Foster Method- Natural Healing- Dr. Cynthia Foster, MD (2024)

How I Helped People Who Had Failed Medical and Natural Treatments Using the Foster Method:
By Dr. Cynthia Foster, M.D.

The Beginner's Program

  1. Vibrant Colon Formula, Colon Activator OR Colon Starter Plus: Omit in cases of colitis or diarrhea

  2. Digestive Tonic: Take 1 to 2 droppers full with each meal to optimize digestion.

  3. Immune Valor or Echinacea Premium: Take one to 2 droppers full 3 times daily to balance the immune system and encourage healthy immune system function. Take until the bottle is finished.

  4. Colon Detox Caps: Begin when you are regulated on the Vibrant Colon Formula

  5. Essential Nutrients or Earths Nutrition Powder: Begin this nutritional formula at any time.
    Make the Essential Nutrients a part of the daily routine to provide all daily nutritional requirements. Then, synthetic multivitamin and mineral supplements are no longer needed. Also helps correct most types of anemia.

  6. Start following a more plant-based diet with organic, unprocessed foods - the pH balanced diet

  7. Massage: Consider getting weekly massage therapy or lymphatic drainage or deep foot reflexology session for at least a few months. This opens up circulation and helps the herbs to better penetrate into the areas of the body that are sick. I highly recommend the Muscle Energizer Massage Oil as it contains essential oils that are anti inflammatory, circulation enhancing and can help reduce pain. Reflexology especially helps the brain and nerves, but it also benefits the entire body, and lymphatic massage is great for allergies and asthma, but also benefits the entire body as well.
  8. Start following a more plant-based diet with organic, unprocessed foods - the pH balanced diet

  9. Get in Touch With Your Emotions: Overwhelming emotions such as grief, loss, rage, fear and terror can easily become trapped in your body and cause extreme pain and disease. Yes, severe and even crippling physical pain can be the result of something traumatic that happened to you and your feelings about it that you buried because you could not express it at the time. Learn emotional release techniques such as the Sedona Method, Emotional Freedom Technique, Emotion Code or any other emotional release technique. It may save your life one day.
  10. Develop a Spiritual Practice: Life can throw us extreme twists and turns. We can lose people we love to freak accidents, old age, and deadly diseases. We can go through painful relationships, breakups and divorces. You could have to take care of an aging parent or a special needs child for many years without relief. If you don't have a strong spiritual foundation, you will suffer and get sick. Find a like-minded community that is supportive for the things you are going through. Get into church every week or start a daily practice of qi gong, tai chi or other energy healing practice. You need to be able to sense the way energy flows through your body so that you know the instant there is a problem so you can fix it right away, and you need to be able to do this without relying on a blood test. You need to know how to do belly breathing and to use breathing techniques to heal your insides. You may not think it's important now, but when your body starts falling apart as you age, you'll realize you should have been doing that all along. These are lifelong practices that everyone should be doing their entire lives to avoid getting health problems in the future.
  11. Family Systems/ Constellation Healing: Many health problems originate in family patterns and ancestral traumas. It's important to investigate this type of healing modality because it can help heal various inherited problems as well as inherited issues that you didn't even know were inherited. Many hidden causes of disease can be resolved with this type of therapy.

  12. No matter what the health problem, this is where everyone begins. One exception would if you have something urgent, serious or life-threatening and this is where we recommend doing the 28-Day Healing Program or if you absolutely know you have parasites, you can start with the Parasite Cleanse Kit, or if you have a gallstone and you're in pain from it, you can start with the Simplified Stone Cleanse or Liver Regeneration Program. If you have elevated liver enzymes, you can add Milk Thistle Tincture to the Beginner's Program and take daily until you start the Liver Regeneration Program. Having healthy digestion, elimination, nutrition and immune function is the foundation of good health.

    Unless the intestines have first been cleansed, targeted specific herbal formulas may not have the desired effect. Even if you just have something minor or simple like tennis elbow, we recommend you also do the Beginner's Program (in addition to the Tissue Repair Oil), mainly because you have most likely missed the early warning signs of colon toxicity, and you could also have hidden gallstones and kidney stones that are affecting your health right now without a single lab test turning abnormal and without your realizing it. These problems are root causes that your medical doctor has not yet addressed or is even aware of.

    The Beginner's Program

    What’s Next? Now Can I Take Specific Formulas?

    If there is/are (a) specific health issue(s) that still need(s) attention, individual formulas can be added (such as Brain Regain, Healthy Heart, Eyebright Formula, or a hormonal strengthening formula, etc.) If you have chronic headaches, you can go ahead and do a steam inhalation with Germ Shield or take the Brain Regain or Head Relief Formula. If you have chronic pain, you can go ahead and apply Tissue Repair Oil wherever you have pain.

    If you have a lot of fatigue, it's very likely you have a hormonal weakness, showing up as low thyroid symptoms, menopausal symptoms or exhausted adrenals (even if you haven't been diagnosed), and so at this point, it can be very important to start not only cleansing, but toning the body.

    Toning basically means strengthening. You can strengthen your hormonal system with adaptogens and herbs specific for the endocrine system (Femme Pause, Female Harmony, Adrenal Support, Female Magnetism, Immune Valor, or Prostate Formula). So, if you have a hormonal weakness, you want to get right on a hormonal strengthening formula - so pick one, and continue that for the long-term for at least one year. You can also take these throughout any cleanse, even if it's not listed that way in the instructions.

    Individual formulas such as the above can usually be taken starting the second week of colon cleansing. Targeted formulas can be taken at any time, and they do work, but for a complete healing, and to avoid detox reactions, it's best to do all of the colon, stone, liver, and kidney cleanses. To heal, it's important to consider the entire body, and not the part that seems ill.

    So, let's say you have a heart problem. You do a colon cleanse and take the Healthy Heart Formula. It's still important to do a liver cleanse because the liver rules cholesterol and brain function, while the kidneys are involved in regulating body pH, and eliminating excess fluids and acidic wastes from the body - all of which can affect your heart. It is this way with pretty much every disease. We can take specific formulas, and they can help a great deal, but until we cleanse, detoxify and strengthen the entire body, you may only get a partial result.

    The colon, liver, gallbladder and kidneys can accumulate quite a lot of toxins without obvious symptoms and even lab tests can be completely normal. Yet, these organs are often leaking toxins throughout the entire body, creating symptoms that appear unrelated, but which are, in fact, directly related.

    After the Beginner's Cleanse (colon cleansing, digestive enzymes, immune system balancing and Essential Nutrients). The Intermediate Program is next: Stone Cleanse.

    After that, Advanced Cleanses are usually done next such as the Liver Regeneration Program, the Kidney Revitalization Program, Cholesterol Busters Program, AntiCandida Program, 28-Day Healing Program, Natural Fertility Program, Juice Fasting Program, Parasite Cleanse Kit, or Weight Loss Program. You can also consult the Herbal Reference Guide for more ideas.

    1. Continue taking Essential Nutrients or Earths Nutrition Powder and any specific formulas you need

    2. Do the Simplified Stone Cleanse

    Before we begin to flush out toxins, we have to be mindful of blocks. First we unblocked the intestines, and now we need to unblock the liver and kidneys. What stands in the way? On a physical level - stones. Stones in the gallbladder and stones in the kidneys. They form silently over many years, and produce either no symptoms at all, or ones that appear to be unrelated.

    One of the first things I noticed when I began my herbal healing practice was that when I put people on a liver cleanse, they would get pain in the liver and very uncomfortable flu-like symptoms due to toxins coming out of the liver that were not clearing out of the colon. This was due to constipation and built up toxins in the colon. The first remedy I applied was to make it mandatory to do colon cleansing with the liver flushes. This took care of most of the muscle aches and pains, and made it easier to flush out the toxins, but people were still getting liver and gallbladder pains, a sign of gallstones. Many of them were in their thirties and according to medical science, they shouldn't have been old enough to have gallstones.

    I then started suggested they do a stone cleanse first before attempting liver flushes. Amazingly, this took care of all the pains, and people started reporting miraculous healing results. Gallstones can be silent. People can go for years having them without symptoms until they do a liver flush to flush them out. Instead of forbidding people with gallstones to take certain bile-stimulating herbs, I simply have them remove the blockage first. Now, we can cleanse the liver!

    Another reason for the stone cleanse was because many women were doing kidney cleansing for chronic bladder infections who did not realize they had kidney stones. They had low back pain as their only symptom. As long as the kidney stones remain in the kidneys, they do not produce much pain. When they try to move out of the kidneys into the ureters, they can get stuck, causing an enormous amount of pain. Doing the stone cleanse got to the stones on which bacteria were collecting and causing infections.

    Although both the liver cleanse and kidney cleanse contained a few stone-dissolving herbs, the herbs didn't seem to have an immediate effect. I designed the stone cleanse to contain these herbs in higher doses and in a more concentrated form to dissolve stones more quickly. Bingo! It worked.

    Should you do the Simplified Stone Cleanse if you have had your gallbladder surgically removed? You cannot get a stone stuck since you no longer have a gallbladder, so theoretically, you could move forward to the Liver Regeneration Program or the Kidney Revitalization Program (Step Three). But keep in mind that in the case of gallstones, there are often liver stones that collect in the liver and these stones cannot be removed by your surgeon when he or she takes out your gallbladder. Therefore, they may still be there in your liver causing problems. Kidney stones have also been on the rise and a lot of people do not know they have them until they are in excruciating pain. It is a good cleanse to avoid future problems. This cleanse also has other benefits that I have seen such as reducing chronic inflammation in the body, helping gynecological issues, sometimes helping urinary incontinence, reducing joint discomfort due to gout, rheumatoid arthritis and other causes. So, I leave it up to you what you'd like to do.

    The Simplified Stone Cleanse


    Advanced Herbal Program:
    Liver or Kidney Cleansing

    1. Continue taking Essential Nutrients

    2. Begin or continue taking the specific formula for the specific health issue.
      Prostate Formula, Female Harmony Formula, Brain Regain Formula, Digestive Formula, Healthy Heart, Vascu-Calm, Healthy Cholesterol Formula, Eyebright Formula, Femme Pause Formula, Head Relief, etc.) If you're having problems figuring out what you need, consult the Herbal Reference Guide


    Liver Regeneration Program (Vibrant Colon, Colon Detox Caps, L/GB Formula, Detox Chai Spice)


    Kidney Revitalization Program (Vibrant Colon, Colon Detox Caps, Kidney/Bladder Formula, K/ B Herbal Tea)

    The Liver Regeneration Program

    The Kidney Revitalization Program

    There are three liver cleanses. The Liver 1 cleanse - pictured above, is what most people use. The Liver 2 Cleanse contains an extra strength colon formula for people who are constipated - they have less than one bowel movement per day. The third - Liver 3 cleanse is the same as the Liver 1 cleanse but it contains an extra garlic and ginger tincture so that you can make the morning flush drink quietly without having to use a blender.

    If everything going's great and there are no health issues remaining, then follow up with the Maintenance Program to maintain ideal health.

    If the issue cannot be resolved after several months of the Advanced Herbal Cleanses, or if the health issue is serious, then it is suggested to begin the 28-Day Healing Program which includes not only herbal formulas to cleanse the entire body, but other natural healing methods as well that are done to break up blockages in the body, increase circulation, and address emotional issues.
    Part 2 of This Article Continued on Next Page:
  • Suppressing Symptoms Vs. a True Healing
  • How to Use Herbs to Get to the Cause
  • Healthy pH Balanced Diet
  • Does Lifestyle Make a Difference?
  • Allergic Reaction, Side Effect or Healing Reaction?

Learn More:
  • More Health Articles
  • Juice Fasting Cleanse
  • Simplified Stone Cleanse
  • Kidney/Bladder Cleansing
  • Liver/Gallbladder Cleansing
  • Total Body Cleanse

Foster Method- Natural Healing- Dr. Cynthia Foster, MD (11)When I had epilepsy for four years, having seizures up to twice a day, I thought for sure I was incurable. I was attending a reputable state medical school learning how incurable my condition was and that it could only be managed with anticonvulsant medications. In my desperate search for answers, I found a holistic RN who I chose because of her medical credentials. She was far more than a conventional nurse! She helped me with a very specific whole food, unprocessed diet - NOT the ketogenic diet - and taught me how to detoxify my body naturally.

She was incredibly selective about the natural products she used and warned me against buying anything in health food stores due to the poor quality that was being sold there. She healed all types of health issues - even severe issues that defied conventional medical treatments - all of which I verified by speaking to all of her patients in her waiting room.

I healed a great deal during those weekly visits to her office but it wasn't until I met the next natural healer who recommended a powerful one-month long herbal detox that I repeated twice, that I was able to cure myself completely and permanently of epilepsy. Because of my own personal cure as well as seeing what was possible with natural healing, I refused to practice conventional medicine and struck out on my own as a natural healer. But there was much more to learn and that was only the beginning of the Foster Method. I then had to learn how to repeat my own personal healing with my patients, regardless of their health issue.

Most of the supplements sold on the market were watered down, processed incorrectly and sold in their weakest form (burnt herbs in capsules) where they quickly deteriorated on the shelves. They were being touted by famous doctors and book authors. Many were not organic or wildcrafted and some were made from activated sewage sludge, ground up rocks, metallic iron filings and many other horrifying things and yet, the manufacturer had the gall to list pure and natural on the label and did not list the toxic substances at all! The worst were so-called natural vitamins! If the product label did not list a food as the source of the product, it contained these horrifying ingredients without listing them. To make matters worse, these synthetic toxic vitamins - including calcium, magnesium, and other common vitamins and minerals were being mixed with herbs with the claim that the vitamins helped the herbs - which were already weak and watered down to begin with, work better. People are led to believe that vitamins are natural when the vast majority are not, and it is done purposefully in the natural products industry to sell products.

No one realized the massive fraud that was being perpetrated on the unsuspecting American public. It shocked me to the core that 95% of all natural products on the market were not - and still are not - natural at all. It was extremely difficult to find a manufacturer who was willing to use the purest organic ingredients and put them in a super strong concentration that was several times stronger than National Formulary and US Pharmacopeia standards which are still being used for all of the products sold by most natural health practitioners and health food stores.

Over twenty years ago, because of poor natural product quality - which remains an issue today, I had to design all of the formulas in the Foster Method to be the absolute strongest, most powerful American-made formulas that could be made while major natural product manufacturers were - and still are - using cheap Chinese and Indian herbs that were the lowest possible quality in order to maximize their profit, all with colorful, slick marketing to convince people it would work. At that time, people using alternative medicine were desperately ill and used it as a last resort. If I didn't give them the strongest possible remedy, they would give up and stop trying. They had NO money and could not afford even basic lab tests.

I pray over everything, so most of my formulas came out of my deep prayers to help others. I had made a very unpopular choice to leave conventional medicine when everyone around me was telling me not to - even though I was completely cured of a deadly disease! It was a huge risk seeing patients for very little money, as I had huge medical school loans that I could not pay. But I wanted to do the right thing for every person that came to see me. In order to avoid ordering expensive lab tests, I prayed intensely and tried to "scan" their bodies to know what was wrong with them.

After several years, something was different. I started seeing health issues in their body - literally, the cholesterol in their arteries, the places in their bodies where it was stagnant and the emotional issues that were causing their health problem. I became a medical intuitive through my constant prayers and also started to see what formulas sick people needed in order to regain their health and maintain it.

So, the Foster Method has been through many adjustments and tweaks until I came up with the strongest and best program to help those in need. Most of my patients came to me with grocery bags full of cheap supplements that most people buy that had hardly any effect on them whatsoever. When they tried my concentrates, and followed my other recommendations they were in shock. "Casings&quot" were coming out of their intestines, they were passing gallstones, and parasites and toxins were pouring out of their bodies. But most importantly, they recovered, which is what I had been praying for all along.

The following are the guidelines I have used for over 20 years to help people get well after they had failed treatments recommended by medical doctors as well as from natural healers. < name="whyfail">

The major reasons I saw that people did not get well with other natural healers or with medical doctors was because of the following:

  • Poor product quality - Read about Our Product Quality and Why It is So Strict

  • Doses were far too low

  • Herbs did not get to where they were needed due to lack of circulation and blockages in the body.

  • Practitioner or patient wanted to focus on just the symptom and take just one "supplement" instead of healing the entire body

  • Failure to address the emotional component

  • Patient followed a diet high in processed foods or junk foods

  • Failure to recognize symptoms caused by patient's over the counter and prescription medications

The Foster Method:

The Foster Method, for the abovementioned reasons, will only work with Dr. Fosters Essentials highly concentrated herbs. If you want to benefit the most from this method, do not pick and choose individual formulas or try to get a "similar" formula online - it will not work. Most herbal formulas are formulated by people who have never seen a patient and many of their formulas are poorly designed. I saw a man have intestinal bleeding caused by taking a poorly designed herbal formula recommended by a highly trusted chiropractor.

This system was designed not only to help you with health issues you know you have, but hidden health issues that have been lurking in your body for many years without obvious symptoms. It does no good to heal yourself of one issue at a time with one supplement at a time. This only results in future health issues because you did not heal the root cause of the health problem. What good does it do to have your thyroid numbers look good on a lab test only to come down with irritable bowel a year later because you didn't heal the underlying colon issue? What good does it do to heal a rash if you come down with a kidney problem soon after because you did not heal your elimination organs that caused the rash?

You must do the whole program in order to get the miraculous results my patients experienced and to protect yourself against future health issues - even if you believe you do not have a problem in that area of your body - my experience is that most people are so accustomed to taking drug store remedies or medications for their symptoms that they have no idea how toxic their bodies have become and how sick they actually are. I've known people to have three perfect bowel movements per day who had tons of toxins in their intestines. I've also known people to have parasites with no obvious symptoms whatsoever.

You could have a lot of problems inside your body and not realize it because your doctor keeps medicating you with chemicals and cutting out parts and then telling you you're ok. Most people have been given a false sense of security by their medical doctors who never get to the root cause of their health problem. In my experience, people can have loads of toxins in their liver, yet have completely normal liver function blood tests, and they can have highly toxic kidneys, while also having normal kidney function blood test results.

Conventional blood tests are not sensitive enough to pick up these problems, and this is why many patients walk into a doctor's office with cancer, and their medical doctor never saw it coming. I want to teach you how to see these serious things coming, while they are still in the early stages, so that you can intervene and heal yourself before any serious disease can ever develop in your body. For best results, do not skip any steps and make sure you do the maintenance program every 3 months after you get well.About the author:

Dr. Cynthia Foster, M.D.

A Conventionally Trained Medical Doctor Who Left Medicine Almost 20 Years Ago to Practice 100% Holistically

Foster Method- Natural Healing- Dr. Cynthia Foster, MD (12)After receiving a required Hepatitis B vaccine for entry into medical school, Dr. Cynthia Foster became severely ill with grand mal epileptic seizures. The seizures occurred twice daily for almost four years – almost the entire time she was in training to become a conventional medical doctor at the University of Texas Health Science Center. Putting her life into the hands of a very experienced holistic nurse who was using holistic healing methods with unprecedented and extraordinary results, she refused all medications or other medical interventions for the seizures.

Using only natural methods as her treatment, the seizures went into complete remission, and she has been seizure-free for over 20 years. Her first book Stop the Medicine tells the incredible story of her miraculous recovery as well as giving a behind-the-scenes look at the Modern Medical Establishment. In her search for healing, she has traveled the world learning and incorporating natural methods into her holistic practice, including herbal detox, natural supplements, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, energy healing, mind-body medicine, healing visualizations, juice fasting and therapeutic foods.

After receiving her MD degree, and refusing to practice medicine because of the miraculous healings she had seen in others and experienced for herself, she began her practice using only natural methods to heal her patients, specializing in teaching people how to heal themselves with simple remedies and techniques, and has been able to repeat the miraculous healing results with her patients that she herself had personally experienced.

Over the past 20 plus years, she has served many roles including not only healing practitioner, but also herbal product trainer and spokesperson for herbal product companies, and also founded her own pharmaceutical strength herbal product line called “Dr. Foster’s Essentials” to address the health problems she was seeing in her practice. She noticed over a period of two decades of seeing patients, that they usually brought her grocery bags full of so-called “natural” supplements that simply did not work. She founded Dr. Foster’s Essentials, insisting on including herbal extracts up to ten times stronger than what is traditionally available in grocery stores, drug stores health food stores, and even online, as she felt these “mass-marketed” remedies were too weak and watered down to heal anything as serious as what she had experienced with the epilepsy.

A highly sought after speaker and university instructor, she has lectured worldwide on a wide range of topics from the use of herbs to emotional healing to conventional medicine classes for acupuncture students. She has been interviewed numerous times on radio programs and mentioned in the press as well as featured in magazines, newspapers, and on television. Current projects include a second book describing how to use herbs and natural healing techniques to overcome life-threatening, chronic and incurable health issues.

"Success seems to be largely a matter of
hanging on after others have let go"
- William Feather

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Foster Method- Natural Healing- Dr. Cynthia Foster, MD (2024)
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