Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (2024)


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259,673,300,000 MXN



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Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (19)


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Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (20) Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (21)

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Why Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (22)

Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (23)

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Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (24)

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Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (25)

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Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (26)

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Mexico is a country in North America. Area - 1 972 550 (14th).Population - 128,6 mln (10th). Capital - Mexico City. Official language - Spanish. Local currency - Mexican Peso (MXN). Government - Presidential republic. ...

Mexico is a country in North America.
Area - 1 972 550 (14th).
Population - 128,6 mln (10th).
Capital - Mexico City.
Official language - Spanish.
Local currency - Mexican Peso (MXN).
Government - Presidential republic.

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  • Placement amount

    259,673,300,000 MXN

  • Outstanding amount

    259,673,300,000 MXN

  • Outstanding face value amount

    259,673,300,000 MXN

  • USD equivalent

    15,380,892,444 USD

Face value

  • Face value

    100 MXN

  • Outstanding face value

    *** MXN

  • Increment

    *** MXN


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Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (27)


— Are you looking for the complete & verified bond data?

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Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (28) Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (29)

full data on over 700 000 bonds, stocks & ETFs;powerful bond screener;over 350 pricing sources among stock exchanges & OTC market;ratings & financial reports;user-friendly interface; available anywhere via Website, Excel Add-in and Mobile app.



Why Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (30)

Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (31)

You will have detailed descriptive & pricing data for 650K bonds, 76K stocks, 8K ETFs

Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (32)

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Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (33)

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Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (34)

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    Open subscription

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    *** - ***

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    *** MXN

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06/03/2024 New issues: Mexico released bonds (BI240606, BI240905, BI250306) in the amount of MXN 10000, MXN 11100, MXN 18500 mln maturing in 2024, 2024, 2025 respectively.
28/02/2024 New issue: Mexico issued bonds (BI260219) in the amount of MXN 18200 mln maturing in 2026
20/02/2024 New issue: Mexico issued bonds (BI240523) in the amount of MXN 15000 mln maturing in 2024
07/02/2024 New issues: Mexico released bonds (BI240509, BI240808) in the amount of MXN 10000, MXN 11100 mln maturing in 2024, 2024 respectively.
05/02/2024 S&P Global Ratings affirms Mexico at "BBB" (Foreign Currency LT credit rating); outlook stable

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    MBONO 10 12/05/24 M

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Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (35) Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (36) Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (37)

Global Bond Data FZE
TAX Registration Number 100451155400003

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Domestic bonds: Mexico, Bonos 10% 5dec2024, MXN (M20) (MX0MGO000078) (2024)


What is the interest rate on Mexican bonds? ›

The Mexico 10Y Government Bond has a 10.179% yield. Central Bank Rate is 11.00% (last modification in March 2024). The Mexico credit rating is BBB, according to Standard & Poor's agency. Current 5-Years Credit Default Swap quotation is 99.00 and implied probability of default is 1.65%.

What is the yield of the Mexico 10 year Treasury bond? ›

10-Year Government Bond Yields
CountryYield1 Day
United States »4.51%+0

What are Mexican government bonds called? ›

The government securities offered by cetesdirecto are those available weekly on the auctions made by the Federal Government through the Mexican Central Bank, such as Mexican Federal Treasury Certificates (Cetes), Development Bonds denominated in investment units (Udibonos), Development Bonds with a Fixed Interest Rate ...

Are Mexican bonds safe? ›

For those in this camp (and risk-averse investors in general), government bonds are an excellent option. CETES, or Certificados de la Tesorería de la Federación in Spanish, are Mexican federal treasury certificates, and the equivalent of U.S. Treasury securities.

What is the current interest rate in Mexico? ›

Mexico's central bank cut interest rates for the first time since 2021 in a split decision, finally joining a regional trend for monetary easing as inflation slows. The bank cut its key rate a quarter point to 11% on Thursday, as forecast by 26 of 29 economists surveyed by Bloomberg.

What interest rate are bonds paying now? ›

The current composite I bond rate is 4.28%. This includes a 1.30% fixed rate and a 1.48% inflation rate. The current rate applies for six months to bonds purchased between May 1, 2024, and Oct. 31, 2024. After that, the interest rate may be adjusted.

What is the yield on the Mexico 1 month bond? ›

The Mexico 1 Month Government Bond has a 11.596% yield (last update 3 May 2024 23:15 GMT+0).

What is the rating of Mexico 10 year bond? ›

The Mexico 10 Years Government Bond has a 9.923% yield (last update 6 May 2024 2:15 GMT+0).

How much does a 10 year Treasury bond yield? ›

Basic Info

10 Year Treasury Rate is at 4.67%, compared to 4.70% the previous market day and 3.53% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 4.25%. The 10 Year Treasury Rate is the yield received for investing in a US government issued treasury security that has a maturity of 10 year.

Can U.S. citizens buy Mexican government bonds? ›

Starting Feb. 13, investors in the U.S. will be able to purchase the Mexican bonds in denominations of $1,000 from a network of brokerage firms including Charles Schwab, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley. The bonds will be available in various maturities, ranging from about three years to 10 years.

What is the yield of the Mexico 5 year government bond? ›

Mexico Government Bonds
Residual MaturityYield
5 years10.047%
7 years9.979%
10 years9.923%
15 years9.979%
8 more rows

Does Mexico have treasury bills? ›

Yes, but you might consider going long peso futures, essentially the same transaction, or buying Argentine T-bills instead. Phil, It would appear that individuals can do whatever they set their mind to, however ill-advised.

What is the most trustworthy bank in Mexico? ›

Top Banks in Mexico
  • BBVA Bancomer is the largest Bank in Mexico. ...
  • Banorte is the second largest bank in Mexico as well as being the largest Mexican owned bank. ...
  • Citibanamex is the third largest bank in Mexico, operated as part of the US-based Citigroup. ...
  • Banco Santander is Mexico's fourth largest bank.

How much cash can you deposit in a Mexican bank? ›

According to the regulation, banks must observe the following limits: Individuals that are account holders of the bank can deposit no more than USD 4,000 per month in all banking branches. National citizens that are non-account holders of the bank can deposit USD 300 daily, but no more than USD 1,500 monthly.

Is it safe to put money in a Mexican bank? ›

Mexico's bank transfer system includes security measures to protect both the sender and recipient of funds. These safeguards minimize the risk of fraud and enable secure, reliable, and transparent transfers.

What is the yield of the Mexico 1 year government bond? ›

The Mexico 1 Year Government Bond has a 11.303% yield. Click on Spread value for the historical serie.

Which country has the highest interest rate for bonds? ›

Government Bonds With High Interest Rates
  • Argentina. Government Bond Interest Rate: 40.45%(One year) ...
  • Egypt. Government Bond Interest Rate: 26.8% (Six months) ...
  • Turkey. Government Bond Interest Rate: 21.7% (Two year) ...
  • Kenya. Government Bond Interest Rate: 14.9% (One year) ...
  • Brazil. ...
  • Namibia. ...
  • India. ...
  • Bahrain.

What is the yield of the Mexico 30 year bond? ›

The Mexico 30 Years Government Bond has a 10.014% yield (last update 4 May 2024 2:15 GMT+0).

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.