Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (2024)

by Heather Markel | Jun 30, 2022 | Full Time Travel Advice | 7 comments

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (1)

Health Insurance For Full Time Travelers

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (2)

Heather Markel, Writer, Speaker, Photographer, Traveler, Business Strategist

If you’re thinking of traveling full time, especially independently of a full time corporate job, health insurance is no doubt on your mind. It was one of the things that kept me from quitting my job for years. My logic continuously convinced me it was impossible to get, or pay for, without that corporate job. As my paycheck deductible for health insurance began increasing more quickly than my salary, I began to have second thoughts. It turns out, there’s more than one way to get health insurance! So, if this is something on your mind as you contemplate whether to become a full time traveler, here are some thoughts.

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (3)

You Don’t Have To Have A Corporate Job To Get Health Insurance

It turns out, there’s more than one way to get health insurance, and not having a corporate job does not mean you have to have “bad” health insurance, either. Here are a couple of paths to start your research.

Many associations, like Freelance.org, offer a reduced, group rate for health insurance for their members. So, you could join an association and benefit from this discount. Clearly, do your research before joining to be sure they have a plan and a cost that make you happy. These plans are usually best for someone planning to travel domestically in the USA, as opposed to in and out of the country.

Another route is to get an insurance broker. You can Google one who is local to where you live and they can help you explore what are commonly called expat insurance plans. If you’re traveling internationally, this is what you’ll want to get. When I was marooned in New Zealand for two years during the pandemic, my expat insurance covered my doctor visits and dental cleanings. These plans typically cover you for your travel overseas, and do not cover you as much in your country of nationality. Of course, because, if you’re an expat, you aren’t expected to be in your country of nationality.

Is It Worth Investing In Health Insurance?

That’s a question only you can answer, but let me tell you about a recent scenario that sure made me glad to have my health insurance.

I had just arrived in France. A few days in, I unexpectedly began having bad asthma. That’s when I discovered I forgot to bring my asthma medication with me. There’s no way to get it in France without a prescription. As a tourist, it’s very hard to get a same day doctor appointment. That’s when I reached out to my insurance company to see if they could help. Within two hours, they emailed me a prescription that was filled by a French pharmacy, in a tiny town in Normandy, immediately. I hope you never need the insurance, but, if you do, it’s a huge relief, and potential life saver, to have it.

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (5)

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (6)

Most of what’s keeping you from what you want – full-time travel, a new business idea, a radical career shift – are your excuses. After one session with Heather, you’ll understand which excuses are holding you back the most, how to get them out of the way, and you’ll leave with an action plan that helps you set the foundation to pivot into the life you want.

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (7)

You know you don’t like your job, but you can’t figure out how to survive without it. Designed for frustrated professionals the program focuses on teaching you the key steps to shifting your work and money mindsets, and giving you the money and work strategies to pursue, leaving you empowered to quit with confidence and see that it really is possible to live happily without a stable job.

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Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (8)

Whether traveling full time was your dream before the pandemic, or after, this session will help you understand how to prepare, what you need to know, and how to get your finances in order to make it happen. It’s the perfect accompaniment to the “How To Afford The Travel Life” eBook. You’ll also get an understanding of both what’s great about full-time travel and some of the challenges. You can also discuss planning help, and how to get the most out of your experience.

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (9)

It’s always been essential to understand your money, but if you’ve lost your job due to the pandemic, now it’s even more important that you create financial empowerment. In this session, Heather will work with you to first understand your gaps in managing your money, then she’ll help you with the framework on how to ensure you can afford the life you dream of. You’ll get tips to save and budget, and also discuss ways to earn money that will shift you out of feeling like a victim of the times, to seeing the opportunities in front of you to begin making money in a different way.

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (10)

You want to quit and travel full time, but when can you go? This eBook gives you all the formulas you need to calculate when you can quit and afford the travel lifestyle you want, in under and hour.

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Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (11)

Thanks to the pandemic, we’ve all had a chance to ask the question, “what now?” If you’ve decided it’s time to quit your 9-to-5 to travel full time (or take it with you while you live nomadically), this program will help you address the core mindset, money, and planning gaps you have. This is the program that will help you acknowledge and overcome your fears about what’s next, figure out how to afford and sustain your travels, and feel confident about planning your adventure. Book your free session to see if you’re a fit!

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (12)

You’re finally serious about traveling full time, but you cannot figure out how you’ll afford it. Or, you’re just curious whether it’s really even possible to afford the lifestyle. Bootcamp is for you! We’ll go dive deep into savings strategies before you go, how to save on the road, and how to sustain your travels, as well as look at lots of work opportunities if you want to work while you travel! Includes a 3-day build your budget challenge to get you thinking about how to replace dreams with real logical steps to make it happen.

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Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (13)

You’ve dreamed about traveling full time for as long as you can remember, and now you’ve learned that it’s a little more challenging than you thought. Get help getting through the initial shock and changes when you realize you’re not on vacation. Learn how to manage those experiences where you meet parts of yourself long forgotten, and create a plan to help you have the best experience with your journey.

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Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (14)If you want to see every post I’ve written, starting with the most recent, this is the place to start!

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Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (15)
If you need some tips on getting started, traveling safe, and saving money while traveling full time, go here!

Click Here For Tips!

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (16)I’ve been traveling the globe solo, and many of my posts share thoughts and resources specifically for other solo travelers. If you’re a fellow solo traveler, or you’re thinking about solo travel, this is a collection you will find of interest.

For solo travelers

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (17)If you’re looking to read blog posts about specific destinations, click the country of your interest below to go to it’s blog page and get country-specific reviews and thoughts.







Costa Rica


New Zealand








Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (18)Sometimes I write posts where I give insider information on certain cities I’ve visited, which may be more along the lines of places to go, how to save money, etc. If that’s your main interest, check out this compilation of posts.

Read city reviews

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (19)In 2020, I was traveling in New Zealand as the coronavirus pandemic brewed, and, got stuck there. If you want to read about what this time was like and traveling during this time, check out this page.

Read the chronicles

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (20)At the heart of international travel is learning about the many different cultures and ways of being around the world. The posts compiled on this page speak, specifically, about the cultural observations I’ve had.

Culture Lessons

Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (21)Many of my blog posts are about things I’ve discovered about myself or about being, while I’ve traveled. If you’d like to focus on posts that only have self-discovery themes, click the button below.

Read self-discovery posts

  1. Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (22)

    Sharynon July 3, 2022 at 00:07

    Great info. Thanks for the advice. I never travel without travel insurance.


  2. Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (23)

    ANUKRATI DOSIon July 3, 2022 at 07:57

    Experiencing Asthama in a foreign country itself sounds scary. Thank god, your insurance company sorted that out for you. The traveler’s health insurance does make sense.


    • Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (24)

      Heather Markelon July 3, 2022 at 13:18

      Yes I was very lucky!


  3. Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (25)

    Laureenon July 3, 2022 at 09:12

    I get this question a lot from
    People so I will refer them to this when next I do. We luckily have insurance still from Arne’s corporate job. Although the times we have needed doctors we have found in most cases it’s so cheap we pay cash. Of course, luckily, we have never had any
    major issues. So glad you got your Asthsma meds!!


    • Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (26)

      Heather Markelon July 3, 2022 at 13:19

      Good for you! And yes I’m glad too!!


  4. Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (27)

    Sueon July 4, 2022 at 11:47

    This is so important to read & I’m really pleased that your insurer sorted you out so quickly. I always travel with insurance but have a 12-month cover for multiple trips. However, it is not suited to long-term travel & the 70-day max is nowadays what brings me home. I wasn’t aware that there was expat insurance so very good to know!


    • Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (28)

      Heather Markelon July 5, 2022 at 05:21

      Yes the world of insurance can be quite complicated!!! Glad you also have a plan that works for you.


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Full Time Travelers Health Insurance • (2024)


What do full-time travelers do for health insurance? ›

While there are many types of insurance you might buy as a digital nomad or long-term traveler, the most essential is usually travel insurance—specifically a comprehensive “travel health insurance” policy. Some of us may also need global primary health insurance (often called expat health insurance).

How much medical travel insurance is enough? ›

How much travel medical insurance do you need? Squaremouth, a travel insurance comparison site, recommends buying at least $50,000 in emergency medical coverage for international travel. For travelers going on a cruise or to a remote destination, the site recommends at least $100,000 in coverage.

Is 100000 enough for travel insurance? ›

Every plan is different, but the coverage amounts and benefits may vary. Determine how much you really need. For example, SquareMouth recommends international travelers get around $50,000 in Emergency Medical coverage and $100,000 for cruises or travel to remote areas.

Does travelers insurance count as health insurance? ›

Travel insurance isn't the same thing as health insurance.

It doesn't cover preventive, routine or elective medical care.

What is 24 hour full coverage travel insurance? ›

With this type of policy, you'd be covered for any incident occurring while you're traveling on a cruise ship, airplane, or train. 24-hour AD&D coverage simply means that you'd be covered at all times during the duration of your trip, whether you were traveling on a common carrier at the time of any incident or not.

What reasons are not covered by travelers insurance? ›

What Does Travel Insurance NOT cover?
  • Reasonably foreseeable events.
  • Known storms, epidemics, acts of war.
  • Travel restrictions imposed by government authorities.
  • Pre-existing conditions, unless the Premium plan is bought within the window for coverage.
  • Dangerous activities.

Is 250000 enough for medical travel insurance? ›

If you read any of our other articles, you'll remember that we always offer a simple recommendation for Medical Insurance. Overseas travelers should have these minimum levels of protection: Medical Insurance Coverage - $100,000. Medical Evacuation Coverage - $250,000.

Do you really need travel health insurance? ›

Travel health insurance is especially important if you have an existing health condition, are traveling for more than 6 months, or doing adventure activities such as scuba diving or hang gliding. Check if your current health care covers emergencies that happen while traveling.

What is the best medical travel insurance? ›

Summary: Best Travel Insurance Companies
Our expert takeCompanyTop-scoring policy
Great for Medical & EvacuationSeven CornersTrip Protection Choice
Best for BaggageAXA Assistance USAPlatinum
Great for Pre-Existing Medical Condition CoverageGenerali Global AssistancePremium
Best for FamiliesTravelexTravel Select
7 more rows

How much medical insurance do I need for travel to Europe? ›

A comprehensive travel policy with at least $50,000 in medical coverage is recommended when traveling to Europe or any country where you don't have health insurance. Travel medical insurance will cover expenses related to an unexpected injury or illness.

How much does international health insurance cost? ›

How much does international health insurance cost? The annual cost of an international medical insurance plan will range from as low as $500, with limited benefits, to as much as $8,000 for a comprehensive global medical insurance policy, including coverage in the USA. The average cost is $5,500 per year.

What is the maximum coverage for travel insurance? ›

What Is Policy Maximum for Travel Insurance? A policy maximum is the highest amount that the insurance company will pay for eligible expenses. Policy maximums can typically range between $10,000 and $8 million, but will vary from plan to plan.

Does travel insurance cover doctor visits? ›

While traveling abroad, it is common to get a minor illness such as a cold, the flu, a fever, diarrhea, stomach upset, etc. Such illnesses usually require you to visit a doctor's office. All U.S.-based travel medical insurance plans provide coverage for outpatient services such as doctor's office visits.

Will my US health insurance cover me in Europe? ›

U.S. health insurance plans typically do not cover regular and routine medical care required overseas. This means your health insurance won't pay for care if you need to visit a doctor for a prescription medicine, or if you need treatment for a condition that is not considered an emergency.

How many states is Travelers insurance in? ›

Travelers offers coverage in 42 states, including California, Texas, and Florida. Travelers is headquartered in New York and offers auto insurance, home insurance, umbrella insurance, and more policies.

What does Travelers insurance usually cover? ›

Trip interruption insurance reimburses you for unused, nonrefundable costs in the event you must cut the trip short and return home for a covered reason, including a family member's sickness or death, terrorism, inclement weather or a natural disaster, among others.

How do I get paid to travel full-time? ›

How to get paid to travel
  1. Telecommute to your current job. ...
  2. Explore your company's other locations. ...
  3. Teach English or another language. ...
  4. Become a tour guide. ...
  5. Write a research guide. ...
  6. Become a flight attendant. ...
  7. Start a side gig. ...
  8. Find a new remote opportunity.
Mar 10, 2023

Can you be a full-time Traveller? ›

In the past few years, I've met many full-time travelers. There have been people who have saved up enough money to travel for an extended amount of time, those who are retired, those who find odd jobs on the road, those who work while traveling, and more.

Does traveling have health benefits? ›

For both men and women, studies show that taking a vacation every two years compared to every six will lessen the risk of coronary heart disease or heart attacks. Improved mental health: The University of Pittsburgh's Mind-Body Center found vacations increase pleasant emotions while reducing depression.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.