Don't Neglect Inflation in Your Retirement Planning - Retire by 40 (2024)


Don't Neglect Inflation in Your Retirement Planning - Retire by 40 (1)

Last week, I was out and about running some errands and I stopped by a Chinese restaurant near our home to grab a take-out lunch. This place used to have the best lunch special in town because the food was good and they charged just $5.50. I guess I haven’t been there in a while because now the lunch special cost $13. Whoa, that’s not cheap anymore. That’s inflation for you. I have been retired for only 10 years and things already cost more than twice as much. I can’t imagine how much lunch will cost in 30 years. Inflation is one of my biggest worries about early retirement. We are doing well now, but can we afford lunch in 2050? Anyway, I went home and had leftovers instead of buying lunch. Home cook meals are much healthier than Chinese take-out so I saved money and improved my health. That’s what I tell myself, anyway. Don’t forget inflation in your retirement plan because it can be a big factor.

*Written in 2016. Updated in 2022. Inflation was so low in 2016. Now, everything is much more expensive. It’s crazy. Hopefully, it’ll drop back to a reasonable level soon.

Inflation is insidious

Inflation is a huge problem in retirement. Everyone wants to maintain the same comfortable lifestyle after they retire, but our money buys less and less every year. Inflation is an even bigger problem for early retirement because the time in retirement is longer. I could be retired for 50 years if I’m lucky. That’s a long time for inflation to blow up our budget.

As a personal finance blogger, I see inflation from 2 main sources.

  1. The increase in the price of the things we buy. We can use the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to estimate the increase every year.
  2. Another big source is inflation is lifestyle inflation. As we generate more income, we tend to spend more as well. Most working families struggle with this because our culture encourages spending. Also, there are more and more things to buy every year. 10 years ago, we didn’t need a smartphone or a tablet. Now, they are a necessity.

As a family, we are doing pretty well with lifestyle inflation and we kept our annual expenses at the same level for the past few years. We live a modest lifestyle and we are happy with this level of spending. I don’t think we have to worry too much about lifestyle inflation. This is one reason why it is good to track your expenses. You can compare the inflation rate of your annual expense to the CPI. If your annual expense routinely outpaced the CPI by over 3x, then you probably need to make some changes to your spending pattern. For us, I mainly worry about CPI and not lifestyle inflation*.

*Wow, the good old days of 2% inflation. In 2022, everyone is worry about inflation. There are so many problems and inflation is the result. It’s painful.

What is the CPI anyway?

(From the Bureau of Labor Statistics)

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services.

The CPI represents all goods and services purchased for consumption by the reference population (U or W). BLS has classified all expenditure items into more than 200 categories, arranged into eight major groups. Major groups and examples of categories in each are as follows:

  • FOOD AND BEVERAGES (breakfast cereal, milk, coffee, chicken, wine, full service meals, snacks)
  • HOUSING (rent of primary residence, owners’ equivalent rent, fuel oil, bedroom furniture)
  • APPAREL (men’s shirts and sweaters, women’s dresses, jewelry)
  • TRANSPORTATION (new vehicles, airline fares, gasoline, motor vehicle insurance)
  • MEDICAL CARE (prescription drugs and medical supplies, physicians’ services, eyeglasses and eye care, hospital services)
  • RECREATION (televisions, toys, pets and pet products, sports equipment, admissions);
  • EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION (college tuition, postage, telephone services, computer software and accessories);
  • OTHER GOODS AND SERVICES (tobacco and smoking products, haircuts and other personal services, funeral expenses).

Inflation data from the BLS

Most of us didn’t worry about inflation when I first wrote this post in 2016. It seemed like I was the only one who cared how much lunch cost. It’s way different in 2022. Inflation increased tremendously over the last 2 years. The price of everything from gasoline to food went up so much. Here is the data from BLS.

Don't Neglect Inflation in Your Retirement Planning - Retire by 40 (2)

In reflection, we had it good for many years. The price of eating out increases just a little bit every year. The last 2 years were different, though. These days, I don’t even want to go out to restaurants. A pizza cost well over $20. Lunch special at ethnic restaurants costs over $10. The only cheap places to eat out are fast food restaurants. And they are just too unhealthy for me.

The interactive chart at the BLS is pretty good. You can select which categories you want to see. Check it out here – interactive CPI chart.

Keep up with inflation

Currently, we are doing pretty well with our finances. Even with high inflation and the stock market decline, our net worth is above 53x our annual expense. This is a good improvement since 2016 when it was 40x. If there was no inflation, we’d be even better off. However, inflation is a fact of life. We need to keep increasing our net worth to make sure we don’t run out of money when we’re old. Right now it is not too difficult because Mrs. RB40 is still working. We are adding over $50,000 to our tax-advantaged accounts every year. The stock market is down, but it’s a good opportunity to buy more stocks and increase our passive income.

Our net worth is ugly this year, though. It is down about 18%. Couple that with high inflation and the pain becomes real. Also, Mrs. RB40 took a sabbatical this summer so our income is down a lot. That’s personal stagflation! Ouch. The question now is can we keep up with inflation after Mrs. RB40 retires for real?

Everyone should know that it is not enough to stash money in your savings accounts. The interest rate in a saving account has been lower than 1% for years. That won’t keep up with inflation. You’re losing money every year if it is just sitting in a saving account. You need to invest to beat inflation.

  • Stocks – Stocks represent ownership of companies. Companies sell products and services and can adjust their price according to inflation. Particularly, I think dividend growth stocks are a great long-term investment. Some companies aim to increase their dividend every year. If your dividend income increases more than the CPI every year, you won’t have to worry about inflation much. Historically, stock investment outpaces inflation. However, 2022 is a terrible year for stocks. You just have to ignore volatility and keep investing.
  • Rental properties – Rental properties adjust very well to inflation. As a landlord, I can increase the rent to reflect the inflation. The property tax and maintenance costs also increased, so rents can’t stay the same from year to year. I also like real estate crowdfunding. It is way easier to generate passive income from real estate and you benefit from the economy of scale. I plan to invest in at least one new project every year. Currently, we have over $120,000 invested with CrowdStreet. Check out CrowdStreeet if you’re interested in generating passive income from real estate.
  • TIPSThe Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities provide protection against inflation. Their interest rate automatically adjusts to reflect inflation. We put $50,000 in I Bonds in the last 12 months. It’s a good way to keep up with inflation.
  • A job – Wage growth increased tremendously over the last 2 years. That’s part of why inflation is so high. It’s a good way to keep up with inflation. This isn’t exactly an investment, but getting a job is a good option if things ever get desperate.

These investments kept up with inflation when it was moderate. However, 2022 is a different story. Investors haven’t been able to keep up with inflation because stocks are down. It should still work out in the long term, though. Keep investing and you will come out ahead when the market recovers. It’s a good time to buy more dividend stocks and increase your passive income. Hopefully, inflation will get back to a more reasonable level soon. The Fed is working on it, but we’ll probably see a big recession before things improve.

Don’t forget inflation

The bottom line is you have to take inflation into account when planning your retirement. Early retirement might look good now, but everything will be much more expensive in 30 years. It’s not enough to save, you have to invest your savings, too. The vast majority of our investments are in stock and real estate so I am pretty confident we can handle inflation.

Don't Neglect Inflation in Your Retirement Planning - Retire by 40 (3)

One way to check if your retirement plan is on track is to use the Retirement Planner at Personal Capital. I set the inflation to 4% and we still have a very good shot at a successful retirement. You can also add various income events and future spending goals. For example, I allocated $12,000 per year for health care and $20,000 per year for travel in the future. You can read more details in my review – The Best Free Retirement Calculator. Or you can just sign up with Personal Capital and try it out yourself.

To wrap it up, eating lunch out seems so expensive now. Unfortunately, the days of cheap Chinese lunch specials are gone. I don’t even want to go to a restaurant anymore and I’ve only been retired for 10 years. Well, I enjoy going out with my wife. That’s worth it. However, I’d rather make lunch at home than buy anything. I’ll probably loosen up once the stock market recovers. It’s hard to spend money when our net worth decreases every month.

Are you worried about inflation? How are you planning to deal with inflation after retirement?

Common Creative image by Pictures of Money

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Joe started Retire by 40 in 2010 to figure out how to retire early. After 16 years of investing and saving, he achieved financial independence and retired at 38.

Passive income is the key to early retirement. This year, Joe is investing in commercial real estate with CrowdStreet. They have many projects across the USA so check them out!

Joe also highly recommends Personal Capital for DIY investors. They have many useful tools that will help you reach financial independence.

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Don't Neglect Inflation in Your Retirement Planning - Retire by 40 (2024)


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Failing to Plan

The biggest single error mistake may be pretending retirement won't ever arrive when, for a large majority of people, it does. About 67.8% of men born in 1980 will live to age 65, according to the Social Security Administration. For women, the figure is 80.9%.

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This simulation found that in 75% of cases, a withdrawal rate of 4.07% would allow a 40-year-old retiree to still have a positive account balance of approximately $4.7 million, unadjusted for inflation, even after 60 years of withdrawals.

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Most Common Retirement Mistakes
RankMost Common MistakesShare
1Underestimating the impact of inflation49%
2Underestimating how long you will live46%
3Overestimating investment income42%
4Investing too conservatively41%
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One example is the $1,000/month rule. Created by Wes Moss, a Certified Financial Planner, this strategy helps individuals visualize how much savings they should have in retirement. According to Moss, you should plan to have $240,000 saved for every $1,000 of disposable income in retirement.

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Some of the biggest retirement regrets include: A vague financial plan. No retirement goals. Counting on long-term employment.

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According to U.S. Census Bureau Data, the average retirement age for women in 2016 was 63, compared to 65 for men. Other sources, like Forbes, quote the average retirement age at 65 for men and 62 for women as of 2021, which means women are retiring even earlier than men as time goes on.

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The above chart shows that U.S. residents 35 and under have an average of $30,170 in retirement savings; those 35 to 44 have an average $131,950; those 45 to 54 have an average $254,720; those 55 to 64 have an average $408,420; those 65 to 74 have an average $426,070; and those over 70 have an average $357,920.

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The 4% rule limits annual withdrawals from your retirement accounts to 4% of the total balance in your first year of retirement. That means if you retire with $1 million saved, you'd take out $40,000. According to the rule, this amount is safe enough that you won't risk running out of money during a 30-year retirement.

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The 4% rule is a popular retirement withdrawal strategy that suggests retirees can safely withdraw the amount equal to 4% of their savings during the year they retire and then adjust for inflation each subsequent year for 30 years.

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Retirees who were less confident about their financial situations say not saving was a major regret. Other savings regrets included not making the most of their 401(k) plan, not enrolling in the plan early enough, and not saving the maximum amount allowed by their plan.

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You may worry about managing financially on a fixed income, coping with declining health, or adapting to a different relationship with your spouse now that you're at home all day. The loss of identity, routine, and goals can impact your sense of self-worth, leave you feeling rudderless, or even lead to depression.

What happens to people who don't plan for retirement? ›

Individuals who have not saved for retirement and who still own homes can turn to their homes as a source of income. For some, this could mean renting a portion of their space as a separate apartment. Another option is to take a reverse mortgage on a home, although doing so can be costly and complicated.

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Retiring on a fixed income can seem daunting, but with some planning and commitment to a frugal lifestyle, it's possible to retire comfortably on $2,000 a month.

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That means that even if you're not one of those lucky few who have $1 million or more socked away, you can still retire well, so long as you keep your monthly budget under $3,000 a month.

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Yes, it is possible to retire comfortably on $500k. This amount allows for an annual withdrawal of $20,000 from the age of 60 to 85, covering 25 years. If $20,000 a year, or $1,667 a month, meets your lifestyle needs, then $500k is enough for your retirement.

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“The main problem people face upon retirement is organizing their financial lives and finding new purpose,” says Robert Reilly, a member of the finance faculty at the Providence College School of Business and a financial advisor at PRW Wealth Management in Boston.

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Claiming too early

This may be the single biggest issue impacting Americans because Social Security allows people to begin collecting their benefits when they turn 62, or about five years before the full retirement age for most people.

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Longevity risk

The Society of Actuaries estimates that a couple both reaching age 65 have a 50% chance that one surviving spouse will live until age 93 (25% chance of one surviving spouse living until age 98). The biggest threat retirees face is outliving their savings.

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Reorientation: Often considered the hardest stage, this is when you're most likely to start re-evaluating your retirement lifestyle. It involves asking the hard questions, relearning what does and doesn't work for you, so you can get the most out of your retirement.

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.