Here Is Why You Shouldn't Pick Up A Penny When It Is Tailsides Up (2024)

As we kick off a new year, you will want to make sure you have all the luck on your side and there is one thing you never want to do! Pick up a penny with the tails side up.

When I was on a walk with my wife Elizabeth she was about to pick up a penny when I asked if it heads up or tails up? She asked why it matter and I told her that if you pick up a penny that is tails up it is bad luck.

According, the whole "tails side" of a coin is back luck goes back to ancient days.

Many ancient cultures believed metals were precious gifts from the gods and would bring you good luck when found. Though pennies are not worth much, picking them up was also considered good luck because it increased your wealth. The bad luck from pennies comes from the understanding of a constant battle between good and evil. If one thing is good, the other must be bad. If one side of a penny brings good luck, the other side brings bad.

So if you accidentally pick up a penny that is tails side up, you are supposed to put it back down head side up to bring good luck to the next person.

Here are some other ways to bring you good luck this year according to

Good Luck Charms

As a seasoned enthusiast with a deep understanding of folklore, superstitions, and cultural beliefs, I can confidently delve into the intriguing world of luck and the superstition associated with picking up a penny, specifically with the tails side up.

Firstly, let's address the claim that picking up a penny with the tails side up is considered bad luck. This belief has roots in ancient cultures where metals were seen as precious gifts from the gods, believed to bring good fortune to those who found them. While pennies may not have significant monetary value, the act of picking them up was thought to increase one's wealth, contributing to the idea of good luck.

The notion of the "tails side" of a coin being associated with bad luck is not a recent phenomenon; it dates back to ancient times. In many cultures, there has been a longstanding belief in a cosmic balance between good and evil, and this dichotomy extends to symbols like coins. If one side is considered lucky, the other is often seen as bringing misfortune.

The specific recommendation to put a tails-up penny back down with the head side up to pass on good luck to the next person is a fascinating tradition rooted in this dualistic view of luck. It reflects a belief in the transferability of luck and the idea that one can manipulate their fortune by ensuring that the next person who encounters the penny receives the positive energy associated with the heads side.

Now, let's broaden our perspective by exploring additional ways to attract good luck throughout the year, as suggested by

  1. Good Luck Charms:
    • Various cultures have long believed in the power of charms to bring good luck. These can include objects like horseshoes, four-leaf clovers, or symbols with cultural significance.
    • Understanding the cultural context and history behind each charm enhances their perceived effectiveness.

In conclusion, the superstition surrounding picking up a penny with the tails side up is deeply rooted in ancient beliefs about the dichotomy of good and evil. The recommendation to put it back down with the heads side up is a practice meant to share positive fortune. Exploring broader concepts of luck, we find that the use of charms is another intriguing way people seek to influence their destiny positively.

Here Is Why You Shouldn't Pick Up A Penny When It Is Tailsides Up (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.