Financial Finesse: Useful Schema Markup for the Finance Industry (2024)

Structured data can help Google better understand the pages of a website. Specifically, in finance SEO, there’s a number of Schema types to tell Google exactly what the purpose of a website or webpage is – whether you are an accountant, loan provider or bank, dealing in currency conversion, insurance, credit cards, etc. At the same time, the Schema can also potentially improve these page’s click-through-rate from users in organic search due to the rich search result often displayed on the SERP, catching the attention of the user.

Trust is, of course, critical in finance, as it is now in SEO since Google rolled several algorithm updates centred around “EAT“: Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trust, like a major one in August 2018. Essentially, Google wants to know that websites have the credibility to speak about and advise on their subject matter and will look at various signals to determine this. Schema markup can offer an easy, additional signal to Google as to who’s doing the talking on webpages, guides and blogs written for the finance industry.

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Jump to Schema types


  • Organization Schema
  • Sitelinks Searchbox Schema
  • BreadcrumbList Schema
  • FAQPage Schema

State your business:

  • LocalBusiness Schema
  • FinancialService Schema
  • AccountingService Schema
  • BankOrCreditUnion Schema
  • InsuranceAgencySchema

Financial finesse:

  • Service Schema
  • CreditCard Schema
  • BankAccount Schema
  • BrokerageAccount Schema
  • InvestmentFund Schema
  • MoneyTransfer Schema
  • ExchangeRateSpecification Schema
  • LoanOrCredit Schema

Articles & expertise:

  • Article Schema
  • Person Schema
  • How-To Schema
  • Review Schema

Essential Schema for Finance Sites

A few essentials to begin, and typically these are useful not only for finance-related sites but for all types, so in this section, there’s some crossover with our guide on Schema for eCommerce Sites.

Organization Schema

Did you notice certain brand searches in Google often show a company logo and other details on the right-hand side of the results page? It’s known as a Knowledge Panel and this type of Schema can help you get one for your business.

You may appear in the panel already but if yours is light on content, again Organization Schema can help. This structured data allows you to control the logo that’s shown and manipulate the company details held in there. Our markup below is quite a comprehensive example with company name, logo, URL, social media URLs, address details, contact email, contact phone number, and more.


{ "@context": "", "@type": "Organization", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "Town", "postalCode": "Postcode", "streetAddress": "Street Name", "addressRegion": "Region"}, "url": "", "logo": "", "name": "Company Name", "sameAs": [ "", "","","" ], "description": "Company Name is one of the leading made-up companies in the UK.", "email": "", "contactPoint": { "@type": "ContactPoint", "telephone": "+44 (0)0XXX XXXXXX", "contactType": "Customer service" } }

You could benefit from this displayed in the SERP:

Financial Finesse: Useful Schema Markup for the Finance Industry (1)

Sitelinks Searchbox Schema

In case the SERP shows a site search box either now or in the future when your company is Googled, this Schema markup can be added so that the search box displayed with your result can be powered by your site’s custom search engine instead of by Google. More potential clicks to your website.

The code:

{ "@context": "", "@type": "WebSite", "url": "", "potentialAction": { "@type": "SearchAction", "target": "{search_term_string}", "query-input": "required name=search_term_string" }}

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Financial Finesse: Useful Schema Markup for the Finance Industry (2)

BreadcrumbList Schema

As you may know, a breadcrumb trail on a webpage indicates the page’s position in the site hierarchy. Something like this should look familiar:

Home > Services > Business Loans > Peer-to-Peer Lending

It’s BreadcrumbList Schema that allows you to mark up those breadcrumbs to generate breadcrumb rich snippets on Google search results.


 { "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "@context": "", "itemListElement": [ { "position": 1, "@type": "ListItem", "item": { "@id": "", "name": "Knowledge" } }, { "position": 2, "@type": "ListItem", "item": { "@id": "", "name": "Business loans" } }, { "position": 3, "@type": "ListItem", "item": { "@id": "", "name": "Peer-to-peer lending" } } ]}

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Financial Finesse: Useful Schema Markup for the Finance Industry (3)

FAQPage Schema

This Schema type has quickly become a great way to take advantage of a quick but effective rich search result in Google for your pages that contain a list of questions and answers in their content. This example markup below could be used on a loan provider’s webpage that answers questions regarding applying for loans, how it improve a credit card, etc.


{ "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Why should I use Company Name to apply for a loan?", "acceptedAnswer":{ "@type": "Answer", "text": "Company Name is fully authorised an regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority. As we work with a panel of over 50 lenders, we are well placed to find a loan that suits your needs. By completing one quick, online application, we are able to search the market to find the best short term loan for you." }}, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How do I apply for a loan if I have bad credit?", "acceptedAnswer":{ "@type": "Answer", "text": "It is important to remember that these lenders are ok with you having a poor credit rating. Lenders are nowadays more concerned with your current situation, such as your employment status, and are therefore more likely to approve your loan based on this information rather than your previous credit history. As such, it is important to always be as accurate as possible in your application.</p>" }}, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How can I improve my credit score?", "acceptedAnswer":{ "@type": "Answer", "text": "One of the first things you should do if you are being declined for credit and need to improve your credit score is to check the information that the 3 main credit reference agencies, Experian, Equifax and Call Credit hold on you. Inaccurate or incorrect information can be disputed and even corrected. You can also close down any unused bank accounts, store cards or credit cards as these can impact you also." }}]}

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Financial Finesse: Useful Schema Markup for the Finance Industry (4)

Read more:

  1. Schema for E-Commerce Sites
  2. How To Implement Structured Data

Business Schema for Finance Sites

With the following Schema types, you can demonstrate to Google the field in which you operate – that can be physically as a local business or specifying what overall field of finance you cover, for example if accountancy is your business you can let Google know it.

LocalBusiness Schema

If your finance-related business operates locally and is best described as local business, or if it operates from multiple locations in a region, this Schema will help your entities stand out in local search through rich results. This is ideal for big brands with several physical stores with the Schema markup added to each location/store page.

As you see from the example below, LocalBusiness Schema can achieve what we saw earlier with Organization Schema. However, this is the better suited for local businesses and this example extends it with markup for opening hours, GPS coordinates, and a rating/review that could be applied for each location.


{ "@context": "", "@type": "LocalBusiness", "name": "Company Name", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "Street Name and Number", "addressLocality": "Town", "addressRegion": "Region", "postalCode": "Postcode" }, "telephone": "+44 (0)0XXX XXXXXX", "openingHoursSpecification" : { "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification", "dayOfWeek": ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"], "opens": "08:59:59", "closes": "18:59:59" }, "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": "38.904114", "longitude": "-104.976395" }, "url": "", "logo": "", "image": "", "priceRange":"£500-£10000", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "9.7", "bestRating": "10", "worstRating": "0", "ratingCount": "295" } }

You could benefit from this displayed in the SERP:

Financial Finesse: Useful Schema Markup for the Finance Industry (5)

FinancialService Schema

Going one step further than Organization and LocalBusiness, there are a few Schema types that allow you to specify to Google the financial service or expertise that your website or business offers – for example stating that you are a Business Funding Finder platform can be achieved with FinancialService Schema:


{ "@context": "", "@type": "FinancialService", "name": "Business Funding Finder", "priceRange":"£500-£10000", "image": "", "description": "Finding the financing options for UK businesses", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "Town", "postalCode": "Postcode", "streetAddress": "Street Name", "addressRegion": "Region"}, "telephone": "+44 (0)0XXX XXXXXX", "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "9.7", "bestRating": "10", "worstRating": "0", "ratingCount": "295" }}

AccountingService Schema

If you’re an accountant, well, there’s a Schema for that.


{"@context": "","@type": "AccountingService","name": "Company Name","description": "At Company Name we work closely with our clients to provide a friendly, courteous and efficient service. Our accounting services can be tailored to your business needs with a a bespoke service for your individual circ*mstances.","image": "","logo": "","url": "","telephone": "+44 (0)0XXX XXXXXX","address": {"@type": "PostalAddress","streetAddress": "Street Name and Number","addressLocality": "Town","postalCode": "Postcode"}}

BankOrCreditUnion Schema

A webpage for a bank could introduce the following Schema markup.


{"@context": "","@type": "BankOrCreditUnion","name": "Company Name","description": "Company Name is an ethical bank, also known as a sustainable bank, and as well as offering a range of competitive services trusted by our customers, we're concerned with the social and environmental impacts of our investments and loans.","image": "","logo": "","url": "","telephone": "+44 (0)0XXX XXXXXX","address": {"@type": "PostalAddress","streetAddress": "Street Name and Number","addressLocality": "Town","postalCode": "Postcode"}}

InsuranceAgency Schema

Or an insurance agency the following markup.


{"@context": "","@type": "InsuranceAgency","name": "Company Name","description": "Company Name is an ethical bank, also known as a sustainable bank, and as well as offering a range of competitive services trusted by our customers, we're concerned with the social and environmental impacts of our investments and loans.","image": "","logo": "","url": "","telephone": "+44 (0)0XXX XXXXXX","address": {"@type": "PostalAddress","streetAddress": "Street Name and Number","addressLocality": "Town","postalCode": "Postcode"}}

Schema for specific financial services

So far that covers the bare essentials to take advantage of rich results for your websites and marking up a site to tell Google the type of business you provide and where you offer it, but we can get more specific with Service Schema.

Service Schema

We consider this a crucial one as with Service Schema you can describe exactly what service is being offered and who is providing it. Here is example markup of Service Schema, where the serviceType is specified as Mortgages offering Fixed Rate Mortgages.


{"@context": "","@type": "Service","serviceType": "Mortgages","provider": {"@type": "Organization","name": "Company Name","@id": "" }, "name": "Fixed Rate Mortgages","description": "Fixed Rate Mortgages from Company Name typically run between 2 and 10 years. The interest rate you pay will stay the same throughout the length of the deal no matter what happens to interest rates.","image": "","serviceOutput": {"@type": "Product","name": "Mortgage Loan","@id": ""},"url": "","@id": ""}

Delving even deeper, the financial service industry has a number of specialised Schemas for the many possible services and product types each business can provide. It’s time for some financial finesse!

There’s been a substantial increase in Schema types in recent years and in the field of finance there’s everything from credit cards to loans to bank transfers. Below are seven of these Schema types, courtesy of, which at this time we consider to be experimental only.

CreditCard Schema

{ "@context": "", "@type": "CreditCard", "name": "Wells Fargo Secured Visa® Credit Card", "requiredCollateral": "Requires a minimum $300 security deposit.", "amount": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "minValue": "300", "maxValue": "10000", "currency": "USD" }, "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "offeredBy": { "@type": "BankOrCreditUnion", "name":"Wells Fargo" }, "priceSpecification": { "@type": "UnitPriceSpecification", "price": "25", "priceCurrency": "USD", "referenceQuantity": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "value": "1", "unitCode": "ANN" } } }, "annualPercentageRate": "18.99", "feesAndCommissionsSpecification": ""}

BankAccount Schema

{ "@context": "", "@graph": [ { "@type": "BankAccount", "name": "Select account", "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "eligibleCustomerType": { "@id":"" }, "price": "0", "description": "You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply.", "offeredBy": { "@type": "BankOrCreditUnion", "@id": "", "name": "RBS" } }, "feesAndCommissionsSpecification": "" }, { "@type": "BankAccount", "name": "Select Silver account", "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "eligibleCustomerType": "", "priceSpecification": { "@type": "PriceSpecification", "priceCurrency": "GBP", "price": "10", "eligibleQuantity": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "value":"1", "unitCode": "ANN" } }, "description": "You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply.", "offeredBy": { "@type": "BankOrCreditUnion", "@id": "", "name": "RBS" } }, "feesAndCommissionsSpecification": "" }, { "@type": "BankAccount", "name": "Select Platinum account", "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "eligibleCustomerType": "", "priceSpecification": { "@type": "PriceSpecification", "priceCurrency": "GBP", "price": "16", "eligibleQuantity": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "value":"1", "unitCode": "ANN" } }, "description": "You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply.", "offeredBy": { "@type": "BankOrCreditUnion", "@id": "", "name": "RBS" } }, "feesAndCommissionsSpecification": "" }, { "@type": "BankAccount", "name": "Black account", "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "eligibleCustomerType": "", "priceSpecification": { "@type": "PriceSpecification", "priceCurrency": "GBP", "price": "24", "eligibleQuantity": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "value":"1", "unitCode": "ANN" } }, "description": "You need to be aged 18 or over, and UK resident to apply, with either:<ul><li>£100,000 sole income paid into this account<\/li><li>a RBS mortgage of at lease £300,000<\/li><li>£100,000 in RBS savings and investments<\/li><\/ul>", "offeredBy": { "@type": "BankOrCreditUnion", "@id": "", "name": "RBS" } }, "feesAndCommissionsSpecification": "" } ]}

BrokerageAccount Schema

 { "@context": "", "@type": "BrokerageAccount", "name": "ExampleBank® 1st Brokerage Account", "description": "Our popular brokerage account lets you invest in everything from stocks and bonds to mutual funds, ETFs, and more. Take advantage of all our research and tools, expert insight, and investment guidance to support your investing decisions.", "amount": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "minAmount": "1000", "currency": "USD" }, "feesAndCommissionsSpecification": "No fees to open or maintain an account. Other account fees, fund expenses, and brokerage commissions may apply. Commissions: $8.95 per online equity trade; commission-free ExampleBank® ETF online trades in your ExampleBank® account", "availableChannel": { "@type": "ServiceChannel", "serviceMobileApp": "http://" } }

InvestmentFund Schema

{ "@context": "", "@type": "InvestmentFund", "name": "Guaranteed Interest Fund", "description": "This type of secure investment grows your money at a guaranteed rate of interest for a fixed period. It is ideal for investors looking for capital security.", "amount": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "currency": "USD", "minAmount": "25000", "maxAmount": "90000" }, "interestRate": "1.25"}

MoneyTransfer Schema

{ "@context": "", "@type": "MoneyTransfer", "name": "Donate", "amount": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "amount": "30", "currency": "USD" }, "beneficiaryBank": "European ExampleBank, London"}

ExchangeRateSpecification Schema

{ "@context": "", "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Middle exchange rates of foreign currencies – table A", "mainEntity": { "@type": "ItemList", "name": "Table No. 047/A/NBP/2016 of 2016-03-09", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "ExchangeRateSpecification", "currency":"EUR", "currentExchangeRate":{ "@type": "UnitPriceSpecification", "price": "4.3215", "priceCurrency": "PLN" } }, { "@type": "ExchangeRateSpecification", "currency":"BRL", "currentExchangeRate":{ "@type": "UnitPriceSpecification", "price": "1.0490", "priceCurrency": "PLN" } } ] } }

LoanOrCredit Schema

{"@context":"","@type":"LoanOrCredit","name":"Wells Fargo GraduateSM Student Loan","loanTerm":{ "@type":"QuantitativeValue", "value":"15", "unitCode": "ANN"},"annualPercentageRate":[ { "@type":"QuantitativeValue", "name": "variable interest rates", "minValue":"3.22", "maxValue":"8.74" }, { "@type":"QuantitativeValue", "name": "fixed interest rates", "minValue":"6.36", "maxValue":"10.61" } ],"amount":[ { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "name":"debt for law and business", "value":"180000", "currency":"USD" }, { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "name":"debt for other fields of study than law and business", "value":"120000", "currency":"USD" } ]}
Financial Finesse: Useful Schema Markup for the Finance Industry (2024)


Which schema markup should I use? ›

There are 3 schema encoding types for schema markup: RDFa, Microdata, and JSON-LD. RDFa and Microdata are the older way to write schema and require more effort to be implemented, hence they are more prone to errors. Our recommended code would then be JSON-LD.

Is schema markup still important? ›

The benefits of Schema Markup are undeniable. When you add Schema Markup to your website, you'll help search engines understand your content and make your pages more visible in organic search. In turn, you'll increase your click-through rates and generate more organic traffic for your web pages.

What are the benefits of FAQ schema markup? ›

2 The Benefits of Adding FAQ Schema

Winning FAQ rich snippets is beneficial as it helps increase the overall visibility of your website since it occupies additional space in search engine results pages and provides users with a method of interaction.

Does schema markup help SEO? ›

Why is schema markup important to SEO? Schema markup is important because it: Improves search engines' ability to crawl your site: With schema, you'll be telling search engines exactly what's on your page.

What is a rich schema markup? ›

By providing structured data using Schema, search engines will know exactly what users can find on your page — and what it all means. This allows them to present your content in a more prominent, visual way in the search results. These more prominent results are called rich results, or rich snippets.

How do you optimize schema markup? ›

How to Use Schema Markup to Improve SEO
  1. Step 1: Select a Page and Tag Your Data. The first thing you'll need to do is select a data type (e.g., book review or product) and enter the URL of the page that you want to mark up: ...
  2. Step 2: Enter Your Markup Code in WordPress. ...
  3. Step 3: Test Your Schema Markup.
Jan 9, 2024

Is schema markup important in 2024? ›

As we advance into 2024, the field of SEO continues to evolve, with schema markup playing an increasingly pivotal role in how search engines understand and display content. A notable trend is the expansion of schema types to accommodate new content formats.

What is the benefit of using schema markup? ›

By adding schema markup to websites, businesses can provide search engines with crucial information about their content. This markup helps search engines understand and categorize the content more effectively which leads to better visibility in search results.

Is schema markup the same as structured data? ›

One way to do this is by using structured data and schema markup. Structured data is a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying the page content. Schema markup is a specific type of structured data that provides additional context and meaning to the content on a page.

What are the disadvantages of schemas? ›

However, schemas can also have disadvantages. They may lead to biases or preconceived notions that can cause individuals to misinterpret information or make incorrect judgments. They can also result in stereotyping and discrimination based on race, gender, and other factors.

What is the purpose of JSON schema markup? ›

While JSON is probably the most popular format for exchanging data, JSON Schema is the vocabulary that enables JSON data consistency, validity, and interoperability at scale.

What is schema markup for dummies? ›

Here's the process:
  • Go to Google's Structured Data Markup Helper Tool.
  • Select a Data Type. Choose one of the common data types from the given list. ...
  • Paste Your URL. Paste the URL of the page you want to add markup to. ...
  • Start Marking Up Your Page. ...
  • Generate HTML. ...
  • Add the Markup to Your Page. ...
  • Test Your Schema markup.
Dec 19, 2023

Is schema markup a ranking factor? ›

Demystifying Schema Markup and SEO

In reality, while Schema is not a ranking factor, it plays a vital role in helping search engines understand web page content, which can indirectly affect SEO performance.

How do I know if a page has schema markup? ›

Go to Google's Structured Data Testing Tool: Enter the URL of the page you want to test. Click on the "Run Test" button. The tool will check for structured data on the page and display any errors or suggestions for improvement.

Should I add schema to every page? ›

The schema markup should only be added to the pages where the content that you used to create the schema is represented. Adding schema to every page of the site can confuse search engines as to what the schema is actually representing.

What are the different types of mark ups? ›

There are two main types of markups: percentage and absolute.

Should schema markup be in header or footer? ›

It is best practice to put your schema data in website header (before </head>). But it is not necessary to put the code header section. You can put this code in footer also. In both section schema code will work well.

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Author: Dan Stracke

Last Updated:

Views: 5274

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.