan97 im really confused as to what sbbt is…but i have checked it lol it says it dont recognize my ss# …but i filed thru taxact w/ my fees to come outa my refund…their site is when i check it,,,it says” refund to be deposited feb 15th-no deposit has been made”

        13. @brokeashell oh……….. okay different bank! lol the 15th? well you should get it today then, everyone is saying they are a week behind! maybe tom? I really have a hard time beleiving its still processing!!!!!

        14. @michigan97 i kno…if something was wrong wouldn they of told me??? im jus rackin my brain :((((

        15. @brokeashell you would think! Um… does that liberty bank have a number you could actually talk to? or call turbotax and tell them about this processing bullsh*t, see what they say! It really shouldnt take that long to process!!!!!!

        16. @michigan97 jus got off with republic bank thru tax act they said for me to call irs…i told them irs said still processing they said it could take up to 21 days….my 21st day will be 26th…if its still processin how will that happen?! man this is stressin me out

    4. @brokeashell I AGREE!

  • I didn’t get mine either!

    1. @Brooksie97 boooooooooo!!!!!! keep checking, there was a few people on here that got it later in the day….. i am doing that too!!!


    1. @haZel_EyeZ25 yay!!!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!!! MINE IS NOT ……. YET!!!! I will keep you updated later today!

      1. @michigan97 @haZel_EyeZ25 nothing boooo!

        1. @evoevy1 @haZel_EyeZ25 me either! but i will still be checking later……….. its gotta be here damnt!

        2. @evoevy1 @haZel_EyeZ25 I just took my kids to school and they asked me if i got it…… ha ha what?!!! I am sooo embarassed! I sometimes forget that they are hard to try to keep things from, nosey little things!!!! lol

        3. @michigan97 @evoevy1 @haZel_EyeZ25 lol i kno mine have been asking everyday

        4. @brokeashell @evoevy1 @haZel_EyeZ25 and, like, do they even know what it actually is?? I think not…… they just know that I am worrying about it! and they try to sneak behind me to read my posts! and they hear my husband laughing at me and telling me I am going nuts! lol lol,

        5. @michigan97 @evoevy1 @haZel_EyeZ25 lol my kids are waiting on their money…every year @ tax time i give them each $100 to spend as they want,,my 12 year old is like “whats takin so long, its never took this long” …………im on hold w/ irs and have been for almost 15 min! boo!

        6. @brokeashell @evoevy1 @haZel_EyeZ25 funny!!!!! I have a 11 year old and a 7 year old, I do something special for them too, usually something too do with their pigs they get for 4-H, lol lol keep me posted if you will plz……….

        7. you might get it today but keep checking with your banks

        8. @michigan97 @evoevy1 the goverment f*cks people over with kids i dont get it

        9. @haZel_EyeZ25 did you have a sbbt account if so did it show up there first

      2. @michigan97 maybe check at 11

        1. @haZel_EyeZ25 yeah, thats what I was just thinking! I remember another lady on here that got hers about that time, and another got hers at 3pm! so I am NOT throwing in the towel yet!!!!! lol lol

        2. @michigan97 if you dont get it start BITCHING!!!!!

        3. @haZel_EyeZ25 I will be “sending” a few calls……….

  • Nothing yet and I suppose to receive it on the 21 which is today

    1. @Tishea25 when did u file??? i filed the 4th,,still nuthin

      1. @brokeashell I filed the 30 accepted on the 1st. This is crazy

        1. @Tishea25 yea looks like some people who filed on the 1st are gettin their money :((( …………..good luck to you! ,,,im going to call the irs n taxact and hopefully i will get some answers 🙁

        2. @brokeashell @Tishea25 i filed on the feb 7th i got it 2day

        3. @haZel_EyeZ25 @Tishea25 u r very lucky!!!! alot of people who filed b4 that still havent got theirs…good 4 you! thank god…

  • No money here

  • got my money yay 🙂

    1. @haZel_EyeZ25 so whats on the agenda today??!!! now that YOU are stress free????? Doesnt it feel good, just to know that the $ is back where it originally belongs?!!!! I am HAPPY for you!!!

    2. @haZel_EyeZ25

      yay.. atleast you got urs/.. thats one down thats closer for them to get mine.. enjoy ur money hon and thanks for letting us know

  • been accepted for 17 days now…no money….no info :(((

  • My gosh this is enough to drive someone crazy seriously! My fingers hurt from checking this and tthat and browsing here and there!…and its something I can’t control lol!! Honestly I don’t even know why iI’m in such a rush its all gonna be gone faster than it got here on bills lol..I guess its just the thought of not having what belongs to me! Ugh

  • how manhy people got there money?

    1. @haZel_EyeZ25 nothing here :/

    2. @haZel_EyeZ25 Nada:(

  • @michigan97 anything yet?

    1. no!!!! 🙁

      1. YOU????!!!

        1. @michigan97 yeahh

        2. but keep checking

  • I filed the 1st for accepted the same day but at like 7pm so tech. the 2nd, WMR said by the 14th, but that came and went then last wednesday it switched to a DD date of 2/21. So i wasnt going to check until that day. WMR still said 2/21 but i looked at my bank account about an hour ago, and what do you know my refund was deposited Saturday 2/18 and i didnt even notice it until today. So DONT TRUST THE WMR website or phoneline. Its all messed up, but everyonewill get their refund but it will just take time. GOOD LUCK all…

    1. @JESSE7373 Lol you must not be like the rest of us hounding the IRS and checking everything 5k times a day. Congrats on getting your money!!!!


    1. CONGRATS!!!! Ok I’m starting to see some progress! Alot of peeps received their money hope mines next..and soon when did yyou file?

    2. @StephanieKirby You are so lucky :/ when did u file

      1. @StephanieKirby Rite I hope I get mine or in going to cry in my bath room alone lol seriously

        1. @Sarah712 I filed 2/2 and was accepted 30 mins later. My return has been done processing and has been accepted and waiting at the IRS for a week now. It took them a week to release the funds. Hope you get it. If heard of the IRS releasing lots of funds tomorrow. Also the reason I got mine so early was that H&R Block has there own bank and I got a emerald prepaid card with them so it instantly went in. I didnt have to wait for my bank to open in the am. Dont worry I’m sure as soon as yall check your banks when it opens yalls money will be waiting 🙂

        2. @StephanieKirby Fingers crossed and praying hard then for mine :/ lord knows we’re all struggling

        3. @StephanieKirby Just checked my bank account for some odd reason I don’t think I’ll be getting it ughh!

        4. @Sarah712 we might have to wait till the am when our banks open sarah..lets just get some rest and see what happens tomorrow good luck to us 🙂

        5. @evoevy1 @Sarah712 ^ This

        6. @evoevy1 Your rite I guess I’ll try and sleep it off rite now :/ I tried calling the automated system and now it’s telling me it can’t give me any info when last week on Monday it was telling me I’d get it feb 15th

  • I just checked the iphone app for mytaxrefund and it is awesome! It actually told me my federal return has been accepted and I should receive my refund between Feb 11 and the 25th!! I sure hope that’s true!!! A lot better than march 6 or no info like I have been given off and on by wmr!!!

    1. @judgessidekick who did u file thru???

      1. @brokeashell turbo tax

        1. @judgessidekick i filed thru taxact…i havent got any info from WMR…i received an email from tax act on the 4th saying my federal return was accepted by the irs..n another on the 9th sayin my state was accepted…when i call the state hotline it says my return has been processed n will be deposited in due time

        2. @brokeashell does taxact have an app that you can tell you something more concrete?? I just found out about this iphone app for turbo tax and it was awesome just praying that the time frame it gave me is accurate!! I pray you get yours this week!!! everything is just so messed up and I really don’t understand why…..

        3. @judgessidekick gonna check on that,,,i dont have a droid phone tho 🙁 …prayin 4 u also…please keep us posted on ur situation..

  • I have a feeling I won’t be one of the lucky ones to recieve my taxes tomarrow

    1. @Sarah712. Me too but its better to not expect it than to expect it and not receive it..its like a kick in the face..but ill be praying for us all who truly need it.

      1. @evoevy1 Yes we do need it if I wasn’t in a crappy situation I wouldn’t mind! Let’s hope girl at one I’m going to start checking

  • COME ON LUCKY TUESDAY!! GIVE IT TO ME BABY!! (although I’m prepared for a disappointment but it can’t be worse than the disappointment Tuesday the 14th ha)

    1. @evoevy1 Lol rite my god! Did you file feb 4th also I’m staying up until 1

      1. @Sarah712 @evoevy1 i filed feb 4th but have gotten no info from WMR..i need it so bad! im prayin!!!!

        1. @brokeashell @evoevy1 rite my husband decided to kick me and the kids out at the last minute I’m also pregnant and deff need that money :/

        2. @Sarah712 @evoevy1 wow thats awful…prayin 4 u as well!!!

        3. @Sarah712 @brokeashell@evoevy1 oh, horrible!!!! I REALLY hope you get your refund tomorrow! thats awful shame on him! THATS NO MAN!!!!! GEEZ……….

        4. @michigan97 @Sarah712 @brokeashell I filed the 2nd

        5. @michigan97 @brokeashell @evoevy1
          Thanks! I really need this money he doesn’t help for anything after 4 years! I don’t need a cheater anyways my kids and I deserve better but I am praying this money gets here so I can stock up on diapers and clothes and baby things!

    2. @evoevy1 lucky tuesday, lucky tuesday, but this girlie has got to get some “beauty” sleep lol or i will be mean……….. in the morning if there is no good news see you all in the early morn!!!! GET YOUR PAPER OUT! I MEAN IT!!!! EVEN MY UNCLE BARRY W. THINKS ITS A FAB IDEA!!!!! lol I just got off the phone with good ole uncle barry, who knows, I may have to borrow some dough!…. lol good night all!

  • I wanna know wats goin on with turbotax return..they told me no longer than the 23

    1. @NicoleTaylor oh nicole, this year has been something!

      1. @NicoleTaylor you could be in the 21st club too!!!!!

  • Hells yeah just got this email from H&R Block!!!!


    Your federal Refund Anticipation Check (RAC) funds should be loaded to your H&R Block Emerald Prepaid MasterCard® by 1 a.m. local time. Please call the toll-free number on the back of your Emerald Card after 1 a.m. local time to check your balance.

    This is your final notice from H&R Block. The RAC services are now complete.

    1. @StephanieKirby GO STEPH!!!! ROCK ON!!!!

      1. @michigan97 I’m waiting up til 1am I’ll let yall know if I get the funds when they say :)))

        1. @StephanieKirby yeah, I’ll probably be here too….. wtf…… I feel like its christmas morning, and we are ten sharing what barbie we got this year! lol


        3. @StephanieKirby @michigan97 yeah for you. You are proof the refunds will come they are not a myth

  • Ok I filed feb4th got accepted the same day a week and a half later I called the it and the automated system said feb 14th I was suppose to recieve my refund! Well since I didnt get it feb 4th when should I expect it anyone else file on the same day or why not and have any info :/

  • I am starting to think maybe they dont even have our money, maybe it was spent on lavish trips and expensive lunch-ins they are just givin us the run around

    1. @Nikki78 I sooooo looove that! yes, thats the answer!!!! lol soo true! Damn idiots!


    1. @haZel_EyeZ25 thanks! goodnight!


    1. @michigan97 WHAT HAPPEN?

      1. @haZel_EyeZ25 OH nothing, those two were on here yesterday, and I havent heard their update, so just yelling for them, think they can hear me? lol


        2. @haZel_EyeZ25 yeah!!! lol

    2. @michigan97 those 2 have been MIA lol!! Hmmm maybe at walmart ha

      1. @evoevy1 big may be at walmart lol, but alexya had a problem that i wanted to know if she found anything else out 🙁 I like walmart, but my first choice is target! what about you?

        1. @michigan97 love targets decor!! Love Walmart for home necessities



  • Ok for those like me who are getting no info from wmr there is an app for droids and possibly iphone called mytaxrefund by turbotax it actually had a date when i should expect my dd not sure how accurate it is

    1. @Nikki78 what did it say?

      1. @michigan97 it said estimated refund date feb 9- feb 23 but wmr is still showin no info bleh

        1. @Nikki78 sounds good! put the paper under your pillow with the refund amount tonight……. return will come tom. then give me a dollar! lol

  • i filed the 31st and got accepted the 1st and had a dd date of the 21st and i jus got my money!!!!!! every one be patient that sh*t will come it takes 3 weeks!

    1. @Pat92 you just got it meaning today? in a bank?

      1. @michigan97 on my emerald card from h & r block

        1. @michigan97 yes jus a sec ago it got put on

        2. @Pat92 well, theres the “monday” i was looking for lol

        3. @michigan97 time to grab a 12 pk

        4. @Pat92 that sounds like a good plan;) thanks sooooo much for sharing the info with the “community” 🙂

        5. @michigan97 lol once i get my 12 pk il be here to answer all questions cuz i do have sum useful info

        6. @michigan97 lol the Monday you were looking for! That’s funny! So hopefully Tues is our lucky day

        7. @evoevy1 tuesday IS OUR LUCKY DAY!!!!!!

        8. @michigan97 @evoevy1 HOPE TUESDAY IS OUR LUCKY DAY!!!

    2. @Pat92

      I hope i get mine tomorrow I efiled the 3d of feb..wmr says march 6 but It;s still in prossesssssss…It is so fruststrating..

      1. @Teresa45 if its still being processed there is no chance of getting it tomorrow…..u will kno exactly when you r going to get it when u have a specific DD date….that means either the WMR or the hotline tell you that “your refund IS SCHEDULED TO BE DD on ……….” not you will receive it BY so and so

        1. @Pat92

          Thank you.

        2. @Teresa45 mines originally said i will receive it by the 14th for the longest and when i called they told me it was still processing and it is impossible to give an exact date yet …..they update there systems on thursdays and fridays posting new dates so check on those 2 days and if its still the same don’t expect it till the following week

        3. @Teresa45 ur welcome

        4. @Pat92 @Teresa45 but pat, listen to this sh*t, I had a “by” date of 28th then had a “dd’ date of the 21st then it changed again said “BY” the 28th, yest. it said “by” the 6th !!!!! and now it says no info! lol i just checked it twice today. however the sbbt bank has my refund and is supposed to hit my bank tom. according to them!!!!!???

        5. @michigan97 @Pat92

          That would be great to recieve it sooner then later..

        6. @michigan97 @Teresa45 honestly u might get it a lil after midnight maybe between 1- 3am

        7. @Teresa45 @Pat92 oh, totally!!!! just confusing as hell!!! now i just check that damn website to see some dumb date! I gotta tell ya, IT FREAKS ME OUT! not gonna lie! talking about it makes me feel better! lol

        8. @Pat92 @michigan97

          That would be wonderful’ it makes me happy as hell to think I may get it tomorrow..

        9. @Pat92 @Teresa45 my bank wasnt open today, presidents day, so they do not process tonight ;(

        10. @michigan97 @Teresa45 thank god i went with the emerald card or i woulda got f*cked but the holiday as well lol sorry

        11. @Pat92 @michigan97

          I have never heard of the irs being this backed up wonder what the hell is really going on.I have spoke to the irs 4 times and could never get a strait answer.

        12. @Pat92 @Teresa45 yeah, i think thats exactly what I am getting! I just really dont understand the really crazy changing dates! just when i grasp onto one, it changes again! and last week when i called the irs, one lady told me she couldnt find me! then not satisfied with that, the next day called again and the lady told me it was through processing and should receive it “BY” 28th! and then all those dates happened that i stated earlier! somethings weird, I just dont get it!


        14. @michigan97 @Pat92

          lol..I have been so positive so long I’m going nuts..

        15. @Teresa45 @Pat92 I am just learning…… lol lol

        16. @michigan97 @Pat92

          Time to eat some reese cup ice

        17. @Teresa45 @Pat92 that makes EVERYTHING better! enjoy!

        18. @michigan97 @Pat92

          Thanks i would rather have my

        19. @Teresa45 @Pat92 yeah yeah!! i know!!! lol

        20. @Teresa45 @Pat92 hazel eyes is helping me out with this positive thing! lol

        21. @michigan97 would I be able to check that sbbt bank? I eflied hr block online free be dd to my bank..would that work for me or no?

        22. @michigan97 @Pat92

          send me some positive.

        23. @evoevy1 no, you need to have had your fees taken out of your refund…… that bank is kinda “the middle man” to take out fees owed to tax preparers…………

        24. @Teresa45 @Pat92 sending……… completed…… think!

        25. @michigan97 oh ok..well I’m outta luck..ill just sit here like a patient little girl and wait for my dinero lol..I’ve crossed the psychotic I guess I can wait a few more days weeks whatever! Ha

        26. @michigan97 @Pat92

          My inlaws filed feb 9 got theres back feb wheres mine.

        27. @evoevy1 thats funny! i think I may jump off that bridge if i get some kind of weird news tom.

        28. @michigan97. My husband ssaid right off the psychotic bridge straight into the looney bin hahaha

        29. @Teresa45 @Pat92 dumb, dumb! FEB 9th? they probably had a real simple return hey?

        30. @evoevy1 yeah, my husband thinks i am craZY! I have never been on a website talking like this! I don’t even have a facebook! SOOO glad i don’t! If im like this on this blog…. oh lord….. i’d be blowing up facebook!!! lol

        31. @evoevy1 okay, wrong phrase, i did not mean blowing up, oh….. i said it again! just typing alot! i’d be addicted, dont get the wrong impression! these days…… someone could be at my door with handcuffs! geez…… lol

        32. @michigan97 haha! So true I have fb but I don’t want my family and friends to see this side of me haha so I’m letting it out here this iis very therapeutic ha

        33. @evoevy1 lol ha ha so your under cover?!!! funny stuff!!!! I would do the same! My friends would think i have truly SERIOUSLY lost it and probably commit me to a “home”

    3. @Pat92 it really is taking 3 weeks isnt it? GRRRR…………… my sister got hers in 6 days!!! no joke, she had a easy return, no kids 1 job, not married…….

      1. @michigan97@Pat92 i am just counting the time and till i see $$$$$$ in my account i be happy go lucky lady!!

        1. @haZel_EyeZ25@Pat92 dont get on your bike and zoom to walmart without updating lady! lol lol


        3. @haZel_EyeZ25 @Pat92 lol lol funny!


  • If wmr acts like it can’t find you it’s because your return is moving along in processing this is according to the FAQ on IRS site. Has anyone else heard this as well?

    1. @Sabrina Johnson i have heard that…. how accurate that is …. not sure…. but i heard it!!!

  • I filed on the 2nd of February and WMR showed that I will be getting it on 3/6 and now when I try to check on WMR it’s saying I must have enter my stuff incorrectly??? Is this happening to anyone too???? Pls let me know. I called the IRS an theblay said that they are so behind because everyone supposedly file their taxes all at once? Then hire more freaking people:(

    1. @Just another day u got locked out for checkin it too much

    2. @Just another day

      I efiled on feb 3 and wmr says march 6.I hope that will change wmr has been not working correctly for a while it took until feb 17 to give me any info.

    3. I filed the 1st for accepted the same day but at like 7pm so tech. the 2nd, WMR said by the 14th, but that came and went then last wednesday it switched to a DD date of 2/21. So i wasnt going to check until that day. WMR still said 2/21 but i looked at my bank account about an hour ago, and what do you know my refund was deposited Saturday 2/18 and i didnt even notice it until today. So DONT TRUST THE WMR website or phoneline. Its all messed up, but everyonewill get their refund but it will just take time. GOOD LUCK all…

  • update…just checked wmr again and my March 6 date is still gone and now acts like they have no info at all!!! dang….when is this crap going to get straightened out????

    1. hey if it makes you feel any better, i just checked mine for kicks a sec ago…… and mine as well looks like it has kicked me off!!! no info! lol i have only checked it a couple times today! so…….. and i am supposed to get mine tom?!??

      1. and when i checked it earlier today it said 3-6………….its all confused! poor website! lol

  • lets all think positive thoughts for tom. put a piece of paper under your pillow tonight with the amount you are getting back written on it and hopefully …………… poof……. its in all of our accts, cards, or whatever you have!!!!!! POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!!!!! lol lol lol

    1. @michigan97 I love your positive attitude! 🙂

    2. we gotta try somETHING!!!!!! nothing else seems to work, when my kids want a snow day they put their pj on inside out, put ice in the toilets, and sleep with a spoon under their pillow!!!! and the weird thing is…. it sometimes seems to work!!!!………….. then I melt the ice cubes, and hide their pjs and spoons!!! lol

    3. @michigan97 I’m game it will problably work better then the ird

      1. @casper61 i am thinking its gotta work better then the irs!!!!!

  • Hello again I just wanted to share with all I done my taxes true liberty tax and my info never showed up on the sbtpg web pages liberty tax goes true republic bank (republic I seen my state no more info on federal @ least I know where to look @ . Thanks 2 all

  • I sure appreciate you all for keeping everyone updated how your information has changed and for the ones that have received yours. This has been frustrating for so many people. I had a problem with them last year because I had the First Time Homebuyer Loan to repay back. That was such a terrible hassle last year. Ended up causing me to bounce a bunch of checks because they had told me it was going to be DD on a certain day and didn’t end up until 2 weeks later than what they had said. Anyways, this year I filed the 3rd throught Taxact and got accepted the 3rd. Was told it would be DD the 15th. Then WMR kept saying they didn’t have info up until last week and then it said I should receive it by March 6th. Been like that for the past week. I thought for sure I would not have a problem this year. I feel bad for all of you waiting just like I am. “Where’s my money? I need it now!” I sure hope many get their returns tomorrow even though we are being told a later date. It sure would be nice for my family because we just went through a death of a family member this week and buried him today so getting the check tomorrow would at least bring a light to the terrible week we had last week. Praying for the IRS to finally do us good. (what a joke!) Good luck everyone and please keep everyone updated if you get yours. I sure will if I do!


  • Update: Nothing new to update. Still says March 6, nothing at the bank. Seriously frustrated now. Don’t even see why it would be at the bank in the morning. Good luck to everyone else.

    1. @JuliaD I hope you are pleasantly surprised tom.!!!!!!!

  • Update: in case u missed me earlier, I filed the 1st. Got accepted within the hour. Checked a few days later DD was the 21st. A few days after that WMR said it was processing and I should have it by the 14th. Well the 14th came n went. On the 16th I checked WMR again and said it will be direct deposited on the 21st. In the mean time I been checking the sbbt site. I checked today, which is the 20th and sbbt sent me an email saying my refund should arrive within a day or two at my financial institution! GOOD LUCK ALL!

  • Update: in case u missed me earlier, I filed the 1st. Got accepted within the hour. Checked a few days later DD was the 21st. A few days after that WMR said it was processing and I should have it by the 14th. Well the 14th came n went. On the 16th I checked WMR again and said it will be direct deposited on the 21st. In the mean time I been checking the sbbt site. I checked today, which is the 20th and sbbt sent me an email saying my refund should arrive within a day or two at my financial institution! GOOD LUCK ALL!

  • My DD is suppose to go to the TT bank so they can take their fees out then send the rest to my bank…I have had no email from them and it show no mention of any upcoming deposit…is it possible that I still may get my refund before March 6????

    1. @judgessidekick yes, more likely then not you will recieve it sometime this week, check tom. keep us updated………..

      1. @michigan97 thank you….I hope so! What’s your story? When did you file?

        1. @judgessidekick my story is this… Accepted the 7th…… WMR said at first “by” the 28th, Then gave me a DD Date of the 21st, then i happened to check today, and it said the 6th of MARCH!!!! but SBBT has received my refund and directed it to my bank as of today, so I think the wmr website is just spitting random things out! (kinda weird I know) I AM TRyINg TO BE POSITIVE ABOUT TOM. but it is hard! with all this other info! I will update you tom.!!!!!

        2. @michigan97I have also checked the bank and nothing! I just pray I will get it sometime this week! Is it possible that it’s being intercepted or something…don’t know why it would be but just grasping at ANYTHING!! lol

        3. @judgessidekick I Had originally had a “dd” DATE of the 21 of feb. so i was going by that not the “by’ date they also give, this afternoon is the first time i saw anything at sbbt bank, so i am guessing they give you the info 1 day in advance! i know… I have been there, still kinda there until I HAVE MY MONEY!!!!! lol lol

        4. @judgessidekick if this helps any, they do deposit everyday of the week.

        5. @michigan97 really? I was told they only release refunds on Wed and sometimes Friday…I sure hope you are right about them doing it every day of the week! Thanks!!

        6. @judgessidekick well from what is on this blog and others, people have received them on tuesdays, one guy received his sat., I have seen people get them on wed. on here, and my sister got hers on thurs!!!! so I am just missing a monday! lol

        7. @michigan97 @judgessidekick

          the SBBT says has no info on my ssn and filling status.. but the wmr site is saying the 23rd.. im so lost. gr

        8. @JoshNess @michigan97 @judgessidekick im so lost what is sbbt, that does NOT apply to me right becuz i have no DD ?

        9. @JoshNess @michigan97 that is what’s so aggravating…if it’s going to be March 6th then ok, but just want the IRS to be consistent with their information and that’s not happening! I hope everyone will get their money soon! This has never happened before and am totally lost as to why so much continual confusion every freaking day!!!

        10. @mjcarter6 @JoshNess @michigan97 right!

        11. @mjcarter6 @JoshNess @judgessidekick no i wouldnt think it would apply tp people that do not get them dd right to their bank acct.

        12. @JoshNess @judgessidekick no info means they prob. have nothing to do with your return, but remember that you have to put in the primary ssn, so if you are married it would be the first person on the return…… (i didnt know that at first, I was trying mine and it said no info, then i tried my husbands and it worked) lol

        13. @judgessidekick @JoshNess I BETTER NOT HAVE THIS SITUATION NEXT YEAR!!!!! JUST TERRIBLE!!!!! you know what? they should of just turned the wmr website right OFF this year! its giving soooo much wrong info!!! like nothing i have EVER seen before!

      2. @michigan97@judgessidekick wut about me? i dont have DD supposed to pick up the released chk @ my tax office can i still get it this wk too? 🙂 thanks

        1. @mjcarter6 @judgessidekick have you called the place you got your taxes done at? To be real honest, I havent heard much about people picking their checks up and in what time frame……… so…… I really dont know! I am truly SORRY!!!! I wish I had some kind of info……….it would seem to me that if you got accepted the 1st, it should be here soon!!!! I would call them! OH….. do you get some kind of text or something when its available?

        2. @michigan97@judgessidekick nah, i just have to call in pretty much everyday to see if its be “released” is what they have been telling me, but thanks alot for the info i really appreciate it, been sooo stressed this whole past wk

  • wanted more info plz…filed on 2/1 and now wmr says to expect it by 3/6 which is crazy…but i have heard alot of ppl might be getting it this wk, i do NOT have DD is there a chance they can still release my chk this wk too? ugh i hope soo…so bad..this really put a huge hold on bday party plans 🙁

    1. @mjcarter6 Call the IRS. Thats the only way you will know.

      1. @StephanieKirby i have called twice and both bitches i spoke with obvi hated their job and said they had no ifo!

        1. @mjcarter6 Wow Thats strange all 4 people who I have talked to were very nice. I’m surprised you dont have any info tho. I filed a day after you and for a week now Ive been done processing and had a Date for the funds to be released.

        2. @mjcarter6 i called last week 2 days in a row the first day i was told they did not receive my return and i need to resend it ( this after receiving a email saying it had been accepted) i called the next morning to see if i would get a diff answer and was told it was acceptedd on 2nd amd still being processed needless to say still havent received it nor a dd date

        3. @Nikki78 @mjcarter6 dare i ask what that damn wmr website says? does it have a “by” date?

        4. @michigan97 no mine does not which is bs how are people who filed after me getting refunds already

        5. @Nikki78 I WISH I KNEW! that damn website! mine dates are all over the place!

  • filed thru TT on 2/3, accepted on 2/4 Nothing on WMR for the longest time then this past Friday I actually had a dd by 3/6…now it says it has no information!!! I REALLY JUST WANT A REAL ACCURATE DD DATE!! Called the irs hotline and it still has a date of 3/6!! Why will it take that long??? Really wish the IRS would get things up and running accurately soon!!

    1. @judgessidekick The WMR site isnt accurate. Call the Irs yes you have to wait 20 mins on the phone but they give you a day that they release the funds to the SBBT bank.

      1. @StephanieKirby aren’t they closed today? what number do I need to call?? thanks!

        1. @judgessidekick @StephanieKirby 1800 829 1040 press 1 then press 3

        2. @judgessidekick Nope they are open 7 days a week and I called a few hrs ago.

  • who thinks we gunna get our money tomorrow?

    1. @haZel_EyeZ25 I hope so I called again today and they said they would release my money to the bank on the 21st.

      1. @StephanieKirby samething cus the site is not working what time do they do dd

        1. @haZel_EyeZ25 Idk I know by bf was released at 1am the day he got his. I dont think there is a certain time. I asked the IRS she said theres no specific time.

        2. @StephanieKirby okay thankss

        3. @StephanieKirby @haZel_EyeZ25 well, if your bank is closed today due to presidents day, your bank will not process anything tonight, so you could possibly see it tom. morning after they open, but I dont foresee anything tonight, from my bank at least…………

        4. @michigan97 @StephanieKirby i know that whats sucks about it my bank opens at 9 i think

        5. @haZel_EyeZ25 @StephanieKirby i actually called sbbt today after i saw my refund was there, and they said I would more then likely see it tom. possibly in the afternoon before the cut off day, which for my bank is 3:00, so…….. we shall see………. they also said I could see it the 24th at the latest depending if my bank holds funds, which they dont so…….. COMe On TOMorrow!!!!!!

        6. @michigan97 @StephanieKirby hopefully tomorrowin the morning they put it in my bank

        7. @haZel_EyeZ25 @StephanieKirby let me know please!!!! I HOPE SO!!!!

        8. @michigan97 @StephanieKirby i willl dooo

        9. @haZel_EyeZ25 @StephanieKirby yeah, there are people in this blog and other blogs that got theres at 1 am, 11am, 3 pm….. its all so random! days and times for that matter! lol

    2. @haZel_EyeZ25 ME!!!! i am sure hoping!!!!! lol lol

    3. @haZel_EyeZ25. Meeemeeee! Ha not getting my hopes last week the 14th thought I was gonna have an anxiety attack when the money wasnt in my I’ve really learned some awesome patients lol

      1. @evoevy1@haZel_EyeZ25 that just sucks!!! hopefully tom. dont disappear before updating…… this is the only thing thats keeping me off the booze!!! JK lol lol

  • Come on IRS don’t let us down again! Give us our money this week!! Start spitting funds into our accts!

  • I have a change in my tax status. I have gone fron by March 6th to no information. smh

    1. @casper61 THEY MIGHT BE DLOWN

  • Is WMR down again after mine saying DD on 2/23 since thursday once again says the no info could take up to 3 week sucks

  • I gues WMR down cause mine had been DD on 2/23 since Thursday now says no info could take 3 weeks to process
    That sucks!!!

  • guess watt the whers my refund is bogus my mom recieved her taxes yesterday and she kept checking and no information out of no where she called her bank acount over on chase and last night they did direct deposits so check your bank…. im still waiting on mine but have faithh (;

    1. @martin51 do you know when she filed and when she was accepted?

      1. @dajackson she filed the 25 of january , but its a 1 n a half week delay so its usally we have too wait 23-25 days :/

        when did you file ?

        1. @martin51 i filed on the 3rd.wmr says i should have it by the 6th of march. but i talke to an irs rep n he said wmr isnt accurate so i hope it comes 2morrow but who know.wish i could sue the irs.its like they r playin around with our money.

        2. @dajackson yesss i kno like they always want there money on point but our money is messed up you kno but my sister she works for hnr block and she said the irs works 7 days a week even thru holidays so there working today plus our direct deposit can b any day the only problem is our bank most banks hold it but if you have direct deposit on a insight card your money is automatically there once its direct deposited and you only pay 5 bucks a month and take as much money you want withno charge at a check cashing so mine says the 28th right but my sister said its guna b sooner hopefully my other sister she filed the 16 of january her first date was febuary 21 then it changed too feb 10 it told her the 7th she would have it but the system does tell you 2 days before so you will have it sooner then march 6th !

    2. @martin51 When did she file I filed the 4th

      1. @Sarah712 she filed the 16 but i filed the same day as you have you gotten any info yet ?

        1. @martin51@Sarah712 i filed the 4th and the only info ive gotten is a email from taxact sayin it was accepted by the irs on the 4th…wmr or the phone system dont give me any info at all…i hate this!!!!

        2. @brokeashell what bank are you having your direct deposit sent too ?

        3. @martin51 @Sarah712 THE 16th OF JANUARY????

    3. @martin51 theres hope for everyone that has not seen any info on that damn site!!! refunds exist! even with no info!!!! yay!!!!

  • We did our Taxes on the 7th.. When checking the WMR it is saying a DD of the 23rd.. I havent seen no one else saying the DD is the 23rd.. Does anyone have a DD on the WMR site of the 23rd?

    1. @JoshNess check tom…….. you never know! I hear Alot of people most likely getting their refund tom……………

      1. @michigan97

        That would be nice.. but last week it said on the WMR site that the DD would be the 28th.. then checked yesterday the site again and it read the 23rd.. so who knows.

        1. @JoshNess did it say “by” or “DD” the 23?

        2. @JoshNess mine has switched more then once!!!! mine still says the 6th of March! and the bank that the irs uses to deposit returns, (sbbt) is saying they have it today! (With a release date to my bank tom.) so…. I will def. tell you tom. what happens… then that will show you how accurate that wmr website is! The funny thing is SBBT hotline NEVER CHANGED it has always said the 22nd of feb. yes the 22nd, so we shall see!!!!!!

        3. @michigan97

          DD on the 23rd

        4. @JoshNess okay thats on a thurs………. do you get your fees out of the refund?

    2. @JoshNess Mine says the 23. But I filed and was accepted on 2/2.

      1. @Sabrina Johnson

        Yay atleast another persons says the 23rd.. Thought it was weird but im keeping my fingers crossed for sometime this week.

    3. @JoshNess Same here mine also says a date I never seen any1 post my DD is 2/22 every 1 ealse the 2/21 weird

      1. @Meinsameboat

        Ya thats what I thought also.. I seen everyone say the 21st.. so I was like What?

    4. @JoshNess I did mines on the 7th I be getting it tomorrow

      1. @haZel_EyeZ25

        Ill keep my fingers crossed.. Just hope its sometime this week

  • yeah same here and i filed on 02/03. this is ridiclous

  • Big sighsss i filed on the 2nd still have no dd date it is now the 20th

  • I filed on the February 5th. Still waiting. This is very strange, because I usually receive it within 8 days of filing.

    1. @Random have u checked WMR? what does it say?

      1. @brokeashell I have actually. Quite a few times. It get the message stating “we are sorry. We do not have information for you at this time” Initially my refund expected date was the 15 thru the 26, then it changed to the 12th thru the 26th. I guess i shouldn’t worry until after the 26th, right? It’s just strange since I always get it so fast….

        1. @Random my refund date was set to be feb 15th. i filed thru taxact with my fee’s to come out of my refund. when i check taxacts bank it says “expected refund feb 15/ no refund has been recieved” when i check WMR it says same thing its telling u..i tried checking the sbt site everyone was talking about and it has no record of my ss#..i have never waited more than 7 days for my refund…this is so nerve racking!

        2. @brokeashell It really is nerve racking. However, it is slightly relieving to know that many of us are experiencing the same concerns, and it is not a “problem” specifically with our return. (hopefully)

      2. @brokeashell @Random I talked to someone @ the IRS and he said that WMR isnt going to be accurate for anyone that filed between 2/2-2/9 so i wouldnt worry bout checking it anymore if u filed between those dates.this stupid new system they are using is ridiclous

    2. @Random it is a really “strange” year! read farther down on my posts to see what the wmr website has stated to me…… and everyone else for that matter!!! lol


  • this is sh*tty every site i goto to try and see wmr

    is all the websites say the same no information found i filed on the 4th and was accepted the same day wtf


    2. @brokeashell maybe tom. for you too!!! Strange things are happening this year! (as you know) I will hope and keep my fingers crossed for you too, let us all know………..

      1. @michigan97 ty,,,,wen did u file again?

        1. @brokeashell I got accepted feb 7th….


    1. @haZel_EyeZ25 What’s the website

      1. @PrettyBigGirl1 SBTPG.COM

      2. @PrettyBigGirl1 DID U CHECK?

        1. @haZel_EyeZ25 Yup thanks but still didn’t get it


        3. @Kevin like @haZel_EyeZ25 I filled on the 3 I think I might get mines the 24

    2. @haZel_EyeZ25
      I just checked the sbt web page and mine say nothing found with ss# and info entered you think it’s because my DD on WMR says 2/22 ?
      Thanks In advance

      1. @Meinsameboat Yea too early but keep checking

      2. @Meinsameboat @haZel_EyeZ25 mine says the same when i check sbt…i have no info on wmr either…i was accepted on the 4th

  • @michigan97 got my update on sbtpg did u check urs

    1. @haZel_EyeZ25 what do you mean as to update that the bank that goes threw turbotax got your money? When did you file I filed on the 4th and was accepted that same day I called and the automated system said to wait a week since I haven’t received it so hopefully tomarrow or Wednesday :/


      2. @Sarah712 @haZel_EyeZ25 sarah are u getting any info on wmr?

    2. @haZel_EyeZ25 Yes, the refund is there………… so hopefully tom. THANKS for keeping such a positive outlook! COME ON TOM…….. “its just a day away” lol

  • @brokeashell I filed and got accepted on the 4th…day after day I would check WMR and it gave me no info. Finally on Saturday it gave me a DD date of March 6th…over a month! Then Sunday I checked it again and now it’s giving me a date of Feb 24th…I hope they stick with that date!

  • @ just another day I am in the same boat filed on 02/02/2012 now the dumb ass IRS is saying 03-6-12 thats bullsh*t I hope someone does file a lawsuit I got laid off in january still waiting on unemployment and food stamps our goverment wants us to be homeless two yrs ago i was making 70k a year now loosing everything because of our goverment I am going on food stamps please let me know just another day if your info changes I will let you know if mine does I check 100 times a day

    1. @PISSED AT IRS I will let you know when mines change. My inlaws his change from the 3/6 to the 2/24 today. So I’m hoping mines will change tomorrow. Both of our dd showed up on the WMR on the same day so I don’t know why mines hasn’t change to an earlier date. Have you recieve a dd date on wmr? And yes screw the IRS. I hope you get your money soon and get a good job:)

    2. @PISSED AT IRS try to get most of the goverment now because some are hard to getr becausre some people abuse it bc they dont need it but they have it..

      and its hard for people try to get on it

  • So I thought I would update…..

    I file me and my two inlaws taxes. I did mines on the 2 got accepted the same day. Did my inlaws on the 3, got accepted on the 4. We all got our states on time:) but unfortunately like the rest of you we haven’t gotten our federal because they hired a bunch of monkey this year lol. Anyways my inlaws who wasn’t getting much back from federal got his dd on WMR after 12 or something day. Which is to be deposited on the 24. For me and my other inlaw, we are receiving a bit more didn’t even have a dd on WMR until the17. Which it stated that we aren’t gettin our money till the 3/6 which drove nuts. so I checked again to day(19) an my uncle date change to the 28 and mines stayed the same. Which got me pisser because I did mines before the both of them. I’m hoping it changes soon. As of now I just want to say I’m f*cking piss because they can take our money out every f*cking month and when it time to give it back they come up with all this sh*t. If you guys are behind f*cken hire so more people freaking dumb ass. No offense but they hired a bunch of monkey who doesn’t feeaking know how to do their job. I need my money now!!! I’m piss. I’d I was rich I would put a lawsuit against them for false information and for not doing their job. It’s not our f*cken problem tour too cheap to get better system. Excuse my grammar I’m just piss as hell. I will keep you guys updated.

    1. @Just another day yeah thats what i’m saying too! dont you think they make enough interest off OUR money to pay for a few more monkeys! lol seriously though……… they have OUR money all year!

  • Is anyone else having trouble getting on the WMR site right now? Been trying for a hour and it keeps going to page loading problem saying its not working.

    1. @StephanieKirby guess they are fixing it..

      1. @haZel_EyeZ25 Lets hope so. I have had no info available for over 2 weeks now on the site. My return has been finished being processed for 6 days now. Supposed to be getting it on the 21st we will see. I saw a few ppl saying that they were getting info so I thought id check and see.

        1. @StephanieKirby @haZel_EyeZ25 we havent gotten any info for over 2 weeks either drives us nuts

    2. @StephanieKirby
      I’m having trouble too:)

  • well..i filed on feb 7th with my tax man he does the fast taxes so he said between 8 to 10 days because of the holiday tomorrow i should get it on the 21st but when i looked at the wmr first tiome it first said dd on feb 28th then it change it your dd will be deposted on on the 21st so hopefully it be in m bank

    1. @haZel_EyeZ25 when u checked the sbbt website, did it say the bank does not have your refund, or it had no info?

      1. @michigan97 it shows the money taking out from the taxes but then at the bottem it says”

        ItemAmountTotal Amount Received By Bank:$0.00Total Amount Paid On Your Behalf:$0.00Total Amount Paid To You:

      2. @michigan97 im in nyc not santa barbara

      3. @michigan97 would i still get it on the 21st?

        1. @haZel_EyeZ25 very hard to say, i am in the same boat, the sbbt still says they have not received the refund and originally i was supposed to get it the 21st, however, that date changed 2 days ago to “BY” the 28th! I wouldnt think something could be deposited in your bank with no money yet deposited in the sbbt from the irs……… and today is presidents day, whether or not the irs is still working MOST banks are not!…… I am hoping for some possible good news this week…. keep me posted!

        2. @michigan97 that sucks!!…hope we get our money tomorrow …im of need of that money i be pissed if i dont get it tomorrow


        4. @michigan97 check the sbtpg site i checked mines before and they got it at the bank just have to release the money

        5. @haZel_EyeZ25 i will be checking as well…… As i stated earlier, the sbbt website has received my money but the wmr is saying “by” 3-6 now!!!! never got that before! A few days ago it said”DD” date 2-21, then yesterday it said “by” the 28th, then today says “by” 3-6?? I will def. keep you all updated and if I get mine tom. you all know there is hope for everyone going through the WMR website nightmare!!!!!!! URG>>>>> come on tomorrow!!!!!! HURRY!!! lol lol

        6. @haZel_EyeZ25 just fyi, i filed on the 7th of feburary. just a recap!

  • Hey guys and gals I was in the same boat as all of ya…. My DD 2/22 both on the WMR web page and on my iPhone , 1/2 not call the irs hot line . I files the 2nd eccepted the same day . Just like all of ya WMR said 3 week message or the 6 week message then the 2/28 showed up last week on Monday, on Thursday said 2/22 and it’s stayed that ways hope I get on the 2/21 not 2/22 will keep updating all of my statuas

  • has anyone got their refund without getting any info from WMR?

    1. @brokeashell This is a great question. Mine were accepted the 4th and I have no date or information on the WMR tool. Phone line says wait longer. After 15 days I should know IF I can expect my money at any point. Tell me something IRS, even if it is a long wait in the middle of March. Not knowing IF I’m getting something is driving me crazy.

    2. @brokeashell This is a great question. Mine were accepted the 4th and I have no date or information on the WMR tool. Phone line says wait longer. After 15 days I should know IF I can expect my money at any point. Tell me something IRS, even if it is a long wait in the middle of March. Not knowing IF I’m getting something is driving me crazy.

    3. @brokeashell i have heard alot of people say they got their refund with no info on the wmr website…….

      1. @michigan97 thanks for the info graciously appreciative

    4. @brokeashell Last year I did

  • I am getting three dates I check wmr online it says 3-6 I check on the phone it says 2-21 then when I check irs to go app on my phone it says 2-21 same system my ass 3 dates in 5 minutes

    1. @PISSED AT IRS when did u file

  • My update……

    I filed on the 1st. WMR said I would receive my refund BY the 21st, then BY the 14th. I called on friday and spoke to someone. She told me I am scheduled for DD on the 23rd. WMR has updated and shows a DD date of the 23rd now so I hope there is a good chance to get my money this week.

    1. @Bonita I had the same dates as of last night I got the infamous “9001” msg hopefully its the wmr website is wrong and I receive mine the same time as you! 🙂 good luck to both of us!

      1. @evoevy1 That’s an interesting code.

        9001Taxpayer accessed Refund Status using a secondary TIN. Refund Status could not be returned. Get a Primary TIN

        TIN is Tax Identification Number.

        I would call and see what’s up. It’s saying you are not using the correct SSN.

        1. @evoevy1 I also have seen it described as this:

          Your return may or may not have contained an error, but the IRS automated system flagged it to manually check. You also may have filed some sort of rare form you do not usually file.

        2. @evoevy1 Man the IRS is a mess

    2. It was the same as every other year no dependents single same job for over 6 years never had this problem..the IRS really is a mess..I’m just gonna wait it out I don’t even feel like calling to get all these crazy excuses everyone else is said it was DD on the 14th and nothing..then last night wmr changed to 9001 out of nowhere..:(

  • Here’s my update, then I’m back to cooking dinner. Stupid WMR is still saying mine is by the 6th. I filed my mother’s a week later than me and hers is coming on the 23rd. Ah well. Still waiting and still here guys!

  • It seems like a lot of you might get lucky and get yours this week. I filed the 3rd and got accepted the 3rd and was told I’d get it the 15th. Of course, it ended up I couldn’t get info on WMR until last week and it was saying March 6th and up to, today it is still saying March 6th so I am one of the unlucky ones! Good luck to all of you this week. I hope things change and I get mine too!

    1. @Brooksie97 Smfh I did to but I don’t have a dd

  • Update… We have HCTC and we pay 588 a month! At the end of year we get 80% back of what we paid all year! HCTC is health coverage tax credit an is also ran by IRS! Or refund was 6675 and then WMR stated this am that our refund has changed and we are getting 2099 back and not 6675! I think a dumb rookie looked at em and didn’t know what HCTC is and completly took that money off! If the dummy would have looked at last years they would have seen the same form! Grrrr how u gonna take 4000 away? Idiots! Now I get to fight and wait even longer when I had my dogs surgery scheded and now the IRS is screwing me! How do these peeps not know about a IRS program! Over paid and under trained! Im quit p o’d right know! Not only that we filed on the 31st and just now got info and it’s a Sunday and gotta wait to call! They better be able to fix it quick and still refund me by the 21st

    1. @Jennils24 thats terrible…:( 🙁

    2. @Jennils24 That really sucks. Because Monday is a Federal holiday you aren’t going to get a hold of anyone until Tuesday. I personally had a tax problem about 8 years ago and got good results by actually going to the IRS local office. They weren’t busy. You should give some thought to just going to the local office on Tuesday. It’s pretty easy to just forget about someone as soon as you hang up the phone vs. talking to someone in person.

  • I did my on feb 3 and got accepted and still no info smh

    1. @PrettyBigGirl1 what does it say when u check wmr?

      1. @brokeashell info u enter is wrong

        1. @PrettyBigGirl1 k thats what mine says too… 🙁

        2. @brokeashell@PrettyBigGirl1 you have to make sure yopu got the right amount

        3. @haZel_EyeZ25 @PrettyBigGirl1 wouldnt it be the amount on my return tho?

        4. @haZel_EyeZ25 @brokeashell I have the rite amount there sh*t is just f*cked up lol

    2. @PrettyBigGirl1 can i ask a really dumb question? lol what does smh mean?

      1. @michigan97 @PrettyBigGirl1 shaking my head. Took me a while too. I’m not as young and hip as I used to be, lol

        1. @JuliaD @PrettyBigGirl1 okay!! i guess i am not as hip either! lol lol

  • Wow WMR was saying I was gonna get it by 2/28 now it’s saying it’s done being processed and it’s not gonna get mailed until 2/27!!!! Wtf I need that money ASAP!!

  • i was accepted feb 4th… and the wmr as yet to give me a dd date. just says “You may not have entered your information correctly. Please verify your personal tax data and try again.when i call the state hotline it says my return has been accepted n processed n will be deposited n due time??? i filed thru tax act

  • i was accepted feb 4th… and the wmr as yet to give me a dd date. just says “You may not have entered your information correctly. Please verify your personal tax data and try again.and wmr has yet to give me any dd date.” when i call the state hotline it says my return has been accepted n processed n will be deposited n due time??? i filed thru tax act

  • Has anyone who was accepted on Feb.3 got a dd date?

    1. @Tasha704 Got appected on the 7th my dd was the 28th now mines is the 21st

      1. @haZel_EyeZ25 @Tasha704 i got accepted the 7th dd “BY” 28th, then a “DD” date of 21st, then just yesterday, back to “BY” 28th

    2. @Tasha704 I got accepted on the 3rd an I got a dd of the 24

  • Mine was accepted Feb 5th and the site says it will be direct deposited Feb 23. I e-filed with TurboTax with a 1040.

    1. @jme Then it will be dd on the 23

  • ok so instead of the 6th it now says i will get my refund on the 24th and by the 29th. better then the 6th, but again thats wmr so idk how reliable that is cuz it changes so often .

    1. @sassygirl64 I just got the same info yesterday the 6th today now the 24th but the only difference is it saying a dd on the 24 I hope we get it soon

  • UPDATE: So the WMR is currently unavailable and asked my to call the hotline. Sooo I did. Yesterday the WMR said I would get my refund on 03/06. The phone system just said 02/24. WTF is going on??? I’m beyond irritated!!! You may wanna try the phone system 🙁

    1. @Jess1026 You should be happy if it comes early

  • A code 9001 means that there was a discrepancy with the DD information you provided so the bank returned the funds to the IRS and they will be now mailing your refund. It could also mean that the incorrect SS # was provided and they have to investigate and reprocess. That being said, with all the glitches going on with the WMR I would call and find out why you are getting that message. My friends aunt worked for the IRS fro 17 years until this year. I’ve been hounding her like crazy for answers!!!

  • 2 more days !!

  • What is the site for IRS money I mean bank

    1. @haZel_EyeZ25

      1. @michigan97 Thanks it doesn’t have any info on it yet why

        1. @haZel_EyeZ25 doesnt have any info, or ” bank has not received refund”? Mine says bank has not received refund, i am wondering the same thing…… WHY????? if it was suppose to be “DD” of the 21st, so I am thinking mine will prob not be the 21st forsure, just like the wmr says……. but trying to stay positive, but sooo hard! lol will keep you updated ……..

  • i E-field on january 30,2012 got accepted on febuary 3,2012 at 7:09 pm the website or the hotline is giving me any information when i called the irs they said they had it and it was processing and for me to call back friday feb 24 cause that will be the 21 day mark right now i’m pissed beyond words. i have 3 small babies that i have to take care of and the people i talk to are so freaking rudei just wanna cry my best friend filed they same day and got hers in 10days

  • I e filed on Feb 1 got accepted within an hour…a few days later wmr said I should receive it by Feb 21.. checked again a week later on Feb 10th it said my refund would be deposited Feb 14..ok so it is now Feb 19 and no refund was ever deposited just checked wmr and I now have the 9001 code GRRRR!.. has anyone received their refund after the 9001 code?

  • 21 days today …..It’s not turbo tax It’s the irs . I called today they sed it going to take .3 to 4 weeks .. I asked why and all she could say is that It’s going to take 1 week more then usual

  • AMEN brokeashell if we owed our wages would get garnished and we would be in court! I hope a class action lawsuit gets filed I dont care if its only for a penny I want in I all ready filed for a refund from turbo tax instead of a email stating what happened I get one from turbo tax advertising refunds in 8 days BLOW ME TURBO TAX

    1. It’s not turbo tax It’s the irs I called them today

  • Hola just stopping by! Day 16 ..still no refund in sight..boooo! If it werent for all you guys on here id probably be in a looney house! Ha


  • wmr currently unavailable

  • I am so sick of looking every five minutes cant help it screw you IRS give me my money bunch of lazy ass overpaid turd burglars

  • i just love how our returns are held up and people that filed after us got theres.

    ok wow really lol are returns should be the first to get put through because they r going to be the latest in line, march 6th umm…okay i can wait over a month for my money. people r going crazy already.

  • i as well filed the 3rd and was supposed to get it the 15th, then heard a extra wk was added and here we are still waiting looking like idiots while they hold our cash. people r losing there homes and utilitys !!!!!!! awesome job irs thanks alot.

  • WMR still broke this morning it was working telling me crazy ass day 3-6 now it is not working again on line 12 next year I am asking for atleast a reach around when I get screwed

  • Funny how we did ours on Jan 31st and should have received by Feb 9th and then they changed it to Feb 21st! People that filed less then 8days ago have gotten theirs already! I hate the IRS! Let me owe them though! I have bills to pay like everyone else does! The explanation says “your refund date has changed to Feb 21st due to processing delays”…,really then y r people getting theirs that filed on the 10th and I haven’t and I filed on the 31st! Get it together IRS

  • well I filed Feb 3 and recvd my card but still no refund

    1. @Tee12586 Same here smh

  • I just checked the website an I’m getting the same msg by march 6 !!! File Feb 3rd an today is the first day I can see anything an that’s what they give me …well back to the waiting all have a good day I sure am

  • now going to a friends to have a few drinks………… YEAH!!!! maybe that will help

    1. @michigan97 Please have a drink for me thanks =)

  • I know that i have said myself not to go by the wmr website, but out of curiousity, I checked it …… so hopefully they are right about the 21st date the rep. told me yesterday! Just wanted to tell you what the wmr website said so just in case i do end up getting it the 21st……………… and then we will truly know that website stinks!

    1. @michigan97

      hey, how are you today? 🙂

      1. @alexya i am not as good as yesterday!!!! lol but good! the question is…. how are you?

      2. @alexya @michigan97 hey how are you today?

        1. @bigryn0 @alexya hey big….. how are you?…. any “good” info ? or same o same o?……………..

        2. @michigan97 @bigryn0 @alexya same o

  • another update on me, i called the irs yest. they stated has did the wmr website, a DD date, not “by” date, feb. 21, now the wmr website says “by” feb 28th! what?!!!! that is what it stated earlier in the week! then switched to a dd date of 21, now back the the “by” date? REALLY confused!

    1. @michigan97 I don’t like to keep looking n seeing nothing have change till early tuesday

  • I find it funny that the wmr says my date is March 6. That date isn’t even an option on the above chart. How consistent!

  • I find it funny that the wmr says my date is March 6. That date isn’t even an option on the above chart. How consistent!

  • Ugh this sucks so bad my mom and sister filed two days after me and they already have there money :/ wtf is the deal fml!

    1. @Sarah712 I’m with ya their! We filed on Jan 31st

      1. @Jennils24 Rite I’m so pissed! If there systems are so messed up then why isn’t everyone’s taxes fkd up instead of pointing certain people out its nothing but bull

  • I also have filed on the 2nd of feb. I check a week later and it was also telling me i put in the wrong info. I got my state return yesterday. I checked again today and it tells me march 6 thats way longer than last year. What is going on and yes I to could of filled out a paper form for free.

  • @Nikki78 Yeah they did give me a “estimated date” as they called it after I explained to them that the WMR nor the automated system could offer me any information. She stated that they are behind due to some technical errors and updates. She also said if something has changed this year from the past years it can cause the process time to be delayed even longer. For example she stated that in my case I have for many years filed married and this year I am filing head of household. She states this causes the system to “research” the return further making it take twice as long to complete. She said this can apply to a discrepancy in address, ss # and also if a dramatic change in income occurs. In reality I think the major delay is the fact that they updated there systems just when tax season started. The reps have no idea how to use the system and is causing the process to be slow.

  • @kfab I had a 1040 with three kids and got mine today

    1. @Dozer operator When did u file and when were you accepted

      1. J@Sabrina Johnson filed on the 31st and accepted on the 1st

      2. @Dozer operator I filed on 2/2 and WMR says I should have had it 2/14, the IRS says to give them until 2/21 since they are running behind. I’m really hoping the money comes in next week OMG. How did you file thru Turo Tax?

      3. @Sabrina Johnson Yes mam turbo tax

  • From what I understand is those who filed 1040EZ are the ones who got their refunds already. Those with a 1040 that have child credits, home, education credits, deductions etc are the ones still waiting.

    I filed my taxes Feb 2, accepted and just now today on Feb 18 was given any kind of status on the WMR. Up until today it said i had entered the info incorrectly. (Which I hadn’t). The date it’s giving me now is March 6. Over a month after my filing date! I might as well paper filed.

  • From what I understand is those who filed 1040EZ are the ones who got their refunds already. Those with a 1040 that have child credits, home, education credits, deductions etc are the ones still waiting.

    I filed my taxes Feb 2, accepted and just now today on Feb 18 was given any kind of status on the WMR. Up until today it said i had entered the info incorrectly. (Which I hadn’t). The date it’s giving me now is March 6. Over a month after my filing date! I might as well paper filed.

  • Oh and one more thing to add, not sure if it had anything to do with anything but up until yesterday the wmr site said by the 21st then yesterday said schedualed on the 21st. Chase bank don’t hold deposits so I guess the date was a cya type thing for the IRS. Like I said not sure if that’s got anything to do with anything just thought I would point that out.

  • give me my money PLEASE

  • still no date so the wmr is still not working

  • Did anybody got there taxes on a Saturday before? Just wondering hate the waiting game..

    1. @haZel_EyeZ25 if you read further down dozer operater received his today.

    2. @haZel_EyeZ25
      Yes I got mine dd this morning about 2am

      1. @Dozer operator @haZel_EyeZ25 ow long have you een waiting ?

        1. @brokeashell @haZel_EyeZ25
          Since February 1st

        2. @Dozer operator @haZel_EyeZ25 wow i filed on the 4th and the wmr still has no info its good you atleast let people know you got it

        3. @brokeashell @haZel_EyeZ25
          Yeah I could not stand to see people getting advice on here then dump everybody cause they got theirs.

        4. @Dozer operator @haZel_EyeZ25

        5. @Dozer operator @haZel_EyeZ25 no doubt definately gonna keep these people postedif and when i get mine

        6. @brokeashell @Dozer operator I filed on feb 7th

  • HI everyone!! I am in the same boat as most of you. I filed electronically with taxact with the DD option. I filed my taxes on 02/02 it was accepted by the IRS on the same day and had a refund date of 02/15. The WMR always showed that I entered the wrong information and to check back until today. I called and spoke to a rep who stated I would get my refund on 02/21. On another call I was told 02/28. The WMR is now working and says 03/06. I am beyond angry. They state that 90% of the refunds are issued within 10-21 days but they legally have up to 6 weeks to process our refunds. If I get my refund on 03/06 it will have taken 4 weeks for processing. I could have saved myself time, money and aggravation by filing paper for free!!! This year it is estimated that 200 million people will file taxes. About 1/2 will get refunds. That means they will have by the end of Feb they will have an estimated 1 million returns to process. Yet they reduce the staff and not one staff member will give the same explanation as the last.

    1. @Jess1026 so they gave you a date even when WMR was not? I wonder if thats going to be my case I havent bothered calling back yet i dont have time to sit on and wait for ever i guess ill just wait and see if i get a deposit next week because i still do not have a DD date 🙁

      1. @Nikki78 @Jess1026. Don’t rely on wmr DD date my says my refund is scheduled to be DD on Feb 14 and it is now Feb 18 still no money in sight! Ugggh! So irritating :((

  • @Dozer operator I am glad to hear you have received your refund. 🙂 I agree with you, they should not have waited till the last minute to get all the kinks worked out. A friend of mine who works for irs told me that they been on a hiring freeze for 2 years now and are very shorthanded not sure if that has anything to do with the delays of processing returns or not,. But I know i still have not heard anything? I filed mine and was accepted on the 2nd and still am getting the no information on the WMR site. I did call last week to irs to make sure they did have it and they verified it was accepted on the 2nd. Funny thing is we are suppose to have or refunds within 21 days max of the acceptance date but i still dont even a DD date so not sure how that is going to even be possible. Anyone else have that problem?.

  • Morning everyone. i have an update. Went to wmr this morning and it say I should have my refund by March 6. I am not happy about the date but at least I know they got it and I don’t have to refile.

    1. @casper61 but keep checking wmr it can change mine did I was susposed to dd on the 28th getting it on the 21st

      1. @haZel_EyeZ25 @casper61 hazeleyes- do you have your fees coming out of your refund? i was just wondering, since i am as well suppose to get my refund on the 21, the sbbt website says “the bank has not received your refund”, so i am just wondering how am i gonna get a refund by the 21 if they havent received my refund from they irs?

        1. @michigan97 @casper61 Yepp

      2. @haZel_EyeZ25 Oh I will and I will keep you all updated

  • Hey guys I have been following this convo for about two weeks now, I filed on the 31st and accepted on the 1st. I was really frustrated that it was taking so long to get my money as it has never taken that long in the past. The wmr site told me the 21st for the longest and this morning it was dd into my account. I did my taxes through turbo tax, have 3 kids and did a 1040. Hope this helps somebody out cause I noticed a bunch of people once they get their money bail out and can care less about updating everbody. Best of luck to all of you this is the only place I could find to see that everybody was having the same problem as me, thank you.

    1. @Dozer operator It is good to see some people get on here and tell when they did receive their refund. I filed on the 3rd and was accepted on the 3rd. Everytime I checked the WMR it would not have information until 2 days ago and now it says I should receive it by March 6th. I had a problem with them last year but that was because we had the First Time Buyers Loan to start paying back but this year I don’t see why there is a problem. It seems it is with people that were accepted on the 3rd. It would be nice if I receive mine the 21st but I really doubt that will happenl

      1. @Brooksie97 not sure what’s going on with the IRS this year but it a bunch of bull, but it seems like maybe they ironed out what ever problem they had. Just not sure why they waited till tax time to implement new safety measures and software, very stupid in my opinion.

  • Hello everyone….I needed to come somewhere and vent my frustration. I filed on 2/2/12. I filed married filing joint with my husband. I have student loans from the past, totalling 10,000 after interest, and penalties. The total of the loan itself is half of that. They are in default. I do pay $110 a month to get them taken care of, but I didn’t realize that it would take 9 months to be out of default status. When I filed, I called the offset hotline, and there were no debts for my social security number. I went ahead and filed. On 2/14/12, we recieved our entire state refund, and there were still no offsets attached to my ssn. THEN, I called yesterday just out of curiousity, and there it was….1 debt owed attached to my ssn. As of now, we do not have any info on our federal return. We have not recieved a dd date, and I have talked to the IRS, and they just say it is still being processed. They have NEVER mentioned anything about an offset. Keep in mind, the offset wasn’t listed until LAST NIGHT. Is it possible that my return will make it through this year without being offset since we filed so early, and it may very well be almost done proccessing? We did recieve our full state refund, but that was 2 or 3 days before the offset was listed, as far as I know. By next tax year I will be out of default status, so it wont be a concern then, but this year is. My husband worked for ALL of that money. I am a stay at home mom. I have filled out an injured spouse form, and it will be mailed in the morning, I am just wondering what is going on. Is it possible it is done proccessing, and has been, even though the IRS says it still isn’t….just as a generic response? It seems everyone else that filed on my day is out of processing, so why not me? Any insight into this would be very helpful.

    1. @LoveSanrio well if this helps any, I called the other day and talked to an irs person, she stated that it was still processing and give it 2-3 weeks before i called again because thats how long the processing is taking. I didnt buy that response, lol, so I called yesterday and another irs rep told me that it was done processing and would receive it on the 21st. the time between calls was one day! I think that some of those phone people just say something to you that they have written on a piece of paper instructed to say! and some really do look you up. hope that helps a little.

  • until wmr is fixed you will not get the correct answer mine just today has put dates from 15-3/6 something needs done explained been waiting since 2/2 how hard is it to say we screwed up SCREW U IRS to top it off just got email from turbotax about to use them for taxes get your refund in as little as 8 days evn on the bottom in fine print it states 7-14 days thats false advertisem*nt next year I will paper file and sign it with dog s****

  • i filed my taxes in the 4th… federal was accepted same day and state was accepted the 9th. the WMR says it has no info on my data or sumn…i filed thru taxact and was suppose to receive my money on the 15th….im freakin out!

  • So for those of us that we’re suppose to recieve our refund the 15th but didn’t could we still get it this weekend or on the 21st I really need that refund!

    1. man they have been saying that my bestfriend was suppose to receive hers on the 7th and still nothing! @Sarah712

      1. @NeedMyCash this is bs I don’t understand why there sticking sticks up everyone’s a**’s ! It gets me more upset to know people that filed after me got there’s already

    2. @Sarah712 i am hoping for the 21st…………

  • Does anybody know if i had my refund directed to turbotax card and im having trouble receiving my card can i have it directed to another account?

  • well i checked my wmr and it took 11 days for it too show up and it still says still processing i kno it sucks but we cant rush anything i know where all exahsted and hope everyones 28th day moves too an earlier day i been on this site ever since i filled on the 5th and what ive seen everyones take a lil long some are rapidly fast so lets kill some time watch some movies on netflix hit the gym take the anger of irs too the punching bag an work an take the time off your mind goodluck everyone !!

    1. @martin51 Sounds like a plan off to clean the kitchen take a bath and watch Tangled with my granddaughter. Night all see you tomorrow.

  • Does anyone know if the WMR site is done again?

    1. @Nikki78 theres AlwAys something wrong with it!

      1. @Nikki78 just read alittle farther down this blog…. it will explain…..

  • At least everyone is at least getting a date on when to expect there refund 🙁 I still have not been able to get info off of WMR and I too filed on Feb 2nd this is some bs

    1. @Nikki78 just keep in mind that some people have had their refund come despite the fact thay didnt get ANYTHING on that dumb wmr website, so there is hope… the wmr doesnt mean anything……

  • My update…………………..

    I filed on the 1st. WMR said I would get my refund by the 21st, this changed to the 14th, and still no money. I called the other day and it was still processing. I just got off the phone with the IRS and they gave me an actual DD date. They said I WOULD have the money DD on the 23rd. It appears when you get an ACTUAL DD date you do receive the money on that date (as compaired to a “received by date” in WMR). We shall see.

    1. @Bonita do you know of people that got theirs deposited on the dd date the wmr website gave them? I sure hope so…………….

      1. @michigan97 @Bonita My daughter got her today just like wmr said she would

        1. @casper61 @Bonita did hers change at all through the process?

        2. @michigan97 @Bonita No on wed it said she would receive her dd. If she didn’t have it by 22nd call them. She filed on the 5th and accepted on 6th.

        3. @casper61 @Bonita one of the lucky ones, hey!

      2. @michigan97 Everyone that has gotten a DD date has gotten the money on that day. A DD date is NOT the same as a WMR “by” date. It should say your DD is scheduled for xxxxxx. Look back through some older posts and you will see.

        1. @Bonita there was people that got a dd date on the 14th that still have not received their refund, so thats why i was wondering;)

        2. @michigan97 I haven’t seen ANYONE that had a DD date and not get their money on that date.

        3. @Bonita maybe i’m wrong… good… i like to be wrong in cases like this! lol

        4. @michigan97 People are just confusing a DD date with a “received by” WMR date. As I said, My “received by” date was the 21st, then the 14th.

        5. @michigan97 My DD date is EXACTLY 3 weeks

        6. @Bonita @michigan97. My says it was deposited on the 14th and still have wmr is not correct even if it gives you a DD date :((

        7. @evoevy1 @michigan97 What did the IRS say about it not being deposited?

        8. @evoevy1 @Bonita i thought i saw someone that had that problem!

        9. @evoevy1 @Bonita thats what is scary!

        10. @Bonita @michigan97 it says your refund will be deposited on the 14th if you don’t receive it by the 19th to check with my bank but not to call..I don’t even feel lLuke calling and listening to excuses..I’m gonna wwait till the 19th then ill start stalking them

  • IRS is getting a bill for all the time I have spent trying to figure out when I will receive my refund in the envelope they are getting a bill for my time wasted and a bottle of ky jelly with my name on it so next year when I get screwed I will expect it and it will not hurt as bad

  • im back.. listen does any1 know a number to the irs where i can speak to a human beinq?

    1. @alexya 18008291040 dont pick prompt just keep pressing 00000 until they say cant process.. then they will direct you

    2. @alexya update please!!!

      1. @alexya any updates alexya?

        1. @michigan97

          you are not qoinq to beleive this! qive me one minute to qo put a movie on for my dauqhter, & i’ll be riqht back.. im so upset & dont want her to see me like this..

        2. @alexya oh no……… CRAP!

        3. @alexya you okay alexya? 🙁

        4. @alexya i will be back in a few…… have to cut my sons hair…….. responsibilities……… urg………. lol

      2. @michigan97 @alexya This does not sound good!???

        1. @bigryn0 @michigan97

          ok so 1st i should explain that its actually my boyfriend (my kids father) who filed. anyway, i finally qet throuqh to the irs for him to speak to them & they say that his money is qoinq to be deposited on the 23rd, but only $987 of it! so he was like “wtf” why?. & they said that they need more info about our dauqhter & proof that he actually supports her! so he was like “of course i do, its my dauqhter & im on her birth certificate”.. so the lady said well we will send you a letter statinq the additional info & documents that we need from you.. so he asked how lonq will it take after that to receive the rest of the money? (which is over $4,000).. and the irs lady said 6-8 weeks! wtf! i cant deal with this! im thinkinq because i claimed her last year & he did this year?. even still, this is b.s.! & now that im thinkinq of it, h&r block was charqinq almost $400 for the prep so really we will only be qettinq $500on the 23rd! 🙁

        2. @bigryn0 @michigan97

          so basically there not qivinq him the earned income credit until we qive them whatever the hell it is they want! and GOD only knows how lonq it will take them to send us the letter with the info of whatever it is we need to qive them..

        3. @alexya @bigryn0@michigan97 That really sucks. The only thing I could suggest is that when you get the letter don’t mail them anything. Take what they are asking for and the letter to an IRS office and hand it to them.

        4. @alexya @bigryn0 oh my! um….. yeah, i would do what bonita said hand it to them dont mail it! that is really a bummer deal! it is probably like you said because you claimed them last year why things got messed up!

        5. @alexya @bigryn0 have you talked to them before this?

        6. @alexya @bigryn0 if you really needed the money, i wonder if you could get a loan from h=r block or whatever people are talking about until you get the remainder of it. because i was just thinking, i wonder if they will make you do a refile for the things that they are missing?! just a suggestion…… who knows with the irs

        7. @alexya @bigryn0 6-8 weeks is a looong time!

    3. @alexya. Damn girlie thats horrible!! My damn cousin that never worked a day had her bf claim her kids and already is spending thousands on crap..not even for her kids pisses me off they just want an excuse to keep our money

  • Well finally can see my info on the wmr site. Filed on 2/3 and it says I should have it by 3/6.

    1. @sandsurf15 if it says “by” in my experience of researching, that date should change to the 21st. just from my research!

      1. @michigan97 @sandsurf15 Mine has said by 2/28 for a few days now and it hasn’t changed.

  • what is the difference between 1040 and 1040ez?

    1. @michigan97 with the EZ you just file tax info and nothing else. So no itemized deductions or EIC or 1099’s. It basically would be for people that have one job and don’t own a house and don’t claim medical bills, etc on their returns

  • does anyone know the time zone sbbt is?

    1. @michigan97 pacific?

  • Thank you all for the info I filed on the 3rd of feb an couldn’t see any info on the IRS website ( panic set in) lol but I see that I can call …I would feel better if it was in the bank like the chart above stated I will be calling my bank ASAP to see if something’s pending .. I bank with capital one does anyone else an if so do you if they have a holding period on deposits ???????

    1. @Camey82 i do not bank with them, however, as i have been researching this topic for several days now, i do not see many banks that have a holding time for irs refund checks. and i would feel ALOT better if that stupid chart was right! if it was, i wouldnt be on here!

      1. @Camey82 it has been a really odd year! I have never had a problem any other year! Even when i had changes…………

        1. @michigan97 thanks yea I see this year is crazy!!!

  • I keep reading that we should all be receiving them the 21st/22nd so the irs better start spitting some serious cash tues! Lol

  • oh one more thing she stated as did another rep. i had talked to in day ago, some people are having delays due to wrong deposit info, if they can’t deposit it in the acct. or card that they have on file, then you will receive a check in the mail within 14 days. actually yesterday i made sure with sbbt that my info was correct, my routing number had a number left out, which didnt impact me because no refund was issued yet, i caught it in time. so maybe all of you waiting a long time should see if they didnt get the information right, maybe ??!!!

    1. @michigan97. Ok wow somehow I keep hearing about the 21st/22nd :)) so now I can look forward and stop checking my acct 24/7 like a psycho lol I’m glad my acct hasn’t locked me out haha! Thanks for the info :))

      1. @evoevy1 @michigan97 Psycho is right I keep hovering over the computer and laughing, and my kids run to see what’s going on! lol

        1. @bigryn0 @evoevy1 i know what you mean! I never spend this much time on the computer! my kids and husband think i am going insane! lol lol………. they may be right……..

    2. @michigan97 Speaking of wrong info, when I talked to the IRS guy he said that the SSI actually had my DOB worng and had it for may instead of march. It wasn’t a hangup on my taxes but could be in the future for my SSI benefits… I laughed and said well I got plenty of time for that!

  • i as well just got off the phone with a irs rep(again urgg..) she was nice as well, she said mine was done processing and will be deposited in my bank on feb 21, i asked her if that was accurate because of the holiday on monday, she said yes. she informed me that they received my tax info on feb7, the date that the irs chart is telling you is 1 week behind. she also did say disreguard the wmr website as it is “all whacked out” in her words! lol

  • Ok a little update:

    IRS guy said that they are having major issues with the WMR site not registering with their new computer system so you might not even appear and/or your date will be incorrect.

    Due to the fact that they have a new computer system to process with if you had a change or you filed a 1040 itemized you will be about a week behind. This is all from the mouth of Two different IRS Reps, and they both told me the same thing. Both very Nice and Informative.

    So if you were to receive it on the 15th then you should expect something on the 22nd. The IRS rep I talked to said give it a day or to to clear the bank so I looking at the 27th or the 28th.

    1. @bigryn0 so you filed the 1st?

      1. @michigan97 no no on the 3rd!

        1. @bigryn0 oh oh okay! i was thinking the 1st for some reason! sorry

        2. @michigan97 you filed yours on the 1st?

        3. @bigryn0 the 7th

        4. @bigryn0 i got accepted the 7th

    2. @bigryn0 expect as in wmr website? or irs chart?

      1. @michigan97 Chart!

        1. @bigryn0 oh good!

  • I filed on 2/2 and it was accepted the same day. It says on the WMR website that it’s being processed and I should get it by 2/28. That’s bull. According to the chart it should’ve been mailed already.

    1. @Kristina303 Thats the day I filed as well and was accepted. Mines finished processing but I have to wait a week to get it on my card. Seems 2,3,4, are having the most issues with there refunds. My bf got his back already and did his on the 6th. It all sucks this year I hope next year they figure this crap out!

      1. I actually got accepted on feb 1 and received an email stating so. it didn’t show up in their records until feb 7. the wmr said i should expect it on 21 and then it changed to the 14th. i never received it on that day. i called and they said that it is still processing and they couldn’t give me any more information about it. as of today their website still says that it is processing and I should receive it by the 14th. my point to this is im still having problems and im outside of the dates that you have listed. this is really screwed up and im desperate for my refund….ughhh!!

        1. @lcombs68 I’m in the EXACT same situation as you. I filed on the 1st, originally should expect it by the 21st, then the 14th, but no money, I called and they said it’s still processing. Maybe there is a problem with the day we filed. I’ve seen 3 other people that filed on the 1st in the same boat.

        2. This is just crazy and the fact that they don’t want to help you is ridiculous. the man at the IRS acted as though I was bothering him by calling even though it stated to call after the 14th if I hadn’t received it. Why is it still processing? This is by far the worst year for taxes and Im surprised that many news outlets are covering this…at least I haven’t heard of any. All they keep talking about is how the website is displaying the wrong information.

        3. @lcombs68 I’m not sure when your WMR updated to the 14th but I think my did on Sunday. My only hope is that it updates on Sunday that I will get it on the 21st AGAIN and they really deposit it.

        4. ive been checking out other websites and people are reporting the same probmems and they are quite a few that are just like us. i don’t know what to do or say and it seems like there is nobody to complain to. all i hear is just wait and be patient. its a little hard to do with bills mounting all over the place.

        5. @lcombs68 Yeah, this money helps get caught up on everything after Christmas. I wouldn’t mind waiting until the 21st, that really is 14 business days. The problem is that we have NO idea when we will receive the money until it’s in the bank. Everyone should know by now that WMR is garbage.

    2. @Kristina303 btw dont go by what WMR call them. The lady told me that the website is all messed up and hardly anyone is getting the right info. Call like I did so you know for sure 🙂

      1. @StephanieKirby @Kristina303 What # are you Calling?

        1. @dajackson @StephanieKirby @Kristina303 18008291040 dont hit any prompt, just press 0

        2. @dajackson @Kristina303 1-800-829-1040..push 000000 until u get through.

  • Ok so I called the IRS again. She pretty much told me there was no first come first basis it was a random selection really. Also found out that my return was and has been processed since tuesday but It wont be put on my card until tuesday next week. Why does it take a full week for there bank to give us our money after its done processing? Also I asked and no one will be getting there return on monday because they are closed basically. So anyone who was told they were getting there return on a weekend of this monday a holiday. She said that after its done being processed theres nothing else they can do its all up to their bank.

    Has anyone ever received there return on the weekend or on a holiday or before they were told that after its done being processed that it was in there account earlier than being told?

    1. @StephanieKirby i just saw on another website that the irs takes one week to process and another for us to receive funds this year for ones with no delays ofcourse! in the past i have gotten mine back in a little over a week! maybe they should go back to depositing on fridays, seemed to work HUH??!!!!

  • be back in a few

  • what number are you guys calling to talk to a live IRS agent? everytime i call they give me the automated call

    1. @bigryn0

      hello.. your bacckkk! hahaha

      1. @alexya @bigryn0 hey! HERE WE ARE!

        1. @michigan97 @bigryn0


        2. @michigan97 @alexya yeah Im here still teed off and wanting my money… I did find out that my state refund has been proccessed and released but nothing in the bank yet. WTH

        3. @bigryn0 @alexya keep us updated big!

        4. @bigryn0 @alexya is your real name ryan? i have a brother ryan and he calls himself bigryno!

        5. @michigan97 @alexya well as far as my federal goes they have received it but haven’t gotten through processing it yet. The Guy was extremely nice and informative… He stated that if you had any changes and if you did not do a 1040ez that it would take about a week longer to process your return.

          so I am looking at about next friday, but he didn’t want to stick his foot in his mouth and he gave me a date of march the 2nd just to cover his butt…

          And Yes my name is Ryan That is what they called me in school, due to the fact I am not a small Guy standing 6,2 and weighing 295. I’d say I have earned the Name! LOL

        6. @michigan97@alexya That’s also my Twitter Name bigryn0

        7. @bigryn0 @alexya well, there is some news, at least he was nice! yeah my brothers nickname is that too! he was very skinny tall (6’4) in high school, but bulked right out after and is a body builder now, so his was kinda a joke in high school!lol

    2. @bigryn0 18008291040 dont hit any prompt, just press 000000000

      1. @michigan97 by the way whats that I hit after the phone number!? LOL

        1. @bigryn0 did it work?!!!!! lol dont complain big! lol

  • I filed mines on the 2nd of February and still no WMR status I’m piss as hell. Everyone that did theirs on the 2/3 is all f*cking screw up. This is bullsh*t. Someone’s needs to ficking file a lawsuit on those bastard:)

    1. @Just another day do you think you got accepted on the 3rd or the second?

      1. @michigan97
        I got accepted on the 2. My cousin got accepted on the 3 and both hasn’t recieve sh*t but got our states only. Call the IRS and seems like they hired a bunch of monkeys to do their jobs. They cant even give a straight answer. They are giving me all different answers. Btw they said my hasn’t been process yet. I was piss off because how could mines not be process yet when everyone else did??? This is madness. I filed my other uncles on the 4th and his showed up to be dd on the 28.

        1. @Just another day i like ‘monkeys”” better then the name i gave the “robots” that i called them earlier! yeah they are all CRAZY LOONEYS!!!!! just telling people whats on the piece of paper in front of them! GENERIC INFO!

    2. I only just last week received my 2010 federal refund. it was pure hell trying to get it. After 30 calls, refaxing the info since it was lost 3 times, countless letters and then getting our local rep to get him involved it came after 10 + months!! It was insane ! These people are VERY incompenant!

      1. @Lori P well hopefully you do NOT have that this year! that would be REALLY annoying! I can’t believe they lost it three times! maybe i should get a job at the irs around tax season…. and turn this ship around! lol

  • yeah, mine did this too, at first it said by the 28th and now it says on the 21

  • its says somethinq about no ssn# on file..

    1. @alexya they prob. arent the ones dealing with your refund, how did you pay h+r block?

      1. @michigan97

        it comes out of the return..

      2. @alexya um…… are you married? because you have to plug in the primary ssn on the and exact amount of the return, not after fees, before. (you prob already know that, just being bossy)

      3. @michigan97

        lol its ok.. but yes, everythinq is riqht, i heard some1 else say they were sayinq the same thinq for theirs too.. but my $ is qoinq on h&r emerald card so idk if thats why its sayiq that?

      4. @alexya could be……. thats prob why!

      5. @michigan97

        ive been dreaminq about taxes all niqht lonq! lol

      6. @alexya yeah, i’ve been typing on this machine forever! i think my fingers might start bleeding! but it takes up time, listen to others stories it helps!!!!!!!!

      7. @michigan97

        yes it really does help..

  • I filed my taxes on the 3rd and was suppose to get them yesterday. Well as of today I still haven’t received mine.

    1. @Urs look down this blog, there is alot of people that filed on the 3rd in the same sit. did you get accepted on the 3rd as well?

      1. @michigan97 Yes

        1. When I go the WMR it still doesn’t give me any thing. no date..nothing. Guess it will be May by the time I get

        2. @Urs what is up with the feb 3rd curse?

        3. @michigan97 @Urs

          filed on feb2 approved feb3 so damn it probably is somethinq to do withthe 3rd!!!!

        4. @Urs did you hear about the 31 club? you 3s need a 3 way club! just fyi, alot i mean ALOT of people still receive their refund without the wmr updating, so its possible! they are having tons of trouble with that site!

        5. @michigan97 I hope so. I’m flying out tomorrow to California and was so hoping for some extra money. Oh well maybe Monday.

        6. @Urs
          I hope not. I will be piss. When they wanna take our out of our paycheck they could. And when we want ours we can. Freaking idiots.

        7. @Urs you prob wont get it on monday being most banks are closed………. tuesday hopefully!!!!!!!!!!

  • My daughter file on the 5th got accepted on the 7th and got her taxes today. Great for her. i filed the 3rd got accepted the same day and wmr still has no record of my return. wtf.

    1. @casper61 i really just dont understand the rhyme or reason this year for returns!!!! I basically prob. should of got my return as well today, is your daughter married? have kids?

      1. @michigan97 Married with 2 kids. I still have children at home too. Nothing has changed on my return in years. Same jobs same deduction same bank filing company.

        1. @casper61 so you guys both file married jointly, and kids? right?! just trying to see if i can break the irs code! lol seriously, just trying to see some kind of pattern, guess there isnt a “pattern” really strange stuff this year, seen nothing like this before, maybe the world is ending…………. lol lol

  • well i got accepted on feb 7 and the wmr website says scheduled to be dd on feb 21, however the sbbt website says they have not received my refund from irs?!!! how can i have my money by feb 21 since monday is presidents day?

    1. @michigan97 That means they will probably get it today at some point and then it will be released to you on Tuesday. Did you have fees withheld from your return or did you pay up front? If you paid up front, SBBT will not get your refund, it will come straight from IRS.

      1. @JuliaD yeah, i have fees coming out of my refund, i can log on and everything to sbbt, however, it just says my tax preparers fees and that the bank has not received refund from irs. so do you think sbbt could get the money tonight? because what i have been hearing is that they receive funds from irs in wednesdays? have you heard that?

        1. @JuliaD has anyone you heard of got a refund on sat.?

        2. @michigan97 They actually receive funds up until Wednesday. I know Monday is a holiday, but processes still go on. They could send it at midnight tonight or it could be sent midnight Monday night. With all the problems that the IRS is having right now with refunds, I would find it highly unlikely that they will completely shut down on Monday.

        3. @JuliaD i just really hope they are right about the 21!! and by the way, sbbt agent said the irs is scheduled to make deposit to them feb 22??? really confusing!!! any suggestions about that one?! thanks

        4. @michigan97 Again, it could happen up until that day. That’s all I can think of. Hope I can help somebody since I can’t help myself, lol.

        5. @JuliaD thanks this helps sooo much! just to talk about it, my husband doesnt want to hear another thing about it! lol glad i found you guys!!!!!!! REALLY!!!!!!

    2. @michigan97 The 21st is Tuesday not Monday.

      1. @Bonita i know, i was just thinking about processing monday night………… but as i hear, you can get it anytime of day!

  • Well, I checked WMR again this morning and it has slighlty changed. It used to say “will be DD ON the 28th”, and now it says “Will be DD BY the 28th”. I can’t believe this! I filed on the 4th and they accepted it the same day! WTF is going on!!!!!!! Someone just posted that they filed on the 8th and received their’s today! This is such BS!!!

  • Well I had filed my taxes on feb. 2 and my daughter filed hers on feb. 7. I have still not received my refund yet but my daughter just received hers today.

    1. @cateyes235 what was the date your daughter was given by wmr?

  • @Tasha704 From what ive been seeing all the ppl who filed on 02/03/12 have been getting screwed from what wmr is saying ill be waiting more than a month.

    1. @dajackson I sure hope that is not the case. From the looks of it most of us who filed 2/1- 2/8 are having the most issues.

    2. @Tasha704 yeah im right there with u.just got to use wmr for the 1st time today. says my money is coming on the 6th next month…

  • I filed 2/3 and was accepted the same day. WMR has nothing about my refund. Called IRS all they will say is wait 3 weeks. Has anyone who was accepted on 2/3 recieve a refund yet? This is driving me crazy. I hope we don’t have to wait over a month as I see many of you saying. My brother filed a week after I did and recieved his in 7 days. This sucks.

    1. @Tasha704 I also filed on the 2/3 and accepted the same day. Today was the first time it told me a date. 3/6!! IDK what is going on with the IRS this year, but something isn’t right. Some have said that it depends on the type of return you did. (i.e. 1040EZ getting them back fast, 1040 or 1040A taking between 3 – 4 weeks. I am hoping, hoping, hoping my check will be in my bank account this time next week.

    2. @Tasha704 Mine says the same thing. The IRS website hasn’t even given me a date. This is crazy. So I called the IRS hotline and it said due to a technical error my call can’t be completed..whats going on.

      1. @Urs @Tasha704 LOL!! It’s because there is so many of us calling and complaining. Love it!

  • @Kaybizzal. Same exact dates here except mines still says it was deposited on the 14th and nothing in my bank yet :((

    1. @evoevy1 Did u check WMR? It should be there by the 21st. It sucks I know but it’s coming lol! I HOPE!

    2. @evoevy1


      1. @alexya @evoevy1 hi today! so do you have fees taken out from your refund?

      2. @alexya @evoevy1 have you talked to the irs or the person that did your taxes? when did you get accepted again?

      3. @michigan97 @evoevy1

        HELLO! 🙂 Still no money today & wmr is still sayinq the 14th! & sbbt says no ssn# on file! but, my h&r block tax preparer said irs is behind & i “should” have it by sunday! i’ll beleive it when i see it.. this thinq is just really brinqinq me down!..

      4. @alexya@evoevy1 that stinks! so geez……… i hope you get it this weekend!

      5. @michigan97 @evoevy1

        me too! u know if they would just be honest and qive us an actual date, i wouldnt be qoinq nuts! hey even if they said it would be on such in such date 3 weeks from now, at least we would have an honest date..

      6. @alexya @evoevy1 its just weird that the h=r block person said by sunday, so maybe tonight?….. keep us posted!!! OR ELSE!!! lol

      7. @michigan97 @evoevy1

        & besides, ive heard the irs releases $ on wednesdays, so h&r block was probably just tryinq to shut me up.. if they release on wednesdays, why would i qet it on sunday?. i dont beleive it.. oh & dont worry, i would never do that, i would definately keep all of you posted. i’m pissed that the ppl who were in our position a few days aqo havent come back.. probably out shoppinq lol

      8. @alexya @evoevy1 shopping at walmart! lol

      9. @michigan97 @evoevy1

        yeah lol

  • Alexya, I’m not sure if it works for h&r block cards but I can still give you the website and just give it a try…

  • Michigan97, I got accepted the same day I filed which was the 2/1. At first my processing end date was he 21st and then it changed to the 14th. Then when I didnt have my money on the 16th I checked the WMR site, and it said how it will be direct deposited on the 21st. The message was worded differently than how it was before. They didnt say it was processing. They were pretty much saying I should have my money the 21st.

  • I am counting on Tuesday I have a family !!! I am not working nomore bc I gave birth to my son so I’m depending on this check!!!

    1. @haZel_EyeZ25 i am counting on it as well, lets update eachother, shall we?! lol i am in the same sit. as you, although, i didnt just have a baby! lol so 21st here we come……. right/?!

  • ok, so this is my update, as of this morning, I still have no money in the bank. The WMR site and my AZ State website both say that I should be getting my DD today. Plus I got an e-mail from H&R Block yesterday that says this:

    Your Refund Anticipation Check (RAC) funds have been released for direct deposit into your bank account.

    It may take up to 4 additional days for your bank to process this deposit. Please call your bank for more information.

    This is your final invoice from H&R Block. The RAC services are now complete.

    It better NOT take 4 more days for my bank to process it!!!! I have had the same bank for 10 years and it has never taken any time to process…BTW I filed on 2/8. Which I know it not near as long as most of you have been waiting. I wish you all luck. I will let you know when my deposit is actually made…

    1. @luckluck Good for you!! I hope your $$ is there…. I have a little hope for my situation:) Let us know.

      1. @staeluv Alright, I just checked and money is in the bank…state and federal! Again, I filed on 2/8, with H&R Block, had my fees withheld (but I had no info when I checked the SBBT site). Both federal and state web sites said I would get them today. SO my situation is hope that the you can gat your refund on time! I am so sorry for those of you who are still waiting. Again, I wish you all luck!!

        1. @luckluck @staeluv so what did the sbbt website say to you?

        2. @luckluck@staeluv did it say the bank does not have refund?

        3. @michigan97 @staeluv No, it said: No record was found based on the SSN, Refund Amount and Filing Status you provided. Please check your inputs and try again! But I know the information is right…So I guess my money didn’t come from there…

        4. @luckluck @staeluv prob not, but your deposit at your bank would state where it came from. congrats to you on having your refund!!!!!

  • I wish people would keep us updated…I’m sure some one that was on here this week received their refund. When you receive your money just come back and drop us a few lines to give the ones that’s still waiting some hope…please:)

  • Day 15 : no sleep need food still no refund in sight! Haha..gonna start writing a journal! I’m going crazy! So apparently my refund was deposited on the 14th..where is my dinero!?

    1. @evoevy1 its prob still clearing at your bank

      1. @dajackson well I hope that’s the case 🙂

        1. @evoevy1 call or message your bank and they will be able to tell u if a deposit is pending

    2. @evoevy1 anything as of now?

  • Filed mine on 2/4……said it was accepted that night. Was checking the website a billion times a day, from the calendar above – said it should have been deposited on 2/16..NOTHING.. now today.. FINALLY it says 3/6…over a month to get a refund… with e-filing????????? that’s a bunch of bullsh*t!!!! Still have NO date for state return yet!!!

    1. @Dina Really? I filed mine on the 4th as well and it got accepted that same day….except I don’t get any info on WMR.

  • Well mine took for ever to show up. I filled on 2/2 got excepted on 2/2 date keep changing from 2/28 to DD, now this morning finally changed to : it will b DD on the 02/22 if don’t recieve by the 27 to call them … Finally l hope nothing changes

  • BULLsh*t I filed my taxes and was accepted on feb 02 been checking 5 times a day on where is my refund it just now after checking 100 times showed a date of 03/5/12 thats over 30 days bullsh*t they say the max is 23 days screw the IRS they are a bunch of overpaid RETARDS

    1. @PISSED AT IRS yeah mine was accepted on the third. just now i was finnaly able to use wmr and they said itll b in by the 6 of march. i love how if i dont pay them theyll put my ass in jail but i cant do ne thing bout them paying me

      1. @dajackson @PISSED AT IRS pissed: yours should update again if that was your first time you were able to use it, however keep in mind the dates on the wmr website are NOT correct for most of us! even the phone answerers for the irs say this! there website is messing up!!!! i would say that you are in the 21st club.

  • Oh HELL NO!! WMR finally gives me a date and it says March 6? I freakin filed on the 3rd!! This is some bullsh*t!!!

    1. @JuliaD WTF? Are you serious?! OMG! I filed on Feb 4th and got “accepted” that same day….no hope for me then lol.

    2. @JuliaD I filed on the 7th n getting my money on the 21st

      1. @haZel_EyeZ25 The way this is going, I wouldn’t count on it.

    3. So now WMR is back to “we have no information about your return”. So fed up. Talked to a lady at IRS this morning, still processing, and it hasn’t been 21 days yet, so I need to wait until next week to call again. You know, if I wasn’t flat broke, it wouldn’t be an issue, but like the rest of the country, we are struggling right now!!

  • Well ain’t this some bulllbutter!!!!! 14th my big a$$!! Ugh I try so hard to just forget about it and move on but damn! That my money! My cousin that’s never worked a day in her damn life lets her bf claim her kids..she received her 11,000 and it blowing money left and right already! Pisses me off and my hard working husband can’t recieve his little ol tax refund bulllll I tell ya! Straight up bull!

    1. @evoevy1 When did your cousin’s bf file his?

      1. @staeluv on Jan 28 they told him he would receive it the 10th and he did!

  • Boyfriend who filled 4 days after me just got this message from H&R Block.

    Dear JASON A,

    Your federal Refund Anticipation Check (RAC) funds should be loaded to your H&R Block Emerald Prepaid MasterCard® by 1 a.m. local time. Please call the toll-free number on the back of your Emerald Card after 1 a.m. local time to check your balance.

    This is your final notice from H&R Block. The RAC services are now complete.

    How the hell does he have his already? I’m so pissed! IRS f*cking sucks this year. Why cant this be a first come first serve basis???

    1. @StephanieKirby sounds like a bunch of bull :/ I was suppose to get mine the 15th! IRS doesn’t care how much of an important it is to us tax payers to recieve that money on time! But yet we get a penilty if we don’t do our taxes on time. Double standards

      1. @Sarah712 Exactly! I was supposed to get mine the 15th as well. Im not holding my breath for the next date they set for the 21st. They really should know a pregnant womans hormones will not make for a good call on the 22nd if my money isnt on my card lol!

  • does anyone know the number too call the irs too talk too an agent or some ?

    1. @martin51 Toll-Free, 1-800-829-1040 7am-7pm

  • @ alexa – I filed the 4th as well and the IRS also accepted my return the same day ( 1 hr and 4 minutes to be exact ). Every time I went onto WMR it kept telling me that they had no information to give me. FINALLY 11 days later WMR gives me a date of February 28!!! Such crap! I e-filed and I’m having it direct deposited and it’s taking this long!! Some people have filed after that and have already gotten their return.

    1. @MandyCrow have people you know of really filed after that and got their return already?!!!!

    2. @MandyCrow REALLY!!! people that you know that filed after that got their return already??!!!

      1. @michigan97 @MandyCrow I know alot of people that efiled after me with other companys and already have theirs. I dont get why its not on a first come first serve basis.

      2. @StephanieKirby @MandyCrow that is crazy!!!!

        not fair!!! lol….. but seriously…… not fair

      3. @michigan97 – My uncle filed on the 6th and he got his today. My brother in law filed the same day as me and got his on the 15th. A friend of mine filed her’s on the 7th and got ith on yesterday. Weird how all of this is going this year. . .

      4. @StephanieKirby – Exactly!! I think it should be too!

      5. @MandyCrow what a mystery!!!! that just is sooo odd!!!

      6. @michigan97 @MandyCrow My bf just got a message.

        Dear JASON ,

        Your federal Refund Anticipation Check (RAC) funds should be loaded to your H&R Block Emerald Prepaid MasterCard® by 1 a.m. local time. Please call the toll-free number on the back of your Emerald Card after 1 a.m. local time to check your balance.

        This is your final notice from H&R Block. The RAC services are now complete. WTF he filled 4 days after I did! I’m soooooo pisssed!!!

      7. @StephanieKirby – That’s Crap! However, I can’t say I’m surprised. The IRS is all screwed up this year. . . At least your bf got his and he doesn’t have to play this waiting game. Arrrggg!

      8. @MandyCrow true but he could care less when his got here. All of my money is going to pay for stuff for my unborn daughter his isnt lol. Mine goes to bills. his paycheck goes to bills lol. He didnt need his as bad as i did and was like lol i dont care when mine gets here. me im freaking out.

      9. @StephanieKirby – Maybe I need to try that “I don’t care when mine gets here” attitude. You know that’s when it will come in too. . .After I have totally given up on it. LOL.

      10. @MandyCrow yeah maybe i should too. Lol this isnt very good for my high blood pressure. I should stop checking.

      11. @StephanieKirby – LOL Same here!

    3. @MandyCrow it will more then likely change to feb 21

      1. @michigan97 – I sure hope so. I have bills to pay and I count on that money every year! This is the first year that I have ever had any issues.

  • So, I am on hold…waiting for my turn to talk to some dip at the IRS….AGAIN. Sure am hoping this time that I get to talk to someone that lives in America. SMH….this is ridiculous. I just want to know that they HAVE my return. I am going to tell them that I don’t remember what date I filed so that they are forced to look it up. Way I see it….if they can lie to me, I can lie to them ;D

    I will update when, or should I say IF, I find anything out.

  • see, when i call the irs they just tell me generic information, like, we received your return feb 7 you need to allow 2-3 weeks from that date to receive your refund……. urg……..

    1. @michigan97 Humm idk I waiting 2 weeks to the day to call.

  • I called the IRS. They told me my refund would sure sure be in my account on the 21st. I filed and was accepted on 2/2. I asked if this was just an estimate and he said no that it says it will be direct deposited on the 21st!Woot a week late but atleast now I know something yall should call if WMR isnt giving you any info. The guy flat out told me that WMR was all kinda of messed up and giving almost everyone the wrong info and to not pay attention to it even if it gives you a date or changes to an earlier date for you. I only waited 20 mins to talk to someone and he was very helpful. Glad a I called. Now lets hope my money in really in there on the 21st or I might change my mind lol.

  • I called the IRS. They told me my refund would sure sure be in my account on the 21st. I filed and was accepted on 2/2. I asked if this was just an estimate and he said no that it says it will be direct deposited on the 21st!Woot a week late but atleast now I know something yall should call if WMR isnt giving you any info. The guy flat out told me that WMR was all kinda of messed up and giving almost everyone the wrong info and to not pay attention to it even if it gives you a date or changes to an earlier date for you. I only waited 20 mins to talk to someone and he was very helpful. Glad a I called. Now lets hope my money in really in there on the 21st or I might change my mind lol.

    1. @StephanieKirby what phone number did you use?

      1. @michigan97 Toll-Free, 1-800-829-1040. You have to call 7am-7pm

  • The irs is still not giving me any kind of response I think im going to have to call the people who did my taxes if I don’t see anything by midnight or after 1 is 🙁

    1. @tyianna Did you call the IRS?

    2. @tyianna when did you get accepted??/

  • I just got off the phone with IRS. Talked to a very nice lady there and she said they do show mine and possibly I will have it by the 24th. She said it may show on the WMR site next week. That they are running at about 3 weeks on the refunds right now. And if you did a 1040 EZ they tend to get them faster, I had just a 1040 so it takes a little longer. So hopefully we will have it next week. She also said mine has not been processed as of yet, but should be soon.

  • I called the IRS again an hour later and this guy told me a different story. He told me they recieved my taxes and that it hasn’t been process yet. How can it not be process yet??? Some people that I know got theirs already and filed after me. Anyways the first lady that I talk to was sayin she doesn’t see anything about my taxes. What a liar. She was just being lazy and didn’t want to look up my info. Anyways still piss because it’s been two weeks and nothing yet.

  • i filed my return on the 4th and got accepted the same dame does anyone know about when i should be getting it this is driving me crazy!!

  • i filed my return on the 4th and got accepted the same dame does anyone know about when i should be getting it this is driving me crazy!!

  • The refunds are probably delayed because the government is broke. No $ to give back.

  • i just talked to a sbbt rep. (there was some issues with my bank routing number!!!) but fixed and fine now, so make sure they have your correct bank info (if going that route) anyway she also said that the irs gives them $ up until wednesday, if not their by wednesday then it will be the next week. But if the bank account info is not right there will be a delay…… just wanted to update!

    1. So what’s this sbbt?

      1. @luckluck it is a bank that the irs uses to deposit money then they deposit it to you… if you have direct deposit, if you use a card then this doesnt apply.

        1. I have dd and had my taxes done at H&R Block. I went to this site but couldn’t find any info about taxes…maybe I wasn’t in the right place?

        2. @michigan97 @luckluck Could you check this site if you went to H&R Block and got the emerald card can you still look on there? Whats the SBBT site?

        3. @StephanieKirby @luckluck did you get your fees for your taxes taken out of your refund?

        4. @StephanieKirby @luckluck it doesnt hurt to try! its just like the wmr site give it a try!

        5. @luckluck if you didnt get your preparers fee taken out, chances are your money wont come from them, all irs for you! and your bank ofcourse!:) but if you are married and filied joint, the primary (first person) on the return, thats the ssn you need to put in, didnt know if you knew that:)

        6. @michigan97 @luckluck I was charged $336 to be taken out of my refund for emerald card at H&R Block Was told Id get my taxes back in 2 weeks. My bf Just got his back and he got his in 10 days unlike my 15 days I’m going on. I filed 4 days before him. I don’t really understand how they are doing taxes this yr. I’m so mad right now.

        7. @michigan97 didnt get any info from that site 🙁 Said they had no info for me 🙁

        8. @StephanieKirby @michigan97 Yeah I didn’t get any information on that site either…I filed @ H&R Block & did have my fees taken out of my refund), but am having DD NOT an emarald card…the WMR site says I am scheduled for tomorrow, I am praying that it is right and I don’t get screwed over. I will let you guys know. Thanks for all your information.

        9. @luckluck @michigan97 what day did u file?

        10. @StephanieKirby @michigan97

          me too! its sayinq im usinq wronq ssn#

        11. @StephanieKirby @michigan97 I filed on the 8th.

    2. @michigan97

      hey i still need to know, if i filed at h&r block and qettinq my refund on an emerald card, can i check my status at this sbbt you quys are talkinq about?.

      1. @alexya @michigan97 Only if they are taking your fees out after the refund is issued. If you have already paid your fees, the it won’t. Look at my post below and it will explain it for you.

      2. @alexya if you had your fees for them takin out, i think you can, anyways it doesnt hurt to try!!!! its just like the wmr website,

  • This is information which may give some answers about SBBT. This was taken directly from their website.

    Question: Why can’t I find my information on your website?

    Answer: Please make sure you are entering the Social Security Number (SSN) without dashes (if you filed a joint return, enter the Primary SSN), the correct refund amount – before deductions – and your filing status. If you are still unable to find your information, and it has been more than 48 hours since you filed, please contact the IRS (800-829-1040) to make sure your federal income tax return has been received and is being processed. Please note: If you qualified for free filing or paid your electronic filing fees up front with a credit or debit card, the Bank will not receive your refund and will have no information about refund. You must contact the IRS about your refund.

  • My daughter filed with a company on feb. 7th and her date was to be the feb. 15th but her tax person said that it probably wont go into her account until friday. So lets wait and see and she received her state check already this past monday.

  • I have a friend that filed with turbo tax and she already received hers. Her sister filed with a company and received hers in 5 days.

  • anyone know if my dd date is set for the 21, is there any hope for tom? does anyone think? I know this year is f up……. anyone know of anyone that got it early at all???

  • I had filed on feb. 2nd to be honest I dont even know when I got accepted I had filed with a company and they havent told me anything just that the IRS is a week behind.

  • Well I still havent received my federal refund today either but I did receive the state refund which isnt much. So still waiting!!!

    1. @cateyes235 when did you get accepted?

  • does anyone know how often the sbbt updates their info on the website? just wondering……….

  • ok, i really have to pull myself away from the comp now & qo about my daily routine, but best beleive i’ll be back! hahahahaa! this is soooo bad!

    1. @alexya bye i will be leaving too need a glass of milk!!!! i will be back as well!!!!!!


    1. @italianpride34

      maybe thats the case, but its still bs! its never happened like this any other year!


    1. @italianpride34 I had some 1099 work that I added in, but that was it and honestly it’s nothing that should have caused a delay.

    2. @italianpride34 I had a second Job! But nothing else

  • okay people, please don’t just get your return and never turn your computer on this site again!!!! I would like to know updates! I have seen other people just never get back on again, guessing they got it but……… so please update, don’t leave us on the swing!

    1. @michigan97

      yeah i know.. once they qot theirs they werent worried about us left behind..

    2. and if i leave and never come back.. i got mine…

      1. TOTALLY KIDDING!!! ofcourse I will update!!!!!!

        1. @michigan97

          lol 🙂

        2. @alexya this is how bad i am worrying about this, i am a personal trainer for a spinning class, which is my life…….. LOVE IT!!!! called in sick the last three days!!! and sitting here eating snickers from my kids’ valentines parties!!!!! lol lol

        3. @michigan97 @alexya Eat one for all of us too! lol Rofl

        4. @michigan97

          lmao! too funny!

      2. @michigan97 Ya’ll might get mad if I post a video of me doing the happy dance!

        1. @bigryn0 @michigan97

          well as lonqq as im dancinq on the same day or b4 i wont be mad! lol

        2. @bigryn0 too funny!!!!

    3. @michigan97 I will make sure to keep every one updated…I wanted to know if any one got their refund even if the wmr website didn’t give them any info.

      1. @staeluv i have talked to people that have gotten theirs with no update!!!! so yes VERY possible!!! the wmr is off foresure this year!

    4. @michigan97 What other website did you go to for the state? What did the woman say when you called?

      1. @staeluv i do not know…. i just put in wmr website down or something along those lines, i also put in 2012 tax forums…….. i never called anyone though……

        1. @staeluv go further down this thread too, there was people talking about it before

  • how come my picture doesnt show like other ppl’s?

    1. @alexya I linked mine with my Google+ account I don’t know if that has anything to do with it

      1. @bigryn0

        hmm idk i just went under the profile thinq & my pic shows there.. do u see anythinq if you click on my name?

        1. @alexya I see the Shadow man!

        2. @bigryn0


        3. @bigryn0

          ok so it shows now, but it looks so weird small! not lovinq it! i had to refresh the paqe for it to show..

        4. @alexya Yeah I see you now! lol

  • Filed my taxes on the 2nd of February and got accepted the same day. Its been 14 days and I called them and the lady told me to wait exactly 21 days to call them back. So I simply ask her “do you have my tax refund ” and she says nothing showing up. WTH it stated that the IRS recieved it. That’s BS. Waited all this time to hear those idiot say no information. She tried saying that it’s probably my first time filing that’s why it’s taking so long because they are setting my account. Excuse me but didn’t you say you don’t have my stuff????? How the heck did you know that. I gave her a piece of my mind. Lol.

    1. @Just another day do you give her a date of when you filed? because for next time if you call, tell them you can’t remember the date, then they have to look you up. Alot of those people on the phones say generic things!

      1. @michigan97 @Just another day This is what I did. And he had to pull my info up in the system

        1. @bigryn0 @michigan97
          I didn’t tell her my exact date I told her that it’s been 14days. It’s madness lol. I will try calling again later to see what someone says. I will keep you guys updated:)


    1. @italianpride34

      thats what im sayinq! how they qonna charqe us for services they didnt provide?!

  • now there telling me im under review n should receive it the first week of march like really i filed on jan 30 this sucks

    1. @isis Under review does not sound good! you better pucker up! lol

      1. @bigryn0 i know im scared as hell right now

      2. @bigryn0 @isis

        yeah, that doesnt sound qood at all! they better not come at me with that!

        1. @alexya @isis they can come at me I bought the piece of mind

      3. @bigryn0@isis under review? um……. call them! or did you already?

        1. @michigan97 @bigryn0 yea thats what they lady told me when i called

      4. @bigryn0 @isis okay lets get to the bottom of this, is that what they have always said? or was it processing at one time? has it updated? ever give dd date?

        1. @bigryn0@isis you are probably one of the ones in the new fast system, right bigryn0? lol

        2. @michigan97 @bigryn0 ever since i filed i was not able to see anything on wmr i went to the other site to check my state thats when it said i was under review could take up to 60days i got scared n called thats when the lady on the phone told me that

        3. @isis @bigryn0 what other site?

        4. @isis @michigan97 @bigryn0

          thats only if you live in new york thouqh riqht? that sounds like a site to check on state returns..

        5. @alexya @michigan97 @bigryn0 yea i think so n yea thats only for the state

        6. @alexya @isis @bigryn0 yes, sounds to me to be New York!


  • i would never imaqined that i would be spendinq all my time on a site like this! i think we should all be compensated for pain & sufferinq! 🙂

    1. @alexya i have never even been on a site like this! FUNNY STUFF!!! I don’t even have a facebook! I was concerned i would get addicted to it and not be able to do anything else….hum…… i think i was right!lol

      1. @michigan97

        yeah this is worst for me then fb!

        1. @alexya lol well i have been on facebook before, my mother set my 11 year old on it! so i monitor it and he is friends with some of my friends, but i just can’t bring myself into getting a account, now foresure because of this site, i am def. staying away!!!!! lol

  • Well at least alot of you are actually getting a dd date from WMR. Mine still has no information and was accepted on the 3rd.

    1. @JuliaD

      yeah i qot a dd date alriqht.. it says the 14th! so i wouldnt be envious lol! we’re all screwed! lol

      1. @alexya lol

    2. @JuliaD hey glad to see you, i was reading ur comments…… i have actually talked to people that have gotton their refunds with no updates on thw wmr….. so hope is still around

      1. @JuliaD the*

      2. @michigan97 yea, whatever hope is left, lol

        1. @JuliaD well, trying to get some fresh air in the dark basem*nt of the irs refund scandal!!!!

        2. @michigan97 @JuliaD


        3. @JuliaD thats what i feel like everyday! like in a closed basem*nt with my laptop as my only savior!!!

        4. @JuliaD thats what i feel like everyday! like in a closed basem*nt with my laptop as my only savior!!!

        5. @JuliaD and a lap top just to check wmr and to talk to people about the wmr website…… exciting life i live!!!! lol

    3. @JuliaD I’m not getting a date either, mine was excepted on 2/2.

      1. @staeluv I love this!! First time I have ever had problems, but hey, somebody has my money. Until then, I know I have all of you to feel my pain, lol!


  • I have been doing this for years and never a problem. This year is a real winner. I also have gotten my kids doing it for years.

  • i actually know of a couple in my town that had a “cash” business and did not claim all their income, irs stalked them for 4-5 years, in federal prison today since 2009!!! TRUE STORY!

    1. @michigan97

      wow!. thats some bs!




  • but seriously has anyone had any problems any other year? because every other year, mine has come in just a little over a week, like for instance, if they accepted on wed. i would get it the following fri!!!!!!

    1. @michigan97 their website claims that they updated computer systems and have a new (faster) system! thats what is taking so long the fact that they ha get used to the NEW!

      1. @bigryn0 FASTER??? funny!!!! HA HA I know, they are CRAZY!!!! seriously!!! and those people that answer the phones for them are little robots instructed what to say usually ” we have no information”


  • hmm im wonderinq what would happen if the tables were turned & we owed the irs money?.

    1. @alexya ARE YOU KIDDING!!!!! WE”D BE JAILED!!!


        1. @alexya and if they garnish wages, it would happen in a hour, not this 21 day crap!!!!!

        2. @michigan97

          hahaha yup i bet they would lmfao..

  • this site in a weird way is the only thinq thats keepinq me from pullinq my hair out! i quess its that knowinq im not the only one! 🙁

    1. @alexya yes, i agree and IT IS WEIRD, lol but for some reason….. it calms me……….lol lol

    2. @alexya I totally agree with you!

      I was going crazy yesterday cause it was my dd date.

  • yea im trying to stay calm but really fn hard!! i need this money for my kids and grandkids and to get caught up but nooo lets take our time. i know ppl that filed the same day as me that done got theirs and spent it!

    1. @italianpride34

      yeah i feel you!

    2. @italianpride34 I AM SOOO HAPPY I found this site!!!! I don’t know why, but it makes me feel better talking about it…… I REALLY FEEL for you as well, wish I could do something……

      1. @michigan97 @italianpride34

        haha thats what i was just sayinq..

  • uqhh this is just some straiqht up bulls#!t.. it’s my money and i want it now!!!

  • so it said still processing when it gave you a dd date that is three days over? or are you going by that chart?

    1. when did you get accepted


    1. @italianpride34 I am shaking for you!!!! SERIOUSLY!!! SHAKING!!!!!! That is just…….. double bull sh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • so nobody on here got their refund on time???!!! or MaYbE……….. dare i say…….. EaRlier?


    1. @italianpride34 THAT IS JUST CRAZZZZZY!!!!!!! WTF>>>>>>>>>>>> 21 DAYS>>>>>> and they still say wait 3-5 weeks? ARE YOU KIDDING!!!!!!!!! do you have any kind of update on the wmr?


  • sh*t IVE BEEN WAITING 21 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!1

    1. @italianpride34 when did you File?!!! Thats our government for ya. If you owe them money you have to pay up fast but If they owe you money you have wait fast!

  • the 2oth is presidents day! why do they tell people this stuff!!!! urg……..

  • I just got off the phone with the IRS and I filed through HR block on the 3rd of Feb. and was just told that they are a week behind and it would more than likely be the 20th befroe I see my money!

  • oh, okay lol i was on another site and everyone said my name showed but nothing else that made sense!

  • yes i can see ur comment?

  • One thing I just found out. If you filed your taxes yourself or if you paid for your preparation fees up front, the Santa Barbara bank is not going to have your money. They only get it when fees have to be deducted from the check and sent to the preparer.

    1. @JuliaD Finally some useful info. I paid up front so I can stop checking sbbt.

      1. @casper61 yep, me too. Well, I filed myself. So now it’s just the crappy WMR and our own banks.

  • i as well got accepted on the 7th, the wmr website said at first, 28 now it says the 21st, i wish it would come tom, FRIDAY!!! but knowing what we all know…………….NOT

  • can you see this comment?

    1. @michigan97 yes

      1. @casper61 did you say earlier that ur daughter efiled on the 7th and got hers? or…… was that someone else???

  • i filed at jackson hewitt and supposed to get a check sent directly to jackson hewitt. i jus called jh and said i better not get charged for the ral since im still waiting after 3 weeks! waiting for them to call me back

  • The WMR does say the IRS is a week behind! Just great! so if I was suppose to get it on the 15 th now I should be expecting it on the 21st or 22nd hopefully! Just sucks to know a lot of people are getting there’s onetime while the rest get the end of the crap stick!

  • hate to say this but thank god its not just me i swear anything bad that can happen does happen to me

    1. @italianpride34

      yeah same here.. i also wanted to know if the money is deposited onto your card at a certain time or can it be anytime of the day?. im so sick of stressinq & checkinq the card only to be disappointed! 🙁

      1. @alexya @italianpride34 I check mine every hour on the hour. HR Block told me they don’t have any set time the money goes on the card and I could happen at anytime!

        1. @bigryn0 @italianpride34

          yeah well i was supposed to receive mine th 14th & wmr is still sayinq the 14th, but theres nothinq on the card!

        2. @alexya @bigryn0 @italianpride34 this sh*t is really scaring me!!!!! Have you called them alexya? if so …. what info do you get?

        3. @michigan97 @bigryn0 @italianpride34

          i havent been able to qet throuqh to the irs, but my h&r block tax preparer just called me back & said the irs is backed up but that i should receive it by sunday.. hopefully, but im not qoinq to qet too excited until the $ is in my hands!

        4. @alexya

        5. @alexya @michigan97 @italianpride34 Then I should be getting mine on monday! I just did a little dance! LOL

        6. @bigryn0 @alexya @italianpride34 I Just don’t understand these CRazy dates sunday? presidents day? LIARS!

        7. @bigryn0 @michigan97 @italianpride34

          yeah i felt like that for half a second, but then i didnt want to dod it to myself aqain! qet all excited to be let down.. but hopefully we qet it! 🙂

        8. @alexya @bigryn0 so if my dd is set for 21st, i just wish it would come tom………….. i have no idea where i was going with that comment!

        9. @bigryn0 @alexya @italianpride34 now i could see it possibly tom (fri) or Sat the past years i have gotten it a couple days earlier………. but this year…….

        10. @michigan97 @bigryn0

          this is makinq us all looney! lol 🙂

  • im stressinq this so hard, that all niqht lonq i dreamed about taxes! im losinq it!

  • what is this sbbt site?. & are we able to track it there if filed throuqh h&r an waitinq for refund on an emerald card?.

  • What’s the secret to getting someone over the phone? I’ve been both calling (I’m only able to hear automated) and checking on “Where’s My Refund”–No information has come either of these, at all!

    The person who files my taxes made paid the fee (on my debit card , of course) the night of Monday, February 6th. Thus, I’m assuming that my return was accepted either that night or the nexy day, February 7th–Does anyone know exactly how that works? I’m becoming beyond frustrated, because just like everyone else, I have business to handle and these are the funds needed to handle it.

  • What’s the secret to getting someone over the phone? I’ve been both calling (I’m only able to hear automated) and checking on “Where’s My Refund”–No information has come either of these, at all!

    The person who files my taxes made paid the fee (on my debit card , of course) the night of Monday, February 6th. Thus, I’m assuming that my return was accepted either that night or the nexy day, February 7th–Does anyone know exactly how that works? I’m becoming beyond frustrated, because just like everyone else, I have business to handle and these are the funds needed to handle it.

  • i filed on jan 26th! and still nothing wmr says processing no dates ughhhhh

  • i live in wisconsin

    1. @italianpride34

      oh ok because i live in mass & the same thinq that you were sayinq has been happeninq to others ppl that i know..

  • if you filed at h&r and waitinq for your refund on an emerald card, are you able to check to check your status on the sbbt site that everyone is talkinq about?

  • so.. i have a question?. ince the majority of us payed extra to qet our refund quicker, are we qoinq to be reimburst?. wmr is still sayinq the 14th, & still nothinq! -_-

    1. since*

  • I also saw a notice on the SBBT website after you log in. It was a notice to update everyone on the delay! Very informative!

  • So now that it’s 3 days past my initial DD date I check WMR again. It changed AGAIN! But this time it says it’s scheduled to be DD on the 21st. Before it said it was processing. So hopefully by the 21st. Or before then! Good luck all

  • Hello i also filed on the 2nd and was accepted on the 2nd. Habing the same problem as the rest of you no info not even a date of when i should receive dd. I called irs and was told if i donr hear anything by the 3 wk mark to call back. I am wondering what happens after 3 wks ? And nothing do we gota refile and start this damn waiting process all over again? I mean common i understand things happen and what not bit a email saying hey we got ur return its just taking us a littlebit longer to file would be nice

  • Anybody who filed there taxes on feb 7th I got my update I should get my money dd on Tuesday the 21st hope it helps

  • Hello fellow taxpayers….I too am in this boat. It is pure insanity. I filed on Feb.2nd, was accepted on Feb.3rd. I have not been able to get any info at all from WMR, the refund hotline, and SBBT has no info either. It has been 13 days since acceptance….that is just ridiculous. I called the IRS yesterday evening, and after being on hold for 30 minutes or so, I spoke to a guy that I could barely understand….it was like calling a damn cell phone company’s customer service line… I mean SERIOUSLY?! Super thick Indian accent….it was just odd. I then told him the date that I was accepted, and his was response was “How do you know that”…..Oh em gee… probably because that is what happens after you efile your f***ing taxes…you get an email saying so. He asked for my address, but I moved after last tax season… they didn’t even have my current address from this years return in the computer yet. I told him all I wanted to know is if they had it or not, and he gave me a very vague yes. I am getting worried that my return got lost in translation somewhere, and they are going to make me refile all this bullsh*t. It seems others are getting updates that filed AFTER me, and still nothing on my end. Is anyone else in this situation? I mean, I get that it can take up to 3 weeks to process my return, but when people that filed Feb.8th start getting some news, I start to become a basket of crazy when I don’t. It isn’t even that I want my refund this very second, although it would be nice, I just want to make sure they have gotten my paperwork via efile, and would love to know where my cash that I let them borrow through out the year might be….

    1. @LoveSanrio The reason why you are connected to somebody with a heavy Indian accent is because you are talking to somebody in India. The IRS hired a bunch of people in India to take calls because they knew it was going to be chaos and didn’t want people waiting long. I also filed and got accepted on the 1st. my WMR just updated and it officially says my refund will be DD on the 21st. No processing, no review, direct deposit. Hope his helps

    2. @LoveSanrio The reason why you are connected to somebody with a heavy Indian accent is because you are talking to somebody in India. The IRS hired a bunch of people in India to take calls because they knew it was going to be chaos and didn’t want people waiting long. I also filed and got accepted on the 1st. my WMR just updated and it officially says my refund will be DD on the 21st. No processing, no review, direct deposit. Hope his helps

  • I efiled through H&R Block on 2/8. There was no info on the WMR site until yesterday and it was saying to expect it on 2/28 (which I was not happy about). Well I just checked WMR again and it says my refund is scheduled to be DD on 2/17. I hope they are right! I am counting on it. Good luck everyone 🙂

    1. @luckluck I filed 2/1 when I check wmr it said 2/21..then checked again said 2/14 and still have nothing :(( goodluck hope we both get them the 17th

      1. @evoevy1 crap! Well, I hope the 17th is right! I’ll keep myfingers crossed! Why even bother updating the site if the informtaion isn’t accurate? They could just leave it as the 28th then I’d be surprised if I got it early. Do you think the delay is with the bank accepting the deposit, or I am getting a RAC from H&R Block (to have my preparer fees removed), is there a delay from when H&R Block gets it (takes my fees out) and then sends the rest my account?

    2. @luckluck I was suspose to get it on the 28th also but checked this morning gunna be in bank on the 21st

  • I just called the IRS. They explained the real confusion about WMR is that it is based on DOG YEARS and you need to disregard the date. Just multiply the number of weeks on the chart above by 7 and that is the true DD date.

  • I’m in the same boat kaybizzle. Mine was the 21, now the 14th and still the 14th but no money. I guess it just doesn’t update anymore. I called and they just said it can take 3-5 weeks.

  • GREAT NEWS!! I just signed onto the WMR and it said I have won a Million Dollars!! To Expect it within 1 to 2 weeks!!! IRS IS AWSOME!

  • GREAT NEWS!! I just signed onto the WMR and it said I have won a Million Dollars!! To Expect it within 1 to 2 weeks!!! IRS IS AWSOME!

  • I don’t think it’s turbo tax. It’s the IRS! I already have my state refund, I just don’t have my federal. I filed 2/1! Gave me a date of 2/21 but then they changed it to 2/14… Still nothing!

  • I don’t think it’s turbo tax. It’s the IRS! I already have my state refund, I just don’t have my federal. I filed 2/1! Gave me a date of 2/21 but then they changed it to 2/14… Still nothing!

  • i filed jan 31, my girlfriend filed feb 1. she got hers two days ago, im still waiting… oh yea, and we both filed on turbo tax

  • I don’t know but something must be up with their site. My son filed his near the end of January himself, and he had his refund in 8 days. Maybe they got flooded with everyone filing at the end of January. It is annoying not being able to find out anything from the WMR. This is the first year ever that I have had a problem with it. My son said he seen his 2 days after he filed and it said in 14 days and he got it in 8.

  • @Cloud43 I filed.on the 3rd still no refund I don’t even get info on the wmr site

  • Yeah, this is pissing me off. I filed on the 6th and was suppose to receive my refund today (15th), then I heard the 16th (tomorrow). So I go to WMR and now it says I am going to have to wait till the 28th! I mean damn, this is really such a drag. Anyone else file on the 6th and has already received their refund? I know some people have been waiting longer than I have and yet others have had their refunds returned rather quickly.

  • Yeah, this is pissing me off. I filed on the 6th and was suppose to receive my refund today (15th), then I heard the 16th (tomorrow). So I go to WMR and now it says I am going to have to wait till the 28th! I mean damn, this is really such a drag. Anyone else file on the 6th and has already received their refund? I know some people have been waiting longer than I have and yet others have had their refunds returned rather quickly.

  • WMR Wheres my refund on the web site. But good luck finding out anything from it. I filed on 2/3 at H & R Block and was told it was accepted and I should have it by tomorrow, but I still can’t find it on the WMR.

    1. @sandsurf15 I’m wondering if it’s because it’s still being processed. When they accept it takes time to process it…that sucks!

    2. @sandsurf15 same thing here but the irs told me if it’s not their in 21 days from when it was accepted call back

  • @JuliaD i got ahold of the bank today….mine was showing at the bank to be today and still nothing…filed with turbo tax,,,they hv been no help at all…the # o the bank icalled togay is 877-908-7228…there is also a website the lady at the bank give me to ck on my status..said the min irs releases it u will be able to see it on the website…

  • I’m just wonderin were their people that have got their refund and was never able to get info from the where is my refund site

    1. @marie24 Omg…I was just about to post the same question. If some one could, please answer that question….I know the calendar doesn’t matter but what about the WMR website.

      1. @staeluv @marie24 WMR? Whats that mean?

        1. @StephanieKirby @marie24 It means where’s my refund.

        2. @staeluv @StephanieKirby @marie24 Oh ok so mine only says they cant provide any new information and that it could take up to 3 weeks to receive my return

        3. @StephanieKirby @marie24 Oh mine is saying that they’re unable to provide me with any information. But that’s what my friend’s said also. Then she checked it days later and then the website gave her a date, but an incorrect date. But she filed hers before me, she received her dd on 2/13.

        4. that’s what they told me when I called.

        5. @StephanieKirby @staeluv mine says the same wait 3 damn weeks

  • Well I was suppose to receive my money today but I just knew that I would not get it just because everyone else is in the same hole. The company that I did my taxes with did say that the IRS is a week behind.

  • Well I just got some more info, a friend of mine got her refund 5days late. The where’s my refund website is not giving me any info because they haven’t processed my refund yet. It was filed and excepted on the same day 2/2. But since there’s a delay with the IRS I have no choice but to sit and wait. I have been filing my own taxes for the past 5yrs and always received my refund no later than 10 days. I double checked my account and routing number so we’ll see what happens next week. I will keep everyone that wants to know updated. I’m praying for the best!

    1. @staeluv

      I filed 2/2 got my this morning maybe you will get it soon

      1. @ozzy Well that’s good, my return haven’t even been processed yet…hopefully I’ll see something sooner than later. Thanx for the info.

        1. @staeluv @ozzy I filed me 2/2 also. I cant seem to find any info about when I should get it off the IRS website it just says it could take up to 3 weeks. Its said that since I filed. H&R Block said That I was expected to get my return today 2/15 but nothing 🙁 Sucks!

      2. @ozzy @staeluv

      3. @ozzy @staeluv did you use turbo tax to file?

    2. @staeluv
      Same thing here. I filed my uncles on the 4th and his WMR showed up. I’m piss.

  • I filed on the 1st, got a refund date of by the 21st, it changed to the 14th. No money. Called today and they said it’s still processing and it can take 3-5 weeks to get my return.

    1. @Bonita. That’s unbelievable!! Everyone else iI know has received theirs except me! Wtf is the problem I’m beyond irritated..oh well guess we will just have to wait I’m not checking my acct anymore cause I’m going crazy!

      1. @evoevy1 @Bonita I was going crazy earlier..I didn’t want to be bothered. Even though it’s told to us don’t make plans with our refund money…basically don’t really depend on it. But honestly I depend on my refund every year. That’s how a pay some of my bills, it’s not play money so why not expect to make plans with it. Every one is not in a great financial situation. I was counting down the days as soon as I filed them. I need my money NOW!!!!

        1. @staeluv @Bonita I know what you mean we have some bills to pay off and its never been late so we had everything all figured out..thus is honestly depressing!

  • Once again i checked the WMR and no date on DD just error that it can take 6 weeks for them to process…. Now thats mess up…

    1. @Meinsameboat I’m getting the same thing when did u file

  • yea the irs is doing this sh*t! im on my 20th day and nada. i have 4 kids 2grandkids and no vehicle im going nuts better hurry up!!!!!

    1. @italianpride34 when did u file

  • So if u did your return on da 2nd of feb, the chart reads you’ll get it back on da 15th but I think it’ll really b on da 22nd. Ijs

  • I c everyone one here is blaming the tax company they used to efile and I don’t think they r the problem, IRS is the one to blame! They put n that new system and kick every1 back at least a week!

  • Everyone that I have talked to that went threw tax act got there’s on time I’m I’m pissed and will never go threw turbotax

    1. @Sarah712 i filed with them feb 2nd couldnt get any help at allfrom them…i will never file with them again….still havent got my return either…i did get ahold of the bank that issues the ck..said mine was showing to be today…its university bank of saint paul…thats where turbo tax cks come from…there is a website with the bank u can go ck..the website is…..the # to the bank to ck on ur return is 877-908-7223,,,i called today and talked to them…

  • So my projected date to get my refund was 2/21 and then it changed to 2/14. I checked and there was no money yesterday or today. I finally called the IRS and the guy wasn’t much help. He told me that their website is not that accurate and it can take 10-21 days to get your refund. He doesn’t have any further information for me accept that if I don’t receive it by 2/22 then to give them a call back. This is so frustrating when I know other people that have filed the same time and have gotten their money already.

  • i filed through turbo tax too and i cant get any information about my refund at all SBBT hasnt got my money wmf says i have the wrong information and it could take up to 3 weeks to process it idk what to do i just want to know when to expect my money

  • So if it didn’t post to my SBBT account today am I waiting yet another week? Is the IRS just depositing on certain days or daily this year? IRS site has been saying yesterday and SBBT said it was supposed to be today. I’m at such a loss about what to do. Arrrrrrrgh!!! I filed thru turbo tax and was accepted 2/2. Has anyone that filed as such recieved their money yet?

    1. @Sabrina Johnson

      I filed through the H&R Block software on 2/4 and it took 11 days for them to finally give me an estimated time of deposit, which is the 2/28 !!! Such crap!!

      1. @Sabrina Johnson Not to mention they accepted my return on the SAME day that I submitted it! Frustrating ! !

        1. @MandyCrow @Sabrina Johnson

        2. @MandyCrow @Sabrina Johnson I feel the same way…the SBBT website is saying no record is found with my info. I filed my taxes Feb. 2nd and it was accepted the same day. WMR has no info for me and it says it could take up to 3 weeks. I saw 2charts, one stating that I should receive dd on 2/15, the other calendar chart says2/16. But when I called the SBBT the rep was very polite and helpful, he said to try back after 9:00pm. And most likely it will be deposited on a Wednesday. So that leaves me with another date which is Feb. 22nd. I hope to see something then.

    2. @Sabrina Johnson My daughter checked her she filed the 5th and was accepted on the 7th. WMR says dd on the 17th and contact if not received by 22nd. SBBT doesn’t show any money yet so they must get deposit on diferent days.

    3. @Sabrina Johnson
      I haven’t gotten mines too:( my status won’t even come up on WMR which suck!

  • Everyone that I have talked to that done there taxes threw tax act has gotten there taxes online! Screw turbotax never again!

    1. I always use Tax Act and have never had a problem. I only used Turbo Tax cause my sister said it was soooo great. I will never use them again.

      1. @lcombs68 rite I’m done with turbotax great my butt

      2. this was my first and last….

    2. @Sarah712

      its not turbo tax, because myself & many others filed throuqh h&r block and we’re experiencinq tha same bs! this is drivinq me nuts! i need my $..

  • i filled mine on the 3rd it was accpected on the 3rd but i havent been able to find out a date for my dd i checked wmf and it says i have the wrong information and i know i dont

    1. @terrahilll Mine is the same. This new crap the irs is doing has set back refunds 10 yes. The 21 day is out the window.

      1. @casper61

        yeah i dont understand i have no idea when im supppose to get my refund they have no info anywhere its making me mad!

  • So my projected date to get my refund was 2/21 and then it changed to 2/14. I checked and there was no money yesterday or today. I finally called the IRS and the guy wasn’t much help. He told me that their website is not that accurate and it can take 10-21 days to get your refund. He doesn’t have any further information for me accept that if I don’t receive it by 2/22 then to give them a call back. This is so frustrating when I know other people that have filed the same time and have gotten their money already.

  • Hello all A change for mine. I filled the 2nd it was received on the 2nd. I kept checking after the 72 hours and no info just the message that it could be 3 weeks @ one time it said up to 6 weeks for to process. Well this morning I check and it now say my DD is 02/28 so let’s C What’s next ,I guess I’m projecting it will b next week on the 2/21 since Aholes are a week behind

    1. @Meinsameboat I filed on 2/2 and the irs site says it could take 3 weeks. Its said that from the very beginning. I check everyday and nothings changed. Where do you find the projected date at? I filed with H&R Block. They said I should receive my refund today 2/15 and nothing. My bf got an email saying there was a delay and I didnt. The irs sucks this year!

  • @tiffnieBradley sign up on here you can see what other people have done and see if yours is similar!! you can talk to other people,

  • I got mine just now i am so happy have faith!! If you got an email chances are your money is in the bank also. They transferred money yesterday and it took 1 day to process it alrightt! Okay i am outie, So it doesnt matter what time of day it is or week day its any day and any time dont wait by the phone till midnight or 6 am i thought money wasnt coming today but its almost 11 and its there okay good luck people have a great day!!

    1. I also just called that number and the lady told me mine is suppose to be direct deposited on the 21st. I asked if any sooner and she said no. At least I know everything is ok with it. I filed through turbo tax on the 1st and it was accepted on the 3rd and acknowledged then also. So come Tues that will be 1 day shy of three weeks. So I guess I have a few more days to wait.

      1. @christine5 who’d u call the irs

    2. When did you file?

  • Okay, so finally talked with someone at IRS. Only thing she could tell me was that they do have it and it is being processed, but can’t tell me the actual status and to check back in 7-10 days. HAH!! Well at least I know they have it and it’s not lost somewhere in IRS Land. Use this number and extension. 800-829-0582 x 362. Of course there is a wait time, but it gets you directly to the right person to find out what’s going on. Will update as I get it.

  • I just received in my email that the bank has all or some of my refund and it could take take 1-3 days so i am getting some news. Does it usually take 1-3 days for some people after they get the email or is it usually there?? please let me know, thanks

  • @JuliaD 1-800-829-1954….if you do not choose a prompt you will be forwarded to a Rep.

    1. @MrsCook @JuliaD So don’t pick any prompts whatsoever? I’ve been trying all morning to get to a person 🙁 any idea how to get a person at SBBT?

    2. @Sabrina Johnson @MrsCook @JuliaD sbbt 18009016663

    3. @Sabrina Johnson @MrsCook Am talking to someone now. Will let you know. (fingers crossed)

    4. who were you holding with the IRS or SBBT. When did you file JuliaD and how?

    5. @Sabrina Johnson I was on with the IRS. I filed E file on Feb 3

    6. So did you find out anything?

  • How do I get a live person when I call the IRS? It says it should have dd yesterday. SBBT says it should have been today…I can’t seem to get a real person at either number…CAN ANYONE HELP?

    1. 1 800 829 1040….just keep pushing 0 until u get a rep…it will say we r unable to process ur request please hold for a rep…i waited almost 30 mins today to talk to someone….same thing…still in processing…good luck…


    1. @italianpride34

      what state was it in?

  • What is the number to the IRS to actually talk to someone? I am tired of getting the automated system that can’t tell me anything about my return.

    1. @JuliaD I want to know too

    2. 1 800 829 1040…..everytime i calll i keep pushing 0 until i get ahold of rep…u will hv a long wait…lol…i waited almost 30 mins today,,,from what im hearing they r telling everyone the same thing…its in process…the last few times ive called they hv not been nice at all…;lol..


    1. @JuliaD I called their hotline and it said today…. Smh I don’t know what to do!

    2. I talked to SBBT and they said that the IRS has not funded yet today. I’m on hold now with the IRS. WMR says I should have had mine 2/14 and SBBT said 2/15. SBBT also says that after they recieve the $ it can take 1-2 days to post to my checking account. OMG what nonsense this is 🙁

  • Well I have had no luck. E filed on the 3rd and am not able to get any information from WMR, hotline, or the Santa Barbara bank. According to chart, it should have been dd today, but to no avail. Lost.

    1. @JuliaD I have nothing from Sanaa Barbara bank either.

    2. @JuliaD the chart on this page says the 16 if you filed between feb 3 feb10 still one more day……….. think positive thoughts!!!! (i know easier said then done!!!!! i am having a hard time as well)

      1. @JuliaD between 3 and 9 sorry not the 10th!

        1. me as well, i am really hoping for a dd on friday! those numbers for the irs you just have to press 000000 right away before they transfer you to a person let me know what you find out!

      2. @salena97 There are two charts floating around. One says the 15th and the other says 16th. I have too many bills for this

  • It is 8:34 am and I just received my call and my refund has been DD on my debit card…gotta go and pick it up as we speak…Good luck to everyone else!!

    1. @MrsCook when did you file?

      1. @salena97 I filed Feb 1st

  • hi everyone…. i have never used a website like this before so i dont know who saw what i posted before… but this way it looks like everyone can view it, if you get a direct deposit through your bank, check this out it is the santa barbara bank that the irs uses, it will tell you if they have your money yet or not. please let me know what you find out. This is the worst year for refunds!!! I got ‘accepted’ by the irs on feb 7 i could not see anything on the wmr website until feb 14!!!! and it says “if no errors… blah…blah…. should be by feb 28 the chart says the 16 wish that would be true!!!!

    1. @salena97 thank u!!!! I, checked it, it says we have not received ur money from the irs….. Does it say the, same thing, when u check it

      1. @marie24 yes, it just shows the fees to my tax preparer….. when did you file?

        1. @salena97 feb 3

    2. @salena97 i just got an email saying the bank has some or all of my refund. But wondering if it takes the 1-3 days that its saying or if its in there??

      1. you got an email from SBBT or who? i wonder if it really takes that long to credit to our account?

    3. @salena97 I filed on the 7th my tax man said should come to my bank by feb 28th but keep checking your bank

    4. @salena97




  • I filed on the 1st of feb wmr site said refund on the 21st then it said the 15th checked 7am on 15th and it was dd in my bank i used h&r

    1. the same thing happened to me only i checked today and i still don’t have any money dd. idk what is going on here but my sister already has hers and we filed on the same day.

  • I am putting only the federal in, we don’t have to do state taxes where I live. There has never been anything show up in the WMR. But when I filed it at H & R Block, they told us the 16th.

    1. @diane68 nothing ever shows up for me either at wmr and I’m supposed to receive my refund the 15th or 16th this is wat I was told when I filed and my taxes were supposedly accepted on the 3rd

  • i was wondering if it says today and have not received it by midnight or 6 am like people say, could it be likely that it could be anytime today??

  • well, i just spoke to my sister-in-law, who filed on the 1st, & she recieved her refund today! see this is what makes me worry that maybe there was a problem w/ our taxes! this sh*t is makinq me looney!

  • on the chart it says that i am supposed to get mine on t he 8th or 9th so dont go by that. Basically going to make you think your getting it and you dont. But if you do get it on time please share LOL

  • @diane68, what are you putting in as your expected amount? there is the federal and state. dont add up both of the moneys only put in the federal amount the big amount! and see if it gives you a date. i actually added both and it kept telling me that i have no record lol. so i typed in only the federal and got an estimated date which was the 21st the first time when i filed on the 31st

  • Has anyone got there’s that it hasn’t showed on the WMR? We filed on Feb 3, and still nothing on the site. H&R Block said we should have it around the 16th, and that it was accepted.

  • If you were supposed to receive you money today could you let me know what you find out today or when something shows up please and thanks!!

  • Oh my brother filed a week before i did and go his taxes on the card in 7 days. Next year i am doing that too!!

  • Reading all your comments and seems to be in the same boat as all of you.. i had efilee on 31st of january, and on an online site it told me the 21st. Then on their list of dates to get them it should be in my account on the 8th. Then a few days ago i got all excited and it said the 15th (TODAY) nothing there. Some people are saying that we could get it tomorrow? I just dont understand why tomorrow when there are no dates saying that.. shouldnt they at least be accurate?? I am so irritated. We havent had taxes back in 4 yrs because of my husbands past and his ex had him pay the taxes on an old business, Now its our turn to get something and finally have some fun! But i always seem to be let down no matter what, i think the governmet should give us all free meds for depression lol.. Could there be a possibility of getting the money later today?

  • What I figured out that the IRS is bout a week behind! Cause looking at the charts I was suppose to get my refund back on feb 8th but I got it today on the 15th. Yay! I know it sucks but what can u do? I hope every1 has a good outcome just hang n there , it’s coming!!

    1. @Duvalgirl74 I got it today too!! Yay!! I am ecstatic!!

      1. @MrsCook Sweet!! It felt like forever!l lol

  • @Kaybizzle I filed on Jan 31st

  • My sister files hers on the 29th and end up getting it feb 11th that’s 14 days she had to wait I wonder if everyone has to wait 14 days before receiving there money! Anyone else revive there money on the 14th day mark?

  • This is just total BS! I filed feb 3rd and got approved an hour later, today was my due date to recieve my taxes, still nothing in my bank account :/ I just want to know when my money is coming

  • yesterday i had posted that my boyfriend was supposed to recive his refund yesterday 2/14, & still nothinq this morninq! 🙁 The mwr is still statinq that it has been accepted & he should receive it on on 2/14!. has any1 had this same exact scenario happen?. if anyone can help, please comment!

    1. i know that every1 is in the same position, but i’m askinq because i see that every1 is sayinq that their date chanqed on wmr, but his still says the 14th!. uqhh i really can’t stand this! we need this money badly! we have 3 kids that are qrowinq like weeds, our vehicle just hit 200,000 miles, & my sons birthday is in two weeks!

      1. @alexya I’m in the same boat as Sarah712 and you alexya. My DD date was the 14th, WMR still has the 14th, my account has no money.

        1. @Bonita

          thanks! well that makes me feel a little better.. this whole ordeal is stressinq me out to the max! 🙁

    2. @alexya Well I filed on the first, and still no money. My DD date was the 14th! NO MONEY YET!!! This is stressful

  • Hi I am having the same problem as you all, I filed my taxes on the 2nd of Feb I received an email on the 5th saying it had been accepted and that I should receive an email within 72 hours about when I should get my refund. Will Today is now the 15th I still have not received any info on my refund. I log into WMR and I do not get any info, I called IrS they are saying they do not have my return but turbo tax says its been accepted I am not sure what to do

  • It’s 5:24 a.m. and I am up waiting til my tax preparer office opens. I filed on the 1st and my DD is set for today. Hopefully, it comes and if it does I will update you all on it. Keeping fingers crossed!!

    1. @MrsCook I filed on the 1st also. My date was for the 14th, nothing this morning.

      1. @Bonita I finally got my call this morning and my funds have been DD to my card. Good luck hope you get urs soon too.

  • Woke up 4Am looking at everyone comments, I got discouraged, but I checked my bank acct and started crying, then I did my dance when I heard my balance! Yahooooooooooo! I got mine! Yes, Mrs Cook did u get yours? I’m so dam happy! I wish I could buy everyone drinks today!! Good luck to every1

    1. @Duvalgirl74 Not yet…got to wait for my tax preparer office to open…I will update you if I get mine today too….Glad you finally got urs!!

    2. @Duvalgirl74 When did you file?

    3. @Duvalgirl74 When did you file?

    4. @Duvalgirl74

      what day were you schelduled to receive your refund?.

      1. @alexya At first it kept saying by jan 21st then on Sunday it said Jan 15th at when I woke up and checked it was there.

  • Hi I am confused too…I do taxes at home and I have people who WMR said will it on the 15th then it changed to the 14th and now is telling them they will get it in 6 weeks if they files an complete accurate return (that’s for paper but they were filed electronic) also 2 others got a 9001 error code few days ago and WMR said can’t tell them about their taxes that they need to call and then a couple of days later said they would get the 15th? What the hell is the IRS doing? They used to do one day a week and now it’s all over the place!

  • My dd was for the 15th and I recieved mine at 7 pm on the 14 th ( today) first I rcvd a email from h& r block and then it was put on my emerald card ..:) stress free now good luck to all 😉

    1. @Lesley67 when did you file? i filed jan 31 and still waiting

      1. @Kevin like I filed jan 30th

  • When I called the hotline the lady told me that the WMR has been giving wrong information! i filed the 2nd and the WMR first told me the 21st and then got changed to “ur date got changed cuz of delays u should receive it by the 14th…” it is now the 15th and the dam site is still saying the 14th?! Anyone have any insight??????

    1. @Pat92 WE A L L are having the same issues , my dd is 15th and the 21st ,i filled on jan 31 and still waiting

      1. @Pat92 just 10 minutes ago did the WMR site say anything for me for the first time so far, it said they have recieved it, its processing, dd of 21st. But i filled on jan 31. My girlfriend filed one feb. 1 and got hers yesterday at 6am

        1. @Kevin like dude wtf….samething with me and my gf…i filed after her and I’m set to get mine b4 her

        2. @Kevin like did u use h&r block?

        3. @Pat92 we BOTH used turbo tax

        4. @Pat92 me and my girlfriend that is

        5. @Kevin like i jus find it total BS that it says i will have it by the 14th and its the 15th and i still don’t have it and the site still says i should have it by the 14th??????

        6. @Pat92 i felt like that on the 8th , when i was first supposed to get mine , now here i am one week later ….waiting, still waiting …

        7. @Kevin like i have a feeling i am ganna be waiting another week too man

        8. @Pat92 to b honest , i do too. its bullsh*t kus i paid turbo tax extra to have it quick. thats bs. I just PRAY im not waiting till the 21st..i hope we all get it in 2 min…

        9. @Kevin like o hell na….u def need to get that money back cuz ur falling in the sh*t wit every1 else

        10. @Pat92 well…12:02am..No email, No text, No transactions on turbo tax, and NO MORE PATIENCE ! this is F’ed up man… Next time ill go with the loan thing at H&R Block

        11. @Pat92 @Kevin like mine said the same. I should have it by the 14th. No money

        12. @Kevin like i did the loan thing wit h&r block got the emerald card and everything and we r in the SAME boat brotha getting f*cked over by the IRS

        13. @Bonita @Pat92 i just checked my info on irs2go app and it say i have entered my information incorrectly now.. wtf , im anout to check WMR online

        14. @Kevin like @Bonita u probably got locked out cuz if u check it too much they won’t let u see it anymore


        16. @Bonita @Pat92 WMR ONLINE IS SAYING SAME THING. Maybe its updating or we have blown the servers up from everyone keeping needed money from called at 12 to check

        17. @Bonita @Pat92 last week on this site i seen ALOT of ppl set for the 15th, wish they were on here now to give us there update

        18. @Kevin like @Bonita the lady also told me that thursday and friday is when they do updates with peoples dates and stuff….so either thurs or fri we should have an update

        19. @Kevin like @Pat92. This is unbelieveable!!!! Mine says it was deposited on the 14th and nothing I think I’m going insane!!! Ahhhh

        20. @Pat92@Bonita thats weird because every since i was accepted WMR said NOTHING about my return until about 1130 was the first time its EVER told me anything and he said it was processing and dd 21 the latest. Now NOTHING??

          I calles irs 3 days ago and the lady said it was processing and her rude ass couldnt tell me anything more

        21. @evoevy1 @kevin @Pat92 WMR does?

        22. What i understand you have to check with the bank for them to show your funds available..

    2. @Pat92 Mine was filed the 3rd never said anything WMR exept 3 week message now this morning is saying its going to be the 28 lol

  • Filed my taxes the 3rd. Wmr say I they have no info. my daughter filed the 5th and should receive her the 28th.

    1. @casper61 from my experience of web searching the last WEEK ive found that its normally atleast 2 to 3 weeks

      1. @casper61 i have a daughter going to be born in a month and a half and she needs some things , LOTS of things . BUT, gotta love our gov.

  • Well suppose to get mine today…but nope nothing….the hotline tells me today and wmr tells me today…liars…lol…well the waiting game begins!!

    1. @Frogger1201 My girlfriend got hers yesterday at 6am and was scheduled for the 15th , im also sheduled for the 15th and i have one hour to go until 12am, the WMR site tells me the 21 and hotline says 15th so i dunno

      1. @Kevin like when did u file

        1. @Frogger1201 @kevin jan 31 and accepted 10 min later through turbo tax. you?

        2. @Kevin like @kevin Feb 3rd turbo tax

    2. @Frogger1201 the WMR site wont even tell me when I am suppose to get it back, tells me they cant find it :/

      1. @SamanthaKeller Did u call the hotline

        1. @Frogger1201 No its like 12am, I dont even know what the number is or if there a 24/7 one.

        2. @Frogger1201 @SamanthaKeller the hotline tells me a dd of the 15th, its 11:20 where im at so im waiting on 12 .. just to see , if not then hopefully 6am

        3. @Frogger1201@SamanthaKeller the number is

          18007177228 24/7

        4. @SamanthaKeller 1-800-829-1954 u will type in your info and they will tell u…u can do it now

        5. @Kevin what state do u live in kevin

        6. MS

        7. I knew it had to be close since its the same time here

        8. @Frogger1201 Hotline says they cant find anything either D;

        9. @SamanthaKeller when did u file

        10. @Frogger1201 Feb 10th

        11. @SamanthaKeller @Frogger1201 hotline NOW is telling me they have recieved my refund and is being processed , to expect it by the 21st. Same this the WMR site says , but the other hotline tells me the 15th ( 1800-717-7228)

        12. @SamanthaKeller @Frogger1201 i filed jan 31 and still waiting

        13. @Kevin like @Frogger1201 This is why I hate the government always so slow :/ I don’t even understand why there is a “delay”

        14. @SamanthaKeller @Frogger1201,,id=96596,00.html

          yea but they sure want there money out of all of our checks and everything we buy

        15. @SamanthaKeller @Kevin like Well I called the hotline again and checked the wmr and they r still saying dd of feb14th…uuuggghh

        16. @Frogger1201 @kevin February 3, 2012 04:59 PM PST Thats what turbo tax says for when I efiled with them.

        17. @Frogger1201 @SamanthaKeller @kevin Im like you man … IRS- WTF IS REALLY GOIN ON!???

          we should audit there ass!!!

        18. @SamanthaKeller @Frogger1201 @kevin all this is the IRS Fault.. They got too slammed with everyone wanting all there money that WE get once a year from them and they got slammed , now they are playing catch up..

          or theyre sitting on OUR money so the can draw interest off of it

        19. @SamanthaKeller @Frogger1201 You filed on the 10th you probably will not see anything until after 7 business days not including Sat. and Sun. It has taken up to two weeks for some of us to get our refunds. The IRS has been a week behind on all of us. You will probably get an update about ur refund on the 21st. I filed on the 1st and I am still waiting suppose to get it today the 15th.

      2. @SamanthaKeller @Frogger1201 Hi I am confused too…I do taxes at home and I have people who WMR said will it on the 15th then it changed to the 14th and now is telling them they will get it in 6 weeks if they files an complete accurate return (that’s for paper but they were filed electronic) also 2 others got a 9001 error code few days ago and WMR said can’t tell them about their taxes that they need to call and then a couple of days later said they would get the 15th? What the hell is the IRS doing? They used to do one day a week and now it’s all over the place!

  • I just visited the WMR site again and now its telling me this , “We have received your tax return and it is being processed. Unless there is a processing delay or you owe other taxes, you should receive your refund by February 21, 2012.” Anyone know why??

    Before it would only say no info.. etc etc ya ya etc. . Does this mean i could have it tomarrow? Witch is what the automated hotline number is telling me AGAIN..

    My stats NEVER changed until right now when i just checked

    1. @Kevin like Mine is suppose to be in on the 15th, I efiled with turbo tax and it told me I should get it in my bank account on the 15th. As of right now it is 12:05am and the 15th ( EST) Nothing is in my bank account, I am going to check again at 3am and then ill check one last time when I wake up. This chart thats on this site is very confusing. I filed on the 10th of February.

      1. @SamanthaKeller i filed and was accepted on Jan. 31.. My girlfriend filed and was accepted Feb. 1. and she got hers yesterday at 6am.

        1. @Kevin like Did she file through turbo tax?

        2. @SamanthaKeller we both did, shes filed a regular 1040 i think and i did a 1099 and w 2 and claiming 2 dependents

        3. @SamanthaKeller NVM sorry , she filed a W2

        4. @Kevin like I think I filed a W2, idk I just filed the form they gave me. First time doing taxes on my own, I did claim 2 dependents as well.

        5. @SamanthaKeller I believe its taking everyone atleast 2 weeks from when it was accepted

      2. @SamanthaKeller the chart said mine was supposed to be feb 8th , then hotline tells me the 15th , and just now the hotline says the 21st, i think EVERYONES waiting atleast 2 weeks

        1. @Kevin like I am going to recheck the date i put it in :/ I think the 10th is when I was suppose to get my money back the first time then it changed.

    2. i think this means it just got done processing. Because two days ago i called and spoke with a RUDE @$$ person at irs and she told me it was still processing and thats all she had to tell me… So0o0o hopefully is out for deposit ..

      1. @Kevin like Last year I got my deposit right when they told me I would. So this year idk :/

        1. @SamanthaKeller everyones getting put back this year due to delays , the chart says mine shouldve been here the 8th

  • OK WTF ! I just called the hotline and it said that my refund had been received, but has been randomly selected for review .. alow up to 90 days for review …etc ( THEN HUNG UP DUE TO FRUSTRATION ) GRR lol this is not fair for any of us ! Maybe I shouldve used H&R Blocks’s loan program. . I have a Daughter going to be born in 1 and a half months and she needs EVERYTHING a newborn needs and then some…

  • I received my tax return direct deposited into my bank acccount exactly at the two week mark.

    1. @sotolugokeysha
      Well congratulations ” being serious , not smart.. From the horror stories I’ve seen ”
      Can I ask when you filed and did u use turbo tax?

  • If my dd is tomarrow the 15th, says the automated number ( everything else says nothing) then would I know if my refund is at least on its way to my turbo tax card at at 12 am?

    Also good question. , who else received there refund in 2 weeks? Because tomarrow is my 2 week mark…

  • did anyone reciece theres in two weeks?

    1. @187_ObGyN …I did. I claimed dependants and my husband had gotten ssd lump sum payment, so i had to pay taxes on that from my refund. I thought it would take longer because of this, but apparently it didn’t cause any delay.

  • I think that there is a lot of confusion on the terms used by the IRS. People keep saying their return was filed and accepted by the IRS on the same day or shortly after. I don’t think this is correct. I think what they do is “acknowledge” your return when they receive it and then after processing it is “accepted”. While they are slow, until it’s “accepted” (finished processing) you won’t know when to look for a deposit.

    Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    I did my taxes on the 1st. WMR said I should receive my return by the 21st, then the 14th, but of course no money today, just still processing.

    1. @Bonita ..I also filed on the 1st, after 11 am….wmr first said my dd would be 2/21…then on Sunday it changed to 2/15. You will more than likely get your dd tomorrow 🙂

      1. @jones6141 I will of course make an update as soon as I get it.

  • Hey everyone …I am pretty sure we can all agree that the IRS is never going to have the same sense of urgency as they would if you owed them money on back taxes or whatever it may be. I really hope everyones issues get solved…I hope to share my story again and maybe bring some hope to those who need this money for legit reasons like: rent, food, children and/or bills. I went into H&R block on Jan 31st (after 11:00am) and my taxes were accepted the same exact; however, even if you get the e-mail stating your taxes have been accepted does not necessarily mean they have been..they still have to “process” according to the IRS……I decided on the H&R block Emerald Card because it was quicker and honestly much more affordable…… I was told my deposit would be on my emerald card on Feb. 08, 2012 OR around that date. It usually takes 7-10 business for your RAC (refund anticipation check) to deposit into your acount; however, when I checked on the 8th the money was not there….a few days later and nothing…i literally just received an e-mail stating

    “Your federal Refund Anticipation Check (RAC) funds should be loaded to your H&R Block Emerald Prepaid MasterCard® by 1 a.m. local time. Please call the toll-free number on the back of your Emerald Card after 1 a.m. local time to check your balance.

    This is your final notice from H&R Block. The RAC services are now complete.” … it was a few days late but better late than never…i will keep those who really truly need this money in my prayers and i hope all of this gets resolved honestly because i know it is stressful good luck guys

  • Well my dd date was first the 21 then on Sunday eve it changed to the 15….liberty just called and my check just came in…the banks are closed so I gotta wait till tomorrow!! Good luck to everyone, I hope things start to smooth out!!

    1. @jones6141 ur lucky!!

      1. @haZel_EyeZ25 …usually I have bad luck, if any at all. I needed this money to send for my daughter and grandbaby so they can start their new lives closer to me. This takes a lot of stress and worry off my shoulders!! I am sending prayers for everyone on here so their stresses can be aleviated also. God bless!!

  • Obviously there is no order here. If you owe money, they hound you and garnish you but when its the other way around….they can take their sweet time. This is the worst year by far!

  • I filed on the 4th accepted on the 5th and was told yesterday sometime before the 28th f*cking ridiculous tht almost a month last cupl yrs gt mine in less than two weeks

  • that is the same thing that happened to me. The original date on the “WMR” page was 2/21 and then I checked a few days ago and it said 2/14….HOWEVER….no money in my account. I didn’t have tuition but I do have 4 dependants.

  • Can someone please tell me how the WMR site says i should be getting my refund by 2-14 and when i called and spoke to someone they tell me to wait about another week??? Why have that bullsh*t on the site then?! come on man

  • Can someone please tell me how the WMR site says i should be getting my refund by 2-14 and when i called and spoke to someone they tell me to wait about another week??? Why have that bullsh*t on the site then?! come on man

  • Now the where my refund page says nothing just that if it’s been filled correctly I should recieve within 3 weeks of the day expected that 🙁

  • Hello all. I filled on the 3rd, excepted on the 3rd. I put my info on the ira2go application and it’s say: sent/direct deposited no refreance # but can take 6 weeks to process , one more thing will it lock u up if u keep interning info on the irs2go

    Many thanks 2 all

    1. @Meinsameboat I’m having the exact same problem as you does this mean that our refund is on its way or what’s the deal :/

      1. @Sarah712 well I guess we fixing 2 find out tomorrow as far as the tax schedule

  • my return was accepted on the 7th of feb, when i check wmr it says reference code 9001, how am i suppose to when i will get my refund, this is so aggravating, i had a dd date of 2/15 then 2/28 now nothing….

  • i also claimed a madd about it! i need my $ asap!

  • irs just appected mines i should get mines by the 28th

  • i got it at midnight

  • I did claim one dependent!

  • how can u find out if your tax been accepted

    1. @youngryder12 How did u do your taxes?

  • @Kaybizzle I claimed one dependent and education credit and I still have no info

  • I think I’m starting to see a pattern. Did everyone on here either claim dependent or tuition? I filed mine on 2/1/11. At first I had a DD date of 2/21/11 but it changed to 2/14/11. But as it is now 2/14/11…. I still have no money. FRUSTRATED!

    1. @kaybizzle I got the same thing you did from the WMR….2-21 at first then changed to the 14th… and today is the 14th and I also have NOTHING yet…but i did not claim tuition or any dependents and i filed on the 2nd. WHAT IS GOING ON?????

    2. O I thought it was if we claimed things. This is the worst I’ve ever seen it. I WANT MY MONEY!!! Lol

      1. have you called the irs and spoken with any1?

      2. have you called the irs and spoken with any1?

    3. O I thought it was if we claimed things. This is the worst I’ve ever seen it. I WANT MY MONEY!!! Lol

    4. My boyfriend filed 3 days after me n got his yesterday!

    5. My boyfriend filed 3 days after me n got his yesterday!

  • Just wanted to update everyone i filled on the 28th got mine today Direct deposit. Good luck to everyone it is coming.

    1. @eastcoastjr

      u jus got it

    2. @eastcoastjr

      u jus got it

  • meant DD 2/17/2012

  • I filed on 2/4/2012 DD i have been checking WMR once a day since then and always get “no info” since day one ??? has this happened to anyone else?

    1. @nelly

      yes it is it keep sayin we have info regaurdin tax bck n a week n sh*t…i really need dat money

    2. @nelly

      yes it is it keep sayin we have info regaurdin tax bck n a week n sh*t…i really need dat money

    3. @nelly I filed 2/3/2012 and I have no info on the wmr

    4. @nelly hi nelly! i also filed on 2/4/2012…electronically and WMR also has no info…glad to know Im not the only one…since I did my own taxes I thought I had done something wrong.

    5. @nelly I filed on Feb 6th. The automated number said at first that refund should be received by 15th, now the WMR site has finally processed it and is saying I should receive by Feb 28th. This is getting ridiculous for it to take this long..

    6. @nelly I filed on Feb 6th. The automated number said at first that refund should be received by 15th, now the WMR site has finally processed it and is saying I should receive by Feb 28th. This is getting ridiculous for it to take this long..



  • my boyfriend filed on 2/2/12 and the irs tracking site has been saying that it is being processed and that he should recieve his refund today 2/14/12 and there is no money loaded to his h&r block emerald card! can anyone help me out & let me know what is going on? we have 3 children and are in desperate need of the money! i am really freaking out!!! please help! 🙁

  • I applied on the 31st hector and a few hours later received an e-mail stating that state and federal taxes were accepted and my money would be direct deposited onto the H&R emerald card and now it is 02/14/2012 and still NOTHING> how frustrating !!! i want to punch them in the mouth and when you call they tell you they are still processing but wehn i get on H&r blocks site it says they have been accepted and i should received them in a week but well its been a week more like two weeks! THE IRS blows! When you owe them money they are super ruthless but when you need the money they owe you oh suree yeaa its ok for them to take their time ! such bullllsh*t

  • thanks for ruining my f*cking valentines day i filed on the 31st to get my faiance a present and nothing i got the f*cking state which was $40.00 and then the federal which is $400.00 hasnt come in f*ck you irs

  • Well I was hoping the IRS would have did a good deed this morn but NO! guess it’ll actually b tomorrow, so I hope! Lol

  • Ok my mom and dad filed on the 30th and had dd for 13th over the weekend we checked wmr and it had amount and code 9001 they called and they said they were under review and would send a letter .. So my ? Is has anyone rcvd there refund after being reviewed and before they rcvd letter and how long did it take they told them 45 days ..

  • Okay seeing all these problems everyone is having is scaring me…..I filed on the feb 3rd…and from that day til now the wmr site is telling its scheduled to dd on feb14th…it’s hasn’t changed to any message or different date …fingers crossed!!!

    1. @Frogger1201 did u claim any dependents or tax credits just asking cause I’m wondering why I still have no information about mine and I filed on feb 3 also all they can tell me is it’s still processing

      1. @marie24 yes I claimed one dependent…and tax credits or his tuition and daycare

    2. @Frogger1201 if you are getting it directly in your bank try this santa barbara bank… the bank the irs uses… to see if they received your money yet and please update me, i am not patiently waiting lol

  • who filed there taxes on feb 7th? and looked at wmr did it show up

    1. @haZel_EyeZ25 I did mines on the 6th I just finally got an update on wmr and it sais the 28th :(.

      1. @billstopay are you doing check or bank?

        1. @haZel_EyeZ25 bank, I efiled with turbotax

    2. @haZel_EyeZ25

      i did and it said dd date for feb 28th, which sucks cause i have never had to wait that long

    3. @haZel_EyeZ25 i filed on feb 7th and the wmr website says by feb 28

  • Is there anyone that filed their taxes on Jan. 31, 2012 and received their refund from H&R block on their Emerald Card? I am getting extremely frustrated! I was told my refund would be deposited on Feb 08, 2012 or around that date and still nothing. Is there anyone that can help?

    1. @sotolugokeysha I filed mine on the 30th and it said it would be here today and it isn’t. When I check the website now it just still says it is processing and will be here in 6-8 weeks.

    2. @sotolugokeysha i did the same thing filed on the 1st and still nothing. i was told the irs had some type of crash.. and “our” dates were the ones that apparently got delayed. bogus. said would be delayed by a week and its been a week. still nothing.

    3. @sotolugokeysha i did the same thing filed on the 1st and still nothing. i was told the irs had some type of crash.. and “our” dates were the ones that apparently got delayed. bogus. said would be delayed by a week and its been a week. still nothing.

  • Why even have charts and WMR if they are not going to be correct? More waste and more frustration.

  • has anyone filed on 1/31/2012 and received their refund from h&r block on their emerald card?

  • I had filed my taxes on february 2 and was told I would receive it on the 15th so I am waiting to see if I do receive it as told. My daughter filed hers on february 7th and she had received her state check already today. When I do go on the WMR it says if I am putting my information in correctly that there is no information at this time. I also tried calling and it tells me the same exact thing too!

  • Does anybody know how long the bank hold your direct deposit tax refund before releasing it?

    1. Btw, I bank with Chase.

    2. @Pearl12 do you see the direct deposit already

      1. @Sarah712 NO

        1. @Pearl12 hard to tell then :/ you should try and call I am 🙂

  • My husband and I filed on the 1st we are expecting a refund back on the 15th. More than likely you will get it on this day. If you dont you will have to wait until the 20th before you can call them they say that is the only time they will be able to handle the problem and find out what is wrong. Hope this helps.

    1. @MrsCook Thanks MrsCook. Im trying to hold on. If I don’t pay my rent by tomorrow, my landlord is going to start eviction proceedings, and we JUST moved her in December! I am so stressed out, and reading how everyone’s money is being delayed, almost drains all the hope I have. I came home today and my elec was out, so I had to use the money that was going towards my rent, to get my lights back on. I have a few days left on my cable and gas. Im hiding my car in my garage, to prevent it from getting repo’ed. Im just a mess. By the Grace of God, I will have that check tomorrow.

      1. @ineedmyrefund @MrsCook oh my……. if you get your money directly deposited in your bank, heres a website for the bank the irs uses to see if they have received your money hope this brings peace of mind………

  • My name is Kevin and I’ve been following this site for a few days and it’s the only thing that’s kept me patient lol. Until NOW! I efilled through turbo tax on jan 31 and was accepted Next day.. I filled a 1099 and w 2 , claiming 2 dependents. My girlfriend filed on feb 1 and accepted next day.. Turbo tax as well.. She got her refund deposited at 6 this morning ( 2/13/12) .. WHERES MINE? WMR says nothing and I called the IRS and there rude ass could only tell me mines still processing.!? WTF! Has this happened to anyone else or what? ? ? Getting really inpatient now ..

    1. @Kevin like I filed on the third of february I can’t get nothing through the wmr site I called they said it’s still processing and I won’t get it on the fifteen cause that’s two days away and it’s still processing and I claimed one dependent and education credit and all they can say is it’s processing.

      1. @marie24 @kevin there is a website for the santa barbara bank and trust to see if the irs has deposited your money (if you get direct deposit) it is

  • i filed on the 7th of feb but the site has no info on me i dont know if putting the right info in there

    1. @haZel_EyeZ25 You can lock your self out of WMR! So, you can call the hotline 1-800-829-1954

  • Hello my names Sarah I was just wondering because I files and was accepted in the 4th of feb, every time I put my info in the WMR they couldn’t come up with my info. Well this morning I logged in and it says my refund status is- that my money was sent/direct deposited but for the reference number it’s blank then way down it says it can take up to 3 weeks, so because I saw that I went into my bank of America account and still nothing. How long does it take or was the status update about my refund a lie! I also logged into the bank that goes threw turbotax and they also said that my refund hasn’t hit! Im confused :/

    1. @Sarah712 I’m getting the same thing had a dd for the 15th then it change to that I’m on the phone right now !! This is really gettin on my damn nerves !!

      1. @Lesley67 please let me know what they say :/

        1. @Sarah712 Well they told me mine woul be dd on the 15 th .. I told them the wmr site is just totally f***ed ! It’s driving everyone crazy .. Maybe you should try to call and see wassup 🙂

        2. @Lesley67 Lol funny how we can’t slack on our jobs but the IRS can! I guess I’ll wait it out until Thursday a** holes 😉

    2. @Sarah712 It may have deposited, just from my experience with BOA they don’t do any transactions on Monday, they always clear on tues morn! Hopefully this is the case! Ijs

      1. @Duvalgirl74 ugh! Thanks girl fingers crossed! Let’s hope that’s the case because I know the bank that turbotax goes threw also says that the money has yet to be received :/

  • When filing with a tax preparation company, is that considered e-file? My return was accepted on the 2nd and the due date given to me by the tax service is the 15th. But the WMR says the 21st. I lost my job, right before filing, I have NO money coming in as of yet. My livelihood depends on this refund. I have to pay my rent, my car note and of course the rest of my bills. I have a disabled daughter, so it is a very big strain on me, right now.

  • When filing with a tax preparation company, is that considered e-file? My return was accepted on the 2nd and the due date given to me by the tax service is the 15th. But the WMR says the 21st. I lost my job, right before filing, I have NO money coming in as of yet. My livelihood depends on this refund. I have to pay my rent, my car note and of course the rest of my bills. I have a disabled daughter, so it is a very big strain on me, right now.

  • But it’s early and usually BOA don’t do transactions on Monday, from my experience, everything usually clears on Tuesday! So hopefully!! Soon! Lol

  • I was sure hoping that I would b there this morn, ugh! Nope! Well 2 days more! It sucks cause my vacation starts today, I was wanting to b out shopping, but, NOPE, I guess it’ll b wednesday!!

  • I filed my taxes on the 6th and they were accepted on the same day. I just finally got an update today saying there iz no status and the ref is 9001. Um what is that? Turbotax says my refund is btwn the 13th and 27th. The bank they use says my expected deposit date is the 15th. Im confused.

  • I filed on Feb 1st and my DD is the 15th according to the WMR

  • Well I filed on jan 30 th and it was accepted the same day got online wmr it said I was accepted and I woul rcv the 14 th of feb I filed at h&r block and got the card .. Checked later it had ref #9001then I got the app on my phone it had amount was sent/dd and ref9001 so I called they said it was due to dd on the 15th of feb .. So I checked this am the 12 th of feb and it said it will be there the 15 th now I check and it has some other mess !! I’m done with this it’s makin me crazy lol..

    1. @Lesley67 Lesley67- I did mine the same day as you and it originally told me it would be deposited on the 14th. And now when I check it says it is being processed and if it was filed properly I will have it in 6 weeks. Weird and annoying!

      1. @Rachellynn70 yes that’s what my original date was and then I got alot of weird messages on wmr so I called and they said the 15th then it was sayin that date on wmr and now it’s trippin so I called again today and it’s still the 15th I have the emerald card and I hope it post quickly I need my money 😉

  • I filed feb 3rd and there is still no info on wmr but my dd is the 15th according to the chart for dd

  • I still have no information on the wmr site this is ridiculous and really starting to piss me off. When I call all they can say is it’s processing and can take up to three weeks… If I go by the irs chart my dd is the 16th but still no info and that’s 4 days away… This really gets under my skin


      1. @MaggieBrown it was accepted feb 3


    2. @marie24

      I filed and was acceped on 1/30.. WMR has been telling me for the past week, I should receive by 2/21.. which is bs…

    3. @marie24

      I filed and was acceped on 1/30.. WMR has been telling me for the past week, I should receive by 2/21.. which is bs…

  • man f*ck the irs – they make sure they get theres no matter what and will take everything from u and even can charge people as crimanals if they dont get what they want by a certain time but when you want some info btw info about your own money its a cat and mouse game- our goverment is sh*t!

  • man f*ck the irs – they make sure they get theres no matter what and will take everything from u and even can charge people as crimanals if they dont get what they want by a certain time but when you want some info btw info about your own money its a cat and mouse game- our goverment is sh*t!

  • is this your website? No i dont think so and to be honest with you the information that I provided was good to those that have questions because some of the questions that was being asked is on this. You will not learn anything from other ppl and their return. You cant go based off somebody else tax return or status because they may filed a different way or a different day. I have been here and supported ppl and try to help them understand what is going on with their return. If you dont like what you see being posted by me then get the f*ck off the website. Now f*ck you and have a nice day. We all are in the same boat and I dont need an arrogant insecure prick telling me what I can cant post on a free speaking website. Get your priorities str8 and stay the f*ck off my comments if you dont like what i post. I have been nice to everyone on here and i hve not given any negative feedback so therefore you can miss me with that bullsh*t.

    1. @MrsCook R U OK?????

    2. @MaggieBrown yes Maggie I am fine I just did not like the comment that Annoyed left. No noe else has complained about the posts that I have made trying to assist all of us in knowing what is going on. I am stressed and annoyed like everyone else but I do not take it out on any of you guys. He/she crossed the line with me and then has the nerve to say at the beginning of the post “No Offense” hahaha yea right!!

    3. @MaggieBrown I feel like we are in the same boat so it is only fair that we treat each other with the same respect that we receive from the other. I am not a mean person and I do not like when ppl are trying to be rude in a nice way. I am far from dumb and peep out folks like this all the time.

    4. @MrsCook JUST MAKING SURE….

    5. @MrsCook @MaggieBrown Mrs Cook I was happy that you posted what you did it helped me not go crazy this weekend. Some folks have no home training and are just ignorant.

  • This is the Frequently Asked Questions from the WMR site:

    2012 Tax Season Refund Frequently Asked Questions

    How quickly will taxpayers get refunds?

    Following technology improvements, the IRS will issue refunds to more taxpayers in as few as 10 days this year. But taxpayers should keep in mind that many variables can affect the speed of a tax refund.The IRS issues more than 90 percent of refunds within 21 days

    Why can’t the IRS tell me the exact date I will get my refund?

    The IRS reminds taxpayers that refund time frames provided by the “Where’s My Refund?” IRS2Go smartphone application (app) and tax providers are projected time frames and are subject to revision. Many different factors can affect the timing of the refund after the IRS receives the return for processing.Also, keep in mind that the date “Where’s My Refund“ provides is the estimated date the IRS will issue the refund, not the date the taxpayer will get the refund. It may take up to five additional days for the financial institution to post the refund to your account, or for mail delivery.

    Why did my refund date on “Where’s My Refund”change?

    Refund dates change in “Where’s My Refund” as a tax return moves through IRS processing. A date change is not a sign of a problem for a person’s tax return. No action is needed by the taxpayer, unless “Where’s My Refund” specifically indicates that an action is needed.

    The estimated refund date initially provided via “Where’s My Refund” is just that, an estimate based on a best-case scenario in which the tax return was filed accurately and there are no corrections or reviews required. However, there are many factors that could affect the processing of a taxpayer’s return that may also change the estimated date the refund will be issued. These could include:

    The IRS balances customer service and tax compliance by reviewing tax returns to prevent fraudulent and erroneous refunds. These critical reviews could add time to refund processing, even for some legitimate returns.The IRS may need time to fix a simple error, like a math error.Refund timeframes can also be affected by such factors as bankruptcy, an open audit or a balance due on a related account such as a different tax year.

    If a tax return is affected by one of these factors or by an IRS processing system delay, “Where’s My Refund” will generally provide updated information as that return is processed and/or an updated estimate as the actual refund date becomes more clear.

    The date “Where’s My Refund” provided is different than the date my tax preparer or tax software provided. What should I do?

    The IRS reminds taxpayers that refund time frames provided by “Where’s My Refund” and tax providers are projected time frames and are subject to change. Many different factors can affect the timing of the refund after the IRS receives the return for processing.The IRS issues the vast majority of refunds in 21 days or less so even though the issue date provided to you may have changed, it’s very likely that your refund is on its way.There is no need to call unless you get a specific message indicating that you should. If the IRS needs more information to process your return, they will contact you by mail. The telephone assistors do not process refunds and will not be able to provide additional information.

    Will calling the IRS give me additional information or speed my refund?

    No, calling the IRS won’t do anything to speed your refund. The IRS processes more than 140 million tax returns each year, and our telephone assistors are not the people who actually process tax returns.The best option for taxpayers is to check “Where’s My Refund” or IRS2Go and remember the vast majority of tax refunds will be issued within 21 days.More information about the refund process is available in our YouTube video, When Will I Get My Refund?, and an IRS fact sheet.

    Is the estimated date provided by my tax preparer, tax software or “Where’s My Refund” a guarantee of when I will get my refund?

    Unfortunately, the IRS cannot guarantee a taxpayer will get their refund on a certain date. While estimates are provided as the return is processed, the IRS emphasizes these are “best-case scenarios” where tax returns are filed accurately and no corrections or review are required.

    What might cause a taxpayer’s return to take longer to process?

    Common errors can delay processing and extend refund timelines. Ensure your refund arrives as expected by submitting an error-free return. Use the correct Social Security or taxpayer identification numbers, address, and bank and routing numbers if electing direct deposit.To balance taxpayer service, quick refunds and tax compliance, the IRS must review refunds to prevent fraudulent and erroneous refunds. These critical reviews can add time to refund processing, even for some legitimate tax returns.The IRS also periodically adjusts its technology systems during the filing season, which can also factor into short refund delays.

    What is the best way to file for an accurate return and a fast refund?

    Using e-file with direct deposit remains the fastest option for taxpayers.E-file remains the best way to ensure an error-free return. However, certain taxpayers, like those claiming the adoption credit, must file paper tax returns so that they can submit required documentation. Paper returns take longer to process.Ensure your refund arrives as expected by submitting an error free return. Use the correct Social Security or taxpayer identification numbers, address, and bank and routing numbers if electing direct deposit.

    What’s the best way for taxpayers to check on the status of their refund?

    You don’t need to call and wait on the telephone. The fastest and best way to check the status of your refund is through the “Where’s My Refund” tool on and the IRS2Go smartphone app.Generally, information about refund status is available about three days after the IRS acknowledges receipt of your e-filed return, or four weeks after you mailed a paper return.The IRS works hard to issue refunds as quickly as possible. But the IRS cautions taxpayers not to tie major financial decisions to the receipt of their tax refund by a specific date.

    How does the IRS’s Refund Cycle Chart used by tax professionals differ from general refund timelines?

    The IRS Refund Cycle Chart is a tool provided to help tax professionals provide a best-case estimate when the IRS may issue a refund based on when the return is accepted by the IRS. The refund time frames provided by the Refund Cycle Chart are best-case estimates and subject to revision as many different factors can affect the timing of the refund after the IRS receives the return for processing.The times listed on the Refund Cycle Chart are the best-case scenarios for refunds. These refund times routinely differ from those listed on Where’s My Refund and the IRS2Go smartphone app.It’s important to note that the chart is only for electronically filed returns, but it does show timelines for both direct deposit and mailed checks. The dates on the Refund Cycle Chart are the best-case estimate date the IRS will issue the refund, not the date the taxpayer will receive it. Also, remember many factors can extend refund receipt timelines, including IRS reviews, banking practices and speed of mail delivery.

    Page Last Reviewed or Updated: February 08, 2012

    1. @MrsCook

      No offense – but I really don’t think anyone on here wants information from a website about the standard policies and procedures. As we’ve all found from the WMR site, etc. What’s printed in black and white, isn’t what happens always. These folks, as well as myself (which I had a specific, complicated situation/question) want to hear folks’ personal experiences on how the process is ACTUALLY working and the timing, etc. So although it’s appreciated you provide all the guidance from the website conveniently onto this forum, please don’t.

  • So wmr is now saying my refund is being processed and can take up to 6 weeks? Just a few days ago it said I would get it in feb 15


      1. @MaggieBrown When did it get that message for the 1st time? All along i was told the 13th and i checked 2night and it’s give me a bs 6 week message now. I’m sooo pissed there don’t wait to take taxes out of my check every week but they want us to wait weeks on end for an answer BULLsh*t…..

      2. @MaggieBrown When did you get that message for the 1st time? All along i was told the 13th and i checked 2night and it’s give me a bs 6 week message now. I’m sooo pissed there don’t wait to take taxes out of my check every week but they want us to wait weeks on end for an answer BULLsh*t

      3. @MaggieBrown When did you get that message for the 1st time? All along i was told the 13th and i checked 2night and it’s giving me a bs 6 week message now. I’m sooo pissed there don’t wait to take taxes out of my check every week but they want us to wait weeks on end for an answer BULLsh*t

    2. @3wildbears

      No offense – but I really don’t think anyone on here wants information from a website about the standard policies and procedures. As we’ve all found from the WMR site, etc. What’s printed in black and white, isn’t what happens always. These folks, as well as myself (which I had a specific, complicated situation/question) want to hear folks’ personal experiences on how the process is ACTUALLY working and the timing, etc. So although it’s appreciated you provide all the guidance from the website conveniently onto this forum, please don’t.

    3. @3wildbears

      Oops! Sorry – that wasn’t meant for you 3wildbears!

    4. @3wildbears

      Oops! Sorry – that wasn’t meant for you 3wildbears!

    5. @3wildbears That happened to me too. I thought maybe I screwed my return up and they where looking into it!

    6. @3wildbears omg when i called today they told me the same thing but my dd should be the 15 grrrr wth

  • My status has changed Yay!! Feel a whole lot better now!!

    The balance of your refund, is scheduled to be direct deposited on February 15, 2012. If your refund is not credited to your account by February 20, 2012, check with your bank to find out if it has been received. Please wait until February 20, 2012 before you contact us again because we are unable to take any action until then.

    1. @MrsCook THATS GOOD


    Your tax return has been received and is being processed.

    If you file a complete and accurate tax return, your refund will be issued:within six weeks of the received date.” WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON NOW….

    1. BUT I HAD A DD OF FEB. 13TH…

      1. @MaggieBrown

        did u get anything Maggie cause i havent

        1. @bitties NO NOT YET, BUT I’M STILL CHECKING THOUGH…..

        2. @MaggieBrowni just checked the website now its saying no info on me lol


        4. @MaggieBrown

          i hope so too

        5. @MaggieBrown

          still nothing good thing u didnt go to walmart at 10 its just funny how the irs works and hrblock

        6. @bitties I KNOW RIGHT….

        7. @MaggieBrown

          im gettin alil aggitated

        8. @bitties ME TOOOOOOOOOOOO

        9. @MaggieBrown

          didnt hrblock tell u they were in the process of releasing fund today

        10. @bitties YES, BUT IT DONT LOOK LIKE IT THOUGH

        11. @MaggieBrown

          this is bulls— im about to cry

        12. @bitties @MaggieBrownSame thing just happened to me. I have checked for the last week and it gave me a dd of Feb, 13th. I was just about to go to bed around 11:30 went to check and i got (

          Your tax return has been received and is being processed.

          If you file a complete and accurate tax return, your refund will be issued:within six weeks of the received date) Now I can’t even sleep I’m so pissed off. I don’t understand whats going on or wrong???

        13. @bitties I GOT MINE ;;;)))) I KNOW U GOT UR’S TOO…..

        14. @bitties @MaggieBrown My date finally changed to tomorrow, now for my new question now that the IRS has given me another date finally will it be on my emerald card tomorrow?

        15. @MaggieBrown

          i did get it im so glad

        16. @SSGPRATTSWIFEY @MaggieBrown

          i believeso mine was on there at 2 am this morning

        17. @bitties @SSGPRATTSWIFEY i went to sleep thinking i was going to get a text and i didnt so i went to sleep and checked it and it was on there when i got up for 1;42 am but when i checked my email it said that it was on there for 1am, im so glad that we have now….girl i told u i was going to do my dance and i did and my husband woke asking me what i was doing and i told him my refund dance he started laughing @ me…..

        18. @MaggieBrown @bitties I am going to do a happy dance too but my hubby wont be here to see it 🙁 but he will be home soon enough 🙂 Congrats ladies. I called H&R they said they see it pending so I just need them to release the money but the girl told me it could take anywhere from 3-5 depending on when the IRS deposited it. I hate waiting. hopefully it will be there tomorrow I don’t care what time.

        19. @MaggieBrown @bitties @SSGPRATTSWIFEY glad you ladies finally got it!!

        20. @MaggieBrown @bitties @SSGPRATTSWIFEY 2 more days for us!

        21. @MrsCook @MaggieBrown @SSGPRATTSWIFEY

          thank u let me know when u get urs good luck

        22. @bitties @MrsCook @SSGPRATTSWIFEY THANK U

        23. @bitties @MaggieBrown Today is my day according to the IRS and nothing on my emerald card as of right now. I guess since H&R said by the 15th that is what I should expect.

    2. @MaggieBrown

      mine says the same thing lol


        1. @MaggieBrown

          didnt that happen to somebody else on here and they got their taxes that same day

        2. @MaggieBrown

          i think it mean our funds are released at least i hope so



        5. @MaggieBrown

          yes i checked mine and it was chris35 im going to see if i can find it too

        6. @bitties OK

        7. @MaggieBrown @bitties The WMR site says if your status changes this means that your refund is moving in the computer system as it processes.On the WMR site go down to the bottom of the page and click on the new updates for 2012 it will answer most of the questions you have about your refund and how it is being processed.

        8. @bitties @MaggieBrown i read some where that if you get that message your return will be on the day they said or even the same day. but i’m not too sure. mine says the same thing

        9. @MaggieBrown

          i couldnt find it but im pretty for sure it was her that it happened to and how could the both of us have our taxes messed up very unlikely Maggie i think this will be fine

        10. @MaggieBrown

          did u find it

        11. @bitties no

        12. @MaggieBrown

          im almost 95% sure that i remember thats what happened to her


        14. @MaggieBrown

          im a big girl and i might have to drop it low lol

        15. @bitties @MaggieBrown I found it and she siad this if this is the right one:

          @eastcoastjr I believe that’s correct. If it stays like that you will get it then. Mine kept saying the 8th and I received it the night before.

        16. @MaggieBrownomg time need to go by

        17. @MrsCook @MaggieBrown @eastcoastjr

          thank u Mrs Cook i think me and Maggies adreline is high we probably couldnt focus

        18. @MrsCook @MaggieBrown @eastcoastjr



        20. @bitties YES IT DO


        22. @bitties @MrsCook @eastcoastjr LOL

        23. @bitties @MaggieBrown @eastcoastjr you are welcome ladies

        24. @MaggieBrown @MrsCook @eastcoastjr

          my kids are gettin their puppy tomorrow so i will be the best mom for 2.2 seconds lol

        25. @bitties @MrsCook @eastcoastjr HAHAHA


        27. @MaggieBrown @bitties Oh and to top it all off we used H&R Block and we are all getting the same message. NEXT year i will find someone else to file for me.

        28. @bitties @MaggieBrown I got mine Thank you!!!!

      2. @MaggieBrown

        didnt hrblock tell u they were in the process of releasing funds today

    3. @MaggieBrown

      maggie mine is on there its 2am oh im so happy let me know as soon as u get up


  • But it would b a very pleasant surprise if I wake up n da morn and Its n my account! Lol

  • Just checked my status on the irs2go app and they must’ve just updated it cause it’s finally giving me a dd date of feb 15!!! Yahoo! That’s a little relief, but I won’t celebrate til I c it! Lol!!

    1. @Duvalgirl74

      thats great

    2. @Duvalgirl74 …mine just changed too!!! From the 21st to the 15th!!! Very excited!!!!

  • I filed on January 17th. The IRS accepted my return on the 18th WMR said I would receive my refund on Jan 31. did not receive it and still have not so then I opened a case with a tax advocate due to financial hardship and called the next day to check on my advocacy status and they told me my refund is ready and will be DD on Wednesday February 15th. Is there any way it could be DD sooner?

  • i dont see anything on the site…i think im doing something wrong


  • when will the irs get my info on my tax return if i did e-filing on feb 7th?


      1. @MaggieBrown i did it by a guy i went to i didnt give him my email


    1. @MaggieBrown

      have u heard anything Maggie


        1. @MaggieBrown

          oh im doing alil dance already lol



        1. @MaggieBrown @bitties

          lol Maggie that sounds like something i would do i have to be checkin my email every 5 minutes i feel like a stalker

        2. @bitties LOL…I KNOW….

    2. @MaggieBrown

      have u gottin anything Maggie

  • i have not been able to find out anything on the wmr but try again later.i efiled on jan 30 with h&r they told me the 8th it should be on my emerald card and still nothing should i just call them


  • Damn still haven’t got it and I filed on the 18th of jan. ughhhh

    1. @DawnZar

      have u talked to the irs and what does the wmr website say to u?

      1. @bitties Yeah at first it said it was processed and would be mailed on the 7th but now it’s saying it’s be processed and could take up to 6 weeks. Everytime I call to speak to someone it doesn’t let me speak to anyone. I gave up. So, I decided I’m just going to wait and hope it comes this week coming up.

        1. @DawnZari hope it does to but i would try early in the morning as soon as they open

        2. @DawnZar @bitties I agree you should already been had your money but sorry to tell you that you will not be able to speak with anyone until Monday. Their office is closed on Sat. and Sun. Hope you get some good news when you do talk to them.

        3. @MrsCook @bitties Oh I know. I haven’t called them this weekend because I knew they were closed but I called them Friday and didn’t get anything! But thanks for wishing me some good news my way!

  • I efiled my return through H AND R BLOCK on the jan 30 and they told me that it should be on the EMERALD CARD on the 8th of feb and i have not got it yet and the only info i am getting from h and r block and the irs is that it has been accepted on jan 30. whats the deal?? The sure get it on time but when its time to pay back the extra they took you have to set and wait!!



    1. @MaggieBrown

      this is going to be the longest 2 days lol


        1. @MaggieBrown

          i will probably passout when i see its there lol

        2. @bitties LOL

      2. @bitties ANYTHING YET????


        1. @MaggieBrown

          no not at all this sucks

    2. @MaggieBrown what is wmr?


  • I feel like Dory on finding Nemo instead of swimming I have to just kepp waiting. Hurry IRS..My kids said its their moms money and she needs it now LMBO

    1. LOL


      have u got any info yet about ur return

      1. @bitties No, just checked it and its saying the 21st still, if its not there on the 15th like H&R said it would be then I am going to go to H&R and tell them to find out where “my” money is!

      2. @bitties How about you?


          mine says the 13th but there are no pending deposits but i know the emerald card is funny like that i used to get my paycheck on there and nothing would show up till it got deposited even though i could look at my paystub 3 days before it was deposited lol

  • Anyone have the tax hotline number to call and see when your taxes are due to be dd. It is not on the where’s my refund page now.

  • if i filed e-filing on the 7th when would it be in my bank?

    1. @haZel_EyeZ25 i would love to know the same thing!!! the 7th is my date as well!!!!

  • Nothing yet! Lol, that’s all I can do to keep from crying!


    2. @Duvalgirl74 i heard they was having a little trouble

      1. @haZel_EyeZ25 @Duvalgirl74

        what kind of trouble?

        1. @bitties @haZel_EyeZ25 @Duvalgirl74 I HOPE NOT THE KIND WHERE IS WE DON’T GET $$$$$$ ON TIME…..AGAINNNNNNNN

        2. @MaggieBrown @haZel_EyeZ25 @Duvalgirl74

          i will be pissed i hope we are not one of the chosen ones


    1. @MaggieBrown Mine was the 13 and to call by the 18th


        1. @MaggieBrown @JamieAllen wont be till monday..


        3. @MaggieBrown @JamieAllen

          well im trying to be ok cause alot of people got theirs deposited the night before did anyone who got theirs today have the emerald card?


        5. @MaggieBrown @JamieAllen

          i hope he does too i am just wondering did alot of these people do hrblock or jacksonhewitt

        6. @MaggieBrown @JamieAllen

          i mean the ones that got theres today

        7. @bitties @MaggieBrown @JamieAllen I filled H&R and got the emerald card.

        8. @SSGPRATTSWIFEY @MaggieBrown @JamieAllen

          was u scheduled to receive urs on the 13th and did u get it already


        10. @bitties @MaggieBrown @JamieAllen H&R told me between 7-14 days which would put me at the 15th at the latest. No still waiting.

        11. @SSGPRATTSWIFEY @bitties @JamieAllen SO U FILED ON THE 1ST OF FEB

        12. @MaggieBrown @bitties @JamieAllen On the 2nd

        13. @MaggieBrown @bitties @JamieAllen WMR is still telling me the 21st so hopefully when they update on Monday it will change.


    2. @MaggieBrown

      mine is not there either Maggie 🙁 i dont even see anything pending on my emerald card


        1. @MaggieBrown

          i know it would of made my day just alil bit brighter if i could of at least see it pending lol

        2. @bitties IK….

        3. @MaggieBrownMaggie do u know of anyone that did the emerald card and that got theres today but was scheduled for the 13th?


        5. @MaggieBrown

          well that may be a good sign but it also means that hrblock is full of s—

  • I got mine! Filed at 10pm or something similar on the 31st

  • im glad i did not use a bank. i use a prepaid card for my deposit and it there right now..i suppose got it on monday..but today is saturday..yes. I HOPE THE REST OF YOUS GET YOUR SOON..COME ON MONDAY

  • Just checked again and it’s finally pending in my acct 🙂

    1. @Jackieboo ok great thats good news then…

    2. @Jackieboo Not that they are probably going by this, but what’s the intial for your last name? Or what time did you file on the 31st?

    3. @Jackieboo when did you file?

  • @Jackieboo So now I awake at 4 am and my money is available in my account now. Thank The Lord.

    1. @Alcorbett lucky!!! Checked mine still nothing. Called to check if anything pending, nothing. Guess Ill just wait til Monday.

  • @Jackieboo Credit Union

    1. @Alcorbett I also filed the 31st got accepted same day. Called my bank and still nothing ;(

      1. @Jackieboo My dd was the 13th on 02/09/2012 and on 02/10/2012 it showed up in my bank as a pending deposit but I can’t access the funds until monday

        1. @Alcorbett Oh ok. Thanks for the heads up 🙂

  • I efiled on Jan 31st and It was accepted @ 2am on the 1st. Wmr said the 13th but I checked my bank and it is pending now. So I know it real….Just wanted to let you guys know.

    1. @Alcorbett What bank do you have?

  • has anyone gotten aprroved for feb 5 ?

  • Why did my refund date on “Where’s My Refund”change?

    Refund dates change in “Where’s My Refund” as a tax return moves through IRS processing. A date change is not a sign of a problem for a person’s tax return. No action is needed by the taxpayer, unless “Where’s My Refund” specifically indicates that an action is needed.

    The estimated refund date initially provided via “Where’s My Refund” is just that, an estimate based on a best-case scenario in which the tax return was filed accurately and there are no corrections or reviews required. However, there are many factors that could affect the processing of a taxpayer’s return that may also change the estimated date the refund will be issued. These could include:

    The IRS balances customer service and tax compliance by reviewing tax returns to prevent fraudulent and erroneous refunds. These critical reviews could add time to refund processing, even for some legitimate returns.The IRS may need time to fix a simple error, like a math error.Refund timeframes can also be affected by such factors as bankruptcy, an open audit or a balance due on a related account such as a different tax year.

    If a tax return is affected by one of these factors or by an IRS processing system delay, “Where’s My Refund” will generally provide updated information as that return is processed and/or an updated estimate as the actual refund date becomes more clear.

  • Update: We are aware that some taxpayers who have filed electronically and received an acknowledgement from the IRS are concerned when they visit “Where’s My Refund” and are told that we have no information regarding their return. This is a temporary situation, and we expect to resolve the matter in a few days. At that time, taxpayers will be able to get an expected refund date when they visit “Where’s My Refund.”

    If a taxpayer received an acknowledgment message that their e-filed tax return has been received, they can be assured that the IRS has the tax return even though “Where’s My Refund” does not reflect that. Taxpayers should not call the IRS unless specifically directed by “Where’s My Refund,” as there is no new information to give them.

    We expect the vast majority of tax refunds to continue to be issued within the historical range of 10 to 21 days. The IRS is taking steps to update information so that Where’s My Refund has current information. The IRS apologizes for any inconvenience and will provide updated information as soon as possible.

    1. @MrsCook Well that explains it. I believe everyone has a right to call them and get accurate information as this is all they can go on information. It’s their money anyway. UGH!

      1. @chris35ty @MrsCook

        i believe so too especially if it been past the expected deposit date

  • I no alot of people who got theirs back in less then7 days but they weren’t claimimg any children or education credit, it seems like people that r claiming theses items are waiting so much longer this year… This really really sucks

  • Mine is now saying they have no info on me. This is highly frustrating. I just checked yesterday and it said it would be dd on feb 13th.

  • Their have been people receiving their taxes on saturdays and sundays this year. Their saying that with the new software funds can be dropped any day now

    1. really? how did you hear this? how did they file?

      1. @Sabrina Johnson efile alot of the people r on this website u just gotta read further down the forum and also people I no

  • Tax returns are only processed on business days (Monday through Friday). However, tax returns can be submitted any day of the week when filed electronically. Tax returns submitted on weekends are processed in the order received on the next business day.


    US Department of Treasury: Tax Return Processing

    Read more: Does the IRS process tax returns on Saturday& Sunday? | Answerbag

    1. @MrsCook Well that sucks major ass!

    2. @MrsCook

      so that means we wont be getting them till tuesday?

    3. @MrsCook

      nevermind i understand now

  • Very excited I received my refund today after waiting damn near 4 weeks… I hope everyone who is still waiting receive theirs very soon May God bless u all…..

    1. @Nesha22im glad for u


  • if the irs isnt workin on the weekends how will we get our deposit Monday? Hmmm……

    1. @bitties THAT’S WHAT I WAS WONDERING”””

      1. @MaggieBrown

        i know my friend just called jackson hewitt and her taxes will be here in 24-48 hours so maybe we will get some news tonight if u get some before me let me know and i will do the same

        1. @bitties YES MA’AM

        2. @MaggieBrown

          omg that would be so nice i would do alil dance


        4. @MaggieBrown

          lol i really hope its tonight i hate going all weekend broke with a frown on my face lmao

        5. @bitties well im glad im not going no where i hate asking ppl to borrow $$$$$$$

  • I efiled on the third of february and still no info on the wmr I called the irs they told me it’s processing…. My dd date on the chart is the fifteenth I have a feeling that I’m gonna be waiting much longer then that… But I pray it’s no later then the fifteenth

    1. @marie24 mine said the 16th hopefully they do what they say or i bee madd!!!!

    2. @marie24 ….I filed on Feb.1…according to the chart I should have had mine on the 9th….on the wmr it says expect it on the 21st!!! This is ridiculous!!!

  • WMR has not showed anything the whole time, Today this is what it said. Your tax refund is scheduled to be direct deposited on February 14, 2012. If your refund is not credited to your account by February 19, 2012, check with your bank to find out if it has been received. Please wait until February 19, 2012 before you contact us again because we are unable to take any action until then I filled on the 29th

    1. @eastcoastjr wow…at least u get it next week

      1. @MaggieBrown Yea we will see lol the date may change by then


        2. @eastcoastjr to sooner

    2. @eastcoastjr Remember this date is a guesstimate and it can be anytime before this date that you get the refund . So keep check with tax preparer or prepaid card if you DD that way. IT will be there soon and I hope we all see a change starting next week. Good Luck!

    3. @eastcoastjr I believe that’s correct. If it stays like that you will get it then. Mine kept saying the 8th and I received it the night before.

      1. @chris35ty @eastcoastjr U GOT THE TEXT R THE REFUND THE NIGHT B 4 (WHICH IS THE 7TH)…


        1. @MaggieBrown @eastcoastjr Yes indeed Maggie. If ya got a Walmart down there go shopping at ten pm I did lol

        2. @MaggieBrown mine was dd by 9:30

        3. @chris35ty U READ MY MIND….LOL

        4. @chris35ty @eastcoastjr the night b4 ur dd????

        5. @MaggieBrown @eastcoastjr My dd was supposed to be February 8th. At 9:30 pm my phone gave me a txt saying it was on my emerald card the night before on the 7th.

        6. @MaggieBrown Oh and Maggie, there’s one thing I don’t like about the emerald card, if you want money more than you’re allowed at your bank or whatever there’s a huge fee. We went to a bank to get some money to pay bills that we couldn’t use the card on and they charged us $25 bucks!

        7. @chris35ty @eastcoastjr BUT WAS’T U SUPPOSE TO GET IT ON THE 7TH ANYWAY

        8. @MaggieBrown When I filed they had said that it was processing blah blah blah and something about the 7th but then it was changed saying it should be deposited on February 8th.

  • If you are receiving a message on the WMR that states: Your refund has been received and it is still processing but you should receive you refund by Feb. 21st. This means that it is still processing…Mine is still the same too…if it doesnt change today then it will be next week that they start DD ppl refunds. I kind of got the situation now. My mom has filed hers and got hers back but we file with a private tax preparer in our hometown. She has already gttn hers back but it took her two weeks before she got it. My sister filed on the 3rd and her DD is set on the 15th. So next week everyone should be starting to get theirs. Keep in mind that the IRS does not process over the weekend so we will not get any more results from the hotline or WMR until the beginning of next week. Hope this helps you guys.

    1. @MrsCook It is crazy how they work. I did my friends taxes and mine on the same day back to back on the 29th. He got his on the 8th and i am still waiting. I really do not understand how the irs works.

    2. @MrsCook Mrs cook wmr will still update any changes over the weekend.mine was updated on a sun morning

      1. @Every year That may be so but the IRS will not release anything on the Weekend because they are closed. Federal Gov’t is alaways closed on Sat. and Sun. including banks. The website may change over the weekend but they are the ones that process it and release it. There are individuals that work there that handle your returns. They get off just like any other person does that works for the gov’t. They do not open until 7am and close at 7pm and they close 3 hours early to continue processing the returns and this only happens Mon-Fri.

        1. @MrsCook Only answering about the updates not releasing checks

  • k so i filed on the 24th and i was supposed to get it on the 7th but still nothing and the wmr still doesnt have a date for me……..

    1. @kellisamclemore WOW! I filed mine on the 24th too and it was DD on the emerald card the night before. I would be so pissed!

      1. @kellisamclemore Dd on the 7th I mean when WMR said 8th.

  • Another day of these BS games that the IRS is playing with ppl!

    1. @Duvalgirl74 WHATS WRONG NOW……

      1. @MaggieBrown No the question is: what’s right now? Which is nothing!! SSDD

  • Mine has never changed it has stayed steady on the 21st. I got my text that the IRS excepted it on the same day I filled which was the 2nd of FEB. I don’t understand how ppl. that filed after me are getting there’s before me! When they filed the same way and status as I did.


  • wmr says 2/21 but SBBT says 2/15 so which do you think is the right date. i efiled thru turbotax and was accepted 2/2

    1. @Sabrina Johnson I am in the same boat, I filed and was excepted on the 2nd H&R says the 15th or 7-10 days after the IRS accepted it.

    2. @Sabrina Johnson what is sbbt

      1. @marie24 @Sabrina that is the bank turbo tax uses for direct deposit. their # is 800-717-7228.


      1. it says by the 21 on WMR

      2. @MaggieBrown @Sabrina Johnson mine say I SHOULD have it by the 21st

        1. @SSGPRATTSWIFEY @Sabrina Johnson i dont think thats the right dd b/c it should say this “Your tax refund is scheduled to be direct deposited on February 13, 2012. If your refund is not credited to your account by February 18, 2012, check with your bank to find out if it has been received. Please wait until February 18, 2012 before you contact us again because we are unable to take any action until then.” if u filed on the 31st of jan…..

        2. @SSGPRATTSWIFEY @MaggieBrown @Sabrina Johnson This means that it is still processing…Mine is still the same too…if it doesnt change today then it will be next week that they start DD ppl refunds. I kind of got the situation now. My mom has filed hers and got hers back but we file with a private tax preparer in our hometown. She has already gttn hers back but it took her two weeks before she got it. My sister filed on the 3rd and her DD is set on the 15th. So next week everyone should be starting to get theirs. Keep in mind that the IRS does not process over the weekend so we will not get any more results from the hotline or WMR until the beginning of next week. Hope this helps you guys.

        3. @MrsCook @MaggieBrown @Sabrina Johnson It does help, now I wont drive my self crazy looking at it all weekend. 🙂

        4. @MrsCook @SSGPRATTSWIFEY @MaggieBrown is there specific dates they direct deposit or is it daily?


        6. @SSGPRATTSWIFEY @MrsCook @Sabrina Johnson IKR

        7. @Sabrina Johnson @SSGPRATTSWIFEY @MaggieBrown It’s daily they have so many going in there are ppl getting them daily..The WMR DD is just an estimate of when it will get to you it could be any day before then.

        8. @MaggieBrown @SSGPRATTSWIFEY @Sabrina Johnson Maggie it may deposit Monday a.m. or Sunday night. But there is not anyone there on the Weekends. They are a Gov’t Federal business and all of them are closed on Sat. and Sun. even banks.


        10. @MaggieBrown @SSGPRATTSWIFEY @Sabrina Johnson Yes, they give you the DD date and that is when your money can be DD up to this date… it can come anytime before then. That is why they say if it does not come after that date to call them. This may be the exact date or a day or two in before the date actually states.

  • Filed on the 31st. Just went to WMR and it says it will be dd on the 13th. I hope it doesn’t change up again.

    1. @Jackieboo i hope not either but i think this is our dd though….

      1. @MaggieBrown @Jackieboo

        i hope so too

        1. @bitties @Jackieboo SUNDAY 11:59 PM NEED TO COME ON…..LOL

  • Now the WMR website has the nerve to update their site, I wish they could have everyone $$$$ on time! Lol

  • @Smartinez hello there, I have the same problem as you but I filed on the 19th, it then said the 7th when I called when I didn’t get it I called back and it says processing… Just wondering have you got your refund, or have you heard anything new?

  • I filed my taxes on the 19th of January and my tax guy said it would be mailed the 3rd of February when I didn’t receive it I called and it said the 7th, ofcourse nothing so now when I check it keeps saying processing no other information, no dates and it doesn’t tell me to call. Anyone know? Please help….

  • @Annoyed there gonna have ur x in the system,so any child he claims from here on out there gonna ??? It,and the money he owe there gonna take it but he won’t be able to file for Aleast 2 years or more

  • I filed today. When will I get my refund? I did efile

    1. @Sela1105 2 weeks from the day you filed or 10-21 days after the IRS has received your return.

      1. @MrsCook

        1. Thanks

  • @Annoyed after u complete the paper work its gonna be about 6weeks samething happened to me 2 years ago…

    1. @blackjack

      Is there anyway to prevent this from happening again? Other than trying to file before the ex has a chance?

      Also, my accountant is going to paper file, send in a form and proof of the child support order to me in to the IRS. I’ve heard that when they receive this kind of stuff, they will send audit paperwork to me and the other person and request supporting documentation of the child’s residency to actually determine who is the custodial parent…which can postpone the process and take longer to receive our refund. Did you have to go through this?

  • this happened to me last year, what happens is if they see your taxes before sending off his money they will issue an investigation…my ex is in the army so he got his sent his taxes in earlier than me…he claimed our child and so did i and there was no delay in receiving my money…he got the amount he was issued to when filing for our child and I got the amount I was issued…later in the year he got letters saying he owed irs the money that covered the child that he filed for his taxes…

  • I filed on the 2nd with H&R and got the emerald card I still have no funds… On the IRS site they were telling me no later than the 21st H&R says no later than 7 to 15 days after filling. I see that some filed after me and will be getting their $$ on Monday. I hate waiting and just want to know what the heck is up/

  • Question: My situation is a little more dramatic than normal this year…my ex fiance and I have a child. He has to pay child support, therefore he is not legally allowed to claim our son and I always claim him. I did my taxes with tax preparer on 7FEB12 to efile – got a call on 8FEB12 saying that the IRS rejected my taxes because my dependents ssn had already been used. His effin father claimed him!! So now I have to submit the court papers showing he pays child support to me, the custodial parent and paper file/mail in my taxes!! Does anyone know how long I can expect to wait to get my refund now because of this? I am requesting the money to be direct deposited still.

    (Stupid on his part, the IRS says he has to wait till he gets the money, fill out a form and then send it in and the money he received by claiming our son … well he also owes back child support so before he even gets his taxes, the child support enforcement office will intervene, take what he owes me, send to me, then give him what’s left. (He only owes like $900.) Very stupid because I’m mailing my tax documents in next couple days so my paperwork will show up to IRS before his amendment will. So the IRS is going to think he’s just claiming him and thinks he can and I guess he could get in trouble since the amendment won’t be there. I don’t know … But – does anyone know how long it will take before I receive the money from child support enforcement out of his taxes? I’m not sure when he filed, but it was sometime before 7FEB12. SO FRUSTRATING!! IM SO ANGRY THAT HIS STUPIDITY IS NOW DELAYING MY TAXES!! GRRRR)

  • how many ppl did efil on the turbotax?

    1. @ElizabethRichards I did…filed on the 24th

      1. @Kellisa mclemore which one?

        1. @ElizabethRichards turbo tax

      2. @Kellisa mclemore @ElizabethRichards I did

  • I finally got news on mines! I filed Jan 18th it was mailed out on the 7th when checking via the IRS2go app it gave me a number and ext to contact because the site had no info… so now I’m waiting on the post man!

  • so are they depositing on certain days or just on wednesday cause if its wednesday then the 13th is not a deposit day

    1. @bitties they will deposit on a thursday which is the 16..

      1. even with the hrblock card then why did they say the 13th

    2. @bitties im wrong if it is on the 13 it will be there. b/c mines is the 13. i on the phone as i type..she said no matter what day it fall on it will be there

  • Just got off the phone with bank the money is there but I have to wait 1-2 business days for the check to clear ugh….

    1. @Nesha22 What day did u file?

    2. @Nesha22 What day did u file?

      1. @Duvalgirl74 I filed on the 17th

    3. @Nesha22 What day did u file?


  • I really don’t understand what the IRS doing!! How is ppl getting their $$$ b4 me who filed after me! Geesh please let my bread b n my account by Monday!!

    1. @Duvalgirl74 same here filed th 18th and no info on when I’m getting it

    2. @Duvalgirl74 same here filed th 18th and no info on when I’m getting it

  • I just checked “where’s my refund” and it’s telling me my money will be deposited onFeb 13th. It also says if I haven’t received the money by the 18th check with my bank. I filed my taxes on the 5th of February so hopefully everyone who’s waiting will have theres soon.

    1. @j from ATL so that mean you will not recieved it until feb 15 which is a thursday

    2. @j from ATL Good luck I file mine on the 31 and it’s telling me the 21 and still has not changed

  • I just called the hotline. I put all my info in and it said please hold for representative? anyone ever get that?


    2. still waiting on hold. You know there 10_15 min hold that is actually an hour.

  • Hey All, I also called an my Paper check will be sent on the 14th. Does anyone know how many days do u think it will take for me to receive it?



    1. @MaggieBrown I filed on the 31st and I checked the WMR page a little while ago. It was saying by the 21st, now it’s saying by the 13th and to contact them if it’s not through by the 18th.


      2. @JamieAllen Mine still says 21 Jamie and I filed 31 to when did yours change@MaggieBrown

        1. @PaulineDeckerBoyer @JamieAllen @MaggieBrown mines change 3x’s and my final was the 13th and actually the wmr site just updated that b/c i kept calling the hotline and customer service …. my final changed on tues. or wed. of this week…..

  • I filed before 11AM on Jan 31st. Although the refund cycle chart says I should have it on the 9th, WMR (before it started not working) said the 14th, and I just called the hotline and they also say the 14th. I wonder if my landlord will accept the excuse that the IRS is keeping my money?


    2. @Dkcook24 lol..not funny..but true..ppl need they not on the 14 it on the 15 which is wednesday or mayb thursday

  • How ironic is it that the website is telling everyone the same thing; there in no info on mine now no matter which social I enter. I call the hotline and it still says that it is being processed and I should receive my refund by the 21st. This WMR is supposed to be accurate and have the same info that the hotline does but it doesn’t. If it is under construction they are slow at fixing it and they even have the audacity to have a message that tells you all of this and to do not call the reps because they can not give you any info more than what the website and hotline are telling you. Why be so hostile with us when the IRS is the blame and don’t let me forget the Congress as well. If they took the time to get their sh*t together a year in advance we would not have this sort of problem and we “Hard Working Americans” worked for our money and they give us the cold shoulder because we are concerned about our money and our financial situations at home. Oh and the hotline also stated that “it takes 10-21 days to receive your refund after the IRS has accepted your return.”


  • When i call the hotline and check the site no information on me. I don’t get it.

  • i am on the line with bank now. i filled the 29th and still nothing.

    1. @eastcoastjr

      did u call the irs hotline the automated service gave me my deposit just changed this morning

      1. @bitties did it still say your DD date was the 13th?

        1. @Duvalgirl74

          yes it is i talked to a reprensitive and i called 1800 829 1040 and it said it too did u get a dd day

        2. @bitties Well I haven’t called and spoke with no one but maybe I need to cause I haven’t got nothing from turbo tax and now it’s nothing on WMR!

  • She did efile on Feb.1 at Jackson Hewitt and they called her to pick up her check Feb.8

    1. @blackjack

      of course Jackson Hewitt lol my friend went there 2 days before i did my taxes got her check tuesday

      1. @bitties lol…..I shoulda went there

        1. @blackjack

          i know those were my exact thoughts lol

  • Went to WMR. And now there is no info on me. Called my bank to see if anything is pending, still nothing 🙁

  • ok i wanted tooo ask a question this is very confusing i filled on the 4 th gotten accepted on the 5th of febuary i waited 3 days on the wmr and it says it can take up too 3 weeks an i havent gotten any word from them but when i use a prepaid card i got it says payday in 9 days which leads too the 17 is anyones like that please help btw i used turbo tax



      1. @MaggieBrown ok thank you maggie. so this should really take up too 3 weeks then right ?



    1. @MaggieBrown

      ihope it update tonight cuz i really want to know my stat

    2. @MaggieBrown

      mine is doing the same thing

    3. @MaggieBrown If you check too many times it either lock you out or give you crazy info

    4. @MaggieBrown this is why i am on the phone with them again..cuz mines said the 14..but now no dd again..


  • Please don’t go by the where’s my refund site that crap don’t work,my sister got hers back today and the system still says no info at this time and she aready got her check today…..

    1. @blackjack

      may i asked when did she file

      1. @bitties Feb.1

    2. @blackjack When did she file?

      1. @Duvalgirl74 Feb.1

    3. @blackjack How did she file and when was it accepted?

      1. @Sabrina Johnson she efiled and it was accepted Feb.2

        1. @blackjack @Sabrina I efiled Feb.1 was accepted by IRS Feb.1 ..but the wmr says dd the 21st!!! So frusterating

  • Candy

  • I filed my taxes Jan 25th and checkd on wheres my refund A week later and it gave me the date of Feb 7th and now that i havent received anything i checkd the website again and now it tells me a whole nother thing saying i should expect it 6 weeks after the receive date we are on feb 8th and i have yet to receive my check! Soooo frusturating!

  • Ya know, I love how we have all came together here and comforted each other on this situation. I hope we can all keep coming and help other people out as well =)

  • We have received your tax return and it is being processed. Your expected refund date has been changed due to processing delays. You should receive your refund by February 7, 2012. Please wait until that date to contact us again because we cannot take any action until then. Thank you for your patience. TOO FUNNY TODAY IS THE 8TH!!!! OUR GOVERMENT AT WORK!!!!!

    1. @auburngirl deposit starts tomorrow on the 9

      1. @ElizabethRichards @auburngirl

        they are doing deposits tomorrow and did u say u got urs today but it said the 14th

        1. @bitties @auburngirl not i get mines on the 14

  • I filed mines on the 18th and haven’t received mines the sight said I was to receive it by the 7th now there
    is no date and no check! Sucks!

  • From my research that I have done so far no one that filed after Jan. 26th should be affected by the delay. But i have seen ppl that have filed on dates later than the 26th who have not gt their refund yet. Don’t know what to think about that.

    1. @MrsCook i file on the 29..but i still have to wait for 2 weeks. my due date on the chart is feb 9..but wmr is on the 14..

    2. @MrsCook Yeah and its terrible!

    3. @MrsCook any updated because I am having the same problems?

  • anybody file on the 3rd of febuary get any information back on the wmr website

    1. @mellz I dont know about the 3rd but I filed on the 1st and according to the Refund Cycle Chart (which is only estimated) your refund DD is Feb. 15.

      1. @MrsCook


      2. @MrsCook @mellz hey mrscook

    2. @mellz

      I actually filed on the 5th of February. The IRS accepted my return the same day and when I check “Where’s My Refund” it tells me I should receive my refund the February 21st.


    1. @MaggieBrown

      hi how u doin i was jus wonderin when u file and when did u get ur date because i filed on the third and i been lookin on the wmr site and it say check by weekly sum like that but i never got a date so should i call the irs or is the system down thank u

      1. @mellz@MaggieBrown I also filed on the third and it still shows nothing, I called and they don’t show anything either. But the web site does say not to call, as if it doesn’t show on there, they will not have any more information from it.

    2. @MaggieBrown working fine for me…still gt that it is processing and should receive it by 21st.

    3. @MaggieBrown yes they told me it was under construction

      1. @bitties @MaggieBrown

        so when did u file

        1. i filed on the 1st before 11 am

    4. @MaggieBrown What day was yours accepted again?

    5. @MaggieBrown that is what it was doing to me yesterday..but my dd came back today!!! it still said the 14..

  • Got one question for you guys…Does the WMR give you a date that states the possible date of deposit? Or does it just give us the by date and nothing else? Just curious.

    1. they told me it would be deposited on that day i hope so

    2. @MrsCook It will give you the date and the amount when it’s finished and ready for dd on that won’t give you it’s in processing and you should receive by this date junk

  • Did anyone that was scheduled to receive there money today get it? I was supposed to get mine today and nothing called bank and they said they do not see anything coming in on there end either.

    1. @eastcoastjr I was suppose to receive mine on the 1st then the 7th then the 8th was the solid date with the amount I was receiving

  • i finally got a deposit date its feb 13 thank god

    1. @bitties THATS GOOD….

      1. @MaggieBrown

        from now on im going to do my own taxes its cheaper and i wont have to feel bad about losing out on money good luck Maggie i hope everything turns out good for all of us


    2. @bitties Did u have to call to find that out for feb 13 or u actually talked to someone?

      1. @Duvalgirl74

        no i talked to someone i have been callin and callin im so glad

    3. @bitties does your WMR state that you will have the DD on the 13th or does it still give you the by date?

      1. @MrsCook

        the lady told me the site was under construction she put me on hold and gave me my date




      1. @MaggieBrown @bitties Happy Maggie!!! Glad you don’t have to wait much longer! I’ve been working today so catch me up from what has been going on

        1. @chris35ty @MaggieBrown @bitties chris35. how everything work out for you? did it happen or will it be tomorrow

        2. @ElizabethRichards @MaggieBrown @bitties I got it at around 9:30 last night dd to my emerald card. I dont understand why everyone after the 26th is having problems unless … Oh nevermind the IRS are idiots

        3. @chris35ty @ElizabethRichards @MaggieBrown

          aint that the truth lol

        4. @chris35ty @MaggieBrown @bitties happy for you…so happy..

        5. @chris35ty @MaggieBrown @bitties i know they said after the 26..there will not be no delay..surprise a freaking 2 week delay

  • This site is so helpful because I’m hating the IRS right now! I thought that the only ones to b delayed was the ppl that filed b4 Jan 25th but I can’t tell! Mine was accepted on Jan 31st and my dd date was to b today!! But nothing but a message on WMR that’s saying I should receive it by Jan 21st and that’s some BS!!


      1. @MaggieBrown @Duvalgirl74 lol,,true

  • whats the number where I can see whats going on with my tax refund because this is ridiculous.


  • Well ppl I can’t worry about something I have no control over so I guess I will get started on my school work and get my mind off these taxes. Hope for a change in this disaster for us all. I’ll talk to everyone later and see what the updates are. Good Day!!

  • Hey everyone. If your able to order a transcript.your out off processing.

    1. @Every year i am not able to order a transcript it tells me that my address is wrong…like duh i know my address what is they

      1. @MrsCook Not sure on the adrres part mam.

  • Status will change.were you able to order a transcript?

    1. @Every year

      i was im on the phone with the irs the site says once again no info on my return lol

      1. @bitties I had the same problems.I know you may not want to hear this won’t get any info from them.wmr info and updates are the only thing you can go on.once you know your out of processing.keep checking for the change in your wmr status.once you get a date and dd amount.your set.those people at the IRS are useless and will only piss u off.

        1. @Every year

          do they update the website allday and u are right the have the biggest chip on their shoulder lol

        2. @Every year @bitties THAT IS SO TRUE

        3. @MaggieBrown @Every year

          u would think that they were pullin the money out of their own pocket lmao


        5. @bitties its either they are working on weekend or the thing updates status changed I beleive last weekend.

        6. @MaggieBrown @bitties an tell they have all been trained the same puppies.lmao

  • January 26, 2012: Refund Status

    The IRS has opened its filing season successfully this month, and refunds have started going out to many taxpayers. As with the start of any tax season, there are system validations that occur requiring some fine-tuning of our systems.

    As part of this, some taxpayers will receive refunds approximately one week later than initial projections they may have received, but these are still in line with historical refund delivery times.

    The IRS reminds taxpayers that refund time frames provided by “Where’s My Refund” and tax providers are projected time frames and are subject to revision. Many different factors can affect the timing of the refund after the IRS receives the return for processing.

    The IRS apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the revised refund dates.

    When the IRS announced the opening of the 2012 filing season, it advised taxpayers who electronically file and select direct deposit that they could see their refunds in as few as 10 days and 90 percent of refunds are provided within 21 days. Some taxpayers are getting refunds much faster, but at this time taxpayers should expect refunds to be issued as indicated in the original IRS guidelines.

    The one-week delay for some refunds relates to fine-tuning IRS systems to adjust for new safeguards put in place this tax season to provide stronger protection against refund fraud. The IRS is providing additional screening for fraud this year before issuing refunds, but the vast majority of taxpayers can still continue to expect to receive their refunds in a timely fashion.


    1. @MaggieBrown Magg it coming.what I did was kept myself busy to take my mind off of all this bs.and when I least expected it.I got the text.needless to say I was in a bar.a lot of us on here for the past weeks have finally gotten they’re there’s hope that you and others will be next.

    2. @MaggieBrown it may be the 15th…i am keeping my fingers crossed the IRS website says a week later than the expected date so if we were expecting them to DD on the 8th or 9th then it will be the 15th or the 16th I hope. Praying with you Maggie!!

  • My refund took exactly 2 weeks. Filed on 1/24 was accepted an hour later. Was supposed to be here today but received the text last night around 9:30 pm. It’s coming guys yours will come and I know how frustrating it is! I am saying a prayer for all of you who haven’t received it gets it very soon!


      1. @chris35ty US

        1. @MaggieBrown No its not fair and we have said that all along. I just know I won’t do the same next year as I did this year.

        2. @chris35ty I KNOW THAT’S RIGHT A LESSON LEARNED….

  • QUESTION FOR ANYONE…..WHEN EVERYONE WAS CHECKING THERE WMR SITE FOR THERE DD….. DID IT SAY “We have received your tax return and it is being processed. Unless there is a processing delay or you owe other taxes, you should receive your refund by ” WHAT EVER YOUR DD WAS…. BECAUSE MINE SAID THAT BUT “BY FEB. 21, 2012”

    1. We have received your tax return and it is being processed. Unless there is a processing delay or you owe other taxes, you should receive your refund by February 21, 2012.

      This is mine too. I talked to the IRS yesterday and the Rep told me she estimated it being dd by the 22nd so she was only a day off. They told me when i filed that it would take 10-14 days to gt dd.


        1. I’ve heard that they only do deposits on Wednesdays so it will likely be on either the 15 or the 22.

  • Dear Valued Western Union® Cardholder, As we always strive to provide the best possible service, we wanted to provide you with an update from the IRS about tax refunds. The IRS recently informed us that they are in the process of fine-tuning their systems to add new safeguards to protect against refund fraud. Due to these ongoing changes, if you have chosen to have your tax refund sent directly to your Western Union® Prepaid Card this year, you may receive your refund approximately ONE WEEK LATER than the date you were originally expecting. While this is completely out of our control, we are sincerely sorry that you are going to have to experience this delay, but we wanted to proactively provide our customers with this information. If you have any questions about your refund, about the timing or otherwise, feel free to contact the IRS directly at 1-800-829-1954 or visit the IRS’s “Where’s My Refund?” page. Sincerely, Western Union

  • Just called my tax preparer and she says that my refund has not been dd yet and I filed on the 1st ugh!! Was so hoping to hear come pick up your card.

    1. @MrsCook

      did she tell u it would be here on the 8th

      1. @bitties no she told me the same thing that the WMR said she said they are a week behind.

        1. @MrsCook

          this sucks i got mine done by 11am on the 1st so it would be here

        2. @bitties My tax preparer said that it is the IRS they have nothing to do with the late refunds and that everyone is having this issue. I was hoping for mine too. I really need my car fixed asap.

        3. @MrsCook

          i will probably get my state before i get my federal lol

    2. @MrsCook Didn’t they give you an emerald card same day you filed? Mine did

      1. @chris35ty no, in I had to leave it with them because i didnt have the filing fee the day i went and filed so she said that when it got DD she would let me know and i could come in and we then swipe the card and pay for it when i pick it up.

  • I went to a website and saw where some people that filed there taxes on the 29 and gt they refund dd on their card a week later. I hope this is the outcome for us all, we been waiting to find out something and I can say a little info is not enough. We want to know if we gne gt our money today…Let’s start a Riot!!1 LOL!!

  • I got mines dd this morning guys, thanks for sharing yall story it really helped me get through this and good luck to the ones who have not received anything yet…

  • Finally they showed me the money Dd for today and recieved at 5am ., filed on 1-21,. Had it put on card.

  • i filed on the 1st before 11am i hope something happens today

  • Woke this a.m. to check and my DD should be available to me on the 21st. Feel a lot better knowing that it has been processed and i hope it comes before then.

    1. @MrsCook mines too, but it said by the 21st… so that means on that date r like really b 4 that date

      1. @MaggieBrown I gt an email from Western Union and that who I had my funds dd to stated the refunds would be dd a week later than expected.

        1. @MrsCook so u have to wait another b/c of the card u have

        2. @MrsCook im calling them now to find out

        3. @MaggieBrown @MrsCook

          u would think that hrblock being such a big company would let their customers know but i know people who have went to other places and have gottin their taxes on time and the delay was suppose to be for those who filed before the 26th so that means they are going to be messed up for the rest of tax season lol

        4. @MaggieBrown yea, that is what i am understanding from the email and tax preparer. I called them this a.m. to see if they had my money on my card. They are notified when the money is deposited.

  • Just a heads up….got a text from H&R @ 2:30am…funds on emerald card. DD of 2/8….filed on 1/28. Good luck guys….its coming. …….

  • Got mine too this morning Emerald card 🙂

    1. @Snowbunny1366 I hope i get mine.

      1. @Jackieboo u will keep checking

        1. @Snowbunny1366 I got mine dd o my checking acct

  • but i signed up for text alert and got no text message so keep checkin your card dont ust wait for the text

    Good luck everyone!!!

    1. @crystal62301 me neither. I didn’t get a txt I called this morning too:)

      1. ikr now im mad i wasted that whole 2 seconds clicking in that box to say yes lol


  • got it at 6 am

    1. @crystal62301 When did you file?

      1. i filed the 27th and got it at 6 am this morning thru turbotax but again i was supposed to receive a text message and didnt get one


        1. @crystal62301 what did your date say on WMR?

        2. it said the 8th but according to the bank they actually received it yesterday on the 7th!!!


        3. you use turbo tax?


        4. @crystal62301 Yea I did it through turbo tax. How do you sign up for text alert?

        5. there is a website im trying to find it where you can look at the bank record


        6. @crystal62301 K let me know when you find it

        7. its if you got a turbo tax card thats the bank you can get on this website, it will ask you for your ss# refund amount and filing status. It will then tell you wether it received the money from the irs, and if it is on your account yet


        8. @Jackieboo it told me they deposited mine yesterday, but it wasn’t actually on my card til a few minutes ago

        9. @crystal62301 I got my dd to my bank acct

        10. oh well call your bank im sure they have it


  • my coworker did direct deposit thru hr block on the 27th of jan, and they got their money on their emerald card last thursday the 2nd thats was only 6 days!!!! i did mine the same day thru turbo tax and im supposed to get mine today

    1. and they said hr block told them they wouldnt get it until today so maybe yall will get it sooner than it says

  • Text from H&R.state tax also on emral card.received about 5 min ago

    1. @Every year

      i tried the option 2 on the 1 800 number and it let me order it how long do u think it will be now for me i filed on the 1st before 11am

      1. @bitties I beleive after I was able to order the transcript.I beleive my wmr status gave me the date and the amount that was set for deposit.I’m want to say about a week.maybe a week and a half.wasn’t long after got the set date and amount Od dd.but youve cleared processing so your almost there.keep checking wmr for the change in your status.


        2. @MaggieBrown @Every year

          i checked my last night about 12am and it let me order a transcript so try it and let me know what it says


        4. @MaggieBrown @Every year

          see i have no dd it just says i should receive it by the 21st just no it said no info on my tax return lol

      2. @bitties I filed on the 31st and it says I won’t receive it till the 21st. Don’t get your hopes up. They probably cut off after the 26th. But that means we should get ours like next week.

  • Update!! Just logged into WMR it says my return is being processed and I should be receiving my refund on February 21st. I filed mine the 31st of January. Does this mean I won’t be getting mine dd today or tomorrow???

    1. @Jackieboo i filed 31 to and its tell me by 21 to alot of ppl are saying they are not getting there till the day it says but i hope thats not the truth i need the money

      1. @PaulineDeckerBoyer @Jackieboo im just going to keep checking WMR…..

    2. @Jackieboo mine too….

      DD is by 21st of Feb….SMDH… i was saying the same thing

    3. @Jackieboo yes, unfortunately. I filed mine on the 31st and it says the same day


  • mine says if i have not received by 14th to call, according to schedule i should have dd the 8th, i filed on the 27th…anyone else get same message? i didnt have any educational expenses to add an i think there was problems with that

  • Mine says that it is scheduled to be DD on Feb 6. But Feb 6 came and went and WMF still says 2/6. Anyone else run into this?



      1. @cnote same here it said the 7th now it says being processed allow 3-6 weeks

    2. @cnote Mine said the 8th a week ago, and now it says no date…I hope thats a good sign. The chart says tomorrow. I hope so!

  • this is some bs… who wanna fight… im mad.. irs really blows right now.. i work allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll year.. and this bs is standing in my way…UGHHHHHHHHHH

  • Mine is still saying it is being processed although it had said it would be mailed yesterday…mines not being DD..I filed on the 17th and was accepted on the 18th…so..I wonder if I’ll get it this week?

    1. mine say the same thing

  • still saying being processed even tho it was processed once already and was told it was mailed tomorrow..

  • Is anyone got there’s dd not dd lol

  • Is anyone got there’s who doesn’t have a emarld card. I have SD in bank America still no money. Did mine on 18th

    1. @cadejayash I had mine dd to my boa acct. Got mine last night. wmr said the 8th

      1. @Synn_r when did you file?


  • I will be back here tomorrow to check in on how everyone is doing. I am so thankful mine finally came it =) Everyone else’s will too I just know it!

    1. *in

  • Ahhhh just got txt message from HR block shld b there by one in the morning …….. yea

  • I got mine too..yay…

  • I’m scheduled for the eighth too emerald card I hope mine comes tonight …

    1. @Snowbunny1366 Did they tell you they’d send a confirmation txt when you got it? Also sign up on the emerald card website on bk of card

      1. @chris35ty @Snowbunny1366 Yes signed up for text updates

    2. @Snowbunny1366 I hear ya.I hopie it come too.we all need that Money

  • Just got the text money on emerald was for it 5 min ago.good luck to everyone else

  • Update!!!!! I keep doing bal on my emerald card and always got $0.00. Well just did it and my money has been put on my card! DD to emerald card!!! Whoot happy happy!!!!

    1. @chris35ty how many days did it take u after u got card

  • do they process at night r just during the day

    1. @MaggieBrown I hear its all through the day .. who really knows? Idiots they are

  • How to use this chart: If you filed your taxes with E-File, you should receive a confirmation that your tax return was accepted by the IRS. This date will go in the left column. If you didn’t file your taxes electronically, then this chart may not be useful for you for two reasons: you won’t have a confirmation date regarding when your tax return was accepted, and paper tax returns are manually entered by IRS employees, so the process takes longer.

    Jan 17 and Jan 18, 2012 (DD) Delayed 1-2 weeks(Paper check)*Delayed 1-2 weeks

    Jan 19 and Jan 25, 2012 (DD)Delayed 1-2 weeks(Paper check)*Delayed 1-2 weeks*

    Jan 26 and Feb 1, 2012 (DD)Feb 8, 2012 (Paper check)Feb 10, 2012

    Feb 2 and Feb 8, 2012 (DD)Feb 15, 2012 (Paper Check)Feb 17, 2012

    1. I only posted those dates cause that’s where most all of us are dealing with.

    2. @chris35ty and see like i said i filed on the 31st of Jan and im suppose to get mine tomorrow but they claim its still being processed but still when i go on line it dont have no info on my damn return

      1. @MaggieBrown Right and its saying 1-2 weeks delayed

        1. @MaggieBrown Whoops yours shouldnt be delayed. Did you check WMR again?

        2. @chris35ty yeah and this is what it said ”

          Refund Status Results

          We are sorry, we cannot provide any information about your refund.

          It can take up to 3 weeks to process your return. Please wait at least one week before you log-on again to check the status of your refund.”

    3. so is the chart above not correct? i efiled and was accepted 2/2 when should i recieve my refund?

      1. @Sabrina Johnson Feb 15th according to that schedule

        1. @chris35ty was the schedule revised because the one at the beginning of this topic shows 2/9 for a date.

        2. @Sabrina Johnson Only because of all the difficulties IRS have been having with their new systems. Its ridiculous!

  • My nerves shot….

  • I read where someone got there dD today but I thought It doesn’t go out till midnight. What the truth. I’ve been waiting since 18 when I did mine

    1. @cadejayash Yes I know. I filed 6 days after you. IRS doesn’t release the funds until midnight is what I read so therefore clients not getting it til that day. That is exactly what Divagurl said

  • @chris35ty I tried but couldn’t for sum reason what’sits deal. Are the dates different

    1. @cadejayash Totally. Copy what I wrote down and paste it in your browser or search bar. Can’t click on it through here. Everyone needs to read it


    1. @MaggieBrown over..

    2. @MaggieBrown A lot of complaints lol and if tomorrow I don’t get my refund ill be one pissed off woman!


        1. @MaggieBrown That is just it. I don’t wanna even try calling the them on the phone because if I do I won’t be responsible for what I say and I am over stressed as it is lol

        2. @chris35ty LMAO…..I KNOW THATS RIGHT

        3. @MaggieBrown @chris35ty i know..i just have to sit it

        4. @MaggieBrown I am gonna go by what DivaGurl said earlier today. We will see if I have money on the card at 6 am although H&R said it could be any time of day. If IRS deposits it at midnight tonight then by golly it should be there in the morning

  • i just call the irs and she told me that they are updated the wmr check back in 2 hrs..i was like i had a it no date. she was like we have up to 3 week to process your refund..i was like really..and hung up??? i m so irate with why get stink with know everyone needs they

    1. @ElizabethRichards Yeah well with that being said look at the people who paid extra to have it in a week? “We have up to 3 weeks to process your refund” well then make H&R reimburse its customers!

      1. @chris35ty just is why i did it myself..all that money for what..2 weeks or more delay..when everyone was looking at 7 days or less refund..shame on irs..for real

        1. @ElizabethRichards Yes but really shame on H&R for knowing the truth and trying to make an easy buck!

  • The IRS normally starts to accept returns on 01/15 but was two days late this year which is why the refunds are screwed up. On a news channel it states that ppl that filed there taxes on Jan 17th is suppose to get their refund on the 1st of Feb but they anticipate that it could be later because of the new system and the website that H&R Block knew about this delay before hand.

    1. @MrsCook Yes they did and that’s not fair to us for paying so damn much!

      1. @MrsCook I hate them now!

  • @snowbunny1366 – email me at

  • I just found a website that said the IRS is delaying refunds doe to the Tax Relief Act and will not be processing some tax returns until the middle or late February @ Topic IRS To Delay Accepting Some Tax Returns Until February.

    1. @MrsCook Yeah but that’s dated 2011. Go to and type in search bar when to expect your tax refund for 2012

      1. @chris35ty i didnt see that until a while ago…lol

        1. @MrsCook Oh its ok. Everyone is so pissed off we try to find whatever we can on the whole situation. I for one have been going everywhere

        2. @chris35ty I think this is crazy and the fact that we have to go all around the world to find out where our money is, is crazy. I see where they have the delay but it would be nice if they notified the ppl that prepare your taxes.

    2. @MrsCook Said they do DD on Wednesdays and checks on Friday

      1. @MrsCook That kinda makes sense. When I filed on the 24th 7 days would have been Tuesday but instead it said Wednesday.

  • Refund Status Results

    Your tax return has been received and is being processed.

    If you file a complete and accurate tax return, your refund will be issued: within six weeks of the received date. But originally had Feb.7 as my dd date! Anybody had this happen to them? If so do you know why?

    1. @guest12 n00000000

      1. @guest12 my dd is gone it was 14

      2. @ElizabethRichards This is so crazy…. I dont owe anybody already checked the off set line.

        1. @guest12 idk what going on??mines was for the 14 not no be processing..wth???

        2. My thoughts exactly!!! WTH…………..

    2. @guest12 From WMR or your tax preparer?

    3. @guest12 this is EXACTLY what mines did exact date and all. Still waiting

  • i went back to wmr..and now it said that my refund is being dd for the 14 is will take up to 3 weeks it said..wth is going on?

  • on the chart it said from jan 26 thru feb 2..they get their feb 9..but you said chris35. it is wednesday..maybe soo

    1. @ElizabethRichards The chart is NOT accurate. Do you have a date on teh WMR site?

      1. @chris35ty 14

        1. @ElizabethRichards Did it say scheduled to be deposited that day?

      2. @chris35ty you talking about a website..where you put in your ss and the amount and the individual quote..right?????

        1. @ElizabethRichards Yep

        2. @ElizabethRichards

        3. @ElizabethRichards If it says your direct deposit is scheduled to be deposited on February 14th should be that date. I will let you all know how accurate WMR is tomorrow since it’s telling me mine will be in tomorrow

        4. @chris35ty now it donot have no information on

        5. @ElizabethRichards Have you done it before now?

        6. @chris35ty what check my refund was said the 14..

        7. @ElizabethRichards ok

        8. @chris35ty no more 14 of feb..?????

        9. @ElizabethRichards I have no clue hun. All I can say I will let you know tomorrow seeing if I get mine or not 🙁

        10. @chris35ty ok..good luck

        11. @ElizabethRichards Thanks cause I really think I am gonna need it. If it isn’t in there tomorrow, this girl is gonna be one pissed off bitch

  • i did not do hr..i did it i just have to wait for it..that all i could do..

    1. @ElizabethRichards you should be able to check the status of your refund through the software that you used being that you filed them yourself.

      1. @MrsCook i did and it said 14..but why..oooo..irs is one week behind..damn it…

  • Called H&R Block just a few minutes ago. I asked her if the WMR has been down and not correct she said it was but now its not. She said the IRS had said they were trying to get everything out by the 7th and 8th of February. I asked if I should call them to get a correct DD but she said I can but I would only get a recording. WHATEVER!

    1. Also, it claims if your return is 8-12 weeks late talk to a representative. So I would feel stupid calling. Should I still call?

      1. @chris35ty I would call still because if you have been waiting since january and not heard anything from them i would want to know what is taking so long. BTW: if you do call be prepared to be on hold greater than 15 mins.

        1. @MrsCook @chris35ty more like 40 minutes..

        2. @MrsCook Yes but this is what happened. I filed the 24th and chose the Emerald Card which I wish I had never. The preparer stated that when we woke up it would be on that card on the 1st of February. It wasn’t. Thus finding out all the turmoil all these people have been having. My status until this past Sunday was being processed and should be around the 7th. Then Sunday it says will be direct deposited on February 8th. So and also spoke to H&R they said should be on there in the morning. I can’t take another disappointment. I will just wait til in the morning and if it’s not there I guess I will call. It could be anytime of tie day tho 🙁

        3. @ and if being a week late on returns, that clearly means tomorrow cuz last wednesday was our DD date

        4. @MrsCook Btw, was looking at something you posted earlier about going to and asking about checking on a refund through your state? Well, I found mine which is in Ohio and it says my funds were direct deposited on 2/1/2012. What’s up with that????

        5. @chris35ty that is a good question…Have you tried calling the bank where you gt it DD at? I would think if the state has the refund deposited then you should be able to access the funds as well and have full access to your refund.

        6. @MrsCook No only because like an idiot I chose the Emerald Card this year. Believe me, it would have already been in my bank if I had but H&R insisted on a quicker refund with the Emerald Card. Next year I will do my taxes myself and have it DD in my bank!

        7. @chris35ty @MrsCook yes do it yourself..everybody learn from they own mistake..

        8. @ElizabethRichards @MrsCook Well I used to but when my husband was getting unemployment I was confused so went to H&R and next year I will do it myself cause there aren’t any forms for unemployment anymore

        9. @chris35ty I agree i had mine DD on Western Union Card…I dont know if i will be having the same problem b/c my tax preparer is keeping track of the card and when the funds will post to it. I have heard from a lot of ppl that the Western Union card is a good unlike some of the others. I was going to file them myself this year but husband did not have a valid ID to do it.

        10. @MrsCook @chris35ty to file on do not need a valid just need your w2 and ss..that all

        11. @MrsCook Yeah well I am DUMB! Never again never again…. this is so awful

    2. @chris35ty tomorrow is for who people who file for the jan 26 thru feb 1..I hope..

      1. @ElizabethRichards I think tomorrow is for ppl who filed like 17-26th

        1. @ElizabethRichards Bandit got his today and he filed the 17th

        2. @chris35ty damn….

        3. @ElizabethRichards Yeah I know. I think they are trying to get the ppl who filed between that time frame because I heard anyone filing after 26th didn’t have this problem.

        4. @chris35ty i file on the 29..i sure be in that rack…damn it..

        5. @chris35ty let me look

  • UPDATE: I found out you can check the status of your refund by your state revenue website. I am a resident of Mississippi and it tells me that my refund has not been processed yet. Try to google or and search for check the status of filed refund in ________(your state). This may give you more info. Hope this helps!

  • i just got off the phone with the IRS again and i spoke with a lady and she told me that since the website been messing up that, u have to call them to see what is the correct DD that u have…ugh and also they know how many times u call to b/c they notate how many times u call….lol

    1. @MaggieBrown Tell me that doesn’t include me??? The WMR works fine for me and H&R says its correct because IRS told them that batches were going out tomorrow.

      1. @chris35ty i hope they get mine right cause they still saying that mines still in process

        1. @MaggieBrown Mine was in process for a week and a half. Until this previous weekend

        2. @MaggieBrown Ohhh and get this! Husband called the bank a bit ago and our state has already been direct deposited into our bank! UGH Imagine that will ya!?!?!

  • @bandit954 Are you positive that’s a safe site?

    1. @chris35ty yes

      1. @bandit954 Must be your bank cause it’s not letting me log in lol

      2. @bandit954 not our bank bandit954

      3. @MrsCook its irs repulicbank site. i have a walmart card.

      4. @MrsCook @bandit954 that site hasn’t let me see anything.

  • DD.going to my bank now.I

    e.file on the 1/17.

  • dd.on the way to the bank.

  • The IRS did not start initiating or accepting e-file until January 17, 2012. This means for us that they are a week behind schedule and it may take longer to process and receive your refund. Sorry to hear this myself.

    1. e @MrsCook Yah I knew about when they were accepting them. Makes ya wonder why the 17th?

      1. @chris35ty right…it makes me wonder what is the actual date that they started accepting them in the prior years. I have e-filed before and it took no longer than 7 days but they say now they are checking every little piece of info to crack down on Identity theft and tax fraud this year. They also have changed their system too.

  • Filed on 18 th still no money. Is anyone else filed that far back and still no dd? Date keeps changing 7 then 8… I paid for this, should of did them myself

    1. @cadejayash Filed 1/24 and supposed to be DD tomorrow the 8th

      1. Not holding breath either

    2. @cadejayash I e-filed mine on tax act on the 20th & it was excepted the same day, our dd was suppose to be on feb 1st then turned to the 7th & now the 8th. Im really starting to get agitated at the IRS. If we owe them money we have to pay right away but they obviously don’t like paying us on time. Hopefully everyone’s comes in in the morning.

  • ok..this is the deal….my refund get push ahead a week so been push not for the 9 but for the feb 14..there nothing wrong with my just been push on the i asked well it be released on the 15. or will i get it on the 14..she said the date is the 14..well we will see. i am tried..of this bs..that why??alot of ppl do not paid for the taxes..i need my money. i have to tell cable will my refund get push ahead of 2weeks. can you please give me 14 more day..what a joke…lol

  • im still on holding


    1. @MaggieBrown the rep i was on the phone with says she keeps gettin a Server Error i havent checked mine since i gt off the phone.


        1. @MaggieBrown she says that it has been giving them and us problems. I was gttn the same info but she said to check back in a day or two. I know you have been waitin longer than me and it is making you wanna gt irate with them. I am going to hold off and wait a few days before I check it again. Of course my husband will be in to check for me this evening when he gets in, he’s jus as anxious as we are. lol

        2. @MrsCook mine is to since we filed 2gether

    2. @MaggieBrown it give me feb 14..

    3. @MaggieBrown mines keep said 14..i check it everyday every

  • what is WMR? Sorry i am

    1. @ElizabethRichards Where’s My Refund

      1. @MrsCook thank you..

        1. @ElizabethRichards you’re welcome

  • Wmr says for me that I should receive my refund by today. Call my tax preparer and my check wasn’t there. I talked to a IRS rep and she told me it should be there by friday… is goin on??

    1. @Nesha22 They claim to be a week behind on processing returns and they had it on the news. It will probably be there Friday. I would go with the IRS Representative since they do have actual access to the returns. They were able to tell me more than what i found out using WMR. Hope things turn around for you and you get ur return soon. 🙂

  • Has anyone received their refund today who was scheduled for the 7th??

    1. @Nesha22 nope

  • Just got off the phone with the IRS and they told me that my return had been received and it was still being processed. She says that the refund cycle chart is not accurate and that we should not expect the dates to be accurate. She says that mine will probably be available on the 22nd of this month and that I should check back with the WMR in a day or two. It can take up to three weeks to process and it is taking a long time to get the refunds back because of EIC and dependants that have to be processed on the return as well. I hope this helps some of you and the returns from 01/01-01/24 had a two week delay because they are a week behind with their system.

    1. @MrsCook when did you file

      1. @Kellisa mclemore Feb 1st

        1. I filed on the 1st also and the bank said to expect it by the 15th, and the wmr site said by the 2st I should receive it. I dont understand because my cousin used turbo tax and did their’s on the 27th of jan and received it in their bank exactly one week later…

        2. @everyone i have been looking at a refund chart that gives you a anticipated date but i was told it is not accurate. I filed with my local tax preparer and she told me it could take 10-14 days where in the past it only took 7-10 days. They have changed their system and so call claim to be a week behind, She said this was broadcasted on the news but i cant find it. I found that they started accepting returns on the 17th of Jan.

    2. @MrsCook

      is she sayin it will be direct deposited by the 22nd or mailed to u?

      1. @bitties direct deposit. i e-filed and she said that it is taking longer because they are behind. it is nothing that we are doing wrong it all on they end of the stick where the problem is.

        1. @MrsCook

          this just sucks i wish hrblock would of not givin me a date so i wouldnt be on lookin for it

        2. @bitties @MrsCook i am sorry for that. that is why this year i did it myself..and look i am in the same boat..but the only thing i did not paid all of that high fee. what is it:?? like 400..right..


        4. @MaggieBrown @bitties @MrsCook shot…you want your money..but we cannot rush it..their going to take they sweet time..that is some bs..

        5. @ElizabethRichards @bitties that is for the anticipated rapid refund e-file is direct deposit to a bank account or prepaid card. my tax preparer has the western union prepaid cards and it is a very high amount to do rapid refund…here it is like 200-350 depending on how much your refund is.

        6. @ElizabethRichards @MrsCook

          i paid 200 but still i was wantin that money i had to stop work cause my 3year old got really sick and i had to stay home to take care of him i just wanted to be alil comfortable while i did that i guess thats not whats in the cards for me

        7. @bitties did you file rapid refund? You should’ve been gttn ur refund back. Have you talked to the IRS?

        8. @MrsCook

          no they wont let us do rapid refund at hr they said only the rac loan thats it

  • On the phone with the IRS now…waitn on hold…

    1. @MrsCook what is the number everytime i call i get the the system that just tells me it is being processed.i did mine on the 27th and got the comformation a hour later but it still says processing and its been 11 day

      1. @noah28 1-800-829-1040 and don’t choose any prompts jus let it go to representative…waiting time is over 15 min tho

    2. @MrsCook hahah i was on hold for 35 minutes and gave up..good luck 🙂

      1. @Kellisa mclemore hahaha i’ve been waitn over 15 minutes now

  • hi guys I filed on the 24th and at first said I would get my dd on the 3rd then changed to the 4-14th then finally the 7th. Yesterday, when I checked it, it says it is now being processed and can take up to 6 weeks…..BS.

    1. @Kellisa mclemore According to their refund cylce chart you should have gttn ur refund on the 2nd…that is crazy and I still say why do they even have this chart and not going by the dates on it…silly BS!!

      1. @MrsCook ya I honestly dont understand what is going blows my mind how it had a set date now says processing takes up to 6 weeks ….ughhhh

        1. This is what mine is asying on th wmr website:

          Refund Status Results

          Your tax return has been received and is being processed.

          If you file a complete and accurate tax return, your refund will be issued: within six weeks of the received date. But I originally had a dd date of Feb 1……

  • Hey guys….have been following posts for the past few days and slowly began to get nervous! I filed on 1/28 after 4pm. Conformation text came an hour after. Original date for DD was 2/14 on IRS site. Had mine put on Emerald card. Checked IRS site yesterday and date was changed to 2/8 for DD, so I called the IRS…..was told that funds will be released to bank by 6am tomorrow morning…..but the bank can hold deposit for 3-5 days… I called H&R and asked for a supervisor. Was told that funds will be on card by 6am tomorrow morning because they get the funds from IRS at midnight, take out their fees then credit card immediately with no holds.
    I asked if she WAS SURE….was told that the automated system at IRS has the accurate info for deposit date since glitch has been fixed…..if it says the 8th, its gonna be released to your bank (which may hold it) or the card on that date……….hope this helps. Good luck everyone 🙂

    1. @DivaGurl Really 6 a.m.!!!! Cause mine is the emerald card too and I am scheduled for 2marrow!!!

    2. @DivaGurl LOL I called H&R today stating that the WMR said mine is to be DD into my bank and I said I got it on the card so are they depositing it into my bank? She said no its the emerald card bank and it could be anytime tomorrow but IRS is telling them that it WILL be the 8th that these are released. Then she tell that they are sending our state by paper? We selected option for that to be deposited into OUR bank and she says no. So I told my husband when he gets home he can call the bank and see if ANY thing has been deposited

    3. @DivaGurl good still said the 14 of feb and i filed on the 30..i call and irs said the 14..i was like but the chart do not have no date for the 14..she could not answer me..i hope mine dd change but it still said the 14..

    4. @DivaGurl I so hope you are right. I am tired of the run around and this money. It’s given me more of a headache and a stomach ache worrying 🙁

  • i know how you feel…my car has been down for almost 6 months now and i am anticipating on gttn it fixed as soon as i get my taxes back but this wait is making me very irritated.

  • i filed the 1st as well and still can’t get any info

    1. @meast07 me either and it seems like if you filed and they say wait 72 hours before you check the status of your refund it would at least give you a proposed date to when you may get your money back…all i have been told by my tax preparer is that i had to wait 10-14 days.

  • we filed around noon on 1/27/12.. was told dd would be 2/6/12.. Bank shows no pending deposits on our account and said it has to sit for a certain amount of time before the bank will process it so I called the IRS. Was first told to wait until the 8th, then she says no the 9th, well we will try and send out the dd’s on the 9th but it could be the 11th.. I filed my taxes myself on H&R blocks website like I have done the past 4 yrs, this is the first year of any problems.. This is insane. Our truck broke down last week and I need this money to repair it.

  • we filed around noon on 1/27/12.. was told dd would be 2/6/12.. Bank shows no pending deposits on our account and said it has to sit for a certain amount of time before the bank will process it so I called the IRS. Was first told to wait until the 8th, then she says no the 9th, well we will try and send out the dd’s on the 9th but it could be the 11th.. I filed my taxes myself on H&R blocks website like I have done the past 4 yrs, this is the first year of any problems.. This is insane. Our truck broke down last week and I need this money to repair it.

  • I feel like the commercial, “IT’S MY MONEY AND I NEED IT NOW!!”


  • Anybody for the 8th get their refund today?????? I did not :(………I hope tomarrow……………..

    1. @Snowbunny1366 When did you file? I filed on the 1st and i still cant find out if my refund has been processed yet. I filed joint return with my husband.

      1. @MrsCook I filed mine on Jan 18th accepted on Jan 19th – my status finally changed this past sunday morning (2/5) – it was processing for almost two weeks. It said I my refund should be DD on Feb 8th and if not recived by Feb 13 to call…mine is on the BS emerald card

        1. @Snowbunny1366 that is a bunch of crock..that is well over 3 weeks and a long time to wait especially if you e-filed…it is supposed to only take 10-14 days and i am not sure if weekends are included in these days. Hope things change for you soon.

        2. @MrsCook I know :(, This is the first time I did the emerald card, and H&R Block never notified me of any delays I read bout them……you guessed on the internet, I been on this blog thing since Jan 23. I hope its tomarrow

        3. @Snowbunny1366 i’ll say a prayer for us because this is gettn frustrating for people…i have been checking mine everyday and no result .

        4. @MrsCook Thank you, I’m praying with you.

    2. @Snowbunny1366 well on the chart it said the 9 of feb..

      1. @ElizabethRichards Wut chart ???? Cause every chart I looked has been wrong is there a new one

        1. @Snowbunny1366 the IRS has a Refund Cycle Chart on their website it tells you and anticipated date but I was told by the IRS Rep that it is not accurate because of the delays that they have.


    1. @MaggieBrown I just went there to punch in my info for giggles and it still tells me tomorrow. Weird

      1. @chris35ty lol

    2. @MaggieBrown yes im on hold as i am type ..cuz my dd do not make any said the 14. i filed on 29 of jan

  • I efiled and was accepted 2/2 so should I have my money 2/9?

    1. @Sabrina Johnson sorry but don’t count on it closer to 2/16-2/18 unless you are one of the very few lucky ones good luck hope this helped.

    2. @Sabrina Johnson sorry but don’t count on it closer to 2/16-2/18 unless you are one of the very few lucky ones good luck hope this helped.

    3. @Sabrina Johnson if you filed on the Jan 27th – Feb 2 your return should be dd by the 9th…but with the way things are going with the IRS it is hard to say…i filed on the 1st and still have not been able to get a proposed dated yet.

      1. @MrsCook @Sabrina Johnson I hope I get it in the 9th. WMR says to expect it the following week but the chart says something different. Not quite sure what to think. I filed thru turbotax does that make a difference?

  • I filed on Feb 1st and I have checked mine 72 hours later and still no result…i see that the refund cycle chart has changed from it being the 8th to the 9th. What is really the issue with these ppl?? Ugh!! Gettn hella frutrated. Has anyone filed on the 1st received a refund yet?


    1. @MaggieBrown Keep us posted Maggie =) Give em HELL!


        1. @MaggieBrown UGH! What a load of crap! They love messing with peoples minds!

        2. @chris35ty YES THEY DO

        3. @MaggieBrown I dunno about mine yet. The lawyer girl said she tried in the morning and wasn’t there then after 12 it was. My hands are itching so badly so I am wondering


    2. @MaggieBrown Any news?

      1. @Jackieboo BS AS USUALLY

  • i just checked my wmr and it says its being processed and i should receive it by the 21st i have never had to wait this long

    1. @bitties I read on another site there was a way to check to see if your return was still in processing or not.i did it and it seemed to work.. You have to follow the prompts to request a transcript..if it allows you to do so your finished with processing.if not you’re still in proccessing.

      1. @Every year @bitties where cn I check that?

        1. @Jackieboo @bitties option 2 personal income tax/ then option#1 tax history-then option #2 to receive a copy of your tax transcript.then punch in year 2011 when asked.if your able to order than your put of processing.if not your still in.

        2. @Every year @Jackieboo @bitties IM BOUT OT TRY THAT NOW

        3. @Every year @Jackieboo @bitties IM STILL IN…UGH

        4. @MaggieBrown @Jackieboo @bitties

        5. @Jackieboo @bitties I feel a little bad now. I hope you get some good news soon

      2. @Every yearim still processing but thank u i will try back tonight

        1. @bitties Your welcome

  • I wonder if this tax bs is making everyone crazy.people just seem to be a bit snippy since all of this began with tax good mornings.customer service everywhere I’ve delt with is a bit rude.I must admit I’ve tried to controll my own feelings with this bs.but it’s not ez.I found myself a bit snippy at think we can get an emotional distress tax credit next……… Just trying to cheer myself and everyone else on here up.


      1. @MaggieBrown Be strong.I know it’s hard and these are hard times.but you have to be strong.those people in customer service at the IRS are so rude.I found out they only pissed me off I stopped calling.Maggie have faith.god bless

  • Got a date to go on from wmr..deposit date 2/8/12.I Hope it comes today.but tommorow would be ok.just tired of waiting.

    1. @Every year i understand that

    2. @Every year we all r tired of WAITING…..

    3. @Every year When did you file?

      1. @Jackieboo 1/20/12

  • We have received your tax return and it is being processed. Unless there is a processing delay or you owe other taxes, you should receive your refund by February 7, 2012……. this is my status for 7 feb….CRAZY No deposit date check bank not deposited.

  • I idled on the 31st and got accepted the 31st. I checked WMR and its not saying nothing? Anybody else in the same boat?

    1. @Jackieboo in the same DAMN boat… im so tired of them, just got phone with them and told me again that it can take up to 3 weeks and thats it….

      1. @MaggieBrown This is crazy. We have things to do with our money and they are playing games

    2. @Jackieboo Filed 01/2012 efiled verified accepted by IRS & The State (CA) on 02/02/2012. As of todate, WMY is not reporting any activity on my account. Also, the State (CA) has confirmed receipt and approved of my return/refund on 02/02/2012. No DD from the State todate.

  • Filed on 20th got accepted on 23rd with h&r return.sister filed on 25th 5 days later with Jackson Hewitt and received hers on Jan 31.unreal.the IRS only does this once a year so the should already prepared way ahead of’s always something.we need that money that they have no computer problems taking from us.and you would think h&r block would discount us for the !!!!!

    1. @Every year Agreed! That’s why I have decided to do them on my own next year.

    2. @Every year i said the same thing

  • *filed

  • I idled on the 31st and got accepted the 31st. I checked WMR and its not saying nothing? Anybody else in the same boat?

    1. @Jackieboo Well, not really they are probably still processing it. Seems everyone is having between 14-20 days to actually receive anything from the IRS. I was a 1/24 filer and was supposed to get mine on 2/1 and here it is the 7th and still no money 🙁

      1. @chris35ty Really? That sucks. What’s the hold up? And why are they giving dates when our money isn’t even going to be on there?

        1. @Jackieboo It’s such a mess! I have heard SO many stories. 1)IRS put a new tracking system on their computers for people committing fraud or identity theft 2)IRS starts ppl to let efile on the 17th of January and they didn’t anticipate that they would have as many so got overwhelmed with returns 3)They are just making sure everything is correct on the returns BLAH BLAH BLAH and 4) if you filed after 26th of January well then you wouldn’t see any delays cause you weren’t in the first batch.These stories are everywhere!

        2. @chris35ty Thy should be on top of things. They dont do taxes everyday of the year.

        3. @Jackieboo Yes we’re all in the same boat. Doesn’t matter what they do. Someone posted on here yesterday that they had their money deposited but the bank wasn’t releasing it til the 8th. It’s their money they worked for it why not give it to them now??

        4. @chris35ty @Jackieboo SAME HERE

        5. @chris35ty The banks can hold your money until a certain date? I wonder what bank they have?

        6. @Jackieboo No clue. I just told you what I read and it’s BS

        7. @chris35ty Ughh this is so aggravating. Last year I filed on the 21st of january and received it on the 28th of january.

        8. @Jackieboo Yes it is. My hands won’t quit itching tho both of them. One for bills and the other for extra lol

        9. @chris35ty Lol. I know it. I have 2 kids both girls a 2 year old and a 10 month old and I’m 7 months prego. I need the money to fix there rooms and buy new stuff for the baby.

  • So it seems everybody is waiting much longer then 10 days.. Which sucks I used to receive my refund in 5 to 7 days with dd, now it’s 10 to 21..smh I probably would have been better off selecting check instead

  • I’m so hoping for tomorrow. …..let it b the 7th but I will b happy for the eight too. Iv waited long enuff:(

    1. @Snowbunny1366 how long have u been waiting

  • Hey, I just updated info on my refund. The dates I indicated of “1/7 to 1/8” are wrong. I meant 2/7 to 2/8.

  • Okay, I did receive my refund today -Monday, 2/6/12. I last checked my credit union around 7 a.m. still not in. Court went very late today so when I checked around 12- 1:00 PM, it was there. My guess is it deposited mid-morning today, just like my payroll does. I really believe everyone will have their refund on the date indicated particularly if the IRS WMR/automated line updated telling you the deposit is going to be made. Coming in a little earlier (like my refund did) most likely has to do with the banks etc. FYI: I am the one that the IRS WMR updated over the weeked moving my date of deposit from 1/7 to 1/8. But for the delays by the IRS, initially expected to have my refund by 2/1 (per IRS refund schedule). I filed and was excepted on 1/21. I also had a small offset that did not cause any issues ( I owed a small amount from a prior tax year). The refund I received was the amount I expected minus the offset. Hope this information helps. 🙂

    1. @underpaidlawyergirl Congrats! I still haven’t received mine. So are you basically saying that even though I haven’t received anything as of yet I can still check by noon and it may be on my emerald card?

  • Looks like everyone is getting good news but me….. Good Luck everyone

    1. @MaggieBrown Now Maggie ya never can be sure about the IRS! They’re money grubbing butts! Keep checking tmrw too! Who knows if I’ll even get mine 🙁

      1. @chris35ty i know but it feel like im losing this one here…Grrrr

        1. @MaggieBrown I dunno. Keep your chin up =)

        2. @MaggieBrown I will post tomorrow if I get anything which I probably won’t 🙁

        3. @chris35ty ok and i hope u do…..;)

    2. @MaggieBrown

      so what news did u get i havent even got a hold of the irs lol

      1. @bitties they just keep telling me that its just being processed that its and no DD yet….Grrrrrrr

        1. @MaggieBrown

          im still gettin the message on the website saying that they dont have any info for me but i called hrblock again and they still say the 8th so i hope they are right and everywebsite i look on says the 8th or 9th

        2. @bitties i hope they r right 2

        3. @MaggieBrown

          did u get urs done at hrblock

        4. @bitties @MaggieBrown I keep reading a lot of stuff people are posting and not liking what I am reading. Some people filed first of January and STILL haven’t got their DD 🙁 This is some scary sh*t!

        5. @chris35ty @bitties its the same thing with me….its really ticking me off to the FULLEST…..

        6. @MaggieBrown @bitties Sure makes ya wonder. Am gonna say a prayer tonight for all of us hoping we get it soon. Good night and god bless I’ll post first thing in the morning regardless of the outcome.

        7. @chris35ty @bitties good night sweet pea and ill say one too

        8. @MaggieBrown @chris35ty

          me too im trying to be calm but its hard when u know u have money comin just dont know when it will get here

        9. @bitties @chris35ty i know… its a shame that u have to wait this long for money that belong to u….so not cool

    3. @MaggieBrown, You are not the only one, The IRS accepted my return on the 18th of January and I have not heard squat…

  • Note that the chart shows when the check or direct deposit will be sent, not necessarily received by you. Keep in mind, this is only for those who have chosen to e-file their return. Also, the IRS disclaims that this isn’t a guarantee that your return will be sent on these dates.

    1. @ElizabethRichards Your tax refund is scheduled to be Direct Deposited on February 8th, 2012. If your refund is not credited to your account by February 13, 2012, check with your bank to find out if it was received. Please wait until February 13, 2012 before you contact us again because we are unable to take any action until then.

      That was mine. So by the 8th for me

      1. @chris35ty okay mines said the feb 14 maybe i get mines on 8 or the 9..

        1. @ElizabethRichards Does that say when it’s scheduled for Direct Deposit?

  • the irs keep changing they date on the schedule. i file on jan 29. my dd is feb 14 and i wonding suppose to be feb8. which now is the 9 on they new schedule..anybody else file on the 29..with efile..

    1. @ElizabethRichards

      i filed on the 1st and hrblock told me in the office the 15th then my email and customer service said the 8th and im doing the emerald card

  • does anyone know if the irs updates their website anytime of the day or is there a certain time?

    1. @bitties Umm under the WMR there is tabs about the refunds and it says there.

    2. @bitties they just update they schedule again..

      1. @ElizabethRichards @bitties OH GREAT! I best head over there! I have been reading a lot of questions on Yahoo! Questions and answers and some woman posted that her mom works there. Pretty interesting stuff and never believe what the WMR says but I am heading there now!

        1. @chris35ty @bitties okay..but they change they schedule on the website..

        2. @ElizabethRichards @bitties Well I just got an internal error so I can’t check. What did it say?

        3. @chris35ty @bitties jan 27 thru feb 2..will get it on feb 9

        4. @ElizabethRichards @bitties Ok I filed on Jan 24th

        5. @ElizabethRichards @bitties Was that on the WMR part? Or somewhere else?

        6. @chris35ty @bitties so u sure get it on feb 2

        7. @ElizabethRichards @bitties Feb 2nd has gone and passed

        8. @chris35ty @bitties on

        9. @chris35ty @bitties idk what the hell is going on.?

        10. @ElizabethRichards @bitties Mine said the 8th to be DD

        11. @chris35ty @bitties okay so u sure get it by the 8 or the 9. b/c on the site it said the 9..

        12. @ElizabethRichards @bitties I am pretty sure but the website won’t let me in. I will keep trying and find out

        13. @chris35ty @bitties ok..good luck with your return

  • This waiting game is a killer!

  • Jan 23rd it got accepted the same day. WMR has said I would get my refund on Feb 7 it has said that since Jan 25. Yesterday it updated and said that I would receive my DD on Feb 8. So I called my bank and they said the funds were there and it would be released 12am on the 8th. So I hope everyone else gets theirs too.

    1. @Synn_r Why do they do that to people? You worked for it and earned it why can’t touch it til the 8th???? That’s ridiculous!

      1. @chris35ty i know right…cause i know i really need it right now. i am just glad that its there. i used h&r block btw

        1. @Synn_r As so did I. Mine says to be released too on the 8th although its going to my emerald card. UGH!

  • i did my taxes on turbo tax e filed on the 1st of february it was accepted from the i.r.s same day last wednesday when should i receive it i selected direct deposit

    1. @joeyjersey24 Did you check the WMR on irs? I would say at least 10 days cause my co-worker did same thing. She filed on 1/24/2012 and got it 2/2/2012

    2. chris35ty but i went on the wmr site and i wrote out my information it didnt say anything i filed on wendsday at 6 in the afternoon and it says 72 hours should i wait till after six cuz it doesnt say anything ??

      1. @joeyjersey24 Ok make sure you put the exact amount in when you filed cause that seems to be the problems people are having. I deducted the fees from H&R Block so it was messed up. If you did it last Wednesday, it should have some info for you

  • Well I got an awesome update I called my tax preparer and she told me I was putting in the wrong amount so now it says dd 8th instead of no info on your return, so we will see what happens on the 8th, good luck everyone…

    1. @Gagirl30032 Yep that’s what I did too last week and put the right amount in and it worked. I also told Maggie to try that too. I hope tomorrow is a gOod day for everyone or Wednesday for that matter!

  • Here’s an interesting tidbit. When I got my emerald card H&R Block send a txt message to me telling me you can send BAL to 42265, text HELP for support, and stop to cancel. It goes with your last 4 of your emerald card. Well usually when I type in BAL I get a immediate response, this time I didn’t and nothing is showing up. I am HOPING they are updating my card. But if you guys have the emerald card and maybe this info will help you? I am hoping!

    1. WOW! I txt help and nothing either. I believe they are updating that card for preparation for $$$$$ whoohoo!!!

  • I’m worried about this emerald card business now!!!!! I hope its on there tomarrow if not the 8th!!! It said by the 13th latest if not to call……………

    1. @Snowbunny1366 Yeah I know 🙁 I am trying to find out that information. According to H&R Block woman she said to call the back to make sure its on there before I go spending. I just hope its there when it says. LOVE for it to be here tomorrow.

      1. @chris35ty ME TOO!! I been waiting for over two weeks 🙁 AHHH. Do you know of anyone that has received their’s early and how early in the day do they inform you the money on the card?? I could be wrong LORD I hope I am but I thought I heard H&R block only did deposits on …..Friday….please tell me you heard different!!!!!

        1. @Snowbunny1366 I never heard such a thing! Read what I just posted… I am hoping it may help you

      2. @chris35ty WOW!! I hope your right let me know if you get yours in the morning girl

        1. @Snowbunny1366 Oh I will let ALL u know for sure and I hope my thoughts are right!

        2. @chris35ty 🙂 ME TOO

        3. @Snowbunny1366 Tried the BAL again and nothing lol its always immediate when I do that it sends me a $0.00 balance Oh I am ready to sing a happy song

        4. @Snowbunny1366 No happy song 🙁 it finally txt me back a $0.00 figure! GRRRR

        5. @chris35ty HOPE ITS 2MARROW!!!!

        6. @Snowbunny1366 Oh I do too but I won’t hold my breath

  • Maggie have you gotten any updates recently?

    1. @chris35ty no its the samething with them saying its being processed

      1. @chris35ty what about u

        1. @MaggieBrown Same… the 8th

  • Just got off the phone wit my tax company and the lady told me that they have not received any new checks for today and for me to call back tomorrow since wmr say the 7th I’m crossing my fingers……

    1. @Nesha22 Crossing mine too although mine said the 8th to be DD 🙁

  • i have gotten an update… have a scheduled DD date for feb 8th.. which is still a day late. I bet i don’t do hr block emerald card next year and just file my own taxes efile online. I got charged 472 dollars to wait 3 weeks… that is ridiculous…

    1. @KristinaCarpenter I bet I don’t either! I bet I do them myself like I used to years ago before my husband was on unemployment cause I didn’t know how to do his.

      1. @KristinaCarpenter I was charged 216.00

        1. @chris35ty wow!!! i have no idea why i was charged as much as i was.. it is really ridiculous!!! a lot of people who were scheduled for the 6th dd was getting theirs day before yesterday. so maybe ???? we might get them tomorrow? i think it is ridiculous, they don’t go without the money people owe them and if they do, we get charged interest and penalties… but if they owe US money, and we just so happen to (like me) have a vehicle break down on the side of the road, which is why we filed early in the first place, we are completely screwed and just have to wait. One way or another they will always find a way to screw us over. I bet none of their employees are going without making house payments, or replacing or repairing cars…

        2. @KristinaCarpenter I am wondering if it depends on where you filed? No clue. I have always had mine put into my bank account but they scammed me into the card this year. AWFUL! If they are getting theirs a day early are they also getting theirs put on the card?

          Sorry about your vehicle 🙁 Hope we get them tomorrow!

        3. @KristinaCarpenter I meant the state where they’re filed but the fees should be the same for everyone!

        4. @KristinaCarpenter @chris35ty

          yea u are so right i just want my money i think it should only take at the most is a week its pulled out its pulled out of our paychecks before we even get to see them

        5. @KristinaCarpenter The people who you say are getting them a day or so early are they also getting them put on the emerald card?

  • Does anyone know just where the headquarters for the IRS is?

  • We have received your tax return and it is being processed. Unless there is a processing delay or you owe other taxes, you should receive your refund by February 7, 2012 …status has not changed

    1. @auburngirl I had that for nearly a week then it changed yesterday to : Your refund is scheduled to be direct deposited on February 8th. If your refund is not credited to you account by February 13, 2012 check with your bank to find out if it has been received. Please wait til February 13, 2012 to contact us again because we are not able to take any action until then.

      1. I @auburngirl I guess I should be thankful I am getting that message and HOPEFULLY it will be here Wednesday. GRRRR

  • omg everytime i call the irs it puts me to the automated service and then hangs up when it doesnt have any info for me can someone help me?

    1. @bitties 8008291040

  • can anyone answer this question… i called the IRS again and this time i spoke with a woman and she told me that they have accpeted my return on the 31st and that it is being processed, so does that mean that i will get a DD soon but it doesnt say that in the WMR site though… can someone plz help me asap….??????

    1. @MaggieBrown Mine was being processed and it said the 7th of February. Then they changed that on WMR this weekend and it said DD on the 8th. I don’t know why they can’t tell you when it will. Did you call the WMR hotline? Try that

      1. @chris35ty when i went to the website it didnt say nothing no DD, but just it can take up to 3 weeks, it was like it didnt have no info on me, but when i called customer service they told me that they just received it on the 31st and that it is being processed and then she told me to check back over the weekend but when i spoke with H&R Block they told me that i was going to get on the 8th but still on the site no info on me…ugh….

        1. @MaggieBrown @chris35ty thats exactly what the website said to me so lets hope this turns out good

        2. @bitties @chris35ty i hope so

      2. @chris35ty and i call the hotline…called 800-829-1040 and 800-829-1954

        1. @MaggieBrown The Where’s My Refund hotline???

        2. @chris35ty is that # 8008291954

        3. @MaggieBrown Here’s just a little tidbit Maggie and I don’t know if you tried it. When I was first told I was to get my refund on the first of February, I was going to the WMR nonstop and it kept telling me they had nothing on me. Soooo, when I was putting the exact amount, I was putting what H&R Block told me I was getting minus their fees. THEN I put in the FULL amount on what I was supposed to get with the added fee of H&R Block then it showed me what was going on.

          I know after the first I was getting pissed each and every day that it wasn’t on my card. Yeah we can just vent and bitch about it but it’s not going to make the IRS get it out any faster and I hate that. We are the ones who worked for the money and we should get it when we were promised it, not because they are doing all these new checking systems on people committing fraud and identity theft. I say, ppl who send theirs out April 17th shouldn’t and say OOPS I am delayed!

          Let me go look Maggie for the number ok???

        4. @MaggieBrown 1-800-429-4059 hun

        5. @chris35ty that number is making like a i dont signal a busy noise

        6. @chris35ty and i feel the same way… i have vented to my husband, my mom, my grandmother… i tired of venting and i know everyone else is too….

        7. @MaggieBrown Whoops I gave you the number for TDD lol. You had the first one right. 18008291040. Did you try going there and putting the complete amount without the H&R Block fees?

        8. @chris35ty yeah

        9. @MaggieBrown Well that’s odd

  • This leaves me to this question: Is there anyone out there that had a date and got it the day before or even 2 days before??

  • Just called H&R Block. Told them WMR says it will be DD on February 8th and does that mean I will get it then? She said if that’s what it says I will get it that day and to call the number on the back of the card before I go spending it lol I hope I get a txt message

    1. @chris35ty thats the date

      1. @MaggieBrown LOL I want it tomorrow cuz I have to work Wednesday ugh!

        1. @chris35ty i had to take off today to get this handle and its a shame that its still not handle…..

        2. @MaggieBrown Ugh I so feel your pain 🙁 Hope they get it solved for you.

        3. @chris35ty hope they just give out all the checks this week….they need to get this together

    2. @chris35ty when did u do u taxes if u dont mind me askin

      1. @bitties Of course not. I filed 1/24/2012. My co-worker did hers the same day at same place and had hers direct deposited in her bank and got them last Thursday 🙁 I always did that but this year went with the card and I so wish I didn’t 🙁

        1. i have had the card for 4 years and always done good with it i just hope when it says the 8th it means the 8th lol good luck with urs i wouldnt be happy either if i was u and i just got my done on the 1st so i couldnt imagine the 24th

        2. @bitties Is yours saying the 8th too??? I really hope when I get up tomorrow it’s on the card. I hope to get a txt message stating that information. I just registered myself on the emerald card site. It still says $0.00 UGH

        3. my email said the 8th and i called customer service and the live operator said the 8th so i have my fingers crossed

        4. @bitties The Saturday after I filed.. I received an email from H&R Block? Did you? Saying that the due date may have been changed and anyone filing after the 26th it didn’t apply to them. So I agree with that operator saying yours would be the 8th cause you filed yours on the first. As for me, I am screwed lol

        5. what was ur first date u were givin

        6. @chris35ty

          have u heard anything yet i cant get threw to the irs so im gettin alil tired lol

        7. @bitties Nope. Just that it’s scheduled for deposit the 8th

  • Efiled on jan.31(free hr block online), got a email on jan 31 stating it’s had accepted my return, but wrm hasn’t been updated at all?!?!

    Anyone have any clue when it will b mailed?

    1. @3wildbears no but i filed my on the 31st as well and h&r block said the 8th with me but the irs said that they dont have no info on me at all and when i called they said that it is begin processed but no DD yet…Louisiana

      1. @MaggieBrown did u have a agent do yours? Who do you call at hr block

        1. @3wildbears yeah the agent done and i called the h&r block customer service… i called them 3x’s this am so for and called IRS 5x’s this am….customer service for h&r block is 800-472-5625

  • Wrm hasn’t been updated since I filed on jan 31, hr block(free edition) sent me a email Stating my return has been accepted by the IRS on the same day-jan 31.

    Any clue on when I will get it mailed?

  • YAY!! finally closure I got a text message saying i should have mine dd by 1a.m local time I checked and there it is I hope everyone else gets everything worked out as well I did mine the 20th and my dd date was the first then changed to the 7th then the 6th so it will come. God bless all 🙂

    1. @yaboiaj25 So then it’s already in your bank? Or did you get the card?

      1. @chris35ty I have the emerald card It sends text messages everytime theres an update

        1. @yaboiaj25 Ok me too. I keep texting BAL to see if they kinda missed texting me lol

        2. @yaboiaj25 Although mine doesn’t text when there is an update. Wonder why?

        3. @yaboiaj25 Can you change those settings?

        4. @chris35ty I wasn’t able to I just told them I wanted messages when the money is in i think it was in before I got the txt but as I was clicking to look at my balance I got the txt I checked my balance on the emerald card page though so maybe itll tell you there hope you get it soon I know its a headache

        5. @yaboiaj25 Where is that address?

        6. @chris35ty its on I’m not exactly sure how I got there I googled emerald card balance and I clicked a link and found it somehow lol sorry I should have remembered exactly

        7. @yaboiaj25 Yeah I found it and made an account =)

        8. @chris35ty O ok good 🙂 I hope it all works out soon for you

    2. @yaboiaj25 Did you get that txt message when you woke up or just randomly throughout the day?

      1. @chris35ty it was at 10:13 this morning

        1. @yaboiaj25 Ok so I guess I look forward to getting a txt then lol

        2. @chris35ty lol yea good luck I think it will all work out I waited 17 days? I think Idk I waited to long tho so eventually itll be there for you

        3. @yaboiaj25 17 days?????? I filed mine the 24th so that basically means them saying it will be on the 8th is definitely wrong! 🙁

        4. @yaboiaj25 Its been 13 days today

        5. @chris35ty sorry I hope it doesn’t take that long for you I’m just saying thats how long it took me to get mine :/ hope I’m wrong and you get it soon

  • this is all messed up i checked my state and it said on 2/2 it was in the last stages if i dont get it on the 8th im going to be heated everyone please keep me updated

  • Mine was not DD today (scheduled for the 8th of February) Hope tomarrow!!!!

  • This is what I think, I could be wrong but it’s worth a shot. The original date we were given well I was given at the time said they were processing my refund and I should have it be February 7th. I called H&R Block a lot last week and they kept saying to me the IRS told them it would originally be the 7th. I was told when filing my taxes I was to have mine by 2/1/12 and H&R Block said they pushed it back a week. I am really hoping it comes tomorrow.

    1. My refund status says mine is scheduled to be DD on February 8th, that being said making it 15 days from time I was accepted and filed.

      1. @chris35ty at least it said that cause mine didn’t say nothing at all but no info on me….


    1. @MaggieBrown
      It’s says the same thing on my end, won’t even tell me if its been accepted! But hr block says it has been

    2. @MaggieBrown I filed the same day u did HR block told me wait until the 8th. My mom filed on the 26th and got her tax on the 1st.

  • Today has marked 8 business days and 12 days all together and no refund >:-(

  • As of 9 am here in Ohio no refund 🙁

    1. @chris35ty same here

    2. @chris35ty same here louisiana

  • i filed on the 1st when did u guys file? cause hrblock sent a message to my email saying the 8th but the office said the 15th

  • I cant get any info on my refund on the WMR page it acts like i put in the wrong info if this has happened to someone else let me know

    1. @bitties yeah me too… its like the keep telling me to check back to see if something has changed

    2. @bitties Yes happens at first for bout 4-5 days after filing well mine did

      1. @Whereisit @bitties mine have been 6 days

  • My refund was suppose to be mailed on Tuesday the 7th now it’s saying it’s waiting to be processed again and could take up to 6 weeks??? WTF. h&r block sucks.

    1. @DawnZar mine says that too…was supposed to be here today and now it says processing up to 6 weeks

  • This another that i found on WMR site and I Quote ”

    Where’s My Refund? is available almost all of the time. However, our system is not available every Monday, early, from 12:00 am (Midnight) to 3:00 am Eastern Time.

    Our Change of Address and Refund Trace features are not available during the following times (Eastern Time):

    Sunday 12:00 am (Midnight) to 7:00 pm Monday 12:00 am (Midnight) to 6:00 am Tuesday 3:30 am to 6:00 am Wednesday 3:30 am to 6:00 am Thursday 3:30 am to 6:00 am Friday 3:30 am to 6:00 am Saturday 3:30 am to 6:00 am and 9:00 pm to Midnight”

  • Is anybodys scheduled for Feb 6, 2012 ? I’m ready for my money lol Man this has been an outstanding hassle I don’t think a year has ever been this bad dealing with taxes hope this isn’t a new thing for the government.

    1. @yaboiaj25
      I was scheduled for today Monday the 6th, and I got my refund! So excited! Hopefully yours is there too.. good luck 🙂

      1. That’s great. Hopefully mine cum soon since I’m scheduled for tomorrow…

  • Your tax refund is scheduled to be direct deposited on February 8, 2012. If your refund is not credited to your account by February 13, 2012, check with your bank to find out if it has been received. Please wait until February 13, 2012 before you contact us again because we are unable to take any action until then.

  • Will someone please post first thing in the morning if u receive your refund thank u let’s hope it be tomorrow. WMR says for me the 7th but who knows it could be tomorrow…..Crossing my fingers

    1. @Nesha22

      Yes, I will post when I receive it. Will be up early b/c of work and will keep an eye on it and let you know regardless of what day I get it..

  • Ugh for real that long for emarld card 🙁 I hope that’s wrong dam hr block quick refund BS I’m still having faith for tomarrow. There is power in prayer ppl. So say a prayer for all of us n post results first thing in the morning 🙂

    1. @Snowbunny1366 I shall post first thing in the morning regardless what the results are lol

  • Im a 2/8 n that would be SWEET if it came 2marrow I was SHOCKED to c the update this morning Im emerald card how will I know if the money on there do I get an email or just check IT????????? IM SO EXCITED


    2. @Snowbunny1366 I was told you will either get a txt message or an email stating it’s on the card. Who knows? What gets me the site says wait 10-21 days after they accept it so does that count Saturday & Sunday cause that would mean we wouldn’t get it til thursday or friday 🙁 Grr hope tomorrow hope tomorrow hope tomorrow! lol


        1. @MaggieBrown @Snowbunny1366 Well mine was accepted the 24th of January sooooo it will be 14 days Tuesday for me


    1. @MaggieBrown i filed the 31 for turbo tax and got the card but it telling me i will recieve the money by the 21

  • so do yall think us 2/8ers will get ours tomorrow?

    1. @chocolate girl I think maybe yes cause if u read previous post from nickolas he was a 2/6 and awoke to his sat morning.,since his stated 2/6 Monday that means if he was getting live check it would have been mailed fri and he’d got monday6th but he had Dd so sent electrically fri and bank posted it fri nite aval sat morning. So if ours say the 8th if it’s mailed it has to go out Monday to get wed. The 8th so satuarday when IRS went to work I think hope and pray they sent wires and that would mean waking up Monday to money to go buy my 18 wheeler which is what we do every year so our income tax continues to give all year around . Long mountain truck here I come :))))))


    1. @MaggieBrown Just now I did and yep its unavailable. Grrr! Maybe lots of people are logging on to it at once??? Who knows

      1. @chris35ty ok i thought it was just me….

        1. @MaggieBrown @chris35ty Checked it this morning and it was available

    2. @MaggieBrown Yes I tried to log on but it says it’s unavailable. Hope I receive my money by tomorrow or Tuesday….

      1. @Nesha22 when did u file…b/c i filed on the 31st of jan and H&R Block said it will be on the 8th but the WMR site dont have no other info on me yet and i dont know why though b/c it said that it takes 72 hours for it to get in the system…i hope we

        get my money by the 8th (L.W)

        1. @MaggieBrown I filed on the 17th according to the IRS schedule chart I was suppose to receive my refund on the 27th. My cousin filed her taxes on the 28th and got hers yesterday(Saturday). I don’t understand

        2. @Nesha22 well i hope they update the system so i can really know when i get mine b/c this just dont make no sense

  • How are yall getting updates on a sunday because at the bottom of the page it says it was last updated or reviewed on the 3rd and I have checked mines since then and it says the same thing…

    1. @Gagirl30032 That’s how mine has been all week for the 7th of February. Today it was the quite opposite. I don’t know why the thing updated. Maybe they are working on the weekends to get these refunds out because of the delay? Mine clearly says its processed and should be DD on or by Feb 8th.

  • Mine also changed to the 8th mine was also reduced by a few hundred for past yr I’m so happy it changed mine on emerald card too hope yr right n by morning or wed 🙂 HAPPY

    1. @Snowbunny1366 oh yay !! im so happy for us both!!! 🙂

      1. MAN, ME TOO! I’m happy for U and ME!! I was reading everyone gettig theirs and I was getting REALLY frustrated!!! I thought you got your since I havent heard anything from you!! Hopefully we will get it by Wednesday!!! Let me know when yours i DD!!!!!! I’m happy!!! 🙂


  • Update: Sunday morning 2/5/12: Finally something very different on the IRS WMR website for me: It specifically states my refund will be deposited by February 8. Up until now, but for the delay, my refund should have been deposited by Feb. 1. Processing delays by the IRS caused the date to be moved to Feb. 7th- The IRS WMR and automated telephone line consistently confirmed deposit date was Feb. 7. However, last night I could night access WMR, not sure why…I assumed the site was updating. This morning, totally different – thank goodness. What I fully expect is the deposit will be here in the morning and if not by Wednesday. By the way, my refund was reduced due by a small amount I owed for a past tax year. I knew this would happen and the remaining amount refunded. The messeage I received on WMR this morning stated the same.

    1. @underpaidlawyergirl I got the same thing when I just went on the WMR. Although mine isn’t being DD it’s being put on the Emerald Card. Why do you expect it to be in the morning perhaps not on the 8th? I would LOVE for mine to be here in the morning but I am not holding my breath.

      1. @chris35ty
        I could be wrong and what with the delays with the IRS for earlier filers ( I was one of them), from everything I’ve read from others receiving their refunds on time and from my past tax refunds, the IRS refunds (deposits) are generally made before the IRS schedule dates that are based on the acceptance date. I suppose the bank can hold up the deposit. Where I bank (credit union), the moment my deposit comes in, I receive it so I am not expecting the credit union to hold on to the deposit. In the past, even my friends refunds deposit prior to the IRS refund deposit date given once their returns are accepted. It really has been like clock work (refunds are received before the scheduled date) but for last year and now…both hold ups were initiated by the IRS. It would be nice if it is here early, if not at least it is on the way.

        1. @underpaidlawyergirl @chris35ty
          Well that gives me a little relief. This is the first time I have gotten mine put on the emerald card and I won’t do it again. Reason being I always had mine DD in my bank and got it faster. A co-worker did hers at H&R block same day same place and got hers DD last Thursday. Ugh! I always thought IRS didn’t work on weekends but maybe they are this year due to the problems cause normally the system wouldn’t update until a work day. When did you file yours?

        2. @chris35ty

          I filed and was accepted on 1/21 so I was in the 2nd batch to be deposited on 2/1 …then of course we learned of the IRS system delays etc.

        3. @underpaidlawyergirl Oh ok! I don’t understand the second batch things. Only thing I know I filed on 1/24 and the it was accepted that day. The preparer said when I woke up on 2/1 it would be on the card. Then all this time with the 7th. Ugh I hate not understanding things 🙁

      2. @chris35ty @underpaidlawyergirl @ chris35ty, when did u file with H&R because i filed on the 31st of Jan and H&R Block said that i should receive it on the 8th but when i checked the WMR site it just said ”

        We are sorry, we cannot provide any information about your refund.

        It can take up to 3 weeks to process your return. Please wait at least one week before you log-on again to check the status of your refund” and it tell me that every time i check it and even on the automated system as well……

        1. @MaggieBrown @underpaidlawyergirl
          I filed on the 24th. I went to WMR and it now says it will be direct deposited by February 8th.

          I heard that ppl who file their returns after 1/26 the delay wouldn’t apply to them. Go figure. I did a lot of research on the net about this and that’s how I found out.

        2. @chris35ty @underpaidlawyergirl @ chris35ty…i hear the same thing but i was thinking that this might happen to me as well b/c of the WMR site saying, b/c i thought at least that i should have some type of info about the refund or even a DD… so now im just going off what H&R Block is telling me and i have mine going on the Emerald Card…and i was told that with that card u get it faster too……..”Its my money and i need it now” LOL

        3. @MaggieBrown @underpaidlawyergirl
          So far everything I have read about this card I do not like! I’ll be doing my own taxes next year. I hear ya about your money! That’s how I feel too! We worked for it now give us whats coming to us! I do hope yours is among the rest of them going out this week Maggie. I hope I can wake up tomorrow and it’s on my card 🙂

  • Hoping that the system update Monday, cuz I need my money…


    1. @cnote Mines have no dd date either and when I call they say its processing but I havent called since last week I just been checking wmr and mines was accepted on the 25th…

  • i hope it does update monday..LETS PRAY

  • It said login failed on the website you guys listed and its something goin on with the where is my refund site. I filed on the 24 electronically UGH really getting pissed here

  • It said login failed on the website you guys listed and its something goin on with the where is my refund site. I filed on the 24 electronically UGH really getting pissed here

  • Maybe Monday wmr will update 🙁

    1. @Snowbunny1366 Yea maybe monday inshallah

  • I still have no refund date still fn processing wmr has changed in two weeks anyone knw wen it will said shld receive it by fhe 7th of February but no actual date posted yet …….,….I’m so frustrated /

    1. @Snowbunny1366 Im going through the same thing nothing in the system, the irs said they received it on the 25th and to check back on the 10th, I hope my money is deposited by the 10th, the 10th will be 21 days from the time they received it.

      1. @Gagirl30032 I would jst like to c wmr update or something no change is making me crazzzzzy

        1. @Snowbunny1366 well it shows at the bottom of the page when it was reviewed or updated which was yesterday but there is still nothing in there for me

    2. @Snowbunny1366 Nickolas just got his this morning and he was in same boat as us so if they r working backwards toasted the early file folk then we should be smiling Monday sometime I pray

      1. @Whereisit @Snowbunny1366 I really hope so

    3. @Snowbunny1366 Mine finally changed to dd of 2-8!!! Did yours change?

  • I dont know whats going on I filed on the 9th (had them prepared on the 9th)the Irs received my taxes on the 25th and I dont have a return date yet! this is so f’ing frustrating I have never waited this long the same thing is on my tax papers that was on there years ago. went back to my tax preparer and it just says accepted by my name in her computer and here it is the 4th and still nothing and the irs website was updated yesterday and still no date, WHATS GOING ON!!

  • Wth… I’ve been following this blog for weeks now and I filed on the 21st and accepted same day wmr is saying no later than feb 7 as long as I don’t owe and such and such. I have mine coming on a card from bancop bank., has anyone received theirs earlier than wmr date

  • is anyone waiting on a paper check?

  • This is crazy to hear! I filed on the 17th and was accepted on the 18th. Nothing yet, just a “should be received by Feb 7” status. Thought filing early would get it out of the way, but it’s become more of a hassle.

  • This is crazy to hear! I filed on the 17th and was accepted on the 18th. Nothing yet, just a “should be received by Feb 7” status. Thought filing early would get it out of the way, but it’s become more of a hassle.

  • I filed my taxes jan 20 was told it would be dep in my account feb 1 and nothing yet I checked efile and it stated my fed tax was accepted 1/31 so now what how long will it take to be in my account? So confused

    1. @LuzO probably the 8th or something. it could be sooner because they are reprocessing the ones like yours and mine that were filed before the 26th which is when they implemented the new fraud software. It’s like the earlier you filed, the longer you’re waiting this year but you gotta be comin up if you filed on the 20th. my neighbor filed on the 27th and got hers on the 3rd, my family filed the 22nd or 23rd and got ours this morning, yours must be coming up. check I hope this helps

      1. @NickolasClark @LuzO Thank u Nickolas I hope so I guess I will be checking my account everyday lol what’s upsetting is y wait till tax season to do that just makes no sense

    2. @LuzO
      What does your WMR status say?

      1. @good2by2 @LuzO

        When not locked out, due to processing delays will receive by February 7. IRS always states by February 7, 2012. What worries me are so many others filed before me (I filed and was accepted 1/21) and they have dates of February 21. I know to be patient, if I had lots of money it would be easy to be patient.

  • I came back to this site with 1 final feed. I had DD date of the 6th and it showed up while i was sleeping. I hope ya’ll get your refund soon too. see ya next year 🙂

    1. @NickolasClark Same with mine! Showed up between 10pm and 5:30 am. 😉

  • My update: Between 10pm last night and 5:30 this morning, my refund was deposited into my account. I had a DD date of February 6th. Hope this gives hope to those who have not received. Good luck all.

    1. @SomerDreams when did u file?

      1. @MaggieBrown I was accepted the 21 of Jan. I believe.

    2. @SomerDreams

      Yes, it does :). Filed and accepted 1/21 with refund due by February 1, 2012. For sometime, WMR and IRS automated phone line state I will receive my refund by February 7, 2012 (due to processing delays). Following news of the IRS delays, Turbotax App indicates I will receive my deposit between January 31 – February 11,2012.

    3. @SomerDreams was it emerald card or your bank account I did mine 20th opted for emerald card still nothing

      1. @yaboiaj25 We do ours direct deposit in our bank account, which we have for the past few years. My friend does an emerald card and received hers Wednesday (Feb. 1st).

        1. @SomerDreams O thank you for your response that sucks.. excuse my use of words this is really frustrating I”m happy you recieved yours though God bless thanks again

  • @maggie your probably locked out…its only temp but you might have checked more then allowed within a period of time…give it time to update and you can check it again…


  • can someone help with this…i filed on the 31st of Jan., i checked the Where’s my refund site but it said that it don;t have no info on me to check back in a week and that it can take up to 3 weeks for me to get it but i was told that when i filed that i was suppose to get it on or before the 8th of Feb…..i’m so confused…PLZ HELP…..

    1. @MaggieBrown Call the automated number to get an update if you are not seeing anything online or if you got ‘locked out’.

      1. @SomerDreams what does the lockout mean????? i never heard of that…

        1. @MaggieBrown If you check too many times online, it can ‘lock’ you out. If you call the automated number, you can still get updates. We were anxious, and checked too many, so it happened to us. When I started reading others talk about it, I realized it happened to me. Good Luck.

  • typo i have not been accepted

  • i files on jan 30 an still has been accepted by the irs but when i went to the bank web site it said i should have it by feb 15 what is really going on?

  • If you filed on or before Jan. 26th 2012 you were processed on their old system and then it was updated and they have to now process you through the new system and that’s the hold up but I also heard most of those will go through on the 7th…so I hope this helps some…the ones that were processed after the 26th are on the new system…

  • For ppl who dont know what is going on in TEXAS they had a FRAUD there and thats what holding ppl money up b/c of that…..i filed on the 31st and i still dont have no answer yet….

  • 1-4 days to process the direct deposit from when Republic Bank sends it.

  • just talked to irs…they said the see the same date but it could take up to two weeks… so basically just watch the mail…i guess

  • Does anyone know a supposed delay if you filed before 26。 I filed on 18 th with direct deposit but still no money. Called and checked refund chart and I should have gotten my refund. ? Not a clue why people who filed after me have there money.

    1. @cadejayash welcome to the club! sorry it’s not funny at first but i’ve had to find some acceptance with the fact of matter, it’s not up to us and it will be there when they figure their errors out. It’s my understanding that most people that filed before the 25th/26th have a delay. it gets WORSE my neighbor just got home and said she got hers. Guess when she filed…….5 days ago. I know… doesn’t make since and it’s frustrating. my situation went from processing and be there by the 7th to dd on the 6th and now it’s on the way says republic bank.

      i filed on the 22nd BTW

      1. @NickolasClark @cadejayash wats republic bank used for?

        1. @tshack @cadejayash it will tell you the status of your money, where as “where’s my refund” tells you the filing status. i found out about that bank after i already got accepted and had a direct deposit date. so its and they may show a different date than the irs site. i dont know if that site will help your stress because it has stated all day that my funds were sent direct deposit today. that was new when i checked this morning so i was really stoked to see that. so all day i’ve been dreamin about all the stuff i will be able to get handled and it hasn’t shown up 🙁 some GOOD NEWS is that i called my tax guys and they said there were 8 new direct deposits that went thru between opening this morning and just now when i called. hope i have good news soon. PS i still cant believe my neighbor got their refund today and they filed 4 days after me. RRRRrrrr!

        2. @NickolasClark @tshack

        3. @NickolasClark @tshack apparently they never heard of me. I checked it and didn’t didn’t recognizemy social sec # what the heck. I filed on 18 th. Thisis going to drive me crazy.

        4. @cadejayash @tshack sorry. like i said, i didn’t know about the republic site until i already had a direct deposit date from irs. so maybe you have to be accepted or something before you are recognized by that bank. i’ve heard that the earlier you filed the longer its taking but then again others in your situation got theirs on the 1st and before. i’m really sorry. MORE WILL BE REVEALED!

  • Does anyone know a supposed delay if you filed before 26。 I filed on 18 th with direct deposit but still no money. Called and checked refund chart and I should have gotten my refund. ? Not a clue why people who filed after me have there money.

  • do the paper checks and dd go out at the same time?

    1. @tshack i’m guessing yes. i had mine direct deposited to republic bank but my tax prep print the checks at there office.

      1. @lucky65 thanks when i checked the irs website it said my check would be mailed out today so….lets see

        1. @lucky65 maybe it will come sometime next week….??

        2. @tshack you prolly get it mon or tues if they mailed it today

  • hella good friday

    1. @lucky65 do the paper checks and dd go out at the same time?

      1. @tshack all day until 3:25pm i was recieving message on my account from republic bank. Once i recieved the message my check was processing on the IRS site i could no longer be located due to my refund going into the account. By the way the people at the IRS don’t know what they be talking about 100% of the time this morning at 11:15 they had me down looking real ugly(LOL) cause they said i was’nt going to get my refund until next friday they only send refunds out on friday so expect it 02/10/2012 which is nxt week. so don’t listen to them cause everything they said was anticipated not factual

        1. @lucky65 okay thanks ill keep u posted

  • look this is a hell of a Check printed at your tax preparer’s office. Please contact your tax preparer to pick up your check. good friday recieved this message via republic bank website @ 3:45pm and 3:38pm tax prep called and said it’s ready for pick up

  • Our new telephone hours of operation are 7am to 7pm, local time. Please disregard any reference to our 7am to 10pm operating hours. We will update our systems with the new information very soon. Thank you.

    If you filed electronically, you should expect a refund to be issued 10 – 21 days after the IRS accepts the return. Please do not call our toll-free number as our representatives cannot provide further information before processing is complete nor expedite processing. You may continue to check this website for the latest refund information. The information at this website contains the same information provided on our automated telephone application

  • IRS stated that heres the message

  • i filed on te 17th they changed my date 2 diferent time first it was the 31st of jan then it was by the 21st of feb now its nt showing ne thing wat the hell going on

  • They just put on their website not to call that they cant tell you anymore than the website. It shoukd take 10-21 days to receive your refund.

    1. @john07821 who is they? Did “they” mean 10-21 days from when you filed?

      1. @NickolasClark

        Nickolas if you go to and go to weresmyrefund it says it on the top of the page. i think its from the time you filed your return.

        1. @john07821 right on man. IRS sent request to republic bank this morning so i should see it tomorrow hopefully.

        2. @NickolasClark

          Cool it still tells me the 14th i filed on jan 27th. we will see what happends.

        3. @john07821 i’ve heard of 1/27/12 filers are getting there money yesterday and today. I thought i read that on this site this morning or yesterday.

        4. @NickolasClark

          I hope so Nickolas i couold use the cash.

        5. @john07821 yeah…..i hear ya……i set up payments based on the anticipated refund date so if you’re broke and wanting your money, remember it could be worse…..i guess

  • look at this while i was posting the previous message i revieved this message Electronic Refund Check/Federal Funding Check $6,743.00 Check is currently being processed. Please allow 24 to 48 hours for processing to complete.

    1. @lucky65 that’s kind of good news.

    2. @lucky65 lucky lol

      1. @ShayJones when did you file and with whom

        1. @lucky65 17th n efile

        2. @ShayJones do you have it going direct deposit to a bank account or a tax refund card?

        3. prepaid direct deposit bt i just talekd to someone n they said its gonna be depoait on the 8th so im coool…..for now lol

  • oops here

  • It’s after 2:00pm her and a disbursem*nt still have not been made. They talking bout they may not print them until 02/06/2012.

    1. @lucky65 wow…..that is ridiculous. not cool. we’ll see what happens with my situation.

  • Now the IRS talking about my refund is offset ——- She couldnt tell me who or how much or why ——-gave me the Federal Offset Number ———-spoke to a rep there he has no offset for my ss# ——-told me to call tax advocate at the IRS —–did that she said ARE YOU READY “Maybe its a computer malfunction” REALLY PEOPLE THIS IS THE F*&^%$( IRS what they got a bunch of F^&*)^% morans working there…………………..

  • i feel bad for the folks still processing but it started to go fast out of nowhere all the sudden so try and keep some hope. I filed on the 22nd or 23rd and the IRS received it that weekend. i think it was on the 30th that WMR stated it was received and call of its not there by the 7th or something like that, then 2 days ago it said i had a direct deposit for the 6th and now (as of 1pm 2/3/12) republic bank says they sent the fund and i’m waiting for the money to show in my account. MOST banks wont put a hold on any direct deposit but the processing does take a couple days sometimes. it’s not like a pay check where they send it to the bank way before it posts and they post date it. That’s why many people are expecting their refund to be there at midnight, I dont think it works like that tho. hope this info helps someone. i’m not an expert but i dont think you have to be to see that the status’ are changing all the time.

  • Call 1-800-829-1040, then press 0 like 3 times and it will send you to a rep.

    1. @Marcel1083 Thank u for sending the number…

  • i filed my taxes on the 19th, they were accepted the 20th. Still no refund.I have the emerald card. Called customer service, and they haven’t received anything from the IRS yet…. called the irs and they said they couldn’t tell me anything more than what WMR states. it is in processing and they can not give me a specific DD date… this is absolutely ridiculous. Got the card hoping for a quicker return because thats what HR block told me. my car was on its last leg, and now it is on the side of the road in town because i don’t even have the money to pay someone to pull it back home :(……

  • So… I filed on 18th; accepted on 19th. The WMR site has said expect your refund BY Feb. 7 and has never changed….. what do you suppose this means? I called the IRS and they could not give me a deposit date!!!!

    1. @ksoape Same story hear, I have no freaking idea wth is going on. I called the IRS about 7 times and got different stories each time, so the last one told me Feb 8 and there is an offset on it, she gave me the number of the Federal Offset Program and I spoke with a rep and he has nothing on my ss#……………I dont really know anymore

  • @aubrey mine was updated last night…that was my original date 2/13…but I got it this morning…

    1. @ndnlady29 so weird its so spuratic like this. Do they only DD on Fridays? Cuz all the stuff I read was Wednesdays and I don’t remember last year.

  • So those dates that the irs posts are just a basic outline date…my original dd was 2/13 and it was actually one week from the date I filed at h&r block…good luck to all of you

    1. @ndnlady29 I also filed on those dates and I haven’t got mine back yet and it states the 13th. Hmmm

  • I filed the 20, they got accepted the 21. i kept getting different answeres from the irs on when i would get it. this morning its said 2/6/2012 but i looked on university national who process the fees and they got my refund this morning 2/3 and sent it to my bank, but it has not been posted to my account yet

  • Can somebody post IRS number so I can speak to a rep about my refund please…..

    1. @Nesha22 Call 1-800-829-1040, press 0 like 2-3 times and you will get a rep

  • I got my refund about 30mins ago….I am so excited…
    Filed on 1/27
    Accepted by irs 1/30
    Tranferred to my bank 2/2
    Available 2/3
    I hope everyone still waiting gets their refund today…

    1. @ndnlady29 you got yours at what time?

    2. @ndnlady29

      I filed on the 27th as well and it says they are processing it i can expect it on or about the 14th

    3. @ndnlady29

      geesh im confused how is folks getting theres first i was accepted on 22nd and supposed to get on first now a feb 7th

  • OK so WMR is showing 2/7 does that mean i will have my refund by that date?

  • S T I L L P R O C E S S I N G – What the H&##

    1. @Snowbunny1366 Hopefully it changes ASAP. My status changed between 1am Thursday morning when I checked to about 6am when hubby checked. Just be positive. Who knows, you may get a DD without a change on the WMR site.

      1. @SomerDreams Man, that would be nice. I dont wanna keep calling the IRS feeling like a stalker n stuff but JEEEEEEZ, this is flipping DRIVING ME CRAZY

  • I’ve been following the posts going up here and it really helped me. I was in the received and processing club until 2/7 then WMR showed DD date of 2/6 on the 2nd then this morning the 3rd, it hasnt hit my account yet but republic bank sent the funds. Hopefully we’ll be busy with something more productive than this once we get this money, I’ve been pretty worked up over this so called. Good luck all and dont stress……it will come. I hope my bank posts it immediately, i should get back to you on that.

    1. @NickolasClark

      how did you find where it showed that republic bank sent the funds?

      1. @JCON81 @NickolasClark I have been checking my bank account all day…..nothin yet. As of this morning republic bank dispersed the funds, so i called my bank to see if there was anything pending that i couldn’t see, and there wasn’t but they did say that it has to go thru more than 1 process to get to our account. that’s probably why it’s not there yet but i’m sure by tonight, it will be there. I’ve heard of people’s money showing up all day and night so i dont think there is a definite time or date. hope this helped and i will try to post when i get my money but you all know how busy i will be when it shows up 🙂

    2. @NickolasClark

      Yes, please reply when it gets to your account. university national (mn) dispersed the funds today but they havent hit my bank yet.

  • My status is still the same received and being processed should receive by 7 Feb…

    1. @auburngirl M I N E T O O – Still processing and should receive by the 7th of February – I was really hoping for some type of change….everyone else is getting DD dates and payments dates me N O T H I N G ………..I’m so upset

    2. @auburngirl Did you call the IRS, I called a couple times this past week and they cant really tell me anything, its always a different story, I just dont understand why its not updating and processing………………………..

    3. @auburngirl I know I said I wasnt gonna do it but ……………I’m on hold with the IRS…………I will let you know what they tell me ………. at least I’m not alone your still processing along with me ………let me know if your’s updates. Good Luck

  • I looked on where’s my refund and it said I should receive my refund by feb 7th. Well it seems like to me that I could be getting my refund today since everyone else’s say feb 6th or 7th and they been receiving there’s today.

    1. @Nesha22 Mine says I will get mine on the 6th, and usually when they say what day it will be DD, I get it on that day. Good luck!

  • This is Lucky65 previously I told you that i was scheduled for direct deposit on 02/06/2012. Well this morning @7:50 i looked a republic bank and it stated that my refund is recieved and is waiting to be printed at my tax prepares office so i should have it no later than 2:00pm today. thanks to everyone that posted and updated us on the info good luck to those of you that have’nt recieved it it will be here soon.

  • I was told by the IRS at first that I could expect my refund to be deposited on Feb.14. Then when I called earlier this week the date had changed to Feb. 3rd. I was holding my breath as to whether that was the truth, after hearing about all the delays etc. with the IRS. I have great news!! the check is in the bank this morning!!! Come 9am I am off to the bank!! My only whoa now is that I hope Fifth Third doesn’t hold all but $100 of it. The love that game. I am thinking not because it said my account and available balance is what it should be with the check clearing. Good luck to everybody. I agree this waiting and changing the dates stink. I get their are lots of refunds to be processed, but don’t issue a guarantee if they cannot hold up their end. Although in my case, they did. I filed on Jan. 23-24 and recieved it today-Feb 3rd. Thats not too bad!!

  • check out, there are 2/7 ppl getting theirs, with no WMR updates!

  • Well I’m a 2/7 and it’s 01:34 on 2/3 and I haven’t got my refund that was excepted on 01/20/2012

  • I hope so. The IRS is a big loke if they owe you but if you owe them they are all over it and on top of things!

  • I think it will be tomorrow Feb. 3rd for most…I think they say the 7th so they have time to process the funds…

    1. @ndnlady29 I hope so

  • mine says the 7th also but when I called the IRS they said by the 7th but who knows

  • I just received an email that states my funds have been released to my bank and that it could take up to four additional days to have my bank process the funds….so I’m hoping my bank does it quickly…good luck to everyone else

  • I’m curious as to why the dates are off…like it says accepted by irs between Jan. 20-26 to expect a dd on Feb. 2nd but when I checked the “where’s my refund” it gives me a date of Feb. 3rd? Where the heck does that date come from? Just wondering why the dates are different. I hope everyone gets theirs by tomorrow if not waiting some more…ugh

  • I actually got mine almost an entire week sooner than anticipated. (well it says the direct deposit was sent today, just waiting on it to be dispersed to my account.

  • @waiting that’s great news…I hope we all get ours dd by tomorrow…

  • Ok update for me as I posted before last week dd of 8th then went to the 14 th then yesterday went to the 3rd just got email saying money has been dd into account 6pm the 2nd good luck all

    1. @Waiting Happy to hear that!

  • I am so impatient…I hate the waiting and not knowing for sure if I’m going to receive my refund tomorrow…I hope you all have the best of luck tomorrow too…

  • I am in the same situation…I filed REALLY early. I got an acceptance on the 14th…despite the IRS saying the didn’t accept returns before the 17th. I should have had the refund by the 25th (according to their refund cycle)…then their system said the, it just says it’s processing and no date is given. Have you got your refund yet?

  • Mine still states Feb. 3rd…I found out they lut the four extra days for your bank to process them…I hope mine is there in the morning….

  • This delay bull is driving me nuts! Anyone got their dd yet?

  • Well, I’m really hoping my status changes tonight/morning I’m SOOOOO BLACKING OUT over this STRESSED to the limit. Let you guys know in the morning and let me know, as for now my still is processing and expect refund by the 7th no DD date nothing…………:( Everytime I talk to IRS it’s something different each and every time…………………………..Talk to you tomarrow


    1. @WHATTHE41 I’m right there with you!

  • We have received your tax return and it is being processed. Unless there is a processing delay or you owe other taxes, you should receive your refund by February 7, 2012 seems like alot of people are getting this message

    1. @auburngirl Thats xactly wut mine says since Jan 19th. I’m starting to wonder if it will ever say SOMETHING different

  • I’m hoping my status will change tomarrow!!! 🙁

  • I just read my irs stats on my refund. Today it has switched again on the 8th of Feb. I completed my refund by Jan 20. My first initial date was Feb 3rd. Than it was the 7th for almost a week. Now today its the 8th and I got the same msg that someone mention about waiting to march if my refund is not here. So like the gov to switch my date. I find it very rude and ignorant. I should of did direct deposit.

  • Nope the IRS does not go by their dates posted. I just hope that H&R Block does deposits from their accounts as soon as they receive them from the irs. I’m just a little worried that is going to be what takes longer for me to get my return. I use to have my return put on the emerald card but found out the hard way it took two weeks.

  • mine changed to direct deposit scheduled for the 6th i did mine the 20th so I hope it works out.

    1. @yaboiaj25
      I did mine the same day.. and my WMR says I have a deposit scheduled for the 6th. So hopefully it’s there Monday morning 🙂

  • I am so confused. I filled on the 27th and was told by ther 13th but when I checked yesterday it said it was scheduled to be deposited on the 3rd. I also filed through H&R Block, so will it take longer to get it because it had to go through their banks first or will it be transferred that day??? I wish there were a consistant accurate date for us all to go by but then that would be asking too much from the gov.

  • I filed my tax refund through HR Block online with direct deposit on Jan.23rd or the 24th. I filed self-employed with HR Block taking their fees out of my refund check. When I first called the IRS, they said I would have my check by Feb.14th. When I called last night, the status had changed and they said the check would be direct deposited tommorow-Feb. 3rd. I did note the dates above and called my bank hoping it would be today. It is now 11:11 eastern time and the bank does not have it yet. I am assuming it will be tommorow. however I have 2 questions–1) by having HR Block take the filing fee out of my refund, will that slow down the process? As it will the refund go to HR Block tommorow and THEY will place it into my account after? 2) Do most banks-(namely Fifth Third Bank) treat the direct deposit refunds as cash or do they put a 24 hold on all but $100 of it? I guess I could call the bank and find out if nobody knows here. I will post again tommorow updating whether I did or did not recieve my refund as the IRS stated.

    Have A Great Day!!

  • @Shawtyred29 Mine was accepted on the 19th and has processing should receive by Feb 7th – MAN I hope mine changes tomarrow…..I keep getting different stories from the IRS………….arent these ppl suppose to know what the H*$$ is going on and everyone one of them has a different story…………………………..

  • Some ppls stauts changed today saying Direct Deposit – Mine still says processing should receive by the 7th

    1. @Snowbunny1366 I hope yours give positive news for you SOON. Crossing fingers!

      1. @SomerDreams Thank You 🙂

  • Mine says they went through, was supposed to get them yesturday now saying the 6 th. Could it be there Tomroew? I have the emerald card?

    1. @CodyL Mine says I will get my direct deposited Monday (the 6th) as well. I have had good luck in the past about getting it dd when they said it would be, so far. Good luck.

  • I gotta say the dates on the irs are wrong I will check the accounts tomorrow if i were you I heard the irs are releasing checks daily now but the ones whom were delayed you should recieve them by friday hopefully. Much like others i am one of the ppl who refund is late but on wmr its gives an approximate date to stear you from calling them but they say possibly tmorr the checks will be issued.

    1. I just talked to a rep and he said some are on the old system that only deposits on fridays, and some are on the new system that deposits any day of the week.

  • I gotta say the dates on the irs are wrong I will check the accounts tomorrow if i were you I heard the irs are releasing checks daily now but the ones whom were delayed you should recieve them by friday hopefully. Much like others i am one of the ppl who refund is late but on wmr its gives an approximate date to stear you from calling them but they say possibly tmorr the checks will be issued.

  • Ugh, my husband just told me that his mother got her fed refund today and she filed about 4 days AFTER we did! That’s government for ya; unfair and confusing as hell!

  • Contacted Rebulic Bank and they stated that they are receiving refunds and they are sending them out as quick as they recieve them.

  • I contacted the Irs and spoke with a liv agent i was getting the message processing should receive refund by 02/07/2012. When I spoke with the agent he stated that I have a direct deposit scheduled for 02/06/2012. On republic Bank taxpayer site it was first reading anticipated refund by 02/01/2012 then last night all of a sudden it changed to 02/08/2012. The rep stated that it should be at my taxpayers office by 2:00PM on the 6th. If you guys are wondering I filed on the 19th and was accepted on The 19th as well

    1. @lucky65 WOW!! That’s some good news for a change!! I hope that applys to all of us I’m Jan 19th also!!!! Lucky You!!

      1. @Snowbunny1366 You contact the IRS @ 800-829-0582 ex362 and let them know that you need to know if there is an actual refund date on your account.

    2. @lucky65 I am curious, so I will have to give them a call tomorrow and see if mine has a date. Thanks for the info! 😉

      1. @SomerDreams This morning was a shocker the WMR site updated after about 11 days i recieved this messagYour tax refund is scheduled to be direct deposited on February 6, 2012. If your refund is not credited to your account by February 11, 2012, check with your bank to find out if it has been received. Please wait until February 11, 2012 before you contact us again because we are unable to take any action until then.

        That’s good news so for sure i will have it by next weekend I really needed it this one but i just put off my plans until then.

  • Does anyone have a number that I can call to talk to a “real live” person at the IRS regarding the refund?

  • Filed 25th told should recieve by the 8 th checked wmr the other day told me the 14 th just checked because I heard there were more delays it now says should be dd on the 3rd if not recieved by the 8th please contact IRS so we will see

  • Call the IRS. You can listen to the automated part which will give you the status. Mine said once online that they were processing, but when I checked a few days later, they couldn’t find my info. Give it a call, and listen to the prompts. Good luck!

  • (WASHINGTON) — If you’re one of the people who already filed your tax returns in the hopes of getting a refund back fast, Uncle Sam has some disappointing news for you.The Internal Revenue Service says some taxpayers may have to wait a week longer than initially projected to get their money back as it works on tweaking its computer systems to prevent refund fraud.”The one-week delay for some refunds relates to fine-tuning IRS systems to adjust for new safeguards put in place this tax season to provide stronger protection against refund fraud. The IRS is providing additional screening for fraud this year before issuing refunds, but the vast majority of taxpayers can still continue to expect to receive their refunds in a timely fashion,” the IRS said in an alert.The delay affects taxpayers who filed returns before Jan. 26, IRS spokeswoman Michelle Eldridge told USA Today.

    Copyright 2012 ABC News Radio

  • (WASHINGTON) — If you’re one of the people who already filed your tax returns in the hopes of getting a refund back fast, Uncle Sam has some disappointing news for you.The Internal Revenue Service says some taxpayers may have to wait a week longer than initially projected to get their money back as it works on tweaking its computer systems to prevent refund fraud.”The one-week delay for some refunds relates to fine-tuning IRS systems to adjust for new safeguards put in place this tax season to provide stronger protection against refund fraud. The IRS is providing additional screening for fraud this year before issuing refunds, but the vast majority of taxpayers can still continue to expect to receive their refunds in a timely fashion,” the IRS said in an alert.The delay affects taxpayers who filed returns before Jan. 26, IRS spokeswoman Michelle Eldridge told USA Today.

    Copyright 2012 ABC News Radio

  • (WASHINGTON) — If you’re one of the people who already filed your tax returns in the hopes of getting a refund back fast, Uncle Sam has some disappointing news for you.The Internal Revenue Service says some taxpayers may have to wait a week longer than initially projected to get their money back as it works on tweaking its computer systems to prevent refund fraud.”The one-week delay for some refunds relates to fine-tuning IRS systems to adjust for new safeguards put in place this tax season to provide stronger protection against refund fraud. The IRS is providing additional screening for fraud this year before issuing refunds, but the vast majority of taxpayers can still continue to expect to receive their refunds in a timely fashion,” the IRS said in an alert.The delay affects taxpayers who filed returns before Jan. 26, IRS spokeswoman Michelle Eldridge told USA Today.

    Copyright 2012 ABC News Radio

  • (WASHINGTON) — If you’re one of the people who already filed your tax returns in the hopes of getting a refund back fast, Uncle Sam has some disappointing news for you.The Internal Revenue Service says some taxpayers may have to wait a week longer than initially projected to get their money back as it works on tweaking its computer systems to prevent refund fraud.”The one-week delay for some refunds relates to fine-tuning IRS systems to adjust for new safeguards put in place this tax season to provide stronger protection against refund fraud. The IRS is providing additional screening for fraud this year before issuing refunds, but the vast majority of taxpayers can still continue to expect to receive their refunds in a timely fashion,” the IRS said in an alert.The delay affects taxpayers who filed returns before Jan. 26, IRS spokeswoman Michelle Eldridge told USA Today.

    Copyright 2012 ABC News Radio

  • I’m holding out for tomarrow hopefully WMR will update cause nothing has changed still says accepted on the 19th and I should receive it by February 7th. Man, I hope it says something!!!!!

  • Has anyone else received a message saying if filed accurate and complete it can take up to six weeks from the date u filed to get ur refund. Thats bs.

    1. @Shannell This message only applies if you log in to many times or there system is updating in the morning it should be able to log on again if not contact the IRS.

  • Here is the Message I have gotten for the last three weeks every time I check WMR… ”

    We cannot provide any information about your refund.

    If you file a complete and accurate tax return, your refund will be issued”

  • Here is the Message I have gotten for the last three weeks every time I check WMR… ”

    We cannot provide any information about your refund.

    If you file a complete and accurate tax return, your refund will be issued”

  • I filed mine on Jan 7Th. Was supposed to have it on the 25Th. Still nothing and today is the 30Th. Every time I log into wheres my refund, it says no information can be provided. But h&r block claims the IRS accepted my return Jan 13Th. I’m very disappointed because the past years it only took a week to get it direct deposit.

  • I filed mine on Jan 7Th. Was supposed to have it on the 25Th. Still nothing and today is the 30Th. Every time I log into wheres my refund, it says no information can be provided. But h&r block claims the IRS accepted my return Jan 13Th. I’m very disappointed because the past years it only took a week to get it direct deposit.

  • My refund was accepted jan 18th and no money yet deposited in my account due to the delay. Also when I call the automated system they have no info about my refund.
    Now mines said today if filed accurate and complete I will receive my refund in six weeks from the date I filed.

    1. @Shannell did you call or check online and it told you that? I really hope thats wrong

      1. @yaboiaj25 I checked online and it said that message I checked on yahoo and some people stated that if you received that message then more than likely your funds has been released and about to be deposited. I have that message and I had a dd for jan31 and feb1 so hopefully tommorrow.

        1. @Shannell thank you for your response I pray your right

  • The only reason I went to hr block was to get my refund back faster and know its done right I was told I’d have mine by the 1st now it says the 7th I was praying to God it was a typo but I guess it wasn’t. This is extremely disappointing

  • Man, has anybody gotten any updates from WMR – I filed Jan 18 accepted 19 and says accepted and processing should get my refund on Feb 7th – nothing has changed some ppls dates are changing and everytime I call IRS I get different answers – Should I just wait till Wednesday and check WMR I heard that is when they update it…………………….

    1. same story here… filed on 18; accepted on 19th … IRS WMR says BY Feb 7… do you think it could come before then???? like thats the worst case cenerio?

      1. @ksoape IRS told me to check WMR on the 1st cause that is when it will change and checks go out on Friday — But my date has never changed always the 7th — did you hear the same thing about Wednesday and Fridays

        1. @snowbunny1366 — i cant get a straight answer anywhere! I have no clue!

        2. @ksoape Well if I hear something I will let you know or if my status changes I will let you know – you tell me too on your end if you come into some MAGICAL knowledge

        3. @Snowbunny1366 @ksoape Mine says by the 7th, which it has said for awhile. When I check out the cycle charts, they seem to be doing them on Wednesdays this year, but I have heard Thursdays too. I don’t know, so I would love to hear updates. Has anyone got their returns yet? lol

        4. @SomerDreams @Snowbunny1366 @ksoape I’m really. Hoptto hear sumthing tonight. Or early in the morning pls let me know. If yr status changes too good luck to us

        5. @Snowbunny1366@ksoape I will let y’all know if mine changes, but so far, it still says by the 7th.

        6. @SomerDreams @ksoape Well, I checked WMR when I got to work this morning and its still saying the 7th….does that mean not a chance for Friday of this week???…….Or do I gotta wait till next week….has anyone been updated………..:(

        7. @Snowbunny1366 @ksoape I say expect in a couple weeks so not to get disappointed if it’s not there tomorrow, Friday or even next week. If you get it sooner, then you will be happy. I would love mine this week too, but not holding my breath. Continue to update us, please. 😉

        8. I called the IRS at lunch…stayed on hold for 25 minutes; then got the pleasure of speaking to the rudest rep they have! She told me to look online .. i told her I did…. she proceeded to tell me that i need to give the IRS THREE WEEKS like the projected date says….and it could come on that day .. OR anytime before….

      2. @ksoape let me know if yr status changes in. The morning I’m hoping good luck to all of us

        1. @Snowbunny1366 @ksoape When do they update the status? I have heard Wednesdays and I have heard daily, so I don’t know. lol I am hoping we can all say “I got my refund” very soon! 😉

        2. @SomerDreams @ksoape Just like you I heard Wednesdays too. But the lady at H&R Block says she “thinks” it is updated daily, to tell you the truth I dont think anyone knows, but like you I heard Wednesdays its updated and by Friday you should get it, that is why I’m so bummed that nothing changed on my WMR, idk what else to do but wait….again I hope for all of us tomarrow!!! Lastly….let me know if anyone’s status updates ……:) haha

        3. @Snowbunny1366 @ksoape I am going to call in the morning and see what they say. I will post any new info I get on here in case it helps others. 😉

        4. @SomerDreams @ksoape I tried called on my way home from work my phone died. I’m gonna call tomarrow too n check the WMR in the morning let me know n I will let u know 🙂

        5. @Snowbunny1366@ksoape Sounds like a plan. 😉

        6. @Snowbunny1366 @ksoape Mine says that it will be direct deposit on the 6th (Monday)!!!!

        7. @SomerDreams @ksoape yea 🙂 I’m happy for u!!!

        8. @ksoape 🙁 Did your status change? Mine still says processing receive by the 7th????????WTF

  • i was accepted on the 18th then the date went from the 25th to the 31st now the 1st wtf anyony know why

    1. I KNOW NOTHING – I dont even think WMR even is RITE

  • My refund was accepted jan 18th and no money yet deposited in my account due to the delay. Also when I call the automated system they have no info about my refund.

  • I was lucky enough to recieve my w2s early so I filed my return on 1/14/2012 @ 1:00pm. I paid extra to have it come asap. Still havent recieved it as of 1/28/12. Called the IRS 1800# answering service said I should recieve it by 2/07/12. Due to processing delays, first of all what does that mean? Could it be a mistake on my part? Im very anxious also my coworkers filed 1 week after and recieved thiers already!!!! HELP

  • I called H&R Block about 2 hours ago – She told me about the delay and stuff and said dont look for my refund any sooner than February 1st or after. 🙁 I asked her if there was a possibility it could come now and then and she said no. So I guess that’s where I stand, cant be honesty I just hope its there on the 1st. 🙂

    1. @snowbunny1366 — did you get it today?? just curious…. when i called the IRS they would not tell me anything… just told me to wait for the date WMR has.

      1. @ksoape 🙁 NOOOOO!!!! And WMR still says processing and by Feb 7th….Now Im hoping for Friday…….I have spoken to the IRS several times and they told me the same thing keep checking WMR… your status still the same “processing” I will let you know if mine changes and you let me know too!! It’s pretty sad when I get up in the morning the first thing I do is look for an e-mail on my phone from the IRS, pretty sad, good luck to us AGAIN for tomarrow or Friday!!

        1. @Snowbunny1366 @ksoape
          I did my income tax on Jan 20th n they told me I should have it deposit to my acct within 8-10days.. I was hoping to receive it today but NOTHING! And the only thing the WMR says it’s processing and should receive it by Feb 7.. I hope I get on Friday.

        2. @good2by2 @ksoape ME TOO :)))))

    2. @Snowbunny1366 — nothing has changed on mine.. still says the 7th. i called the irs .. they were rude and just told me that i should have it on or before the 7th, like the website says. uuughh…… let me know if you hear anything!!!

      where do you live? Im in Texas.

      1. @ksoape I WILL PROMISE!!!! I’m in Indiana

        1. @snowbunny1366 — keep your fingers crossed… im soooo worked up over this!! i cant wait…. i need it!

  • I filed my taxes at H&R block on 1-19-2012 and I have it set up for direct deposit and H&R block called me this morning and said I would have gotten my return on1-26-2012 but the irs system was down and they said they wasn’t sure when it would be here now some where between now and 02-07-2012 so I don’t know what is going on I wish it would hurry up and come though good luck to everyone.

    1. @earl lane Thank you for your response…UGH H&R Block did not call me, I think I will try and give then a call, I got mine on that stupid Emerald Card and for some reason I think I made a mistake with all that should of had DD, I’m kinda hoping I get it this weekend holding on to FAITH. Let me know if you find something else out thank you

    2. @earl lane I filled mines on 1/17 and they got it on 1/21 when I check wmr it’s saying by feb7 but it’s been saying that for the longest it’s not giving me a direct deposit date or any thing

      1. @baby face @earl lane That is exactly what is going on with mine. It has said by the 7th for awhile. I hope they update the system soon with new, positive updates. lol

      2. I filed on 18th; accepted on 19th. WMR has been saying Feb 7 …. the whole time… i wonder if it will update first.. or we will just get deposits?

        1. @ksoape I wonder the same thing; will we see an update OR get a DD first? I guess we will have to wait and see….

        2. @somerdreams — i will let you know if my status changes … so far it still says Feb. 7 !!!

      3. has anything changed on your status yet? this is such crap !! people that filed AFTER US already got their money!

        1. @ksoape NO man, mine still says the same thing, since it was accepted on the 19th!!!! I know I read some things on line that some ppl got theirs already :(. Just like you I sooo need it, I find myself thinking about it all the time for the last week, I feel like a weirdo I just want an update I can see!!!

  • I filed mine on January 18, 2012 was excepted on January 19th 2012 at 8:15 a.m. H&R Block told me Feb 1st but probaly before then, IRS WMR said February 7, 2012 – Which date is right???? How often does WMR get updated? When does IRS cut checks everyday or just certain days??? Please let me know someone is you have any information to set my mind at ease……….

  • I just learned that the IRS just put a hold on refunds until next week. Does anybody know why? Oh by the way Louisiana

  • I am not so sure those dates are correct. My girlfriend e-filed her refund at home through HR Block on Jan. 16,2012 (not sure of the time , but I know it was after 11am) and she had the full amount in her checking account yesterday-Jan.25,2012. According to the above table/dates she should still be waiting until tommorow for the deposit.

    1. @Heather83 The post has been updated for 2012. Thanks!


  • Thanks, Jenna. I’m trying my best to get mine in before 11 am tomorrow. Would be nice to get a refund before the end of the month.

  • Thanks for the sharing the table of information with us. I haven’t submitted yet, but I’ll let you know when I do and when I get my refund check.

  • Awesome! Thanks for doing the research. I can’t wait to get my refund.

  • Comments are closed.

    How Long Will it Take to Get Your Tax Refund? (2024)


    How Long Will it Take to Get Your Tax Refund? ›

    We issue most refunds in less than 21 calendar days. However, if you mailed your return and expect a refund, it could take four weeks or more to process your return. Where's My Refund?

    How long does it take to get your tax refund direct deposit? ›

    IRS tax refund timeline
    Filing methodE-file/Direct depositPaper file/Direct deposit
    Refund time1-3 weeks3 weeks

    How long is it taking to get tax refunds in 2024? ›

    Taxpayers who file electronically and choose direct deposit typically get their refund in less than 21 days. Taxpayers who don't have a bank account can find out how to open a bank account at a FDIC-insured bank or the National Credit Union Locator Tool.

    How long are IRS tax refunds taking? ›

    More In Refunds

    The IRS issues more than 9 out of 10 refunds in less than 21 days. However, it's possible your tax return may require additional review and take longer.

    What day of the week does the IRS deposit refunds? ›

    What days of the week can I receive my refund? The exact day of the week that the IRS will deposit your refund into your account can vary, but they usually send the refund on every business day, from Monday to Friday.

    Can I get my tax refund early? ›

    If you'd rather get your refund cash now, you can turn to a tax refund loan (also known as a refund advance loan). This is a short-term loan you can take against a portion of your estimated tax refund, and it's typically offered by your tax preparation service right after you file.

    How long does it take direct deposit to hit? ›

    It normally takes 1-3 days for direct deposits to clear. The actual transfer of funds is almost instantaneous, but it can take a few days for your bank to verify the funds and make them available to you. Weekends and public holidays can slow this process down, as can a range of other factors.

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    Child tax credit 2024 (taxes filed in 2025)

    For the 2024 tax year (tax returns filed in 2025), the child tax credit will be worth $2,000 per qualifying child, with $1,700 being potentially refundable through the additional child tax credit.

    Why has my refund been accepted but not approved? ›

    "IRS Accepted Return But Not Approved" Meaning

    If a taxpayer receives the status update that their tax return was accepted but not approved, this means that the IRS has received their tax return, but they have not yet evaluated the information.

    When to expect a tax refund? ›

    If you filed an electronic return, expect a refund and signed up for direct deposit, the IRS says you should get it within 21 days of filing, as long as there are no issues with your return. If you sent your return by mail or filed an amended return, it will take at least four weeks for your refund to be processed.

    Why are refunds taking so long? ›

    The IRS says that tax returns can be delayed for the following reasons: It was sent by mail. It contains errors or is incomplete. It needs further review.

    How do I know if my tax return has been flagged? ›

    Taxpayers whose tax returns have been flagged for possible identity theft should receive one of the following letters: Letter 5071C, Potential Identity Theft during Original Processing with Online Option – Provides online and phone options and is issued most widely.

    How to check IRS refund status? ›

    The best way to check the status your refund is through Where's My Refund? on All you need is internet access and this information: Your Social Security numbers.

    When can I expect my tax refund in 2024? ›

    Most Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) related refunds should be available in bank accounts or on debit cards by Feb. 27 if taxpayers chose direct deposit and there are no other issues with their tax return.

    How long does it take for the IRS to approve a refund after it is accepted stimulus? ›

    Refund Sent

    Updates to refund status are made once a day — usually at night. Even with the January 30 opening of the tax season, we expect refunds to be issued within normal timeframes. The IRS issued more than 9 out of 10 refunds to taxpayers in less than 21 days last year.

    Is it normal for my tax return to be still processing? ›

    If you're still waiting on your tax refund, it's possible that your tax return is taking longer for the IRS to process because it requires additional review. There are several reasons why your tax return may be delayed: Errors such as an incomplete filing status. Missing information.

    How long does a refund take on a debit card? ›

    Refunds to debit cards tend to take between two and five business days, but it can take up to 30 days depending on the company issuing the refund.

    How long does it take for IRS to take payment from bank account? ›

    Direct Debit Installment Agreement payments show up approximately four days before they will be withdrawn from your bank account. Debit/credit card payments will appear 1-2 days after your payment date. Check or money order payments may take up to three weeks to appear.

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