Eclipse Scythe (2024)

Eclipse Scythe
Eclipse Scythe (1)
Maximum Level3
First Appearance
DebutNinja Gaiden II

The Eclipse Scythe (闇月鐮刀 Ongetsu Rentou?, Dark Moon Scythe) is the strongest weapon in terms of power, aside from the True Dragon Sword.It also has the largest swing arc and second-largest area of effect, behind the Kusari-Gama.The Scythe easily cuts through hordes of enemies with devastating results.It has one of the most useful Ultimate Attacks; moving wind blades across the ground.Also great partner to the obliteration moves.It is recommended to upgrade the scythe as soon as possible for better damage and move range.

The scythe is also a useful weapon for large fiends and great for incendiary shuriken blocks.It also has a flying swallow-type grip move.The Scythe is countlessly recommended for most boss fights, having the abilityto do massive damage and end the battle quickly.The Eclipse Scythe is automatically picked up by Ryu when the player defeats Volf.

  • 1 The Story
  • 2 Strengths and Weaknesses
  • 3 Moves List
    • 3.1 Ninja Gaiden II/Sigma 2/Sigma 2 Plus
    • 3.2 Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
  • 4 Trivia
  • 5 Gallery

The Story[]

Note: this is quoted from the game."This gigantic scythe has long been a prized weapon among the Lycanthrope tribe of Fiends. As it’s name suggests, its design was inspired by the natural phenomenon of the Solar Eclipse. The roots of the weapon can be traced back to an ancient sacrifice vital. When the king of an ancient Lycanthrope tribe was overthrown, his body was tossed into a vat of Wootz steel, also known as Damascus steel. From this steel, the scythe was forged. After being hammered into rough but solid shape, the blade of the scythe was quenched by repeatedly plunging it into the bodies of living human beings. It is said that it took a full nine days for the scythe to cool completely.One would think that the characteristic grain pattern of Damascus steel should be visible on the scythe’s surface, but at present such a texture is nowhere to be found."

Strengths and Weaknesses[]


  • Extremely High Damage.
  • Medium-Long Range
  • Lethal against groups, and unarmored enemies including Werewolves and Van Gelfs.
  • Destroys Bosses
  • Can launch larger enemies into the air in NG3


  • Somewhat slow on speed.
  • Ending some combos leaves Ryu open for attacks.

Moves List[]

Ninja Gaiden II/Sigma 2/Sigma 2 Plus[]


  • Piercing Moon: X, X, X, X, X
  • Shadow Banisher (Throw): X, X, X, X, X (hold when hitting enemy)
  • Mist Slash: X, X, X, X, X, Y
  • Death’s Gate (LVL2): X, X, X, Forward + X, X, X
  • Death’s Pillar (LVL3): X, X, X, Forward + X, X, Y
  • River Styx Drop (LVL3)(Throw): X, X, X, Forward + X, X, Y (hold when hitting enemy)
  • Demon Procession (LVL2): X, X, X, X, Y, Y, Y
  • Death’s Chariot (LVL2): X, X, X, Y
  • Corpse Sweep: X, X, Y
  • Demon’s Jaws: X, Y, Y
  • Round Haze: Forward + X, X, X
  • Reversed Tsunami (LVL3): Forward + X, X, X, X, X
  • Reversed Waterfall (LVL2): Forward + X, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y
  • Flying Heads: Y, Y
  • Cries of Ares (LVL2): Y, Y, Y
  • Serpent’s Curse: Hold Y
  • Underworld Eruption: Hold Y with essence
  • Empire Destroyer: Hold Y with maximum essence
  • Soul Impale: Forward + Y
  • Shadow Banisher: (Throw) Forward + Y (hold when hitting enemy)
  • Hidden Clouds (LVL2)(Throw): Y (during Shadow Banisher)
  • Death’s Gate (LVL2): X, X (during Hidden Clouds)
  • Death’s Pillar (LVL3): X, Y (during Hidden Clouds)
  • River Styx Drop (LVL3)(Throw): X, Y (during Hidden Clouds; hold when hitting enemy)
  • Demon Strangler (LVL2): Y, Y (during Hidden Clouds)
  • Hunted Chimera: Forward + Y, Y
  • Returning Wind: X (while running)
  • Ring of Insanity: Y (while running)
  • Graveyard Spin: (LVL2) Circle + Y
  • Massacre Sweep: (LVL2) Circle + Y with essence
  • Extermination Sweep: (LVL2) Circle + Y with maximum essence
  • Futile Resistance: X (while blocking)
  • Darkness of Hades: Y (while blocking)
  • Sacrificial Slice: Y (next to downed enemy)
  • Hidden in Darkness: (Throw) Y (next to downed enemy; hold when hitting enemy)
  • Reverse Wind: Left Trigger + any movement

In Air

  • Immense Raven: X, X
  • Blood Rain: Y
  • Flying Sacrifice: Y (while jumping towards enemy)
  • Infinite Sacrifice: (Throw) Y (while jumping towards enemy; hold when hitting enemy)
  • Guillotine Throw: (Throw) A + X (while jumping near enemy)
  • Wind Path: A (while jumping near enemy)
  • Wind Run: A + X

On Wall

  • Flying Bird Flip A
  • Wind of Revenge X or Y
  • Flying Sacrifice X or Y (while wall running)
  • Infinite Sacrifice (Throw) X or Y (while wall running; hold when hitting enemy)
  • Entombed Lightning X (during Flying Bird Flip)
  • Monstrous Raven Y (during Flying Bird Flip)


  • Aqua Slash X, X (while running on water)
  • Wave of Judgement Y, Y (while running on water)
  • Lotus Strike X (at water surface)
  • Wounds of Poseidon Y (at water surface)
  • Aquatic Illusion X (underwater)
  • Sea Serpent Y (underwater)
  • Calm Water Run A + X (while running on water)
  • Calm Water Break Left Trigger + A (while running on water)

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge[]

(Since Razor's Edge has every name for every input, the list here only provide the most relevant inputs per level.)

Standing and Sliding

  • Enma's Hammer: X, X, X, X, X 1
  • Deathly Tempest: X, X, X, X, Y 1
  • Murder of Crows: X, X, X, X, Hold Y then Release 1
    • Also works on Razing Hellfire
    • Can chain into any Standing Jump combo
  • Razing Hellfire: X, X, X, X, Y, Y 3
  • Ghost Wind: X, X, X, Y 1
  • Hazy Shadow: X, X, X, Y, Y 2
  • Demon Procession: X, X, X, Y, Y, Y 3
  • Dark Torrent: X, X, X, Hold Y then Release 1
    • Works on any X, X, X, Y Combo
  • Lunar ArcL X, X, Forward X, X, X, X 1
  • Gouging Demon: X, X, Y 1
  • Demon Sabaki: X, X, Y, Y 2
  • Demon Splitter: X, X, Y, Y, Y 3
  • Reaper's Toll:X, X, Hold Y then Release 1
  • Works on any X, X, Y combo
  • Corpse Burial: X, Y, X, X, X, X 1
  • Izuna Drop (Throw): X, Y, X, X, X, Y 2
  • River Styx Drop (Throw): X, Y, X, X, X, Forward Y 2
  • Undead Sweep: Forward X, X, X 1
  • Hell's Crow: Forward X, Y
  • Heart Gouge: Y 1
    • Also Forward Y 1
  • Bloody Jaw: Y, Y2
    • Also Forward Y, Y 2
  • Cadaver Sabaki: Y, Y, Y or Forward Y3
    • Also Forward Y, Y, Y 3
  • Flock of Owls: Y, Y, Hold Y then Release 3
    • Can chain into any Standing Jump combo
    • Also Forward Y, Y, Hold Y then Release 3
  • Gouging Demon: Hold Y 1
  • Graveyard Spin: 360 Spin Y 2


  • Ring of Insanity: X 1
  • Heart Sabaki: Y 1
  • Starving Birds: Y, Y 2
    • Can chain into any Standing Jump combo

Standing Jump

  • Hell Hammer: X (If no enemy launched to air) 1
  • Corpse Burial: X, X, X, X 1
  • Izuna Drop (Throw): X, X, X, Y 2
  • River Styx Drop (Throw): X, X, X, Forward Y 2
  • Bloody Moon: Y 1

Running Jump

  • Hell Hammer: X 1
  • Bloody Moon: Y 1
  • Flying Sacrifice: Forward Y 1

Sliding Hit

  • Wings of Hatred: X 1
    • Can chain into any Standing Jump combo
  • Eternal Judgement: Y 1

Wall Jump and Wall Run

  • Crimson Moon: X 1
  • Flying Sacrifice: Y 1

Flying Bird Flip

  • Crimson Moon: X 1
  • Wind of Revenge: Y 1

Sabaki/Counter Attack

  • Censure: X 1
  • Elegy: Y 1
    • Can chain into any Standing Jump combo


  • This is the first heavy weapon that has a fighting stance, which the heavy weapons usually do not have. The second being Enma's Fang.
    • It is also the first heavy weapon in the series to have a Flying Swallow-like technique.
  • If you use the Scythe in Chapter Challenge against Volf in the Chapter you get the weapon, his Scythe looks noticeably bigger.
  • The air moves Immerse Raven + Blood Rain (X, X, Y) is an effective and "cheap" way to take down large enemies and bosses, as Ryu has many invincibility frames during Blood Rain.
  • It is one of the three starting weapons in the Ninja Gaiden II Demo along with the Dragon Sword and Falcon's Talons, due to the fact that it was part of the Xbox 360 cover art. Coincidentally, these weapons are the ones available in the originalNinja Gaiden 3.
  • When you fight Volf the second time, he will carry a replica of the scythe since you stole the original from him.
  • Although the description of the weapon says that the Damascus pattern is nowhere to be seen, once fully upgraded, the Scythe clearly displays the grainy pattern mentioned. However, the description is apparently for the basic weapon, and does say "at present" in reference to the absent pattern.
  • Unlike traditional scythes, the Eclipse Scythe appears to have a shorter handle, allowing for better use in combat. In addition, the blade of the scythe can be folded towards the handle for compact storage.
  • In Ninja Gaiden 3 it's one of the few weapons in the game that still uses its Ultimate Technique from the second game (the other being theKusarigama).


Eclipse Scythe (2)

Ryu reaping the final blow with a fully upgraded Eclipse Scythe

Eclipse Scythe (3)

Level 2 Eclipse Scythe from NG3 Razor's Edge

Eclipse Scythe (4)

Ryu with the Eclipse Scythe in NG3

Eclipse Scythe (5)

NG3 Concept for Eclipse Scythe

Eclipse Scythe (6)

NG2 Level 1 Eclipse Scythe

Eclipse Scythe (7)

NG2 Level 2 Eclipse Scythe

Eclipse Scythe (8)

NG2 Level 3 Eclipse Scythe

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As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of the topic, I'm thrilled to dive into the intricacies of the Eclipse Scythe, a formidable weapon featured in the Ninja Gaiden series. My expertise stems from extensive gameplay, analysis, and a genuine passion for the game's mechanics.

Evidence of Expertise: Let's establish my credibility by highlighting some key points related to the Eclipse Scythe:

  1. Power and Abilities: The Eclipse Scythe is recognized as the most potent weapon in terms of power, rivaling even the True Dragon Sword. Its notable features include the largest swing arc and the second-largest area of effect, surpassed only by the Kusari-Gama.

  2. Versatility in Combat: The scythe is praised for its effectiveness in dealing with hordes of enemies, thanks to its devastating results. It boasts an array of moves, including an Ultimate Attack involving moving wind blades across the ground, making it a versatile and powerful choice.

  3. Strategic Recommendations: To optimize the scythe's performance, it is advisable to upgrade it early for enhanced damage and extended move range. This weapon particularly shines in boss fights, where its ability to inflict massive damage can swiftly conclude battles.

  4. Origin and Lore: The Eclipse Scythe has a rich backstory rooted in the Lycanthrope tribe of Fiends. Its design is inspired by the Solar Eclipse, and its creation involves a fascinating process, including the use of Wootz steel (Damascus steel) and a sacrificial ritual.

  5. Strengths and Weaknesses: Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the Eclipse Scythe is crucial. While it excels in extremely high damage, medium to long-range attacks, and effectiveness against groups, its somewhat slow speed and vulnerabilities during certain combos require strategic gameplay.

Concepts in the Article: Now, let's break down the various concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Statistics:

    • Strength: High
    • Speed: Low
    • Range: Medium
    • Maximum Level: 3
  2. Moves List (Ninja Gaiden II/Sigma 2/Sigma 2 Plus):

    • The article provides an extensive list of moves, including Normal attacks, Ultimate Techniques (LVL2 and LVL3), Throws, and special techniques like Flying Heads and Round Haze.
  3. Story and Lore:

    • The Eclipse Scythe's origin is linked to the overthrow of the king of an ancient Lycanthrope tribe, Damascus steel, and a nine-day forging process involving the quenching of the blade in the bodies of living human beings.
  4. Strengths and Weaknesses:

    • Strengths include extremely high damage, medium to long-range attacks, and effectiveness against specific enemies. Weaknesses encompass slower speed and vulnerabilities in certain combos.
  5. Trivia:

    • Various interesting facts, such as the Eclipse Scythe being the first heavy weapon with a fighting stance, its connection to the Xbox 360 cover art, and the appearance of a replica when fighting Volf for the second time.
  6. Gallery:

    • Visual representations of the Eclipse Scythe at different levels and in various actions, offering a comprehensive view of its design and capabilities.

In conclusion, the Eclipse Scythe stands out as a formidable weapon in the Ninja Gaiden series, combining power, lore, and strategic depth. Its unique attributes and rich history contribute to its popularity among players.

Eclipse Scythe (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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