Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (2024)

Simple Financial Projection Template

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Download a SampleSimple Financial Projection Template for

Excel | Google Sheets

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Excel | Google Sheets

Small business owners and new entrepreneurs are the ideal users for this simple financial projection template. Just input your expected revenues and expenses. This template stands out due to its ease of use and focus on basic, straightforward financial planning, making it perfect for small-scale or early-stage businesses. Available with or without sample text, this tool offers clear financial oversight, better budget management, and informed decision-making regarding future business growth.

Looking for help with your business plan? Check out thesefree financial templates for a business plan to streamline the process of organizing your business's financial information and presenting it effectively to stakeholders.

Financial Forecast Template

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (2)

Download a Sample Financial Forecast Template for

Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Financial Forecast Template for

Excel | Google Sheets

This template is perfect for businesses that require a detailed and all-encompassing forecast. Users can input various financial data, such as projected revenues, costs, and market trends, to generate a complete financial outlook. Available with or without example text, this template gives you a deeper understanding of your business's financial trajectory, aiding in strategic decision-making and long-term financial stability.

Thesefree cash-flow forecast templates help you predict your business’s future cash inflows and outflows, allowing you to manage liquidity and optimize financial planning.

12-Month Financial Projection Template

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (3)

Download a Sample 12-Month Financial Projection Template for

Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank 12-Month Financial Projection Template for

Excel | Google Sheets

Use this 12-month financial projection template for better cash-flow management, more accurate budgeting, and enhanced readiness for short-term financial challenges and opportunities. Input estimated monthly revenues and expenses, tracking financial performance over the course of a year. Available with or without sample text, this template is ideal for business owners who need to focus on short-term financial planning. This tool allows you to respond quickly to market shifts and plan effectively for the business's crucial first year.

Downloadfree sales forecasting templates to help your business predict future sales, enabling better inventory management, resource planning, and decision-making.

Startup Financial Projection Template

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (4)

Download a SampleStartup Financial Projection Template for

Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Startup Financial Projection Template for

Excel | Google Sheets

This dynamic startup financial projection template is ideal for startup founders and entrepreneurs, as it's designed specifically for the unique needs of startups. Available with or without example text, this template focuses on clearly outlining a startup's initial financial trajectory, an essential component for attracting investors. Users can input projected revenues, startup costs, and funding sources to create a comprehensive financial forecast.

3-Year Financial Projection Template

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (5)

Download a Sample3-Year Financial Projection Template for

Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank3-Year Financial Projection Template for

Excel | Google Sheets

This three-year financial projection template is particularly useful for business strategists and financial planners who are looking for a medium-term financial planning tool. Input data such as projected revenues, expenses, and growth rates for the next three years. Available with or without sample text, this template lets you anticipate financial challenges and opportunities in the medium term, aiding in strategic decision-making and ensuring sustained business growth.

5-Year Financial Forecasting Template

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (6)

Download a Sample5-Year Financial Forecasting Template for

Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank5-Year Financial Forecasting Template for

Excel | Google Sheets

CFOs and long-term business planners can use this five-year financial forecasting template to get a clear, long-range financial vision. Available with or without example text, this template allows you to plan strategically and invest wisely, preparing your business for future market developments and opportunities. This unique tool offers an extensive outlook for your business’s financial strategy. Simply input detailed financial data spanning five years, including revenue projections, investment plans, and expected market growth. Visually engaging bar charts of key metrics help turn data into engaging narratives.

Small Business Financial Forecast Template

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (7)

Download a SampleSmall Business Financial Forecast Template for

Excel | Google Sheets

Download a BlankSmall Business Financial Forecast Template for

Excel | Google Sheets

The small business financial forecast template is tailored specifically for the scale and specific requirements of small enterprises. Business owners and financial managers can simply input data such as projected sales or expenses. Available with or without sample text, this tool offers the ability to do the following: envision straightforward financial planning; anticipate future financial needs and challenges; make informed decisions; and steer the business toward steady growth.

Elements in a Financial Projection Template

The elements in a financial projection template include future sales, costs, profits, and cash flow. This template illustrates expected receivables, payables, and break-even dates. This tool helps you plan for your business's financial future and growth.

Here are the standard elements in a financial projection template:

  • Revenue Projection: This estimates future income from various sources over a specific period.
  • Expense Forecast: This predicts future costs, including both fixed and variable expenses.
  • Profit and Loss Forecast:This projects the profit or loss by subtracting projected expenses from projected revenues.
  • Cash-Flow Projection: This assesses the inflows and outflows of cash, indicating liquidity over time.
  • Balance Sheet Projection: This predicts the future financial position, showing assets, liabilities, and equity.
  • Break-Even Analysis: This calculates the point at which total revenues equal total costs.
  • Capital Expenditure Forecast: This estimates future spending on fixed assets such as equipment or property.
  • Debt Repayment Plan: This outlines the schedule for paying back any borrowed funds.
  • Sales Forecast:This predicts future sales volume, often broken down by product or service.
  • Gross Margin Analysis:This looks at the difference between revenue and cost of goods sold.

Types of Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates

There are many types of financial projection and forecasting templates: basic templates for small businesses; detailed ones for big companies; special ones for startup businesses; and others. There are also sales forecasts, cash-flow estimates, and profit and loss projections.

In addition, financial projection and forecasting templates include long-term planning templates, break-even analyses, budget forecasts, and templates made for specific industries such as retail or manufacturing.

Each template serves different financial planning needs. Determine which one best suits your requirements based on the scale of your business, the complexity of its financial structure, and the specific department that you want to analyze.

Here's a list of the top types of financial projection and forecasting templates:

  • Basic Financial Projection Template: Ideal for small businesses or startups, this template provides a straightforward approach to forecasting revenue, expenses, and cash flow.
  • Detailed Financial Projection Template: Best for larger businesses or those with complex financial structures, this template offers in-depth projections, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash-flow statements.
  • Startup Financial Projection Template: Tailored for startups, this template focuses on funding requirements and early-stage revenue forecasts, both crucial for attracting investors and planning initial operations.
  • Sales Forecasting Template:Used by sales and marketing teams to predict future sales, this template helps you set targets and plan marketing strategies.
  • Cash-Flow Forecast Template: Essential for financial managers who need to monitor the liquidity of the business, this template projects cash inflows and outflows over a period.
  • Profit and Loss Forecast Template (P&L):Useful for business owners and financial officers who need to anticipate profit margins, this template enables you to forecast revenues and expenses.
  • Three-Year / Five-Year Financial Projection Template: Suitable for long-term business planning, these templates provide a broader view of your company’s financial future, improving your development strategy and investor presentations.
  • Break-Even Analysis Template:Used by business strategists and financial analysts, this template helps you determine when your business will become profitable.
  • Budget Forecasting Template:Designed for budget managers, this template uses historical financial data to help you plan your future spending.
  • Sector-Specific Financial Projection Template:Designed for specific industries (such as retail or manufacturing), these templates take into account industry-specific factors and benchmarks.

Related Financial Templates

Check out this list of free financial templates related to financial projections and forecasting. You'll find templates for budgeting, tracking profits and losses, planning your finances, and more. These tools help keep your company’s money matters organized and clear.

Free Project Budget Templates

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (8)

Use one of theseproject budget templates to maintain control over project finances, ensuring costs stay aligned with the allocated budget and improving overall financial management.

Free Monthly Budget Templates

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (9)

Use one of thesemonthly budget templates to effectively track and manage your business’s income and expenses, helping you plan financially and save money.

Free Expense Report Templates

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (10)

Use one of theseexpense report templates to systematically track and document all business-related expenditures, ensuring accurate reimbursem*nt and efficient financial record-keeping.

Free Balance Sheet Templates

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (11)

Use one of thesebalance sheet templates to summarize your company's financial position at a given time.

Free Cash-Flow Forecast Templates

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (12)

Use one of thesecash-flow forecast templates to predict future cash inflows and outflows, helping you manage liquidity and make informed financial decisions.

Free Cash-Flow Statement Templates

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (13)

Use one of thesecash-flow statement templates to track the movement of cash in and out of your business, so you can assess your company’s level of liquidity and financial stability.

Free Discounted Cash-Flow (DCF) Templates

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (14)

Use one of thesediscounted cash-flow (DCF) templates to evaluate the profitability of investments or projects by calculating their present value based on future cash flows.

Free Financial Dashboard Templates

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (15)

Use one of thesefinancial dashboard templates to get an at-a-glance view of key financial metrics, so you can make decisions quickly and manage finances effectively.

Related Customer Stories

Free Financial Planning Templates

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (16)

Use one of thesefinancial planning templates to strategically organize and forecast future finances, helping you set realistic financial goals and ensure long-term business growth.

Free Profit and Loss (P&L) Templates

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (17)

Use one of these to systematically track income and expenses, giving you a clear picture of your company's profitability over a specific period.

Free Billing and Invoice Templates

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (18)

Use one of thesebilling and invoice templates to streamline the invoicing process and ensure that you bill clients accurately and professionally for services or products.

Plan and Manage Your Company’s Financial Future with Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates from Smartsheet

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When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Free Financial Projection and Forecasting Templates | Smartsheet (2024)


Why is financial forecasting difficult? ›

Some challenges facing finance professionals include: forecasting periods, data collection, input data issues, unforeseeable events and past data accuracy. You must understand your business and its key drivers to improve your financial forecasting accuracy month over month. Collect data promptly for improved accuracy.

How do you solve financial forecasting? ›

How to do financial forecasting in 7 steps
  1. Define the purpose of a financial forecast. ...
  2. Gather past financial statements and historical data. ...
  3. Choose a time frame for your forecast. ...
  4. Choose a financial forecast method. ...
  5. Document and monitor results. ...
  6. Analyze financial data. ...
  7. Repeat based on the previously defined time frame.

How to do a cash flow projection template? ›

Three easy steps to follow for a cash flow projection
  1. Estimate your likely sales for each week or month. Use your sales history from the past couple of years to get a good idea of the weekly or monthly sales you can expect. ...
  2. Estimate when you expect to receive payments. ...
  3. Estimate your likely costs.

How do I create a financial projection in Excel? ›

On the Data tab, in the Forecast group, click Forecast Sheet. In the Create Forecast Worksheet box, pick either a line chart or a column chart for the visual representation of the forecast. In the Forecast End box, pick an end date, and then click Create.

What is an example of a financial projection? ›

A financial projection is an assumption about an entity's future operations and cash flow. For example, a company may assume that their revenues will increase if they release a new product line. Or, a government may assume that if they institute a new tax, that there will be new revenue from it.

What is considered as the easiest forecasting technique? ›

The straight-line method is one of the simplest and easy-to-follow forecasting methods.

What is the most difficult part of forecasting? ›

One of the biggest challenges with any forecast is estimating changes to potential future business (wins, losses or leads).

What is the most difficult aspect of preparing a financial forecast? ›

Arguably, the most difficult aspect of preparing a financial forecast is predicting revenue. Future costs can be estimated by using historical accounting data; variable costs are also a function of sales.

What is the first step of financial forecasting? ›

The first step in the forecasting process is to define the fundamental issues impacting the forecast. The results of this initial step will provide insight into which forecasting methods are most appropriate and will help create a common understanding among the forecasters as to the goals of the forecasting process.

What is an example of forecasting? ›

Forecasts often include projections showing how one variable affects another over time. For example, a sales forecast may show how much money a business might spend on advertising based on projected sales figures for each quarter of the year.

What is financial forecasting pdf? ›

Financial Forecasting: Firms need to plan their future activities keeping in view the expected changes. in the economic, social, technical and competitive environment. The top and. middle-level managers plan their business activities in terms of financial.

Does Excel have a cash flow template? ›

Free Excel Cash Flow Template

Our cash flow template helps measure your company's financial performance. It displays the cash that your company has on hand after deducting elements such as salaries, rent, purchase of assets (e.g. equipment), and costs from the company income.

How do you project free cash flows? ›

To calculate the Free Cash Flow (FCF) of the company for each year of the forecast period, you must use the formula: Revenue - COGS - OPEX - Taxes + D&A - CAPEX - Change in WC. Additionally, you should calculate the tax rate and effective tax rate of the company using historical data or statutory rates.

What is a 12 month rolling cash flow forecast? ›

If your forecast period is 12 months, you now know what's required on a monthly basis to hit the target. A rolling forecast has no set fiscal year or period. Rolling forecasts are event-based, rather than time-based.

What is the basic financial projection? ›

Financial projections use existing or estimated financial data to forecast your business's future income and expenses. They often include different scenarios to see how changes to one aspect of your finances (such as higher sales or lower operating expenses) might affect your profitability.

What is financial projection simple? ›

Financial projections are documents that financial managers create to forecast the future income and expenses of a company. Companies often use these as the basis for making decisions about how to invest or manage their budgets and operating plans.

What are realistic financial projections? ›

Financial projections are a realistic estimate of your business's future financial revenue and expenses, short-term and long-term. They are based on existing accounting data. This information is useful in various ways: Budgeting: You can better budget for expected expenses.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.