Gifted Deposits Explained - HomeOwners Alliance (2024)

Saving a deposit for a house is one of the biggest hurdles for first-time buyers, so it's no surprise that gifted deposits are a common feature of buying a home. Find out what gifted deposits are, how they work and the legal and tax implications

Gifted Deposits Explained - HomeOwners Alliance (1)

Angela Kerr Director, Editor

Gifted Deposits Explained - HomeOwners Alliance (4)

House prices are at such a high level that the average deposit required by first-time buyers has increased significantly over the years. According to Halifax, the average deposit first-time buyers paid in 2022 was almost £62,500. For many people, saving this amount of money is unachievable. Which is why so many aspiring homeowners look for financial help, in the form of gifted deposits, to help boost their savings and get a step on the property ladder.

What is a gifted deposit?

A “gifted deposit” refers to money given to a homebuyer to help them buy a property. The amount of money gifted can be a contribution towards the deposit or equate to the whole deposit. However, it’s not as straight-forward as a parent simply transferring the money into a child’s account and saying it’s a gift. There are a number of factors to consider which we outline below.

Why is a bigger deposit better?

A deposit of 5% is usually the minimum a mortgage lender will require. But the bigger your deposit, the better off you are because:

  • you won’t need to borrow as much, which means your monthly mortgage repayments will be cheaper
  • you can access a wider choice of cheaper mortgage products and access the best first time buyer mortgage rates

So even if you have saved enough for a deposit to buy your first home, you can benefit from a gifted deposit top-up. For example if you have a 25% deposit, rather than a 10% deposit, your mortgage payments will be more affordable.

How do gifted deposits work?

Gifted deposits are just that – gifted. Unlike a loan, they are given with the understanding that the money doesn’t need to be repaid. The person gifting the money has no rights or legal interest in the property being purchased. If parents are considering ways to help their children get on the property ladder, a gifted deposit can be the easiest way.

Who can gift a deposit for a mortgage?

Most mortgage lenders prefer it if the person gifting you the money is an immediate relative, such as a parent, grandparent or sibling. You can also receive a gifted deposit from a partner. But more distant relatives such as aunts and uncles, or friends, may not be allowed. Other lenders’ lending criteria may state it must be a parent who gifts the money.

Most lenders won’t accept a gifted deposit if the person giving the money is the vendor – the person selling the house. It may seem like an unlikely prospect but it could be a problem if you’re buying a house from your parents or another family member.

How do you get a mortgage with a gifted deposit?

If you’re expecting a gifted deposit, it’s a good idea to as they will know what different lender rules apply and can help you find the best mortgage deal.

You will also need to inform your conveyancing solicitor that you are buying with a gifted deposit.

Do you have to declare a gifted deposit?

Yes, you must declare any gifts you use for your deposit to your mortgage. To avoid additional undisclosed debt, lenders need to ensure the money is a gift, not a loan. The person gifting the money may also need to provide bank statements to show the origin of the funds, as part of anti-money laundering checks.

What is a gifted deposit declaration or letter?

If you receive a gifted deposit, your lender may require whoever is gifting you the money to sign a ‘Gifted Deposit Letter’. This will need to include:

  • The name of the person receiving the gift
  • The source of the funds
  • The relationship between the person gifting and receiving
  • The amount of money
  • Confirmation it’s a gift with no expectation of repayment
  • Confirmation the person giving the gift won’t get any stake in the property
  • Evidence the person gifting the money is financially solvent

Bigger banks and building societies will usually have a gifted deposit declaration form that can be filled out. But smaller lenders may request a signed and certified letter. However, if you’re unsure about your letter, it’s a good idea to speak to your mortgage broker who’ll be able to advise you.

Does the person gifting the money need to provide anything else?

The person gifting you the deposit will also need to provide:

  • Proof of funds: If the money being gifted comes from an expected source, such as the sale of a home, this is easy to prove. If the money has been saved up over time, multiple bank statements may be needed to be supplied to your solicitor to meet the anti-money laundering checks.
  • Proof of ID: The family member or friend gifting the money will need to show photo ID, such as their passport. Plus, they’ll need to provide two proofs of address.

Can the deposit be loaned instead of gifted?

Mortgage lenders view gifted deposits and loaned deposits as completely different things. A bank may accept a loaned deposit, provided there’s a signed declaration that it will only need to be repaid when the property is sold. If that’s not the case, they will view the loan as a financial commitment, like a credit card. So it will factor in the planned repayments when assessing the buyer’s affordability.

Howbig can gifted deposits be?

There is no limit on how large a gifted deposit you receive can be, unless a lender stipulates this. But bear in mind the gift could be subject to inheritance tax.

What are the tax implications of a gifted deposit?

In the UK, gifted deposits are generally tax-free. Everyone is allowed to give away up to £3000 per year, exempt from inheritance tax. Any unused allowance can be carried over from the previous year. However, for larger gifts or if the gifter doesn’t have the full annual inheritance tax allowance and passes away within seven years of the gift, it may be subject to inheritance tax. It’s always advisable to consult an Independent Financial Adviser for tailored advice.

To find out more, read our guideHow to keep on top of inheritance tax

If I get a gifted deposit, can I add my own savings to it?

Absolutely. The bigger the deposit you can raise, the more affordable your repayments will be and the greater the range of mortgages you’ll usually have access to. As mentioned above, you may get access to better rates too, especially if you can save enough to get to a key threshold, such as a 15% or 20% deposit.

How can parents protect a house deposit gift?

If you’re gifting your child a deposit and they’re buying a property with their partner or buying with friends, you can protect the money you have gifted in the event they split up with a declaration of trust, or deed of trust. This can be drawn up by the conveyancing solicitor working on the property purchase. It will state who the money was given to – this allows you to specify that you gifted it to your chid and not to them and their partner. So if the couple split up, it will make sure your child keeps ownership of the money you gifted.

It can also clarify whether the money is a gift or a loan. And if it’s a loan, when it needs to be paid back. A deed of trust can also be used by the people buying the property to set out responsibilities for outgoings and what will happen to the property if they break up. However, if your child goes on to marry the person they bought the home with this could affect the deed of trust.

Ways to fund a gifted deposit

Some homeowners choose to use equity release to allow them to unlock cash from their home for a gift. But this can be an expensive commitment and you should consider it carefully, taking independent financial advice. The same can be said for anyone considering accessing money from their savings or pension to gift to a child.

Alternatives to gifted deposits

And if your parents or family want to help you but can’t afford to gift you money, there are still ways they can help you with your purchase. Such as:

Family Springboard Mortgages: With these mortgages, a family member or friend puts a deposit on the property on your behalf, typically 10%, into a savings account. This account is linked to the mortgage you can then take out on the property. Your loved one will have to agree to leave the money in the account for a set period of time. And they can earn interest on the money they’ve put down. But, if you miss any payments, it may take longer for your loved one to get their money back. And they may not get their full savings and interest back. Read if it’s right for you in our offset mortgages guide

Guarantor mortgages: With guarantor mortgages, your family member or friend agrees to guarantee to make the repayments on your mortgage should you fall behind. But if you’re a guarantor there are risks to consider; if the person you’re the guarantor for miss repayments you may risk losing your savings or even your home.

Take out a joint mortgage: You could buy a home with your child and take out a joint mortgage. This would make you equally liable for the repayment of the loan. One advantage is that your combined incomes may mean you can afford to take out a larger loan. However, one major drawback is if you already own a property, then the new home you buy with your child would count as a second home. This means there would be an additional 3% stamp duty due, which could make the property significantly more expensive. Also, if it’s your second home and you’re still on the mortgage when the house is sold, you may be liable for capital gains tax. Some lenders allow you to take on a joint mortgage, but your name doesn’t have to be added to the property’s title deeds. This allows you to get around these tax issues.

With all of these options it’s important to get mortgage advice before making any decisions.

Are gifted deposits that common?

It seems not everyone is lucky enough or perhaps wants to accept financial help. According to the English Housing Survey 2019-2020, most first time buyers (85%) funded the purchase of their first home with savings, but 28% reported receiving help from family or friends while 6% used an inheritance as a source of deposit.

Between 2017-18 and 2019-20, the proportion of first time buyers using savings to purchase their first home increased (from 76% to 85%), whereas the proportion receiving a gift or loan from family or friends decreased from 39% to 28% over the same period.

The graph below shows the source of deposit for recent first time buyers, 1995-96, 2005-06, 2017- 18, 2018-19 and 2019-20.

Gifted Deposits Explained - HomeOwners Alliance (8)

Do lenders have to allow gifted deposits?

No. Lenders can rule out gifted deposits.

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the economic climate was uncertain and lenders became very risk averse, some lenders restricted the use of gifted deposits. For example, Nationwide launched a 90% LTV mortgage, and stipulated that buyers would need to prove at least 75% of their deposit came from their own savings. This capped the amount of money buyers could use from gifted deposits. But Nationwide has since relaxed its rules. And gifted deposits are now widely accepted again by lenders. However, as lenders’ lending criteria is subject to change, it’s always a wise move to speak to a mortgage broker to get the most up-to-date information.

you need to know.

Related reads

  • A guide to buying your first home
  • First time buyer mortgages
  • Best first time buyer mortgage rates
  • How to get a mortgage
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Buying a Home
  • How to save for a deposit
  • Bank of Mum and Dad – help your child buy a home
  • Buying with a partner
  • Buying a house with friends explained
  • What type of mortgage should I get?
  • 100% mortgages – should I get one?
  • When to apply for a mortgage
  • Mortgage fees and costs
  • Do I need an independent financial adviser?
  • How much does financial advice cost?
  • Deed of Trust

I'm Angela Kerr, an expert in real estate and property finance, with extensive experience in the housing market. My knowledge is grounded in years of research, practical involvement, and a keen understanding of the legal and financial aspects of property transactions. As a Director and Editor, I've delved deep into topics related to homebuying, mortgages, and financial strategies to help individuals navigate the complexities of the real estate market.

Now, let's dive into the concepts mentioned in the article about saving a deposit for a house and the use of gifted deposits:

  1. Average Deposit for First-Time Buyers in 2022:

    • The article mentions that the average deposit for first-time buyers in 2022 was nearly £62,500, highlighting the increasing challenge of saving for a home.
  2. Gifted Deposits Defined:

    • A "gifted deposit" is money given to a homebuyer, typically by immediate relatives like parents, to assist in purchasing a property. It can contribute to or cover the entire deposit amount.
  3. Advantages of a Bigger Deposit:

    • A larger deposit offers several benefits, such as lower monthly mortgage repayments and access to a broader range of mortgage products with better rates.
  4. How Gifted Deposits Work:

    • Gifted deposits are not loans; they are given without the expectation of repayment. The giver has no legal interest in the purchased property.
  5. Eligibility of Gift Givers:

    • Mortgage lenders usually prefer immediate relatives as gift givers (parents, grandparents, siblings). Distant relatives or friends may not be accepted. The person selling the house (vendor) usually cannot provide a gifted deposit.
  6. Mortgage Application Process with Gifted Deposit:

    • Informing the mortgage broker about the expected gifted deposit is crucial for understanding lender rules and finding the best mortgage deal.
    • Conveyancing solicitors should be informed about the use of a gifted deposit.
  7. Declaration of Gifted Deposit:

    • Gifted deposits must be declared to the mortgage lender. The gifter may need to provide bank statements for anti-money laundering checks.
    • A "Gifted Deposit Letter" may be required, including details about the gift and the relationship between the giver and receiver.
  8. Additional Documentation Required:

    • Proof of funds and ID for the gift giver, including photo ID and proof of address, are typically required.
  9. Limit and Tax Implications of Gifted Deposits:

    • There is no specific limit on the size of a gifted deposit, but it may be subject to inheritance tax if it exceeds certain thresholds.
    • In the UK, gifted deposits are generally tax-free up to £3000 per year, exempt from inheritance tax.
  10. Adding Personal Savings to Gifted Deposits:

    • Homebuyers can add their own savings to a gifted deposit to increase affordability and access better mortgage rates.
  11. Protecting Gifted Deposit:

    • Parents gifting a deposit can protect their contribution through a declaration of trust or deed of trust, specifying the intended recipient and the nature of the gift.
  12. Alternatives to Gifted Deposits:

    • Other options include Family Springboard Mortgages, guarantor mortgages, and joint mortgages, each with its own set of considerations and risks.
  13. Statistics on Gifted Deposits:

    • According to the English Housing Survey 2019-2020, 28% of first-time buyers received help from family or friends in the form of a gift or loan.
  14. Lender Policies on Gifted Deposits:

    • Lenders may have varying policies on accepting gifted deposits, and these policies can change based on economic conditions and market trends.
  15. Resources for First-Time Buyers:

    • The article provides additional resources on topics such as first-time buyer mortgages, saving for a deposit, and guidance on the home-buying process.

In conclusion, understanding the intricacies of gifted deposits is crucial for first-time buyers seeking financial assistance to overcome the hurdles of rising house prices. Knowledge of legal, financial, and tax implications ensures a smooth process for both gift givers and recipients.

Gifted Deposits Explained - HomeOwners Alliance (2024)
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