Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (2024)


Between the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, micro-plastics in the lakes (and in our food supply), global warming, rising sea levels, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The problem seems too big for one little person to make a difference. But that’s the thing. We’re not just one little person. If everyone makes a few small – and large – changes, then it can really add up! Sometimes it seems like environmentally friendly products cost a lot more than the usual ones. But often the eco-friendly options are cheaper in the long run, because they last. This saves you money over time.

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Air drying your clothes outside not only saves you money in so many ways! You’re not running the dryer, which saves electricity. By not running the dryer as often, you’re extending the life of your dryer too. In addition, you extend the life of your clothes by air drying them.

I have 3 of these retractable outdoor clotheslines to do laundry for my family of 6, and I love them. The clothes smell fresh and clean, and no static cling either. The line retracts fully into the body when you’re not using it, keeping it out of the way of backyard games.

Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (1)Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (2)

If you’re getting a clothesline, don’t forget these nice wooden clothespins, to go with it. This 100-pack will be enough for years.

Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (3)Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (4)

Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (5)

Reusable Sandwich Bags

We love these reusable sandwich bags from Lunchskins. With four kids, we go through a lot of school lunches in a week! They’re easy to wash, by hand, in the washer, or the dishwasher. We prefer the Velco closure, which is particularly easy for smaller hands, but they also have a zipper style if that’s your preference. They can replace 500 plastic bags over their lifetime! And they’re toxin-free.

Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (6)Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (7)

Mesh Drawstring Bags

I love my mesh drawstring bags from Lavinrose, that I picked up in 2019. They’re perfect for grocery store produce, and scanners can read the UPC codes right through the mesh. They replace all those flimsy plastic bags, and they’re BPA-free. They’re durable and washable too. Find other uses for them, such as corralling small toys, holding your wooden clothespins, or cleaning your delicates in the washing machine. They’re easy to see what’s inside, and the tare weight is right on the label, so you’re not paying for the small extra weight of the bag itself. The multipack shown has 3 different sizes.

Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (8)Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (9)

Cloth Napkins

My family has been using cloth napkins for over 20 years, and they literally last forever. For my family of 6, that’s over 100,000 paper serviettes not thrown in the trash! PRO TIP! Don’t buy white or other light colours, especially if you have children. Pick a dark colour, or a nice pattern, to disguise any minor stains that are sure to happen over the years.

I love these multi-toned ones! They’re a generous 18×18 inches, and 100% cotton. With a design to hide subtle stains.

Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (10)Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (11)

When you reuse a napkin for more than one meal, you need to be able to tell whose napkin is whose. Pick up a variety pack of napkin rings, like this gorgeous wooden animal set with six different designs. They’re fair trade and artisan made from Kenya.

Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (12)Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (13)

Other Ideas

I think by this point, everyone has a drawer or shelf full of reusable water bottles and travel mugs. Anytime we can avoid drinking from plastic disposable bottles, that’s one less in the environment.

Reusable shopping bags are ubiquitous too. I have a bin full of them by the back door, and they always seem to be overflowing. Some higher-end retailers are selling products in reusable bags, so the collection just grows.

Replace paper towels with rags for most purposes. Whenever you buy a new set of kitchen towels, the old ones can become rags. (Write “RAG” on it in black Sharpie if your family can’t tell the rags from the new towels.) Old t-shirts that are not good enough for donation also make great rags.

What are your favourite ways to save money with eco-friendly products? Please share in the comments!

Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (14)


Eco-Friendly Products that also Save you Money! - Money In Your Tea (2024)


How can I save money and be eco-friendly? ›

Introducing sustainable practices to help reduce food waste can save money and help the planet.
  1. Support zero-waste grocery stores and shops. Buying in bulk reduces packaging that ends up in landfills and typically costs less than prepacked items. ...
  2. Plan meals before you shop. ...
  3. Eat less meat. ...
  4. Use your leftovers.
Mar 27, 2024

Are eco-friendly products cheaper? ›

The cost of sustainable products is often higher than conventional products due to expensive raw materials. These premium raw materials are necessary to produce a product that has a lower environmental impact.

What is an example of an eco-friendly product? ›

Sustainable supplies for home and kitchen

Some eco-friendly ideas include: biodegradable cutlery, bamboo picnicware, reusable paper towels, silicone or stainless steel straws, reusable sandwich bags, compostable paper plates, waterless laundry detergent strips, countertop composters, and upcycled furniture.

How can I be 100% eco-friendly? ›

Follow some of these simple green living tips to help reduce the environmental footprint and live a healthier life.
  1. Turn the lights off when not in use.
  2. Avoid buying drinks in plastic bottles.
  3. Shop less. ...
  4. Don't use disposable coffee cups, get yourself a reusable coffee cup.
  5. Use solar power and save on energy bills.

How can I be less wasteful with money? ›

How to Stop Spending Money
  1. Know what you're spending money on. ...
  2. Make your budget work for you. ...
  3. Shop with a goal in mind. ...
  4. Stop spending money at restaurants. ...
  5. Resist sales. ...
  6. Swear off debt. ...
  7. Delay gratification. ...
  8. Challenge yourself to reach your new goals.
Apr 5, 2024

How can I save money by not wasting food? ›

How to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money
  1. Make a shopping list.
  2. Get friendly with your freezer.
  3. Adopt a “use-it-up” mentality.
  4. Use the scraps.
  5. Turn unused bits into pet food.
  6. Trust yourself—not just date labels.
  7. Make it a family affair.
  8. Keep track of what you don't use.
Jan 2, 2024

How can I make my house zero waste? ›

Reduce Reuse Recycle: 21 Ideas to Help You Reduce Waste at Home
  1. Bulk Goods are the ULTIMATE Eco friendly products. ...
  2. NO Plastic Bottles. ...
  3. Invest In a Set of Cloth Produce Bags. ...
  4. Avoid Produce That's Wrapped in Plastic. ...
  5. Support Your Local Farmer. ...
  6. Avoid Single-Use Plastics. ...
  7. Ditch the Tea Bags. ...
  8. Green Up Your Closet.
Jan 16, 2024

How do I find eco-friendly products? ›

Many communities have organized farmers' markets where you can buy local products in season. Consignment and thrift shops recycle items directly by reselling them. The Internet is also a great place to search for eco-friendly products. And in many cases, buying online is a better way to shop, anyway.

What is the most eco-friendly company? ›

Top Environmentally Friendly Companies
  • Workday.
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co.
  • Akamai Technologies Inc.
  • Microsoft Corp.
  • Procter & Gamble Co.
  • Bank of America.
  • IBM.
  • Johnson & Johnson.
Dec 29, 2023

What are 5 eco-friendly foods? ›

6 of the Most Sustainable Foods in the World
  • Mushrooms. Because mushrooms can make use of by-products recycled from other crops as compost for growth, they have an extremely low environmental impact. ...
  • Pulses. ...
  • Mussels. ...
  • Seaweed. ...
  • Cereals and grains. ...
  • Organic fruit and vegetables.

Which one is a best example of green products? ›

Environmentally friendly Products: 6 examples of daily products
  1. Clothes made from recycled Fabric. ...
  2. Sustainable shopping bags. ...
  3. Use a Stainless-Steel Water bottle. ...
  4. LED bulbs. ...
  5. Kitchen composter/Compost pail. ...
  6. Refill capsule B-Cap.

How to save the environment and save money? ›

How to reduce your carbon footprint
  1. Buy secondhand. ...
  2. Switch to an electric vehicle. ...
  3. Kill your bills. ...
  4. Get on your bike. ...
  5. Buy from a sustainable clothing brand. ...
  6. Small changes add up to big results. ...
  7. Cut out the food waste. ...
  8. Invest and save ethically.

How can money be used to help the environment? ›

Climate finance helps countries reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as by funding renewable power like wind or solar. It also helps communities adapt to climate change impacts.

What are 5 things you do at home to be an eco-friendly? ›

Five things you can do for the environment, today!
  • #1: Adopt eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle. Every kilogram of textiles produced, generates about 17 kilograms of CO2. ...
  • #2: Say no to single use plastic. ...
  • #3: Save Water. ...
  • #4: Save Energy. ...
  • #5: Segregate Waste.
Jun 5, 2023

Which buying strategy is both eco- and budget-friendly? ›

Instead of buying new, explore the wonderful world of secondhand shopping. It's trendy, offers more unique items than you'd find at a supermarket, and saves money while being eco-friendly. Thrift stores are a treasure trove of unique clothing, furniture, and household items at affordable prices.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.