Funding opportunity: National grant initiative for civic learning projects – Apply by Fri Apr 29 (2024)

Funding opportunity: National grant initiative for civic learning projects – Apply by Fri Apr 29 (1)

By Frances Hannan, Program Officer for the WW Higher Education Media Fellowship and the Director of Multimedia Projects at the Institute for Citizens & Scholars.

The Civic Spring Fellowship hasopen applicationsfor two innovative grant initiatives that will support young people looking to drive meaningful change in their communities through projects this summer. Civic Spring National supportsyouth-driven organizationspursuing a summer project with grants up to $25,000. Civic Spring Arizona supportsindividual young peoplewith stipends of $1,800 to pursue projects in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Funded projects must address a local need related to one or more of following priority focus areas:

  • Environmental justice
  • Community health and wellness (mental health)
  • The 2022 elections
  • The impact of COVID

Fellows will work with a powerful network of peers, partners, experts, and corporate and government leaders to help maximize the impact of their projects. Applications close April 29. Fellows and Fellow organizations will be notified in late May; the program will run June 6 – August 19.

The 2022 Civic Spring Fellowship is presented in partnership with Levi Strauss & Co. (National Program) and PayPal Arizona (AZ Program). Employees from both companies will serve as partners for the selected Fellows as part of the larger Civic Spring National Network.


The 2022 Civic Spring Fellowship, run by the Institute for Citizens & Scholars (C&S), builds upon the2020 Civic Spring Project, which underscored what out-of-school time (OST) practitioners know well: significant civic learning takes place in after-school programs, on the sports field, at summer camp, in community service groups, and at home.

Based on these findings, C&S has expanded the 2022 Civic Spring Fellowship to make it more equitable and impactful by:

  • Providing the opportunity for young people to apply directly for funding, allowing C&S to support more youth directly and provide greater diversity of ideas
  • Developing an arc of learning that sets up youth and adult partners to co-learn and co-create
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the Civic Spring Fellowship by measuring the growth of all participants in developing civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions

Intergenerational Co-Design

A key takeaway from the 2020 Civic Spring pilot was the importance of intergenerational co-design and co-leadership. The inclusion of youth voice – who are often most impacted and yet rarely included in decision- and policy-making – in community based projects translates into a greater sense of knowledge, purpose, and an investment in our democracy. Following the 2020 Civic Spring, C&S partnered with one of the grantee organizations, the Kentucky Student Voice Team (KSVT), to create report and toolkit titled,The Co-Creation Generation: The Story of the Kentucky Student Voice Team & Guide to Intergenerational Impact.This report is a foundational resource for the 2022 Civic Spring Fellowship and serves as a guide to other organizations looking to improve their intergenerational success.

The report was presented by the KSVT students at a webinar hosted by the Afterschool Alliance.Watch the video.

Lasting Value of Civic Learning

The 2020 Civic Spring Projectswas evaluatedby the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), part of Tufts University’s Tisch College of Civic Life. As the evaluation partner, the CIRCLE team assessed the overall reach, depth, sustainability, and impacts of the Civic Spring pilot. Some of the highlights from the findings include:

  • Meaningful civic learning takes place outside of the formal school setting.
    • 96% said they were learning what would typically be part of a Civics class.
  • Program participants gained diverse types of civic skills.They reported the Civic Spring Project strengthened their social-emotional learning capacities, their abilities to navigate both civic institutions and their mental health, and their strategies for working with stakeholders across lines of difference.
    • More than 90% agreed or strongly agreed that the Civic Spring Project helped them find or strengthen their own voice.
  • Youth-centered civic initiatives have broad and deep community impact,including advocating for policy change to city leaders, securing seats for youth on local government committees, holding voter registration events, and engaging local news media.
    • 61% said they often or very often helped make their city or town a better place.

“We must think beyond the high school civics class and consider all the places and ways young people build their civic capacities,” says C&S President Rajiv Vinnakota. “Young people are eager to engage civically in their communities. The Civic Spring Fellowship provides young people the support they need to create real-time change in their own backyard while also preparing them to be lifelong civic leaders.”

Again, applications for both the National and Arizona Programs are open until April 29. More information about the Civic Spring Fellowship and the application process can be found online If you have any questions about the Civic Spring Fellowship or the resources mentioned here, please email the C&S Civic Learning Team

click here to learn more and apply

Funding opportunity: National grant initiative for civic learning projects – Apply by Fri Apr 29 (2024)


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American History and Civics Education—National Activities supports Programs that promote innovative instruction, learning strategies, and Professional development in American history, civics and government and Geography, with an emphasis on activities and programs that benefit Low-income students and underserved ...

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Civic education empowers us to be well-informed, active citizens and gives us the opportunity to change the world around us. It is a vital part of any democracy, and equips ordinary people with knowledge about our democracy and our Constitution.

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Civic involvement can include voting, political activism, volunteering, and community engagement. In short, it is the participation of people in government and democratic processes.

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US History I curriculum topics should include: Voyages of Columbus and the relationship between the explorers and the American Indians. Colonization, the different colonies, and colonial life. The Declaration of Independence, the Revolutionary war, the constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

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Course Overview

Throughout this course, students will study the founding of our country, how and why the American Revolution began, and how the law of our land was formed. They will also learn about the rights and duties of American citizens.

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Because history gives us the tools to analyze and explain problems in the past, it positions us to see patterns that might otherwise be invisible in the present – thus providing a crucial perspective for understanding (and solving!) current and future problems.

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All 50 states have social studies standards which include civics and government. 39 states require at least one course in government/civics. 21 states require a state-mandated social studies test which is a decrease from 2001 (34 states). 8 states require students to take a state-mandated government/civics test.

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