Frugal vs. Cheap – What's the Difference? | White Coat Investor (2024)

By Dr. Jim Dahle, WCI Founder

Many people attempt to be frugal, but in reality, they simply become cheap. In this post, you'll learn the difference between the two and how to avoid this common mistake.

What Is Frugal?

“Frugal” is a compliment. Frugality is a virtue. Thrifty is generally considered to be a synonym. Benjamin Franklin said:

“Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; that is, waste nothing.”


“Be industrious and frugal, and you will be rich.”

Frugality is a good thing. It will help you to be financially secure, purchase your dream life, and be ridiculously charitable.

What Is Cheap?

Cheap is an insult. It means stingy. Cheapness is a vice, and it often comes from avarice or greed. Look at the ways the word gets used.

“Talk is cheap.”

“The cheap seats.”

“A cheapshot.”

You probably describe someone as cheap when you think they're ridiculous, and you refer to them as frugal when you admire them. The opposite of a cheapskate is a spendthrift, but neither is a compliment.

Frugal or Cheap? The Eye of the Beholder

Everyone has their own views on what is a reasonable expenditure. It's a continuum, and if someone doesn't think exactly like you on the subject, you may view them as either a spendthrift or a cheapskate. That would be a mistake, though. No good comes out of judging others. Personal finance is a single-player game anyway; it's just you against your goals. You don't have to out-earn, out-save, or out-invest anyone else to win and to be happy.

But you do need a few good relationships to be happy, and that's where your “extreme frugality” (aka cheapness) can become a problem.

More information here:

Relative Frugality

When Is It Time to Stop Being Cheap?

Tips to Avoid and Overcome Being Cheap

There is plenty of gray area on the cheapness/spendthrift continuum. But if you're at the extreme ends on that continuum, the vast majority of people would agree that you're being cheap or wasting money. There are plenty of posts on this blog to help you with the wasting money part. Here are some tips to help you avoid being cheap.

#1 Spend Intentionally

Here's the first tip. Spend intentionally. Spend your money on what you value most. Maybe you're into really nice shoes or nice vacations or nice handbags or nice cars or whatever. Great. Spend your money there. Save on everything else. Be generally frugal and selectively extravagant.

In my case, it's outdoor equipment. When I'm going on a fun adventure, I'll spare no expense at REI or some specialty rafting or climbing shop. Yet there's a 2005 Toyota in my driveway, and my favorite outfit is a Carhartt hoodie and some comfy climbing pants.

Others might still think you're cheap, but at least you'll be true to your own self and your values. This is the whole point of frugality anyway—to be able to afford what you really want.

#2 Don't Be Penny Wise and Pound Foolish

Buy nice or buy twice applies to many things in life. Not that buying twice is always the wrong answer. If you're a golfer who shoots in the 100ish range, you're probably better off with a dozen $1 golf balls than one that costs $12.

Canyoneering is a sport where every single piece of gear is disposable. You can wear out an aluminum carabiner descending a single canyon on a sandy rope. You might only get two seasons out of a backpack or a pair of boots. Sometimes you wear cheap, protective clothing (shirt, shorts, knee pads) to avoid wearing out more expensive gear (harnesses, wetsuits). We smear roofing sealant onto some of our gear to make it last even longer. If you can buy a rope that lasts 50% longer but costs twice as much, that's not necessarily worth it.

But most things in life aren't like canyoneering. It's often a big mistake to buy something inexpensive trying to save money only to turn around and have to buy the nice piece of equipment, furniture, clothing, or appliances later anyway.

It can be the same problem with preventive healthcare and fitness expenses. Sure, you'll save $10 a month not having that gym membership. But is it worth the deconditioning and heart disease? Probably not.

#3 Don't Do Illegal or Unethical Things

There are lots of ways to save money that are unethical or flat-out illegal.

  • Cheating on your taxes
  • Stiffing someone to whom you owe money
  • Jumping the turnstile on the subway
  • “Sharing” a Netflix or HBO account
  • Hacking your neighbor's WiFi
  • Sneaking food into an establishment with a posted “no outside food” policy
  • Stealing
  • Shoplifting
  • Theft of services
  • Sneaking into events
  • Wearing an expensive new dress to a special occasion and then returning it
  • Regifting

I'm sure you can add a dozen more to the list. Doing them is even worse than being cheap. Don't want to pay $10 for drinks? Have a couple before you go (and make sure someone else is driving). Don't sneak in your flask.

#4 Tip Appropriately

If you can't afford the tip, you can't afford to eat out. It's part of the price of the activity. I wish everyone could have a job where they work for tips for a while. You'd learn an awful lot about people, customer service, and cheapness.

#5 Know What Other People You Care About Care About

Frugal vs. Cheap – What's the Difference? | White Coat Investor (4)

When spending as a couple or as a family, you need to keep in mind how others feel about spending. Perhaps you're willing to stay in a one-star dive motel where half the rooms rent by the hour and where three people were murdered last year, but your spouse isn't. Their minimum is three stars. If you choose a hotel with less than three stars, they'll see you as being cheap. You might not need new clothes every year, but your 15-year-old kid might have a slightly higher standard. When planning a wedding, you need to consider the means and desires of multiple parties on both sides. While that should not necessarily push you into an expense you consider ridiculous or that will impoverish you, saving a few hundred or a thousand dollars over something today may cost you tens of thousands later (or relationships that cannot be fixed even by spending tens of thousands later.) You need to have the emotional intelligence to at least consider how others feel about your spending choices that affect them too.

#6 Know the Value of Your Time

I fall back on my native cheapness all the time. Heck, I've been known to skip a meal to save $20. Probably $5. You know what helps me? Knowing what my time is worth. You can actually calculate it. Your Money or Your Life has some really nice chapters about this. What can you earn after tax, and what is the cost of earning it? Maybe it's $100 an hour. Maybe more. Let's say your figure is $200 an hour. When you try to save $50 by doing something that costs you 30 minutes of your time, you're not coming out ahead. Spend the money to save the time and aggravation.

I recently spent an hour at a rental car counter. I vowed I would never do that again. Near the end of the hour, I was Googling “How do rich people rent cars?” and Katie was signing us up for Hertz Gold. As I signed out the car, the attendant told me it would cost us $30 extra for me to drive (since the reservation was accidentally put in Katie's name) and that the insurance (we were overseas) was going to be a couple hundred bucks. By that point, I had “spent” far more than that standing in the line, and I knew it. I just said, “OK, thank you very much,” took the keys, and drove away. Fighting over that $30 would have been cheap, not frugal.

#7 Remember the Big Rocks

Here's another example from a vacation. We had made plans to go to Versailles and bicycle through the gardens. Katie loves doing stuff like this (and later said it was her favorite part of the trip.) But we went to the wrong gate, and due to a special event, I was faced with the choice of either paying €68 in entry fees or walking an extra two miles to get to where we could rent the bicycles. This was an experience for which we had purchased six transatlantic flights, multiple metro and train tickets, and an Airbnb to have. It was a no-brainer, and it was €68 well spent. If I had wanted to save money, the way to do it would have been to skip the vacation altogether and not have the family spend an extra hour walking and cut into our cycling time to save €68. Not paying the entry fee would have been cheap, not frugal.

#8 Have a Financial Plan (Know Where You Stand)

There is a time in life for thrift and frugality. A lot of people don't recognize that time, and they don't recognize when it has passed. When I was in college, I donated plasma for grocery money, I bicycled everywhere, and I dined out (carefully) only on a date. But I was also broke. Now, I am financially independent. Things that made sense then no longer do now. I know where I stand. Why? Because I have a financial plan. You should get one, too. Financial plans have specific goals, and financial planners (whether DIYers or those using pros) track where they are en route toward those goals. There comes a time in the lives of most WCIers to loosen the purse strings. Recognize it when it comes along.

#9 Don't Nag Others to Pay You Back

I go on a lot of trips that I organize. Generally, the way these are done is that all of the group expenses get pooled together, thrown into the pot, and divided up evenly. Those who paid more than their share get a Venmo from me, and everybody else gets a “bill”—perhaps for a couple of hundred dollars at most. A week or so after the trip, we all settle up on the costs. Most people going on these trips are doing just fine financially, and they can certainly afford the cost of them.

I once took a younger, less well-to-do person on a trip, and when I sent out the bill, he sent me half the money (explaining it was everything in his checking account) and promised the rest with his next paycheck. I was surprised that someone who was flat broke would go on the trip at all (but to be fair, it was a really cool trip!). Did I say anything? No way. And in another month, I probably would have forgotten about it altogether (he did send me the rest a couple of weeks later). I didn't need that money, and it would have been “cheap” to try to get it or to give him a hard time about it. Don't loan more money to people than you can afford to give them. Better yet, just give it.

#10 The Wealthiest Needs to Be the Most Emotionally Intelligent

I can't take credit for this one. I learned it from someone else, and I am still figuring out the best ways to apply it in my life. When doing fun things with less well-to-do friends or family, you need to have the most emotional intelligence. Nobody wants a handout, but they can't afford to do what you want to do in the style in which you want to do it with them. You can afford to cover their share, but you need it not to look like a handout. Here are some examples of what you could say.

  • “No worries, this is free to me because I'm using miles, not real money.”
  • “I'll get dinner tonight, and you can cover breakfast tomorrow” (knowing breakfast will be 20% of what you spent on dinner).
  • “I'll get the bill; you get the tip.”
  • “I'll get the rental; you get the gas.”
  • “We'll buy tonight, you'll have us over later for your famous lasagna, and we'll call it even.”
  • “I'll pay for the drinks, and you arrange and pay for the Uber home.”
  • “Want to join us at our timeshare (or houseboat rental)? We'll just split the maintenance cost (or gas) for the week.”

There are a million variations. They know and you know that you have more money than they do. Nobody needs or wants to point it out, but everyone wants to enjoy each other's company. So, let's play a little game that allows for that.

#11 Remember What You Are Trying to Teach Children

Money behavior is both modeled and taught explicitly to your children. Keep in mind what you are trying to teach as you go. Teach your kids to turn off lights and not to waste water to save the planet and to learn general frugality, not because it will actually make a difference in your monthly budget. They'll eventually see through that. If people wear a sweatshirt in the house in the winter, that's probably fine. You're just being frugal. If they're wearing coats, you're being cheap.

More information here:

Miserly Versus Thrifty – From a Resident Perspective

Will More Money Make Me Happier?

I Match Your Home Haircuts, and I Raise You the Sofa We Found on the Sidewalk

Being frugal is fine. In fact, it's necessary if you ever want to build wealth. You ought to at least remain relatively frugal throughout your life. But you never need to be cheap.

What do you think? What “cheap” behavior bugs you? How have you overcome being cheap? Comment below!

Frugal vs. Cheap – What's the Difference? | White Coat Investor (2024)


What is the difference between frugal and cheap? ›

Frugal – Budgeting a set amount of money each month to spend on meals out with friends, and then adhering to that budget. Cheap – Not tipping your waiter well or at all for good service just to save money.

What is the 50 30 20 rule for white coat investors? ›

Alternatives to Zero-Based Budgeting

For an option that requires less planning than the zero-based budgeting process, you can use the 50/30/20 method. This method allocates 50% of your after-tax income to your needs, 30% to your wants, and 20% to your savings goals or loan repayments.

Is being frugal not being cheap? ›

Remember, there's a difference between being frugal and being cheap. Being cheap will ultimately save you money, but at the cost of happiness, convenience and even personal relationships. On the other hand, frugality will help you learn more about spending less and saving for long-term goals while still enjoying life.

Is being frugal a good or bad thing? ›

Being frugal is not a bad thing. It only becomes an issue when it is taken to the extreme. I believe that everyone should have some sort of "frugality" as a part of their life, but you must be smart about it.

What is the difference between a cheap and frugal boyfriend? ›

A cheap person is someone who is extremely price-sensitive. They would go for the cheapest possible option regardless of the quality or value. They would prioritize saving money over getting some nice clothes or going out for experiences. Whereas a frugal person would try and maximize the value they get.

What is the difference between cheap and cheaper? ›

It might not even be low price. Something might be expensive, but of such poor quality that people describe it as cheap. “Cheaper" has inherited all of that overlay.

What is the 4 rule retirement white coat investor? ›

This was the point of the famous Trinity study and the 4% rule. Despite earning average portfolio returns of 7% or 8%, one can only withdraw something like 4% from a portfolio because it's possible that one will have poor returns in the first few years of retirement.

What is the 70 20 10 rule? ›

The 70-20-10 budget formula divides your after-tax income into three buckets: 70% for living expenses, 20% for savings and debt, and 10% for additional savings and donations. By allocating your available income into these three distinct categories, you can better manage your money on a daily basis.

What is the white coat rule? ›

noun [ S ] LAW, MARKETING. Add to word list Add to word list. in the US, a law that makes it illegal for doctors or actors dressed in white coats to look like doctors to advertise medical products on television.

Why are some rich people frugal? ›

Many wealthy individuals grew up with little or nothing, and the thought of returning to that state is a powerful motivator. So they hold onto their wealth with a death grip, even if it means being cheap in other areas of their lives.

How can I be cheap and frugal? ›

12 Tips for Frugal Living
  1. Choose quality over quantity. ...
  2. Prioritize value over price. ...
  3. Use credit wisely. ...
  4. Declutter regularly. ...
  5. Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  6. Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  7. Be a savvy consumer. ...
  8. Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

What to call a cheap person? ›

  • cheapskate.
  • cheese-parer.
  • miser.
  • moneygrubber.
  • pinchpenny.
  • Scrooge.
  • skinflint.
  • tightwad.

Are frugal people happier? ›

Believe it or not, living frugally can actually make you happier than living lavishly. Living a frugal lifestyle isn't necessarily about pinching pennies and denying yourself things you want. It's about making your life easier and worrying less about money.

Can being frugal make you rich? ›

Frugality Can Make You Rich

Perhaps. Popular financial personality Dave Ramsey estimates that if you skip your daily cup of coffee from Starbucks, you could save $63 per month, $766.50 per year, or $22,995 over 30 years.

What is toxic frugality? ›

Frugality is the practice of being wise with money and avoiding wastefulness. It's a virtue that many people admire. It fosters responsible financial habits and can lead to a more sustainable life. But there's a darker side to frugality that can be detrimental to our quality of life. This is known as “toxic frugality.”

What does it mean if you are frugal? ›

For the most part, that means finding ways to pay less for everything from groceries to clothing, utilities and everyday bills. Being thrifty or frugal also means simply going without some things, mostly because it helps you reduce financial waste while freeing up more cash to save.

What is frugal vs cheap vs stingy? ›

Frugal – A frugal person might only drink free coffee. Thrifty – A thrifty person might only make their own coffee. Stingy – A stingy person lets others buy their coffee but won't buy it back. Cheap – A cheap person only gets free coffee when it's their shout.

What does it mean if something is frugal? ›

: careful in spending or using resources. frugality.

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