Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (2024)

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (1) Bankruptcy Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (2) Budgeting Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (3) Business Plan Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (4) Buying a House Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (5) Careers Charitable Giving Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (6) Coin Recognition/Values Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (7) Credit Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (8) Decision Making Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (9) Economic Reasoning
Entrepreneurism Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (10) Financial Behavior Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (11) Financial Goals Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (12) Free Market Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (13) Gambling Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (14) Identity Theft Income Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (15) Insurance Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (16) Investments Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (17) Loans Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (18) Other Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (19) Payday Loans Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (20) Retirement Planning
Saving Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (21) Taxes Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (22) Wants and Needs

Note: To edit the PPTs, right click and select Edit Slides. Some PPTs have lecture notes at the bottom of the screen in the notes area. To print the notes with each slide, select File>Print. At the bottom in the Print What area, select Notes Pages> OK. Feel free to make them your own!

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (23) Banking and Financial Services

Checking Accounts and Debit Cards FEFE PPT
Step by step guide on everything about a checking account including writing a check, making deposits, balancing an account, and reconciling a statement.

How to Write a Check PPT

Financial Institution Comparison PPT
This group activity is described in a PPT. Sample student work is shown in PPT.

Financial Institution Comparison Conclusions worksheet (pdf)

Financial Services PPT

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (30) Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy PPT
Find out what bankruptcy is and how to avoid it. Reasons, consequences, and alternatives are presented as well.

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (33) Budgeting

Spending Plan PPT
Introductory information on budgeting, including what it is and how to do it. Budget guidelines are given in percentages along with tips like Pay Yourself First and the Envelope System.

My Own Budget (pdf)

Spending Plan (pdf)

Planning Your Spending PPT
Learn what a spending plan is and how it can help control spending.

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (39) Business Plan

Business Plan PPT
What is a business plan? What is the purpose of having a business plan? Who writes a business plan? What do people do with a business plan?

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (42) Buying a House

Buying a Home PPT
Background information on buying a home.

Buying a Home (pdf)

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (46) Careers

Career Impact on Income PPT This PPT introduces students to the correlation between education and income. Earning power and valuable employee skills are discussed. Entrepreneurism included.

Practice Interview Questions PPT Practice makes perfect!!! Practice interviewing with these time-tested questions.

Practice Interview Questions (pdf)

Value of Education PPT
This presentation will help students understand why it is in their best interest to obtain post-secondary education. Charts, tables, and practice provided in the PPT.

Which Careers Earn the Highest Income? (pdf)

Influences on Income PPT

Factors that Affect Your Income (pdf)

Compare Employee Benefits Worksheet (pdf)

Cost of Living Worksheet (pdf)

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (59) Charitable Giving

Charitable Giving PPT
The history of charities is reviewed in the PPT, including discussion on some familiar charities and their beginnings, such as United Way and American Red Cross.

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (62) Coin Recognition/Values

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (63) Money Recognition PPT
Students will quickly learn coin values with help from this presentation.

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (64) Working with Money
Help students become familiar with coins!

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (66) Credit

Credit Jeopardy PPT
This is a fun review game after a credit unit. Students divide into teams and see who knows the most about credit. Be sure you answer in the form of a question. (Answers are in the NOTES area. )

ABCs of Credit PPT
This PowerPoint covers all aspects of credit. It addresses credit worthiness, applications, maintaining good credit, credit reports, as well as the types and costs of credit.

To edit the PPT, right click and select edit slides. NOTICE: There are lecture notes at the bottom of the screen in the notes area. To print the notes with each slide, select File>Print>At the bottom in the Print What area, select Notes Pages. Then click OK.

Will VanderToolen PowerPoint Presentation

Will VanderToolen PowerPoint Presentation
Key Note Speaker slides from Financial Literacy training. Describes credit scores and what they are made of.

Credit PPT
Basic credit information including the types of credit, how to maintain good credit, and warning signs of credit abuse.

Impact of Credit PPT
Covers online banking services, advantages and disadvantages of using credit, good versus bad debt, and the impact of a credit score.

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (74) Decision Making

Decision Making PPT
Students are confronted with making decisions on a daily basis. This presentation will give them the tools they need to make decisions the will not regret.

Decision Making T Chart (pdf)

Decision Making Process (pdf)

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (79) Economic Reasoning

Basic Economic Concepts

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (81) Economic Systems
Identifies economic systems and provides advantages and disadvantages of each.

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (82) Types of Economic Systems
Addresses the economic systems, scarcity, types of resources, and government philosophies.

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (84) Entrepreneurism

Career Impact on Income PPT
This PPT introduces students to the correlation between education and income. Earning power and valuable employee skills are discussed. Entrepreneurism included.

Entrepreneurism PPT

Types of Entrepreneurs PPT

Entrepreneurial Skills and Careers

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (90) Financial Behavior

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (91) Anchoring and Adjustment in Behavioral Economics
A review of the behavioral economics concept of anchoring and adjustment

Values, Wants and Needs PPT
Analyze what is important and why it is important. Understand that the things that are most important to us are the things we are willing to spend our money on.

Top 10 Valuables (pdf)

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (95) Financial Goals

Goal Setting PPT
Students will be introduced to the basics of setting financial goals the what should be considered when setting them.

Goat Setting

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (99) Free Markets

Mixed Economy PPT

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (102) Gambling

Gambling PPT
Presentation discusses the definition of gambling, types of gambling, and phases of gambling. Warning signs are addressed as well as legalities. Students are informed on what to do if they know a problem gambler.

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (105) Identity Theft

Deter, Detect, Defend PPT
Includes what everyone should know about identity theft and how to prevent it.

Grades: 7-9, 10-12

This PPT describes what identity theft is, how it happens, and ways it can be avoided, as well as the different agencies that protect consumers.

Scams and Schemes PPT
Defines scams and schemes, including Ponzi and pyramid schemes, affinity fraud, and predatory lending.

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (107) Income

Career Impact on Income PPT This PPT introduces students to the correlation between education and income. Earning power and valuable employee skills are discussed. Entrepreneurism included.

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (110) Insurance

Insurance PPT
This presentation covers the different types of insurance as well as basic vocabulary.

Insurance Needs Through Life Worsheet (pdf)

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (114) Investments

This lesson is designed to help students understand the basic concepts of exponential growth and decay. The lesson assumes that the students have basic knowledge of exponents and functions. This lesson is meant to help the students understand the real-life applications of exponential decay and growth.

Types of Investments PPT
This is a whole new world for students. Help them learn the difference between stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and Long-term, short – term, and CDs. Basic PPT with definitions.

How to Read Stock Tables (pdf)

Stock Market (pdf)

Regulatory Pyramid (pdf)

Language of the Stock Market
All of the fun details of the stock market.

Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds

Stocks, Stocks, Stocks

Savings vs Investments

Time Value of Money (pdf)

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (126) Loans

Car Loans - Brad Clegg PPT

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (129) Other

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (130) Game Show PowerPoint Templates
Do your kids like to play games more than listen to lectures? Do you wish you could use technology to do something really fun with your students?!? This site will let you download FREE PowerPoint game templates! Some games have customizable questions, while others serve only as scoreboards.

Presentation by James WoodBureau of Economic and Business Research

Penny Puzzler PPT

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (134) Payday Loans

Payday Lending

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (137) Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning PPT
Help students look into their futures by thinking about life as a retired person. What will it be like? How much money will they have. Even more, help students learn important retirement planning tips and tools, such as the rule of 72 and compound interest.

Compound Interest (pdf)

Rule of 72 Practice (pdf)

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (142) Saving

Very basic introduction to saving, covering topics such as reasons and ways to save.

What is Saving and Why Is It Important? (pdf)

Savings vs Investments

Time Value of Money (pdf)

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (148) Taxes

All About Tax PPT
Get the basics of tax preparation, payroll withholding and examine basic tax forms.

Completing Tax Forms Worksheet (pdf)

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (151) The Boston Tea Party
Sample from PowerPoint:
In 1773, Britain’s East India Company had a lot of tea that they could not sell in England. The company was almost bankrupt. Trying to save the company the government passed an act called the Tea Act. That act gave the company the right to export its tea right to the colonies without paying any regular taxes. With this advantage the company could sell their tea for less than the American tea. The tea sellers in America were afraid of no one buying their tea because the British tea was cheaper.

Understanding Taxes – IRS PPT
Great information about taxes, where they come from, how they are used, and taxpayer rights. Great lecture notes in the notes section of the PPT.

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (154) Wants and Needs

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (155) Needs and Wants
Reviews Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and examples of needs and wants.

Values, Wants and Needs PPT
Analyze what is important and why it is important. Understand that the things that are most important to us are the things we are willing to spend our money on.

Top 10 Valuables (pdf)

Financial Literacy PowerPoint Resources - FITC (2024)


What are the 4 main financial literacy? ›

Financial literacy is having a basic grasp of money matters and its four fundamental pillars: debt, budgeting, saving, and investing. It's understanding how to build wealth throughout one's life by leveraging the power of these pillars.

What are the 6 components of financial literacy? ›

6 Key Aspects of Financial Literacy
  • Basics of Financial Planning.
  • Investment Planning.
  • Retirement Savings and Income Planning.
  • Tax and Estate Planning.
  • Risk Management & Insurance Planning.
  • Psychology of Financial Planning.

What are the 3 keys to financial literacy? ›

Three Key Components of Financial Literacy
  • An Up-to-Date Budget. Some tend to look at the word “budget” as tantamount to the word “diet,” but at its most basic, a budget is just a spending plan. ...
  • Dedicated Savings (and Saving to Spend) ...
  • ID Theft Prevention.

What is the FDIC money program for kids? ›

Money Smart for Young People - This set of four grade-specific curriculums includes lesson plans and Parent/Caregiver Guides to help educators deliver basic financial concepts to students in kindergarten through 12th grade.

What are the three C's in financial literacy? ›

Character, capital (or collateral), and capacity make up the three C's of credit. Credit history, sufficient finances for repayment, and collateral are all factors in establishing credit. A person's character is based on their ability to pay their bills on time, which includes their past payments.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

Those will become part of your budget. The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What are the 5 principles of financial literacy? ›

This article will explore the five basic principles of financial literacy: earn, save & invest, protect, spend, and borrow, providing you with actionable insights to enhance your financial knowledge and make the most of your resources.

How do I teach myself financial literacy? ›

6 ways to improve your financial literacy
  1. Subscribe to financial newsletters. For free financial news in your inbox, try subscribing to financial newsletters from trusted sources. ...
  2. Listen to financial podcasts. ...
  3. Read personal finance books. ...
  4. Use social media. ...
  5. Keep a budget. ...
  6. Talk to a financial professional.

What is the golden rule of financial literacy? ›

Spend less than you earn

This is when 50% percent of your after-tax income goes toward needs; 30% toward wants; and 20% toward savings or debt repayment. This is a simple, excellent way to budget your money. To be clear, though, needs are bills you must pay such as mortgage/rent, car payments, and groceries.

What is a famous quote about financial literacy? ›

“Financial freedom is available to those who learn about it and work for it.” — Robert Kiyosaki. With Good Good Piggy, children can develop financial literacy and take active steps towards achieving long-term financial freedom.

What is the first rule of financial literacy? ›

1. Budget your money. In general, there are four main uses for money: spending, saving, investing and giving away. Finding the right balance among these four categories is essential, and a budget can be a very useful tool to help you accomplish this.

Where to learn financial literacy? ›

Khan Academy's financial literacy course breaks down complex financial concepts into self-paced, easy-to-understand units. You'll learn about everything from budgeting and saving to credit, debt, retirement planning and more—all from the comfort of your own home or wherever you choose to learn online.

How to be financially smart? ›

7 financial habits to help make you smarter with your money
  1. Automate whatever you can. Automate your savings, automate your loan repayments, automate your bills. ...
  2. Have specific, meaningful goals. ...
  3. Invest. ...
  4. Don't spend that unexpected cash. ...
  5. Prioritise high interest debt. ...
  6. Track your spending. ...
  7. Learn however you can.

What is a certification in financial literacy? ›


se Certified Financially Literate™ (CFL™) credential awarded to students who pass the Test. The credential demonstrates to colleges and employers that students have the knowledge and skills to be financially savvy.

What are the 4 pillars of financial planning? ›

Are you financially healthy? Many financial experts agree that financial health includes four key components: Spend, Save, Borrow, and Plan.

What are the four basic financial system? ›

There are four main financial statements. They are: (1) balance sheets; (2) income statements; (3) cash flow statements; and (4) statements of shareholders' equity. Balance sheets show what a company owns and what it owes at a fixed point in time.

Which of the following are the 4 basic financial statements? ›

For-profit businesses use four primary types of financial statement: the balance sheet, the income statement, the statement of cash flow, and the statement of retained earnings.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.