Food Spoilage: Causes, Food Preservation, Dis/Advantages and Examples (2024)

Mangoes Round the Year

We often see that the food that has been kept out for too long, smells foul and looks rotten. But what causes this? What will happen if we eat this food? Is it edible? Let’s find out more aboutFood Spoilage.

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Food Spoilage: Causes, Food Preservation, Dis/Advantages and Examples (9)Spoiled food(Source:mademags)

If food items are kept for a long period of time and not stored properly, they get spoil such food items are bad for health. When food items kept for a long time gets spoil as germs start growing on it. Once the food is spoiled, it cannot be eaten and has to be thrown away. Spoilage is a process in which food items deteriorate to the point in which it is not edible to human.

Causes of Spoilage

The food and water may be infected by germs. Flies carry germs. When they sit on our food, they pass on these germs to our food. There are various factors which are responsible for food spoilage such as bacteria, mould, yeast, moisture, light, temperature, and chemical reaction.

1. Bacteria

They are the most abundant microorganisms found on the earth. They are tiny in size and vary in shape. Some bacteria are useful also. They help to convert milk into curd.

Food Spoilage: Causes, Food Preservation, Dis/Advantages and Examples (10)Bacteria growth(Source: femininetouchblog)

2. Protozoa

They are single-celled microorganisms that cause disease like food poisoning etc.

3. Fungi

They are found in damp and warm places and grow on the dead and rotting matter.

Food Spoilage: Causes, Food Preservation, Dis/Advantages and Examples (11)Fungi(Source: sciencedaily)

4. Temperature

Temperature is one of the major factors which is responsible for food spoilage.

Signs of food spoilage

Signs of food spoilage include an appearance different from the fresh food, such as a change in color, a change in texture, an unpleasant odor or taste.

Activity I

  • Aim: To study the growth of fungus.
  • Materials: Piece of bread
  • Method: Take a piece of bread. Make it moist and keep it in a warm corner of the room for 3-4 days.Observe it after 3-4 days.
  • Observation: Presence of greenish patch growing on the bread.

Food Spoilage: Causes, Food Preservation, Dis/Advantages and Examples (12)(Source: i2-prod.mirror)

Food Preservation

Food is valuable. Preserving food can help to avoid wasting of food. Food preservation involves preventing the food from being spoilt. Preservation of food is the process by which food is stored by special methods. Cooked or uncooked food can be preserved in different ways to be used later. Some methods of preservation are:

1. Freezing

Food kept in a refrigerator remains fresh for some days. Germs do not grow easily in cool places. We preserve food items, like milk fruit, vegetables and cooked food by keeping them in a refrigerator.

Food Spoilage: Causes, Food Preservation, Dis/Advantages and Examples (13)Method of freezing(Source: skinnycentral)

Activity II

  • Aim: To understand the principle of food preservation.
  • Materials: Two apples, fridge
  • Method: Take two apples.Keep one apple in the fridge and one outside for 2-3 days.Record your observation.
  • Observation: The apple inside the fridge is fresh while the one outside will start decaying.

Food Spoilage: Causes, Food Preservation, Dis/Advantages and Examples (14)(Source: food.onehowto)

2. Boiling

By this method, we can preserve food for a short period of time. Germs in milk are killed by pasteurization. It is done by boiling milk for sometimes and then cooling it quickly.

3. Salting

We can add salt to preserve pickles and fish.

4. Sweetening

Excess sugar in food also acts as a preservative. We store food for a long time in the form of jams, jellies, and murabbas by adding sugar.

5. Dehydration

In this method, the food items are dried in sun to stop the growth of bacteria in them. Certain foods, like raw mangoes, fishes, potato chips and papads are preserved by this method.

Food Spoilage: Causes, Food Preservation, Dis/Advantages and Examples (15)(Source: amazonaws)

6. Canning

In this method, air is removed from food and put in airtight cans so that germs do not grow on them. Food items like vegetables, seafood, dairy products etc. Are preserved through this method.

Food Spoilage: Causes, Food Preservation, Dis/Advantages and Examples (16)canning

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages of food preservation: Germs do not grow easily in preserved food and make it safe to eat. Preservation enables us to enjoy seasonal fruits like strawberries and mangoes even during the offseason.
  • Disadvantages of food preservation: Excess salt and sugar are used in the preservation of food which is not good for health. Some methods of food preservation may lead to loss of nutrients.

Solved Example

Q1. What is food spoilage?

Ans: Food spoilage means the colour, flavour, taste, texture and nutritional value of a food is unsuitable and not edible to human.

Q2. What are the various methods of preserving food?

Ans: The various methods of food preservation are:

  • Refrigeration: a low temperature of the fridge does not allow germs to grow, thus food is preserved. ex, vegetables, eggs and fruits.
  • Drying: Water is removed by heating or evaporation. Ex grain and pulses.
  • Pickling: Addition of salt and spices. Ex mango, lemon, vegetables.
  • Deep freezing: Keeping food, vegetables, meat and fish in the freezer for a long period.
  • Canning: Addition of sugar to make jam, jelly and sauces etc.
  • Airtight pouches: Keeping prepared food items in nitrogen or gas-filled poly pack pouches. Example – chips, French fries, noodles etc.

Q3. Write down disadvantages of preservation.

Answer:Excess salt and sugar is used in the preservation of food which is not good for health. Some methods of food preservation may lead to loss of nutrients.

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Food Spoilage: Causes, Food Preservation, Dis/Advantages and Examples (2024)


What are the advantages and disadvantages of food preservation? ›

Preservation enables us to enjoy seasonal fruits like strawberries and mangoes even during the offseason. Disadvantages of food preservation: Excess salt and sugar are used in the preservation of food which is not good for health. Some methods of food preservation may lead to loss of nutrients.

What causes food spoilage and examples? ›

Various factors cause food spoilage, making items unsuitable for consumption. Light, oxygen, heat, humidity, temperature and spoilage bacteria can all affect both safety and quality of perishable foods. When subject to these factors, foods will gradually deteriorate.

What are the disadvantages of food spoilage? ›

Food spoilage directly affects the colour, taste, odour and consistency or texture of food, and it may become dangerous to eat. The presence of a bad odour or smell coming from food is an indication that it may be unsafe. But remember that not all unsafe food smells bad.

What are examples of spoiled food? ›

Some signs of meat, seafood and poultry spoilage include slime, discolouring and a bad smell. The most common signs of spoilage on dairy products include green or black mould, a strong smell or curdling. Signs of spoilage on fruits and vegetables are mould, a soft and mushy consistency and a bad smell.

What are the disadvantages of preservation? ›

The cons of preservation are that it can be expensive and time-consuming, and it can limit development options.

What are the disadvantages of food preservatives? ›

Cancer. One of the most harmful effects of preservatives on food items is their ability to transform into carcinogen agents. Some of the food items consist of nitrosamines, a preservative that has nitrites and nitrates, which mix with the gastric acids and form cancer-causing agents.

What are the benefits of preserving food? ›

Preserving food reduces food waste, waste in landfills, and our environmental footprint. It also contributes to the local economy and your wallet. With time and proper instruction, canning, drying, and freezing food is surprisingly easy.

What are the 3 main causes of food spoilage? ›

Factors that affect food spoilage include: Microorganisms. Enzymes. Air.

Why is food spoilage a problem? ›

Spoiled food consumption is dangerous because it often contains mycotoxins and microbial wastes. Because of this, visibly spoiled food is often destroyed and non-visibly spoiled food with a passed due date will be destroyed as well.

What are the 5 effects of food spoilage? ›

Numerous signs are indicative of food spoilage and they range from changes in the ordinary appearance of the foods, changes in its texture, bad odor and poor taste. Although some spoiled foods may be consumed without causing harm, most of them are toxic in essence and may result in serious health complications.

How to tell if food is bad? ›

Foods that deteriorate and develop unpleasant odors, tastes, and textures are spoiled. Spoilage bacteria can cause fruits and vegetables to get mushy or slimy, or meat to develop a bad odor. Most people would not choose to eat spoiled food.

Which bacteria can cause the greatest harm in the food industry? ›

Some strains of E. coli and Listeria monocytogenes are pathogenic and have caused major problems for restaurants and food companies when illnesses are traced to their foods. In fact, the latter is considered the most dangerous because it can develop and grow in a variety of foods.

How fast can spoiled food make you sick? ›

Common causes
Disease causeTiming of symptoms
Norovirus (virus)12 to 48 hours.
Rotavirus (virus)18 to 36 hours.
Salmonella (bacterium)6 hours to 6 days.
Shellfish poisoning (toxin)Usually 30 to 60 minutes, up to 24 hours.
11 more rows
Feb 23, 2024

What are the advantages of food preservation? ›

Preserving food reduces food waste, waste in landfills, and our environmental footprint. It also contributes to the local economy and your wallet. With time and proper instruction, canning, drying, and freezing food is surprisingly easy.

What are the advantages of preservation? ›

Preservation also helps to promote sustainability by reusing existing structures, reducing waste, and preserving natural resources. It can also sometimes have economic benefits, by creating jobs and increasing property values in historic districts.

What are advantages of food processing preservation? ›

Food processing and preservation are important to prevent food loss, improve storage stability, and retain most nutrients during storage. Improperly stored food can cause foodborne diseases if consumed and result in revenue loss. It is estimated that about 15% of the food produced is lost after post-harvest.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of processed food? ›

Ultra-processed foods tend to taste good and are often inexpensive. However, they usually contain ingredients that could be harmful if consumed in excess, such as saturated fats, added sugar, and salt. These foods also contain less dietary fiber and fewer vitamins than whole foods.

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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