Episode 27: How to Identify Financial Abuse & Get the Help You Need (2024)

Episode 27: How to Identify Financial Abuse & Get Help

Angela Z. Davis: [00:00:00] so allow me to take you on a journey of a young married woman who found herself in an emotional and financial abusive marriage.

This marriage was rocking her, self esteem or her self confidence, her belief in herself. And her ability to grow personally and professionally. Together this couple, she had a young son, this young son loved both of his parents, but he was a eventually exposed to his dad's verbal and soon physical abuse upon his mom.

She knew that if she did not remove herself from this abusive situation, her son could lose his mom to death. But he could also go up and do the exact same thing. Was she scared? Oh yeah, it was she tired of it. Absolutely. But she didn't really have the belief initially to get out of [00:01:00] it or believe that she deserved better.

But once she did enough was enough.

Acquania Escarne: You are listening to the purpose of money podcast, a podcast where we talk about ways to build wealth and create more freedom in your life. Today. I am your host Acquania Escarne .

Hey guys, welcome back to the purpose of money podcast. This is your host Acquania Escarne. We are talking about something serious today. You know, most of the time we're talking about money and entrepreneurship, but this month is domestic violence awareness month. And I have a special guest named Angela Z.

Davis, who is a domestic violence recovery strategist. She is a survivor, helping other women who need to recover from domestic violence relationships. And we're talking about how [00:02:00] you can know the signs of a domestic violence relationship, how it may impact your finances and what you can do to get help when you decide to transition and get into a lifestyle that is better for you and healthier for everyone.

So stay tuned. This was a powerful episode. You don't want to miss.

Do you want to become a hotel investor in 2021? If so you are in for a treat, there will be a live workshop happening October 28th, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Eastern standard time hosted by Davonne Reaves of Epiq Collective. If you remember, she was on episode 26 talking about how to buy a hotel.

In this workshop, you will learn how to create hotel ownership for yourself. Various ways to invest in hotels and how entrepreneurs, small business owners and real estate investors can take advantage of this unique opportunity. [00:03:00] Check out the link in the show notes. So you can register for this event. You won't want to miss it. October 28th, 2020 at 7:00 PM Eastern standard time. And of course, if you want to hear from Davonne directly check out episode 26 on how to buy a hotel. Alright. Without further ado, let's happen to this episode.

Hey, Hey guys, Acquania your host on the purpose of money podcast . I'm so excited. We have special guests, Angela Z. Davis. She was born and now hails in Ohio. She loves to read and travel prior to the pandemic and spend time with family, friends, enjoying a good meal. A great dessert and watching nature today.

I have her on the show because in addition to her 26 year career in physical therapy, she is a virtual empowerment speaker author of her own workbook called believe in yourself. And she's an entrepreneur and a [00:04:00] domestic violence recovery strategist. This is domestic violence awareness month. And we are going to talk about this tough topic and how it impacts families and your money.

She is an expert who can talk to this because she herself is a domestic violence survivor and is going to share a little bit about her story and how she's helping other women become boss girls. All based on their beliefs and making it a positive impact for young girls and women, in her community and communities around the nation.

Angela, thank you so much for being on the podcast. How are you doing today?

Angela Z. Davis: Oh my gosh. I'm doing great, Acquania. Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be able to share.

Acquania Escarne: Yes, of course. And I just want to tell people that I've been so honored and blessed to have you in my life. We met because we are both students, I guess you could say, in the same business coaching group, which has been amazing, just learning about.

Each other's [00:05:00] stories has really helped me understand how many different ways you can pursue entrepreneurship. So, Angela, I want to start this discussion by talking about what inspired you to, to create boss girl beliefs.

Angela Z. Davis: Okay. Well, I'll be glad to share. Unfortunately, I was into very unhealthy relationships and marriages, and so, um, that kind of really, really inspired me to.

Create Boss Girl Belief. So allow me to take you on a journey of a young married woman who found herself in an emotional and financial abusive marriage. This marriage was rocking her self esteem, her self confidence, her belief in herself, and her ability to grow personally and professionally. Together this couple, shared a young son. This young son loved both his parents. But he was a eventually exposed. to his dad's [00:06:00] verbal and soon physical abuse upon his mom. She knew that if she did not remove herself from this abusive situation, her son could lose his mom to death, but he could also grow up and do the exact same thing.

Was she scared? Oh yeah, but was she tired of it? Absolutely. But she didn't really have the belief initially to get out of it or believe that she deserved better. But once she did enough was enough that young woman is me. My name is Angela Z. Davis and I am a domestic violence recovery. I've lived this life and I've seen too many women involved in unhealthy relationships, abusive relationships.

Women are dying every day at the hands of people that they, they think they love and who they think love them. One out of four women [00:07:00] are exposed to domestic violence in their lifetime, young girls teenagers, one out of three. So my mission is empower young women and women to empower them and educate them on the signs of it, controlling and manipulative personality style.

Cause there are signs and to help them transition out of that situation. So they could definitely begin a new and really build a future for themselves and their children that they so desire.

Acquania Escarne: I love that. And that's a great mission and I think it takes a strong woman to be able to, like you said, know that this is not a healthy situation and know when it's time to leave, but then to stand up and decide that you are going to be an advocate for others in a similar situation who want to get out or who do get out, but then are trying to figure out how do I rebuild my life from here.

So I want us to talk through a little bit more about what that. Process looks like moving [00:08:00] on and building a new life for yourself and for our listeners. If you could explain exactly what is a recovery strategist, because that's the title that we're using here today, but it may not be familiar to a lot of people.

Angela Z. Davis: Absolutely. You know, when a woman is exposed to and experiences domestic violence, they need to recover. They need to recover and find and get back to those essential and important things, critical things to help them build a normal life and to be able to thrive and not just survive because that's survival thing on a day to day is so not fun.

Been there, done that wrote the book, got the tee shirt, unfortunately. I mean, it's just, it's awful, you know, just trying to get through the day, trying to get through the day, keeping the drama down too. And so, my position and my purpose to help women who have transitioned out of those relationships to begin a [00:09:00] new, they want to regain their independence and want to get themselves healthy.

Again, emotionally, financially, um, spiritually, they need counseling and, you know, truth be said, we all need counseling in this day and age with this COVID, you know, people are isolated. Can't see the people that wouldn't need to. Everything is changed. We all had to pivot some of us haven't pivoted. You know, we're still kind of stuck because it's just been such a tremendous unprecedented time, such as this, you know, with this pandemic and then the racial injustice and just everything going on with the election.

There's so many different things. So no, really we all need counseling. And you know, so many times counseling has been shine, shine bad upon, especially in the black community. You know, Oh, you know, if you get counseling, you know, not right up in the head or no, no, we all need a sounding board. It's okay.

It's okay to get counseling. Even if you're not going through a traumatic situation, such as [00:10:00] domestic violence, we all need counseling. We all need someone to be able to kind of express ourselves, need a sounding board. So he could professionally talk to us and kind of, kind of give us some guidance with different things that we're going through.

And so. A woman coming out of a domestic violence situation or in a situation like that needs to recover. They need those essential things to help them get grounded again, too. And then also too, they need, they need support. You know, they stepped down into a daunting thing situation where it's like, okay, you know what, though?

Even though my normal one, not good, but it's my normal. So now this is all new. I don't have all the drama , I'm not used to that. I didn't like it, but this is all new. Let's not go backwards. So my position and my purpose is to help ladies stay forward focused continue to save your life and the life of your children.

So my purpose of recovery strategist is to help them recover, get them back the essential and those critical things that they need to live a normal life. [00:11:00] And to give them some strategy. Because we've been beat down emotionally self confidence, self esteem thinking, you know, can, can I really do that? Oh, I don't know.

You can. And so my goal is to help women with that and help them move forward. So that's what a recovery strategist does give you those things to help you recover and give you a strategy to move forward to your future for yourself and for your family.

Acquania Escarne: I think we all need that.

And I agree with you. We don't talk about therapy and counseling enough. If that's going to help you get back to a better and healthier normal, why not do it? And I definitely agree with you. We all could benefit from that at this time. So I want to kind of touch on a couple of things you said, because it helps to kind of elaborate.

So people know how to see the signs and whether or not they need you. So what are some of the signs that you might be in an abusive relationship and what are your suggestions on how to [00:12:00] take action to get out of it?

Okay, well,

Angela Z. Davis: you know, I, um, I grew up in a family of five. I was the youngest girl, the youngest of three.

I was the only girl and my parents were married for 58 years. My dad never put his hands on my mom, but let's, understand abuse is not just physical abuse is financial. It's emotional, it's sexual. And this resourceful, resourceful, meaning. He took my phone and threw it against the wall and cracked it all up.

He wrecked my brand new car. I just got that car. He rent my car. A lot of times too those people that are controlling and manipulative, they don't love themselves. So they can't possibly love someone else and they need someone to control to make them feel good if you will. But they're also sabotagers too. Some of the signs I share with you, some red flags.

And I didn't [00:13:00] even know this at 31 years of age. I'm not 31 now, but at 31 years of age, I did not know there were red flags and someone had a controlling and manipulative personality styles. So I share a few of those with you too, when you're talking with someone too, and they talk about pass battering, he may say he hit his woman in the past, but they made him do it.

She might hear relatives or spouses said that he was abusive. Believe it, believe it don't shun away from that. That's a straight up red flag. Don't ignore that. Don't shove that under the rug ladies, when someone says that, or even at their family and friends tells you that they used to do that, believe that you cannot no matter how awesome you are, you cannot change that person.

That's not your role. So that's the red flag, another red flag threats of violence, violence. I'm saying I'll kill you. I'll break your neck. Oh, he don't really [00:14:00] mean that he just talking. No listen, because they are showing you who they are truly, um, breaking, striking objects. I'm talking about, you know, wrecking your car, throwing your phone up against the wall, busting it up too, taking your money, you know, all those different things to, um, jealousy.

Extreme jealousy. I was accusing you of cheating on them. I ain't done nothing. You go to work, go to school, come back home to care house, but yet you claim you cheat on him, constantly. Jealously. That's the red flag. I read a couple more quick involvement. This is my experience. Quick involvement. I'll share with you.

Um, My first husband was had great conversation. It was down the phone for hours, phone for hours. And so literally after three weeks he proposed and I was like, okay, now I'm not saying that to say, it's all that. But one thing, two quick involvement, [00:15:00] ladies, if they are really, really quick to get you hitched, move in with them, move out to another state.

They want to get you hitched hook, line and sinker. Before you find out what an awful person they are. So red flag be aware that quick involvement. Yes. Asking you to marry them. Let's move in together. Let's you know, let's go somewhere new. Let's move out of state because they try to isolate you from your family and friends.

Okay. I'll give you two more. Blame others for their problems. Never since responsibility for loss of job. For, you know, waking up late, going to work. You ain't, you ain't wake me up my alarm clock. Really? You a grown person. You 're a grown man. It's not my responsibility. I got to take in my own stuff. And the children. Why is it my responsibility to make sure you get up and go to work on time? Okay. Blaming others for loss of job, whatever it may be. You know, the kids were late. The school is [00:16:00] all your nothing's ever their fault. It's always somebody else's fault.

And one more I share with you, um, rigid sex roles and always putting their hands on you, you know, just rigid, really sexual as one. Want to be able to play games with being a little bit rough with it. And even though when they see that you're not really down with it, they kind of keep going, but this supposed to be the person that loves you, they're not really adhering to your feelings and your emotions.

Big red flag. So those are some of the red flags. Then you ask how a woman knows they need me. Ladies, if you have transitioned out of an unhealthy or abusive relationship, and you are ready to begin anew you want to regain your independence, you want to get yourself healthy again, emotionally, financially, spiritually, you know, myself and my organization Boss Girls Belief can definitely help you with that.

[00:17:00] If you need support, because you've been, once again, this has been a traumatic experience. You need support to help you save forward focused not to backtrack. So let's work on some personal development, focus on you. So if you're in that situation, myself and my organization, Boss Girls Belief can definitely help you. If you need legal guidance, legal resources, once against the support, and you're ready to build your future for yourself and for your family.

Myself and my organization can definitely help you with that Boss Girls Belief.

Acquania Escarne: So how can we dive into, cause this is a money podcast. We talk about money. We talk about entrepreneurship. So I want to kind of highlight some examples of how being in a domestic violence situation can impact your finances. Cause you talked about someone can also be financially abusive.

Angela Z. Davis: What does that mean? Or how [00:18:00] does that manifest itself in relationships? How that manifest itself? They go to work every day. But they don't bring home the paycheck to help pay the bills that happens. They're spending their money on our own self indulgent. That's the financial part. They don't pay child support .

Even if you all don't mind not live together, if they don't pay child support, that's financial abuse that impacts, you know, how you pay your bills. You live in a situation with someone living everyday eating of the food, using the lights, using the water and what not too, but they go to work everyday, but they don't bring home a paycheck.

You've used all your finances to take care of all the bills. Really. When you came into this situation, it was like, you know, our money will take care of our house. So therefore, when the money gets funny, you might not be able to pay all the bills. So then, you know, the lights bill gets late or the gas bill gets late or a good bill gets late, and it does affect your credit.

And then the car knows late [00:19:00] rent's late. Mortgage is late. And you got additional fees or if you're living in a rental property, eviction can definitely come.

And then you can't be driving around with no car insurance. Can't have a house or a part with no rental insurance. Can't really be in this life with no life insurance. And so, because the money's funny, those premiums don't get paid and then the premiums don't get paid the premiums lapse. So not only are you personally in a whirlwind of drama, then you're in the world.

Unstable, not protected if you will, because you'll have car insurance, you don't have house insurance or rental insurance, and you don't have life insurance. And then. It gets to the point where, okay, you know, I do need to have a will and ladies in this situation with having children. We all need to have a will.

[00:20:00] We all need to have a will, if you got $2 and you got children, you need to have a will, because with this time that we're living in and in this situation with domestic violence, if something were to happen to you. What happens to your CEO children. You want to have that laid out in a will. Does mama get them? Does Grammy get them, does auntie get them, does sister get them.

Does the father get them? Do you have insurance? Because if something happens to you, you want to have a proper burial. You want to have your children be taken care of. So Charlotte's is not just so much for you. You want to do it for your family. So when you're not here, they are taking care of the last thing you want in this world is you not be here and your children are struggling or not taken care of financially with food clothes, housing, education for their future.

That's what insurance is all about. Pay your premium each month. And Acquania can talk more about that. But you know, [00:21:00] the back of finances, I'm telling you when the money funny, so many, it's a trickle down effect to bills and then, you know, the big stuff and he didn't get the premiums and they don't get paid and stuff lapse.

Yeah. It definitely affects the finances. Hands down, without a doubt across the board, it does affect your finances. And then, you know, there's drama in the household. You trying to get to work. He got drama going on. Always. Putting you out your way, always needing something, taking something from me, putting you out your way.

So therefore you end up being late to work or missing work. So therefore you get write ups, you end up job loss or because of your record of not being on time, lack of promotions, which affects the money. So all those things does affect that as well, too. And because they didn't spend their money in a ways they should have as far as giving to the household.

Oh, you know, I need, I need, I need, I need, okay. And they throw a guilt trip on you and they bully you. That's one of the reasons why, how Boss Girls Belief came about. [00:22:00] You know, when we're in situations like that, we're bullied, we're bossed around too much. I was tied of being bossed around. I was tired of being bullied.

So I said, you know what? The boss has got to begin the name. Cause I want to be my own boss. You know what I'm saying? Truly. I've got new mom, boss and girls because I'm a girl, I'm a woman. They're young girls out here in unhealthy situations. They think it's kinda cute. Oh he's just playing, you know who you're talking too, taking your phone when you're trying to talk to somebody that's not cute.

Those are all signs. of a controlling and manipulative personality style. One out of three teenagers are exposed to domestic violence. So yeah, the girls were, had to be in their boss and girls. And then that belief factor, when I got to the point where I believed. Truly, truly, truly believed that I deserved better.

I kind of had an inkling. I mean, I know, I know I deserve better, but it wasn't [00:23:00] all the way there. You know what I'm saying? But when I truly, truly got to the point where without a doubt, dag gone it, I deserve better than this right here.

That's what I transitioned because the belief came the change. And with the change comes the empowerment. So hence the name Boss Girls Belief, and we need to regain our finances, you know, money. We don't live in the situation. We can't have money. You know, we need money to make them broke around truly and money gives you more options.

Lack of money kind of gets you stuck. And the domestic violence situation always a lack of money, always an argument about money. Whether it be your money. His money, our money is always arguing about money.

Acquania Escarne: I was just about to ask that. Do you think that some women stay in a violent relationship because of the finances? Maybe they can't afford to be out on their own and they're worried about not being able to provide for their family so they stay.

[00:24:00] Angela Z. Davis: Oh yeah, absolutely. And what happens is too that emotional abuse ain't no one going to take you.

Who else would want you within three kids or with the kids or with whatever, whatever, you know, always emotionally beating you down. So therefore you don't think that you can definitely do okay on your own. And because of everything else, all the other drama that's happening, you being late to work, the write ups, the tardy lack of promotions and whatnot too.

You're not able to really, really grow professionally the way you really, really want to. And then if you want to go back to school, And get another degree is always a challenge. I ain't gonna keep the kids, you know, what are doing that for? Oh, you out there cheating on me. So therefore with all the drama, trying to get some education, trying to further yourself and do better in that craziness you're not able to grow.

Acquania Escarne: I definitely agree with you the importance of life insurance in the journey of anyone's life. If you have anyone that depends on you financially, you should definitely have it.

And I am a life [00:25:00] insurance producer and I've worked with several women at different phases in their life to make sure that if something happened to them, their family can continue to live the lifestyle that we worked so hard to create for the ones we love.

Angela Z. Davis: Right.

Acquania Escarne: And life insurance is a great way to give your family tax free income.

If the worst happens to you. And I hate to think about it in that way, but when you are in violent situations and you don't know what's going to happen, that's definitely something. That needs to be considered. And, you know, personally, I have not been in a domestic violence situation, but I recently lost someone in my job to domestic violence and we, none of us knew she was in that situation.

And it wasn't exactly an ongoing relationship. Unfortunately, this was someone. Who she had moved on from, but they had not moved on from [00:26:00] her. And when they found an opportunity to locate where she was living, um, ended up killing her. And it really took us all by surprise because one, we, we had no, no idea.

I didn't, I can't speak to others, but I didn't know that she had been in a violent relationship in the past. And then when I did hear about it, it was on the news. Um, Not initially identified as her, but then later we all came together to help support final expenses. Right. And, um, learned a little bit more about what happened on the last day.

She breathed air into her lungs and I was just devastated to know that the situation was not quiet. And so many people ignored what was happening. [00:27:00] Because they didn't want to be involved. And I think that's what we're doing. That's wrong in some cases is it's a, it's a fine line between minding your own business and saving a life.

And I think that sometimes we don't know which way to go, because maybe you. did help before or try to help before. And she declined your help or maybe, um, try to play it off, right? Oh no, this is fine. We're fine. Right. You'll never know. I, I don't, I don't know. You know, I've never been in that situation, so I don't, I don't know what I would do, but I would hope that I would have the courage to say something or to get help.

But I do think, like you said, it's hard because the woman has to want to leave the situation. And there are some [00:28:00] times when they don't. Or they're embarrassed to admit that it's happening.

Oh yeah.

Angela Z. Davis: And that's, that's a big thing. That's a big thing, um, to speak on the loss of your former coworker. And I'm so sorry to hear about this.

My condolences to her and her family truly. When it comes to a coworker she had moved on from this person. So obviously she had gotten the strength and move on. You know, when you notice a coworker who, or a friend or whatnot too, who is, um, maybe always coming in late or I was a little bit frazzled.

She always is like constantly on the phone. Like always kinda sneaky and try and make phone calls, things like that too. If she's always talking about her kids and how things aren't situated with their kids, listen to those things that she talks about. And then I would just encourage you to say, you know what, though, um, Hey, if you ever need to talk, knows that I'm here, not so much trying to pressure them and ask them to tell you what's going on, but just dropping those little seeds.

[00:29:00] Hey, I'm here. If you ever need to talk I'm here and they will remember that they will truly should remember that. So they'll be able to come to you at some point in time, hopefully, and share with you what was going on. Since she had transitioned out, there's a couple of things that she could have put in place.

Now, it is true is that, um,there is a temporary protection and a civil protection order. Temporary protection order really lasts as long as the cases in the court court system. And then once the case is over, then temporary protection order is over, but then you can definitely go another step farther and get a civil protection order, which lasts for five years.

It was important to know these things to know they might not always honor the civil production order too, but at least you've done your part at any time that they break a civil protection order.

Let me just read this. Civil protection order a document issued by a civil court that orders the person who was abusing or stalking you to stop doing so the CPO can last up to five years. [00:30:00] And possibly renew for an additional five years. I've had a CPO, I've had two of them. Okay. And so that person that's supposed to come within 500 feet of you.

So anytime they make a phone call, send an email slash attire, bust the window, do anything make a police report. Cause you just want a paper trail. What happened to me with my ex husband when every time he did anything stupid and they will do stupid stuff, they will do stupid stuff because when you've left.

They've lost control. So then they get desperate and they start doing just stupid stuff. So anytime they do stuff like that to make a police report, it makes a paper trail. Okay. You also want to make sure that wherever you are, you keep that stuff, that information disclosed. But once again, in my master class, and when I talked about with my clients too, Is that, you know, getting those things in place like an alarm system, um, changing your route as far [00:31:00] as where you go to and from work school, that type thing to, um, having deadbolts on your, on your doors.

How many cameras around your home, doorbell cameras, back door cameras, um, the law enforcement agencies, school work, whatever necessary entities needs to know what's going on. If you have a civil protection order in place, those organizations need to know that. And you also need to have any, they have pictures of that person too, especially if they're, whether they're the father, the parent of your children or not, they need to know if this person comes around, they are not to come near my child.

They are not to be on the premises of my job. Those things can be put in place as a protection for yourself too. It's called boundaries, healthy boundaries. No, not except in the phone calls, you can block somebody's phone from calling you and texting. You pull up their name on contact, the little three dots at the top there, the four different things, block click [00:32:00] .

Cause I mean that keeps your emotional self in order because they will definitely Badger and call and send crazy text messages and keeps you all in a tizzy off your square. Cause that's what they do. So that's a civil protection order. A temporary protection order. A court order that protects the person from physical, mental, verbal, or abuse or otherwise. Abuser is required to keep at least a hundred yards away from that victim enforceable by arrest.

It is short term and only lasts until the full court hearing can be held with both parties present.

And so, you know, especially ladies, if you have young children and you're in a situation like Acquania, just explained with her loss of her coworker, those things that we mentioned before, maybe put in place. Civil protection orders, boundaries, documentation, to let all those necessary entities know what's going on now, you can't sell everybody your business, but those essential people they need to know, need to know and protecting yourself as well to [00:33:00] having those different things in place.

Taking some peppers for around you. You know, having a code word for your family and friends on the phone. If you're in trouble, girl, I need them chocolate chip cookies. That cheesecake, was sure good, whatever code word you want it to be. They will. We know that you're in trouble. Establishing something in your home for your loved ones, your children, whether it was your mom, your auntie, whoever lives with you for your loved ones, you need to have a, not so much the escape plan, but you need to have a.

system in place as far as what to do. If you were in trouble or what to do with the person that comes there, you know, those things are the strategies that we talk about. As a recovery strategist, that's what I help my clients with those different things is they don't know these things .

They might not know all this, but I've experienced this. So I can tell you, you know, we talk about it individually. What's going on with this situation definitely helps put some place things in place to keep you and your [00:34:00] children and your family safe.

Acquania Escarne: Absolutely thank you for sharing those tips.

Cause some of those I never even imagined would be useful, but I agree with you. If, if you have the person show up at your home, you have a plan on where to hide or how to notify for help. And I love the, the secret word or the safe word, so that that person is not even aware. You're calling for help.

But you're calling for help. Right? So I like those tips. I'm definitely going to make sure we highlight those for listeners, especially if they're in a situation and they're still trying to recover. So, um, I just want to thank you for being vulnerable and sharing. What you experienced with my listeners and also what boss girls belief can do to help anyone who is ready to transition to a better life for themselves.

I think what you're doing is more than admirable. It's amazing. And I know that it's [00:35:00] changing people's lives. And before we, um, in this conversation today, I just want to emphasize. The need to get help. If you see anyone that is in a violent domestic violence situation. And may not be able to speak up for themselves, help them know that you are there.

I like what you said, being, you know, constantly a reminder to them that you're willing to help or, or support them in any way. Boss, girls belief is also there to help. And to give you the transition you need, Angela, you know what you're doing, and the fact that you have. Created an organization that can help people is just simply amazing.

Before we get off, I want to make sure my listeners know how to find you. So please share your website and any of your social media platforms where you may be.

Angela Z. Davis: Okay. Absolutely. Um, I do have a website it's [00:36:00] called boss girls belief, all one word. And, um, you can look on my website and at the end of every page is the opportunity for us to have a discovery session, which means a conversation.

And so you click the link and you can put in your name, your email address, and it'll send you to my Calendly link, my calendar, and you can set up a time that's convenient for you based on the times that are available for us to have a discussion. So we definitely talk privately about, um, you know, what's going on, what you might want to do, you know, what your desires are and what not to for yourself and for your family.

So that's one thing. And so the website, once again, is www.bossGirlsbelief. And then even on that website, there's a quiz called taking my life back. So you can take that quiz and, you know, answers certain questions and whatnot too. And then once again, that lends you to a landing page, you know, with your name, your information too, so we can let them be in contact.

Okay. Um, also I am doing a workshop at the end of this month. On October 28th, [00:37:00] it's called taking your life back. It's going to be a virtual workshop. Um, you can register on eventbrite, and even on my website, Boss Girls belief, there is a link on the website. You can definitely, um, Register on the website as well, too.

And so that's that I'm doing this this month as well, too. I even have my workbook out called Believe In Yourself. This is also on my website. It's also on Amazon. And this book is really about personal development. You know, this is a great book, not so much, even for ladies that have been in a domestic violence relationship, but if you have nieces.

Granddaughters daughters that are beginning to date or they're of age. There are some great scenarios in here too. So it's a great discussion to have with them to share with them about the signs of a controlling and manipulative personality style and different scenarios. That definitely do happen because I had done a.

Workshop with some young ladies at a high school before this [00:38:00] whole COVID thing happened. And you know, many of them have family members or friends that are involved in domestic violence relationships, and they didn't really realize it was domestic violence. They just thought he's just crazy. He always all over the place or he just kind of mean or bossy.

Okay. There's a word for that. That's called domestic violence. You know, and it happens even at a young age too. And, you know, they didn't even realize that, you know, taking your phone and breaking your phone or taking your money, or just always the different things that they were experiencing was part of domestic violence. Women don't know that not paying child support that's financial abuse.

Really. It is because financially they're quitting and losing jobs. Can't keep a job for nothing. they constantly quit jobs, losing jobs.

I was back and forth. Can't keep a job. That's a part of financial abuse. Okay. So you talk about that in, um, the workbook and I even have a masterclass that I'm doing, you know, which [00:39:00] includes the work book and the masterclass is actually an eight week program. You definitely get four live calls with me. You get definitely week personal development, assignments as well as, um, As well as, um, unlimited Voxer, email access and whatnot too.

And so it really was a great program, you know, especially if you transition out of a relationship too, you know, that's the mastermind class that I do with, through my coaching part too. And so I do have, um, for those different things. So I do have a text to number for your listeners too. And so, you know, when they can go to their phone and simply text.

22828. So text two to eight to eight, and then in the part where the text message put this key phrase, power, the number for me when you do that. You can definitely input your email dressing in your, um, your name.

I'm on all the different social media platforms, my website on Facebook, Instagram, as well as IG and LinkedIn.

[00:40:00] And so, um, definitely connect with me or if you know, someone who could definitely benefit from the things that we've talked about tonight, you know, definitely reach out and definitely, um, and encourage them to reach out to me.

You know, children that are involved. With parents that are involved with domestic violence relationships, especially with mothers, you know, one thing for me, I did not want my son to grow up thinking that this is how daddy's treat mommies.

And how husbands treat wives. I didn't want him to think that I don't have it because it's not supposed to be like this. And so a lot of time children that are involved or see their families involved with. Domestic violence relationships, their loved ones, it leads to a lot of different things. They're violent in school.

It leads to, um, poor eating habits. um, thoughts of suicide, because they don't want to be in all this. They're like, Oh, I just want to go away. They have thoughts of suicide. alcoholism. They're very promiscuous, you know, violent behavior, you know, social, emotional [00:41:00] issues and what not to challenges. That's what happens with our children and for the health of our women. Oh my goodness. Cancer, heart disease. Congestive heart failure. Stress is a huge thing that comes with all this pancreatic cancer and just all the different cancers that occur too, you know, poor eating habits, diabetes, hair loss, all this stuff does affect our finances and our health.

And so I talk about these different things is definitely help our ladies through this. So definitely help you live a normal life because we need to recover from a situation like, is this cause it's traumatic, it's definitely very traumatic. And so definitely reach out to me on all the different platforms too, you know, once again, it's texting numbers, two, two eight, two eight.

And the keyword that you put in there is power the number for me. That's another way we can help and get connected as well as on my website as well. And the different social media platforms.

Acquania Escarne: Thank you so much, Angela. I'm so appreciative. I want to thank you again [00:42:00] for being on the purpose of money podcast.

Angela Z. Davis: Thank you for having me.

Acquania Escarne: Yeah, you're welcome. Thanks guys. Make sure to check out everything on Angela's website and text her to get connected. I will make sure to include all this information in the show notes. I really want to challenge you to be honest. If you know someone who needs to hear this information, please share this episode with another person who could benefit and get help today.

Thanks again everyone. Until next time. Keep building generational wealth.

Thank you for listening to the purpose of money podcast. For more resources and information, check out my website, the purpose of money.com. And while you're there, please sign up for our newsletter. So you have the latest information on new episodes and blog posts until next time, keep creating freedom in your life today. [00:43:00]

Episode 27: How to Identify Financial Abuse & Get the Help You Need (2024)


What are the most likely indicators of financial abuse? ›

Possible indicators of financial or material abuse
  • Missing personal possessions.
  • Unexplained lack of money or inability to maintain lifestyle.
  • Unexplained withdrawal of funds from accounts.
  • Power of attorney or lasting power of attorney (LPA) being obtained after the person has ceased to have mental capacity.

What are the red flags of financial abuse? ›

Unusual activity in a person's bank accounts, including large, frequent or unexplained withdrawals. ATM withdrawals by an older person who has never used a debit or ATM card. Withdrawals from bank accounts or transfers between accounts your loved one cannot explain.

How to prove coerced debt? ›

Documenting situations and examples of coerced debt (in every form that it occurs) can help you provide proof of your partner's pattern of behavior. Documentation of financial abuse is critical when trying to resolve coerced debt with card issuers, other creditors, banks, credit bureaus, mortgage servicers, and others.

What are the mental effects of financial abuse? ›

Impact of Financial Abuse

Victims feel inadequate and unsure of themselves due to the emotional abuse that accompanies financial abuse. They also have to go without food and other necessities because they have no money. In the short term, financial abuse leaves victims vulnerable to physical abuse and violence.

What are the behaviors of someone experiencing financial abuse? ›

Stealing the victim's identity, property, or inheritance. Forcing the victim to work in a family business without pay. Refusing to pay bills and ruining the victims' credit score. Forcing the victim to turn over public benefits or threatening to turn the victim in for “cheating or misusing benefits.”

What are signs of elder financial abuse? ›

Possible signs of elder financial abuse include:

Forgeries on legal documents or checks. Large bank withdrawals or transfers between accounts. Missing belongings or property. Mood changes (such as depression or anxiety)

What is financial gaslighting? ›

“I do this stuff all day!” and “But this is my thing,” or “C'mon, you know you're not great with numbers,” are all financial gaslighting misdemeanors that can become threads of mistrust undermining an otherwise effective partnership. A tool often used to perpetrate financial gaslighting is the personal spreadsheet.

What are the traumas of financial abuse? ›

The effects of financial abuse are often deeply felt and affect more than just our financial well-being. Circ*mstances resulting from abuse like forced debt, lost advancement opportunities, and poverty can be traumatizing.

What is narcissistic emotional abuse? ›

Narcissistic abuse is a type of emotional abuse where the abuser only cares about themselves and may use words and actions to manipulate their partner's behavior and emotional state. Effects of narcissistic abuse can vary depending on how long one can endure these types of relationships.

What are the three things debt collectors need to prove? ›

In order to win a court case, a debt collector must prove that they have proper ownership of the debt, that you actually owe the debt, and that the amount they claim you owe is correct.

What is proof of debt evidence? ›

A Proof of Debt (POD) is a form completed by a creditor which details how much the creditor is owed. Creditors can be invited to lodge a POD in a bankrupt estate should the trustee expect a dividend to be paid. A POD includes supporting information to prove the debt is owed.

Is hiding debt financial abuse? ›

If you're in a partnership and sharing finances, hiding assets is a clear violation. It's one thing to have your own separate accounts if you don't want to merge things entirely. It's another thing to hide assets so that your partner has no knowledge or access to them. Abusers might do this for a range of reasons.

What are two signs of financial abuse? ›

forces you to take out money or get credit in your name. makes you hand over control of your accounts - this could include changing your login details. cashes in your pension or other cheques without your permission. adds their name to your account.

Can you get PTSD from financial abuse? ›

Financial trauma can cause negative thoughts, flashbacks and anxiety — symptoms that mirror post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.

Is financial abuse a form of coercive control? ›

Financial abuse is part of coercive control, it involves a pattern of controlling, threatening and degrading behaviours relating to money and finances. The perpetrator uses money to control their partner's freedom.

What are the general indicators of abuse? ›

General indicators of abuse or neglect in young people:

self-harming behaviour such as cutting or burning self. high level of risk taking behaviours such as climbing up cliff faces while intoxicated. substance abuse. involvement in criminal activities such as stealing and fighting.

What are the indicators of possible abuse? ›

Physical indicators:

trauma to the breasts, buttocks, lower abdomen or thighs. difficulty walking or sitting. pain or itching in genital and/or anal area; bruising, bleeding or discharge. self-harm, abuse, suicide attempts.

What is an example of financial abuse in care? ›

Examples of Financial Abuse in Nursing Homes

These can include: Unusual activity in a person's bank accounts, including frequent, unexplained withdrawals. ATM withdrawals by an older person who has never used a debit or ATM card. New powers of attorney that the older person does not understand.

What is an example of financial abuse quizlet? ›

Preventing the victim from working or making money is a form of financial abuse. Limiting the victim's access to assets and concealing financial information from the victim are examples of financial abuse.

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