FRIDAY 5/28/21 1159PM ET USA UPDATE, DOW JONES 30 COMPOSITE /YM EMINI FUTURES EchoVector Analysis Tutorial - Forecast Projection And Framing, Focus - Last Half Hour Of Trading, Friday 5/28/2021, Tutorial Net Short Forecast Projection Opportunity, A Powerf (2024)

The On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch Signal And The OTAPS Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector And The OTAPS Position Polarity Switch Signal Vectors Fan

On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch has

1 . The Position Cover Component, and
2. The Position Polarity Reversal (Switch) Component, and
3. The Position Polarity Continuance Component.

Each Component is generated from

1. The OTAPS-PPS Switch Signal Vector, and/or
2. The OTAPS-PPS Switch Signal Vector Cluster Fan, and/or
3. From other potential construction sources (listed below).

OTAPS-PPS "The On/Off/Through Vector Target Application Price Switch" - "The Position Polarity Switch" Signal Vector and Signal Vector Cluster Fan

The OTAPS target price position polarity switch, the OTAPS active position management signal, and the OTAPS position polarity switch signal vector and signal vector cluster, and the OTAPS position management methodology, were invented (and discovered) by advanced price theorist and behavioral economist Kevin John Bradford Wilbur.

The OTAPS Position Management System is intended as a contribution to active securities position management practitioners operating in the fields of securities and investment portfolio management and in portfolio risk management.

OTAPS is an 'acronym of abbreviation' that stands for "On-Off-Through-Vector-Target-Application-Price-Switch." The OTAPS switch is a trade tool and position management and risk-management utility for enhancing focus instrument position value within an active risk management and responsive position management trading regime.

Other references to the trade switch include, but are not limited to:

OOTVTAPS: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch,
OOTV: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch,
OOTVATPS: On-Off-Through Vector Application Target Price Switch Straddle,
ATPSS: On-Off-Through Vector Application Target Price Switch Straddle.
OTAPS-PPS: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch and Position Polarity Switch Signal

Each reference, however, represent the same mathematical formula and financial construct and entity, and refers to the same applied position management and risk-management methodology and technology in which it is used and is publicly discussed.

The most popular acronym, OTAPS, was coined by the inventor of the OTAPS trend and risk-management tool and directional positioning switch, and has subsequently become the most popular and broadly used reference and name for the trade switch.


Related references are:

OTAPS-PPSV: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch and Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector
OTAPS-PPSEV: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch and Position Polarity Switch Signal Extension Vector
OTAPS-PPSV: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch and Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector Cluster

Today's relatively highly volatile and fast moving securities market, and its current historically low effective trade execution costs (commissions) is a market environment and current structure particularly favorable to the application of the OTAPS Position Management System. The system utilizes an advanced straddling technique applied at key forecast price levels at critical time junctures with respect to mined and identified historical price pattern symmetries in order to protect gains and to further optimize an actively managed securities' overall price path pattern related and realized returns.

OTAPS signal price levels are generated by the applied forecast model. An OTAPS switch is then constructed from the OTAPS price level signal upon which the switch then becomes based during its time application. Base switch levels are set, and often carry with them a series of related upper band and lower band accompanying price switch levels than may also be pre-programmed and additionally employable when met by the market price. These UB and LB OTAPS switches the accompany the issued primary switch price and target application switch price level remain active also until adjusted.


The OTAPS switch is essentially an advanced 'directional and approached-sensitive' and 'flexible' two-sided price straddling mechanism that allows a position 'positivized' in a particular 'price motion direction' to be either 'turned on or tuned off' relative to the 'found price motion direction' occurring in the 'subject security', while also allowing the 'opposite polarity position' to be 'turned on or off' relative to the same price motion occurrence, or any subsequent price motion occurrence, that might move prices to and through the issued target application price switch price level.

For examples of the OTAPS switch in application see articles,

1. Don't Fight The Fed

"... In this market environment, we suggest the employment of active and adjustable echovector bridge-based straddling positions to manage stock market exposure to changes in the general price levels. Setting straddles at these bridge levels on their relevant time basis is an effective and opportune measure and advanced trade strategy. Such an approach is particularly well-tailored to and could prove very valuable in engaging and effectively managing these market situations going forward into the presidential elections this fall and thereafter, regardless of what the Fed may or may not say or do in the meantime.

One way to employ such a straddle would be to utilize the SPY ETF and/or the DIA ETF. By setting up an advanced trade technology (see "On-Off-Through Vector Target Price Switch")at, for example, $136 on the SPY or at $128.5 on the DIA, with appropriate dynamic triggers and stops included, such a straddle can be employed.

To perform the short side of the straddle, set a short trigger below either of these mentioned target price switch levels (e.g., $136 on the SPY and/or $128.5 on the DIA) pre-programmed as a "repeating short trigger switch" at the trigger level on reverse downtick action through the trigger price, with stops set to activate on reverse uptick up-through action. To perform the long side of the straddle, set a long trigger above either of these target price switch levels ($136 on the SPY and/or $128.5 on the DIA) pre-programmed as a "repeating long trigger switch" at the trigger level on reverse uptick action through the trigger, with stops set to activate on reverse downtick down-through action.

Now may be a very good time to employ this general market straddle and this more advanced trade technology and active position management methodology, especially when reviewing the chart of the S&P 500 over the past four years within the current presidential cycle."

2. "Could This Be A Correction That's Coming? An EchoVector Pivot Point Perspective"

"... The stock market has been particularly resilient in its ability to come back from price down-pressure this year. This phase of the 8-year regime change cycle bodes well for the market from levels established in mid-April going into next year. A good chart of the SPX illustrating this phenomena the last 20 years can be viewed at my SeekingAlpha posts by clicking here. For this reason my general bias remains primarily positive. However, "Don't Fight The Fed" remains in force, and if the Fed begins the process of a relative de-leveraging of the markets compared to what it has been doing, it must proceed very smoothly, and very cautiously about what it takes away, and when and how. And I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of poor market reaction.

For this reason, I think it prudent to continue to use and place dynamic, active, and adjustable straddling positions in order to lock in gains and to better manage your exposure to general market price level changes in either direction. Setting advanced management straddles at key coordinate forecast levels is a very effective and opportune approach, and an advanced trade strategy. In this article I have provided an EchoVector Pivot Points Perspective and method for effectively determining trigger level prices, settings, and adjustments. Using this approach at this time could prove very valuable in effectively managing both market risk and reward.

One way to employ such a straddle would be to utilize the DIA ETF mentioned earlier in this analysis and using the approach illustrated with the /YM Dow 30 Industrials Composite Index E-mini Futures, by setting up an advanced trade technology approach (see "On-Off-Through Vector Target Price Switch") to positioning and position management, with appropriate dynamic triggers and stops included -- for example, at $154 on the DIA.

To perform the short side of the straddle, set a short trigger below $154 on the DIA pre-programmed as a "repeating short trigger switch" at this trigger level on reverse downtick action through the trigger price, with stops set to activate on reverse uptick up-through action. To perform the long side of the straddle, set a long trigger above $154 pre-programmed as a "repeating long trigger switch" on reverse uptick action through the trigger, with stops set to activate on reverse downtick down-through action.

I would continue to closely watch the 4-year presidential cycle echovector, the 2-year congressional cycle echovector, and the annual cycle echovector for continued symmetries and confirming parallels and early divergent tells. And I would keep calculating my echovector pivot points and employing my dynamic OTAPS On-Off-Through Vector Target Price Switch triggers.

This way you won't be fighting the Fed; and will in fact be letting the Fed, and the market, help point you in the direction you 'should be facing.' If a correction is coming, you will be ready. And if it isn't, you will be ready for that as well."

"... If you believe the time has come to re-enter the treasury long bond, I suggest using active and adjustable straddling positions to manage your exposure to general price level changes in either direction. Setting advanced management straddles at key coordinate forecast levels is an effective and opportune measure, and advanced trade strategy I think prudent to mention. Such an approach to the bond market at this time could prove very valuable at engaging and effectively managing risk and reward.

One way to employ such a straddle would be to utilize the TLT ETF mentioned in this analysis by setting up an advanced trade technology approach (see "On-Off-Through Vector Target Price Switch") to positioning and position management, with appropriate dynamic triggers and stops included -- for example, at $106.50 on the TLT.

To perform the short side of the straddle, set a short trigger below $106.50 on the TLT pre-programmed as a "repeating short trigger switch" at this trigger level on reverse downtick action through the trigger price, with stops set to activate on reverse uptick up-through action. To perform the long side of the straddle, set a long trigger above 106.50 pre-programmed as a "repeating long trigger switch" on reverse uptick action through the trigger, with stops set to activate on reverse downtick down-through action.

I'm hoping the EchoVector Pivot Point Analysis Perspectives provided in this article help lend additional context to your potentially already broad and extensive bond market view and analysis, and that they help you to further sharpen your clarity and insight. I always recommend considering a broad range of considerations, analysis, and approaches when assessing the markets for any investment decision.

"... In the present gold market environment-- and for more advanced and nimble gold market participants, when they do believe the time has come to re-enter gold-- I suggest the employment of active and adjustable straddling positions to manage exposure to general price level changes. Setting advanced management straddles at key coordinate forecast levels is an effective and opportune measure, and advanced trade strategy. Such an approach is particularly well-tailored to -- and could prove very valuable in-- engaging and effectively managing this volatile gold market going forward into fall, and beyond.

One way to employ such a straddle would be to utilize the GTU, GLD, or IAU ETFs. By setting up an advanced trade technology (see "On-Off-Through Vector Target Price Switch")-- for example, at $11.25 on the IAU or at $44.60 on the GTU, with appropriate dynamic triggers and stops included-- such a straddle can be employed.

To perform the short side of the straddle, set a short trigger below either of these mentioned target price switch levels (e.g., $11.25 on the IAU and/or $44.60 on the GTU) pre-programmed as a "repeating short trigger switch" at the trigger level on reverse downtick action through the trigger price, with stops set to activate on reverse uptick up-through action. To perform the long side of the straddle, set a long trigger above either of these the target price switch levels ($11.25 on the IAU and/or $44.60 on the GTU) pre-programmed as a "repeating long trigger switch" at the trigger level on reverse uptick action through the trigger, with stops set to activate on reverse downtick down-through action.

Now may be a very good time to employ this gold market straddle and this more advanced trade technology and active position management methodology, especially when considering the level of volatility we have just witnessed since my February warning in gold earlier this year.

Those readers who have followed this strategy since February have not only saved 20 percent on the downside, but have earned 20% more on the short side (and even more using derivatives), and are ahead of gold market buy-and-hold participants by 40% in just the base underlying GLD ETF gold instrument, all in less than a quarter...."




OTAPS-PPS AND/OR OOTVTAPS: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch









PPS: Position Polarity Cover And/Or Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector And Switch Signal Vector Cluster Trigger Points and And Trigger Points Schedule, And Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector and Extension Vector and Extension Vector Cluster Trigger Points Schedule.

V-TAPS: On-Off-Through Vector Target Application Price Switch Signal, Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector, and Position Polarity Switch Signal Vectors Cluster Fan (and the Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector Cluster Fan Signal Trigger Points)



"The OTAPS-PPS Position Polarity Cover And/Or Position Polarity Switch Signal Vector Trigger Point Price"and its support and resistance trigger point constellation is primarily derived from FOUR fundamental source constructions operant within applied EchoVector Analysis and OTAPS technology.

1. The first construction source is (a) the set of specific key active coordinate forecast echovector (CFEV) support and resistance vectors, and their identified parallel extension vectors, discovered at work within the referenced scope-relative market cycle echovector momentum vector occurring within the focus interest opportunity forecast time and price block or designated frame, or (b) the set of variant and aggregated scope-relative market cycle echovectors of similar time-lengths intersecting and occurring within the focus interest opportunity forecast time and price block or designated frame, or (c) the set of variant and aggregated scope-relative market cycle echovectors of differing time-lengths intersecting and occurring within the focus interest opportunity forecast time and price block or designated frame, or (d) any aggregates and intersects of a, b, and/or c above occurring within the focus interest opportunity forecast time and price block or designated frame, the AAFIOFT* (Applied Action Focus Interest Opportunity Forecast Time-block).

2. The second construction source is the transposed cluster of NPP* (Nearby identified scope-relative pivot points and/or flex-points of focus interest) Extension Vectors that are identified and originate from the EBD* (EchoBackDate) and/or EBD-TPP* (EchoBackDate TimeAndPricePoint... as more precise time increment measures enable) and which are then symmetrically transposed to 'project from' the NPP's corresponding, originating, and current echovector SP* (the Referenced Echovector's Starting Reference Time/Price Point (typically found at its latest - located most to the right graphically - time/price point) and which then may also continue to further 'project into' or 'traverse' the respective focus interest opportunity otaps-pps forecast application time-frame (fio-otaps-pps-fatf) and applied forecast fiop time/price block (af fiop tpb).

3. The third construction source is the set of additional technical analysis tools and indicators that may be used in complimenting and supplementing primarily EchoVector Analysis methodology generated indicators, signals, and alerts.

4. The fourth construction source is the set of various and regular key outlook events and economics calendar stimulants, along with the potential black swan reactive determinants, that may induce additional, independent, and automatic OTAPS-PPS Switch Signal generation within the practice of effective risk management.

All OTAPS-PPS VECTORS are vector price support and resistance bridges, which, when touched, constitute, signal, and trigger position capital gain capture, and which, when penetrated, constitute, signal, and trigger position polarity reversal action and adjustment.

The OTAPS-PPS Open Position Polarity Cover And/Or Open Position Polarity Switch Signal and Trigger Applied Action Forecast Time-Price Block.

"Actively adjusting for optimum speed, acceleration, directionality, and leverage, the instrument position 'captures and sails' to the varied strengths and varied directions in the powering winds of market change... to keep the course of equity growth strong, positive, straight, true, and moving ever powerfully forward."

For further information on constructing and calculating echovectors, coordinate forecast echovectors, and echovector pivot points, begin by seeing "The Simple Single-Period EchoVector Pivot Point Calculation".

"Positioning for change, staying ahead of the curve, we're keeping watch for you."

Today's relatively highly volatile and fast moving securities market, and its current historically low effective trade execution costs (commissions) is a market environment and current structure particularly favorable to the application of the OTAPS Position Management System. The system utilizes an advanced straddling technique applied at key forecast price levels at critical time junctures with respect to mined and identified historical price pattern symmetries in order to protect gains and to further optimize an actively managed securities' overall price path pattern related and realized returns.

OTAPS signal price levels are generated by the applied forecast model. An OTAPS switch is then constructed from the OTAPS price level signal upon which the switch then becomes based during its time application. Base switch levels are set, and often carry with them a series of related upper band and lower band accompanying price switch levels than may also be pre-programmed and additionally employable when met by the market price. These UB and LB OTAPS switches the accompany the issued primary switch price and target application switch price level remain active also until adjusted.


The OTAPS switch is essentially an advanced 'directional and approached-sensitive' and 'flexible' two-sided price straddling mechanism that allows a position 'positivized' in a particular 'price motion direction' to be either 'turned on or tuned off' relative to the 'found price motion direction' occurring in the 'subject security', while also allowing the 'opposite polarity position' to be 'turned on or off' relative to the same price motion occurrence, or any subsequent price motion occurrence, that might move prices to and through the issued target application price switch price level.



1. EchoVector Pivot Points, absolute, Coordinate Forecast EchoVector* construction endpoints, single-period based.

2. Aggregated EchoVector Pivot Points, absolute, aggregated Coordinate Forecast Echovector construction endpoints, complex, multi-period in phase convergences of cycles in clusters.

3. EchoVector Pivot Points, dynamic, Coordinate Forecast EchoVector construction market price intersects at slope momentum projections, specific time-point relative.

4. Coordinate Forecast EchoVectors as SRV-R (Resistance Vector) AND SRV-S (Support Vector) intersects, range-specific, and periodicity specified.

5. SRV (Support and/or Resistance Vector) intersects with key outlook time-points (ie., options expiration day, FOMC announcement day-hour-minute, earnings releases, economic calendar announcements-releases-events, scheduled special events or occurrences or their calendar echoes, overseas and/or international announcements, crisis management announcements, political economics calendar, etc.)

6. Mathematically and statistically related formula and economic-based algorithms.

7. EchoBackDate (EBD) and/or EchoBackDateTimeAndPricePoint (EBD-TPP) symmetry transpositioned corresponding Extension Vectors and Extension Vector Clusters.

OTAPS-PPS Switch Signal Forecast Model Constructs are used in conjunction with Active Advanced Positioning and Active Advanced Position Management in Risk Management and Value Optimization Paradigms: Risk-Management / Value-Protection / Growth Optimization - Growth Acceleration Curve Optimization

They are Active Advanced Management Constructs inclusive Of Key Forecast Price Pivot Points, Key Forecast Price Flex Points, Key Forecast Price Support Vectors, Key Forecast Price Resistance Vectors.





FRIDAY 5/28/21 1159PM ET USA UPDATE, DOW JONES 30 COMPOSITE /YM EMINI FUTURES EchoVector Analysis Tutorial - Forecast Projection And Framing, Focus - Last Half Hour Of Trading, Friday 5/28/2021, Tutorial Net Short Forecast Projection Opportunity, A Powerf (2024)


What is the YM ticker symbol? ›

Dow Futures Mini Jun '24 (YMM24)
Barchart SymbolYM
Exchange SymbolYM
ContractE-Mini Dow Jones Industrial Average
Tick Size1 point ($5.00 per contract)
8 more rows

What is the ym index? ›

The DJIA Dow Jones index of the New York Stock Exchange is the oldest market index created to track the development of the American industry.

What is YM in the stock market? ›

The YM is the ticker symbol for the E-mini Dow Future which is a future that trades $5 per point.

Where are the Dow Jones futures right now? ›

DOW JONES Futures39,618.0053.00
NASDAQ 100 Futures18,239.2518.50
S&P 500 Futures5,241.501.00

How much is ym per tick? ›

E-mini Dow futures contract specifications
Exchange, SymbolChicago Board of Trade, /YM
Multiplier5 x the Dow Jones Industrial Index (Micro E-mini contracts also available)
Minimum Tick Size and Value1.00 = $5.00
Trading HoursFrom 6 pm ET Sunday to 5 pm ET Friday

What companies are in Dow Jones Industrial Average? ›

Dow 30 Chart
HONHoneywell International Inc202.92
IBMInternational Business Machines Corp167.15
INTCIntel Corp29.85
JNJJohnson & Johnson149.91
26 more rows

How much is 1 tick mes? ›

$1.25 per contract

What is the Dow Jones symbol in TradingView? ›

Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Trade Ideas — DJ:DJI — TradingView.

What is the difference between Dow Jones and Dow futures? ›

The Dow Jones is the stock market index; the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), which tracks 30 of the most prominent companies that trade on U.S. stock exchanges. Dow Jones futures are simply futures contracts that can be purchased to hedge or speculate against components in the DJIA.

What is the symbol for EMini Dow futures? ›

Dow Jones EMini (YM:US) Latest Futures Prices, Charts & News | Nasdaq.

Is US30 the same as Dow Jones? ›

Yes, the terms “Dow Jones” and “US 30” are often used interchangeably to refer to the same index. US 30 is a popular shorthand name for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), as the index consists of the largest 30 US stocks (price-weighted).

What do Dow futures tell us? ›

Dow Futures are financial futures which allow an investor to hedge with or speculate on the future value of various components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average market index. The futures instruments are derived from the Dow Jones Industrial Average as E-mini Dow Futures.

Do Dow futures predict the market? ›

Futures look into the future to "lock in" a future price or try to predict where something will be in the future; hence the name. Since there are futures on the indexes (S&P 500, Dow 30, NASDAQ 100, Russell 2000) that trade virtually 24 hours a day, we can watch the index futures to get a feel for market direction.

Are futures red or green? ›

The colours and letters of futures maturities
YearColour / Color
1stWhite, or omitted
6 more rows

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On Friday, HSBC raised its NVDA stock price target by 300 to 1,350, keeping a buy rating. HSBC sees fiscal 2026 revenue potentially reaching $196 billion.

Does Citadel have a stock symbol? ›

Citadel EFT (CDFT) Stock Price & Analysis

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What is the stock symbol for M&M Mars? ›

Investors cannot purchase shares of Mars Candy because they are a private company. Hershey Company (NYSE: HSY) and Mondelez (NASDAQ: MDLZ) are chocolate companies that traders can invest in.

What is the symbol for the Russell 2000 futures? ›

E-mini Russell 2000 Index Futur (RTY=F) Stock Price, News, Quote & History - Yahoo Finance.

What are the three letter ticker symbols? ›

If the symbol has three letters, the stock likely trades on the NYSE. A four-letter symbol indicates the stock likely trades on the Nasdaq. Some Nasdaq stocks have five letters, which usually means the stock is foreign. This is designated by an "F" or "Y" at the end of the stock symbol.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.