Genshin Impact Lag - How To Fix Stuttering And Server Lag In Genshin Impact (2024)

If stuttering and lag are stopping you from enjoying Teyvat, here's what you can do about it.

Genshin Impact Lag - How To Fix Stuttering And Server Lag In Genshin Impact (1)

If you are wondering how to fix lag in Genshin Impact, you are in the right place. We have got you covered.

Stuttering and server lag in Genshin impact can severely disrupt your experience of the game. This is particularly annoying if you are in the midst of a titanic clash, or a major narrative moment.

With it being such a popular game, you can rest assured that you aren't the only player who has been impacted by stuttering and server lag. For some players, Genshin Impact crashes abruptly while playing and it's the worst feeling.

Take a look at our tips to help reduce stuttering and server lag on Genshin Impact. With our help, you can reduce these issues, and stop them from interfering with your enjoyment of the game. Let's fix it!

If you have been experiencing issues with stuttering or server lag, the first thing to do is to check if Genshin impact servers are down. You can do this by following Genshin Impact on Twitter. You can also check the official Genshin website for news updates. If the servers are experiencing issues, then wait until they are back up and running and see if this resolves your issue. If not, here are some other options to try:

  • Close the game and restart your device.
  • Make sure the game is fully up to date, and that there are no updates pending for your device.
  • Check that your device meets the minimum system requirements.
  • Run the game as an administrator on the PC:
    • Go to the Installation folder of Genshin Impact
    • Right Click on Launcher.exe
    • Go to the Compatibility tab
    • Check Run this program as an administrator
  • If you are using a VPN, try switching it off.
  • Conversely, if you aren't using a VPN, then it may be worth trying one, in case the issue is with your local server.
  • Restart your router.
  • Make sure you close down other applications that might be running in the background.
  • Likewise, ensure you don't have lots of other devices or apps competing for bandwidth.
  • Ensure Genshin is not being blocked by a firewall or an antivirus.
  • Try using a wired connection instead of a wireless one (if applicable).
  • On PC, give the game High Priority. This will dedicate more of the computer resources to the game. To do this:
    • Press Win + R, type taskmgr, and press enter
    • Select theDetailstab. LocateGenshimImpact.exe. Right-click it and selectSet priority > High
    • Click on Change Priority

If you are still having no joy after trying these solutions, then it's about time to contact MiHoYo for additional support. You can do that by clicking here.

Read More: Genshin Impact Error Code 31-4302: How To Fix Problem Loading Game Data Issue

Why Is Genshin Impact Laggy?

Stuttering and lag are issues that reflect a delay in data being received by the game, and being reflected on screen. Lag is usually when your inputs take longer than expected to happen on screen. Stuttering is when the game starts to skip frames, making the game jerky, slow, and laggy. This also causes a delay in player actions, and can ultimately make it very difficult to play Genshin with any kind of success.

There are lots of potential causes for these issues:

  • Problems with your GPU or RAM struggling to cope with the game
  • Hardware settings
  • Server issues
  • Internet connection issues
  • Insufficient bandwidth due to other apps or devices

There are plenty of possible ways to improve stuttering and lag in Genshin. But there are also lots of potential causes for these issues, so there will be an element of trial and error.

With our tips, there is every chance that you'll be back experiencing Teyvat without stuttering and lag thwarting your every move. In case Genshin Impact won't launch for you or you can't play the game due to the Genshin Impact login error, we can definitely help.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Gaming, Genshin Impact, and How To pages.

As an avid gamer and technology enthusiast, I understand the frustration that stuttering and lag can cause during gameplay, particularly in popular titles like Genshin Impact. My expertise in this area stems from years of personal experience, troubleshooting various gaming issues, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and solutions in the gaming community.

In the provided article on fixing lag in Genshin Impact, several key concepts and strategies are discussed. Let me break down and elaborate on each of them:

  1. Server Status Check:

    • The article suggests checking if Genshin Impact servers are down. This is a crucial initial step, as server issues can often lead to lag and stuttering. Following the game's official Twitter account and checking the official website for updates are reliable methods for server status verification.
  2. Basic Troubleshooting Steps:

    • Restarting the game and the device is a common but effective method to address performance issues. Ensuring that the game and device are up to date with the latest patches and updates is also emphasized.
  3. System Requirements:

    • Verifying that your device meets the minimum system requirements is vital. Inadequate hardware can lead to performance issues, and ensuring compatibility is essential for a smooth gaming experience.
  4. Run as Administrator:

    • Running the game as an administrator on a PC is recommended. This can provide the game with necessary privileges and sometimes resolve issues related to permissions.
  5. VPN Consideration:

    • The article suggests trying a VPN if not already in use, or conversely, disabling it if already active. This is to address potential issues with local servers and network routing.
  6. Network Optimization:

    • Restarting the router, closing background applications, and minimizing other devices using the same bandwidth are essential steps to optimize the network connection for gaming.
  7. Firewall and Antivirus:

    • Ensuring that Genshin Impact is not blocked by a firewall or antivirus software is crucial. These security measures might unintentionally restrict the game's network access, leading to lag.
  8. Connection Type:

    • Switching from a wireless to a wired connection is recommended if applicable. Wired connections generally offer more stability and lower latency, reducing the likelihood of lag.
  9. Priority Settings:

    • Setting the game's priority to "High" in the Task Manager can allocate more system resources to Genshin Impact, potentially improving performance.
  10. Contacting Support:

    • If all else fails, the article suggests reaching out to MiHoYo, the game's developer, for additional support.

Understanding Lag and Stuttering:

  • Lag is defined as a delay in data being received by the game, resulting in delayed on-screen actions. Stuttering, on the other hand, involves frame skipping, causing the game to appear jerky and slow. Both issues can make gameplay challenging and frustrating.

Possible Causes:

  • The article outlines various potential causes for lag and stuttering, including problems with GPU or RAM, hardware settings, server issues, internet connection problems, and insufficient bandwidth due to other applications or devices.


  • The provided tips aim to address these issues through a combination of technical adjustments and network optimization. While there may be some trial and error involved, following these guidelines increases the likelihood of a smoother gaming experience in Genshin Impact.

If you encounter any further challenges or have additional questions, feel free to ask for personalized assistance.

Genshin Impact Lag - How To Fix Stuttering And Server Lag In Genshin Impact (2024)


Genshin Impact Lag - How To Fix Stuttering And Server Lag In Genshin Impact? ›

Genshin Impact, with its stunning open world and intricate details, does require a good amount of processing power. This means it can be demanding on your device, depending on your settings and hardware.

How do I stop Genshin Impact from stuttering? ›

Other settings:
  1. Nvidia panel: - Vertical sync: ON. - Low latency mode: Ultra. - Static refresh rate.
  2. Windows: - Game mode: OFF. - All xbox applications are uninstalled.
  3. Genshin Impact: - FPS: 60. - V-sync: OFF.
Jan 9, 2023

How do I fix lag on Genshin Impact? ›

Other Solutions To Reduce Genshin Impact Lag Issues
  1. Meet the minimum system requirements. As mentioned above, the minimum system requirements are the “entry ticket” to the Genshin Impact world. ...
  2. Leaves more storage space for Genshin Impact. ...
  3. Remove Background Unnecessary Processes. ...
  4. Restart Your Network Connection.

Why is Genshin so demanding? ›

Genshin Impact, with its stunning open world and intricate details, does require a good amount of processing power. This means it can be demanding on your device, depending on your settings and hardware.

How do I stop stuttering completely? ›

There is no known 'cure' for stuttering, no 'magic pill. ' However, you can stop stuttering with speech pathology and adult speech therapy. While it is best to start in early childhood, there are a variety of effective treatments for those at any age.

Why is my Genshin ping so high? ›

In reality, bandwidth-hungry applications like OneDrive, Skype, and Windows Update are active or running in the background as you play Genshin. It seriously disrupts your game experience and raises ping. Therefore, you should disable or close these programs before playing a game. Restart the network.

Why is my Genshin character so slow? ›

Why is my character moving slowly even without walk mode being toggled? This can occur when an enemy uses a slowdown effect on your character, and the effect fails to wear off at the end of its countdown timer. This can also occur if caps lock is active in which case pressing the caps loc button will remove the effect.

Does Genshin have 120 FPS? ›

So this may be a niche post considering currently you need a 6000/7000 series AMD GPU, but on the current preview drivers for AMD Fluid Motion Frames you can get Genshin up to 120 FPS using generated frames. This is quite the boon for Genshin players on hardware that is way too powerful for the game.

What does vsync do in Genshin? ›

VSYNC, short for Vertical Synchronization, is a display technology used to prevent screen tearing in graphics-intensive applications. It works by synchronizing the frame rate of your computer's graphics card with the refresh rate of your monitor.

What does Genshin Impact run best on? ›

>>>Recommended configuration<<<
  • CPU: Qualcomm Snapdragon 845, Kirin 810 and above.
  • RAM: 4 GB and above.
  • Recommended system: Android 8.1 and above.
  • Compatibility requirements: Arm v8a 64-bit device.
  • Memory: 3 GB and above.
  • Supported system: Android 7.0 or above.
  • Storage: Please reserve 8 GB of space.

Is Genshin getting less popular? ›

I will start by saying that Genshin popularity levels are stable, basically no decline, just the usual cycle of some patches being more hype and other like 3.5 being fillers.

Is Genshin a hard game to run? ›

As one of the world's most popular games, you'll be glad to know that it won't be too hard for your PC to run Genshin Impact. Aging software sets the bar low, but with a few upgrades, you can enjoy incredible performance across the world of Teyvat.

Does Genshin have bad rates? ›

Genshin has Terrible Gacha Rates but it's Pity System makes it better than most Gacha Games. In Genshin, there is hardly any freemogems, most of the primogems that can be obtained are from Daily Comission and World Exploration. And tha rates on a 5* are abysmal (0.6%).

Why is Genshin Impact choppy? ›

Genshin Impact gets laggy because of the server, hardware, and internet connection, and the following reasons: CPU drivers. System lag and graphics lag can be because of your computer's drivers. If your graphics card and network drivers haven't been changed, they may struggle to cope with Genshin Impact.

Why does my game keep stuttering? ›

Having inadequate hardware can lead to stuttering. Graphics-intensive games require particularly high-end graphics processing units (GPUs). Not enough RAM. Modern AAA titles generally require a minimum of 8 GB of RAM, and the RAM needs to be fast and of good quality.

How do I fix my stutters while gaming? ›

Turn off the Windows Game Bar and Game DVR.
  1. Press Windows + S.
  2. In the Windows search box type Game bar settings and press Enter.
  3. Under Control how Game Bar opens and recognizes your game turn off the option for Record game clips, screenshots and broadcast using Game bar.

Why does my game stutter when I play? ›

Different types of game stuttering can appear, such as brief pauses, frame rate decreases, or inconsistent performance. This problem is caused by several things, including inadequate hardware, a heavy system load, network issues, software conflicts, and problems with game optimization.

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