Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (2024)

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (1)
Medically Reviewed by Jabeen Begum,MD on September 29, 2023

Written by Paul Frysh

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (2)

What Are Essential Oils?


They're made from parts of certain plants like leaves, seeds,barks, roots, and rinds. Makersuse different methods to concentrate them into oils. You may add them to vegetable oils, creams, or bath gels. Or you might smell them, rub them on your skin, or put them in your bath. Some research shows that they can be helpful, if youknow how to use them the right way. Always check the label and ask your doctor if you’re not sure if they’re OK for you to use.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (3)

DO Try It if You’re Anxious


Simple smells such as lavender, chamomile, and rosewater may help keep you calm. You can breathe in or rub diluted versions of these oils on your skin. Scientists think they work by sending chemical messages to parts of the brain that affect mood and emotion. Although these scents alone won’t take all your stress away, the aroma may help you relax.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (4)

DON’T Just Rub Them Anywhere


Oils that are fine on your arms and legs may not be safe to put inside your mouth, nose, eyes, or private parts. Lemongrass, peppermint, and cinnamon bark are some examples.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (5)

DO Check the Quality


Look for a trusted producer that makes pure oils without anything added. You’re more likely to have an allergic reaction to oils that have other ingredients. Not all extras are bad. Some added vegetable oil may be normal for certain more expensive essential oils.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (6)

DON’T Trust Buzzwords


Just because it’s from a plant doesn’t mean it’s safe to rub on your skin, or breathe, or eat, even if it’s “pure.” Natural substances can be irritating, toxic, or cause allergic reactions. Like anything else you put on your skin, it’s best to test a little bit on a small area and see how your skin responds.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (7)

DO Toss Out Older Oils


In general, don’t keep them more than 3 years. Older oils are more likely to be spoiled because of exposure to oxygen. They may not work as well and could irritate your skin or cause an allergic reaction. If you see a big change in the way an oil looks, feels, or smells, you should throw it out, because it has probably spoiled.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (8)

DON’T Put Edible Oils On Your Skin


Cumin oil, which is safe to use in your food, can cause blisters if you put it on your skin. Citrus oils that are safe in your food may be bad for your skin, especially if you go out into the sun. And the opposite is true, too. Eucalyptus or sage oil may soothe you if you rub it on your skin or breathe it in. But swallowing them could can cause a serious complication, like a seizure.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (9)

DO Tell Your Doctor


Your doctor can make sure it’s safe for you and rule out any side effects, like affecting your prescriptions. For example, peppermint and eucalyptus oils may change how your body absorbs the cancer drug 5-fluorouracil from the skin. Or an allergic reaction may cause rashes, hives, or breathing problems.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (10)

DO Dilute Them


Undiluted oils are too strong to use straight. You’ll need to dilute them, usually with vegetable oils or creams or bath gels, to a solution that only has a little bit -- 1% to 5% -- of the essential oil. Exactly how much can vary. The higher the percentage, the more likely you are to have a reaction, so it’s important to mix them correctly.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (11)

DON’T Use On Damaged Skin


Injured or inflamed skin will absorb more oil and may cause unwanted skin reactions. Undiluted oils, which you shouldn’t use at all, can be downright dangerous on damaged skin.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (12)

DO Consider Age


Young children and the elderly may be more sensitive to essential oils. So you may need to dilute them more. And you should totally avoid some oils, like birch and wintergreen. In even small amounts, those may cause serious problems in kids 6 or younger because they contain a chemical called methyl salicylate. Don’t use essential oils on a baby unless your pediatrician says it’s OK.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (13)

DON’T Forget to Store Them Safely


They can be very concentrated and may cause serious health problems, especially if used at the wrong dose or in the wrong way. Just like anything else that little hands shouldn’t be able to reach, don't make your essential oils too handy. If you have young children, keep all essential oils locked away out of their sight and reach.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (14)

DO Stop Use if Your Skin Reacts


Your skin might love essential oils. But if it doesn’t -- and you notice a rash, little bumps, boils, or just itchy skin -- take a break. More of the same oil can make it worse. Whether you mixed it yourself or it’s an ingredient in a ready-made cream, oil, or aromatherapy product, gently wash it off with water.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (15)

DO Choose Your Therapist Carefully


If you look for a professional aromatherapist, do your homework. By law, they don’t have to have training or a license. But you can check to see if yours went to a school certified by a professional organizations like National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (16)

DON’T Overdo It


More of a good thing is not always good. Even when diluted, an essential oil can cause a bad reaction if you use too much or use it too often. That’s true even if you’re not allergic or unusually sensitive to them.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (17)

DON’T Be Afraid to Try Them


Used the right way, they can help you feel better with few side effects. For example, you may feel less nauseated from chemotherapy cancer treatment if you breathe in ginger vapors. You may be able to fight certain bacterial or fungal infections, including the dangerous MRSA bacteria, with tea tree oil. In one study, tea tree oil was as effective as a prescription antifungal cream in easing symptoms of a fungal foot infection.

Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (18)

DO Take Care if Pregnant


Some essential massage oils may make their way into the placenta, an organ in your uterus that grows along with your baby and helps to nourish it. It’s not clear if this causes any problems, unless you take toxic amounts, but to be safe, it’s best to avoid certain oils if you’re pregnant. Those include wormwood, rue, oak moss, Lavandula stoechas, camphor, parsley seed, sage, and hyssop. Ask your doctor if you’re unsure.

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1able oils, creams, or bath gels, or used through methods like inhalation, topical application, or in baths.

1., creams, or bath gels, or used through methods like inhalation, topical application, or in baths.

  1. **Choosing,ms, or bath gels, or used through methods like inhalation, topical application, or in baths.

  2. **Choosing the Rightr bath gels, or used through methods like inhalation, topical application, or in baths.

  3. **Choosing the Right Ols, or used through methods like inhalation, topical application, or in baths.

  4. **Choosing the Right Oilsr used through methods like inhalation, topical application, or in baths.

  5. **Choosing the Right Oils:hrough methods like inhalation, topical application, or in baths.

  6. Choosing the Right Oils: h methods like inhalation, topical application, or in baths.

  7. Choosing the Right Oils: -thods like inhalation, topical application, or in baths.

  8. Choosing the Right Oils:

    • **e inhalation, topical application, or in baths.
  9. Choosing the Right Oils:

    • **DOnhalation, topical application, or in baths.
  10. Choosing the Right Oils:

    • **DO Try topical application, or in baths.
  11. Choosing the Right Oils:

    • **DO Try It if aromapplication, or in baths.
  12. Choosing the Right Oils:

    • **DO Try It if You’reapyion, or in baths.
  13. Choosing the Right Oils:

    • **DO Try It if You’re Anxious, or in baths.
  14. Choosing the Right Oils:

    • **DO Try It if You’re Anxious (r in baths.
  15. Choosing the Right Oils:

    • **DO Try It if You’re Anxious (2s.
  16. Choosing the Right Oils:

    • *DO Try It if You’re Anxious (2/Choosing the Right Oils:**
    • DO Try It if You’re Anxious (2/17): Certainoosing the Right Oils:**
    • DO Try It if You’re Anxious (2/17): Certain scents like lavenderng the Right Oils:**
    • DO Try It if You’re Anxious (2/17): Certain scents like lavender,ight Oils:**
    • DO Try It if You’re Anxious (2/17): Certain scents like lavender, cham Oils:**
    • DO Try It if You’re Anxious (2/17): Certain scents like lavender, chamom - DO Try It if You’re Anxious (2/17): Certain scents like lavender, chamomile - DO Try It if You’re Anxious (2/17): Certain scents like lavender, chamomile,Try It if You’re Anxious (2/17): Certain scents like lavender, chamomile, andt if You’re Anxious (2/17): Certain scents like lavender, chamomile, and rose You’re Anxious (2/17): Certain scents like lavender, chamomile, and rosewaternxious (2/17): Certain scents like lavender, chamomile, and rosewater mayous (2/17): Certain scents like lavender, chamomile, and rosewater may help: Certain scents like lavender, chamomile, and rosewater may help alleviateertain scents like lavender, chamomile, and rosewater may help alleviate anxietyain scents like lavender, chamomile, and rosewater may help alleviate anxiety bynts like lavender, chamomile, and rosewater may help alleviate anxiety by affectingender, chamomile, and rosewater may help alleviate anxiety by affecting ther, chamomile, and rosewater may help alleviate anxiety by affecting the brainnd rosewater may help alleviate anxiety by affecting the brain'srosewater may help alleviate anxiety by affecting the brain's moodosewater may help alleviate anxiety by affecting the brain's mood andsewater may help alleviate anxiety by affecting the brain's mood and emotionater may help alleviate anxiety by affecting the brain's mood and emotion centersr may help alleviate anxiety by affecting the brain's mood and emotion centers. help alleviate anxiety by affecting the brain's mood and emotion centers. alleviate anxiety by affecting the brain's mood and emotion centers. -ate anxiety by affecting the brain's mood and emotion centers.
    • ** anxiety by affecting the brain's mood and emotion centers.
    • **DONty by affecting the brain's mood and emotion centers.
    • **DON’T affecting the brain's mood and emotion centers.
    • **DON’T Just the brain's mood and emotion centers.
    • **DON’T Just Rubbrain's mood and emotion centers.
    • **DON’T Just Rub Themood and emotion centers.
    • **DON’T Just Rub Them Anyd emotion centers.
    • **DON’T Just Rub Them Anywhereion centers.
    • **DON’T Just Rub Them Anywhere (centers.
    • **DON’T Just Rub Them Anywhere (3
    • DON’T Just Rub Them Anywhere (3/Just Rub Them Anywhere (3/17 Them Anywhere (3/17):m Anywhere (3/17):ere (3/17): Ca Cautionution is advised, as oils suitable for skin may nottion is advised, as oils suitable for skin may not be safe for internal or sensitive areas.ion is advised, as oils suitable for skin may not be safe for internal or sensitive areas. Lem is advised, as oils suitable for skin may not be safe for internal or sensitive areas. Lemongs advised, as oils suitable for skin may not be safe for internal or sensitive areas. Lemongr Relief:ils suitable for skin may not be safe for internal or sensitive areas. Lemongrass sce for skin may not be safe for internal or sensitive areas. Lemongrass,r skin may not be safe for internal or sensitive areas. Lemongrass, peppermint lavender be safe for internal or sensitive areas. Lemongrass, peppermint, and chamfe for internal or sensitive areas. Lemongrass, peppermint, and cinnamon for internal or sensitive areas. Lemongrass, peppermint, and cinnamon barkr internal or sensitive areas. Lemongrass, peppermint, and cinnamon bark are internal or sensitive areas. Lemongrass, peppermint, and cinnamon bark are citedernal or sensitive areas. Lemongrass, peppermint, and cinnamon bark are cited as or sensitive areas. Lemongrass, peppermint, and cinnamon bark are cited as examplesensitive areas. Lemongrass, peppermint, and cinnamon bark are cited as examples.

ive areas. Lemongrass, peppermint, and cinnamon bark are cited as examples.

2.s. Lemongrass, peppermint, and cinnamon bark are cited as examples.

  1. **grass, peppermint, and cinnamon bark are cited as examples.

  2. **Qualitys, peppermint, and cinnamon bark are cited as examples.

  3. **Quality Matters:peppermint, and cinnamon bark are cited as examples.

  4. Quality Matters: mint, and cinnamon bark are cited as examples.

  5. Quality Matters: nd cinnamon bark are cited as examples.

  6. Quality Matters: -cinnamon bark are cited as examples.

  7. Quality Matters:

    • **on bark are cited as examples.
  8. Quality Matters:

    • **DO Check associateds examples.
  9. Quality Matters:

    • **DO Check themples.
  10. Quality Matters:

    • **DO Check the Quality.
  11. Quality Matters:

    • DO Check the Quality (2. Quality Matters:**
    • DO Check the Quality (4/. Quality Matters:**
    • DO Check the Quality (4/17Quality Matters:
    • DO Check the Quality (4/17):ity Matters:
    • DO Check the Quality (4/17):**
    • DO Check the Quality (4/17): It - DO Check the Quality (4/17): It is DO Check the Quality (4/17): It is essentialO Check the Quality (4/17): It is essential to chooseck the Quality (4/17): It is essential to choose oilshe Quality (4/17): It is essential to choose oils from for all/17): It is essential to choose oils from trusted parts.s essential to choose oils from trusted producers are suitable foroils from trusted producers that use butsted producers that offer if ingthat offer pure or appliedproductsducts withoutout additives.ditives. Allergicives. Allergic reactionsves. Allergic reactions arees. Allergic reactions are more Allergic reactions are more likelyic reactions are more likely withns are more likely with oilsare more likely with oils containinge more likely with oils containing additionale likely with oils containing additional ingredients with oils containing additional ingredients.

with oils containing additional ingredients.

3ntaining additional ingredients.

  1. offernal ingredients.

  2. **Safety oilsients.

  3. Safety Concerns additivesy Concerns: reducing: -kfONllergicergic reactionsreactions.



5.5. . Ca *CautionCaution withtion with Naturalh Natural Subural Substances Substances:nces: Just Just becausest because at because a substancee a substance isubstance is natural ance is natural doesn natural doesn't guarantee safety; allergic reactions or irritations are possible.

  1. **Expiration and Spoilage is recommended to avoidfety; allergic reactions or irritations are possible.

  2. Expiration and Spoilage: or allergics or irritations are possible.

  3. Expiration and Spoilage: Essential.

    • **e possible.
  4. Expiration and Spoilage: Essential oils Toss Out OlderExpiration and Spoilage: Essential oils haveils (tion and Spoilage: Essential oils have a shelfion and Spoilage: Essential oils have a shelf life; older oilson and Spoilage: Essential oils have a shelf life; older oils might spoil and Spoilage: Essential oils have a shelf life; older oils might spoil ornd Spoilage: Essential oils have a shelf life; older oils might spoil or lose Oils older Essential oils have a shelf life; older oils might spoil or lose effectiveness 3 yearsils have a shelf life; older oils might spoil or lose effectiveness duehave a shelf life; older oils might spoil or lose effectiveness due to exposure to shelf life; older oils might spoil or lose effectiveness due to exposure to air.

shelf life; older oils might spoil or lose effectiveness due to exposure to air.

7; older oils might spoil or lose effectiveness due to exposure to air.

7.r oils might spoil or lose effectiveness due to exposure to air.

  1. **ght spoil or lose effectiveness due to exposure to air.

  2. **Dspoil or lose effectiveness due to exposure to air.

  3. **Differentiale effectiveness due to exposure to air.

  4. **Differential Useiveness due to exposure to air.

  5. **Differential Use inss due to exposure to air.

  6. **Differential Use in Food orsure to air.

  7. **Differential Use in Food vsr.

  8. **Differential Use in Food vs.

  9. Differential Use in Food vs. Skin7. Differential Use in Food vs. Skin:. Differential Use in Food vs. Skin:* ODifferential Use in Food vs. Skin: Oilsifferential Use in Food vs. Skin: Oils safeential Use in Food vs. Skin: Oils safe for Differentood vs. Skin: Oils safe for consumption. Skin: Oils safe for consumption maykin: Oils safe for consumption may notn:* Oils safe for consumption may not be Oils safe for consumption may not be safe Oils safe for consumption may not be safe forls safe for consumption may not be safe for topical -afe for consumption may not be safe for topical use for consumption may not be safe for topical use andr consumption may not be safe for topical use and viceconsumption may not be safe for topical use and vice versaumption may not be safe for topical use and vice versa.

tion may not be safe for topical use and vice versa.

8 may not be safe for topical use and vice versa.

8.ilsnot be safe for topical use and vice versa.

  1. **Consult Yourafe for topical use and vice versa.

  2. Consulting a Doctor:or topical use and vice versa.

  3. Consulting a Doctor: It topical use and vice versa.

  4. Consulting a Doctor: It'stopical use and vice versa.

  5. Consulting a Doctor: It's vitalopical use and vice versa.

  6. Consulting a Doctor: It's vital toical use and vice versa.

  7. Consulting a Doctor: It's vital to seekal use and vice versa.

  8. Consulting a Doctor: It's vital to seek medical Some oilsice versa.

  9. Consulting a Doctor: It's vital to seek medical advice for consumption canng a Doctor:** It's vital to seek medical advice, adverse reactions whenseek medical advice, especially to the skin especially ifpecially if using if using essential using essential oilssential oils alongside ial oils alongside medications.

  10. Proper Dilution ils alongside medications.

  11. Proper Dilution: Tellngside medications.

  12. Proper Dilution: Und Doctorations.

  13. Proper Dilution: Undilions.

  14. Proper Dilution: Undilutedons.

  15. Proper Dilution: Undiluted oilsns.

  16. Proper Dilution: Undiluted oils can.

  17. Proper Dilution: Undiluted oils can be too. Proper Dilution: Undiluted oils can be too potent alution: Undiluted oils can be too potent and may needndiluted oils can be too potent and may need dilution with carrier isn be too potent and may need dilution with carrier oils or totent and may need dilution with carrier oils or gd may need dilution with carrier oils or gelseed dilution with carrier oils or gels.

ed dilution with carrier oils or gels.

10dilution with carrier oils or gels.

  1. with carrier oils or gels.

  2. ** carrier oils or gels.

  3. **Skinrier oils or gels.

  4. **Skin Conditions or gels.

  5. Skin Conditions:els.

  6. Skin Conditions: OSkin Conditions: Oils causeitions: Oils can Oils can exacerbexacerbate5erbate skinrbate skin issueste skin issues ifskin issues if appliedn issues if applied to andf applied to damaged orution to damaged or inflto damaged or inflameddamaged or inflamed skinmaged or inflamed skin.

    DO Dilute Them (9/1711. . Age Essentiall oilss shouldd bee diluted beforeore use,use, typicallyically withly with vegetable differentlyoils or creams essentials, to avoidavoid adverse moreeactions.ions. The The percentagee percentage of essentialage of essential oilsential oil inl oil in theil in the mixture in the mixture is crucial the mixture is crucial.

6mixture is crucial. crucial.

  1. **crucial.

  2. Consider6. ConsiderationsConsiderations foronsiderations for Specificrations for Specific Conditions:pecific Conditions: pose risksitions: mishandled, especially aroundspecially around children.

13cially around children. around children.

  1. ** around children.

  2. **Reound children.

  3. **Reactions children.

  4. **Reactions andldren.

  5. **Reactions and Discontin.

  6. **Reactions and Discontinuation

  7. Reactions and Discontinuation:3. Reactions and Discontinuation: If. Reactions and Discontinuation: If adverseReactions and Discontinuation: If adverse reactionsReactions and Discontinuation: If adverse reactions occur Undils and Discontinuation: If adverse reactions occur,d Discontinuation: If adverse reactions occur, it can beation: If adverse reactions occur, it's on injured or infl occur, it's crucial skin. s crucial tocrucial to stopucial to stop usingal to stop using the Considerusing the oilg the oil.

the oil.

14e oil.

  1. oil.

  2. **il.

  3. Choosing

  4. Choosing aoosing a Qualifiedng a Qualified Ther Qualified Therapisted Therapist:herapist: Certified more: Certified trainingied training matters training matters when seekingmatters when seeking professionalrs when seeking professional arom requiringking professional aromathersional aromatherapyal aromatherapy.




  1. oils. Modererationtion:**dExnessive childrenldren.

n.*adverse reactions Handlingspitepite dile dilutiondilution.




  1. Benefitsefits with Them Safafely ( (12/2/17): Essentialssential oilsial oils should bels should be storedbe stored securelyed securely,ly, especiallyespecially away fromly away from the the reacheach ofh of childrenof children, asf children, as theyhildren, as they canildren, as they can causeen, as they can cause seriousas they can cause serious healthhey can cause serious health problems ify can cause serious health problems if miscause serious health problems if misusedse serious health problems if misused.

ious health problems if misused.

8s health problems if misused.

  1. shouldf misused.

  2. **Monitoringisused.

  3. Monitoring Skin8. Monitoring Skin Re*Monitoring Skin Reactions:ing Skin Reactions: g Skin Reactions: Reactions:**

    • DODO StopStop Usetop Use ife if Yourf Your Skin Reacteactse(aspectspects ensuresects ensures safe): ensures safe andnsures safe and effectiveres safe and effective use and effective use of reactionsuse of essential oils essential oils while discontinoils while maximizing while maximizing theirle maximizing their potentialaximizing their potential benefitsmizing their potential their potential benefits. Alwaysheir potential benefits. Always prioritizer potential benefits. Always prioritize safetybenefits. Always prioritize safety and9fits. Always prioritize safety and consult . Always prioritize safety and consult professionalsys prioritize safety and consult professionals whenprioritize safety and consult professionals when in safety and consult professionals when in doubty and consult professionals when in doubt, especiallyersnsult professionals when in doubt, especially in delicate t professionals when in doubt, especially in delicate situationsprofessionals when in doubt, especially in delicate situations likeofessionals when in doubt, especially in delicate situations like pregnancyssionals when in doubt, especially in delicate situations like pregnancy orionals when in doubt, especially in delicate situations like pregnancy or whenwhen in doubt, especially in delicate situations like pregnancy or when dealingin doubt, especially in delicate situations like pregnancy or when dealing withubt, especially in delicate situations like pregnancy or when dealing with pre Careially in delicate situations like pregnancy or when dealing with pre-existing in delicate situations like pregnancy or when dealing with pre-existing health conditions14delicate situations like pregnancy or when dealing with pre-existing health conditions.elicate situations like pregnancy or when dealing with pre-existing health conditions.):ate situations like pregnancy or when dealing with pre-existing health conditions. When seeking professional aromatherapy, thorough research is advised, as practitioners may not be required to have specific training or licenses.
  4. Moderation is Key:

    • DON’T Overdo It (15/17): Excessive use of essential oils, even when diluted, can lead to negative reactions.
  5. Balancing Risks and Benefits:

    • DON’T Be Afraid to Try Them (16/17): When used correctly, essential oils can offer benefits with minimal side effects. However, caution should be exercised to avoid overuse.
  6. Pregnancy Considerations:

    • DO Take Care if Pregnant (17/17): Pregnant individuals should be cautious, avoiding certain oils that may reach the placenta. Consulting a doctor is recommended for guidance on safe use during pregnancy.
Dos and Don’ts of Essential Oils (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.