Grocery Coupons - Tips & Ideas Money Saving Super Page (2024)

This Grocery Coupons Page containfrugal tips and Ideas for saving money!


  • 1 Online Grocery Coupon Sources
  • 2 Coupons at CVS
  • 3 I’m A Coupon Mom
  • 4 Make Your Coupons Last Longer – Give to the Military
  • 5 Grocery Coupons – Websites
  • 6 Will Grocery Coupon Items lead to Bad Health?
  • 7 Buy Small / Save Big with Grocery Coupons
  • 8 Coupons Galore
  • 9 ABC – AlphaBetical Coupons
  • 10 Are You Using More Coupons Now The Ever?
  • 11 An Increase in Coupons Produced
  • 12 Grocery Coupon App
  • 13 Strange Missing Grocery Store Ads
  • 14 Save on Your Newspaper
  • 15 A Great Discount Coupon Site

Online Grocery Coupon Sources

Grocery Coupons - Tips & Ideas Money Saving Super Page (1)If you have time, coupons can save you a boodle. We find most of our coupons in the newspaper and magazines we receive. We also download special offers from our local grocer’s loyalty programs. But another great way to find high-value coupons is through a couple of great websites:


2) Grocery Coupon Network

Both sites have hundreds of coupons you can search through. requires you to download their printer app which sometimes can be a problem.

Coupons at CVS

Annette’s childhood friend Dianne came to AZ for a visit and they worked some magic at CVS.

First, they loaded the CVS app (search the site for the app page – it changes often) to Annette’s android phone. This was free.

Next, they went to the coupon kiosk in the store and scanned Annette’s loyalty card. This allowed Annette to receive some free coupons from the machine. A loyalty card is also free and can be gotten at every CVS store.

Once Annette received her kiosk coupons, she looked at the store flyer or curricular as some refer to it. Then she matched up sale items, kiosk coupons, and any manufacturers coupons she had handy.

Dianne reminded Annette to look for shelf tags around the store that hung over products she would use and buy.

Discounts for multiple items

These tags would proudly display discounts for multiple items.

Razors were on sale this particular day for $5.99 each, and there was a sign saying that if you bought $15.00 worth of qualifying razors, you got an automatic $7.00 discount. Since the razors were approximately $6 each, Annette bought 3. She purchased $18.00 worth of razors (3 packages) but they only cost $11.00. You can see this in the video below regarding the razor deal.

The final trick for CVS coupons and savings is to look at their CVS bucks program. This will be dollar off coupons to use on your next purchase. CVS bucks can be $1.00 up to $10.00. Maybe even more. The razor order cost Annette $1.61 because she had $10.00 extra bucks from a previous order to use.

The more you frequent CVS and use their coupon kiosk, the more coupons you will receive.

Try CVS today! Use their loyalty card, their app, their coupon kiosk, some manufacturers coupons, and their store quantity discounts plus their extra bucks.

You will save money and have a blast doing it! Annette Economides – Scottsdale, AZ

I’m A Coupon Mom

I started using Grocery coupons about a month ago and already have seen a change in how much I pay for certain items.

One day while I was on my lunch break, I went online to look for more coupons and came across This website is awesome! You not only get tons of coupons but the best part of this site is that they do the research for you. They tell you how to match up coupons with deals in the stores so you get the item for less. It’s great for someone like me, who just started using coupons. I’m still learning how to match coupons with deals to pay less and this website takes all of the mystery out of it. I recommend this site for anyone, just sign up for their newsletter and sit back and relax.Marilyn Hernandez – Mansfield, MA


Make Your Coupons Last Longer – Give to the Military

Military Commissaries have an extra 6 months to turn in their coupons for redemption. So, if you have expired coupons, give them to someone who shops at a commissary – they’ll be saving money longer. Doreen Hallman – Phoenix, AZ

MoneySmart Family Note:Military Coupon UpdateWe’ve done further research regarding using expired coupons on military bases. The six-month extension of expired coupons applies only on overseas military bases. But your expired coupons can still help by either mailing them to someone stationed overseas – via an APO address – using US domestic postage or by calling your local military base family service department and asking if they have a coupon exchange program in place.

There is an organization called theOverseas Coupon Programand their Web site,, lists the bases around the world, along with addresses and names of the volunteer coordinators where you can send your expired coupons. They also provide instructions on how to package the coupons and properly fill out the customs forms. At this time they don’t accept internet or store coupons, just manufacturer’s coupons. About $10 million worth of coupons are sent to military bases each year. It’s a great way to rally around our military families and help them stretch their paychecks.

Grocery Coupons – Websites

If you want to find great deals online – check out these coupon sites:

These websites match grocery coupons to stores in your area to the weekly advertised sales. I also found that these F*REE sites have the grocery stores that I go to, unlike the website that asks me to pay and doesn’t include the grocery stores I frequent.Lisa D. – Whitehall, PA

Will Grocery Coupon Items lead to Bad Health?

Grocery Coupons - Tips & Ideas Money Saving Super Page (2)

Question: I used to be a “coupon queen.” But I realized that I bought more junky and processed foods, because, with double coupons, they were extremely cheap or free. On one trip during Thanksgiving, I got over $150 of groceries for only $9.50 plus a free turkey.

However, with all the junky foods I bought, my family’s (and my) health declined.

Now, I feed my family an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables – and more whole foods and organic items. We feel much better than before, but my grocery bill is going sky-high. I find that many of the loss leaders are for very processed and unhealthy foods.

Do you have any tips to save on organics and fresh fruits and veggies? How can I shop less often for fresh produce without having to freeze?

Answer for Grocery Coupon Question

Coupons are not the culprit for poor health. It’s a matter of choices. We use coupons judiciously, eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and are very healthy.

Organic foods are a growth area in the grocery store with sales increasing from $10.4 billion in 2004 to a projected $300 billion in 2008. Because of the profit potential, more retailers are carrying organics and this is resulting in lower prices.

Shop around for deals. With some aggressive planning and comparison shopping, you should be able to cut your bill considerably. Focus on buying fruits and veggies that are in season and at their lowest prices:

Fall: Apples, pears, avocados, and peppers.
Winter: Citrus.
Spring: Asparagus, artichokes, strawberries.
Summer: Peaches, nectarines, plums, melons, apricots, berries and squash.

Consume your most fragile produce right away (things like berries, bananas, and grapes) saving heartier things like apples and oranges for later in your shopping cycle. This way you should be able to limit your shopping trips to twice a month, which will reduce overall costs.

Some foods don’t need to be purchased as organics and are just as healthy. And if you’ve got a green thumb, you can always plant your own garden (contact your local county extension service). Zucchini anyone?

Buy Small / Save Big with Grocery Coupons

Instead of buying in bulk, I use grocery coupons on the smallest package available which lets me purchase the item for the greatest discount.

Another option is to wait for the larger package to go on sale and use a
coupon to get it for even less.

In our area, a store doubles coupons to equal $1 or less, which makes some
name brands cost only a few cents when they are on sale and I use the coupon.

One important thing about stocking up:Don’t forget to rotate your products as we purchased automatic dishwashing liquid and after a year it separated and would not go back together. Karen – Centerville, OH

RELATED ARTICLE: Couponing For Beginners!

Coupons Galore

I can’t say enough good things about this website Members post great deals under corresponding stores (many categories to choose from). They will tell you when there is a great deal at a store, as well as whether or not there are coupons in circulation that will make the deal even sweeter. I use this list as my “Refunder’s Bible” to buy things cheaply/free to add to my stockpile for future use. I also often donate items to the needy. This website is free to join. If you don’t have a computer, you can check either your local library or your college library to see if they have Internet access.

Other good coupon sites include:

Debra O. – Aiken, SC

ABC – AlphaBetical Coupons

I have a different way to keep my coupons. Of course, everyone thinks it is way different, but it works for me. I file the coupons alphabetically–then when I shop I just look for the product by name (i.e. Palmolive Dish Liquid) I look under P and find it.Barbara Ribar –Wilmerding, PA

Are You Using More Coupons Now The Ever?

Grocery Coupons - Tips & Ideas Money Saving Super Page (3)

We just received a report from NCH — on of the largest coupon clearing houses in the world.

Here are six things that stood out to us:

  1. More Coupons.Coupon distribution from retailers is up 11.6 percent
  2. Frugal Habits Remain.Retailers realize that due to the recession, consumers have established new shopping habits which are focused on saving money.Sunday Paper.The Sunday FSIs (free standing inserts) continue to grow and are still the most common distribution method for coupons.
  3. Shorter Expirations.Because more coupons are being distributed, and in an effort to control their costs, marketers are shortening the duration of coupons (they’ll expire sooner) down from 10.8 weeks to 9.3 weeks.
  4. Coupon redemptionis up 5.3 percent—over 2.5 billion coupons have been redeemed. Do the math. 2.5 billion coupons /114 million American households= Sounds like a lot of coupons . . . but the reality is that it comes out to only22 coupons redeemed per household.
  5. Coupons at Dollar Stores.This was really interesting. Coupon usage at Dollar Stores, warehouse clubs and convenience stores have soared about 30 percent. We’re finding some great deals on bread, greeting cards and kitchen supplies at our local Dollar Store—if you know your prices, you can really pick up some good deals (and save even more by using coupons).

Heres their summary. And if you want to read the entire report and see their colorful charts and graphs, clickhere.

An Increase in Coupons Produced

Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) marketers have continued to increase the total quantity of coupons they issue to consumers, up 11.6% year-to-date through the third quarter. In both the Grocery and Health & Beauty Care (HBC) segments, CPG marketers have increased the number of coupons distributed.

This Is a way to promote their brands to consumers who formed new savings-oriented shopping habits during the recession. More of those coupons were distributed through Free Standing Inserts (FSI), a media with very broad household reach.

With the increased consumer demand for value, marketers have been balancing their budgets by managing the coupon offer characteristics that influence redemption velocity. For example, marketers continue to increase the number of coupons issued with purchase requirements of two or more items.

This is driving the year-to-date share of multiple purchase coupons to 29% of all offers distributed. Furthermore, marketers have significantly shortened the duration of offers, with expiration dates now averaging 9.3 weeks year-to-date 2010, a full week and a half shorter than this time last year.

Grocery Coupons Per Year

In total, 2.5 billion coupons have been redeemed year-to-date through the third quarter of 2010, up 5.3% compared to a year ago. With the exception of the retail segment where Dollar Stores are reported, which is up 31% year-to-date, redemption increases across most retail channels have been on par with the industry-wide increase.

Although the recession has been deemed officially over by the economists at the National Bureau of Economic Research’s Business Cycle Dating Committee, high unemployment, suppressed home values and low consumer sentiment continues to further entrench the frugal shopping habits that consumers picked up during the recession, thereby influencing the way marketers promote.

Grocery Coupon App

There is a grocery coupon app called SnipSnap that allows you to store a digital image of your coupon. One person we know saved $10 with a CVS coupon this way.

You can use all three of these coupon apps below to earn savings at the grocery store without ever clipping a single coupon. We know someone who saved $500 in one year by using Checkout 51, Ibotta and Shopmium.

Strange Missing Grocery Store Ads

Grocery Coupons - Tips & Ideas Money Saving Super Page (4)

A couple of years back, we went to Safeway (grocery store) after our morning workout to pick up a Wednesday paper for the grocery ads. We discovered a very strange thing. When we picked up a newspaper to check it, only two of the 5 grocery store chains that currently existed, had ad inserts in the paper.

Steve checked several papers in the stack and it was the same, just two store ads. Then went across the street to another store called Albertson’s, to pick up their ads and Annette checked the newspaper there. Only two ads in their paper too. That’s when a light went on. Are most grocers only inserting ads in newspapers that are delivered to homes? Are the grocery store chains assuming that people who buy newspapers in grocery stores aren’t interested in grocery ads?

Remember that inserting ads in newspapers isn’t free, so grocers would be trying to eke out more profits by managing their advertising dollars more carefully. The door bell just rang. Annette called our neighbor Joyce and she shared the newspaper ads from her home delivery. YUP, all of the store’s ads were there. What do you think?

Save on Your Newspaper

We usually wait for a super discounted deal on a newspaper subscription and then purchase a several month subscription for Wednesday (grocery ad day in our area) and Sunday. A few years ago we discovered You can easily subscribe to most local papers at huge discounts. Hey, if it saves you a few bucks, why not give it a try. We’ve done it and it’s been great.

Grocery Coupons - Tips & Ideas Money Saving Super Page (5)

Update: Currently in our area, If you do not subscribe to the newspaper, food ad will come weekly in your mailbox. At least most of the time they make it in there, every now and then the food ads don’t arrive.

For more great grocery saving tips, visit our shopping tips page.

If you have a tip or trick for saving money with Grocery Coupons please mention it in the comment section.

Grocery Coupons - Tips & Ideas Money Saving Super Page (6)

A Great Discount Coupon Site

Several years ago we discovered It’s a great site that is constantly putting up new coupons and deals. Check out their latest deals here:

Grocery Coupons - Tips & Ideas Money Saving Super Page (7)

Grocery Coupons - Tips & Ideas Money Saving Super Page (2024)


How do I find coupons for groceries? ›

Here's how to get coupons, in both paper and digital form.
  1. Shop at stores with rewards programs. ...
  2. Ask for manufacturer coupons. ...
  3. Visit retailer websites and apps. ...
  4. Check the Sunday newspaper. ...
  5. Pick up weekly ads at the store. ...
  6. Look at the product packaging. ...
  7. Browse store aisles. ...
  8. Check your receipts.
Sep 25, 2023

What grocery store saves you the most money? ›

Aldi. If you want to save money on your groceries, there's perhaps no better store to shop at than Aldi. You'll find Aldi locations across the country and overseas, all of which guarantee competitive prices compared to the other grocery stores in your area.

How to extreme coupon for groceries? ›

The smart move is to get multiple copies of the same coupon so you can maximize your savings if you come across a deal. You can also collect various types of coupons, like percent-off coupons, cash rebates, and manufacturer coupons. Then you can mix and match them when shopping to maximize savings.

Are grocery coupons worth it? ›

Couponing can save you money while shopping, but might cause you to spend more money, especially if you have trouble finding coupons for items you would normally buy or lose out on better deals from cheaper store brands.

How do I get free coupons mailed to me? ›

How to Get Free Coupon Books in the Mail
  1. Reach Out to Customer Support. ...
  2. Sign Up for Email Newsletters. ...
  3. Check Your Mail. ...
  4. Check Your Local Newspaper. ...
  5. Buy a Coupon Clipping Service. ...
  6. Request a RetailMeNot Everyday Coupon Book. ...
  7. Sign Up for Proctor & Gamble Coupons by Mail. ...
  8. Subscribe to Your Local Newspaper.
Feb 12, 2024

How can I get a lot of coupons for free? ›

How can I get free coupons online?
  1. 1.) Sign up for Kellogg's Family Rewards.
  2. 2.) Sign up for Vocalpoint.
  3. 3.) Email companies directly.
  4. 4.) Get printable coupons mailed to your home.
  5. 5.) ' Like' your favorite brands on Facebook.
  6. 6.) Sign up for Birthday Freebies.
Mar 28, 2024

Is Aldi's cheaper than Walmart? ›

Regardless, the prices don't lie. Aldi is considerably cheaper than Walmart in almost every instance (or they were about the same).

What is the number one grocery item? ›

After holding the coveted top-selling grocery item spot for nearly 11 years, bananas recently reached a new and monumental milestone—more than 1 billion delivered via Instacart. To put that in perspective, that's enough bananas to cover the distance from New York City to Los Angeles (2,790 miles) more than 47 times.

How can I get the most groceries for $20? ›

How can I buy food stuff with $20 that will last for three days? Buy a dozen eggs, a whole chicken, a loaf of bread or tortillas, 3 bags of frozen vegetables, 3 lb of potatoes and a pound of butter. There are a few dollars left that can buy salt, seasonings or salsa - pick what you like.

How do beginners start couponing? ›

From finding a coupon database to making a shopping list, here's how to save money with coupons.
  1. 'Stack' store and manufacturer's coupons. ...
  2. Find a coupon database or a browser extension. ...
  3. Read the fine print. ...
  4. Learn your store's coupon policy. ...
  5. Make a shopping list and use apps for more savings. ...
  6. Use coupons strategically.
Oct 17, 2023

Is extreme couponing illegal now? ›

You can certainly use coupons in stores, but extreme couponing, like you see on TV, most likely is not allowed. The coupon must match up to the product and each store has its own coupon policy that needs to be followed. Often times there is a limit to how many like coupons can be used in a single transaction.

Is extreme couponing still possible in 2024? ›

Grocery costs have climbed higher, leaving many people looking for ways to save. Extreme couponing can help you reduce costs, but it may not be effective for lowering the price of staples. Joining a warehouse club or making a meal plan could be more effective ways to reduce your spending.

What are the disadvantages of coupons? ›

The biggest con of using coupons is that they cost businesses money and may lead to lower profit for that sale. Another drawback is when existing customers wait for coupons, cannibalizing existing revenue before the coupon program.

Do extreme couponers actually save money? ›

This practice isn't just printing a manufacturer coupon here and there. It typically involves using a lot of coupons, combining them with sales at stores, and then paying very little for many items. Extreme couponing can undoubtedly keep your credit card bills down.

Do millionaires use coupons? ›

But if you find coupons for the items you're actually going to use? Congratulations—that's what you call saving money and winning—at the same time! In fact, more than one in three net-worth millionaires use coupons all the time! Turns out, millionaires aren't above saving money.

Where do extreme couponers get their coupons? ›

Extreme couponers primarily get their coupons through print sources such as store ads, newspapers or in the mail. These savers often shop with a binder filled with plastic sleeves containing hundreds of paper coupons.

What is the best website to get coupons? ›

Answer: The top 5 most popular Coupons and Rebates websites in the world in April 2024 are:

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

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Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.