Emotional Trading: A Guide to Improve Psychology as a Trader (2024)

Emotional Trading: A Guide to Improve Psychology as a Trader (1)

Trading Education Trading Help Trading Psychology

  • By Lucien Bechard
  • Updated February 15, 2024

7 min read


Emotional trading is one of the biggest issues many traders struggle with. Trading requires learning the technical charts and the ability to overcome your emotions. Anyone can learn the technicals. They aren’t hard to learn if you put in the proper study time and effort. The most challenging part for most traders is overcoming their emotions. They lack the emotional discipline required to become an effective and profitable trader.

I know from experience. When I was a complete “newbie,” I made many mistakes. I’ll never forget my friend calling me and telling me to buy an oil stock he saw on Fidelity’s research tool.

I could hear the excitement in his voice. He was so excited about his profits from this trade. He had only been in the stock for half a day and was already in the green. I quickly bought the same stock as fast as I could…

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Table of Contents

  • Breaking the Emotional Trading Cycle
    • Clear Your Mind Before Trading Emotionally
    • Take Breaks Between Trading Sessions
    • Don't Let FOMO or ROMO Suck You In
    • Final Thoughts: Emotional Trading

Breaking the Emotional Trading Cycle

My hands were sweating, and I was nervous, putting much of my buying power into the trade. I wasn’t very good at technical analysis (I might have been bad), but that didn’t stop me.

I just wanted profits, too. Greed was in control. My friend was making thousands, and I wanted to as well. Little did I know he had bought the opening range breakout…I don’t even think he knew!

Well, readers, what do you think happened next? I lost my shirt. The trade was red from the moment I bought it. Shoot, this wasn’t investing. Investing, I understood.

This was gambling! I had no system. With no system in place for trading, no rules, no training, and no mentor, your emotions influence you to buy or sell.

What have I learned in all my years of trading?If you break your rules, the market will break you. I learned the hard way. I lost 800 dollars in one day. The same day, my friend made 4,000. Boy, did I feel stupid?

It didn’t take me long to realize I needed a system to manage my entries and exits. I spent hundreds of hours learning, reading, practicing, and perfecting my trading.

All of that experience has certainly helped me not be an emotionaltrader. Now, we can’t fit that all in one blog post.

So, instead, we will talk about things you can do while you are mastering trading that will keep you from getting whipped around the emotional roller coaster while you trade.

Emotional Trading: A Guide to Improve Psychology as a Trader (4)

Clear Your Mind Before Trading Emotionally

What’s on your mind? Do you feel stressed out in general? Are you trading because you NEED to change something about your life right now?

Are you under pressure to make an income from trading? We could be in many situations that can contribute to a clouded mind and mess with our emotions.

If you are distracted by something personal in your life, it’s probably not the best idea to be trading. It’s a stressful enough profession (sometimes more than others), so do your best to clear your plate before you hit the buy and sell buttons.

Take Breaks Between Trading Sessions

Sitting or standing all day isn’t healthy, as are charting, trading, and searching for the next trade setup. It often leads to over-trading, which leads to mistakes and unnecessary risk.

Most successful traders try to trade for an hour or two a day. They might spend another hour or so charting and reading to prepare to trade, but they certainly are not spending 7-8 hours at their trading computer.

Exercise, take a trader’s nap, and grab a healthy snack. Take a lap around the yard. The market will always be there; you are in control and can walk away from the market anytime. Do not worry; you will miss an excellent trade. There will always be another trade. We picked up a book about yoga by one of our trade room members. It’s an awesome way to relax between trading sessions. Check out Yin Yoga: Essential Poses and Sequences for Balanced Energy

Don't Let FOMO or ROMO Suck You In

Remember the bit in the beginning about me chasing the trade my friend made and losing money? Yeah. I had FOMO—fear of missing out.

I also didn’t want ROMO—I regret missing out. Instead of sticking to the charts and my rules, I just traded on emotions. So, it would be best to learn to tune out the noise.

Avoid getting caught up in rumors, Twitter, or the usual fighting between the Stocktwitsbulls and bears. Sure, it’s useful to know what other people are thinking.But do not base your trading plan around what others think.

Emotional Trading: A Guide to Improve Psychology as a Trader (5) Emotional Trading: A Guide to Improve Psychology as a Trader (6) Emotional Trading: A Guide to Improve Psychology as a Trader (7)
DESCRIPTION Learn how to read penny stock charts, premarket preparation, target buy and sell zones, scan for stocks to trade, and get ready for live day trading action
Learn how to buy and sell options, assignment options, implement vertical spreads, and the most popular strategies, and prepare for live options trading How to read futures charts, margin requirements, learn the COT report, indicators, and the most popular trading strategies, and prepare for live futures trading
INCLUDED Daily watch lists • Trade rooms • Trading scanners • Discord • Live streaming
Day Trading >
Daily watch lists • Trade rooms • Options scanners • Discord • Live streaming
Options >
Futures target levels • Trade rooms • Real time teaching • Discord • Live streaming
Futures >

Stop Staring at Your P&L While You Trade

Watching how much you are up or down can be an emotional ride. You must know your buying power, margin, and other factors affecting your operation.

However, you should know these things without having to stare at it. Stick to your trading system based on your TRADE. Not how much you make. If you’re closing trades by how much you are up or down, nothing might be wrong with this.

But it could also be influencing you more than you know. I stick to my 2:1 and, more often, 5:1 risk-reward ratio on my trades. I don’t worry about my P&L until I finish my trading.

The CHARTS dictate my actions on whether I should buy and sell – NOT my P&L!

Final Thoughts: Emotional Trading

It’s so important to keep a positive mindset when trading. If you lose your sense of humor, are stressed out, or let fear or euphoria get a hold of you, you’ll have a bad time. Here are some things you can do to stay positive:

  • Focus on positive things going on in the market and your life, even small victories
  • Keep atrading journal. It’s important to take notes on your trading day and reflect
  • Avoid negative people, surround yourself with a positive environment, and people
  • Keep your workspace clean. A clean workspace leads to more focused thinking.
  • Try to keep things fun – If you’re doing something that isn’t enjoyable day after day, why do it?

In conclusion, emotional trading is something we have to keep in check actively. Every day. We must be vigilant, aware, and accepting of our emotions. How do I trade? Like a robot: This doesn’t mean we must accept bad behavior from ourselves, our trading, or others! If you need more help creating a trading system, we’ve got you covered. Check out our free online trading coursesto get started.

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Yes, we work hard every day to teach day trading, swing trading, options futures, scalping, and all that fun trading stuff. But we also like to teach you what’s beneath the Foundation of the stock market.

Tell you the TRUTH about how the market works. The importance of controlling your emotions and having a proper mindset when trading. We’re really passionate about teaching you this stuff!

Money isn’t our #1 priority in life. YOU are. Our members come first. Making sure you get comfortable with trading is our priority.

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Emotional Trading: A Guide to Improve Psychology as a Trader (2024)


How do you train psychology in trading? ›

How to Improve Your Trading Psychology
  1. Get Yourself in the Right Mindset. Before you even start your trading day, simply remind yourself that markets are never constant. ...
  2. Have a Great Knowledge Base. ...
  3. Remind yourself that you are Trading in Real Money. ...
  4. Observe the Habits of Successful Traders. ...
  5. Practice!
Oct 10, 2023

Is trading 70% psychology? ›

According to experts, successful trading is a result of 30% strategy and 70% of understanding Trading Psychology. So, if you are capable of handling your emotions and making full use of Trading, progress is not far for you in the Trading world.

Is emotional intelligence good for trading? ›

As a professional or aspiring trader, emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in your interaction with the markets. Two of the most dominant emotions in trading are fear and greed. Understanding and managing these emotions is essential for making rational, effective trading decisions.

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Emotional trading is when a trader or investor lets personal feelings and emotions impact their decision-making. Sometimes it can be helpful, but usually bringing emotion into trading is a bad idea.

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Use emotions to your advantage

At the same time, to function well in the market, it is important to keep a check on negative emotions like fear, greed, anxiety and even stress. The key then is to learn to regulate your emotions, so you can take better trading decisions.

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Conclusion. To develop a stock investor's mindset, one needs to understand the stock market, rationalise with logic and set realistic goals. By doing so, investors can navigate the ups and downs of the market and take calculated risks in order to achieve their financial goals.

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Individuals with ADHD may struggle with time management and maintaining a consistent trading routine. Establish a structured daily routine that incorporates specific times for market analysis, trade execution, and review.

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When you genuinely accept risks you will be at peace with the outcome.” Before you enter a trade, if you have a concrete risk management plan as part of your trading strategy, you should not sit by and worry as the trade develops. If you accept the risk you're willing to take, anxiety as trade progress will diminish.

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One of the most significant challenges traders face is managing their emotions. Fear and greed drive many trading decisions; they can cloud your judgment and disrupt your ability to make rational decisions.

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INTJ personality types are most frequently observed as successful traders due to their innate personality types. One study found that 81% of INTJs were profitable, far higher than a sample of traders overall, which is closer to 10% profitable, not filtered for personality.

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Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing." So in Buffett's eyes, the right temperament and not high intelligence is the key to profitable trading and investing.

What is toxic trading? ›

Toxicity, within this framework, refers to cases where uninformed investors have been providing liquidity at a loss due to adverse selection. For example, a limit order in the LOB might be picked off by an informed trader. This occurrence is most likely in times when there is higher probability of informed trading.

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Sentiment trading or sentiment analysis is a method that some traders use to try to gain an advantage about what to buy or sell, by reading the signals about how other investors are feeling about a particular market or stock.

What are examples of emotional trading? ›

Some common emotions include euphoria (intense excitement or elation), which could lead to overconfidence and excessive risk-taking; fear, which could result in fixation on short-term losses, panic-driven sell-offs, or inaction due to uncertainty; and despondency (deep despair), which could cause traders to fixate on ...

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Market psychology is the study of herd behavior and sentiment among economic actors, such as businesses, traders, or consumers. By studying the prevalence of greed, fear, or euphoria in the market, skilled traders can forecast future price movements and fluctuations in supply and demand.

What is psychological level in trading? ›

In summary, a psychological level in technical analysis is a price level that is perceived as significant by traders and investors, often due to its round number or because it has previously acted as a support or resistance level. These levels gain significance simply due to the attention traders pay to them.

How much of trading is psychology? ›

Being successful as a trader is 30 per cent strategy and 70 per cent psychology. It doesn't matter whether you decide the price of a share is going up or down: if you are not able to understand your emotions and use them to make the most out of each trade, then you will not get very far.

What is trade approach in psychology? ›

Thus, the trait approach attempts to identify the primary characteristics of people. A trait is considered as a relatively enduring attribute or quality on which one individual differs from another. They include a range of possible behaviours that are activated according to the demands of the situation.

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.