Growing Baby's Breath: Caring For And Drying Baby's Breath (2024)

By: Becca Badgett, Co-author of How to Grow an EMERGENCY Garden

We’re all familiar with the baby’s breath plant (Gypsophila paniculata), from bridal bouquets to cut flower arrangements that use the small, delicate white flowers, fresh or dried, to fill in around larger blooms. But did you know that baby’s breath flowers can grow easily in your garden? You can learn how to dry your own baby’s breath for making arrangements at home and to share with friends simply by growing baby’s breath flowers in your garden.

This plant may be annual or perennial, and baby’s breath flowers grow in rose, pink and white and may have single or double blooms. Double blooming baby’s breath plants have been grafted, so take care to cut above the graft union.

How to Grow Baby’s Breath

Growing baby’s breath is simple and you’ll likely find it a useful garden specimen. Learning how to grow baby’s breath can be a lucrative hobby, especially if you sell it to florists and others who make professional arrangements.

Growing baby’s breath in a full sun area is relatively simple if the soil pH is right. The baby’s breath plant likes an alkaline or sweet soil. Soil should also be well-draining. If your baby’s breath plant does not perform well, take a soil test to determine the soil’s alkalinity.

Start baby’s breath flowers in the garden from seeds, cuttings or tissue cultured plants.

How to Dry Your Own Baby’s Breath

Reaching 12 to 18 inches (30.5-46 cm.) at maturity, you can harvest and learn how to dry your own baby’s breath flowers. When cutting to dry flowers of the baby’s breath plant, choose stems with just half of the flowers in bloom while others are only buds. Don’t use stems with browning flowers.

Re-cut stems of the baby’s breath under warm running water. Bundle five to seven stems together with twine or a rubber band. Hang these upside down in a dark, warm and well-ventilated room.

Check the drying flowers after five days. When flowers are papery to the touch, they are ready for use in a dried arrangement. If they do not have the papery feel after five days, allow more time, checking every couple of days.

Now that you’ve learned how to grow baby’s breath and how to dry it, include it as a border in your garden. If it does well, check with local florists to see if they are interested in purchasing some of the flowers you’ve perfected in your garden.

NOTE: This plant is considered a noxious weed in some parts of the U.S. and Canada. Before planting anything in your garden, it is always important to check if a plant is invasive in your particular area. Your local extension office can help with this.

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Read more about Baby's Breath

Growing Baby's Breath: Caring For And Drying Baby's Breath (2024)


How long does it take for baby's breath to dry? ›

Finally, dry baby's breath by hanging the bundles upside down. Select a dry, warm, well-ventilated area. A dark room is ideal, but if there is light, make sure the flowers are not in direct sunlight, which can cause the colors to fade. Drying usually takes about five to 14 days.

How long will dried babys breath last? ›

One bunch of beautiful dried baby's breath with beautiful blossoms. 50-60 cm long so you can cut to style or use at full length. lasts for up to five years with appropriate care.

Is dried babys breath toxic? ›

In the case of humans, the sap from baby's breath can cause contact dermatitis, so yes, baby's breath may be irritating to the skin and result in itching and/or a rash. Baby's breath may not only be irritating to the skin but, in some cases, the dried blooms can irritate the eyes, nose, and sinuses as well.

Can you rehydrate baby's breath? ›

Overcrowding may damage stems and blooms and effect the blooming process. ✿ Allow flowers at least 4 hours to hydrate, flowers may take up to 12 hours to properly hydrate. Periodically check the water levels, flowers drink a lot of water when they first arrive and the water may need to be refilled.

How often should you water baby's breath? ›

Water thoroughly at least once a week to help new roots grow down deeply. Soil should be damp at about 1 inch below the soil surface. You can check this by sticking your finger in the soil. Water early in the morning to give all leaves enough time to dry.

Is Baby's breath difficult to grow? ›

Growing Baby's Breath is very easy, and they are quick to bloom. It is a popular flower to accent bouquets, corsages and flower vases. It also makes a great filler for at-home gardens. These plants bear an abundance of white or pink flowers.

Is Baby's breath low maintenance? ›

Despite its delicate-sounding name, baby's breath is an incredibly hardy and low-maintenance flower that is great for adding an airy, billowing element to your flower garden or rock garden.

Should you deadhead baby's breath? ›

The best time for trimming baby's breath is after they bloom. Most of these plants bloom in the spring and summer. They will benefit from deadheading as the flowers fade, as well as a complete cut back to allow them to bloom again.

Can babies breath survive without water? ›

You have to allow these blooms to absorb water for at least two to three hours. These stems of baby's breath saturated with water can easily survive for 2 to 3 days out of water. Q#05: How much baby's breath do you need to make a bouquet?

Does baby breath grow back every year? ›

Baby's breath is a perennial; new plants come up every year from the same root system. It spreads via seeds, not a spreading root system, but one plant can produce well over 10,000 seeds.

How many stems of baby's breath do you need for a centerpiece? ›

Arrange the Baby's Breath

Now comes the fun part: making it look pretty! Start with three stems, and keep adding in additional stems. Work in a circle until you have a size and shape you want. We used two bunches of baby's breath to create this bouquet, but you can use less or more to create your perfect vision.

Why is baby's breath a problem? ›

When Baby's breath invades grazing land, it reduces native grasses and forage for grazing animals and wildlife. When it develops seeds and matures, the plant breaks off at the ground and rolls long distances across the landscape with the ability to spread the over 10,000 seeds per plant!

How do I look after baby's breath? ›

Position: full sun. Flowering: flowers in 10 weeks from sowing with a mass of small white or pink flowers. Feeding: apply a liquid fertiliser to support flowering in spring and summer. Watering: water regularly, especially in hot dry weather.

Is baby's Breath outdated? ›

These days, baby's breath is a pretty outdated filler—but that doesn't mean it has no place in wedding décor! Some brides are modernizing this trend by using baby's breath on its own.

Why is a baby's first breath the hardest? ›

At birth, the baby's lungs are filled with fluid. They are not inflated. The baby takes the first breath within about 10 seconds after delivery. This breath sounds like a gasp, as the newborn's central nervous system reacts to the sudden change in temperature and environment.

Is baby's Breath invasive? ›

Like other invasive plants in the Top 12 for the region, baby's breath out-competes native plants and takes over their habitat, while providing no food or habitat for native wildlife.

How long does real baby's breath last? ›

How Long Does Baby's Breath Last? Baby's breath is a hardy shrub. It's a common joke among growers that the baby's breath plant is something even the worst flower growers can't kill. Fresh ones will last anywhere from 8-10 days, or more when properly cared for.

What part of baby's breath is toxic? ›

Keep in mind that the entire baby's breath flowers are toxic to pets as well as to people. It is best when used as decorations instead of for consumption. Vomiting and diarrhea can occur when you eat baby's breath flowers.

Can I grow baby's breath from cuttings? ›

When propagating baby's breath, you will likely have better success by taking cuttings from an existing plant or planting one in the landscape. Baby's breath is normally grown as an annual flower in most areas, but some types are hardy perennials. All types are easily grown from cuttings taken in early summer.

When should I cut back baby's breath? ›

Pruning Baby's Breath

After the second bloom, during the fall season, cut the stems of the perennial baby's breath to about one inch above the ground, for overwintering. The plant will come back in the spring.

How do I prepare my baby's breath for winter? ›

Winterizing Baby's Breath

Make sure your plants are in a spot with good drainage. Cut back the plants after they have finished blooming in the fall and cover them with mulch if you have very cold winters. The mulch can also help keep plants dry, so use this strategy if you have wet winters too.

Do babies know how do you hold their breath in water? ›

The first reflex is the diving reflex, which means if your baby goes underwater they will naturally hold their breath. You won't see this reflex after six months of age, and that is why it looks so remarkable in babies who are just a few months old.

How long will babys breath last in the fridge? ›

There are 6 roots in each bag. Keep inside packing material until ready to plant into ground or container. Put in a cool, protected area and plant as soon as possible. For extended storage time, place in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

How long will dried gypsophila last? ›

In general, quality dried flowers can last for up to two or sometimes even three years when properly cared for.

Where does baby's breath grow best? ›

Gypsophila will grow in soil types many other plants don't care for, like dry and gravelly, sandy, or chalky soils, so it is a perfect choice for xeriscaping! It will do well planted in ordinary garden soil, but make sure to not plant in rich soils. Avoid fertilizing this plant.

Is babys breath an expensive flower? ›

The Good: Baby's breath is an inexpensive and affordable option for bridesmaids' bouquets or centerpieces. It's extremely hardy and has a long lifetime. This flower also offers a light, alluring and sweet look.

How many baby breaths make a bunch? ›

What is in a Bunch of Baby's Breath? A single bunch contains about 8-13 stems. They are bundled together in grower's bunches, which means that they are put together by weight rather than by a strict stem count.

How deep are baby's breath roots? ›

Baby's breath is a perennial that reproduces by seed only. It is native to Eastern Europe & western Asia and was likely introduced as an ornamental. It develops deep tap root that can extend to 4m1 allowing it to access deeper groundwater during periods of drought.

Should I worry about baby breathing? ›

Never hesitate to reach out to your doctor if you're concerned about your baby's breathing. Irregular breathing can be very alarming and may cause anxiety in parents or caregivers. But first, slow down and look at your baby to see whether they look like they're in distress.

What is baby's breath a symbol of? ›

Most commonly, this flower is a symbol of everlasting love—which is one reason why it's a popular wedding flower. Baby's breath also represents innocence, which makes it a lovely gesture to include in baby shower gifts and gifts for new mothers.

Do baby's breath flowers need water? ›

Taking Care of Baby's Breath

Since the flowers are comfortable in dry soil, there's no need to water them often. Keep these plants fairly moist by watering them, especially under sweltering conditions.

How do I keep my toddler's breath fresh? ›

Water is the beverage of choice for counteracting bad breath in anyone — but it works for toddlers, too. Drinking plenty of water washes away food particles and bacteria from between the teeth. And it also deprives odor-causing anaerobic bacteria of the dry environment they like.

How do you keep baby's breath blooming? ›

They will benefit from deadheading as the flowers fade, as well as a complete cut back to allow them to bloom again. Baby's breath plants have terminal flower sprays and secondary sprays that grow to the sides. The terminal flowers will die first. Start deadheading those when about half of those blooms have faded.

How long can babies hold their breath in water? ›

usually last for less than 1 minute (if the child faints, they'll usually regain consciousness within 1 or 2 minutes)

How long can a baby's breath last without water? ›

These stems of baby's breath saturated with water can easily survive for 2 to 3 days out of water.

Is Baby's Breath difficult to grow? ›

Growing Baby's Breath is very easy, and they are quick to bloom. It is a popular flower to accent bouquets, corsages and flower vases. It also makes a great filler for at-home gardens. These plants bear an abundance of white or pink flowers.

Where is the best place to plant baby's breath? ›

Baby's breath prefers full sun, so pick a spot that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight a day. 2. Prepare the soil. In terms of soil, baby's breath will do best in well-draining soil a little on the sandy side, with plenty of organic matter and a pH between 7.0 to 7.5.

Why does my baby's breath stink? ›

Causes of Baby Bad Breath

As the bacteria eats away at the leftover sugars, it produces gases which result in bad breath. Dry Mouth: If your baby has an allergy or cold, he or she may be breathing through their mouth rather than their nose. This reduces the moisture contents and bacteria-rinsing saliva.

Why does my toddler's breath stink? ›

If your child does not thoroughly brush and floss each day, plaque can quickly build up and produce an unpleasant odor. The plaque can also cause dental problems, including tooth decay and gum disease, which, in turn, can cause bad breath. Halitosis can also develop due to damaged or chipped fillings.

Why does my 1 year old breath stink? ›

Dry mouth, xerostomia, can make your toddlers' breath smell bad. When there's no saliva to wash away the bacteria in their mouths, halitosis sets in. Dry mouth can happen if your toddler breathes through their mouth. Other underlying ear, nose, and throat conditions can affect your toddler's breath.

What does baby's breath symbolize? ›

Most commonly, this flower is a symbol of everlasting love—which is one reason why it's a popular wedding flower. Baby's breath also represents innocence, which makes it a lovely gesture to include in baby shower gifts and gifts for new mothers.

What is dry drowning in infants? ›

With so-called dry drowning, water never reaches the lungs. Instead, breathing in water causes your child's vocal cords to spasm and close up. That shuts off their airways, making it hard to breathe. You would start to notice those signs right away -- it wouldn't happen out of the blue days later.

How do babies not drown in the womb? ›

By 10–12 weeks of gestation, developing babies begin taking “practice” breaths. But these breaths provide them with no oxygen, and only refill the lungs with more amniotic fluid. Because it's normal for a fetus's lungs to be filled with fluid, a fetus can't drown in the womb.

When should I stop holding my baby all the time? ›

By 6 or 7 months of age, your baby may need some things but want others. At that point, you may be able to resist their demands a little. It's not so much that you're spoiling them if you “give in” to their every wish, but it may be more beneficial to help them understand some limits (often for their own safety).

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