Excel Template for a Loan Amortization Schedule (2024)

Here is an instruction on how to make an overview of an amortizing loan in a spreadsheet.

Note! Remember that the principal payments are always the same amount with an amortizing loan.

Excel Instruction

Making an Overview of a Serial Loan

Open a new spreadsheet and enter the values for the “loan amount”, “interest” and “repayment period”.
Set up the “skeleton” for the table. You’ll need columns representing “year”, “remaining loan”, “amount of interest”, “principal payments” and “installment”. The number of rows is determined by the length of the repayment period.
Enter the formulas in year1, as well as the remaining loan in year2.
Copy the formulas of the corresponding columns all the way down to the last payment row.
Sum the columns “amount of interest”, “principle payment” and “installments”.


You are taking up a $350000 amortizing loan, with an interest of 2.1% over a twenty-year period. Make a table with an overview of the loan in Excel.

The first thing you do is to enter the relevant numbers for your loan:
The next thing you do is to make the “skeleton” of the table above the repayment of the amortizing loan. This table need the columns “year”, “remaining loan”, “amount of interest”, “principal payments” and “installment”.

You need to make a row for the years 1 through 20. Instead of making a row for all the integers manually, you can use a clever feature in Excel that does the job for you. Enter the numbers 1, 2, 3 as shown below, and then mark the cells.

Excel Template for a Loan Amortization Schedule (2)

Then press and hold the little green square in the bottom right corner of cellA8 and pull it all the way down till you see the number 20. (A small gray square will count the number of rows you pull it).

The remaining loan the first year is the original loan amount. You can enter $350000 in cellB6, but you have already typed the number in cellB1 in the spreadsheet. A more elegant solution is to use the functionality of the spreadsheet by typing in cellB6:


This way you only need to change the value of cellB1 if you want to change the original loan amount.

The interest amount of year1 will be the same as the remaining loan of year1 multiplied by the interest. To calculate the interest of year1, enter into cellC6:


Note! The $-sign before the letter- and number-coordinates of the cellB2, is to use the functionality of the spreadsheet that allows you to copy formulas. This will be explained more closely below.

The principal payments of an amortizing loan are always equal. You can easily calculate the amount

Principalpayment = Loanamount Numberofinstallments = 350000kr 20 = 17500kr

You can write $17500 in the cell for principal payment year1, but if you wish to change the original loan amount, you need to change the installment cell as well. Therefore, it can be wise to write the calculation of the installment in the cell of the installmentD6. So, in cellD6 you write:


The installment amount is the interest amount + principal payment. In cellE6, where the installment amount of year1 is, write:


You’ve now spent some time on just filling out a few cells, but soon, you’ll experience the spreadsheets magic! The last part is to enter the remaining loan of year2 is going. The calculation goes as follows:

Remainingloanafter2years = Remainingloanafter1year Installmentyear1

In cell B7, write:


Excel Template for a Loan Amortization Schedule (3)

Excel Template for a Loan Amortization Schedule (4)

This is when the fun starts! You are now to copy the formula for remaining loan by marking B7. Then you pull the small green square and pull it all the way down to the 20th year. The way Excel thinks is that the formula in the marked cell is to be copied and performed in the cells below that belong to the same column. Excel sees that the formula in the marked cell consists of subtracting the number in the cell that’s one cell up and two to the right, from the number in the cell above.

Excel Template for a Loan Amortization Schedule (5)

Note! Every row depends on the row above, so you may notice that the numbers in your spreadsheet could be incorrect until you are done with all the columns.

Now you can copy the formula inD6 in all the cells below in the installment column. The difference between the installment column and the remaining loan column is that you always want to refer to the columnsB1 and B3 in the installment column. To let Excel know that you always want to use these two cells instead of moving downwards, write the $-sign before the letter- and number coordinates of the cells. So again, mark cellD6 and pull it down to the 20th year.

Now you can see that the numbers in the remaining loan column are correct.

Excel Template for a Loan Amortization Schedule (6)

Do the same with the columns for amount of interest and principal payment. That is, mark C6 and pull it down to year20, and then mark E6 and do the same. Notice that in the column for amount of interest you want to use the remaining loan column in the same row, but always the same interest (B2). Therefore, use the $-sign when referring to the interest in the formula in C6, but not when referring to the remaining loan.

Excel Template for a Loan Amortization Schedule (7)

Excel Template for a Loan Amortization Schedule (8)

Finally, it can be good to sum the amount of interest, installments and principal payment respectively cellC26, D26 and E26. In C26, write:


Do the equivalent for the columns for installment and principal payment. The final spreadsheet will then look like this:

Excel Template for a Loan Amortization Schedule (9)

And with the formulas:

Excel Template for a Loan Amortization Schedule (10)

The sum of the installments should be equal to the loan amount, and you can see that this is the case here. The sum of the interest amount will equal to what you have paid in interest, which is $77175, and the sum of the principal payments are all the money you have returned to the bank, which is $427175. In other words, an amortizing loan of $350000 cost you $427175 after 20 years.

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Excel Template for a Loan Amortization Schedule (2024)


How do I assemble a loan amortization schedule in Excel? ›

How to create an amortization schedule in Excel
  1. Create column A labels. ...
  2. Enter loan information in column B. ...
  3. Calculate payments in cell B4. ...
  4. Create column headers inside row seven. ...
  5. Fill in the "Period" column. ...
  6. Fill in cells B8 to H8. ...
  7. Fill in cells B9 to H9. ...
  8. Fill out the rest of the schedule using the crosshairs.
Feb 3, 2023

How to prepare a loan amortization schedule? ›

Starting in month one, take the total amount of the loan and multiply it by the interest rate on the loan. Then for a loan with monthly repayments, divide the result by 12 to get your monthly interest. Subtract the interest from the total monthly payment, and the remaining amount is what goes toward principal.

What is the formula for loan repayment schedule in Excel? ›

=PMT(A2/12,A3,A4)Monthly payment for a loan with terms specified as arguments in A2:A4.
=PMT(A2/12,A3,A4,,1)Monthly payment for a loan with with terms specified as arguments in A2:A4, except payments are due at the beginning of the period.
8 more rows

Which Excel function is most important when creating an amortization schedule? ›

In Excel, the PMT (rate, nper, pv, [fv], [type]) function is used to calculate the payment amount. For consistency in payment frequencies, you should be consistent with the values supplied for the rate and nper arguments: Rate - It is the interest rate per period for the loan.

How do you manually do an amortization schedule? ›

To calculate amortization, first multiply your principal balance by your interest rate. Next, divide that by 12 months to know your interest fee for your current month. Finally, subtract that interest fee from your total monthly payment. What remains is how much will go toward principal for that month.

How to make an amortization table by hand? ›

The first column will be “Payment Amount.” The second column is “Interest Rate,” and it's optional if you're using a pen and paper. The third column is “Remaining Loan Balance.” The fourth column is “Interest Paid.” “Principal Paid” is the fifth column, and “Month/Payment Period” is the sixth and last column.

Which of the following occurs in the Excel setup of a loan amortization problem? ›

Final answer: In an Excel loan amortization setup, the monthly payment is calculated first, followed by the principal payment by subtracting the interest from the total payment.

What is the formula for the monthly loan payment? ›

Monthly Payment = (P × r) ∕ n

Again, “P” represents your principal amount, and “r” is your APR. However, “n” in this equation is the number of payments you'll make over a year. Now for an example. Let's say you get an interest-only personal loan for $10,000 with an APR of 3.5% and a 60-month repayment term.

What is the formula for mortgage payments in Excel? ›

The formula for calculating mortgage payments is PMT(interest rate/12, number of payments, loan amount). For example, if you're taking out a 10-year loan with a 6% interest rate for $200,000, the Excel formula would be: PMT(. 06/12, 120, 200000). This formula will give you a monthly payment amount of $1,788.76.

How do I make a loan calculator in Excel? ›

In Excel, you can use the PMT function to calculate the monthly payment. This formula divides the annual interest rate by 12 to get the monthly rate, multiplies the number of loan term years by 12 to get the number of periods, and calculates the monthly payment based on the loan amount, interest rate, and loan term.

How to use Excel spreadsheet to create a loan tracking document? ›

Build a Personal LoanTracker in Microsoft Excel – Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Step 1: Take the Personal Tracker Template. ...
  2. Step 2: Download the Microsoft Excel Version of the Personal Tracker Template. ...
  3. Step 3: Open the Personal Loan Tracker Template in MS Excel. ...
  4. Step 4: Input the General Information of the Personal Loan.

How to calculate interest payment on a loan in Excel? ›

Create row headers for Principal, Interest, Periods, and Payment. Fill out the principal amount, interest rate, and the number of payment periods. In the Payment row, use the formula =IPMT(B2, 1, B3, B1) to calculate the interest payment.

Does Excel have amortization template? ›

Yes, Excel has a simple loan amortization schedule template available. It's fairly basic, so if you only need something with no frills, it can work for you.

What three things you would find on an amortization schedule? ›

Beginning balance: This is the principal balance you have at the beginning of each new month before you make a loan payment. Scheduled payment: This is your monthly loan payment. This number will be the same every month. Principal: This is the amount paid toward your principal with every payment.

What is the most used Excel function in accounting? ›

Best 10 Excel Functions for Accountants
  • ROUND.
  • EDATE.
  • IF.
  • TRIM.
Feb 25, 2021

How to calculate interest on a loan in Excel? ›

Loan interest formula

The formula for this function is:=CUMIPMT(rate,nper,pv,start_period,end_period,type)Here are what each variable in the formula represents: Rate: The rate is your interest rate for each pay period.

How to use ipmt function in Excel? ›

  1. IPMT(rate,per,nper,pv,fv,type)
  2. Rate is the interest rate per period.
  3. Per is the period for which you want to find the interest and must be in the range 1 to nper.
  4. Nper is the total number of payment periods in an annuity.

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