For The Love of Money (2024)

Too bad I didn’t think of saving money with my first dollars earned. When I was 9 or 10 and instead, I bought a pepperoni pizza and a bottle of co*ke. I guess I ate my entire earnings earned while working in the neighborhood selling cookies. Later on, I sold whatever I could; including tickets to all the shows I wrote, produced and made sure I starred in. As a result, by the time I was 11, I was entrepreneurship bound.

I worked my way through college, first as an Avon lady and then selling designer clothing at BergdorfGoodman, Saks Fifth Avenue and for Halston himself. With each paycheck, I thought I hit the lottery. Some years I saved more than I spent. Others, I spent more than I earned. I thought I was in the money. Looking back, I know that living under one’s means returns the best results of all– money for retirement, also known as peace of mind.

I’ve put together my best tips on how to spend less and save more. Whether time, age or circ*mstances have forced you to look at money differently–it’s never too late to start over.

For The Love of Money (1)

You Can’t Put a Price on Peace of Mind

  1. You still have seven weeks until the holidays; the extra money will come in handy.
  2. Real simple: pay with cash! It will force you to think twice before you buy it.
  3. Adapt the 14-day rule by taking a wait and see approach. Chances are you’ll lose interest in the item. It’s fine to lose interest. If you lose the item because it’s gone when you go back to the store, there’s always another.
  4. Easy save; pay yourself first. It can be as low as $5 or $10 but start a “you” fund and put money away.
  5. At the end of the day, take all your loose change (or dollar bills) and drop them into a huge jar. Unless you have sticky fingers, you’ll save a small fortune in a year.
  6. Drink water. Water is FREE! Even if you choose bottled/filtered water, t’s still cheaper and healthier than other choices including high sugar and fat-filled lattes!
  7. Cut out other expensive unnecessary must-haves. (Can you believe the price of drinks at the movies? Super –duper over the top special spa pedicures? Buy the second pair of shoes at half price. Do you need that 2ndpair?) Do the math over the course of the year. Put the savings in your pocket, not theirs.
  8. Shop with a list and stick to it. Plan dinners and stock up on staples according to what’s on special that week.Clip coupons and use them.
  9. Buy in bulk. You’ll save money and gas on multiple trips to the store.
  10. Eat at home. When cooking, double up on the recipe and freeze a batch for another meal (soups, casseroles, lasagne are great items to freeze).
  11. Rather than buying pre-packaged snack packs, prepare your own healthy snacks that have lasting power.
  12. Don’t throw out fruit. For instance, that ripened, gently bruised banana can be peeled, cut up, frozen and added to a smoothie. (TIDBIT: Think of the expression “Going Bananas.” It’s from the effects that a banana has on the brain. It’s a miracle fruit, high in fiber, potassium –natural sugar and low in salt.)
  13. Take lunch to work. It’s cheaper and healthier.
  14. Buy generic; you and your family will save a bundle. The only difference between the two, often but not always, is marketing.
  15. Another way to save is to buy one terrific all purchase cleaning product. White distilled vinegar works wonders all around the house and even on leather too. Combined with baking soda, on certain surfaces, and as a laundry detergent, it doubles its cleaning power.
  16. Clean out your closet.Think of the 80/20 rule (you wear 20% of the clothes 80% of the time.) Be ruthless and get rid of what you don’t wear, love or want. You can have a tag sale with the goods, take gently used items to a consignment shop, or even donate them for a tax deduction – all of which turn into money in your pocket.
  17. When you leave home, turn the lights out, heat down and air off.
  18. If you don’t use it, cancel it. This includes memberships you don’t use, magazine subscriptions you don’t read, as well as cable and satellite stations you don’t watch.
  19. Avoid spending triggers. Be aware of places that trigger spending, including browsing on the internet. Or, when you’re overstressed and need a pick-me-up (try walking or yoga instead).
  20. Barter. Money doesn’t change hands. Just favors.
  21. Conquer and divide. Share rarely used items with the family such as a coffee pot that serves a large crowd, folding chairs, etc.
  22. Don’t hesitate to ask for a better deal. Even request a better rate when it comes to utility bills or doctor’s bills. You’d be surprised what’s negotiable.
  23. Consolidate your loans. It might be worthwhile to consolidate your loans into one low-rate package. Look into the various loan consolidation packages – even a 1% reduction on a $10,000 loan saves you $100 a year – and your loan is probably bigger than that (so the rate cut you could get is probably bigger).
  24. The best gifts to give are those you make. Baked goods, knits, personalized stationery and a scrap-book of memories have been some of my favorites.
  25. January, just 2 months away, is a big month for saving money. Deals are everywhere from white sales to home furnishings. There are housewares, exercise equipment, cruises, TV’s, and more. You can save big time. Still, indulge with caution. Just because it’s on sale, doesn’t mean it’s good value. Would you buy it if it wasn’t on sale? In the long run, it may end up costing you more.
  26. Keep a journal and write down everything you spend. It will help you to edit or at the very least, it will open your eyes.
For The Love of Money (2)

Save Money, Change Your Life

Do you realize what a difference saving just $10 a day could make in your life? Sure, it might be difficult to give up those little luxuries; such as your daily coffee from Starbucks, buying lunch instead of making your own or even just substituting a drink for good old fashioned water. But, what if I told you what you could gain just by saving a small amount for a week, a month or a year? Would you make the effort to save that $10 each day for yourself or your family?

Save $10 a Day for a Week

Just one week of saving will mean an extra $70 that you wouldn’t have had without saving. You could buy the following:

  • Indulge yourself with a spa treatment.
  • Purchase healthy groceries so that you can eat at home (and save more).
  • Bank money away for the upcoming holiday season.
Save $10 a Day for a Month

Just saving this small amount for a month will mean an extra $300 per month for you to work with. This can make all the difference and allow you to:

  • Buy a new warm winter coat.
  • Buy theatre tickets and take your best friend.
  • Save for retirement.
Save $10 a Day for a Year

Now, this is where things get exciting. If you save $10 a day for a year, you will have $3650 by the end of the year. This can be enjoyed by spending it on:

  • Use it as a down payment on a new car or towards a new apartment.
  • Re-invest to make some more money.
  • Invest the money into starting that new business you have been dreaming about.
  • Pay off bills and bring your credit card payments down.
For The Love of Money (3)

Fun Facts about Money & Saving

  • According to the US Treasury, Americans have about $15 Billion in loose change!
  • The average American spends about $2000 in unexpected expenditures each year.
  • Two-thirds of these unexpected expenditures are for medical care or car maintenance.
  • The easiest way to save money is to set an automatic deposit amount to be paid into your savings account each month (I do this every week and it’s seamless).
  • Only 8% of the world’s currency is physical money, the rest is just digital transactions.
  • If you only have $10 in your pocket but have no debt at all then you are wealthier than 20% of Americans.
For The Love of Money (4)

Pay Off Your Credit Cards Every Month

What’s my best tip to do this? Have only one. Really; that’s it. I’m all for keeping it simple. It’s less to spend, less to remember, less to pay off and more peace of mind. Building credit the hard way means having to rebuild it and all the stress that comes from making bad choices.

A fair question I ask myself when I’m not certain of the stakes is,—“Is it worth it?” And, I’m not just talking about money. I’m thinking of all the decisions we make that, when looking back, design our personal stories. All of us have them, stories to tell, and if we’re lucky, we have people to tell them to and more chapters to write.

A constant reminder for me is to want what I have rather than have what I want. It’s building a fortune but of a very different kind. Finding satisfaction and contentment and joy for what surrounds me. It’s gratitude that’s stripped to its basic core, forcing me to examine what’s important and what’s not. What I can live with and what I can’t live without.

For The Love of Money (5)

What Can’t You Live Without?

Ask yourself that very question. That if you had nothing else or if all else failed, what can’t you live without? I know I can live with a less fancy house, smaller and less unique than the home I built and drew upon like a canvas. Sure, it hurt to let that house go and the memories that came with it. That’s only part of my story. There’s the other story. Without it, there would be no meaning for me. I can’t live without the people who depend on me and love me just because. Who fill the house with their voices their scents, their moods, knowing that their home is a safe place they long to come back to.

I won’t put my life on credit or borrow against time. The price is too dear. Almost ten years ago, I urged my daughter, Joy—who has her name in every way—to enjoy rushing – that time-honored tradition of sorority life, rather than rush through it. I want for her, as I do for all my children, to have a storybook filled with stories to tell. Perhaps edited and re-worked but intentional, mindful and with a voice that’s all their own.

How are you saving for the holiday season?


For The Love of Money (6)

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For The Love of Money (2024)


What does for the love of money mean? ›

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.

It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. NIV: Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.

What does God say about the love of money? ›

A popular current text, the King James Version shows 1 Timothy 6:10 to be: For the love of money is the root of all of evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (The full verse is shown but Bold added being the subject of this page.)

Which is powerful, love or money? ›

Love is better. Love and money both let you do things you couldn't otherwise do, but love lets you reach further, at least in those areas I personally care about. And you can't curl up in bed with your money on a rainy afternoon, or have your money hold you when you feel down. Without a moment's thought.

What does 1 Timothy 6 10 mean? ›

In other words, the point is not that all sin is always the result of material greed. Rather, it is that a love of money can lead a person to virtually any other sin. Greed can enhance, inspire, and amplify the temptation of any other sin, and lead us to disaster.

What is the word for the love of money? ›

The word, avarice, means the greed for money and other material. However, there is a rare and obsolete word that most exactly means the love of money — pleonexia.

What does for love or for money mean? ›

idiom. If you cannot get something, or if someone will not do something, for love nor money, it is impossible to get it or to persuade them to do it: You can't get hold of those tickets for love nor money these days. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

Why is love of money the root of all evil? ›

What does 'money is the root of all evil' mean? The phrase “money is the root of all evil” is a well-known saying that suggests that the love of money or an excessive focus on wealth can lead to negative outcomes, such as greed, selfishness, and unethical behavior.

What are the dangers of excessive love of money? ›

The temptation to gain more money leads people to work long hours, neglect God, family, and even gain money through sinful means.

Why does God want money? ›

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). God cares about money because it can alter our affections and our love for Him.

What is the extreme love of money? ›

The extreme love of money is rooted in evil. It creates selfishness, self interest, motivated by financial gain doing whatever it takes even at the cost of others. Blinded by ambitions driven by greed, an uncontrollable thirst for power if they lack a moral compass.

Can a man love you and not give you money? ›

A man who loves you will want to protect you and provide for you. But that doesn't necessarily mean money. Look for the other ways he does that, and let him know you appreciate his efforts and he makes you happy.

Is it better to have love or money? ›

Finding a balance is key

There is an old adage that says, "Love doesn't pay the bills." Regardless, it isn't healthy to pursue financial success at the expense of your own happiness, either. Many mental health experts advise people to find a way to balance their career goals with their relationship goals.

What is considered the love of money? ›

In 1 Timothy 6:10, where the Bible speaks about the love of money, the phrase “love of money” in the context of that scripture means “fond of silver (money).” So the love of money is all about being fond of it.

What is the expression for love or money? ›

If you cannot or will not do something for love or money, you are completely unable to do it or you do not intend to do it. Replacement parts couldn't be found for love or money. I'm not coming back up here.

Why do people have a love for money? ›

Thus, our brains are wired to seek out and value resources, including money. For example, money can make us feel happy when we achieve our goals, proud when we earn recognition, jealous when we compare ourselves to others, greedy when we want more than we need, or anxious when we face uncertainty.

Where does the saying for love nor money come from? ›

Never, under no circ*mstances, as in I'd never visit them again, not for love or money . A version of this expression, which alludes to these two powerful persuasive forces, was recorded in a.d. 971.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.