Forex for Beginners: Complete Guide to Start Forex Trading (2024)

Forex trading is a prominent investment destination as it fits all traders with different experience levels. However, trading in the forex market is still controversial to many due to the promising yet risky nature of the market. Some people actually think the forex market is a shortcut to being rich, but this is not how it really works.

Contents hide

1What is the Forex Market?

2What is Forex Trading?

3Understanding Forex Currency Pairs

4How to Trade Forex?

5The Complete Guide: How to Start Trading Forex?

5.1Forex for Beginners: key Forex trading terms to know

5.2What is the Forex Margin?

5.3Forex Leverage Explained

5.4What is Bear Market?

5.5What is Bull Market?


5.7Who is a Forex Broker?

5.8What are Bid and Ask prices?

5.9What is a Market Exchange?

5.10Important Forex Trading Sessions

5.11Day Trading – Popular Trading Strategy

6How to Trade Forex for Beginners – How to Start Trading

7How to read Forex charts for beginners?

7.1What is a Line chart?

7.2What is Candle Chart?

8What are the top forex indicators to learn as a beginner?

8.1List of the most used forex indicators:

10Forex Trading Platforms for Beginners

11The Best Forex Trading Strategies for Beginners

11.1Top seven forex trading strategies for beginners:

11.2Forex Signals: How to use Forex Signals?

11.3How to Choose a Reliable Forex Broker?

12Forex Education

12.1How do I start to learn forex?

12.2Start to Trade: Open a Forex Account

To be a successful long-term trader you will need proper market education, practice, application, and persistence. This is why it’s always important to know the key facts about the forex market and how it works before you step into the world of forex trading.This ‘Forex for Beginners’ guide will teach you everything you need to know about forex trading, what it is, how it works, and how to get started.

What is the Forex Market?

The foreign exchange market, also known as forex or FX trading, is the world’s largest and most liquid financial market. It boasts an enormous daily volume of $6.6 trillion in trades among international banks and investors who speculate on global currencies. OTC (over-the-counter) online trading allows for a decentralized marketplace where all participants are able to trade freely without any restrictions – making it ideal for those looking to maximize profits from their investments.

What is Forex Trading?

Forex trading is the process of exchanging one currency for another and following global economical factors. It is a commonly performed financial process that takes place on an international scale for commercial or trading purposes.

Forex trading is the speculation on currency prices for potential profits. Since forex trading is primarily exchanging one currency for another, currencies in the forex market are traded in pairs. The currency pair is a quotation for one currency against the other; known as quote currency and base currency.Currency pairs are affected by different fundamental and technical factors that affect the exchange rate. These factors include economic policies, political stability, trade flows, and of course changes in supply and demand.

Forex for Beginners: Complete Guide to Start Forex Trading (1)
Currency pairs use the abbreviation of currency and country names. For example, the USD/JPY currency pair refers to the US Dollar against the Japanese Yen.

Understanding Forex Currency Pairs

Understanding the pricing and quotation for currency pairs is very essential when it comes to trading forex for beginners. Currencies are defined as the base currency and secondary quote currency. The base currency is the first currency in a currency pair. Also known as the transaction currency. Thequote currencyis the currency being used to pay for the transaction, and it is also known as the counter currency or secondary currency.

Buying and selling currency pairs in the forex market always involves two currencies: the currency you’re paying with (the one you’re selling) and the currency you’re buying. This explains why currencies are traded in pairs.If you’re selling the pair, then you’re selling the base currency, and the currency you’re buying is the quote currency. While in buying, you’re selling the quoted currency to buy the base currency.

When trading a forex pair, the prices are shown (the exchange rate) reflect how much it costs to buy/sell one unit of the base currency by selling/buying the quoted currency.

For example, in the EUR/USD pair the US Dollar is the quote currency, while the first currency (Euro) is referred to as the base currency. If the price of the pair is 1.1200, this means that then you need $1.12 to buy 1 Euro.

What Are the Most Commonly Traded Currency Pairs?

Currency pairs in the forex market can be categorized into three main categories — all of which are important for Forex for Beginners:

  • Major Currency Pairs: The major currency pairs are the most traded major currencies against the US Dollar. These pairs enjoy high levels of liquidity due to the elevated trading volumes. Examples of major currency pairs are EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, and USD/CAD.
  • Cross-Currency Pairs (Minor): A cross-currency pair is a currency pair that does not involve the US dollar. Despite enjoying sufficiently liquid markets, they are less liquid than the major pairs. The cross-currency pairs with higher trading volumes are the ones that include a major currency. Some examples of cross-currency pairs are EUR/GBP, GBP/JPY, and EUR/CHF.
  • Exotic Currency Pairs: Exotic pairs include currencies of emerging markets. They are not as liquid as majors or crosses, so they are characterized by higher price swings. USD/TRY and USD/MXN are among the exotic currency pairs.
The eight most traded currencies in the forex market are the US dollar (USD), the euro (EUR), the British pound (GBP), the Japanese yen (JPY), the Canadian dollar (CAD), the Australian dollar (AUD), the Swiss franc (CHF), and the Chinese Yuan (CNY), according to the BIS survey in 2019.
And the top traded currency pairs are:
  1. EUR/USD: Euro vs. US dollar
  2. USD/JPY: US dollar vs. Japanese yen
  3. GBP/USD: British pound vs. US dollar
  4. USD/CHF: US dollarvs. the Swiss franc
  5. USD/CAD: US dollar vs. Canadian dollar
  6. AUD/USD: Australian dollar vs. US dollar
  7. NZD/USD: New Zealand dollar vs. US dollar
  8. USD/CNY: US dollar vs. Chinese Yen
  9. EUR/GBP: Euro vs. the British pound
Forex for Beginners: Complete Guide to Start Forex Trading (2)

Which forex currency is best for beginners?

When starting as a beginner in the Forex market, it is highly recommended to trade with one of the major currencies such as the Euro, US Dollar, Swiss Franc, British Pound Sterling, or Japanese Yen. Most of the forex trades are focused on these currencies due to the high volume and more specifically the EURUSD pair. Another reason why these currencies are popular among new traders is the ability to easily find reliable daily analyses from different resources.

However, before committing to a specific currency pair you should consider factors like current market trends and your own trading style. It may also be beneficial for beginners to collaborate with an experienced Forex analyst that can provide trend analysis or price action strategy that is easy to use. Ultimately finding the right currency for beginners will depend on individual experience, investment amount, and ease of applying analysis and strategy.

How to Trade Forex?

Forex trading is based essentially on the idea of anticipating the future price of the currencies. As a beginner, you should be able to acquire the knowledge of how to predict future market directions. In this case, traders use two main types of analysis to predict currency movements. These two approaches are mainly technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Apparently, traders can rely on one approach in most of their day trading but using both types improves the results and the success of your trading.

Trading forex for beginners necessitates finding out atrading stylethat is in line with both your personality and your trading goals. This is due to the fact that each individual approaches and views various aspects of life differently, and financial markets are no exception. By identifying your trading style, you’ll have a better chance of reaping positive results and avoiding mistakes when trading.

While forex trading has gained popularity over the years and is more accessible than ever, most beginners still lose money hoping to profit quickly. The truth is, getting started in forex for beginners requires understanding the basics. Despite the vast amount of conflicting information on the internet about Forex for beginners, if you're new to it, it can be hard to get your head around.

The Complete Guide: How to Start Trading Forex?

If you’re looking to get into Forex trading, you’ve come to the right place. Forex, or foreign exchange, is a global financial marketplace where traders buy and sell currencies based on market prices. Trading Forex for beginners can seem daunting at first. But with the right guidance and tools, it’s easier than you might think!

In this guide, we’ll cover all the basics of Forex for beginners– including how to choose a broker, what types of orders are available to traders, and tips for starters. We’ll also discuss some important terms that are commonly used when talking about Forex trading so that you have a clear understanding of the concepts involved. Whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned trader, this guide will help you get up to speed on Forex and learn how to succeed.

So, if you’re ready to start trading Forex on the right foot, let’s dive in and explore all the ins and outs of this financial market and how to invest. Utlimteally, I always recommend traders to use established solid knowledge of tools, charts, and strategies. Forex trading can be an exciting way to make some extra income or even turn it into a sustainable investment.

For starters, Forex is short for foreign exchange – which means that traders buy and sell currencies based on market prices. This type of financial trading involves buying one currency while simultaneously selling another currency at the same time; as such, Forex is often referred to as “currency trading.”

Is forex good for beginners?

Forex is one of the best investment methods for beginners as it doesn’t require big funds or long experience. For many beginners, Forex is a good choice since there it doesn’t involve owning financial assets or keeping them for long. Moreover, a forex account is relatively easy to open and to fund with low deposits starting from just $1.

Eventually, the forex market offers a wide variation of tradeable assets under the same account and platform. This included currency pairs, crypto, metals, oil, and more. In addition, the currency market offers the ability to trade 24 hours per day, 5 days per week, which can be a powerful draw for those who are exploring investing. The Forex markets have another edge which is highly liquid, which means that you can get in and out of trades quickly without having to pay large premiums.

Conversely, Forex trading is also a complex and challenging activity that requires a significant amount of time, effort, and skill to master. In essence, those who are just beginning to dip their toes in the financial market may find Forex trading a bit intimidating. Even if you’re intrigued by this investment opportunity and want to take on minimal risk when starting out, partnering with an experienced Forex broker can be extremely beneficial.

Not only do they provide vital educational resources that will help you hone your skills as a trader but they also offer ongoing guidance every step of the way – all designed specifically for beginners like yourself! So whether you’re looking for long-term success or seeking short-term profits, making sure that your individual objectives align with your level of experience is key.

Forex for Beginners: key Forex trading terms to know

Now that you know what Forex is, the next logical question is: how does one go about learning to trade Forex? Is it possible to teach yourself? Rest assured; this guide will cover all aspects of Forex for beginners. By the end of this article, you’ll have a firm understanding of how to get started in Forex trading.

Forex for Beginners: Complete Guide to Start Forex Trading (3)

Below are key Forex trading terms for beginners that will be helpful to know as a forex beginner.

Spot Forex

With this type of Forex trading, you’re buying and selling actual currency. So, if you have GBP (pounds) and want EURO (euros), you can do that trade. If later the value of the pound increases in worth, then you could exchange your euros for pounds again – but this time getting more money than what you originally spent on purchasing the GBP.


Contract for Difference, or CFD Trading, is an agreement used to depict the change in prices of financial assets. In Forex terms specifically, this means that rather than exchanging large sums of currency, you can take advantage of price changes without having to possess the asset itself. Aside from Forex, CFDs are also accessible in stocks, indices, bond commodities, and cryptocurrencies. For all intents and purposes then they let you trade based on the price movements of these different instruments without needing to purchase them physically first.


A pip is the primary unit of measurement in the quoted price of a currency pair and is equal to 0.0001 of that price. In non-Japanese Yen currency pairs, one pip would be represented by a change in bid price from 1.16667 to 1.16677 – or an increase of 1 point.

Margin call

A margin call happens when an investor loses too much money due to leveraging and using borrowed funds in Forex trades; this triggers a request from the Forex broker to either provide additional funds or liquidate positions.

Example of margin call: If you’re trading Forex on a margin, and your leverage is at 1:100, this means that for every $1 of the position you hold, you must have $100 in your account. So if your position goes down by 1% or 100 pips (1 pip = 0.0001), your account would be wiped out completely. Margin calls are an important part of Forex trading and it’s crucial to understand them before getting started.

Stop out level

Similar to the margin call, Forex traders also need to be aware of the stop-out level and stop loss, as it’s commonly known. This is a price point set by Forex providers at which your position will automatically close if it drops below that value. This threshold acts as an automatic safety net when you’re trading Forex, helping to ensure that your losses never get out of control.

Example of stop-out level: You’re trading Forex on a margin, and you’ve set a stop-out level of 0.5%. This means that if your position value starts to fall by more than 50 pips (0.5% of the total trade amount), it will automatically exit your Forex position to minimize losses.

Stop Loss

Stop Loss is an automated feature to set a certain level that will exit your position if it starts trending downward. The stop-loss function prevents traders from going over the predetermined point that had been previously established. By employing a “stop loss” to their orders, traders can secure their trades from potential losses.

How to calculate Stop Loss?Forex trading involves taking advantage of price fluctuations and making short-term Forex trades, which means that your Forex position will be open for any length of time. To calculate how much you need to risk per unit in order to hit your stop loss, use the following formula: (Position size / Stop Loss) x 100 = Risk per pip. So if you're trading Forex on a margin, and your stop loss is set at 0.5%, then (0.5% / 100) x 100 = 5%. This means that for every $100,000 in position size you have, you need to risk $500 per pip for it to close automatically if the market goes against you.

So remember, Forex trading is considered a risky investment that is taking advantage of short-term market fluctuations. Therefore, the Stop Loss function is one of the most important functions to learn how to use it. It is not an optional thing, it is a must!

Take Profit

The take profit feature is an automated setting that will close your position when it starts to make a return, enabling you to secure the gains. This helpful tool allows traders of all types to reap profits without having to worry about potential losses. Forex traders in particular can enjoy using this function as they are able to pinpoint exactly when the market is most lucrative and capitalize on their positions swiftly.

How to calculate take profit points?Forex traders can calculate their take profit points using the following formula - stop loss level + pip value * a number of lots. For example, if your Forex position has a stop loss of 100 pips, and each pip is worth $1 per lot, then you could set a take profit point of 200 pips to capture double the profit potential.

Forex Spread

The spread is what you subtract from the purchase price to find the sale price of a currency pair. For example, if the bid-ask rate for USD/JPY is 113.50/113.51, then the Ask price (the one you’d pay) would be 113.51, and to get that number we take away 0.01 pip as our spread from 113.52 which was at the midpoint between where we bought it and sold it immediately after buying it (our bid).

Forex for Beginners: Complete Guide to Start Forex Trading (4)

There are a variety of spreads in forex for beginners to know in order to ensure profitability:

  • Fixed Forex spread: A fixed Forex spread is one where the price remains constant regardless of market fluctuations. This offers traders more predictability and stability in their trading but at the cost of potentially lower profits.
  • Floating Forex spread: A floating Forex spread is one that fluctuates along with market conditions, allowing traders to benefit from volatility in the markets. This can be riskier, as Forex prices may move against you, but it also allows for greater profits when prices are moving in a favorable direction.
  • Rollover Forex spread: A rollover Forex spread is incurred when a Forex position is kept open overnight, and the trader will be charged or paid interest for holding this position. The amount of interest that you pay or receive depends on the currency pair and interest rates of the countries involved.

Here is an ultimate guide onhow to choose a low-spread Forex brokerand learn more about forex for beginners.

Fixed Spread vs Floating Spread There are two major types of Forex spreads - fixed and floating. Fixed spreads will remain the same regardless of market conditions while floating Forex spreads fluctuate with changing market volatility. The advantage of a fixed spread Forex account is that you can be sure that you'll always know exactly how much your Forex trades will cost. Conversely, floating Forex spreads may fluctuate with changing market conditions and trader sentiment, so you'll need to be able to accurately predict Forex market movements if you want to make a profit.

Ultimately, whether fixed or floating Forex spread works best for you will depend on your trading style and the level of risk that you’re comfortable taking. However, with the right Forex trading strategy and a solid risk management plan, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Forex trading.

Lot size

A Forex lot is a standard unit of measurement used to express account equity in Forex trading. In Forex trading, lots refer to the number of units being traded (a standard contract size equates 100,000 currency units).

For example, if you wanted to trade GBP/USD and had an account with $100 million at 1:200 leverage ratio then you would need - but not always - 500k pounds i.e. (500k * 0.0050) = 2.5 million dollars to trade Forex.

What is slippage?

Slippage refers to the Forex broker increasing or decreasing the spread based on market volatility. This can happen when a Forex trade is executed, leading to smaller profits or losses than expected.

How does the slippage happen? Slippage can happen when large Forex orders are executed in the market all at once, particularly if they cause sudden, drastic changes in prices. This is why Forex traders should always use a reliable and best broker that has a good reputation and offers low slippage.

What is Forex Arbitrage?

Forex arbitrage is when Forex traders buy and sell a Forex pair at the same time, profiting from any differences in price between the two transactions. Forex arbitrage is highly risky and should only be used by advanced Forex traders who fully understand how it works.

What is Swap?

Forex traders are required to pay or receive a swap on their Forex positions at the end of each day. This is because Forex traders hold their position overnight and incur interest charges as a result. Swap Example: Forex traders who have a Forex position that is long USD/JPY at 113.50 and short USD/JPY at 113.51, will receive or pay 0.01 pip as the difference in interest rates between the two currencies – helping them cover their overnight costs.

Swap-Free Forex tradingSome Forex brokers offer swap-free Forex trading accounts that do not charge interest on overnight positions. These accounts are ideal for Forex traders who want to avoid paying or receiving interest charges, and they can typically be opened with a minimum deposit.

Here’s how to calculate yourforex trading coststhat include your spread, broker commissions, and swap fee to maximize your chances of success.

What is the Forex Margin?

Any Forex trader must possess a certain degree of capital in order to open up a trade; this is what’s called margin. If you don’t have the necessary funds, you could be forced to liquidate your position should the value of your account drop below the required amount. Therefore, it pays off to make sure that those reserves remain above minimum thresholds at all times. When you open a trade, the margin is kept in your trading account as collateral.

How to calculate the margin level in forex trading?

To calculate the margin level in Forex trading, you will need to take into account several factors, including your initial margin deposit, the current market value of your open trades, and any other funds that are currently being used for Forex trading purposes. Typically, Forex brokers will offer leverage up to 1:500 or higher – which means that you will only have to maintain a margin deposit of 1% or less of the total trade value.

Once you have calculated your margin level, you can decide whether it is high enough to continue placing new Forex trades. Generally speaking, if your margin level falls below 20%, you may want to consider closing out some of your existing positions in order to free up more funds and bolster your margin level. However, it is important to note that closing out Forex trades can result in significant losses, so you should only do this as a last resort if you feel that your Forex trading strategy has become too risky or no longer profitable.

Overall, if you are a forex beginner and looking for a way to get started with minimal investment and low risk, leveraging margin can be an effective way to grow your investment size. However, you will need to set up the leverage based on calculated formulas to manage the risks.

Forex Leverage Explained

Leverage is the capital provided by a broker that allows traders to make more trades than they would be able to without it. Forex leverage is considered a loan from the brokerage provider for clients to use in order to increase their buying power. For example, if you have a Forex account with $100,000 and the Forex broker, you’re working with offers 1:200 leverage ratio then they will be giving you 200 times what your deposit or balance is worth – which means you can take control of up to 200 times the actual amount in your trading account by using only your deposit and equity as collateral for this Forex borrowing.

Forex for Beginners: Complete Guide to Start Forex Trading (5)
Example: The forex leverage rates can be as high as 2000:1 in a Standard account, which means that for every $1 you have to invest with Forex trading, your broker can lend you up to $2000.

If Forex trading sounds like something you’d like to learn more about, there are a number of great online resources and guides available – including our own Complete Guide to Forex Trading. It is highly important to always remember that leverage is risky and should only be used by those who understand the Forex market and Forex trading strategies.

Leverage Examples:

  • If you use a 1:10 leverage rate, for every $1 you have in your trading account, you can trade a currency pair with a $10 position size. So, if you have 1,000 euros in your account and EUR/USD is currently traded at 1.1000, that means you could open a short position worth 10,000 units of the base currency (100 * 100 = 10,000).
  • You deposit €1 into your broker’s margin account and initiate a leveraged trade with 1000x leverage. The notional value of this contract would be equal to the face value of the underlying asset multiplied by its Leverage Factor (1000), which would give us a total Notional Value of one million euros(€1m).

The Risk of High Leverage:

While leverage can be beneficial for Forex traders, it can also lead to significant risks. The high leverage rates available in Forex trading mean that even small price changes could result in large losses. For example, if a Forex trader opens a 1:10 position size with €1 of margin and EUR/USD moves from 1.1000 to 1.1001, the resulting profit or loss would be equal to 100% of the account’s balance (€1 / €1 = 100%).

What is Bear Market?

A bear market in forex is when the rate of a currency pair declines. This trend can affect many currencies and cause a prolonged period of diminishment, which is not ideal for those who are hoping to profit from their trades. Despite it being feasible to be successful during these times, traders must exercise caution with their investments.

During a bear market in forex trading, sentiments among traders become pessimistic and the currency’s value depreciates. This is usually accompanied by an economic downturn or high levels of unemployment, prompting Forex investors to take protective measures such as setting stop-loss orders and reducing their leverage. By being aware of these times of financial uncertainty, successful Forex traders can safeguard their investments against further losses.

What is Bull Market?

When currency prices are on the upswing, that’s known as a bull market. Bull markets typically emerge when people feel positive about an economic condition; these sentiments may be sparked by reports or indicators that suggest healthier times ahead. With everyone feeling content with the current state of affairs, this bullish sentiment can spread throughout the entire market and create a sustained period of growth – a true boon for all investors!

Some common characteristics of bull markets include:

  • When the U.S. Federal Reserve expresses optimism or lowers interest rates, it often leads to an enhanced demand for dollars and other currencies, resulting in a bull market surge.
  • A positive GDP report from Germany could encourage buying of Euro-based currency pairs, pushing up the Euro and creating a bull market.
  • A win at the polls for a party advocating economic growth in an up-and-coming market could ignite waves of purchasing in that country’s currency, signaling the onset of a bullish pattern.

Watching global events is key for Forex traders, giving them that extra edge on the market. While one must be cautious when trading currencies due to their volatility and unpredictability, being aware of the news can help diminish losses from sudden shifts in value. By closely monitoring such developments, savvy investors have a better chance of succeeding – even amidst immensely chaotic markets.


Beta is a number that describes the degree to which a stock follows the movement of its benchmark. So, if it has a beta value of 1.5 and there’s one unit increase in the market index, then you can expect this stock to gain or lose approximately 1.5 units as well. The company’s debt levels, the industry sector it deals in, capitalization size, and earnings variability are a few common factors affecting the level of beta for any given security.

Investors should pay close attention to the beta when making investment decisions, but it’s also important to consider other metrics such as historical returns, valuations, and risk/return tradeoffs. By combining different sources of data into a systematic evaluation process, you can create an in-depth insight into any stock and make educated financial choices that will benefit your portfolio.

Find outHow do policy decisions impact the stock marketand learn more about it.

Who is a Forex Broker?

A forex broker plays a vital role as the connecting link between traders and the foreign exchange market. By providing access to up-to-date market data, facilitating trade execution with ease, and offering reliable risk management tools such as stop-loss orders, they are integral in enabling successful trading experiences.

Forex for Beginners: Complete Guide to Start Forex Trading (6)

Some of the key factors that investors should consider when choosing a forex broker include its reputation in the industry, its regulatory status, the types of services it offers, and its competitive commissions and fees. Other important considerations include whether it offers a wide selection of currency pairs for trading, whether it provides 24/7 live customer support, and whether you can easily access your account through mobile apps or online platforms. With the right forex broker, you can gain reliable access to global currency markets and start trading with confidence.

Types of forex brokerages:

  • Full-service broker
  • Discount broker
  • Forex trading platform
  • ECN broker
  • Forex robot or automated trading software

When searching for the best Forex broker to suit your needs, there are a few essential things you’ll want to take into account – from its reputation and regulatory status in the industry to its selection of services offered with competitive commission fees. You should also consider whether it offers an array of currency pairs for trading, and provides 24/7 customer support when needed, as well as if access through mobile apps or online platforms is readily available.

With careful research and doing due diligence on a broker’s background, finding one that meets all these criteria will not only give you reliable access to global currency markets but peace of mind too.

What are Bid and Ask prices?

The bid and ask prices are two of the most important terms in Forex trading. The bid price refers to the amount that buyers are willing to pay for a given currency, while the Ask price is the amount that sellers are willing to receive in exchange for a particular currency. In Forex markets, these prices can fluctuate rapidly depending on factors such as economic conditions, geopolitical events, and investor sentiment. Understanding how Bid and ask prices work is an essential part of any Forex trader’s toolkit.

To better understand the distinction between the bid price and ask price in Forex terms, consider them respectively as what you will receive when selling a currency pair, or what you must pay to purchase it. Additionally, these figures can denote your potential gain or loss if you open a position close to the current market cost. All in all, being cognizant of both is paramount for successful trading!

At any given time, knowing the bid and ask prices for a particular currency pair can help you make more informed trading decisions and maximize your profits when Forex markets are volatile.

What is a Market Exchange?

Trades of securities, such as stocks and bonds, occur within the walls of a stock exchange. Two renowned examples are NASDAQ and NYSE. Additionally, foreign currency trades take place on particular trading platforms set up to link buyers and sellers from around the world. An exchange serves as an arena where these transactions come to fruition.

Selecting an appropriate Forex exchange is no small task, but you can simplify the process by assessing several key components. Look at its size and liquidity as well as any available currency pairings for trading to ensure it has what you need. Research if live market data or technical analysis software are offered, along with educational resources like seminars or online courses that might be helpful for beginner traders.

Trading in the world of global currency markets is an incredibly rewarding venture, and to make sure you have access to all opportunities available it’s essential that you select a reliable Forex exchange. With the perfect platform at your disposal, not only will there be a vast array of different currencies for investment but tools too which can help assist with achieving maximum financial growth potential!

Important Forex Trading Sessions

Staying aware of the various market hours when trading Forex is essential to success. This is referred to as ‘Forex Trading Sessions’.

For any beginner looking to break into the world of forex trading, it is essential to understand the four major sessions: Asian, European, American, and Australian/Asian. Each session has its own unique features like market volatility and liquidity which should be heeded. Notably, Asia’s markets tend to have lower activity levels than their counterparts since there are notable differences in time zones between countries here. Therefore understanding these different aspects can help you create a more successful trading strategy.

Understanding how Forex markets work allows you to be better prepared for buying and selling currency pairs during different trading sessions. With a solid understanding of Forex cycles and trends, you can fine-tune your trading strategies and maximize your chances of success in Forex markets.

What is the best trading session to trade forex?

Choosing the best Forex trading session depends on a number of factors, including your personal trading style and market conditions. However, most traders choose the European and American sessions to trade due to high volume and volatility.

Some traders may discover that the Asian session is the ideal time for Forex trading, given that many economic markets are open concurrently. Conversely, other investors might want to target more active European or American sessions where they can take advantage of higher levels of volatility and liquidity.

In the end, the Forex trading session that is most suitable for you will be contingent on many different components such as your desired time zone and strategies. While some traders may find more success in Asian markets, others might discover greater results elsewhere. Doing research, experimenting with various sessions of foreign exchange security trading, and picking which one works best according to your personal requirements are essential actions to take when making this decision.

Day Trading – Popular Trading Strategy

Day trading is a strategy used by Forex traders to buy and sell currencies throughout the day, taking advantage of short-term price movements in order to make consistent profits.

There are several key advantages to using this strategy, including its potential for high returns, the ability to implement effective risk management techniques, and the possibility of entering into multiple trades at once. However, day trading also requires a significant amount of time and effort. Before you decide whether or not this approach is right for you, it’s important to understand how day trading works and what strategies can help maximize your chances of success.

To get started with Forex day trading, it’s crucial to have an effective plan that includes choosing the right Forex broker, setting up a risk management system, and identifying trading patterns that can help improve your results. And while there’s no guaranteed formula for success in Forex day trading, the right strategy and persistence can help you achieve your financial goals over time.

Whether you’re looking to make consistent profits from Forex Day trading or simply want to grow your investment portfolio over time, understanding how this strategy works and how to implement it successfully can be key to achieving success in global currency markets. Read on for an inside look at the life of a successful day trader.

How to Trade Forex for Beginners – How to Start Trading

This next section is crucial for beginners in Forex trading. Consider the following things before making any trade: short or long-term, cost, andspread (difference between ask and bid price). By taking these aspects into account, you’ll be able to determine which trades are worth entering.

Price and Quote

When trading Forex, you will come across Ask and Bid prices. The Ask price is the price you can buy the currency for, while the bid price is the price at which you can sell it. As a beginner, something to keep in mind is that although you are able to trade long or short-term goals, there is always risk involved when working with such a complex product.

The next logical question after understanding that brokers make a profit by collecting the difference between the buy and sell prices of currency pairs is:

How much can a particular currency be expected to move?

This depends on what the liquidity of the currency is like or how much is bought and sold at the same time. The most liquid currency pairs are those with the highest supply and demand in the Forex market. It is The banks, companies, importers, exporters, and traders that generate this supply and demand.

Of the major currency pairs, EURUSD is the most liquid, with an average daily movement of about 120 pips. Other liquid Forex currency pairs include USDCHF, GBPUSD, and USDJPY.

The most well-known Forex pairs are usually the most liquid. Nevertheless, there are also many chances with less common currencies, especially if you have expertise in a particular currency.

Long Trade

What is long Trade? A long trade is a Forex position that profits from an increase in the exchange rate between two currencies.

When making your first Forex trades, it’s important to keep multiple factors in mind, such as choosing the right Forex broker, setting up a risk management system, and identifying trading patterns that can help improve your results over time.

One aspect of Forex trading that can be especially beneficial is setting up a long trade. By identifying trends, using risk management strategies, and understanding how Forex markets work, you can take advantage of short-term price movements to achieve your financial goals over time.

Trading Tips: When you're considering a long trade, it's important to think about where the Forex market is headed in the short term. While this can be difficult to predict with accuracy, some common factors that can influence Forex prices include economic indicators like GDP reports and interest rate decisions, central bank interventions, political events, and even natural disasters.

Short Trade

What is short trade? A short trade is a Forex position that profits from a decrease in the exchange rate between two currencies.

Trading Tips: When entering a Forex short trade, it's also important to think about market conditions and how they may impact your Forex investment. For example, if you believe that key economic data such as inflation and unemployment are likely to rise in the near future, this could potentially lead to a decrease in the value of a particular Forex currency pair.

How to read Forex charts for beginners?

One of the most important skills for Forex traders to develop is the ability to read Forex charts efficiently. Forex charts allow traders to analyze price trends and apply indicators.

There are many different types of Forex charts, such as line, bar, and candlestick charts. Each type of Forex chart has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to learn several different Forex charting techniques in order to improve your market analysis.

Forex for Beginners: Complete Guide to Start Forex Trading (7)

Some key tips for reading Forex charts include understanding the meaning of price movements and using technical indicators like moving averages, Bollinger bands, and Relative Strength Index (RSI). Additionally, it’s important to study Forex chart patterns and market trends so that you can make informed predictions about future price movements.

Learning the basics of forex technical analysis and tools can be sufficient to start trading. Once you understand the main concepts of technical analysis, you can apply them to any market, which makes it a flexible analytical tool.

There are three popular types of price charts which are:

  • Line Chart: the most basic of trading charts, and the easiest for beginner traders. The chart represents only the closing prices over a period of time. In trading, the closing price is often considered the most important element in the price analysis.
  • Bar Chart: It is made up of a sequence of vertical lines where each line is a representation of trading activity, and includes more key information about prices. Each bar includes the high and low of the trading period, as well as the open and closing price that is represented by a side horizontal shorter line.
  • Candlestick Chart: the most popular in forex charts. Candlestick charts are easy to use and also very informative when it comes to highs, lows, opening, and closing prices.

Check more about Forex Chartsand how to read them.

What is a Line chart?

A line chart is one of the most basic Forex chart types, and it is widely used by Forex traders to track price movements over time. As its name suggests, a line chart shows price data as a series of connected points or lines on a graph. This can make it easier to identify trends and see overall patterns in price movements over time.

Some key features of Forex line charts include the ability to easily identify trends and support and resistance levels, as well as the flexibility to customize your charting style with a variety of technical indicators and chart types.

What is Candle Chart?

A candlestick chart is another popular Forex charting style that helps traders analyze price movements over time. As the name suggests, a candlestick chart shows price data in the form of candles, with each candle showing the opening, high, low, and closing prices for a given period of time.

This Forex charting style is especially useful for analyzing short-term price movements, as the candles can help traders quickly identify key trends, support and resistance levels, and other important information that can help inform Forex trading decisions.

What are the top forex indicators to learn as a beginner?

There are many different Forex indicators that traders can use to analyze price movements, spot potential trading opportunities, and make informed decisions about when and where to place trades.

Some of the most popular Forex indicators include moving averages, Bollinger bands, MACD, RSI, and pivot points. These Forex indicators each have unique strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose the right Forex indicators for your trading style and analysis needs.

List of the most used forex indicators:

  • Moving Averages
  • Bolinger bands
  • MACD
  • RSI
  • Pivot Points
For example, if you are a short-term Forex trader focused on picking quick entry and exit points, you might want to use technical indicators like moving averages or Bollinger bands to help identify potential trading opportunities in real-time.

On the other hand, if your Forex trading strategy is based on longer-term trends and fundamental analysis, you may want to consider using Forex indicators like RSI or support and resistance levels to help identify critical market turning points. Ultimately, the right Forex indicators for your trading style will depend on your individual preferences and trading goals.

How to conduct a market analysis?

With inflation, economic reports, and political stability largely affecting the forex market, currency values regularly fluctuate, providing traders with opportunities to profit from volatility. Trading forex for beginners starts with understanding these keymarket movers. When conducting a Forex market analysis, it is important to carefully analyze the factors that can impact market prices.

Forex for Beginners: Complete Guide to Start Forex Trading (8)

Forex market sentiment

Forex market sentiment refers to the overall mood and outlook of Forex traders at any given time. This sentiment can be influenced by a variety of factors, including economic conditions, political developments, and market trends.

1. Technical Analysis

One key factor to consider is technical analysis, which involves analyzing Forex market data using a variety of technical indicators and charting tools.

Some of the most popular Forex technical indicators include moving averages, Bollinger bands, MACD, RSI, and pivot points. By understanding how these Forex technical indicators work and what information they provide, you can use them to make informed predictions about future price movements and optimize your trading strategy accordingly.

2. Trend Analysis

Another important factor to consider when conducting Forex market analysis is trend analysis, which involves identifying and analyzing trends in price movements over time. There are many different ways to perform Forex trend analysis, including using technical indicators like moving averages or Bollinger bands, as well as fundamental factors such as economic news and political events.

Ultimately, the best Forex trend analysis strategy will depend on your individual trading style and preferences, so it’s important to find a method that works well for you and helps you make effective trading decisions.

Support and Resistance Explained

One of the most important concepts in Forex trading is support and resistance, which refers to the levels at which buyers or sellers are likely to enter the market.

When a market price reaches a support level, it is seen as an area where buyers are likely to step in and push prices higher. Likewise, when a market price reaches a resistance level, it is seen as an area where sellers are likely to enter the market and push prices lower.

By understanding how support and resistance levels work in Forex markets, traders can better predict future price movements and optimize their trading strategies accordingly. Some key factors to consider when analyzing Forex support and resistance levels include:

  • Previous price movements.
  • Forex technical indicators like moving averages or Bollinger bands.
  • Fundamental factors like economic news and political events.
  • Other market participants, such as other traders, investors, or institutions.

Ultimately, the key to successfully analyzing Forex support and resistance levels is to combine different analysis techniques, analyze a range of market data, and stay up-to-date on current market conditions. With the right Forex analysis strategy, you can maximize your profits and minimize your risks in Forex trading.

3. Fundamental Analysis

Another key element of Forex market analysis is fundamental analysis, which involves analyzing a wide range of economic and financial data in order to understand how current events may impact Forex prices. Some key factors to consider in Forex fundamental analysis include important economic indicators such as:

  • GDP
  • Employment Rates
  • Inflation
  • Central Bank Actions
  • Geopolitical Events
  • Interest Rate Decisions.

By understanding how these factors may impact Forex prices, you can make more informed trading decisions based on your market analysis. Ultimately, conducting a thorough Forex market analysis is essential for any Forex trader in order to maximize trading success and minimize potential risks.

Whether you are using technical analysis or fundamental analysis, there are many different tools and strategies that you can use to conduct a thorough market analysis and stay on top of the latest market trends and price movements.

Forex Trading Platforms for Beginners

If you are just embarking on your Forex trading journey, there is no shortage of excellent platforms to select from. Two that stand out as especially popular amongst beginners in the community, and offer an abundance of features and tools for optimal success are MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. Make sure to take advantage of all these offerings so you can start off on the right foot.

Some key features to look for when choosing a Forex trading platform include:

  • Ease of use.
  • Charting tools and technical analysis indicators.
  • Automated trading capabilities.
  • Forex news and market research resources.

As you search for the optimal Forex trading platform, it is essential to conduct research and find one that meets your individual needs. With a suitable solution, you have access to powerful analytical tools as well as up-to-date market alerts – allowing you to make more confident decisions based on actual data in real-time. Furthermore, coupling this with an effective market analysis strategy will help ensure success while optimally taking advantage of profitable opportunities in this thrilling marketplace.

The Best Forex Trading Strategies for Beginners

If you’re a newcomer to the Forex trading game or an experienced investor, there are diverse tactics that you can use to make your money go further and reduce potential risks. Technological analysis, fundamental examination, and automated buying-and-selling frameworks feature prominently in some of the most successful strategies for novice Forex traders.

Basic technical analysis involves using key price indicators such as support and resistance levels, trend lines, and moving averages to identify potential Forex trading opportunities. Fundamental analysis involves analyzing a wide range of economic and financial data in order to understand how current events may impact Forex prices.

Automated trading systems allow traders to execute Forex trades automatically based on pre-programmed trading rules and criteria.

Before engaging in Forex trading, it is essential to conduct thorough research and develop a personalized strategy that works best for your individual goals. With the right Forex trading strategies coupled with astute market analysis skills, you can skillfully navigate the risk-filled terrain of foreign exchange markets and ultimately achieve success.

Top seven forex trading strategies for beginners:

Choosing the right Forex trading strategy is essential for maximizing your trading success. With the right Forex trading strategies and a solid market analysis approach, you can increase your Forex trading success and achieve your Forex trading goals.

  • Trend trading strategy: Forex trend trading is one of the most widely used Forex trading strategies for beginners because it is easy to understand and implement. This Forex strategy involves identifying any strong Forex trends and then using a Forex trading strategy such as price action or breakout strategies to take advantage of those Forex trends. Forex trend trading strategies typically involve using Forex technical analysis tools such as moving averages, oscillators, or chart patterns to analyze Forex price movements and identify any potential Forex trading opportunities.
  • Price action trading strategy: A Forex price action trading strategy is another popular Forex trading approach for beginners. This Forex trading approach involves analyzing the charts to identify any patterns or trends, and then executing Forex trades based on these Forex trading patterns. Some Forex price action trade setups may also incorporate other Forex trading strategies such as Forex trend trading or Forex reversal trading, depending on the particular Forex market conditions.
  • Forex scalping strategy: A Forex scalping strategy is a short-term Forex trading strategy that involves making several trades throughout the day to take advantage of small Forex price fluctuations. Forex scalping is a popular Forex trading strategy for beginners because it allows traders to make multiple transactions within a short period of time, and typically offers higher returns than longer-term Forex strategies.
  • Forex swing trading strategy: Another Forex trading strategy for beginners is Forex swing trading. This Forex strategy involves holding Forex trades longer than a day in order to take advantage of higher Forex price movements. Forex swing traders typically use technical analysis tools such as moving averages or candlestick chart patterns to identify new Forex trading opportunities and then hold their Forex positions until the Forex market has moved significantly in their favor.
  • Forex reversal strategy: Forex reversal strategies are Forex trading approaches that focus on taking advantage of Forex market reversals. These Forex strategies typically involve identifying any potential Forex trading opportunities based on the ongoing Forex market conditions and then taking an appropriate position in anticipation of a potential Forex market reversal. Forex reversal strategies can be used as Forex trend trading and Forex price action strategies, or they can be used as standalone Forex trading approaches.
  • Range trading strategy: Forex range trading is a strategy that involves identifying and taking advantage of Forex price fluctuations within a specific Forex trading range. To implement a Forex range trading strategy, traders will need to identify support and resistance levels within the Forex market and then execute Forex trades based on those levels. Traders may also use technical analysis tools such as trend lines, oscillators, and Fibonacci retracement levels to identify Forex price ranges.
  • Carry Trade forex strategy: Forex carry trade strategies are Forex trading approaches that involve taking advantage of the Forex market’s interest rate differential to achieve Forex trading profits. Forex traders typically execute Forex trades in the direction of higher interest rates and then hold those Forex positions until interest rates change or until their desired Forex profit has been achieved.
  • Position Trading: Position trading is a popularlong-termforex trading style where traders hold positions for long periods of time, usually months or years. It involves identifying a trend over time and following it. Position traders determine their strategies based on more precise fundamental analysis and long-term trends compared to short-term traders. Position traders have a tendency to not trade actively, and they are frequently surpassed by long-term buy-and-hold investors in terms of holding their positions.
  • Pivot Point forex strategy: Forex pivot point strategies are Forex trading approaches that involve identifying potential Forex price movements based on Forex market levels, such as support and resistance or major Forex price movements. Forex pivot point strategies typically involve identifying Forex trading opportunities based on Forex technical analysis tools such as candlestick chart patterns or moving averages and then executing Forex trades in anticipation of those potential Forex price movements. Forex pivot point strategies are often used as Forex trend trading or Forex breakout trading strategies.
  • Forex hedging strategy: Forex hedging strategies are Forex trading approaches that involve taking both long and short Forex positions simultaneously, in order to minimize Forex risk exposure. Forex traders may hedge their Forex positions using a variety of Forex trading instruments and Forex technical analysis to determine the best Forex hedging strategy for their Forex positions.

Forex traders may also use Forex risk management tools such as stop-loss orders to help manage Forex risk exposure. These are just a few Forex strategies that Forex traders can implement in order to achieve success in Forex trading. Whether you are a Forex beginner looking to learn more about Forex trading or an experienced Forex trader looking to improve your Forex strategy, there is a Forex trading approach that can help you achieve your Forex goals. With the right Forex strategies, guidance, and tools, you can become a successful Forex trader in no time.

Forex Signals: How to use Forex Signals?

Maximize your trading potential in the Forex market with automated forex signals. These notifications are generated by a sophisticated algorithm and sent to you when opportunities arise, making it easier for traders of all levels to benefit from their positions. You can customize these alerts based on technical analysis, charting tools, and fundamental news events—all designed to minimize risk while maximizing returns.

With forex signal providers helping traders access the market more efficiently than ever before, now is an ideal time for investors of any level to launch into the lucrative world of foreign exchange.

When selecting a Forex signals provider, it’s essential to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each one. Some providers specialize in technical analysis while others focus on fundamental analysis strategies. Plus, depending upon your preference you can receive trade ideas through email, Telegram channels like Zalo or Line Channels as well as Facebook and WhatsApp Groups. If you’re looking for more up-to-date information then consider premium services that offer real-time Forex trading signals allowing traders to stay ahead of the markets.

For Forex beginners, the journey does not necessarily have to begin with signals. It may be beneficial for you as a novice trader to start out by accessing an esteemed and reliable forex signal provider that is highly recommended and reviewed positively by many successful traders who are actively trading in this realm.

Can you trust forex signals?

Trading Forex requires a well-rounded strategy, and although signals can be helpful in achieving profitable trades, they are not guaranteed. As such, it’s essential to research providers before utilizing their services; there may be certain risks associated with certain types of Forex signals that could negatively affect your trading results. Before committing to any provider or service, ensure you understand the potential risks involved in order to maximize success while trading Forex.

After you have become adept at Forex trading, it’s time to step up your game by taking advantage of more advanced Forex signals that come with extra features designed for risk management. With the right set of tools and strategies as well as expert guidance, you can quickly become a successful trader in no time! The utilization of top-notch Forex signals will help propel you toward success in this field.

How to Choose a Reliable Forex Broker?

The Forex broker is an intermediary entity between retail traders and the forex market or the interbank system, in which major banks trade with each other. The broker provides financial services to facilitate the process of buying and selling foreign currencies for retail traders. Clients of a forex broker may also include large financial institutions that trade on behalf of retail customers and investment banks.

Take your time searching for a reliable forex broker so your money and trades will be handled appropriately. The main features of a reliable broker include efficient customer support, real-time market execution, suitable trading conditions, a wide selection of account types that suits different traders depending on their financial capabilities, providing advanced software for successful trading, secure and fast money depositing and withdrawal, competitive spreads and finally but not least is offering multiple trading options with various currency pairs.

Checking the broker’s regulatory compliance is very crucial. You have to choose a regulated forex broker, which keeps you safe from forex scams and fraud.

AximTrade Regulation guarantees accountability and transparency that protects the interests of our traders. This means you won’t have to worry about your funds or the privacy and confidentiality of your transactions. Aximtrade is one of the best forex brokers for beginners which provides low deposit requirements and cent accounts.

AximTrade Trading Platform

AximTrade, recognized as the best broker, offers its award-winning MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform for an outstanding trading experience. MetaTrader 4 has a very user-friendly interface, which enables new and experienced traders to trade with ease and comfort.Traders of all levels find this Forex platform easy to use.

The MetaTrader 4 platform offers real-time access to market prices and liquidity. Traders are able to view all details including spread, contract size, margin currency, and margin percentage. MT4 provides extensive tools for price analysis with a set of in-built technical indicators and charting tools.

Best Forex Trading App for beginners

The trading app offers almost the same functionality as the desktop website, with the added benefit of allowing you to access your accounts from anywhere at any time. Choosing the best mobile app requires consideration of the crucial trading tools that will enhance your mobile experience.

Forex for Beginners: Complete Guide to Start Forex Trading (9)

With themobile trading app, online trading is transformed into an entirely new experience. No matter how many accounts a user has, with AximTrade’s trading app, they can manage them with just one click and will be able to use all the tools and features required to ensure seamless and effective trading.Trading forex for beginners with the AximTrade trading app provides a smooth trading experience with easy account management.

Forex Education

There are many ways to learn forex trading, they can either be free or paid. Before investing your money, it’ll be better to invest in knowledge and educating yourself. Forex trading is based on the ability to understand trends and spot opportunities in the market.Therefore, the main step to learning forex trading is to believe in self-education and to be patient with your progress. Staying up to date with the key forex terms and what they really mean is very helpful.

How do I start to learn forex?

Successfully trading forex for beginners begins with educating themselves beforehand. There are many ways to learn the basics of trading forex for beginners, while some can be accessed for free, and some are paid, it is recommended to verify the legitimacy of the training provider before enrolling.

1. Forex Trading Course:

Aforex course for beginnersis essential for novice traders who are just starting out in the world of forex trading. The course is targeting people who need to start in the files and contains materials on the topic learn how to trade forex for beginners. If you are passionate about forex trading, you should not start trading right away. As with any business endeavor, forex for beginners requires training as well. Forex trading courses combine both theoretical and practical learning in order to improve a trader’s proficiency in the market, making them a great option for beginners.

2. Copy Trade:

Copy trading could be an excellent place to start trading forex for beginners.Copy tradeallows newbies to identify successful traders and replicate their trading strategies for profit by copying their trading strategies. In essence, it’s a way to mimic someone more experienced in trading than you are.

For beginners and inexperienced traders who want to make decisions without conducting their own research, copying trades has become increasingly popular. By copy trading, you can learn from successful investors and traders, improve your trading capabilities, reduce research time, and move beyond your inexperience.

3. Economic Calendar:

If you are a forex trading beginner, there is a simple and effective way to stay on top of developments and prepare for the major events that are likely to influence currency prices. To understand how economic and political events are likely to affect forex and other financial markets, forex traders need aneconomic calendar.

An economic calendar outlines when the most important economic data will be released and when other major events will take place, such as international political meetings or speeches from world leaders. This will be very helpful in trading forex for beginners and keep them updated on the market.

4. Demo Trading:

Being successful at trading forex for beginners can be a lot of work all at once. Opening ademo accountprovides beginners with the best opportunity to learn how to trade forex in real time. As you refine your skills and master the basics, you will be more confident when it comes to diving into live trading.

A forex demo account allows traders to practice trading forex, test their trading strategies, and get to know how the brokerage platform works for free. It is funded by virtual money and can be used by beginners to learn how to trade forex. Demo accounts allow users to learn how to analyze price movements, practice forexrisk managementstrategies, understand spreads and leverage tools, and apply stop-loss and take-profit orders in real-life trading situations.

5. Forex Videos

Learning the basics of the market is the first step toward becoming a professional. Forex trading has its own terminologies that every trader should be familiar with and beginner traders can learn them much more quickly by watchingforex videos.

Forex videos will give you the steps you need to start trading like a pro. With easy-to-follow videos and techniques, you’ll be on your way to success in no time.

By educating yourself, you can better manage your risk, trade profitably, and set yourself up for success in your new investment. While forex trading is easy to learn, you’ll still have to practice and embrace your mistakes.Check our detailed guide for beginners on how to learn forex trading.

Start to Trade: Open a Forex Account

A forex account is used to trade foreign currencies. Typically, you open a forex account, deposit money and then buy and sell currency pairs.Opening a forex trading account is a quite simple process these days given the growth of online forex trading. It requires some paperwork and a few security steps, such as identity verification, and all can be done online. But first, you’ll have to choose your forex broker, select an account type, register then activates your account.

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Forex for Beginners: Complete Guide to Start Forex Trading (2024)
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