Fuli/Relationships (2024)


    • 1.1 Kion
    • 1.2 Bunga
    • 1.3 Ono
    • 1.4 Beshte
    • 1.5 Makini
    • 1.6 Janja
    • 1.7 Cheezi
    • 1.8 Chungu
    • 1.9 Nne
    • 1.10 Tano
    • 1.11 Kiara
    • 1.12 Mtoto
    • 1.13 Simba
    • 1.14 Nala
    • 1.15 Rafiki
    • 1.16 Timon
    • 1.17 Pumbaa
    • 1.18 Kinyonga
    • 1.19 Thurston
    • 1.20 Kongwe
    • 1.21 Baby Baboon
    • 1.22 Bupu
    • 1.23 Ona
    • 1.24 Kulinda
    • 1.25 Badili
    • 1.26 Zazu
    • 1.27 Mwenzi
    • 1.28 Ajabu
    • 1.29 Vuruga Vuruga
    • 1.30 Big Baboon
    • 1.31 Uroho, Mwevi, and Mwizi
    • 1.32 Muhangus
    • 1.33 Basi
    • 1.34 Hodari
    • 1.35 Dhahabu
    • 1.36 Male Bushbuck
    • 1.37 Kifaru
    • 1.38 Laini
    • 1.39 Male Eland
    • 1.40 Baby Baboon's Mother
    • 1.41 Jasiri
    • 1.42 Madoa
    • 1.43 Ma Tembo
    • 1.44 ​​​​​Muhimu
    • 1.45 Shujaa
    • 1.46 Young Hedgehog
    • 1.47 Mjomba,HayaAndOgopa
    • 1.48 Hadithi
    • 1.49 Female Hare
    • 1.50 StareheandRaha
    • 1.51 Anga
    • 1.52 TiifuAndZuri
    • 1.53 Azaad
    • 1.54 Lumba-Lumba
    • 1.55 Yuki's Troop
    • 1.56 Domog's Pack
    • 1.57 Tupp
    • 1.58 Mzingo
    • 1.59 Mwoga
    • 1.60 Kovu
    • 1.61 Vitani
    • 1.62 Rani
    • 1.63 The Rest of theNight Pride
    • 1.64 Ullu
    • 1.65 Janna
    • 1.66 Shabaha, Imara, Kasi, And Tazama
    • 1.67 Askari
    • 1.68 Binga
    • 1.69 Varya
  • 2 Enemies
    • 2.1 Makucha
    • 2.2 Nuka
    • 2.3 Kenge
    • 2.4 Zira
    • 2.5 Lioness
    • 2.6 Mapigano
    • 2.7 Ushari
    • 2.8 Scar
    • 2.9 Reirei
    • 2.10 Dogo
    • 2.11 Goigoi
    • 2.12 Kiburi
    • 2.13 Tamka
    • 2.14 Mpishi
    • 2.15 Shupavu
    • 2.16 Chuluun
    • 2.17 Ora
    • 2.18 Mama Binturong
    • 2.19 Fahari, and Jiona
    • 2.20 Smun
  • 3 References

Friends, Allies & Acquaintances


I'll be okay. 'Cause I know no matter how bad it gets, you're on my side.

–Kion to Fuli The Accidental Avalanche

Fuli/Relationships (1)

When Kion first invited Fuli to join the Lion Guard, she was less than impressed at the insinuation that lions were the fiercest, doubting him as a leader. After receiving her Mark of the Guard and hearing Kion's Roar of the Elders, Fuli has mostly softened around Kion. She trusts his decisions and supports him when he can't lead the guard because of his scar hurting him.

Fuli continues to aid Kion in defending and protecting the Pride Lands. She often assumes a position of leadership whenever he is absent, as Kion chose her to be his second-in-command.She often turns to Kion for his opinion on a matter and trusts his judgment. Likewise, Kion acknowledges Fuli's strengths and praises her accordingly.

In the third season of the series,Kion trusts Fuli enough to let her lead the Lion Guard, thus making her the second-in-command.The whereabouts about her family and whether she was an orphan or if she got abandoned are not known.According to Ford Riley, the director of The Lion Guard, Fuli sees Kion as a brother.


Hey, Timon was right. You really are soft.

–Bunga about Fuli Fuli's New Family

Despite Fuli’s tendency to become annoyed by Bunga’s antics, they have a close relationship, as seen when Fuli saves Bunga from the hyenas and when he helps save

Fuli/Relationships (2)

her from the vultures in Baboons.Fuli does show that she cares for Bunga as a friend as seen in Fuli's New Familywhen he is bitten by Ushari. Another example is when she thought he was going to plummet to his doom in Cave of Secrets. In Friends to the End Fuli becomes annoyed with Bunga after he argues Kion is turning evil, and reminds him to have faith in Kion.


Of course we're still going Ono, as soon as Kion comes back.

–Fuli to Ono Friends to the End

Fuli and Ono are shown to have a close relationship, although he seems to be quite intimidated by her at times, especially when she's angry. She will often comfort him

Fuli/Relationships (3)
when Ono is panicked or upset and even defends himwhen he gets called names in Never Roar Again.


It's okay, Beshte. I know you were trying to do the right thing.

–Fuli to Beshte Friends to the End

Beshte and Fuliare shown to have a close friendship. She needed a little help after she fell into the water of Big Springs. In Battle for the Pride

Fuli/Relationships (4)

Lands,Beshte helps Fuli go into his pool when Pride Rock was on fire. He even helped her in Dragon Island.


It is! But I have to say, I really admire you the most, Fuli. Rafiki says you're the only girl to ever be on the Lion Guard! As in, ever!Makini to Fuli The Lion Guard: The Rise of Scar

Fuli/Relationships (5)

Makini and Fuli are shown to have a good relationship and itwas Makini that informed Fuli of her status as the first female member of the Lion Guard. However, Fuli sometimes finds the young mandrill annoying, as seen during their trip to find Kongwe and return home since she often stops and observes things with the tortoise, much to the dismay of Fuli.

That does not stop her from protecting her from enemies like Makuchahowever,meaning that she does care for Makini, despite being annoyed by her at times.


What are they up to?

–Fuli about Janja and her clan. Battle for the Pride Lands

Fuli/Relationships (6)

As with the rest of the Guard, Fuli hada deep hatred for Janja and all of the hyenas in his clan. The only time they appeared not to be hostile toward each other was in Janja's New Crew. They hadbeen enemies ever since Janja and his clan attacked a herd of gazelles in The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar. However, now that Janja has reformed, they are friends.


Fuli/Relationships (7)

She dislikedCheezi almost as much as she dislikedJanjabecause he does whatever he tells him to do. However, she is aware that the hyena is not very smart. In The Zebra Mastermind, when Cheezi attempts to attack her with a flower, she appears to be annoyed by his antics. She was even angrier with him when she learned that his clan was working for Scar. But now that Cheezi has changed sides, she likes him better.


Give back that melon, Chungu!

–Fuli to Chungu The Bite of Kenge

Fuli/Relationships (8)

She dislikes Cheezi almost as much as she dislikes Janja because he does whatever he tells him to do. However, she is aware that the hyena is not very smart. She confronted Chungu when he tried to steal the melons. She was even angrier with him when she learned that his clan was working for Scar. She also appears to be annoyed by his antics as seen in The Zebra Mastermind when he tries to attack Kion with a flower.


They still haven't!

–Fuli to Nne Janja's Clan

Fuli/Relationships (9)

Fuli hates Nne just as much as she hates Janja. However as revealed in Janja's New Crew, she is quite aware that Nne is quite intelligent for his species when Janja told her that he and Tano chased the oryxes while she and the rest of the Guard were calming antelopes down.


Fuli hates Tano just as much as she hates Janja. However as revealed in Janja's New Crew, she is quite aware that Tano is quite intelligent for his species when Janja told her that he and Nne chased the oryxes while she and the rest of the Guard were calming antelopes down.


Happy to do it.

–Fuli to Kiara Bunga and the King]

Fuli/Relationships (10)

Fuli is shown to have a good relationship with Kion’s older sister, Kiara. She even saved the princess in Bunga and the King.When she hunted together with her in Fuli's New Family she respected Kiara being in charge of the hunt, although she was kind of upset that she didn't get a chance to eat something after the hunt.


Don't blast the bees. Blast the paint. That's what they're after. Trust me.

–Fuli to Mtoto The Ukumbusho Tradition

Fuli and Mtoto are shown to have a close relationship. The two of them play Baobab Ball in "The Savannah Summit". In "The Ukumbusho Tradition" Fuli tells Mtoto to spray the paint off his head instead of the Bees. He still thanks Beshte for saving him even though Fuli was the one who told him.


Of course you're majesty.

–Fuli to Simba Battle for the Pride Lands

Fuli/Relationships (11)

Fuli is shown to have a good relationship with Kion’s father, Simba. He even trusts her enough to personally address her in Battle for the Pride Lands to make the pledge to escort Kion home safely.


Fuli is shown to have a good relationship with Kion's mother, Nala.


Thank you, Lion Guard. It has been a long time since I embraced my inner warrior.

–Rafiki to Fuli Divide and Conquer

Fuli/Relationships (12)

Fuli and Rafiki are shown to have a close friendship. She even teams up with him, the rest of the Lion Guard, and Tamaa against the hyenas and the jackals. Fuli believed afterward that it was fun watching Rafiki doing his inner warrior training. They frequently hang out together throughout the show.


Sorry. Even as a lion, your fur is still so soft...

–Timon to Fuli The Ukumbusho Tradition

Fuli/Relationships (13)

Fuli did not use to like Timon, because he frequently touches her fur and because he did not listen to herwhen she said that she likes to hunt alone. However, she eventually warms up to the meerkat in Timon and Pumbaa's Christmas, even to the point where they consider one another actual friends now.


They're for, uh, a performance. Kinda silly, but it's for a friend.

–Fuli Christmas in the Pride Lands

Fuli/Relationships (14)

Fuli did not like Pumbaa at first because she thought he was stupid to believe Bunga was Bunga the Wise in Bunga the Wise and because he did not listen to her when she said that she likes to hunt alone. However, she eventually warms up to the warthog in Timon and Pumbaa's Christmas, even to the point where they actually consider one another friends now.


I can't see you, but maybe I can smell you.

–Fuli to Kinyonga Undercover Kinyonga

Fuli/Relationships (15)

Kinyonga and Fuli are shown to be friends. Despite evading her during a chase, Kinyonga has earned Fuli's respect for her camouflage techniques. Fuli also shows concern for Kinyonga when she volunteers to enter the Outlands and spy on their behalf. She praises Fuli and the Lion Guard for learning the art of camouflage.


That's not exactly what I said.

–Fuli to Thurston Rescue in the Outlands

Fuli/Relationships (16)

Fuli is sometimes annoyed by his stupidity as shown when he kept going the wrong way in the Outlands, when he got scared of Madoa when she showed up in the Pride Lands for help, and when he believed he was part of the Lion Guard. Though she did say his herd's catchphrase (Panic and Run) was better than Dhahabu's Herd's catchphrase (Frolic and Romp).


The cheetah listened to the tortoise. Perhaps now, I've truly seen everything.

–Kongwe about Fuli The Wisdom of Kongwe

Fuli/Relationships (17)

Fuli was at first bothered and a little annoyed by Kongwe. But, Kongwe tells her that, in order to defeat Makucha, she has to observe him closely. Luckily for the tortoise, her wise words are what makes her able to defeat Makucha, and once she does, he claims to have lost his taste for the tortoise.

Baby Baboon

I might admit You're kinda cute.

–Fuli to Baby Baboon Baboons!

Fuli/Relationships (18)

At first, Fuli wasn't happy with her job of returning the baby baboon home. AfterMzingo's Parliament's attacks his family Fuli comes to the rescue and becomes close friends with him. At first, she is annoyed with the baboons touching her fur before she leaves, but she shares a genuine smile and grows a strong bond of affection with the young baboonwhen taking care of him in Baboons.


It never hurts to be polite

–Bupu to Fuli Beshte and the Hippo Lanes

Fuli/Relationships (19)

Bupu and Fuli got off to a rocky start, with the sable antelope's belief that Fuli was far too aggressive and rude to both himself and his herd. Bupu eventually refused to go any farther, prompting an apology from the cheetah. Much to her surprise, this was all Bupu had wanted, and he followed through with her request.

The two have since been friends, with Fuli remembering to be polite when asking Bupu to do something, and Bupu giving in due to her politeness.


Fuli and Ona are allies as they rescue her and working together.


Fuli appears to be on good terms with Kulinda.


Yeah! I can help you learn to be fast on your feet.

–Fuli to Badili The Trouble With Galagos

Fuli/Relationships (20)

Fuli was the one who helped Badili learn to be fast and even defended him from Mapigano when he couldn’t.

Once he completes his training, Badili is able to defeat his bully and Fuli is quite happy when he does. The two remain on good terms as of now.


Yeah. You took out two hyenas to save me. Not everyone can be that brave. I owe you one.

–Fuli to Zazu The Morning Report

When she was an infant Zazu kept telling her to slow down, but she would not listen and k

Fuli/Relationships (21)

eep on going fast. After he was taken by the hyenas the guard comes to rescue him. When he sees Fuli being attacked by two hyenas he rolled down to save her. He almost falls in the fire, until Kion uses his roar. Fuli says that she owes him one for saving her.


But, uh, that doesn't mean it's what you should do.

–Fuli to Mwenzi Ono the Tickbird

Fuli/Relationships (22)

Mwenzi and Fuli are allies. Fuli along with the rest of the Guard try to get Mwenzi to get back with Kifaru and eventually succeed after Kifaru saves his life from Makuu's Float despite his poor eyesight. Fuli also agreed with him when he said he had a reason for leaving Kifaru in the first place. Fuli and Mwenzi have been on good terms as far as known.


Hang on. We've been chasing your imaginary friend?

–Fuli to Beshte about Ajabu The Imaginary Okapi

At first, Fuli was skeptical about Ajabu's existence, believing him in the beginning only to be Beshte's imaginary friend, until being assured that he is real after all, by seeing him get chased by Makucha. She worked with the rest of the guard to save him from the leopard and afterward she was officially introduced to him.

Vuruga Vuruga

Because I am something you've never seen before. I only come out on the full moon to eat buffalo!

–Fuli to Vuruga Vuruga The Ukumbusho Tradition

Not much is known between the two since they only interacted once. In The

Fuli/Relationships (23)

Ukumbusho TraditionVuruga Vuruga and her herd were grazing in one of the few grazing grounds left, when Fuli, dressed up as a lion, approaches them and warns them to leave immediatelybecause Ma Tembo and the elephants were rampaging their way. However, not recognizing the fastest member of the Lion Guard, she refuses, angered by her intrusion. Even though Fuli tries to confirm that it's actually her and no monster, she still refuses, even after being warned of an incoming elephant herd. Left with no other choice, Fuli goes along with the belief that she is a strange creature, who comes out only during a full moon to eat buffalo, threatening to eat the herd. After snarling and confronting them, Vuruga Vuruga and her herd finally move.

Big Baboon

That's nice of you. Just one little problem. That's not our baby. (Hoots) He belongs to our, uh, neighbors.

–Big Baboon to Fuli Baboons!

Fuli/Relationships (24)

Fuli and Big Baboon used to hate each other. In the Return of the RoarBig Baboon's troop chased her after she made fun of them. In Baboons!, Fuli attempts to return Baby Baboon to them. Turns out that the baby baboon lives in Mapango Cliffs. Big Baboon seems to be grateful for the rescue of Baby Baboon and gets along with her better after that moment.

Uroho, Mwevi, and Mwizi

I never thought I'd say this, but thank you, baboons.

–Fuli to Uroho Timon and Pumbaa's Christmas

Fuli/Relationships (25)

At first, Fuli wasn't impressed with their performances, because they were baboons and also stealing, what isn't right to do. After saving them from Janja's clan Fuli starts likes them. The baboons even help Fuli get the berries for the Christmas celebration.


Muhangus trusts Fuli, and the pair is on good terms.


Basi and Fuli are shown to have a good relationship as he is on friendly terms and respects the young cheetah.


Hodari and Fuli have a good relationship, as she believes in Hodari's dream to become a part of a crocodile float and supports him doing this.


Oh that's exactly what I need! A guard! A Queen's guard! Fuli I've never seen anyone move so quickly. With you by my side I would always feel safe. I would you to be my personal guard for the remainder of my visit.

–Dhahabu to Fuli The Queen's Visit

Fuli/Relationships (26)

Fuli and Dhahabu are in a good relationship, as seen in The Queen's Visit when she needed to ask her to share her watering hole and helped her fix the problem when it later dried up and even defended herwhen she fought against Makucha and the other leopards to get her water back.

Male Bushbuck

Fuli/Relationships (27)

Male Bushbuck was mildly annoyed at Fuli and the Lion Guard for interrupting his feast. He showed distrust towards all but Bunga.


Kifaru and Fuli are allies, Fuli helped Kifaru get to Tamasha.


It's what we do.

–Fuli to Laini The Little Guy

Fuli/Relationships (28)

Laini and Fuli are good friends. After saving the galagos a bunch of times, she rescues them since they fall off the tree she trying to get off her fur.

Male Eland

Fuli and Male Eland have a good relationship, as seen in Can't Wait to be Queensince they tried to stop the elands before the bees get stung they got crashed and create into chaos.

Baby Baboon's Mother

Thank you for saving my baby.

–Baby Baboon's Mother to Fuli Baboons!

Fuli and Baby Baboon's Mother have a good relationship since she returned her baby homewhen Mzingo and the Vultures began to attack them. In the end, after Fuli saved her child she thanks her for bringing him home safely.


Back at ya Jasiri.

–Fuli to Jasiri Lions of the Outlands

Fuli/Relationships (29)

When Fuli first met Jasiri, she confronted her in a hostile way, because she thought that Jasiri was badsince she is a hyena. Fuli's mind changed after Kion explained that some hyenas can be good, as she saved him from Janja's clan. Kion said that Jasiri wasfierce while fightingCheeziandChungu. Fuli said that she was starting to like Jasiri. Fuli and the rest of the guardhave always come to save Jasiri's clan. However, in Lions of the Outlands,Fuli thought it was strange that Jasiri took Kion into the Outlands to talk to bad lions. The two grow on each other and become friends and Jasiri is glad to have her as a friend.


Madoa and Fuli have a good relationship. In Rescue in the Outlands, Madoa comes to the

Fuli/Relationships (30)

Lion Guard for help when Janja pushed Jasiri,Wema, andTunuinto a steam vent.

Ma Tembo

Fuli and Ma Tembo are on good terms. She worked together with the elephants during theUkumbushocelebration. She also tried to find Ma Tembo's herd a new home whenKilio Valleygot burned down.


Fuli and Muhimu are on good terms since she helped find Muhimu's herd a new home.


That is pretty impressive.

–Fuli to Shujaa Beshte and the Beast

Fuli thinks Shujaa's great strength makes him too dangerous.

Young Hedgehog

Fuli/Relationships (31)

Fuli and young Hedgehog are allies since she carried him in Bunga the Wise.


Aardwolves! Follow me!

–Fuli to Mjomba's Pack Too Many Termites

At first, the aardwolves were scared of Fuli, because at first, she thought they were hyenas.The guard goes to look forthem in the Outlands andthey talk to

Fuli/Relationships (32)

Mjomba about going home again to eattermites in the Pride Lands.


Shouldn't we be doing more important things than fetching leaves from the tallest tree? For some eagle we've never heard of?

–Fuli about Hadithi Ono's Idol

Fuli and Hadithi are on good terms. Fuli was worried when Hadithi was running late for hisRoyal Mud Print Ceremony. When Ono was in trouble he told the guard to follow him.

Female Hare

Fuli and the Female Hare are on good terms. In Fuli's New Family,Fuli runs fast past the hare. In The Call of the Drongo,Fuli helps the Female Hare try to find Goigoi.


Fuliand the zebras are on good terms. At first, when she met them she thought they were gonna "panic and run", but instead of doing so they "frolic and romp". She says that she likes it better when zebras "panic and run." They aren't scared of herwhen they wanted to share their watering hole. Fuli even helped find aTamboa Plantfor them. In The Queen's Visit,The zebras helped the Lion Guard save Dhahabu.


No. I'll go. I'm the fastest. You're the keenest of sight. I need you to stay here and watch for danger.

–Fuli to Anga The Race to Tuliza

Fuliand Anga are on good terms. Anga helps the Guard fight the vultures. Like the

Fuli/Relationships (33)

others, she welcomes Anga's help and the newest member of the Guard.


Why are you two so upset? I thought you loved hanging out with royalty. And Dhahabu's a Queen!

–Fuli to Tiifu and Zuri The Queen's Visit

Fuli, Tiifu, and Zuri are all on good terms. At first, Fuli was annoyed atthem. In

Fuli/Relationships (34)

the episode Fuli's New FamilyFuli didn't wanna hunt with the girls and went beside Kiara to show them how it's done. In The Underground Adventure,Fuli was annoyed at their false alarm. In The Queen's Visit,the girls worked together with Fuli to protect Queen Dhahahbu, however, Tiifu and Zuri didn't want to be Dhahahbu's guards forever. They explained to Fuli that they couldn't leave Kiara since she's their best friend and Kiara would need their advicewhen becoming Queen in thefuture. When the jackals came to eat Dhahahbu Tiifu and Zuri asked Fuli what to do to help. Fuli told them to stay by the queen. They all become good friends after that.


I do prefer my adventures to be less soggy, but I am pleased to having this adventure with you.

–Azaad to Fuli Journey to the Pride Lands

When she first met Azaad, Fuli didn't really care for him. Fuli needed the tuliza Azaad had in his territory to help Kion's scar's pain so Azaad challenges Fuli to a race in order to

Fuli/Relationships (35)

obtain it.After losing the first race, Fuli challenges Azaad to a rematch which he accepts. During the second race, Fuli saves Azaad after he nearly fell off a ledge instead of choosing to win the race. Azaad was moved by Fuli's act of selflessness and decides to give Fuli the tuliza and says they're friends.

When they were about to say goodbye, Fuli sighs happily, looks kind of dreamy and hopes she sees him again.

Later in Journey to the Pride Lands, Fuli sees Azaad again coming to the Tree, when they begin their journey back to the Pride Lands. Along the way they look at each other like there’s a romance blossoming between them like with Kion and Rani and Bunga and Binga. By the journey's end, it appears obvious they have developed feelings.


Now. How are we going to get Lumba-Lumba back to the water?

–Fuli about Lumba-Lumba Dragon Island

Fuli/Relationships (36)

Fuli and Lumba-Lumba are good friends. Fuli helped her get back into the ocean and saved her fromOra's dragons.

Yuki's Troop

Yuki's Troop and Fuli are good friends. She helps theSnow Monkeysfind a new home.

Domog's Pack

Fuli and Domog's Pack are good friends. She helps theRed Pandasfight the Ghost of the Mountain. Even thought she never believed in ghosts.


Of course! They always lead there. Across the desert to the tall cliffs.

–Tupp to Fuli Journey of Memories

Fuli/Relationships (37)

Fuli and Tupp are on good terms. He helps them find water and the next moja kwa moja stone.


Mzingo. Tell your parliament to back off!

–Fuli to Mzingo Baboons!

Fuli/Relationships (38)

Fuli and Mzingo have been enemies ever since she learned that he was working for Janja. Mzingo has attempted to attack her at least three times. The first was in The Search for Utamu, when the vultures attempted to kill her only to be stopped by the Lion Guard, the second was in Baboons!when he tried to make her fall down Mapango Cliffs, and the third was in The Scorpion's Sting, when he and the rest of the Army of Scar trap her, the rest of the Lion Guard, and Makini, but has been defeated on all three occasions much to his dismay, who looks like he will keep trying to get revenge on her.


Fuli and Mwoga are shown to be enemies. In The Search for Utamu, when Fuli was down and powerlessafter she runs out of breath. The vultures decide to attack her, but Kion uses his roar to blow them away. In Baboons! Fuli stops the vultures from attacking the Baby Baboon.


When Fuli, Jasiri and the guard come to Kion's rescue, they quickly engaged in battle with the Outsiders attacking and hurting Kovu's pride.

The cub seems to also fear her and the others.


Fuli/Relationships (39)

After coming to the aid of Kion, the first lioness Fuli attacks is Vitani, by pinning her down and despises her for being loyal to Scar and for being an Outsider. But after Vitani grew up became the new leader of the Lion Guard, they seem to have a good relationship.


Fuli, you should know. I'm worried about Kion's healing, too.

–Rani to Fuli about Kion The Lake of Reflection

At first, Rani thought that Fuli was a threat due to the rock slide that Bunga caused. However, as her grandmother's request, she welcomes her and the Lion Guard to the Tree of Life

Fuli/Relationships (40)

. After working together fighting Makucha's Army Rani starts to become good friends with Fuli. In The Lake of Reflection Fuli tells Rani that Kion is a great leader without the Roar. Fuli becomes part of the Night Pride when Kion asks her to join the Night Pride with him, and she accepts.

The Rest of theNight Pride

Fuli/Relationships (41)

Fuli becomes good friends with all of the members of the Night Pride. Fuli joins the Night Pride when Kion becomes the king of the Tree of Life.


Fuli and Ullu are on good terms. Ullu warns her of trouble around the Tree of Life.


She was a great leader.

–Fuli about Janna Long Live the Queen

Fuli and Janna are on good terms. Janna welcomed her and the Lion Guard to the Tree of Life. Fuli attended her funeral when she passed away.

Shabaha, Imara, Kasi, And Tazama

You had your chance. Now, I've got you. Huwezi!

–Fuli to Kasi Return to the Pride Lands

At first Fuli dislike the lions since they were part of Zira's Pride.

Fuli/Relationships (42)

When Zira completed her journey through the Circle of Life, they joined Simba's Pride. Fuli didn't like how they were trying to be the Lion Guard. However Kion decided to give Vitani the Roar and join the Night Pride.


Fuli and Askari are on good terms. Fuli was shocked to see Askari.


So, you're the honey badger that's better than Bunga at everything.

–Fuli to Binga Little Old Ginterbong

Fuli and Binga are on good terms. Fuli was impressed that Binga can do everything better then Bunga.


Fuli and Varya are on good terms she helps save her from Makucha's Army.



I'll always catch you, so back off. Or next time, I'll do more than tackle you.

–Fuli to Makucha The Wisdom of Kongwe

Fuli/Relationships (43)

Makucha and Fuli are both enemies and hate each other a lot. Unlike Kion, Fuli doesn't try to reason with the Leopard. This can be mostly seen in The Wisdom of Kongwe when he keeps trying to eat Kongwe and Fuli tries to stop him. He also likes to mock the cheetah when she can’t defeat him but luckily for Fuli, she always manages to stop the leopard and send him leaping home. She also once threatened to eat him in the same episode.

He also always mentions her name first when confronting the guard.


As a member of Kion's Lion Guard, Nuka is shown to be frightened of Fuli.


Fuli/Relationships (44)

Despite being the fastest member of the Lion Guard, she was the first one to be bitten by him but later recovers from Kenge's venomous bite and after watches him get blasted back home.

Kenge later assists the rest of the Army of Scar to trap her and the rest of the Lion Guard along with Makini but failed to harm Fuli this time after he was blasted by Kion’s roar again.


And Kion wouldn't want to be any part of her family.

–Fuli about Zira Lions of the Outlands

After attacking her pride and coming to the aid of Kion, Zira hates Fuli and thinks that sheand the rest of the guard (excluding Kion) are pathetic since the only lion on their team is him.


Fuli hates Lioness for nearly killing Kion, for being an Outsider, and for being loyal to Scar. However, the two are now on good terms, since Lioness and the other outsiders rejoined Simba's Pride.


And believe me, you don't wanna mess with us.

–Fuli to Mapigano The Trouble With Galagos

Mapigano feigns friendliness when Fuli appears, not wishing to engage in a fight with a group he knows he'll lose against.


Although they have had the least amount of interaction, Ushari still hates Fuli, since she is also guilty of nearly trampling him while he tries to sleep in "The Rise of Scar", without an apology for disturbing him. Ushari eventually revealed himself to the Lion Guard as a member of Scar's army in "The Scorpion's Sting".


So the crocodile, jackal, and hyena attacks were planned.

–Fuli The Scorpion's Sting

As a member of the Lion Guard, Fuli views Scar asan enemy. As of The Scorpion's Sting, Fuli has become fully aware of Scar's return, immediately knowing who he was at first sight. She had previously learned in Lions of the Outlands she reminds Bunga in The Scorpion's Sting that Simba was the one that actually defeated Scar and not Timon or Pumbaa.


You might be fast but you can't be everywhere!

–Reirei to Fuli The Queen's Visit

Fuli/Relationships (45)

Fuli never trusted Reirei or her jackal family from the start. Fuli thought that they wanted to eat the Pridelanders in the first place. At theKupatana ceremony,Fuli helps theGuard fight the jackals and she's hated Reirei ever since.


Fuli/Relationships (46)

Fuli never trusted Dogo from the start. Ever since they saved him from Janja and his hyenas she's been worried that Dogo was trouble. When Beshte and Bunga invited Dogo to the ceremony Fuli gets annoyed because no Jackals have ever been invited before. She suspects that Janja couldn't wait to get rid of the Jackal Pup.Fuli and Dogo will always be enemies.


"Huwezi!" Nowhere to run, Goigoi!

–Fuli to Goigoi The Kupatana Celebration

Fuli never trusted Goigoi from the moment she first met him. Later that evening, Goig

Fuli/Relationships (47)

oi and the rest of his pack attempt to eat animals at the Kupatana event, but she prevents him from doing so. Since then, she appears to have a rivalry with the jackal. It made her even angrier at him when she found out that his pack was working for Scar. She also appears to be annoyed by his antics as seen in The Zebra Mastermind.


You're not going anywhere, Kiburi. Except back to the Outlands!

–Fuli to Kiburi The Hyena Resistance

Fuli/Relationships (48)

Kiburi hates Fuli because she is a member of the Lion Guard. He later hates her, even more, when he learns that she along with the rest of the Guard mess up his scheme to kill the King. They have been enemies ever since he was exiled from the Pride Lands. Fuli never liked, nor trusted Kiburi from the start as shown when he showed hostility toward her friends, Kion and Ono when he was woken up from hibernation.


Tamka dislikes Fuli and the rest of the Guard just as much as Kiburi does as revealed when they were woken up from hibernation by them. Later that day, he, Nduli, and another crocodile later try to kill King Simba but were outsmarted by them. They along with Kiburi are later exiled from the Pride Lands as punishment for their crime. They have been enemies ever since.


Fuli/Relationships (49)

Fuli and Mpishi are enemeis since she tried to eat some hyraxes. She even tried to eatKulinda's baby Ona.


Shupavu and Fuli are enemies since Fuli is a member of the Lion Guard. She's also scared to fight Fuli without the rest of Scar's army.


It's not a ghost.

–Fuli about Chuluun Ghost of the Mountain

Fuli/Relationships (50)
Fuli/Relationships (51)

Fuli and Chuluun are enemies. Fuli helps Bunga "The Chosen One" fight the ghost.


Fuli and Ora are enemies. Fuli fights Ora's dragons when they tried to eat her and the rest of the Guard.

Mama Binturong

Fuli hates Mama Binturong since she helped Makucha's Army attack the Tree of Life.

Fahari, and Jiona

Fuli hates these leopards because in "The Harmattan" they tried to ditch her and the rest of the Lion Guard.

Fuli/Relationships (52)


Fuli hates Smun since he worked for Mama Binturong.


Fuli/Relationships (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.