Flower Meanings | FromYouFlowers® (2024)

Flowers are a natural and beautiful way to share your sentiments. A bouquet of fresh seasonal blooms can often convey your feelings at a time when words just aren't enough. Flowers don't have to just be sent to friends, relatives, or loved ones; they are also a unique way to show your thanks and appreciation to employees, co-workers, and business associates.

Flowers are a universal way to let someone know you are thinking of them. Knowing exactly what to send will help ensure you send a bouquet that will make the biggest impact and impression. We've compiled a list of hundreds of flower meanings for you. After all, sending flowers for any occasion is a significant gesture -- we are helping to make sure you pick the flowers that will best convey your meaning:

ASTER Symbol of Love, Daintiness

AZALEA Moderation, temperance, fragile passion, your blush has won me (Chinese Symbol of Womanhood)

CALLA LILY Magnificent beauty

CARNATION (GENERAL) Fascination, Woman Love

CHRYSANTHEMUM (General) You're a wonderful friend, Cheerfulness and rest.

DAISY Innocence, Loyal Love, I'll Never Tell, Purity

HYDRANGEA Thank You for Understanding, Frigidity, Heartlessness

IRIS Fleur de lis, Emblem of France, Your Friendship Means so Much to Me, Faith, Hope, Wisdom and Valor, My Compliments

LILY (WHITE) Virginity, Purity, Majesty, It's Heavenly to be with You, I'm Walking on Air

LILY (yellow) Coquetry, falsehood, flirtation

ORCHID Love, Beauty, refinement, Beautiful Lady, Chinese Symbol for many children

ROSE (pink) Perfect Happiness, Please believe me

ROSE (orange) Fascination

ROSE (red) Love, I Love You

SUNFLOWER (large) You are splendid

TULIP (general) Perfect lover, Flower emblem of Holland

Full List of Flowers & Their Meanings

ABUTILON Meditation
ACACIA (Rose or white) Elegance, friendship
ACACIA (yellow) Secret love
ACANTHUS Artifice, fine arts
ACONITE Lustre, misanthropy
ADONIS Sad memories
AGRIMONY Gratitude
ALLSPICE Compassion
ALLIUM Unity, Humility, Patience
ALMOND (common) Indiscretion, perfidy
ALOE Grief, misplaced devotion, religious superstition
ALTHEA Consumed by love
ALYSSYM (sweet) Excellence beyond beauty, exemplary modesty
AMARANTH (coxcomb) Affectation, pretension
AMARANTH (globe) Constant, unchangeable
AMARYLLIS Beautiful, timid, proud
AMBROSIA Your Love is Reciprocated
ANEMONE Forsaken, Fading Hope
ANGELICA Inspiration, magic
APOCYNUM Falsehood, figment, I doubt you
ARBORVITAE (American) immortality
ARBUTUS You only do I love
ASCLEPIAS Sorrowful remembrance
ASH Prudence, with me you are safe
ASMINE (nightblooming) Love's vigil
ASPEN Excess of sensibility, fear
ASPHODEL Memorial sorrow, my regrets follow you to the grave
ASTER Symbol of Love, Daintiness
AURICULA (scarlet) Pride
AURICULA Wealth is not always happiness
AZALEA Moderation, temperance, fragile passion, your blush has won me (Chinese Symbol of Womanhood)
BABY'S BREATH Pure of heart
BACHELOR BUTTON Devotion Hope Love
BALM Social intercourse, sympathy
BALSAM Impatience
BARBERRY Sharpness of temper
BASIL Hatred
BAYBERRY Discipline, instruction
BAYLEAF I change but in death
BELLFLOWER Constancy, gratitude, I wish to speak to you
BELLWORT Hopelessness
BETONY Surprise
BILBERRY Treachery
BITTERSWEET Truth, platonic love
BLUEBELL humility, constancy
BLUETS Contentment
BORAGE Bluntness, talent
BRAMBLE Holiness, remorse
BROOM Humility, neatness
BRYONY Prosperity
BURDOCK Importunity
CACTUS Endurance
CALLA LILY Magnificent beauty
CAMELLIA (pink) Longing for you
CAMELLIA (RED) You're a Flame in My Heart, innate warmth, alas my poor heart
CAMELLIA (WHITE) Perfected loveliness, without blemish , You're Adorable
CANDYTUFT Indifference
CANTERBURY BELLS Gratitude, acknowledgement, obligation
CARNATION (GENERAL) Fascination, Woman Love CARNATION (PINK) I'll Never Forget You
CARNATION (PURPLE) Capriciousness
CARNATION (RED) My Heart Aches For You, Admiration
CARNATION (STRIPED) No, Refusal, Sorry I Can't Be With You, Wish I Could Be With You
CARNATION (WHITE) Sweet and Lovely, Innocence, Pure Love, Woman's Good Luck Gift
CARNATION (YELLOW) You Have Disappointed Me, Rejection
CATALPA Beware of the coquette
CATCHFLY Pretended love, snare, unchanging friendship
CATTAIL Peace, Prosperity
CATTLEYA Matronly grace, mature charms
CEDAR I live but for thee, think of me
CELANDINE Joys to come
CEREUS (nightblooming) Transient beauty
CHAMOMILE Energy in adversity
CHERRYBLOSSOM Spiritual beauty
CHICKWEED Give an account of yourself, rendezvous
CHICORY Frugality
CHRYSANTHEMUM (Chinese) Loveliness and cheerfulness
CHRYSANTHEMUM (General) You're a wonderful friend, Cheerfulness and rest
CHRYSANTHEMUM (red) I love you
CINERARIA Always delighted
CISTUS Popular favour
CITRON natural beauty
CLEMATIS (evergreen) Poverty
CLEMATIS Mental Beauty
CLIANTHUS Selfseeking, worldliness
CLOTBUR Rudeness
CLOVER (fourleafed) Be mine
CLOVER (white) Think of me
CLOVES Dignity
COLTSFOOT Justice shall be done
CORCHORUS Return quickly
COREOPSIS Always cheerful
CORIANDER Hidden worth
CORNco*ckLE Peerless and proud
CORNEL Success crowned you
CORNFLOWER Delicacy, refinement
COWSLIP Comeliness, winning grace, you are my divinity
CRANBERRY Cure for heartache
CRESS Power, stability
CROCUS Cheerfulness
CROCUS Abuse not, gladness, mirth
CROWFOOT Ingratitude
CROWN IMPERIAL Arrogance, majesty, pride of birth
CURRANT Your frown will destroy me
CUSCUTA Meanness
CYCLAMEN Resignation and Goodbye
CYPRESS Despair, mourning
DAFFODIL Regard, Unrequited love, You're the only one, The sun is always shining when I am with you
DAHLIA Elegance and dignity, forever thine
DAISY Innocence, Loyal Love, I'll Never Tell, Purity
DAISY (colored) Beauty
DAISY (Michaelmas) Farewell
DAISY (white wild) I will think of it
DAISY Innocence
DANDELION Faithfulness, Happiness
DAPHNE Fame, glory
DIOSMA Your simple elegance charms me
DITTANY OF CRETE (white) Passion
DOCK Patience
DOGBANE Falsehood
DOGROSE Pleasure
DOGWOOD Love undiminished
EGLANTINE Genius, I wound to heal, poetry, talent
ELDER Compassion, zealousness
ENDIVE Frugality
ENNEL Strength, worthy of praise
ESCHSCHOLTZIA Do not refuse me
FERN Magic, Fascination, Confidence and Shelter, sincerity
FIG Argument, I keep my secret
FILBERT Reconciliation
FIR Time
FLAX Domestic Symbol
FLOWEROFANHOUR Delicate beauty
FORGETMENOT True Love, Memories, constancy
FORSYTHIA Anticipation
FOXGLOVE Insincerity, stateliness, youth
FUCHSIA Confiding love
FURZE Anger, love for all occasions
GARDEN DAISY Share your sentiments
GARDENIA You're Lovely, Secret Love
GARDENIA Refinement
GENTIAN (closed) Sweet be thy dreams
GENTIAN (fringed) I look to heaven
GERANIUM Stupidity, Folly
GERANIUM (dark) Melancholy
GERANIUM (fish) Disappointed expectation
GERANIUM (horseshoe) Stupidity
GERANIUM (Ivy) Favour
GERANIUM (lemon) Unexpected meeting
GERANIUM (nutmeg) Expected meeting
GERANIUM (oak) True friendship GERANIUM (pencilled) Ingenuity
GERANIUM (rose) Preference
GERANIUM (scarlet) Comforting, consolation
GERANIUM (silver leafed) Recall
GERANIUM (wild) Steadfast piety
GERANIUM Gentility, peaceful mind
GILLYFLOWER Bonds of affection, lasting beauty, she is fair
GLADIOLI Give Me a Break, I'm Really Sincere, Flower of the Gladiators
GLADIOLUS Readyarmed
GLOXINIA Love at First Sight
GOLDENROD Encouragement, precaution
GOOSEBERRY Anticipation
GRAPE (wild) Charity, mirth
GRASS Submission
HAREBELL Grief, submission
HARLEQUIN Laugh at trouble
HAWKWEED Quicksighted
HAZEL Reconciliation, heart is agitated
HEARTSEASE Modesty, pleasant thoughts, think of me
HEATH Solitude
HEATHER (LAVENDER) Admiration, Solitude
HEATHER (WHITE) Protection, Wishes Will Come True
HELIOTROPE Devotion, eagerness, intoxicated with joy
HELLEBORE Calumny, scandal
HEMLOCK You will cause my death
HIBISCUS Delicate beauty
HOLLY Defense, Domestic Happiness
HOLLY Am I forgotten?, domestic happiness, foresight
HOLLYHOCK Ambition, fruitfulness
HONEYFLOWER Love sweet and secret
HONEYSUCKLE (coral) Fidelity, generous and devoted love, affection
HONEYSUCKLE Bonds of love
HOP Injustice
HOUSELEEK Domestic industry, vivacity
HOUSTONIA Contentment
HYACINTH (GENERAL) Games and Sports, Rashness, Flower Dedicated to Apollo
HYACINTH (PURPLE) I am Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Sorrow
HYACINTH (purple) Jealousy, sorrow
HYACINTH (WHITE) Loveliness, I'll Pray for You
HYACINTH (white) Modest loveliness
HYACINTH Constnacy
HYDRANGEA Thank You for Understanding, Frigidity, Heartlessness
HYSSOP Cleanliness
ICEPLANT Old Beau, rejected, your looks freeze me
IRIS Fleurdelis, Emblem of France, Your Friendship Means so Much to Me, Faith, Hope, Wisdom and Valor, My Compliments
IVY Wedded Love, Fidelity, Friendship, Affection IVY Fidelity, friendship, marriage, wedded love
JACOB'S LADDER come down
JASMINE (cape) I am too happy
JASMINE (Carolina) Separation
JASMINE (Indian) Attraction, I attach myself to you
JASMINE (Spanish) Sensuality
JASMINE (white) Amiability
JASMINE (yellow) Grace and elegance
JASMINE I am too happy
JONQUIL Love Me, Affection Returned, Desire, Sympathy, Desire for Affection Returned
JUDASTREE Betrayal, unbelief
LABURNUM Forsaken, pensive beauty
LADY'S SLIPPER Capricious beauty, win and wear me
LADY'S THIMBLE Grief, submission
LADY'STRESSES Bewitching grace
LANTANA I am unyielding
LAPAGERIA There is no unalloyed good
LARCH Audacity, boldness.
LARKSPUR (PINK) Fickleness
LARKSPUR (Purple) Haughtiness
LAUREL (ground) Perseverance, token
LAUREL (mountain) Ambition
LAUREL Perfidy, treachery
LAURESTINE I die if neglected
LAVENDER Acknowledgment, distrust failure
LEAVES (dead) Sadness
LEMON Discretion
LETTUCE Coldhearted
LICHEN Dejection, refusal, solitude
LILAC (purple) Fastidiousness, first love
LILY (CALLA) Beauty, Maiden modesty
LILY (DAY) Coquetry, Chinese Emblem for Mother
LILY (day) Coquetry
LILY (EUCHARIS) Maiden Charms
LILY (frog) Disgust LILY (tiger) I dare you to love me
LILY (TIGER) Wealth, Pride
LILY (water) Purity of heart
LILY (WHITE) Virginity, Purity, Majesty, It's Heavenly to be with You, I'm Walking on Air
LILY (yellow) Coquetry, falsehood, flirtation
LINDEN Conjugal love
LIVERWORT Confidence
LOBELIA Arrogance, malevolence
LOCUST Affection beyond the grave, vicissitude
LOTUS Estranged love
LOVELIES Bleeding, hopeless but not heartless
LUPINE (rose) Fanciful
LUPINE (white) Always happy
LUPINE Voraciousness
MADDER Backbiting, tranquility
MAGNOLIA Nobility or Benevolence, high souled, love of nature, magnificence
MAGNOLIA(swamp) Perseverance
MAIZE Riches
MALLOW Mildness
MANDRAKE I wound to soothe
MAPLE Reserve, retirement
MARIGOLD Cruelty, Grief, Jealousy
MARIGOLD Cruelty in love, inquietude, jealous lover
MARSHMALLOW Beneficence in consent
MEADOWSAFFRON My best days are past
MEZEREON Desire to please
MIGNONETTE Your qualities surpass your charms
MILKVETCH Your presence softens my pain, comfort
MIMOSA Exquisite, fastidious
MINT Let us be friends again, virtue
MISTLETOE Kiss me, Affection, To Surmount Difficulties, Sacred Plant of India
MOCKORANGE Counterfeit
MONARDA Your whims are unbearable
MONKSHEAD Danger is near
MONKSHOOD Beware, A Deadly Foe is Near
MOONFLOWER I only dream of love
MORNINGBRIDE I have lost all
MORNINGGLORY Affection, departure
MOSS Maternal Love, Charity
MOSS ROSEBUD Confession of love
MOTHERWORT Concealed love
MOURNINGBRIDE Unfortunate to attachments
MUDWORT Happiness, peace
MULBERRY (black) I shall not survive you, sadness
MULBERRY (white) Wisdom
MULLEIN Take courage
MUSTARD I'm smart, I am hurt
MYRTLE Love, Hebrew Emblem of Marriage
MYRTLE (wax) Discipline, instruction
MYRTLE Love in absence
NANDINA My love will grow warmer
NARCISSUS Egotism, Formality, Stay as Sweet as You Are
NARCISSUS Egotism, you love yourself too well
NASTURIIUM Conquest, Victory in Battle, Patriotism
NETTLE Slander, you are spiteful
NIGHTSHADE Your thoughts are dark
OAK Hospitality
OAT I love your music
ORANGE BLOSSOM Innocence, Eternal Love, Marriage and Fruitfulness
ORCHID Love, Beauty, refinement, Beautiful Lady, Chinese Symbol for many children
ORCHIS (bee) Error, industry
ORCHIS (butterfly) Gaiety
ORCHIS (fly) Error
OXEYE Be patient
PALM LEAVES Victory and Success
PANSY Modesty, pleasant thoughts, think of me
PARSLEY Useful knowledge, festivity gaiety
PASQUEFLOWER You have no claims
PASSION FLOWER Faith, holy love, religious fervour and superstition
PEA (Everlasting) Appoint a meeting, lasting pleasure
PEACHBLOSSOM I am your captive
PEARBLOSSOM Not altogether lovely, affections
PENNYROYAL You had better go
PEONY Shame, Happy life, Happy Marriage, bashfulness
PEPPERFLOWER Satirical thoughts
PERIWINKLE (blue) Early friendship
PERIWINKLE (white) Harmony, pleasure of memory
PERSICARIA Restoration
PERSIMMONBLOSSOM Bury me amid nature's beauties, I shall surprise you by and by
PETUNIA Resentment, Anger, Your Presence Sooths Me
PETUNIA You soothe me
PHEASANT'SEYE I cannot forget you
PHLOX (starshaped) Affability, trying to please you, agreements
PHLOX Unanimity
PIMPERNEL Assignation, change
PINE Hope, Pity
PINK (doublered) Ardent love
PINK (Indian) Always lovely
PINK (mountain) Aspiration
PINK (variegated) Refusal
PINK (white) Fascination, talent
PLUM (wild) Independence
PLUMBAGO Holy wishes
PLUMBLOSSOM Keep your promises, fidelity
POMEGRANATE BLOSSOM Mature elegance, perfection
POPPY (general) Eternal Sleep, Oblivion, Imagination
POPPY (red) Pleasure
POPPY (scarlet) Fantastic extravagance
POPPY (variegated) Flirtation, dreaminess
POPPY (white) Consolation
POPPY (yellow) Wealth, Success
POTENTILLA I claim your esteem
PRIMROSE I Can't Live Without You
PRIMROSE (evening) Inconstancy
PRIMROSE (red) Neglected merit
PRIMROSE Believe me, youth and sadness
PRINCE'S FEATHER I blush for you
PRIVET Prohibition
PYXIE Life is sweet
QUAMOcl*t Busybody
RANUNCULUS I am dazzled by your charms
RHODODENDRON Beware, I am dangerous
ROCKET Rivalry
ROSE (Austrian) You are all that is lovely
ROSE (bridal) Happy love
ROSE (nurgundy) Unconscious beauty
ROSE (cabbage) Ambassador of love
ROSE (Carolina) Love is dangerous
ROSE (China) Beauty always new
ROSE (Damask) Beauty ever new, young and brilliant
ROSE (dark crimson) Mourning
ROSE (deepred) Admiration, bashful, embarrassment
ROSE (fullblown) Engagement
ROSE (guelder) Age, winter
ROSE (halfblown) Timid love
ROSE (hibiscus) Delicate Beauty
ROSE (Jacqueminot) I am true
ROSE (Japan) Beauty is your only attraction, illusion
ROSE (leaf) You May Hope
ROSE (marechal niel) Yours, heart and soul
ROSE (montiflora) Grace
ROSE (moss) Superior, confessions of love
ROSE (musk) Capricious beauty
ROSE (pink) Perfect Happiness, Please believe me
ROSE (orange) Fascination
ROSE (red) Love, I Love You
ROSE (rock) Popular favor
ROSE (tea) I'll Remember Always
ROSE (thornless) Love at First Sight
ROSE (WHITE AND RED MIXED) Unity, Flower Emblem of England
ROSE (white) Innocence and Purity, I am Worthy of You, You're Heavenly, Secrecy and Silence
ROSE (white, withered) Despair
ROSE (withered) Death is Preferable to Loss of Virtue
ROSE (wild) Charming simplicity
ROSE (yellow) Decrease of love, Jealousy, Try to care
ROSE (Yorkand Lancaster) Conflict
ROSEBUD Beauty and Youth, A Heart Innocent of Love
ROSEBUD (moss) Confessions of Love
ROSEBUD (red) Pure and Lovely
ROSEBUD (white) Too young to love
ROSELEAF You may hope
ROSEMARY Remember me
ROSES (Bouquet of Mature Blooms) Gratitude
ROSES (Single Full Bloom) I Love You, I Still Love You
RUDBECKIA Impartiality
RUE Disdain, fertility
SAFFRON Beware of excess pleasures, voluptuousness, you are perfectly lovely
SAGE Domestic virtues, great respect
SAINFOIN You confuse me
SALVIA (blue) Wisdom
SALVIA (red) Untiring energy
SCABIOUS (sweet) Widowhood
SCABIOUS Unfortunate love
SENSITIVEPLANT Fine sensibility
SENVY I smart
SHEPHERD'S PURSE I offer you my all
SMILAX Loveliness, constancy
SNAPDRAGON Deception, Gracious Lady
SNOWBALL Thoughts of heaven
SNOWDROP Consolation, friendship in trouble
SORREL (wild) Ill-timed wit
SORREL (wood) Secret sweetness
SOUTHERNWOOD Bantering, jest
SPEEDWELL Womanly fidelity
SPIDER WORT Esteem but not love
ST. JOHN'S WORT Animosity
STARWORT Afterthought
STEPHANOTIS Happiness in marriage, Desire to Travel
STOCK Bonds of Affection, Promptness, You'll Always Be Beautiful to Me
STONECROP Tranquility
STRAW Agreement
SUMAC (dwarf) Adoration
SUMAC I shall survive the change
SUNFLOWER (large) You are splendid
SWEET BASIL Good wishes
SWEETPEA Goodbye, Departure, Blissful Pleasure, Thank You for a Lovely Time
SWEETWILLIAM Grant me one smile
SYRINGA You shall be happy yet
TANSY Resistance
TEAZEL Misanthropy
THISTLE (Scotch) Retaliation
THISTLE Austerity, sternness
THORNAPPLE Delusive beauty
THRIFT Sympathy
TRILLIUM Modest ambition
TUBEROSE Dangerous
TULIP (general) Perfect lover, Flower emblem of Holland
TULIP (red) Believe Me, Declaration of Love
TULIP (variegated) Beautiful Eyes
TULIP (variegated) Enchantment, your eyes are beautiful TULIP (yellow) There's Sunshine in Your Smile, Hopeless and perfect love
TULIP TREE BLOSSOM Rural happiness
TUSSILAGE You shall have justice
VALERIAN An accommodating disposition
VERBENA Pray for me, tender and quick emotion
VERVAIN Enchantment, superstition
VIOLET Modesty
VIOLET (blue) Watchfulness, Faithfulness, I'll Always Be True
VIOLET (white) Let's Take a Chance, modesty hope
VIRGIN'S BOWER Filial love
WALLFLOWER Fidelity in misfortune or adversity
WATER LILY Purity of the heart
WAXPLANT Susceptibility
WHEAT Prosperity
WISTERIA Cordial welcome
WITCHHAZEL Inspiration, Mysticism, a spell is upon me
WOLFSBANE Misanthropy
WOODBINE Fraternal love
XANTHIUM Pertinacity, rudeness
YARROW Cure for heartache
ZINNIA (magenta) Lasting Affection
ZINNIA (mixed) Thinking (or In Memory) of an Absent Friend
ZINNIA (scarlet) Constancy
ZINNIA (white) Goodness
ZINNIA (yellow) Daily Remembrance
ZINNIA Thoughts of absent friends

Flower Meanings | FromYouFlowers® (2024)


What do the 7 flowers mean? ›

7 Roses: I'm infatuated with you. 8 Roses: A symbol of support for friends or family that are going through a difficult time. 9 Roses: To signify eternal love and show that you want to spend the rest of your life with that significant other.

What flower represents anxiety? ›

Acacia (Blossom)Concealed Love, Beauty in Retirement, Chaste Love
PrimroseI Can't Live without You
Primrose (Evening)Inconstancy
Rose (Bridal)Happy Love
Rose (Christmas)Tranquilize My Anxiety, Anxiety
132 more rows

What emotion do flowers represent? ›

Flowers have a complicated socio-emotional connotation since they are frequently used to express a wide range of emotions, including sympathy, sorrow, shame, love, pride, joy, and even religious sentiments.

What flower symbolizes strength? ›

Gladiolus. Remembrance, faithfulness, and sincerity all are represented by the gladiolus. Their tall, strong stems symbolize a strength of character as well.

What does lavender symbolize? ›

Lavender flowers represent purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace, and calmness. Purple is the color of royalty and speaks of elegance, refinement, and luxury, too. The color is also associated with the crown chakra, which is the energy center associated with higher purpose and spiritual connectivity.

What does it mean when a girl sends you a 🌹 🌹 🌹? ›

The rose emoji represents love.

Roses are symbols of beauty and romance, and the 🌹 emoji is no different. If you get a 🌹 from a guy or girl you like, chances are they like you too! But this emoji doesn't just show romantic love, it can also be used platonically.

What does 15 rose mean? ›

15 Roses – often given to ask for forgiveness. 16 Roses – shows interest in travelling. 17 Roses – number of roses to gift to your beloved wife on her birthday. 18 Roses – to tell your loved one to stay beautiful and young and it also symbolizes sincerity.

What does 12 roses symbolize? ›

A Twelve Rose bouquet is one of the most popular number of roses meaning, telling your special someone “Be Mine.” Offering a dozen roses is like shouting out “I just won the lottery with you,” while at the same time being one of the simplest and most honest ways to ask the love of your life to be yours.

What flower symbolizes mental health? ›

The Flannel Flower, an Australian native, has been chosen as the national symbol to promote mental health awareness in Australia. The Australian bush has an inherent beauty and strength. It is also known for its extremes of weather and landscape.

What is the flower for depression? ›

Growing scented flowering plants, such as Lilacs, Lavender or Jasmine, can help you improve your mood, sleep better, and ease other depression symptoms.

What flower is for mental beauty? ›

Jasmine. Jasmine is not just a beautiful bloom, it is also one of the preferred flowers for mental health preservation. Jasmine reduces stress, anxiety levels and helps with sleep problems.

What flower is for empathy? ›

Alstroemeria (Peruvian Lily)

It's also believed that each of the six petals of this flower represents something related to friendship: commitment, respect, humour, patience, understanding and empathy.

What is the flower of happiness? ›

Yellow flowers in general

That's why most yellow flowers symbolise happiness in some way. In addition to sunflowers, there are yellow lilies, yellow tulips, yellow daisies and yellow chrysanthemums—all of which are perfect choices if you want to send happiness to someone in your life.

What flower symbolizes pain? ›


What is the flower of courage? ›

With its bright blue, star shaped flowers that uplift their heads, blooming in our climate from late winter through to late autumn, borage brightens any garden and gardener. Borage was used to promote bravery on the jousting field and continues to be used to bestow courage.

What flower symbolizes hope? ›

Petunias are colorful flowers that have been associated with hope, healing, and well-being for a long time. Petunias represent empathy, affection, optimism, and new beginnings. These vibrant flowers are available in many shades like purple, pink, white, and blue.

What flower symbolizes family? ›

Gardenias. Gardenias are flowers that represent children and family because of their meaning of purity and sweetness.

What hydrangeas symbolize? ›

Symbolism. The hydrangea represents gratitude, grace and beauty. It also radiates abundance because of the lavish number of flowers and the generous round shape. Its colours symbolise love, harmony and peace.

What sunflowers symbolize? ›

Sunflowers symbolise loyalty, adoration thanks to the myth of Clytie and Apollo. And, because of their association with the sun, sunflowers are well-known for being a happy flower and the perfect bloom for a summer flower delivery to brighten someone's mood!

What does peony symbolize? ›

Generally symbolic of love, honor, happiness wealth, romance, and beauty, the peony is traditionally given on special occasions as an expression of goodwill, best wishes, and joy.

What does 💖 mean from a boy? ›

Like the many other heart emojis, such as Sparkling Heart emoji 💖 , Beating Heart emoji 💓, or Growing Heart emoji 💗, the Heart Exclamation emoji ❣️ is used to convey love, affection, and other positive feelings.

What does 💓 mean from a girl? ›

What does💓 Beating Heart emoji mean? Depicting a pulsing pink or red heart symbol, the beating heart emoji is used as an intensive form of the red heart emoji ❤️, expressing passionate love, happiness, excitement, and even obsession.

What does it mean when a girl sends you ✨? ›

Commonly used to indicate various positive sentiments, including love, happiness, beauty, gratitude, and excitement, as well as newness or cleanliness. May also be used as a form of ✨emphasis✨ or to convey sarcastic or mocking tones.

What do 99 roses mean? ›

A bouquet of 99 roses, however, is a timeless gift. It symbolises “I will love you forever”, or “I want to grow old with you”. This message of undying devotion is presented at proposals.

What does 12 orange roses mean? ›

A bouquet of fiery orange roses can help you say that you are ready to take your relationship to the next level. Orange rose bouquets in shades of coral or peach symbolize the joy that a relationship brings you.

What does giving 100 roses mean? ›

100 Roses. As if this gesture wasn't already a sign to say that you are totally devoted to your loved one, 100 roses is also said to mean that your love for your significant other will last for 100 years.

What does 3 pink roses mean? ›

Giving someone three pink roses can send the message of "I love you." But giving five pink roses can show caring to a friend in a platonic way.

What does 40 roses mean? ›

40 Roses – if you hold a genuine love for a special someone, this is the number to choose. 44 Roses – when you wish to pledge an unchanging and constant love. 47 Roses – this number signifies 'you are my one and only'. 48 Roses – representative of an unchanging love. 50 Roses – unconditional love.

What flower means I love you forever? ›

Admired for its sweet scent and trailing vines of pink and orange flowers, the honeysuckle symbolizes devoted and everlasting love.

What flower symbolizes wellness? ›

The lotus flower represents a journey from darkness and pain, represented by the muddy pond in which it starts to grow, to the light and wisdom seen in the perfect flower that sits above the water.

What flowers mean intelligence? ›

CHRYSANTHEMUM, YELLOW: Slighted love. CLEMATIS: Clever, intellectual.

What flower symbolizes patient? ›

Aster. Although asters may have different meanings depending on their type, three of the most common meanings associated with this species are patience, elegance and daintiness.

What is Miracle flower? ›

Also known as the Christmas Star and Christmas Flower, the poinsettia is said that their association with Christmas comes from a Mexican legend.

What is the kindness flower? ›

What flower signifies kindness? In Victorian times, bluebells stood for kindness. Now they're known for representing care and warmth, as well as humility. Takedown request | View complete answer on countryliving.com.

What is the flower of recovery? ›

What Flowers Symbolize Get Well Wishes? Traditionally, bright flowers send the message of get well soon. Yellow roses, sunflowers, and pink tulips are all great choices to send well wishes.

What is the most magical flower? ›

Here are some flowers that over the years have captured our imagination and is said to possess power and magic abilities.
  • Lilac. Lilacs are pretty flowers that bloom during the late spring and early summer. ...
  • Lavender. Lavenders grow in a small shrub that reach up to about three feet tall. ...
  • Roses. ...
  • Baby's-Breath.
Sep 19, 2019

What is the magic flower? ›

Magic flower is a genus of about 25 species of tropical and subtropical rhizomatous perennial herbs in the flowering plant family Gesneriaceae. The genus is native to North America (Mexico) and Central America, with one species occurring naturally in the West Indies.

What flower means selfless? ›

Freesias are said to represent the number 9 in numerology

It's said that numbers have different meanings and the number nine is said to symbolise selflessness.

What is the flower of calm? ›

It should be no surprise that lavender represents serenity and calmness. It can also be a symbol of a long life.

What flower means forgive me? ›

Daffodil (Narcissus)

They can also stand for forgiveness. They bloom each spring almost regardless of the winter weather. Daffodils should be given as a symbol of forgiveness, or in appreciation.

What flower means hope and strength? ›

The Gladiolus flowers have a striking appearance to love. They represent hope, strength, and remembrance. They have vibrant blossoms and grow taller than most flowers, with sword-like spikes, with contrasting green stems and leaves.

What flowers mean bliss? ›

Sweet pea is the flower of bliss; give it to someone who makes you happy, happy, happy.

What flower means friendship? ›

Yellow roses are the quintessential friendship flower. They symbolize friendship, happiness, and new beginnings, and are the perfect way to rekindle a friendly relationship. Reach out to an old friend and send a vase full of fragrant yellow roses or a potted rose plant for their garden.

What flowers mean loyalty? ›

Violets signify wisdom, loyalty, hope, and faithfulness. Giving someone a violet let's them know that you'll always be there for them.

What flower symbolizes anger? ›

Petunia. A flower that is not very common, Petunias display feelings of deep resentment and anger.

What flower symbolizes hopeless love? ›

Tulip (yellow) - Hopeless love.

What is the meaning of 💐? ›

The Bouquet emoji 💐 is an incredibly popular emoji that is used every day. It is commonly used to refer to flower bouquets, which are often delivered as gifts on special occasions or just to show a person how much they are loved. For this reason, the Bouquet emoji 💐 is often used metaphorically to refer to romance.

What does 💐 mean in text? ›

Some people use this flower emoji to say, “I love you.” Whether it's a romantic partner, friend, or parent, the 💮 can be used to express care. Think of sending this emoji on special occasions or holidays like Mother's Day and Father's Day.

What plants symbolize what? ›

Symbolism Meaning: Plants
  • Acacia: immortality of the soul.
  • Acanthus: heavenly garden. ...
  • Anemone, garden: Forsaken.
  • Almond, flowering: Hope.
  • Bamboo: The emblem of Buddha. ...
  • Bay leaf: I change but in death.
  • Bell flower, white: Gratitude.
  • Bluebell: Constancy.

Do flower colors have meaning? ›

The Symbolism of Flower Colors is Steeped in Tradition. Every flower color from a deep red to a bright yellow offers a rich and meaningful story. The flower colors you choose for a bouquet can be as important as the types of flowers used in an arrangement. Read on to learn the meaning of your flower colors.

What does 3 dots mean? ›

An ellipsis is a punctuation mark of three dots (. . .) that shows an omission of words, represents a pause, or suggests there's something left unsaid.

What is a Blackheart? ›

What does black heart mean? A black heart describes someone or something seen as innately evil or fundamentally corrupt.

What does girl mean in slang? ›

informal a sweetheart or girlfriend. informal a woman of any age. an informal word for daughter.

What does 🥩 mean slang? ›

Emoji Meaning

A cut of uncooked red meat, as a T-bone or rib-eye steak, with the light, white marbling of fat. May be used for sexual slang. Cut of Meat was approved as part of Unicode 10.0 in 2017 and added to Emoji 5.0 in 2017.

What does ♀ mean in text? ›

‍♀️ Woman Standing

A person standing upright. Commonly used to convey awkwardness, particularly on TikTok. Similar in appearance to 🚶‍♀️ Woman Walking, but shown facing forward and without any motion implied.

What does 3 or 4 dots mean in texting? ›

Some thoughts on ellipses are coming… Ellipsis points are periods in groups of usually three, or sometimes four. They signal either that something has been omitted from quoted text, or that a speaker or writer has paused or trailed off in speech or thought. That's the basics.

What flower means healing? ›

Petunias are colorful flowers that have been associated with hope, healing, and well-being for a long time. Petunias represent empathy, affection, optimism, and new beginnings. These vibrant flowers are available in many shades like purple, pink, white, and blue.

What do butterflies symbolize? ›

Butterfly Symbolism

A powerful beacon of growth and new beginnings, the butterfly signifies the power of transformation and the incredible feats we can achieve when we trust ourselves.

Which is spiritual flower? ›

2) Indian lotus - A great symbol of spirituality, strength, and beauty. The lotus flower has a strong spiritual significance in many religions and cultures.

What is the rarest flower color? ›

Did you know that blue is the rarest flower color? Brandon George, graduate student in Public Garden Leadership at Cornell University, takes an in-depth talk on the color blue, why it is so rare in the plant world, and some tips for displaying it in a garden.

What flower means happiness? ›

Yellow flowers in general

That's why most yellow flowers symbolise happiness in some way. In addition to sunflowers, there are yellow lilies, yellow tulips, yellow daisies and yellow chrysanthemums—all of which are perfect choices if you want to send happiness to someone in your life.

What flower means love forever? ›

Admired for its sweet scent and trailing vines of pink and orange flowers, the honeysuckle symbolizes devoted and everlasting love.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.