Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation (2024)

Category : Insects

Aphids (Peach aphid, Potato aphid) Myzus persicae
Macrosiphon euphorbiae

Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation (1)

Green peach aphid nymph

Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation (2)

Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae)


Small soft bodied insects on underside of leaves and/or stems of plant; usually green or yellow in color, but may be pink, brown, red or black depending on species and host plant; if aphid infestation is heavy it may cause leaves to yellow and/or be distorted, necrotic spots on leaves and/or stunted shoots; aphids secrete a sticky, sugary substance called honeydew which encourages the growth of sooty mold on the plants.




Distinguishing features of aphids include the presence of cornicles (tubular structures) which project backwards from the insect's body; aphids will generally not move very quickly when disturbed; aphids may also transmit plant viruses to the plant when they feed.


If aphid population is limited to just a few leaves or shoots then the infestation can be pruned out to provide control; check transplants for aphids before planting; use tolerant varieties if available; reflective mulches such as silver colored plastic can deter aphids from feeding on plants; sturdy plants can be sprayed with a strong jet of water to knock aphids from leaves; insecticides are generally only required to treat aphids if the infestation is very high - plants generally tolerate low and medium level infestation; insecticidal soaps or oils such as neem or canola oil are usually the best method of control; always check the labels of the products for specific usage guidelines prior to use.

Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata

Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation (4)

Colorado potato beetle nymphs feeding on eggplant leaf

Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation (5)

Colorado potato beetle on eggplant leaf


Feeding damage to foliage; if infestation is severe or if left untreated plants can be completely defoliated; adult insect is a black and yellow striped beetle; larvae are bright red with black heads when they first hatch and change color to pink; larvae have two rows of black spots.




Adult beetles emerge in spring; female beetles lay eggs in batches of up to two dozen; eggs are orange-yellow and are laid on undersides of leaves; a female can lay 500 or more eggs over a four to five week period.


Control of Colorado potato beetle can be challenging as they have developed high levels of insecticide resistance; in the home garden planting early maturing varieties of potato allows the plants to escape from most damage; adults and larvae should be hand picked from plants and destroyed in soapy water; applications of Bacillus thuringiensis can be effective at controlling larvae but should be applied frequently; some insecticides, including spinosad, are still effective against adult beetles.

Cutworms Various species including:
Agrotis spp.
Peridroma saucia
Nephelodes minians


Stems of young transplants or seedlings may be severed at soil line; if infection occurs later, irregular holes are eaten into the surface of fruits; larvae causing the damage are usually active at night and hide during the day in the soil at the base of the plants or in plant debris of toppled plant; larvae are 2.5–5.0 cm (1–2 in) in length; larvae may exhibit a variety of patterns and coloration but are usually dirty gray or brown to black with dark spots or lines and will curl up into a characteristic C-shape when disturbed




Cutworms have a wide host range and attack vegetables including asparagus, bean, cabbage and other crucifers, carrot, celery, corn, lettuce, pea, pepper, potato and tomato


Remove all plant residue from soil after harvest or at least two weeks before planting, this is especially important if the previous crop was another host such as alfalfa, beans or a leguminous cover crop; plastic or foil collars fitted around plant stems to cover the bottom 3 inches above the soil line and extending a couple of inches into the soil can prevent larvae severing plants; hand-pick larvae after dark; spread diatomaceous earth around the base of the plants (this creates a sharp barrier that will cut the insects if they try and crawl over it); apply appropriate insecticides to infested areas of garden or field if not growing organically

Flea beetles Epitrix fuscula
Epitrix hirtipennis

Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation (6)

Flea beetle damage to eggplant foliage

Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation (7)

Flea beetle damage to eggplant foliage


Small holes or pits in leaves that give the foliage a characteristic “shothole” appearance; young plants and seedlings are particularly susceptible; plant growth may be reduced; if damage is severe the plant may be killed; feeding damage may also occur on the fruit; the pest responsible for the damage is a small (1.5–3.0 mm) dark colored beetle which jumps when disturbed; the beetles are often shiny in appearance




Flea beetles may overwinter on nearby weed species, in plant debris or in the soil; insects may go through a second or third generation in one year


In areas where flea beetles are a problem, floating row covers may have to be used prior to the emergence of the beetles to provide a physical barrier to protect young plants; plant seeds early to allow establishment before the beetles become a problem - mature plants are less susceptible to damage; trap crops may provide a measure of control - cruciferous plants are best; application of a thick layer of mulch may help prevent beetles reaching surface; application on diamotecoeus earth or oils such as neem oil are effective control methods for organic growers; application of insecticides containing carbaryl, spinosad, bifenthrin and permethrin can provide adequate control of beetles for up to a week but will need reapplied

Hornworms (Tomato hornworm, Tobacco hornworm) Manduca quinquemaculata
Manduca sexta

Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation (8)

Tomato hornworm and damage on eggplant


Feeding damage to leaves or leaves stripped from plant; heavy infestation may result in damage to fruit appearing as large open scars; large green caterpillars may be spotted on plant; caterpillars may reach in excess of 7.5 cm (3 in) in length and possess a spike at the end of their body; most common species have 7 diagonal stripes on sides or 8 v-shaped markings on each side; single eggs may be present on leaves and measure approx 1.3 mm in diameter; eggs are in initially light green in color and turn white prior to hatching




Insect overwinters as pupa in soil; typically undergoes 2 generations per year; heavy infestations are more common in warm areas


Hand pick larvae from plants leaving any parasitized larvae behind to promote populations of natural enemies (these larvae can be distinguished by the presence of white, oblong-shaped cocoons on their backs); sprays of Bacillus thuringiensis are organically acceptable and highly effective

Stinkbugs (Various) Various


Dark colored pinpricks on fruit surrounded by a lighter area that turns yellow or remains light green; stink bugs often carry pathogens in their mouthparts which can cause secondary infections and decay of fruit; adult insect is shield-shaped and brown or green in color; may have pink, red or yellow markings; eggs are drum shaped and laid in clusters on the leaves; larvae resemble the adults but are smaller




Several types of stink bug can cause damage to tomatoes; adult insects overwinter under leaves, on legumes, blackberries or on certain weeds such as mustard or Russian thistle


Remove weeds around crop which may act as overwintering sites for stink bugs and practice good weed management throughout the year; organically accepted control methods include the use of insecticidal soaps, kaolin clay and preservation of natural enemies; chemical treatments are not recommended for tomatoes that are to be processed for paste or canning unless secondary infections with other pathogens are a concern

Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation (2024)


What is pest and disease? ›

A pest is any organism that spreads disease, causes destruction or is otherwise a nuisance. Some examples of pests are mosquitoes, rodents, and weeds. Not all insects are pests. Many different kinds of insects eat other insects and are beneficial species.

What pests are known for diseases? ›

The most common insects that pass on disease are mosquitoes, sand flies, ticks, and fleas. For example, mosquitoes are known for spreading the Zika virus, Yellow Fever, and Malaria. Ticks are known to spread Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

What is disease and disorder in plant? ›

Growth disorders occur when plants are grown with incorrect amounts of water, nutrients, or light. Temperature extremes can also cause growth disorders. Plant diseases caused by pathogens are called infectious diseases. These diseases can be hard to diagnose and treat.

How are crops used to identify disease? ›

Common methods for the diagnosis and detection of plant diseases include visual plant disease estimation by human raters, microscopic evaluation of morphology features to identify pathogens, as well as molecular, serological, and microbiological diagnostic techniques (Bock et al.

What causes pests and diseases? ›

Temperature and rainfall are the big drivers of shifts in how and where pests and diseases spread, according to experts.

What is the importance of pest and disease control? ›

Pest control plays a vital role in protecting our nation's public health and food supply. Pests can spread diseases such as West Nile virus, Lyme disease, salmonellosis, hantavirus and encephalitis.

How do you identify plant pests and diseases? ›

Identifying Pests: During the growth of your garden, keep an eye out for any obvious bite marks or colonies of bugs. Be sure to check the underside of leaves and along plant stems. Identifying the bite marks and the plants the occur on may be all you need to identify the pest.

What are the effects of pests and diseases? ›

Nature and Effects of Plant Pests and Diseases

Plant pests and pathogens interfere with the growth and cause damage to cultivated and naturally growing plants. The interference and damage result in the failure of plants to reach their genetic potential.

How do you control pests and diseases? ›

If pests and diseases cannot be prevented or controlled by cultural and physical means, it may be necessary to use natural pesticides. Many growers have developed ways of making their own sprays from plants such as garlic, chillies, marigolds and many others. These are inexpensive and have proved to be very effective.

Whats the definition disease? ›

disease, any harmful deviation from the normal structural or functional state of an organism, generally associated with certain signs and symptoms and differing in nature from physical injury. A diseased organism commonly exhibits signs or symptoms indicative of its abnormal state.

What is diseases and pests of crops? ›

Pests and diseases are enemies of crop plants. Pests are animals that damage agricultural produce by feeding on them. Common pests of crops are insects, birds, bats, rodents and monkeys. COMMON PESTS. The common cereal crops usually affected by pests are rice, maize, sorghum, millet and guinea corn.

What are the importance of plant diseases? ›

The study of plant diseases is important as they cause loss to the plant as well as plant produce. The various types of losses occur in the field, in storage or any time between sowing and consumption of produce. The diseases are responsible for direct monitory loss and material loss.

Which method is used for the control of plant disease? ›

The introduction of disease resistant varieties is the primary and most important step to control the disease. These varieties protect the plants from diseases causing organism by producing preformed toxins and by infecting immune cells of pathogens.

How do we identify a disease? ›

  1. Blood tests. A technician obtains a sample of blood by inserting a needle into a vein, usually in the arm.
  2. Urine tests. This painless test requires you to urinate into a container. ...
  3. Throat swabs. ...
  4. Stool sample. ...
  5. Spinal tap (lumbar puncture).
18 Feb 2022

What are the three methods of detecting diseases? ›

Diagnostic Techniques
  • Immunohistochemistry (IHC) IHC offers several distinct advantages when compared to traditional identification methods. ...
  • Special Stains. Special stains are useful for detecting bacteria, fungi and parasites in tissues and culture materials. ...
  • Molecular. ...
  • Microbiology. ...
  • Electron Microscopy.
7 Dec 2012

What is the meaning of pest and disease management? ›

Pest and disease management consists of a range of activities that support each other. Most management practices are long-term activities that aim at preventing pests and diseases from affecting a crop. Management focuses on keeping existing pest populations and diseases low.

What are the types of pest and diseases of vegetables? ›

Vegetable diseases
  • Anthracnose of beans. ...
  • Bacterial leaf spot of ornamentals and vegetables. ...
  • Bacterial wilt of potatoes. ...
  • Common blight of beans. ...
  • Common scab of potatoes. ...
  • Downy mildew of brassicas. ...
  • Grey mould (botrytis) in greenhouse tomato crops. ...
  • Hormiactis cap spotting.

Why is pest and disease management important in agriculture? ›

They affect the plant's growth and vigour, reduce yields and may even kill the plant. Pests cause damage to Plant roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds.

What is pest and disease of agricultural importance? ›

Insect pests destroy crops in the field through their biting, chewing, boring, sucking and defoliation activities. They cause reduction in the viability of stored produce. Site of injuries by insects may predispose crops to disease attack. They increase the cost of production during the course of controlling them.

What is pest and disease management in agriculture? ›

Diseases, insects, and weeds can cause costly and irreparable harm to livestock and crops. Methods to manage these problems include the use of pesticides or biological pest control. Integrated pest management (IPM) couples both methods and includes monitoring to reduce the overuse of pesticide applications.

How can we prevent pests and diseases in plants? ›

The best way to control both pests and diseases is to keep plants healthy.
  1. Build healthy soil. Healthy soil provides a home to friendly insects and helps prevent many plant diseases.
  2. Plant resistant varieties. ...
  3. Space plants correctly. ...
  4. Plant at the right times.
17 Nov 2022

How do you identify plant diseases in the lab? ›

The traditional way to test is by submitting plant material to the lab that can be triaged and cultured in the lab to identify if a disease is present. The other option is to purchase the Plant Disease Identification Box and culture the plant material yourself.

What is the importance of pests? ›

Pests and diseases have continued to affect production of crops and have a serious impact on the economic output of a farm. Farmers need to vary their management methods depending on the crops they grow and the pests or diseases they are susceptible to, since they affect crops differently.

How do diseases affect the plants? ›

Abnormal increase in tissue size—Some diseases increase cell numbers or cell size in the plant tissues, twisting and curling the leaves or forming galls on stems or roots. Dwarfing—In some cases the pathogenic organism will reduce cell number or size, stunting parts of the host plant or the whole host plant.

What are the effects of pests on plants? ›

Pests destroy our crops in many ways: Eating leaves of crop plants. Sucking out plant juices. Boring into the leaves, roots and stems.

What are types of diseases? ›

Diseases & Conditions
  • Asthma. Asthma is a chronic lung disease characterized by episodes of airway narrowing and obstruction, causing wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and shortness of breath.
  • Autoimmune Diseases. ...
  • Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (ALPS) ...
  • Cholera. ...
  • Coronaviruses. ...
  • Dengue Fever. ...
  • E. ...
  • Ebola & Marburg.

What causes diseases? ›

The most common causes are viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Infectious diseases usually spread from person to person, through contaminated food or water and through bug bites. Some infectious diseases are minor and some are very serious.

What are the 7 types of diseases? ›

According to a very broad classification, diseases can also be classified under the following – physical diseases, mental diseases, infectious diseases, non- infectious diseases, deficiency diseases, inherited diseases, degenerative diseases, social diseases, self-inflicted diseases.

What is disease definition in agriculture? ›

In general, a plant becomes diseased when it is continuously disturbed by some causal agent that results in an abnormal physiological process that disrupts the plant's normal structure, growth, function, or other activities.

What are the effects of diseases? ›

Symptoms of illness are often not directly the result of infection, but a collection of evolved responses – sickness behavior by the body – that helps clear infection and promote recovery. Such aspects of illness can include lethargy, depression, loss of appetite, sleepiness, hyperalgesia, and inability to concentrate.

Why is it important to understand disease and Defence in plants? ›

Understanding how plants defend themselves from pathogens and herbivores is essential in order to protect our food supply and develop highly disease-resistant plant species.

How do you control plant diseases and pest in organic farming? ›

Pest Control may be controlled by using plant based products like neem extracts, neem oil, pongam oil. Biological agents like fungi, insects, bacteria, virus may also be used to kill pests and control the diseases. Animal extracts like fish oil and spinocin from bacteria also can kill insects.

How can you prevent the spread of disease in vegetative propagation? ›

Sanitation is the first step in preventing disease in propagation. Prior to sticking the first cutting, take time to clean and sanitize benches and irrigation systems. Remove all debris and use a chemical cleaner, such as Strip-It. Rinse the chemical cleaner off the surfaces using clear water.

What is the best method of disease control? ›

The infectious diseases may be prevented in one of two general ways: (1) by preventing contact, and therefore transmission of infection, between the susceptible host and the source of infection and (2) by rendering the host unsusceptible, either by selective breeding or by induction of an effective artificial immunity.

What are the 10 common diseases? ›

Common Illnesses
  • Allergies.
  • Colds and Flu.
  • Conjunctivitis ("pink eye“)
  • Diarrhea.
  • Headaches.
  • Mononucleosis.
  • Stomach Aches.

What is the definition of health and disease? ›

According to the World Health Organization, Health is defined as the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health also reflects the metabolic and functional efficiency in living organisms. Health is considered as a basic parameter to life.

What is the treatment for disease? ›

Treatments can include medicine, therapy, surgery, or other approaches. A cure is when a treatment makes a health problem go away for good. Some health problems have a cure. For example, to treat athlete's foot, health care providers use special creams, powders, or sprays that kill the fungus that causes the infection.

What are the 4 methods of transmitting diseases? ›

The transmission of microorganisms can be divided into the following five main routes: direct contact, fomites, aerosol (airborne), oral (ingestion), and vectorborne. Some microorganisms can be transmitted by more than one route.

What are the classification of plant diseases? ›

Plant diseases can be broadly classified according to the nature of their primary causal agent, either infectious or noninfectious. Infectious plant diseases are caused by a pathogenic organism such as a fungus, bacterium, mycoplasma, virus, viroid, nematode, or parasitic flowering plant.

What is disease and pest management? ›

Pest and disease management consists of a range of activities that support each other. Most management practices are long-term activities that aim at preventing pests and diseases from affecting a crop. Management focuses on keeping existing pest populations and diseases low.

What's a pest mean? ›

: one that pesters or annoys : nuisance.

What are pests meaning? ›

pest | American Dictionary

an insect or small animal that is harmful or damages crops: The aphid is a garden pest. infml A pest is also an annoying person, esp. a child: My brother is such a pest.

What is disease explain? ›

disease, any harmful deviation from the normal structural or functional state of an organism, generally associated with certain signs and symptoms and differing in nature from physical injury. A diseased organism commonly exhibits signs or symptoms indicative of its abnormal state.

How can we prevent pests and diseases? ›

Cultural controls are one of the most common and effective ways to control pests and diseases in the garden. This involves using practices such as crop rotation, mulching, and companion planting to create an unfavorable environment for pests and diseases.

Why pest and disease management is important in agriculture? ›

Pest management is an important component of crop production. Pests can have a detrimental effect on horticultural operations by affecting the quantity, quality and ultimately, the marketability, of the crops grown. A pest is any animal, insect, weed or disease that attacks a crop.

What are pests examples? ›

Mosquitoes, fleas, bugs, black ants, beetles are some examples of pests. - An animal also can be a pest when it causes damage to a wild ecosystem or carries germs. The term pest is employed to refer specifically to harmful animals but it also relates to all or any other harmful organisms, including fungi and viruses.

What are five types of pests? ›

Five Groups of Pests

Arthropods - Insects, Mites, Ticks and Spiders 2. Vertebrates - Animals with backbones 3. Weeds 4. Pathogens - Disease-causing organisms 5.

How many types of pests are there? ›

There are approximately 70 000 pest species and diseases that damage agricultural crops worldwide (Pimentel, 2009). Many of these pest species and diseases are localized in distribution.

What are plant pests? ›

(14) Plant pest The term “plant pest” means any living stage of any of the following that can directly or indirectly injure, cause damage to, or cause disease in any plant or plant product: (A) A protozoan. (B) A nonhuman animal. (C) A parasitic plant. (D) A bacterium. (E) A fungus.

What is the definition of pest in agriculture? ›

Pests are insects or small animals which damage crops or food supplies.

What is pest and its classification? ›

Pest can be defined simply as any living organism, plant or animal, which can cause damage to cultivated crops, animals and human beings. Human beings can also be called pests if they cause damage to crops or livestock. Pests can carry organisms that cause diseases and constitute nuisance to agricultural products.

Why is the definition of disease important? ›

More subtly, it is important to define disease because of contemporary biomedicine's power to intervene not just in people's health status but also in domains of their biology where the effects are morally, and economically, problematic. For example: Is someone with a genetic predisposition to a disease already ill?

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