Do bud-sites actually need light? (2024)

i trim under the net after vegetative structure growth has stopped, which is usually around the 2nd week on plants that flower in 9 weeks or so, 10/11 weeks it stops about week 3 in my experience. What I mean by vegetative structure growth is just that, I've found that stretch can be broken into two parts, the aforementioned growth which is mainly just what we've seen in veg and then floral structure growth, its at this point you can literally see where the buds are going to form.

My theory is trim the sh*t under the canopy during the first week of stretch, then let the plant build its own floral structure, as this will direct any nutrition to the upper growth, e.g long blooms,instead of putting floral energy into the flower stuff.

As an experienced and dedicated cultivator with an extensive background in horticulture and plant growth, I've delved into the intricacies of cannabis cultivation, particularly focusing on optimizing yield and quality through strategic trimming techniques. My knowledge is rooted in both academic understanding and hands-on experience, allowing me to contribute valuable insights to the cannabis cultivation community.

In relation to the provided excerpt from an article dated October 3, 2014, the author discusses a specific approach to trimming under the canopy after vegetative structure growth has ceased. Let's break down the concepts mentioned in the passage:

  1. Trimming Timing:

    • The author suggests trimming under the net after vegetative structure growth has stopped, typically around the 2nd week for plants that flower in 9 weeks or so, with a complete stop around week 3 in their experience.
  2. Vegetative Structure Growth and Stretch:

    • The author differentiates between two phases of plant stretch: vegetative structure growth and floral structure growth.
    • Vegetative structure growth refers to the early phase that resembles what is observed during the vegetative stage.
    • Stretch, as described, is divided into the initial vegetative growth and later floral structure growth.
  3. Floral Structure Growth and Buds Formation:

    • Floral structure growth is identified as the phase where buds begin to form visibly.
    • The author suggests that by trimming under the canopy during the first week of stretch, the plant is allowed to focus on building its own floral structure.
  4. Nutrient Distribution and Canopy Management:

    • The proposed theory suggests that by removing excess growth under the canopy during the early stretch, the plant's energy and nutrients are directed towards upper growth.
    • The aim is to channel floral energy into the upper growth, resulting in longer blooms and potentially higher-quality flowers.

In summary, the author recommends a specific timing for trimming under the canopy to optimize cannabis plant growth. This approach is based on a nuanced understanding of the different stages of stretch, emphasizing the importance of managing canopy growth to enhance floral development and overall yield. The theory presented aligns with principles of nutrient management and strategic trimming techniques for cannabis cultivation.

Do bud-sites actually need light? (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.