Growing Potatoes In Containers & Pots (2024)

Growing potatoes in containers is an excellent option for gardeners that have space restrictions or poor, rocky soil. Almost any vegetable can be grown successfully in a growing box or pot, including root vegetables like potatoes. While a container harvest may not be quite as plentiful as an in-ground one, an easy and ample harvest is within reach with the right care and planting considerations.

The method for growing potatoes differs a bit compared to cultivating other popular vegetables. Potatoes grow best in containers when stems are progressively buried by continually adding potting soil around the plant as it grows. The buried stems that are deeper in the soil will sprout more root structures beneath the soil’s growing hill.

It is also worth noting that while it is tempting to try to plant potatoes that may have sprouted in your pantry, it might not be the best choice. Traditionally, grocery store-bought potatoes are treated with a chemical to inhibit sprouting, so they might not be successful growers and probably not an organic option. Instead, look into buying seed potatoes from nurseries or seed companies and use the potatoes from those yields to grow more.

Growing Potatoes In Containers & Pots (1)

Growing Potatoes In Containers

Container selection is paramount to your success when growing potatoes in containers. Pots and planters come in various colors, shapes, sizes, designs, and materials. You can find them made from wood, metal, plastic, stone, clay, and even fabric. Plastic storage bins, barrels, and garbage pails are even fair games for planting potatoes. While there are pros and cons to each pot’s composition, there are two main things to consider that will impact your growing success.

Container Size

A container’s size is crucial when growing potatoes because an adequate room is needed for the soil hilling process mentioned above. When growing plants in pots, root systems rely on you to provide them with the moisture and nutrients they need to grow. Potatoes produce beneath the soil and require plenty of space to grow and spread out. Choose a large and deep container for growing potatoes, ensuring that it is opaque and blocks out light for tuber formation.


For best success, select a large pot with excellent drainage. Look for pots with holes in the bottom or drill some of your own. Some growing containers have plugs in the bottom, so you have the option of having holes or not. A container without holes will retain too much water, which will pool up in the pot, causing the potatoes to rot beneath the soil.

Best Soil For Potatoes In Containers

When planting any high yielding vegetables in pots, it is vital to use a high-quality potting mix. Rich, healthy, well-draining soil keeps your plants well-fed and helps retain more moisture than poor quality soil. Potatoes thrive in soil that has a pH of 5.0-5.2.

Growing Potatoes In Containers & Pots (2)

Watering and Fertilizing Potatoes In Pots

When growing potatoes in containers they require a consistent supply of water. This continuous supply of water has the potential to leach essential nutrients out of the soil. It is recommended to add a slow-release organic fertilizer upon planting to ensure that potato plants are well fed.

Light & Temperature Requirements For Growing Potatoes In Containers

Potatoes grow best where temperatures hover between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. They thrive in full sun, but care should be taken not to allow crops of potatoes to overheat with too much direct sunlight when planted in containers.

Adding mulch to your garden or container at the end of the hilling process can help the soil retain moisture. It also further shields the potatoes from direct sunlight that can cause them to turn green, making them bitter and unfit for consumption.

Planting Potatoes In Containers

About two weeks after the last frost date in your region is the perfect time to start planting your potatoes. Grab your large container and quality potting mix, and get started.

  1. Fill the bottom of the container with 4 to 6 inches of potting soil.
  2. Place the seed potato into the soil and cover it with dirt.
  3. As the seed potato sprouts and produces green shoots, add more dirt. Repeat this process by adding soil when you see more signs of growth, covering the stem until the whole bucket is filled.
  4. Layer in a slow-release organic fertilizer if desired.
  5. Add mulch to the top layer of the container around the base of the plant.
  6. The potato plant regularly to keep the soil moist but not soaking wet.
  7. Once the potato plant has grown past the container’s top edge, continue to water regularly and ensure that the plant gets plenty of sunlight.

Kellogg Garden Organics

All Natural Potting Mix

Learn More

**Product not available in AZ, CA, HI, NV, UT. For a comparable product in these states click here.

Growing Potatoes In Containers & Pots (4)

When To Harvest Potatoes

Once the plants have flowered, you can harvest the potatoesat any time. Potatoes that will be consumed right away are called ‘new potatoes,’ and they can be dug up carefully when plants are fully grown. Lift medium-sized potatoes to the surface of the soil and shake away any loose dirt.

If there are still very young tubers beneath the soil, leave them intact, cover them up, and continue to care for them until you see more growth. Potatoes can be harvested after the plants have browned and started to die back. Potatoes that are harvested later can be stored longer and are referred to as ‘storage potatoes.’ They have a bit longer of a shelflife. Rinse in cold water, store in a cool, dry, dark place, and use within the next few weeks.

Best Varieties For Growing Potatoes In Containers

There are many varieties of potatoes with different characteristics when it comes to taste, color, texture, size, and days to maturity. These varieties are sure to please whether you are craving a tender young red potato, a creamy yellow mashing potato, or a dry and fluffy russet.

  • Nicola‘ is a lovely yellow potato with a thin, yellowish, light-brown skin and golden flesh. It has higher moisture content and a more buttery flavor than its russet cousin and a waxier texture.
  • Kennebec‘ is an early season, all-purpose potato, which yields a large amount of produce. It has delicate skin and creamy flesh that retains its original shape well when it is cooked, which makes it a premier choice for potato salads, soups, and stews. It is also an excellent potato for mashing or frying.
  • Purple Majesty‘ is a fascinating potato to grow and will help you add deep color to the rainbow of foods on your plate. Deep purple skins and vibrant violet flesh have a lovely buttery flavor and smooth texture.
  • Yukon Gold‘ is a potato that you have undoubtedly come across at the grocery store, and for good reason. It is one of the most quintessential potatoes when it comes to versatility. It is an early cultivar and is superior for holding its shape through boiling, yet still creates a creamy and fluffy, great tasting mashed potato.
  • Burbank Russet‘ is a high starch potato that is ideal for baking. If you are looking for a dry, fluffy spud to load up with toppings, a classic French fry, or are merely looking for a mashing potato, russet potatoes fit the mold.
  • Red Norland‘ potatoes are early season favorites that are perfect for storing. They have smooth skin, white flesh, and provide strong yields of generously sized potatoes.

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Growing Potatoes In Containers & Pots (5)

Growing Potatoes In Containers & Pots (6)

Growing Potatoes In Containers & Pots (2024)


How many potatoes can I plant in a container? ›

Plant: Plant one seed potato for each 3 gallons of Smart Pot container. For the #15 container, for example, plant 5 seed potatoes. For the #10 container, plant 3 or 4 seed potatoes.

How deep do containers need to be to grow potatoes? ›

Potatoes, usually spaced 10 inches apart, can be crowded a bit (but only a bit) when planted in containers. A pot with a 14-inch diameter at the bottom will have plenty of room for three starts. The deeper the pot, the better, but it should be at least 15 inches deep.

Do potatoes grow well in containers? ›

Potatoes grow surprisingly well in a pot. It's the ideal way of growing them if you're short on space – you can even grow them on a patio or balcony. Growing potatoes in pots is especially suited to first early and second early potatoes, which grow fast and are at a premium in the shops.

How long does it take for potatoes to grow in containers? ›

Potato Container Garden

The potatoes should mature in 70 to 90 days. You can also choose a variety from the supermarket that you enjoy. Be aware that some potatoes take 120 days until harvest, so you need a long growing season for these types of potatoes.

How many potatoes can you yield in a 5 gallon bucket? ›

You can plant five seed potatoes into a 10-gallon bucket and about three into a 7-gallon. If you've only got 5-gallon buckets, plan on using only two potatoes.

How often do you water potatoes in containers? ›

How often do you water potatoes in a bucket or a bag? Do not let the soil dry out when growing potatoes. During hot and dry summer days, potato plants should be watered once every 2 to 3 days. During cooler days with rainfall, potatoes may not need watering at all.

Do potatoes in containers need full sun? ›

They thrive in full sun, but care should be taken not to allow crops of potatoes to overheat with too much direct sunlight when planted in containers. Adding mulch to your garden or container at the end of the hilling process can help the soil retain moisture.

Do potatoes grow better in pots or in the ground? ›

Potatoes grown directly into the ground will provide a better yield by weight than those grown in containers.

Do potatoes need full sun? ›

General Advice. Potatoes always do best in full sun. They are aggressively rooting plants, and we find that they will produce the best crop when planted in a light, loose, well-drained soil. Potatoes prefer a slightly acid soil with a PH of 5.0 to 7.0.

What is the best way to grow potatoes in a container? ›

Place the container in full sun. Fill the container with about 4 to 6 inches of potting soil that has been blended with compost and fertilizer. Place the prepared seed potato pieces onto the potting mix with the eye buds facing up. The plants will grow fairly large, so make sure to give them some breathing room.

What to feed potatoes in containers? ›

Every two weeks, starting from the first week in May to the first week in September, feed your potato plants with tomato feed according to the pack instructions. If you use general purpose feed it will encourage too much foliage growth; tomato feed however will encourage potato tuber growth.

What kind of potatoes grow best in containers? ›

Types of Potatoes Ideal for Growing in Containers

Some early potato varieties include Chieftain, Dark Red Norland, Irish Cobbler, Sangre, Red Gold, and Yukon Gold. Fingerling potatoes varieties are also suitable for growing in containers.

What month do you plant potatoes? ›

When to Plant Potatoes. Potatoes grow best during cooler weather. Plant potatoes 2-4 weeks before the last frost in the spring, when the soil temperature is at least 40 degrees F. In warm climates, potatoes are planted from January to March and harvested between March and June.

How many potatoes does it take to grow per hole? ›

One pound of seed potatoes yields about 8 to 10 seed pieces for planting. That's enough for a 10 foot long row if the pieces are spaced 12 inches apart.

How do you yield a lot of potatoes? ›

When the potatoes have sprouted and grown foliage about 8” tall, you should begin “hilling” the plants by mounding the fluffy soil on either side of the trenches up around the stems of the plants. As long as there is some foliage sticking out they'll keep growing, and the more you hill, the more potatoes you'll get.

When should I mound my potatoes? ›

Potato plants should be “hilled” when the plants are 8 to 12 inches tall (Figure 7). Figure 7: When the plants are 8-12 inches tall they should be hilled to keep tubers covered and prevent greening. Mound the soil to a height of 3 to 6 inches and approximately 12 to 15 inches from the base of the plant.

Should I water my potatoes everyday? ›

Generally, potatoes need between 1-2 inches of water per week; this could be provided by rain events or you to make up the difference.

Do potatoes need fertilizer to grow? ›

Fertilizing Potatoes - Do They Need It?? Yes, fertilizing potatoes 2 weeks after planting them in your garden is generally a good idea. It gives them the energy they need to grow large, well developed spuds. Choose a fertilizer with potassium and phosphate levels that are higher than nitrogen levels.

How long after potatoes flower Are they ready? ›

Most early potato varieties will produce flowers in June, quite pretty ones too. Many are white, but they come in purple and pink too. Once the flowers start to go over, or the unopened flower buds drop, you know that the potatoes are ready to harvest. This will take anywhere from eight to twelve weeks after planting.

How many potatoes does one plant produce? ›

A single plant will produce, at a minimum, three or four pounds of potatoes, and a single seed potato will produce four or five plants.

What do I add to soil when planting potatoes? ›

Prepare the soil by adding compost or well-rotted cow manure. Potatoes like a rich, but well-drained soil, so do not plant below ground level or where water gathers in winter. Plant your potatoes about 10cm deep and 30cm apart. Leave about 80cm between each row.

What should potatoes not be planted by? ›

Potatoes are members of the nightshade family, so avoid planting potatoes near any other nightshade family members such as peppers, tomatoes, tomatillos, eggplant, and okra. And, avoid planting potatoes is the same location where nightshade plants have recently been grown.

Should potatoes be planted roots up or down? ›

Plant your potato sprouts.

Potato sprouts should be planted cut-side down, sprout-side facing up. You'll want to plant each sprout 3-4″ below the surface of the soil. Plants should be spaced out at least 12″ apart so the plants have room to grow both below and above ground.

Can you dig potatoes before they have flowered? ›

All potato varieties can be harvested as new potatoes — dug up before the plant reaches maturity, while its tubers are still small. By the time that the plants have begun to flower, most of them will have developed at least some immature tubers ready for harvest.

How tall do potato plants grow? ›

The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an herbaceous annual that grows up to 100 cm (40 inches) tall. As the potato plant grows, its compound leaves manufacture starch that is transferred to the ends of its underground stems (or stolons). The stems thicken to form a few or as many as 20 tubers close to the soil surface.

Do potatoes need sand to grow? ›

Potatoes grow best in well-drained, sandy soil. A poorly drained soil is more likely to produce diseased tubers.

What is the best first early potato? ›

First / second earlies which we recommend for boiling as new potatoes include Arran Pilot, Jazzy, Nicola, Charlotte, Lady Christl, Vitabella and Anya.

How many potatoes can I plant in a 20 gallon container? ›

You can plant between 5 and 7 potato seeds in a 20-gallon bag. Each seed can yield you from 3 to 6 potatoes depending on how many eyes it has to sprout from.

Can u plant a whole potato? ›

Cover each potato with about three inches of soil. After a few weeks, the potato plants will begin to sprout. Then you can gently fill the trench with another few inches of soil, leaving the top of the plant exposed. This is called “hilling” and it protects the potatoes from the sun, as well as supports the plant.

Do you water potatoes after planting? ›

Potatoes need 1 to 2 inches of water a week. Too much water right after planting and not enough as the potatoes begin to form can cause them to become misshapen. Stop watering when the foliage begins to turn yellow and die off.

How long does it take for a potato to grow to full size? ›

Now reach into the soil with your hands and pull the tubers up. How long do potatoes take to grow? Small new potatoes can be ready as early as ten weeks. However, full sized potatoes take about 80-100 days to reach maturity.

How many potatoes do I need to grow for a family of 4? ›

To feed a family of four, start off by planting 40 potato plants. This will provide you with a potato based meal 2 to 3 times a week. The 40 plants will provide up to 6 months worth of meals. If you find 40 plants provides you with too many potatoes you can plant less next year.

How many times can you grow potatoes in the same spot? ›

In theory, at least, you could grow potatoes in the same place each year. However, some potato diseases are soil-borne, and survive underground for many years, infecting plants again and again. As such, it is best to plant potatoes, and their close relatives, in the same place every 4 to 5 years.

What happens if you harvest your potatoes too early? ›

Dig potatoes too early, and you'll harvest a measly crop of minuscule tubers. You'll also risk stressing the plant and its precious root system, so although you could try replanting it, the plant might not thrive. Wait too long, and your potatoes may get damaged by frost, or begin to sprout, crack or rot underground.

Can you eat freshly dug potatoes? ›

Can you eat potatoes right after harvest? Sure can! While we recommend curing them for long-term storage, freshly-dug potatoes are perfect for eating right out of the ground (maybe clean them off a bit first).

How long does it take to grow potatoes in a 5 gallon bucket? ›

First earlies – such as the Yukon Gold (which I'm planting here), take around 10-12 weeks. Second earlies – like Kennebec or French fingerling potatoes, take approximately 12-14 weeks. And finally, main crop potatoes – these include russets and blue potatoes, and these can take up to 20 weeks to grow.

Can you grow potatoes in containers all year round? ›

A deep container is ideal for growing potatoes year-round, particularly early potato varieties. Drainage will be helped by adding some material such as a pot, broken brick or ceramic, or even polystyrene to your container then fill with about 4 inches of soil or medium.

What do you feed potatoes in pots? ›

1/4 fill the pot with compost and place the potatoes on top and then cover over with a layer of compost. As the leaves grow keep covering them up with new compost. Remember to water the container when the compost is dry. Keep topping up with compost until the container is full.

Do potatoes need fertilizer? ›

Fertilizing is particularly important for potato crops, since they have somewhat high-maintenance nutrient needs. They need to be fertilized four to five times throughout their life cycle, and many farmers and gardeners use a different fertilizer blend each time.

How many potatoes will 1 seed potato produce? ›

One seed potato will grow one plant which on average will grow 8 to 10 potatoes. Variety, soil fertility, moisture, sunlight, insect damage, disease prevention, planting depth, and distance will all have an effect on the number of potatoes a plant will produce.

Do you cut potatoes in half to plant them? ›

Cut them in half, or if the potatoes are really large, cut them into quarters. Make sure that each chunk of potato has at least one eye, which is a small depression in the surface of the potato where the roots sprout. If you need to cut seed potatoes, it is best to wait at least four to seven days before planting them.

How do you increase the yield of a potato? ›

When the potatoes have sprouted and grown foliage about 8” tall, you should begin “hilling” the plants by mounding the fluffy soil on either side of the trenches up around the stems of the plants. As long as there is some foliage sticking out they'll keep growing, and the more you hill, the more potatoes you'll get.

How many times can you grow potatoes in the same soil? ›

In a normal crop rotation plan, potatoes would only be grown in soil used for a previous potato crop every four years. If you grow potatoes in the same soil more frequently than that you risk them suffering from pests and diseases. So, when growing potatoes in containers always use fresh compost.

When planting potatoes do you plant the whole potato? ›

Small potatoes can be planted whole, but larger potatoes (bigger than a golf ball) should be quartered with a clean knife ($95, Williams Sonoma) before planting. Make sure each piece includes an eye or bud. To prevent rot, let the pieces dry for a couple of days before planting.

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