How I Finally Won NaNoWriMo After Multiple "Failed" Attempts - Lindsay Elizabeth (2024)

As a writer who battled creative blocks for many years, NaNoWriMo was a mountain that seemed nearly impossible to scale during that time. If you aren’t familiar with NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), it’s an annual event in November that challenges writers all across the world to write 50,000 words for a novel in just one month.

For a long time, I struggled to churn out a few hundred words in a day, so 50,000 in one month? That felt like a far-off dream. My creative bocks were so formidable and deep-seated that they not only made it difficult to finish anything, they also stole the joy of writing from me because of the mental and emotional upheaval I faced every time I set out to write. It was a big achievement for me in 2018 to finish and publish my short story, The Soul Broker, which was just under 7,000 words.

Every time I’d find a flow, my creative blocks (fear, self-doubt, perfectionism) would inevitably slam on the breaks and keep me from moving forward. I attempted NaNoWriMo three or four times and never got past around 28,000 words.

Now, don’t get me wrong ─ any words put down on the page is a win. I don’t consider my prior attempts “failures;” while I didn’t hit the 50,000-word goal, I still made time for my writing and stretched my creative muscles during that time, and I was grateful to and proud of myself for showing up. But I still had that goal to hit the 50,000 because when I did, I knew it would mean I had finally overcome those blocks and taken control of my creativity.

Refusing to accept that my creativity was “broken,” I went on a personal development journey over the past few years to get to the core of my blocks. In November 2019, I completed NaNoWriMo with 50,022 words. It was a HUGE moment for me that I’ll never forget; it was the culmination of a lot of soul work that showed me just how far I’d come.

To pass on those lessons to anyone else who is facing these same challenges, here are some of the biggest shifts and breakthroughs that led to me finally being able to finish NaNoWriMo (and write consistently in general).

I took my prep work seriously

In my past NaNoWriMo attempts, I worked off a loose outline or no outline at all for my projects. This meant that I was having to make alotof big storytelling decisions as I went, which sucks up a lot of time. Some people are natural-born pantsers (writers who don’t plan anything before they write) and love to work this way, but for me, it felt very unnatural and slowed me down. Barely any of the work I did under these conditions ended up being unusable.

I realized that if I was going to make decent progress each day on my word count and actually end up with a first draft that had good bones to work with, I had to start with a strong foundation in the form of a detailed outline. This is just how I work best as a writer and accepting that allowed me to prepare ahead of time rather than fight myself the whole way through.

I wasn’t worried about having every single scene outlined, but I filled in as many as I could, making sure that all of my story and character arcs were fleshed out. I had the flexibility to make changes as I made discoveries along the way, but doing all of that structural work ahead of time took the pressure off so I could enjoy the writing process.

Figure out what youneed as a writer to do your best work and put systems in place to support that. Don’t judge yourself based on other writers’ habits or processes ─ we all work differently. The important thing is that youwrite.What prep work is going to help you do that as smoothly as possible?

I identified my habits + created a ritual

Self-awareness was a simple but crucial element that helped me write consistently. It’s super easy to fall into the trap of bad habits and triggers if you don’t recognize them. Pay attention to the circ*mstances under which you are most focused and when you feel distracted, and what you are feeling/need at any given moment to get back on track. Get creative about controlling the conditions around your writing time to maximize your sessions.

I tend to be more distracted and restless during the day, so I only wrote a couple of times during the afternoon. The rest of November, I wrote at night. I also realized that I often prefer getting comfortable on the sofa under a blanket with my laptop, so for most of my writing sessions, that’s where I was. Why force myself to write at a desk when I’m not feeling it? When the mood struck and I was feeling restless, I wrote at a coffee shop so I could be around other people’s energy ─ I paid attention to what I was feeling and worked with it rather than against it.

It sounds simple, but it’s crazy how easily our blocks can manipulate us with simple distractions if we don’t pay attention to what’s actually going on and remove that resistance.

I’ve also found that wearing headphones and listening to music while writing overrides the noise in my head so I can focus better. (Shonda Rhimes says she does the same thing.) I keep water by me at all times because I get thirsty when I write and I open up my story mood boards before I start writing because visuals stimulate my creativity. Create a ritual around your writing that will send a cue to your brain that it’s time to get into writing mode.

I used the eff out of placeholders

Placeholders are common practice for most writers when working on their first drafts. It saves you time when you can’t think of the right word to use, haven’t named a character or place yet, or don’t feel like wasting time describing something such as a setting or physical appearance. They’re also handy when there is a piece of a scene you want to include but you aren’t sure about the details yet. Instead of breaking your flow to figure it out as you’re writing, a placeholder will allow you to keep going. For example: [Character A and Character B have a romantic moment.]

As a recovering editor-while-I-write and perfectionist, this was a hard technique to adopt but once I did, holy crap.My writing life got so much easier. It took some time for me to train my brain to use them, so don’t beat yourself up if you run into the same resistance at first. It’s about clearing out as many roadblocks from the first draft as possible so you can focus on getting the story down on the page and have something to work with.

I got to the root of my limiting beliefs + changed my story

Creative blocks are caused by fears, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs operating deep in our subconscious. When they manifest, it’s often through patterns we automatically fall into in order to protect ourselves from having to face the unknown or to prove what we believe is the inevitable (i.e. failure). The first step is to identify the source of your blocks and peel back their layers. The more I got to the root of mine, the more empowered I was to recognize them for what they were when they came knocking and make a different choice rather than follow them blindly into the dark.

Check-in on the story you’ve been telling yourself about your blocks. Do you find yourself identifying as someone who “can’t finish things”? Do you tell yourself you’re not cut out for this or that you must not be good enough because of how much you struggle? Holding onto these narratives means you are personally identifying with your blocks as though they are a personality trait rather than a mental block. It keeps you caught in a cycle of confirming those beliefs over and over again. When you disassociate from them and change the story you feed yourself, you free yourself from their grip and start operating from a practical, solution-based mindset.

I established a better relationship with myself

After “failing” NaNoWriMo multiple times and watching the pile of my unfinished projects grow, I had very little confidence in myself that I’d ever become the writer I wanted to be. The trust wasn’t there. Like any other relationship, you build trust by showing up consistently. I started taking my commitments to myself more seriously, like not flaking out on the time I set aside to write. I stopped negotiating with my mind when it tried to talk me into doing something it deemed “more important;” I began respecting my writing as a priority because it is important to me.

I also became more mindful of my inner dialogue. You hear your own voice more than you hear anyone else’s; what is it saying to you? Is it kind and supportive or negative and always tearing you down? Talk to yourself the way you would talk to a close friend. A rule of thumb: if you wouldn’t say it to your best friend, don’t say it to yourself.

NaNoWriMo Tips

To recap, here are my tips for winning NaNoWriMo and writing consistently in general:

  • If you aren’t a pantser, figure out the amount of prep work you personally need to do in order to be able to dive into the first draft with as few roadblocks as possible.
  • Practice self-awareness: identify the circ*mstances under which you feel most focused and build your writing sessions around them. Ask yourself what you need before every session ─ it won’t always be the same.
  • Create rituals that will send cues to your brain that it’s time to get into writing mode.
  • Use placeholders ─ they’re lifesavers!
  • Get to the root of the fears and limiting beliefs that are driving your blocks, and check-in with the stories you’re telling yourself about your writing and creativity. Are you letting your blocks define you?
  • Build trust in yourself by proving that you’ll stay committed and show up for the things you care about, like your writing.
  • Audit your inner dialogue: does your self-talk sound like a supportive friend or are you always tearing yourself down?

Good luck, writers!


How I Finally Won NaNoWriMo After Multiple "Failed" Attempts - Lindsay Elizabeth (1)How I Finally Won NaNoWriMo After Multiple "Failed" Attempts - Lindsay Elizabeth (2)How I Finally Won NaNoWriMo After Multiple "Failed" Attempts - Lindsay Elizabeth (3)
How I Finally Won NaNoWriMo After Multiple "Failed" Attempts - Lindsay Elizabeth (2024)


How many people actually finish NaNoWriMo? ›

That very idea has inspired millions of writers from all over the world to embark on this journey. Since it began in 1999, when a handful of aspirants tried it, around a half million entrants take part each year now. Only between 10 and 15% actually finish, and NaNoWriMo refers to them as novelists.

Can you actually write on NaNoWriMo? ›

You write your novel or project using your own materials: on your preferred word-processing program, by hand, by typewriter, etc. You do not type it directly on the NaNoWriMo site.

Can you write more than 50000 words for NaNoWriMo? ›

It's people like these that will set their own word count. Some aim for 30k instead of 50k, while others may set their goal higher at 80k. Doing this is totally fine! Nanowrimo isn't so much about rules, it's about writing.

What happens if you win NaNoWriMo? ›

Anyone who completes it is considered a winner. Winners are given digital banners and certificates to display if they choose — and winners' T-shirts are available for purchase.

What is the NaNoWriMo controversy? ›

Scandal. In May 2023, a group of users sent an email to members of NaNoWriMo's staff asking them to privately investigate whether or not a moderator of the NaNoWriMo forums might be grooming children and sending them to explicit adult diaper sites.

What happens if you don't finish NaNoWriMo? ›

You will still win if you reach your goal but have not yet “completed” your novel. Keep writing! *for Camp NaNoWriMo, your goal can be edited if you feel the need to adjust your expectations!

Is there a prize for NaNoWriMo? ›

What is the prize for Nanowrimo? If you register on the official website, and complete your 50,000 words in the alloted time, then you'll be awarded a Nanowrimo Winner badge. However, the real prize is the accomplishment of having completed the first draft of your novel!

How do you survive NaNoWriMo? ›

The important thing is setting realistic goals that fit your schedule and writing process, then sticking to them until you've finished your draft. Many writers set a word count or page count goal for themselves every day.

Does NaNoWriMo have an age limit? ›

You must be at least 13 years of age to use this website. If you are under 18, you must review the following terms with a parent or guardian. Your parent or guardian must give you permission before you establish an account.

Can you do fanfiction for NaNoWriMo? ›

Kokko has a few tips for making fanfiction writing shine: Fanfiction is a popular form of writing and one of the recognized genres for novels on NaNoWriMo.

How many words per day does Stephen King write? ›

In it, King discusses his writing routine and how he writes around 2000 words (or six full pages) every workday. He claims that you must stay on it and move the story forward because otherwise, you'll lose the grip on your fictional world.

How does NaNoWriMo verify word count? ›

The official NaNoWriMo word count verifier does not save your words. It is an online took that merely checks spaces between words and average word lengths to estimate a word count, then deletes your words. Again, it does not save your words nor store them. The same is true for most word count verifiers online.

Can you do NaNoWriMo not in November? ›

You can work on a personal writing challenge any time of year (except November) using the "Challenge Yourself" box on your dashboard. (In the future, when you've already created some novels, you can accept challenges with them instead. That means you can keep working on them as much as you want.

Can you publish a book from NaNoWriMo? ›

NaNoWriMo's Young Writers Program. We've partnered with Blurb, a self-publishing company, to offer YWP participants a special NaNoWriMo landing page, a free ISBN, and 30% off your first order. Plus, 15% of your purchase goes to support the always-free YWP! Print your novel with Blurb.

Does NaNoWriMo have an app? ›

Write Anywhere, Anytime

With Day One's multiple-platform support, you can journal from your iPhone, Mac, Android, PC, tablet, and even your Apple Watch, ensuring that your thoughts and experiences are captured wherever you are.

How hard is NaNoWriMo? ›

NaNoWriMo is an intensive month of writing. To set yourself up for success, plan to write at the same time, same place, every day. A consistent writing habit will make meeting your word count goals much, much easier.

What is the prize for winning NaNoWriMo? ›

What is the prize for Nanowrimo? If you register on the official website, and complete your 50,000 words in the alloted time, then you'll be awarded a Nanowrimo Winner badge. However, the real prize is the accomplishment of having completed the first draft of your novel!

Is NaNoWriMo a contest? ›

Submit your best creative work to one of our annual contests for the chance to see your story featured all over the online NaNoWriMo universe (and some pretty serious bragging rights).

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.