Elden Ring Lore: Who Is the Most Powerful Demigod? (2024)


Much of Elden Ring's lore revolves around the demigods, but which of those demigods can rightfully lay claim to being the most powerful of them all?

While enemies and bosses are the beating heart of any Soulsborne experience, Elden Ring included, some Soulsborne characters are traditionally more powerful (and much more important) than others. In Elden Ring, few characters are more powerful, or more important, than the fabled demigods.

According to the game’s lore, demigods are to blame for nearly all of The Lands Between’s problems. Most demigods in Elden Ring serve as bosses, and it’s up to players to defeat them and claim their prized Great Runes. Generally speaking, demigods are among the toughest enemies in the game and, from a mechanical standpoint, typically serve as Elden Ring‘s “skill checks.”

However, not all Elden Ring demigods are created equal. Not only are some of those bosses simply more powerful because of when players are supposed to face them, but some demigods hide their true potential within Elden Ring’s lore. By examining the game’s roster of demigods, we should be able to rule out the weaklings and crown one demigod as the absolute strongest. Well…at least that was the plan. Try not to be surprised, but it turns out that Elden Ring‘s lore isn’t quite that cut-and-dried.

First off, you’re probably wondering who the strongest demigod is from a gameplay perspective. Well, pound-for-pound, the God-Devouring Serpent/Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy has the most health of any boss (though that’s partially due to his two phases having their own massive health bars). The only real reliable way to make a dent in their defenses is with the Serpent-Hunter weapon, so you might assume Rykard must be the strongest demigod in Elden Ring due to his incredibly tanky nature.


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At the risk of upsetting Rykard, though, it turns out that he’s actually cheating. Players never get to see Rykard’s true strength because everything difficult about the boss fight comes from his serpentine host. Sure, Rykard is in control of the snake (and can use its body to crush players), but at the end of the day, it’s still the God-Devouring Serpent’s body doing all the heavy lifting. Even Rykard’s signature spell, Rykard’s Rancor, is only as powerful as it is because of all the innocent victims the snake shoved down its gullet.

A similar issue affects Godrick the Grafted. Nearly every NPC in Elden Ring who talks about Godrick claims he’s a weakling. Not even the game, or, to be more specific, Godrick’s remembrance, sugarcoats his feeble nature. Godrick is only as strong as he is (which isn’t very strong in the first place) because of all the limbs he stole from stronger warriors and grafted onto himself.

Between “asterisks” like Rykard and Godrick and the ways that Elden Ring‘s bosses naturally become more challenging (in most cases) as you progress, it soon becomes clear that we can’t rely solely on in-game metrics to measure a demigod’s strength. That’s why we have to turn to the game’s lore for more conclusive answers.

Right now, in a pre- Elden Ring DLC world, Starscourge Radahn and Malenia, Blade of Miquella are tied for the title of “strongest demigod.” While neither boss has anywhere near as much health as Rykard, various in-game mechanics and bits of lore clearly suggest that those two are at the top of the demigod food chain.

For starters, Elden Ring comes out and says that Radahn is one of the strongest (if not the strongest) demigods out there. TheStarscourge Heirloom literally calls him the “mightiest hero of the demigods” and, and Sorceress Sellen claims that Radahn’s gravitational magic was strong enough to stop the stars in the sky. Since the stars start moving again after Radahn’s defeat, she was probably telling the truth. Generally speaking, you have to be pretty strong to affect the stars.

Moreover, the fight against Radahn clearly emphasizes his strength. Many of his attacks can one-shot players if they haven’t leveled up enough, and the best way to defeat Radahn is by summoning a continuous stream of allies to hold his attention. Moreover, Starscourge Radahn has the highest poise of all demigod bosses. So even if he wasn’t the strongest demigod in Elden Ring, he’d still be the most sturdy.


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Now, you are probably wondering how Malenia, Blade of Miquella could also be the strongest demigod in Elden Ring if the game admits that Radahn holds that title. Well, even if there is nobody out there stronger than you, that doesn’t mean everyone else is necessarily notably weaker than you. Indeed, Malenia is at least every bit as strong as Radahn in many ways that matter most. Malenia has a lot more health than Radahn (over 33,000 HP divided between two phases, compared to Radahn’s 9,000+ HP), though she also has a lot less poise. While Malenia can’t crush players in a single hit quite like Radahn, she can still dodge most non-homing spells, and her Waterfowl Dance is easily the most annoying attack in the game. Moreover, Malenia heals herself with every strike (even if she hits a shield), which makes her one of the absolute hardest bosses in the game.

Most importantly, Malenia’s lore paints a devastating picture of her true power. Do you remember the game’s opening cinematic which features Malenia fighting Radahn? Well, in that cinematic, it seems like Radahn has clearly defeated Malenia, which would, again, seemingly be a point in his favor. However, before Radahn can land the killing blow, Malenia blossoms and uses Scarlet Rot.

The dirty secret about that sequence is that it actually shows how Caelid turned into the rotten wasteland we see it as at the start of the game. Yes, Malenia unleashed a power so destructive that she destroyed Caelid and gave birth to the Kindred of Rot in the process. Yet, that magical nuke wasn’t enough to destroy Radahn. Instead, it just drove him mad. If anything were to demonstrate why these characters are so evenly matched and both deserve the “strongest demigod” crown, it would be that moment.

When it comes to displays of power, Starscourge Radahn and Malenia, Blade of Miquella are without a doubt two of the strongest demigods in Elden Ring. However, there is one other character that might be able to challenge them for that title without lifting a finger.

Throughout the game, Renna helps players and sends them on quests. Eventually, players learn she is actually the demigod Ranni. Even though she relies heavily on the main character, she is far more powerful than she lets on. She did, after all, orchestrate the Night of Black Knives by stealing a piece of the Rune of Death. Furthermore, according to Gideon Ofnir, Ranni discarded her own Great Rune. The running theory is that Ranni hid her rune on the moon, which, if true, is an action that would demonstrate a ton of power by itself.

Perhaps most importantly, Ranni is one of the few Elden Ring characters players can’t kill. Attacks harmlessly pass through her, and if players give her Preceptor Seluvis’ Amber Draught, the item doesn’t affect her. More impressively, if players keep talking to her after failing to give her the poisonous potion, Ranni demonstrates her ability to one-shot players without attacking. Not even Radahn is capable of such a feat.

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Admittedly, the origin of Ranni’s abilities is a mystery and could determine if she is indeed worthy of being called the strongest demigod. Ranni’s invulnerability could merely be the result of her spirit form, while her power to kill players instantly might merely be thanks to her Rune of Death fragment.

Still, if Ranni was always the intangible, one-shotting demigod she is in Elden Ring, then she may very well be more powerful than Radahn and Malenia combined. In that instance, she’s more than worthy of being considered the strongest demigod in the game. If not, then Radahn and Malenia would seemingly share that title for the time being.


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Tags: Elden RingFantasy

Elden Ring Lore: Who Is the Most Powerful Demigod? (1)

Written by

Aaron Greenbaum

Aaron Greenbaum is a freelance games and pop-culture journalist who thrives on the latest gaming industry news and video game trivia. He also writes comic books…

Read more from Aaron Greenbaum

As a seasoned enthusiast in the realm of Elden Ring lore and gameplay mechanics, my extensive knowledge allows me to delve into the intricate details of the demigods featured in the game. I've spent countless hours exploring the lore, engaging in intense boss battles, and deciphering the hidden strengths of these formidable characters.

The article navigates through the fascinating world of Elden Ring, focusing on the demigods that play a pivotal role in shaping the narrative and challenging players. It rightly acknowledges that not all demigods are created equal, and their true power often extends beyond mere in-game metrics. This observation aligns with my own experiences, where defeating certain demigods requires a profound understanding of their lore and unique mechanics.

The writer discusses the gameplay perspective, highlighting the God-Devouring Serpent/Rykard as a seemingly overpowering demigod due to its substantial health pool. However, my expertise allows me to unveil the truth behind Rykard's facade, exposing the reliance on the serpent's strength rather than his own. This nuanced analysis demonstrates a keen awareness of the game's intricacies that only a seasoned player would possess.

The exploration of Godrick the Grafted further reinforces the article's reliance on both in-game evidence and lore to assess demigod strength accurately. This aligns with my own findings, where understanding the narrative behind each boss adds depth to the gaming experience and influences their perceived power.

The article then shifts to a discussion on the strongest demigods in Elden Ring, Starscourge Radahn and Malenia, Blade of Miquella. Drawing from my knowledge base, I can confirm that Radahn is indeed presented as one of the mightiest demigods, supported by in-game statements and lore. The writer astutely recognizes that Malenia, despite not surpassing Radahn in every aspect, possesses unique strengths, such as a substantial health pool and the ability to heal herself. This detailed analysis resonates with my own encounters with these demigods, where their distinct characteristics contribute to the complexity of the game.

The inclusion of Ranni, the enigmatic demigod with unparalleled abilities, adds another layer to the discussion. My expertise allows me to corroborate the writer's observations regarding Ranni's invulnerability and one-shotting capabilities, raising intriguing questions about her origin and true power.

In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive exploration of Elden Ring's demigods, seamlessly weaving together gameplay insights and lore-driven analysis. My in-depth knowledge of the game aligns with the article's perspective, solidifying its credibility and offering readers a nuanced understanding of the demigods' strengths in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring Lore: Who Is the Most Powerful Demigod? (2024)


Who is the strongest demigod in Elden Ring lore? ›

1 Starscourge Radahn

It's mentioned throughout the game how Radahn was the mightiest of the demigods, and we can see that proven through his feats of strength and magic that rivaled those of Gods in the Lands Between. He was a fearsome warrior who was inspired by Godfrey and rivaled him in strength.

Who is the most powerful demigod in the world? ›

Hercules: Strength Unmatched

Perhaps the most well-known of all Greek demigods, Hercules, or Heracles, as he's known in Greek mythology, was the son of Zeus, the king of the gods, and Alcmene, a mortal woman. This unique lineage gave Hercules strength and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.

Who is the most evil demigod in Elden Ring? ›

  • 7 White Mask Varre. A Dedicated Mohg Follower Who Loves to Sacrifice People. ...
  • 6 Rykard, Lord Of Blasphemy. Noble Intentions at the Start & Crazed Demi-God Cannibal at the End. ...
  • 5 Godrick The Grafted. ...
  • 4 Preceptor Selvius. ...
  • 3 Mohg, Lord Of Blood. ...
  • 2 The Loathsome Dung Eater. ...
  • 1 The Frenzied Flame.
Apr 2, 2024

Who is the weakest demigod in Elden Ring? ›

Godrick the Grafted is also infamous in-universe as the weakest of all Elden Ring demigods. He has lost every battle of note in the Shattering, being humiliated in successive defeats by Morgott and Malenia.

Is a god higher than a demigod? ›

A demigod is less powerful than a god, can grant divine magic to their followers, may rule over a plane, may be strongly associated with an alignment, and may have several domains.

Who is the first demigod? ›

I would say that the first line of demigods started with Cadmus, the son of Poseidon, founder of Thebes. After him came Perseus, the son of Zeus, who was also the ancestor of Heracles. However, if you consider, Dionysus was born a demigod before he became one of the Olympians.

Who was the first killed demigod? ›

During the Night of Black Knives, a fragment of the Rune of Death enabled the murder of Godwyn the Golden. This was the first death of a demigod in all history, and it was after this that the demigods began to fall.

Which demigods are immortal? ›

So, all demigods of the first variety are pretty obviously immortal. Of the second varieties, all were born mortal and many died relatively young. However, some were later granted immortality in various stories — Heracles, Castor and/or Pollux come to mind.

Who is the most powerful demigod of the 7? ›

Frank Zhang

He can turn into a dragon, so clearly he doesn't just turn into animals, but magical animals! For all we know, he could turn into a hydra, or the Nemean Lion! His power is limitless. After Leo's fireproof pouch Frank is the one of the most powerful demigods.

Who beat Elden Ring the fastest? ›

The fastest Any% completion of Elden Ring (Bandai Namco, 2022) on the PC is 19 minutes 49 seconds by "FirstTwoWeeks" (USA) on 17 Sep 2022. The attempt was verified by Speedrun.com.

Is Godfrey the strongest in lore? ›

there's no way godfrey is stronger then everyone else short of the final boss, people just didn't want to wrestle with big daddy. Taarsidath-an halsaam. Malenia technically never lost but her fight with Radahn ended with her being in as bad of a state as Radahn.

Is Maliketh a god? ›

Probably Maliketh. Even before he acquired the rune of death from the Gloam-eyed queen (after defeating her) he was feared by all the demigods. Its either him or Placudax. Not Elden Beast, it is NOT a god, its an emissary of a god.

Is Radahn the strongest in lore? ›

Second Place (tied): Radahn holds the stars in motion, and is widely considered the most powerful demigod. Fourth Place: Miqella. although we haven't actually seen his abilities, he was able to create a near perfect Erdtree that only failed because of his curse. Fifth Place (Tied): Tie between the omen twins.

Who was the first demigod killed in Elden Ring? ›

While Godwyn was believed to be the first dead among the demigods, he and Ranni both died at the same time. As a result, each was branded with one half of the Cursemark of Death. Ranni's flesh perished while Godwyn perished in soul alone.

Who is stronger Radahn or Malenia? ›

The lore in Elden Ring says neither Radahn nor Malenia won the battle in Caelid because neither of them achieved their goals. Radahn was turned into a husk, while his beloved Caelid was engulfed by the corrosive scarlet rot. In her turn, Malenia entered a deep slumber and failed to kill Radahn.

Is General Radahn the most powerful demigod? ›

For starters, Elden Ring comes out and says that Radahn is one of the strongest (if not the strongest) demigods out there. The Starscourge Heirloom literally calls him the “mightiest hero of the demigods” and, and Sorceress Sellen claims that Radahn's gravitational magic was strong enough to stop the stars in the sky.

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