Filing Taxes for Students: 11 Tax Tips that Cover Everything (2024)

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Filing Taxes for Students: 11 Tax Tips that Cover Everything (1)

Learn everything you need to know aboutfiling taxes for students in this post!

Filing Taxes for Students: 11 Tax Tips that Cover Everything (2)

It’s never too early to learn how to file your taxes!

As a college student on your own for the first time, filing taxes can seem daunting and scary.


As a newcomer to the adulting world, it definitely is.

With tax filing being a complicated system, it’s important to learn the right way early on. You can avoid BIG problems down the road just by getting all your questions answered before it comes time to do your own taxes.


Unfortunately, when it comes to taxes you can’t rely on your parents forever. Oh, how I wish I could rely on someone else to handle my taxes!


In the end, it’s ultimately my responsibility.

Today’s post has everything you’re going to want to know about filing taxes for students.

I’m answering all your questions to make it as easy as possible for you, BECAUSE…

Taxes are confusing and tricky!

It’s like the government wants us to mess up so they can get more money in penalties. And I think we’d all prefer to avoid that…


My goal is to help you keep, or get back, as much money as possible (legally).

I’ll explore everything there is know about – from which form to use to how you can file for free online.

11 Tax Tips for College Students

Table of Contents:

  • Do college students have to file taxes?
  • Do full-time students pay tax?
  • What if you’re – filing taxes as a student with no income?
  • Can a student file taxes if their parents claim them?
  • College Student Filing Taxes – Dependent Status
  • College Student Filing Taxes – Independent Status
  • What can you claim on your taxes for a college student? (Tax breaks for students)
  • Tax Forms for College Students
  • What is a 1098 T form used for?
  • Where to File Taxes
  • When to file taxes

Let’s get started!

Disclaimer:This is general advice and for informational purposes. This is based on what I’ve learned from preparing my own taxes for 30+ years. For more help, consider consulting a professional.

How to File Taxes for the First Time

Let’s begin with the most basic questions first…

Do college students have to file taxes?

Are students exempt from taxes?

This is a common question when it comes to filing taxes for students and an understandable thing to ask when filing taxes for the first time.

QUICK ANSWER: If you paid anything into federal taxes this year from income, then YES – you need to file!

Unfortunately, being a full-time student does NOT exempt you from federal income tax.

Also note that:

Even if you made less than the limits required to file, you can get everything you paid in refunded back to you.


NEVER skip filing taxes if you’ve had any federal withholdings. This will be reported to you on a W2 form. I’ll talk more about that in detail later in this post.


You do not get social security or Medicare tax withholdings back EVER.

Do full-time students pay tax?

QUICK ANSWER:Being a full-time student, being a dependent, living with your parents, or using FAFSA does NOT exempt you from filing taxes.

In the eyes of the IRS, you will be treated like any other tax paying adult in this country.


If you make less than $12,550 (even if you get a W2) you do not have to file taxes.

That is –unless you want to get back your withholdings that were taken out (see above where I just talked about that).

Which you should, of course, want that money back!

Here are the IRS requirements to file:

  • If you receive a 1099Misc of any kind
  • Total income (wages, unemployment, salaries, taxable scholarships, etc) is more than $12,550 (single status)
  • You have unearned income (interest, dividends, capital gains) of more than $1,100
  • You have unearned income over $350 and gross income of more than $1,100
  • You have household employee income (babysitting, lawn mowing, chores) over $2,300
  • You have self-employment income of over $400
  • You have received advance payments of the premium tax credit or the health coverage tax credit

So in essence:

Almost everyone needs to (or should) file taxes. It’s either required by law or to simply get back the money you paid to the government.

But let’s say, you worked and didn’t make over $12,550 this year.

Unless you filed EXEMPT on a w-4 form you provided to your employer, you paid taxes to the federal government.

If you’re still not sure:

Pull out your last pay stub for the year. Look at the amounts taken out.

Is any of it listed as “Federal Income Tax”? If yes, check the amount listed under “Year to Date” – that is what you paid in.


You could potentially get 100% of that refunded!

What if you’re – filing taxes as a student with no income?

When filing taxes for students, note that:

If you didn’t work, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you didn’t have any income for the year.

All of these are considered taxable sources of income:

  • Scholarships can be partially taxable as detailed here
  • Interest on bank accounts, dividends on stocks & capital gains are taxable
  • Self-employment income (like freelancing on the side)
  • Other income such as babysitting, lawn mowing, and house sitting can be taxable

Concerning the last bullet point:

These sources of income are called miscellaneous income. With reported Misc. income you should receive a tax statement from the individual you worked for.

And honestly:

Most people aren’t going to report giving you income for small, side jobs. Usually, it’s the full-time gigs that report.

QUICK ANSWER: If you truly had no income for the year, you do not have to file taxes.

Can a student file taxes if their parents claim them?

QUICK ANSWER: YES! This just means you are a dependent on someone else’s taxes. It also means you have fewer deductions on your own taxes.

College Student Filing Taxes – Dependent Status

Well, most of the time…

If you are still living at home, your parents will want to claim you on their taxes. This means they are paying over 50% of your living expenses, and therefore you are still considered a dependent.


Unless you work something else out with them, they can claim you (if you are a full-time student) for as long as you’re under age 24.

It’s important to note:

If your parents claim you, then all grants, tuition payments, and scholarships will fall under their taxes. That means that they will be able to claim any of the educational tax credits you qualify for, as well.

When you file your taxes:

You will simply select the option that says “I can be claimed on someone else’s return.”


Any taxable scholarships will be reported on your – the dependent student’s – taxes as earned income.

But if your income totals less than $12,550 for the year, then there’s no need to worry about the taxable portion of a scholarship.

  • Also Read: Tons ofcurrent scholarship opportunities!

College Student Filing Taxes – Independent Status

Claiming yourself on your taxes, or filing as independent:

This is usually done once you are living on your own and paying more than 50% of your own expenses.

You are no longer considered a “dependent” to your parents and they can no longer claim you.


If you claim yourself (depending on your income status) you’ll typically get a bigger tax refund.

What can you claim on your taxes for a college student?

Filing taxes for students and wondering what education specific deductions you can take?

Thankfully some college expenses are tax-deductible!

It’s nice to know that you’re getting something for working your ass off! I mean, besides the degree.

  • Also Read: How to Pay for College on Your Own (Debt Free Options + Loan Tips)

Tax Breaks for Students

Do you get a tax credit for being a student?


Actually, several!

As you’re learning the right way for filing taxes for students, here are some tax credits to be aware of…

1. American Opportunity Credit

With the American Opportunity Credit, you (or your parents – see dependent info above) can claim up to $2,500 in tax credits for up to four years.

It’s calculated as 100% of your first $2,000 in college costs and then 25% of the next $2,000. The maximum annual credit per student is $2,500.

To qualify for this credit, you must beenrolled at least half-time at an accreditedpost-secondary educational institution.

Expenses included are tuition, fees, textbooks, or any other required supplies. Find more info about this tax credit for students here.


This credit is awesome because if the amount of the credit for which you’re eligible exceeds your tax liability, the excess is refunded to you – up to $1,000!

You can get it even if you owe no tax!

2. Lifetime Learning Credit

With the Lifetime Learning Credit, you can claim 20% of the first $10,000 you paid in tuition expenses per year. Or, up to a $2,000 tax credit per year.


Unlike theAmerican Opportunity Credit, this credit does not have a limit on how many years you can claim it.


You do not need to be enrolled in a program seeking a degree to claim this.You can be a graduate student in only one class and still qualify.

Qualified expenses include:

  • Tuition
  • Any required fees

Expenses do not include books, supplies, room & board, or anything else.

This credit cannot be paid to you in a refund, it can only reduce how much you pay in taxes with this.

Get more details about the Lifetime Learning tax credit here.

3. Tuition and Fees Deduction

With this tax credit, college students can deduct up to $4,000 in qualified college costs.

These are expenses you paid for out of your own pocket, not anything that was paid for with grants, tax-free scholarships, etc.

This includes…

Tuition, fees & expenses that you are required to pay to a qualified educational institution as part of your enrollment.

This deduction will reduce the taxable income that you have.

Which means that:

You get to subtract $4,000 from your total taxable income.

**NOTE**: You cannot claim the American Opportunity Credit, the Lifetime Learning Credit, and the Tuition and Fees Deduction for the same student in the same year. You must choose only one.

So of course, choose the one that gives you the biggest tax break!

Not sure which one would benefit you most? Check out this comparison of all three.

Plus, you can also get this tax deduction…

4. Student Loan Interest Deduction

You (or your parents) can deduct up to $2,500 in interest that you paid during the tax year on qualifying student loans!

Filing taxes for students tip: always claim as many deductions as you can to maximize your return!

Tax Forms for College Students

What forms for taxes you need will be based on your income situation.


QUICK ANSWER: Most students will use a form called 1040.

Starting in 2018 – forms 1040A and 104EZ are no longer available to file taxes.

But, they have added most of what you need into form 1040.

The form 1040 has new “schedules” you need in them to complete more complex tax forms (schedules are like extra forms that help you do necessary calculations in your taxes).

Basically, it should have everything you need as a college student.

When you’re ready to file your taxes you’ll need to gather the needed documents. Like all of your income statements, including:

  • W-2 forms
  • 1099MISC forms
  • 1098 T forms
  • Any other forms with reported income

These income forms are supposed to be postmarked to you no later than January 31st.

What else do you need to get started?

1 – Figure out what your dependency status is (we talked about this above!).

2 – Find out if you can claim an education credit (this tool can help you determine if you’re eligible for one).

What is a 1098 T form used for?

That’s a great question!


It’s actually a super important form to be aware of when you’re in college.

If you go to an accredited post-secondary institution and have paid any “qualified education expenses” then the school is required to send you a form 1098 T.

QUICK ANSWER: The 1098 T form is also known as a Tuition Statement; it provides information about educational expenses that may qualify for education-related tax credits.

In a nutshell:

Qualified expenses include tuition, any fees that are required for enrollment, and course materials required for a student to be enrolled.

So, please:

DO NOT lose your 1098 T form! It’s like throwing away money if you do.

Where to File Taxes

Now that you have all of the information, it’s so easy now!

There are a lot of options when it comes to filing taxes as a student, and some are even free.

QUICK ANSWER: You can file them online (preferably for free using a service like Credit Karma Tax), with a tax preparation program, or by going to a professional (think H&RBlock or an accountant).

How to do taxes yourself – free student tax filing!

Online Tax Filing

Let’s start with our first option, preparing your taxes for free online.

You could go to the source…

The IRS has free tax filing options online, but their online system isn’t the easiest to understand.

Or, you can go to a myriad of other places that are more user-friendly.

Places to prepare your taxes for free online where you’re filing taxes for students:


You should know that if you use a free tax service, they will try to upsell you.


You don’t need to buy anything extra, such as forms or filing protection. You can simply skip all extra offers and do it all for free.

They will also try to sell filing your state tax returns for a fee. Don’t pay for that!


Almost every state allows you to file your state tax forms for free online at their respective state websites.


Always do a Google search to see if your state offers FREE e-filing.

Online tax preparation companies may e-file your federal forms for free, but some may not.

While e-filing your taxes for a fee may just seem easier, it’s completely unnecessary!

If there is a charge to e-file, simply print out your forms and mail them in.

Your tax return will take a little longer to process, but it’ll only cost you a stamp or two.

Other Tax Filing Options

Other tax filing options include…

Buying a Tax Program

Sure, you can buy them by downloading or going to the store, but unless you are at a point where your taxes are more complicated than a 40-year-old homeowner, you don’t need to do this.

These cost $35 and up!

Free online sites will do just fine for your average tax situation.

Going to a Professional

Or, you could go to an accountant or service like H&RBlock.

Just know that:

This is by far the most expensive way to file your taxes –whether you’re filing taxes for students or otherwise! In fact, the cost will probably eat up most of your return.

In my opinion – it’s not worth it!

When to file taxes

When it comes to filing taxes for students, this part is simple to remember!

QUICK ANSWER: Every year, you have until April 15th to file your taxes for the previous year.

If it falls on a weekend, then it’s the next business day after April 15th.


I wouldn’t wait until the last minute. It’s much easier to get it done early.


The sooner you file, the sooner you can get back any refund you may be owed!

Filing Taxes for Students: 11 Tax Tips that Cover Everything (3)Filing Taxes for Students: 11 Tax Tips that Cover Everything (4)Filing Taxes for Students: 11 Tax Tips that Cover Everything (5)

That sums up all the tips I have today when it comes to filing taxes for students.


If you’ve never had to file your own taxes before, don’t worry!

It’s a lot more simple than it seems once you’ve gone through the process.

Just take your time! Don’t be afraid to ask family, friends, or even Google for additional help.

  • Also Read: Applying for Student Loans – What You Need to Know About Private Loans

Do you have any other questions about filing taxes for students?

Leave a comment, and I’ll answer you ASAP!

Filing Taxes for Students: 11 Tax Tips that Cover Everything (2024)


How to maximize tax refund as a student? ›

So, be sure to do more research on your specific situation or get help from a tax professional.
  1. How to get your W2.
  2. #1 Check your dependency status.
  3. #2 Take advantage of student tax credits.
  4. #3 Pay interest on student loans.
  5. #4 Apply for scholarships.
  6. #5 File your taxes even if, technically, you don't have to.
Mar 2, 2022

What do I put for student tax filing status on FAFSA? ›

Student Tax Filing Status (19)

This question asks if a 2022 IRS 1040 or 1040-NR was (or will be) completed. It also asks about income earned in a foreign country or if the student filed a tax return in a U.S. territory. Married students are asked if they filed their 2022 tax return with their current spouse.

Do college students get $1000 back on taxes? ›

The AOTC is a tax credit worth up to $2,500 per year for an eligible college student. It is refundable up to $1,000. If you are a college student filing your own return, you may claim this credit a maximum of four times (i.e. once per year for four years).

How much should I claim in tips for taxes? ›

Employees who receive tips of less than $20 in a calendar month aren't required to report their tips to you but must report these amounts as income on their tax returns and pay taxes, if any.

How do I get the full $2500 American Opportunity credit? ›

Be pursuing a degree or other recognized education credential. Have qualified education expenses at an eligible educational institution. Be enrolled at least half time for at least one academic period* beginning in the tax year. Not have finished the first four years of higher education at the beginning of the tax year.

How to get $7000 tax refund? ›

Requirements to receive up to $7,000 for the Earned Income Tax Credit refund (EITC)
  1. Have worked and earned income under $63,398.
  2. Have investment income below $11,000 in the tax year 2023.
  3. Have a valid Social Security number by the due date of your 2023 return (including extensions)
Apr 12, 2024

Does FAFSA check your bank account? ›

Students selected for verification of their FAFSA form may wonder, “Does FAFSA check your bank accounts?” FAFSA does not directly view the student's or parent's bank accounts.

Can a college student file taxes with no income? ›

Any year you have minimal or no income, you may be able to skip filing your tax return and the related paperwork. However, it's perfectly legal to file a tax return showing zero income, and this might be a good idea for a number of reasons.

How to file a zero income tax return? ›

Enter "-0-" for all income categories.

The next portion of the tax return asks about your income. Since you didn't earn any income for the year, you'll enter a "-0-" in each blank. Your total income will also be "-0-."

Is it better for a college student to claim themselves or be dependent? ›

Considerations When Filing as a Dependent or Independent Student. If your parents meet eligibility criteria to claim you as financially dependent for tax purposes, it is usually more beneficial for them to do so rather than you claiming a deduction for yourself.

Is it better for a college student to file their own taxes? ›

If you're wondering if you should bother filing because you only work over the summer or a few hours part-time during the school year, the answer is YES! You aren't required to file if your income is under $13,850 for tax year 2023, but you may be able to take advantage of those credits and deductions we mentioned.

Why does a 1098-T decrease my refund? ›

Box 4 shows any adjustments that your school made for a prior year's qualified expenses. If you have an amount showing in Box 4 of your 1098-T, it may reduce your allowable education tax credit claimed for the prior year. That, in turn, may result in an increased tax liability for the current tax year.

What happens if you don't claim your cash tips? ›

If an employee fails to report tips to his or her employer, then the employer is not liable for the employer share of social security and Medicare taxes on the unreported tips until notice and demand for the taxes is made to the employer by the IRS.

What is the IRS rule on tips? ›

All tips you receive are income and are subject to federal income tax. You must include in gross income all tips you receive directly, charged tips paid to you by your employer, and your share of any tips you receive under a tip-splitting or tip-pooling arrangement.

Do my tips count as income? ›

Tips can come in many forms. Whether someone pays a tip with cash, check, debit card, or credit card, tips are considered income by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and are subject to federal and state taxes.

Do you get a bigger tax return if you are a student? ›

More In Credits & Deductions

You can get a maximum annual credit of $2,500 per eligible student. If the credit brings the amount of tax you owe to zero, you can have 40 percent of any remaining amount of the credit (up to $1,000) refunded to you.

How to get more tax money as a student? ›

If you have student loans or pay education costs for yourself, you may be eligible to claim education deductions and credits on your tax return, such as loan interest deductions, qualified tuition programs (529 plans) and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts.

How can I make sure I get the biggest tax refund? ›

How to boost your tax refund (or lower your tax bill)
  1. Work with a tax professional. ...
  2. Claim all eligible tax credits and deductions. ...
  3. Don't overlook deductible expenses. ...
  4. Choose the right filing status. ...
  5. Maximize your contributions. ...
  6. Adjust your W-4. ...
  7. File at the right time.
Mar 2, 2024

How can I legally get a bigger tax refund? ›

How to maximize your tax refund
  1. Itemize your deductions. Deductions are dollar amounts you're able to subtract from your taxable income, reducing the amount you'll owe in taxes. ...
  2. Contribute to tax-advantaged accounts. ...
  3. Ensure you are claiming the right credits. ...
  4. Adjust your filing status.
Feb 6, 2024

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.