Health effects of drinking softened water | Harvey Water Softeners (2024)

Drinking softened water is safe for both you and your family; your decision to drink softened water, or not, should be based solely on whether or not you like the taste! We’ve put together this guide to help you make an informed choice on whether or not to drink softened water.

It’s worth noting that all Harvey Water Softeners come with a drinking water bypass tap as standard. This is a tap which is fitted on your kitchen sink, providing a source of unsoftened water (hard water) which you can drink if you prefer.

Health effects of drinking softened water | Harvey Water Softeners (1)

What’s in softened water?

Over the past 40 years, various concerns about the potability of drinking water have been raised, based on the amount of sodium that exists within water that has passed through a softening device. However, there has been no official verdict to state that drinking softened water is a problem and softened water is considered safe to drink.

Most water softeners work by removing the minerals present in hard water, such as magnesium and calcium, through a process known as ion-exchange. You can find out more about how water softeners work here.

The process of softening water uses sodium. This is because the resin which catches the unwanted minerals is cleansed using sodium. There is also a small amount of sodium exchanged for the magnesium and calcium in the ion-exchange.

This means that softened water contains a small amount of sodium, also known as salt.

The level of salt found in softened water is dependent on your geographical location and how hard your water is. Areas with especially hard water will require more salt to soften the water, and therefore the softened water contains higher sodium levels.

Softened water doesn’t contain unhealthy amounts of sodium, in an average hard water area a 250ml glass of softened water would contribute to 1% of your daily sodium intake. (Recommended daily intake by the NHS (2015) is 2,400mg of sodium.)

Drinking softened water: official advice

For health reasons, there is a limit set on the recommended level of salt in drinking water at 200 mg/l.

For most areas of the UK, the sodium levels of softened water will be well within recommended limits; however, in a few parts of the UK where the drinking water is particularly hard, sodium levels may exceed 220 mg/l.

When we install a water softener:

We will ensure your water will not exceed 200 mg/l when softened. A separate unsoftened drinking water tap will be fitted if the sodium limit does exceed 200 mg/l or if you would prefer a hard water supply. This should preferably be at the kitchen / utility sink.

Advice from the (WRAS)* is:

  • Drinking water must comply with regulations, these state that the maximum limit of sodium is 200 mg/l (milligrams per litre).
  • This sodium limit will be exceeded where the water is extremely hard, for example above 425 ppm. This is assuming that the sodium level in the public water supply is zero. Your demonstrator will test your water for hardness.

*June 2007 No 9-07-01 ISSUE 1

Can I drink softened water in my home?

It is recommended that softened water is not used for baby feed preparation, particularly for those six weeks and under. Take a look at the baby feed instructions for advice. Some babies’ kidneys are not fully formed and the baby feed is created to contain the correct amount of sodium. The additional sodium in softened water upsets this balance and some babies have been known to suffer from dehydration.

If you have been advised by a doctor to be on a low sodium diet, it is recommended not to drink softened water.

It is important for your home’s water hardness to be checked by an expert to ensure that you receive the correct water softener for your household and that you are advised if your softened water could contain a high amount of sodium. Our experts will carry out this test during the free home-demonstration visit and again after your water softener has been installed.​

Health effects of drinking softened water | Harvey Water Softeners (2)

What’s the alternative to drinking softened water?

We understand that drinking softened water isn’t for everybody and therefore we install a hard water tap as standard with all of our water softener installations.

This tap bypasses the water softening device and produces filtered hard water for you and your family to drink, rather than soft water.

If you are concerned about drinking softened water, have a young baby or follow a low-sodium diet, you have access to your original drinking water source, while your home, your finances and your skin feel the benefits of softened water. Everybody’s happy!

Why is a separate tap to provide unsoftened water recommended?

  • Some people prefer the taste of hard water
  • Instances where softened water isn’t suitable eg. mixing with baby feed
  • Some fish may require hard water in their tanks. If in doubt, please get advice from your supplier
  • For watering indoor plants or your garden
  • Some irons may be self-descaling and thereforedesigned for use with hard water, check the instructions to be sure.

Drinking softened water across the world

There is no universal policy about drinking softened water. In most of the European Union Member States, national regulations list sodium only as an indicator parameter, which does not contribute to the definition of whether water is fit to drink. In the USA there is no limit on sodium in the National Primary or Secondary Drinking Water Regulations.

We care that you care

The well-being and happiness of our customers are our top priority. Throughout the history of our company, we’ve kept one thing true: if our customers are concerned about something, we make it our concern too. Our informed approach to the issue of sodium levels in drinking water comes from the expertise gained by having over thirty years in the industry.

By offering the right information and installing a bypass filter tap as standard, we see more of what we strive for: satisfied customers.

Discover our range of drinking water taps, which can be connected to your water softener for fresh drinking water in your home. Choose from avariety of models, including Classic, Renaissance and Deco. All of our3-waytaps can be installed with your water softener –contact our teamtoday to find out more.

Stylish Drinking Taps – Choose a three-way tap for ultimate kitchen convenience – See The Range.

Get in touch with us today and learn more about the benefits of a Harvey water softener.

    Health effects of drinking softened water | Harvey Water Softeners (2024)


    What does drinking softened water do to your body? ›

    The calcium, iron, and magnesium removed by softening are not harmful and may be beneficial sources of essential elements needed by the body. Removing them from your water may mean you will have to get more of them from your diet.

    Is it OK to drink softened water everyday? ›

    Soft water is safe to drink as the amount of sodium added is very small.

    Is it OK to drink salt softened water? ›

    Softened water is very safe to drink. Some people worry about the sodium that is released into the water during the softening process, but these concerns are unnecessary.

    Who should not drink softened water? ›

    A high intake of sodium leads to elevated blood pressure that can damage your eyes, kidneys, and heart. Pregnant and nursing women have a strict sodium intake limit of 1500 milligrams a day. By drinking softened water, you risk exceeding this limit with ease, which could lead to miscarriage.

    Is soft water good for your heart? ›

    “Several studies in the past decade have suggested that the death rate from coronary disease is inversely correlated with the hardness of the local water supply: the harder the water, the lower the coronary rate.

    What filter removes sodium from soft water? ›

    Reverse osmosis is a highly effective and natural method for removing sodium from softened water. At the same time, reverse osmosis systems also dramatically reduce the number of contaminants in water. Reverse osmosis systems are effective at removing or reducing: Sodium.

    Is softened water better for your skin? ›

    Hard water may not be the cause of skin conditions, but there is a lot of evidence indicating it can aggravate things further. With soft water, you'll be less likely to clog your pores and dry out your skin, you won't be as itchy and irritated, and you'll be more likely to have the beautiful, clear skin you want.

    Is soft water good for your hair? ›

    Benefits of Hair Washing with Soft Water

    Most notably, soft water lacks the heavy minerals that can damage hair and make it less resilient to other changes (like stress or diet). Because soft water can penetrate the hair follicle more fully, it generally helps hair look shinier, softer, and less damaged.

    Is it better to drink soft or hard water? ›

    Drinking hard water versus soft water is not a health hazard. In fact, the National Institutes of Health have found positive health benefits for drinking hard water, as calcium and magnesium play important roles in improved heart function, digestion, blood sugar regulation, even cancer-fighting.

    Can dogs drink softened water? ›

    The softening process slightly raises the sodium content of the water, but it's still suitable for drinking. Softened water is safe for most pets – and people – to drink.

    Can you cook with softened water? ›

    Is it okay to cook with soft water? Absolutely! Here are some of the benefits soft water can provide whenever you're in the kitchen.

    Do Brita filters remove sodium from softened water? ›

    📌 No, Brita water filters don't remove salt from soft water.

    If you follow a low-sodium diet, consider using a reverse osmosis system to remove salt or use potassium chloride in your water softener.

    Does softened water raise blood pressure? ›

    Softened Water Side Effects

    Since soft water contains a slightly higher amount of sodium, it can elevate your blood pressure. Because of this, softened water is not an ideal choice for somebody with high blood pressure.

    What is the negative of soft water? ›

    Cons of Soft Water

    Regularly drinking soft water increases a person's sodium levels, which can lead to multiple health problems including blood pressure. The process used to make the water soft also makes it more volatile, which means it picks up more unwanted elements from your pipes.

    Do refrigerator filters remove salt from softened water? ›

    Fridge filters can only remove chlorine from the water. The filters can't remove lead, chromium-6, and other contaminants found in Chicago water.

    What water is best for heart? ›

    Most of the chemical reactions that happen in our cells need water, and it helps our blood carry nutrients around the body. That's why it's important to drink water every day. Plain tap water is the best choice.

    What effects do soft drinks have on the heart? ›

    Regularly consuming sugary drinks impacts insulin resistance, increases inflammation, and causes plaque buildup in the arteries, new research suggests. Sipping on sugary sodas, sports drinks, and sweetened juices is bad for your heart, and it's not just the calories.

    Is soft water more alkaline? ›

    alkalinity, what are the pH levels of soft and hard water? The answer is that this varies according to the amount of minerals in your specific home's water supply. However, generally speaking, hard water is typically more alkaline while soft water is more acidic.

    How do you filter softened water for drinking? ›

    You can filter softened water for drinking, so it does not have the added sodium or potassium that the ion exchange adds to the water(2). In the ion-exchange process, the particles are too small for normal filters, so you will need to get a reverse osmosis filter installed where you want to drink water from.

    Is soft water good for plants? ›

    But watering plants exclusively with soft water isn't recommended. Most water softeners use sodium chloride, which can cause a gradual build up of sodium in garden soil. This can cause plant growth problems. Instead of soft water, use hard water or reverse osmosis for watering plants.

    How do I know if my water softener has too much salt? ›

    Your Water Tastes Salty

    Salt should never escape from your water softener. But when it does, you will start to notice the salty aftertaste pretty quickly. This often happens because the softener accidentally leaks salty water into a home's plumbing during regeneration.

    Is water softener good for your face? ›

    Soft Skin

    When a water softener works to remove hardness minerals like calcium and magnesium, you'll be less likely to clog your pores and dry out your skin. You won't be as itchy and irritated, and you'll be more likely to have the beautiful, clear skin you want.

    Does water softener help with hair loss? ›

    2. Use a hard Water Softener to control hair fall. After getting the water quality tested, if you find out that you get hard water, it's time to install a water softener to prevent hair fall. The only way to deal with the hard water problem and save your hair from excessive damage is by using soft water.

    Why does soft water feel slippery? ›

    Soft water leaves your skin and hair “hydrated and clean”, not squeaky. Since water is wet and there is not scummy film on your skin to cause friction, the water feels “slippery”. That slippery feeling is the indication of healthy, clean skin and hair.

    How do you wash your hair in soft water? ›

    How to soften water for washing hair?
    1. Do a Vinegar Rinse. ...
    2. Use Bottled or Filtered Water for Your Final Rinse. ...
    3. Use a Leave-In Conditioner. ...
    4. Do a Citrus Rinse. ...
    5. Use a Clarifying Shampoo. ...
    6. Get a Showerhead Filter. ...
    7. Get a Water Softener.
    Sep 4, 2020

    Does soft water affect hair color? ›

    Hard water is the worst offender, but even well water, soft water, city water, whatever water, has minerals that will affect your hair color and texture!

    What is the best water for hair and skin? ›

    If you would like your hair to look shinier and healthier, we highly recommend using distilled water instead of your regular tap water. Distilled water is pure and free from any hard mineral build up or harsh chemicals like chlorine. This makes distilled water an excellent addition to your hair care regimen.

    Is bottled water Hard or soft? ›

    Bottled water is hard water as it contains lots of dissolved minerals. Hard water can cause problems in the home for example the build up of lime scale in kettles but it does have the benefit of tasting nice. There are two main types of bottled water, spring water and mineral water.

    Why does hard water taste better than soft water? ›

    Hard water and soft water both have their merits. Since hard water contains calcium and magnesium, it is better to drink and taste better than soft water. Soft water is salty to the taste as there is sodium in it. Soft water is preferred to clean, as it rarely creates soap or mineral stains.

    Why does soft water taste sweet? ›

    The most likely reasons water tastes sweet are that it has high concentrations of minerals, a pH imbalance, plumbing residue, or even an interaction with your diet or sense of smell.

    Does a water softener ruin a water heater? ›

    Soft water can actually corrode the water heater anode faster. When the anode wears down, the corrosive elements will move on to the tank. So if left alone, a water softener system can actually shorten the lifespan of a water heater.

    Can babies drink softened water? ›

    While softened water is healthy and safe for most children and adults to consume, there's an exception for babies (particularly for those six weeks and under). The Drinking Water Inspectorate sets out a limit for infants of 200 mg sodium per litre in the Drinking Water Regulations.

    Should cats drink hard or soft water? ›

    In most cases, experts say giving your pets hard water probably won't cause any problems. The minerals in hard water (calcium, magnesium, and iron) shouldn't lead to any health issues. However, some veterinarians do advise against giving cats and dogs untreated tap water, and that's not because of the minerals.

    Should you run soft water to your kitchen sink? ›

    The best way round all this is to have a water softener installed. The water softener will remove all the magnesium and calcium, the minerals in hard water that produce all those unsightly, scaly deposits that build up around sinks and taps.

    What happens when you cook vegetables in soft water? ›

    You'll likely find that not only do your vegetables and dry foods cook faster and have a creamier texture when cooked with softer water, but they will retain their true flavor, free of mineral taste and odor.

    Can you wash vegetables with soft water? ›

    Washing Produce with Soft Water

    Using soft water helps with efficiently cleaning produce as well as dishes because there are no chemicals that interact with dish soap. Using soft water eliminates any sort of residue, stains, or buildup on kitchen utensils.

    Why does my softened water taste salty? ›

    Your Water Pressure Is Too Low

    If your water pressure is a bit low, it can contribute to a salty taste. In general, your water pressure has to be at least 30 PSI to get through the water softener appropriately. The vast majority of water softeners prefer to have a water pressure of between 45 and 70 PSI.

    Does softened water taste different? ›

    In addition to the chemical taste, people often say they find hard water to have a different 'flavour' – while soft water does not have any flavour at all. The fact soft water has a more neutral taste to it means it can be enjoyed by a wide range of people, regardless of their tastes and preferences.

    Why is my water salty from water softener? ›

    The salty taste of softened water can be caused by excessive sodium content in the water. A high level of magnesium and calcium in the water can also cause a salty taste. It's possible that the water softener system has not been properly maintained, resulting in an accumulation of minerals in the softened water.

    Can softened water cause skin problems? ›

    Water softeners contain polybromide or iodide resins to break down minerals and pathogens in water. These are both high in iodine which can cause serious breakouts and flare ups for people with acne or who may even be just acne prone.

    How do you make soft water less slimy? ›

    Potassium chloride is an effective salt substitute and can reduce the slimy feel in water, but this mineral is more expensive than salt.

    Can I drink salt water if I have high blood pressure? ›

    Therefore, if you have high blood pressure (hypertension) it is advised to cut back on salt. Conversely, if you have low blood pressure (hypotension) the inclusion of more salt into your diet can raise your numbers.

    What are the five disadvantages of soft water? ›

    Disadvantages of Soft Water:
    • Soft water attacks lead pipes, water flowing through lead pipes is made a little bit hard not to attacks the pipes.
    • It has no taste and cannot be used in brewing.
    • It does not contain calcium salts required for the development of strong bones and teeth.

    Can hard water cause hairloss? ›

    That's because hard water contains a buildup of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. This produces a film on the hair, making it difficult for moisture to penetrate. As a result, the hair is left dry and prone to breakage. Leave these issues unresolved and it could even lead to hair loss.

    Is soft water worth the money? ›

    Soft water will likely increase the ease of removing dirt throughout the house, and it's great for rinsing as it doesn't leave streaky residue too. With hard water it is more difficult to produce an effective lather to remove dirt and stains, and on smooth surfaces the mineral deposits can produce a spotted appearance.

    Is it safe to drink filtered softened water? ›

    Softened water is considered safe to drink in the majority of cases.

    Do I need a filter after a water softener? ›

    Water softeners do not filter water, they only remove calcium and magnesium minerals to address hard water. In order to remove contaminants so water is safer for drinking, cooking, and showering — you'll need to use a water filter even if you already have a water softener installed.

    What happens if you put the wrong salt in your water softener? ›

    Sometimes a hard crust or salt “bridge” forms in the brine tank. This is usually caused by high humidity, temperature changes in the area of the water softener, or the wrong kind of salt. When the salt bridges, an empty space forms between the water and the salt. Then salt will not dissolve in the water to make brine.

    How do you know if your water is too soft? ›

    Is my water too soft? After your water softener is installed, you may begin to notice your skin feeling a bit slippery after a bath or shower. It's a stark difference from the hard water shower experience, which causes a soapy film to remain after rinsing, resulting in dry skin and weighed-down hair.

    Do salt free water softeners really work? ›

    Salt-Free Water Softeners: Do Salt-Free Water Softeners Really Work? Unfortunately, salt-free water softeners don't work because they don't exist! “Salt-free water softener” is a misnomer for salt-free water conditioners – all water softeners use some kind of salt to remove hard minerals from your water.

    What are the disadvantages of soft water? ›

    Cons of Soft Water

    Regularly drinking soft water increases a person's sodium levels, which can lead to multiple health problems including blood pressure. The process used to make the water soft also makes it more volatile, which means it picks up more unwanted elements from your pipes.

    How does hard or soft water affect hair? ›

    Harder water tends to strip natural oils from the scalp and hair as well as pull color and moisture from the hair,” says Lopez. On the other hand, soft water will cause your texture to feel softer and silkier, but can also leave hair feeling heavy.

    Is soft water better for your hair? ›

    Soft water has long been preferred by hair professionals and beauty experts for a variety of reasons. Most notably, soft water lacks the heavy minerals that can damage hair and make it less resilient to other changes (like stress or diet).

    Why is it hard to wash soap off with soft water? ›

    First, soap lathers better in soft water than in hard water, so it's easy to use too much. The more dissolved soap there is, the more water you need to rinse it away. Second, the ions in softened water lessen its ability to stick to the soap molecules, making it more difficult to rinse the cleanser off your body.

    Why does soft water taste weird? ›

    Soft water not only doesn't contain minerals, but the softening process can cause the water to taste a bit salty to those with sensitive taste buds, due to the potassium or sodium ions used to eliminate magnesium and calcium.

    Can you have too much soft water? ›

    Soft water is also very safe to drink for most healthy humans. People tend to be concerned about the elevated sodium levels characteristic of soft water. In reality, soft water only contains slightly more sodium and does not approach levels harmful to healthy adults.

    What states have banned water softeners? ›

    California, Massachusetts, Texas, Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin all have bans or regulations on water softener use. Salt-based softeners using ion exchange water treatment are the types of softeners that are banned or restricted.

    What is the truth about saltless water softeners? ›

    A salt-free water softener does not exist.

    The ion exchange process used by water softeners doesn't work without the sodium ions displacing the calcium and magnesium ions that create water hardness.

    Which is better water softener with salt or without salt? ›

    If your home's water is slightly hard, a saltless system may work for you; however, a traditional water softener that uses salt is the best option, in most cases. The salt based system will eliminate hard water so you will not have scale buildup in your water pipes.

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