Do you water orchids from the top or bottom? - Plant Hardware (2024)

Watering orchids is easier than you think. This first bolded paragraph will give you the summary for the most common orchids (phalaenopsis) that you’ll encounter in nurseries and grocery stores. The rest of the article will get into general principles.

To water orchids, consider their species/cultivar, and their natural environment. Most phalaenopsis orchids are epiphytes (live in trees) where their roots have good ventilation and drainage. Soak orchid roots completely for 15 minutes (simulate rain), and rinse water through the growing medium to prevent mineral and fertilizer buildup. Use lukewarm water, avoid ice cubes. Fertilize weakly (1/4 strength) every watering. Wait until roots are grey/silver and shrivelledbefore watering again. Don’t water if roots are green and firm.

Contents hide

1 Should orchids be watered from the top or bottom?

2 How to water an indoor orchid in moss?

3 Can you use ice cubes to water orchids?

4 How much water do you give an orchid plant?

6 Avoid cross-contamination

7 How to water warm growing Phalaenopsis

8 Fertilizing orchids

9 How do you fix an overwatered orchid?

Should orchids be watered from the top or bottom?

Do you water orchids from the top or bottom? - Plant Hardware (1)There’s a lot of material out there that tells you not to water orchids from above, and that water trapped in the leaves and crown can cause rot. If you ask me, this doesn’t make any sense, at least not in most cases.

Watering from above is fine!

Let water get between the leaves!

Trapped water in the crown: probably also fine!

– Me!

The thought process (that I disagree with, especially in low humidity environments), is that trapped water will cause leaves and the crown to rot. I think this advice must have come from large commercial greenhouses, or somewhere other than home growers. I’ve had good success completely drenching orchids.

If you’re flushing orchids with lots of water, there won’t be any bacteria, fertilizer, or fungus building up on the vegetative parts, so you shouldn’t have to worry. And think about what happens in nature, in dense humid forests where a lot of indoor potted orchids originate: there’s rain! There’s tons of rain!

Orchids come from all over, but a lot of them evolved in environments where they’re constantly being blasted from above with water. So, to think this is going to cause them problems if you get a bit of water between leaves, doesn’t make sense to me. I’d be curious to hear your experience on this. Also, I’m in a very dry climate, so there may be less micro-organisms, and orchids might dry out quicker here than where you are.

How to water an indoor orchid in moss?

To water orchids growing in moss it’s extra imperative to ensure the orchid isn’t being over-watered, as moss holds more moisture than bark.

Moss will hold a lot more water that other orchid mediums. If your orchid is potted in peat moss it could be a good idea to report and mix the moss with bark, or use bark exclusively. Peat moss holds a lot of moisture, breaks down quickly, and doesn’t allow good drainage and aeration for orchid roots. I would avoid peat moss if possible.

Can you use ice cubes to water orchids?

You can, and some commercial orchid growers recommend it, here’s an example from the grocery store.

Do you water orchids from the top or bottom? - Plant Hardware (2)

I think the main benefit of using ice cubes is that it prevents over watering. Over-watering Is one of the main ways houseplants, and orchids in particular, die. But it’s usually from watering too often, and not from too much water.

But there are some big problems with using ice cubes. Most orchids, especially warm growing orchids, are used to room temperature or warmer rain. They’re not used to ice water. Cold water can damage orchid tissue and slow growth.

Another problem is if you have hard tap water like I do. If you only put a few ice cubes on top of the bark every so often, the minerals in the water (the hardness) will precipitate, and build up over time in the bark or growing medium. Without enough water to flush out the minerals, the orchid will absorb all the water, and you’ll get a calcium and other mineral crust that builds up. The high mineral content can damage roots and slow growth as well.

So, my advice is to avoid ice cubes. There is a lesson in ice cubes: don’t over-water. But do this by increasing the amount of water, and decreasing the frequency. I completely drench my orchids, give the roots plenty of drainage and holes in the pot for airflow, and then watch for shrivelled silver roots. Then water again.

How much water do you give an orchid plant?

Give orchids tons of water. They like to be soaked. Be careful about how often to water. Look at the roots, if they’re silvery or grey, you’re safe to water. If you’re not sure if you need to water, wait a few more days. Water with lukewarm water. Avoid ice cubes, avoid warm or cold water.

Water hardness is often cautioned against, but I’ve had great success watering with my local water which is really hard. Another prolific local grower (here but not) also uses exclusively hard tap water with great results. The real problem with watering with hard water, is when you don’t add enough water to flush out the pot.

Water so much that the rooting medium is rinsed out, this will prevent buildup of the minerals in hard water. Some people advise a flush with pure water (distilled, reverse osmosis, or rain water). I’ve found it unnecessary, tap water works fine and I have really hard water.

How long can orchids go without water?

Most orchids can go for up to 3 weeks without water. There are a few factors that can extend the time that orchids can go without watering:

  • Growing mediums that hold more water, like moss (peat moss not recommended)
  • Less porous pots, unperforated plastic or glazed ceramic (not recommended)
  • Genetics: some orchids are more adapted to dryer climates
  • Giving the orchids a good soak, then draining well. If they had a deep soak and the velamen of the roots is well-hydrated, they’ll be able to go longer.

Avoid cross-contamination

Do you water orchids from the top or bottom? - Plant Hardware (3)Don’t let water move from one plant on to another. And definitely don’t use runoff from one pot to water another. If you water your orchids from the top, and let a healthy amount of water run through the soil and drain, make sure there aren’t any orchids underneath for the best prevention of disease spread.

Don’t repot plants from one pot to another without cleaning and sterilizing the pots. If the soil had high populations of micro-organisms or insect hitchhikers, they’ll be spread to the new plant.

Re-using growing medium can cause problems as well. It’s best to avoid re-using growing medium between orchids if you have disease or insect problems. If you find the right source, growing medium should be fairly cheap. Landscape supply shops often can supply bark chips in large quantities. You can bake growing mediums in the oven to kill pests.

Touching leaves allow pests to spread, mealybugs are an insect that will crawl all over the place. If leaves from two plants are touching, insects from one plant have a good route to spread.

How to water warm growing Phalaenopsis

Phalaenopsis orchids are a popular and diverse group of orchids. Many are warm-growing, meaning they come from warmer climates, generally at lower elevations. These climates typically have fairly stable temperatures, so this is what these orchids expect. In nature they’re accustomed to consistent temperatures, and even light, and many bloom year-round when they’re in the right conditions. The blooms often have great fragrance, which can vary a lot between species and cultivars. The blooms can also have almost any color under the sun, except blue as far as I know.

Phalaenopsis orchids are epiphytic and typically grow attached to tree trunks. They need well-draining environments for their roots, bark chips are perfect for this. Some mixed will contain other ingredients, some common ones are sphagnum moss, charcoal, coconut husk. Avoid peat moss, peat moss is great at holding moisture, but doesn’t drain well.

Clear plastic pots are great because they can help you figure out how roots are doing, and can be a good signal for when to water. The roots can photosynthesize in a clear pot. You want your clear pot to have holes or slits in the side to help air movement and prevent anaerobic conditions in the bark and roots.

Many warm-growing phalaenopsis do well in temperatures over 25C (77 F). Growth can slow down and blooming can halt if temperatures are below 25C (77F) for some warm-growing species. Your grocery store orchids probably won’t have this problem. Here are a few key points:

  • Keep roots evenly moist
  • If roots are mostly silvery or grey, and getting a papery look, water!
  • For most varieties (including grocery store orchids) don’t be afraid to let the roots and growing medium dry out quite well. If leaves start to become droopy or rippled in texture, they need water. They should be firm, green, and smooth when fully hydrated.

In low humidity (24-45%) houses, it can be a good idea to add sphagnum moss (around 25%) in the mix, this will increase water retention. Low humidity air causes water to evaporate quicker. Another option is to add sphagnum as a cover or top dressing to keep roots moist. But keep in mind, many new orchid growers water too much, not too little, look to the roots for grey/silvery coloring.

If you need to, consider tailoring your growing medium to your watering frequency. If you’re watering once a week. Get a medium that will dry out quickly. If you travel more

Seasonally cool phals need to dry out because where they naturally grow the air is dryer during the winter. Dryness and cool air signals that spring is coming, so they start growing spikes so they’re ready in the summer. This preference for cool dry air is often due to the higher altitudes in their natural environments.

Set in stone recommendations don’t work: you need to consider your home’s lighting, latitude, watering frequency (how often you can physically do it).

If you really want to extend watering, you can use 10-50% sphagnum moss to hold moisture for up to a week, especially in northern and dryer climates. This can also help keep moisture levels more consistent over the week. But for me, if the orchid is healthy, I just use bark chips.

Fertilizing orchids

I use ¼ strength 20-8-8 or 30-10-10 during vegetative growth (usually in the spring or summer), and then switch to 20-20-20 when the plant starts sending out a spike (often in the fall or winter, but could be any time of the year for some orchids).

Use specialized orchid fertilizers. In spring use a high nitrogen fertilizer to promote leaves. In autumn or winter, or when blooming, use a higher phosphorus (middle number at least equal to Nitrogen and Potassium). In general phalaenopsis are heavy feeders, they can consume a lot of fertilizer compared to other orchids. But orchids still do well with dilute fertilizers overall, remember the epiphytic (tree dwelling) nature, they’re used to rain water which is relatively low in minerals and nutrients).

If you fertilize, make sure you flush out any water containing fertilizer from leaves and crown. Buildup of fertilizer residues can damage the plant cuticle (the protective film on leaves). Crystals can form when the water evaporates. If you spill fertilizer-containing water on the leaves, give the area a little splash of water to displace the fertilizer.

How do you fix an overwatered orchid?

  1. Do you water orchids from the top or bottom? - Plant Hardware (4)Make sure it’s actually overwatered
    1. Waterlogged orchids will often have dead roots. Look for squishy, brown or grey roots. If the roots are green, or silvery don’t cut them. Even if a root is shriveled and grey, it might still be alive and swell up to a plump green when you water it.
  2. Remove any dead or decaying roots. Cut into the root where there is living tissue. This will remove all the decaying part, and with it most of the pathogens that are causing the decay.
  3. Let the root heal over for at least a day to create a barrier or crust to slow pathogens. This way when you put the root in water microorganisms will have a harder time getting a foot hold.
  4. Hydrate the orchid, and repot in well rinsed, new growing medium, avoid re-using growing medium.
  5. If the many (or all) of the orchids roots have died and been removed you’ll need to be extra careful to keep the orchid hydrated while it grows new ones. Using moss to keep any root buds moist can be a good trick. Keep a close eye on orchids with damaged root systems.

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Do you water orchids from the top or bottom? - Plant Hardware (8)

I’m Alex Lafreniere. I learned a lot about plants when I built and operated a landscaping company. But, there’s always more to learn. Ever since travelling across the world, I’ve wanted to find ways to bring more tropical and exotic plants into my life. This is the site where I share everything I’ve learned with you.

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Do you water orchids from the top or bottom? - Plant Hardware (2024)


Is it better to water an orchid from the top or bottom? ›

To master watering orchids, it is essential to water from above with fresh, pure water. For orchids with water storage, pseudobulbs, water when the potting mix is approaching dry.

What is the proper way to water orchids? ›

The best place to water your plant is in the kitchen sink. Use lukewarm water (do not use salt softened or distilled water) and water your plant for about 15 seconds and be sure to thoroughly wet the media. Then allow the plant to drain for about 15 minutes. It may appear dry but it has had enough water.

How do you water an orchid in a vase? ›

Orchids roots are very susceptible to root rot, so it's important that they're never sitting in water. Water orchids by dunking the whole container in water, then draining, or from above and again allow to drain. Tepid water is ideal, tepid rainwater even better.

Do I put orchid stems in water? ›

Slant cut the stems under water at least ½ inch from the bottom, using a sharp knife. Flower stems naturally begin to seal their ends, so cutting them helps the flower to take in fresh clean water and extends their vase life. The shorter the stem the more water will feed the bloom.

How many times do you water an orchid? ›

While each growing environment is unique, and watering habits vary from person to person, it is generally a good idea to water about once per 7-10 days, when the mix gets dry. Too much watering leads to root rot, crown rot and other over watering problems like fungus gnat infestations.

How many times a day should you water an orchid? ›

How often you water an orchid depends on the species and the environment they're kept in, but, on average, most orchids can be watered once a week to every 10 days. Just be careful not to oversaturate them. “In general, orchid plants need much less water than the average consumer would think.

Can I spray water to orchid? ›

You may also want to mist the orchid with a spray bottle daily. Misting gives the orchid more humidity but does not create a soggy root environment. It is best to put your orchid where it will receive medium indirect sunlight.

When should you not water orchids? ›

Watering too often: Orchid plants should never be allowed to sit in still water. In many cases, the plant should completely dry between waterings. Watering at night: No matter what kind of orchid you grow, always water in the morning.

How long can orchids go without water? ›

Most orchids will survive for two to three weeks (a typical vacation period) without watering, occasionally up to one month. Cattleyas, Dendrobiums, and Phalaenopsis all will survive with up to three weeks of not watering as long as their medium is maintained moist.

Do orchids like tap water? ›

When watering an orchid plant, softened water should not be used. Softened water contains salts that may damage the plant. Most chlorinated tap water can be used as long as the chlorine isn't excessive; however, watering orchids with collected rain or distilled water from the store is best.

Should orchid roots be exposed? ›

(Some orchid pros think that a perlite/peat mix is less likely to produce aerial roots than bark.) Either way, don't cover the roots because they may rot.

How much water does a potted orchid need? ›

In general, water once a week during the winter and twice a week when the weather turns warm and dry. The size of your orchid container also helps determine how often you need to water, regardless of climate conditions. Typically, a 6-inch pot needs water every 7 days and a 4-inch pot needs water every 5 to 6 days.

How many ice cubes do you water orchids? ›

The recommendation from the university studies is to start with three ice cubes a week and keep an eye on your plant to see if this seems like enough water. Taking a peek at the roots is an easy way to tell. "Roots that are silvery need moisture, whereas roots that are vibrant green are fully hydrated," says Boonekamp.

Do orchids need direct sunlight? ›

These plants thrive in strong light, but direct sunlight can burn orchids. Bright, indirect light from an eastern or southern window is ideal. Leaf color is a good indicator of the amount of light an orchid is getting: Bright green leaves indicate a happy, healthy plant.

Should you remove yellow leaves from orchids? ›

Should I remove yellow leaves from the orchid? There's no harm in leaving yellowing leaves on your orchid. Eventually, the leaf will simply shrivel up and drop from the plant. Often, a new leaf will take its place.

How do I get my orchid to bloom again? ›

How To Get Your Orchid To Bloom Again
  1. Give Your Orchid The Right Amount Of Sunlight.
  2. Water Correctly.
  3. Maintain High Humidity.
  4. Keep Temperatures High.
  5. Ensure The Roots Have Enough Oxygen.
  6. Fertilize Regularly.
  7. Repot At The Right Time.
  8. Perform Post-Flowering Maintenance.
Feb 21, 2022

Do you water an orchid after the flowers fall off? ›

Water Weekly

Just because your orchid no longer has its blooms doesn't mean you should stop watering it. Continue to water your orchid with three ice cubes (one ice cube for orchid minis) on the usual day each week.

How do you take care of an orchid for beginners? ›

Here are the main requirements for proper orchid care
  1. Most orchids require water once a week. ...
  2. Position your orchid in a bright windowsill facing east or west.
  3. Weekly feeding with a fertilizer designed for orchids.
  4. Repotting in fresh orchid mix when your orchid stops blooming.

Where is the best place to put an indoor orchid? ›

The ideal spot for growing orchids is either south or east-facing windows. Usually west windows are too hot while northern windows are too dark. Placing orchids under artificial lights is the last resort if you can't find a good location to grow your orchids.

What does an underwatered orchid look like? ›

An under-watered orchid will be stunted, limp, and scrawny looking and will lack the robust green leaves of a healthy plant.

Do orchids like coffee grounds? ›

Coffee grounds are an excellent fertilizer, especially for orchids and African violets.

Should you mist orchids? ›

Orchids are adapted to rapidly absorb water via their roots when it is available. There is simply no need to mist orchids, as watering normally will result in the plant getting plenty of water.

How long can an orchid go without blooming? ›

When an orchid does flower it usually remains in bloom for six to ten weeks. Orchids resent re-potting, and usually will not flower for at least a year after they have been disturbed.

When should I repot my orchid? ›

Orchids bloom once per year—by repotting in spring, when new growth is just beginning, you give the plant the best possible circ*mstances in which to flower.

Does coffee water help orchids? ›

Coffee grounds are a rich source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, all favorites of orchids, and most other plants, really. They also contain a number of other nutrients which can be beneficial to plants.

Is soapy water good for orchids? ›

A mild dishwashing detergent can serve as an effective treatment for aphids and other pests. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent with a half gallon of water. Pour into a clean spray bottle.

What to do when all the flowers fall off my orchid? ›

After the flowers drop from the orchid you have three choices: leave the flower spike (or stem) intact, cut it back to a node, or remove it entirely. Remove the flower spike entirely by clipping it off at the base of the plant. This is definitely the route to take if the existing stem starts to turn brown or yellow.

Why is my orchid growing so many air roots? ›

If the number of air roots increases, it may be a sign that your orchid needs to be repotted. If the roots that are in the growing medium are having a hard time absorbing nutrients, then the plant may send out more aerial roots. Check the roots in the pot before deciding to repot.

Do orchid roots like to be crowded? ›

Orchids like to be snug in their pot and the ratio of roots to potting mix should be about equal. If an orchid is put into a pot that is too big for it, then there are not enough roots to take up the moisture that is being held by the potting mix and the mix stays wet too long.

Can you under water an orchid? ›

Both overwatering and under-watering will cause damage to the root system of your orchid and eventually lead to dehydration. You will know your orchid is dehydrated when you see that its bottom leaves are yellow and wilted, and its buds are falling off instead of opening (bud blast).

Do orchids like to be crowded in their pots? ›

Like Goldilocks, orchids like things “just right.” While orchids love being a little crowded in their pots, every year or two it's time to re-pot. Just as an orchid won't perform at its best if its pot is overcrowded, a too-large pot will also inhibit flowering.

Why is my orchid growing new leaves but not flowers? ›

Like all plants, orchids require sufficient light in order to produce flowers. Insufficient light is the most common cause of failure to re-bloom your orchid. Leaf color indicates if the amount of light is adequate.

How do you know if an orchid is underwatered? ›

If the roots are dry and shriveled, not stiff and plump, and have no or few growing root tips, the orchid probably hasn't had enough water. The potting material may be too coarse, making poor contact with the roots; otherwise, you simply haven't watered the orchid frequently enough.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.