Episode 196: Your Passions Will Make You Money But Are You Giving Them Enough Time and Space? — Euphoric (2024)

Episode 196: Your Passions Will Make You Money But Are You Giving Them Enough Time and Space? — Euphoric (1)

🚨Reminder, Become Emboldened enrollment is open until November 7. Take your dreams seriously and join us for 4 months of coaching.

Become EmboldenedIn today’s show, Karolina talks about how your passions and desires can actually make you more money – which is the opposite of what we’ve been taught to believe.

So many people have these twisted belief systems about money: that we are tied to the value we can put on our resume. The idea that we can make money off our passions and creativity is true today, but wasn’t necessarily true for our ancestors, which is why it can be hard to imagine.

Karolina also offers some tough love about devoting time and space for these passions and talks about the strength of empowerment groups like Become Emboldened. Registration is open until November 7th, and this is the last launch of the year, so don’t wait.

Your dreams are waiting for you.

This episode is brought to you by Wild AF. Their brand new sparkling wine is made from juicy de-alcoholized Chardonnay and Muscat wines with notes of nectarine and lemon. Check out Wild AF Wine today. Try their brand new Sparkling White and Sparkling Rosé (with hints of cherry and rhubarb)! Use code EuphoricAF20 at checkout to get 20% off. Here’s to changing drinking culture one alcohol-free drink at a time.

Episode 196: Your Passions Will Make You Money But Are You Giving Them Enough Time and Space? — Euphoric (2)


  • How easy it is to become stuck with bad habits and patterns – and how money especially can keep us stuck and engrained in the “status quo”

  • The false, twisted idea that so many of us have about money: that our monetary value is based on whatever our employer thinks of us

  • Karolina’s early career journey, starting with the mortgage industry, to working for a University and making $30K a year

  • Two new beliefs you’ll want to “try on”, plus the value of creativity when it comes to making money and the powerful realization that changed Karolina’s life

  • The mistakes Karolina made in the beginning of her entrepreneurial journey and how she grew her income by over 1,300% in Year 2!

  • The strength of empowerment groups in helping us achieve our dreams – including Become Emboldened, which is open for registration until Nov. 7


Karolina discusses how easy it is to feel stuck when it comes to following our passions. Do you have a dream you feel stuck on? What are the roadblocks in your way? Is it money? Is it a limiting belief? Is it because you’re surrounded by people who are doing the same thing as you? What are some creative ideas in which you can bypass these roadblocks?

Episode 196: Your Passions Will Make You Money But Are You Giving Them Enough Time and Space? — Euphoric (3)

“My life changed when I stopped thinking that my worth and the ability to make money was tied to that employer – or any employer – or my resume, or anything to do with my formal career. That changed my world. Today, I will tell you that I have a belief that money is a result purely of my creativity. Money is made depending on my creativity. If I want to make more money, all I need is creativity. Literally, that is the belief system I have. It's not to say that I don't sometimes ever struggle or want to pull my hair out, or that everything's just going amazing all the time. But that is my underlying belief that if I feel stuck, it's because I'm not tapping into my creativity at that moment – that there's always something to do, there's always another way.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“I've yet to meet a woman whose passion wasn't in some way serving the world. When we talk about changing the world or making the world a better place, it starts with us. It starts not only with us, and believing in our dreams and what's possible for our lives, because that makes a ripple effect to everyone around us, but also – most of our dreams actually do impact people, in a crazy way. If you want to write a book, that could help someone that could save their life. If you want to launch a business and help women who were in a previous position that used to be in and that was challenging – that's helping people. This is how we change the world. It’s with you standing up for your dream and going after it.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska


This episode is brought to you by Wild AF. Their brand new sparkling wine is made from juicy de-alcoholized Chardonnay and Muscat wines with notes of nectarine and lemon. Check out Wild AF Wine today. Try their brand-new Sparkling White and Sparkling Rosé (with hints of cherry and rhubarb)! Use code EuphoricAF20 at checkout to get 20% off.

If you’re feeling empowered from taking a break from alcohol for at least 2 months, the 16-week Become Emboldened program is for you. Become confident in your alcohol-free identity, unleash your greater purpose, and work with Karolina and an incredible community of like-minded women and create a roadmap to turn your dreams into reality. Registration closes November 7th.

Did you catch the AF Fire workshop? The replays are available to help you fuel your biggest dream! Click here to sign up.

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review.

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram.

And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

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Karolina Rzadkowolska

Episode 196: Your Passions Will Make You Money But Are You Giving Them Enough Time and Space? — Euphoric (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.