Debt securities | ECB Data Portal (2024)

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  • Debt securities (697973)
  • Securities (697944)
  • Total economy (512269)
  • Debt (107648)
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  • Financial accounts (79821)
  • Sector accounts (69665)
  • By instrument (69221)
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  • Variable rate (58674)
  • Issues (57990)
  • Fixed rate issues (57238)
  • Bonds (57188)
  • Zero-coupon bonds (57188)
  • Securities issues (34517)
  • Fixed rate (30516)
  • Government finance (11078)
  • Balance of payments (10629)
  • Portfolio investments (9067)
  • General government (8777)
  • Assets (8242)
  • Outstanding amounts (7605)
  • Gross issues (6998)
  • Financial corporations (6687)
  • Securities holdings (6673)
  • Redemptions (6458)
  • Net issues (6424)
  • Accounts (5974)
  • Allocation of primary income (5974)
  • Balancing items (5974)
  • Capital transfers (5974)
  • Disposable income (5974)
  • Income (5974)
  • Non-financial accounts (5974)
  • Non-financial assets (5974)
  • Non-financial assets acquisitions (5974)
  • Production (5974)
  • Saving (5974)
  • Secondary distribution of income (5974)
  • Financial markets surveys (5961)
  • Surveys (5961)
  • Central bank (5241)
  • Funds (3282)
  • Pension funds (3002)
  • Ficial corporations (2806)
  • Insurance corporations (2794)
  • Ficial accounts (2400)
  • Monetary Financial Institutions (2161)
  • Households (2069)
  • Non-profit institutions serving households (2069)
  • Government (1877)
  • External debt (1638)
  • Growth rates (1624)
  • Transactions (1494)
  • By financial instrument (1473)
  • non-MFIs (1469)
  • non-general government (1459)
  • MFIs (1322)
  • Non-financial corporations (1314)
  • Consolidated (1192)
  • Government debt (1192)
  • Gross (1080)
  • Positions (1080)
  • Rest of the world (1064)
  • Change in debt (1044)
  • Main accounts (1023)
  • Indicators (822)
  • International reserves (811)
  • Official reserve assets (771)
  • Floating rate issues (752)
  • Debt instruments (713)
  • External assets (713)
  • Liabilities (689)
  • Reserve assets (659)
  • Growth rate indices (644)
  • Gross external debt (639)
  • Current account (575)
  • Primary income (575)
  • Loans (554)
  • Macroprudential (552)
  • Central governement (540)
  • Credit (504)
  • Credit institutions (488)
  • Money market funds (488)
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  • Analytical indicators (444)
  • Borrowing (444)
  • Condolidated transactions (444)
  • Government fice (392)
  • Net external debt (286)
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  • Advances (208)
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  • Pension entitlements (208)
  • Pension managers (208)
  • Trade credits (208)
  • Credit service indicators (150)
  • Debt service indicators (150)
  • Financial assets (145)
  • Whom-to-whom accounts (140)
  • Financial sector (135)
  • Balance sheet (105)
  • Statistical balance sheet (105)
  • Embedded options (79)
  • Options (79)
  • Capital guarantee (66)
  • Monetary Ficial Institutions (58)
  • By ficial instrument (51)
  • M3 (44)
  • Monetary aggregates (44)
  • Foreign currency drains (40)
  • Short-term net drains (40)
  • Bank credit indicators (29)
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  • MFI assets (23)
  • Financial market indicators (21)
  • MFI liabilities (14)
  • MMFs (12)
  • Repurchase agreements (12)
  • Shares (12)
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  • Ficial instruments (9)
  • Ficial condition indicators (8)
  • Ficial market (8)
  • Cross border exposures (7)
  • Currency exposures (7)
  • Securities exposures (7)
  • Ficial assets (5)
  • Ficial sector (5)
  • Australia (544)
  • Austria (20073)
  • Belgium (20188)
  • Bermuda (4)
  • Brazil (72)
  • Bulgaria (29951)
  • Canada (680)
  • Chile (360)
  • Colombia (520)
  • Costa Rica (113)
  • Croatia (18097)
  • Cyprus (20127)
  • Czech Republic (30604)
  • Denmark (29359)
  • ECB (European Central Bank) (8)
  • EIB (European Investment Bank) (2)
  • ESM (European Stability Mechanism) (4)
  • EU 28 (fixed composition) as of 1 July 2013 (72)
  • EU27 (fixed composition) as of 31 January 2020 (brexit) (4438)
  • EU28 (fixed composition) as of 1 July 2013 (116)
  • Ecuador (28)
  • Egypt (4)
  • Estonia (20243)
  • Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition (25826)
  • Euro area (changing composition) (2791)
  • Euro area 18 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2014 (471)
  • Euro area 19 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2015 (25752)
  • Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 (16249)
  • European Central Bank (ECB) (5)
  • Finland (20258)
  • France (20101)
  • Germany (19744)
  • Greece (20315)
  • Guatemala (23)
  • Honduras (24)
  • Hungary (30150)
  • Iceland (84)
  • India (42)
  • Iran, Islamic Republic of (22)
  • Ireland (19425)
  • Israel (780)
  • Italy (20051)
  • Japan (220)
  • Kazakhstan (24)
  • Korea, Republic of (576)
  • Kuwait (4)
  • Latvia (20285)
  • Lebanon (4)
  • Lithuania (20240)
  • Luxembourg (19474)
  • Malawi (4)
  • Malta (19986)
  • Mexico (168)
  • Micronesia, Federated States of (2)
  • Morocco (20)
  • Netherlands (19827)
  • New Zealand (65)
  • Nicaragua (24)
  • Norway (362)
  • Other Euro area member states (all countries except the reference area) (38)
  • Poland (28996)
  • Portugal (19828)
  • Rest of the World (4199)
  • Romania (29842)
  • Russian Federation (96)
  • Singapore (4)
  • Slovakia (20213)
  • Slovenia (20215)
  • Spain (19715)
  • Sweden (28889)
  • Tunisia (22)
  • Turkey (560)
  • Ukraine (23)
  • United Kingdom (1108)
  • United States (452)
  • Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic (20)
  • Virgin Islands, British (24)
  • World (all entities) (580)
  • World (all entities, including reference area, including IO) (4144)
  • Balance Sheet Items (BSI) (6127)
  • Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPM6)(discontinued) (BP6) (11196)
  • Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPS) (12919)
  • Government Finance Statistics (ESCB) (GFS) (11470)
  • International Reserves of the Eurosystem (BPM6)(discontinued) (RA6) (152)
  • International Reserves of the Eurosystem (RAS) (148)
  • National accounts, Sector Accounts in the International Data Cooperation TF context (IDCS) (5974)
  • Quarterly Sector Accounts (QFA and NFA Eurostat ESA2010 TP, table 801) (QSA) (63691)
  • Securities (discontinued) (SEC) (34517)
  • Securities Holding Statistics (discontinued) (SHS) (6673)
  • Securities Holdings Statistics (SHSS) (66532)
  • Securities Issues Statistics (CSEC) (478574)
  • Annual (10620)
  • Monthly (520483)
  • Quarterly (166870)

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Holdings of Debt securities issued by euro area General Government reported by MFIs excl. ESCB in the euro area (stocks), Euro area (changing composition), Monthly

Published Published

Monthly Euro area (changing composition) Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Euro area (changing composition) General Government All currencies combined Euro

Show all

Monthly Euro area (changing ... Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts ... Euro area (changing ... General Government All currencies combi... Euro

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Time series dimensions

Monthly [M]
(Modified), Monthly (Original) [M]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Adjustment indicator
Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted [N]
BS reference sector breakdown
MFIs excluding ESCB [A]
Balance sheet item
Debt securities held [A30]
Original maturity
Total [A]
Data type
Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks) [1]
Counterpart area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
BS counterpart sector
General Government [2100]
Currency of transaction
All currencies combined [Z01]
Balance sheet suffix
Euro [E]

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Millions of Euro

Last updated: 27 Feb 2024 10:00 CET


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Holdings of Debt securities issued by euro area MFIs reported by MFIs excl. ESCB in the euro area (stocks), Euro area (changing composition), Monthly

Published Published

Monthly Euro area (changing composition) Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Euro area (changing composition) Monetary financial institutions (MFIs) All currencies combined Euro

Show all

Monthly Euro area (changing ... Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts ... Euro area (changing ... Monetary financial i... All currencies combi... Euro

Show all

Time series dimensions

Monthly [M]
(Modified), Monthly (Original) [M]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Adjustment indicator
Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted [N]
BS reference sector breakdown
MFIs excluding ESCB [A]
Balance sheet item
Debt securities held [A30]
Original maturity
Total [A]
Data type
Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks) [1]
Counterpart area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
BS counterpart sector
Monetary financial institutions (MFIs) [1000]
Currency of transaction
All currencies combined [Z01]
Balance sheet suffix
Euro [E]

More geographical areas

Millions of Euro

Last updated: 27 Feb 2024 10:00 CET


More geographical areas

Holdings of Debt securities issued by euro area General Government reported by MFIs excl. ESCB in the euro area (transactions), Euro area (changing composition), Monthly

Published Published

Monthly Euro area (changing composition) Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Financial transactions (flows) Euro area (changing composition) General Government All currencies combined Euro

Show all

Monthly Euro area (changing ... Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Financial transactio... Euro area (changing ... General Government All currencies combi... Euro

Show all

Time series dimensions

Monthly [M]
(Modified), Monthly (Original) [M]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Adjustment indicator
Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted [N]
BS reference sector breakdown
MFIs excluding ESCB [A]
Balance sheet item
Debt securities held [A30]
Original maturity
Total [A]
Data type
Financial transactions (flows) [4]
Counterpart area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
BS counterpart sector
General Government [2100]
Currency of transaction
All currencies combined [Z01]
Balance sheet suffix
Euro [E]

More geographical areas

Millions of Euro

Last updated: 27 Feb 2024 10:00 CET


More geographical areas

Holdings of Debt securities issued by euro area MFIs reported by MFIs excl. ESCB in the euro area (transactions), Euro area (changing composition), Monthly

Published Published

Monthly Euro area (changing composition) Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Financial transactions (flows) Euro area (changing composition) Monetary financial institutions (MFIs) All currencies combined Euro

Show all

Monthly Euro area (changing ... Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Financial transactio... Euro area (changing ... Monetary financial i... All currencies combi... Euro

Show all

Time series dimensions

Monthly [M]
(Modified), Monthly (Original) [M]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Adjustment indicator
Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted [N]
BS reference sector breakdown
MFIs excluding ESCB [A]
Balance sheet item
Debt securities held [A30]
Original maturity
Total [A]
Data type
Financial transactions (flows) [4]
Counterpart area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
BS counterpart sector
Monetary financial institutions (MFIs) [1000]
Currency of transaction
All currencies combined [Z01]
Balance sheet suffix
Euro [E]

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Oct 1997 to Jan 2024

38656 (Jan 2024)

Millions of Euro

Last updated: 27 Feb 2024 10:00 CET


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Debt securities held by households, Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023, Quarterly

Quarterly Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1... World (all entities, including reference... Households and non profit institutions s... Total economy Non-consolidated Assets (Net Acquisition of) Transactions in financial assets and lia... Debt securities Short-term original maturity (up to 1 ye... Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... All currencies Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total

Show all

Quarterly Neither seasonally a... Euro area 20 (fixed ... World (all entities,... Households and non p... Total economy Non-consolidated Assets (Net Acquisit... Transactions in fina... Debt securities Short-term original ... Domestic currency (i... All currencies Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total

Show all

Time series dimensions

Quarterly [Q]
(Modified), Quarterly (Original) [Q]
Adjustment indicator
Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted [N]
Reference area
Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 [I9]
Counterpart area
World (all entities, including reference area, including IO) [W0]
Reference sector
Households and non profit institutions serving households (NPISH) [S1M]
Counterpart sector
Total economy [S1]
Consolidation Status
Non-consolidated [N]
Accounting entries
Assets (Net Acquisition of) [A]
Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows
Transactions in financial assets and liabilities [F]
Instrument and assets classification
Debt securities [F3]
Short-term original maturity (up to 1 year) [S]
Expenditure (COFOG, COICOP, COPP or COPNI)
Not applicable [_Z]
Unit of measure
Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity) [XDC]
Currency denominator
All currencies [_T]
Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA [S]
Current prices [V]
Non transformed data [N]
Custom breakdown codification
Total [_T]

More geographical areas

Millions of Domestic...

Last updated: 26 Jan 2024 11:00 CET


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Debt securities held by Non financial corporations, Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023, Quarterly

Quarterly Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1... World (all entities, including reference... Non financial corporations Total economy Non-consolidated Assets (Net Acquisition of) Transactions in financial assets and lia... Debt securities Long-term original maturity (over 1 year... Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... All currencies Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total

Show all

Quarterly Neither seasonally a... Euro area 20 (fixed ... World (all entities,... Non financial corpor... Total economy Non-consolidated Assets (Net Acquisit... Transactions in fina... Debt securities Long-term original m... Domestic currency (i... All currencies Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total

Show all

Time series dimensions

Quarterly [Q]
(Modified), Quarterly (Original) [Q]
Adjustment indicator
Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted [N]
Reference area
Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 [I9]
Counterpart area
World (all entities, including reference area, including IO) [W0]
Reference sector
Non financial corporations [S11]
Counterpart sector
Total economy [S1]
Consolidation Status
Non-consolidated [N]
Accounting entries
Assets (Net Acquisition of) [A]
Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows
Transactions in financial assets and liabilities [F]
Instrument and assets classification
Debt securities [F3]
Long-term original maturity (over 1 year or no stated maturity) [L]
Expenditure (COFOG, COICOP, COPP or COPNI)
Not applicable [_Z]
Unit of measure
Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity) [XDC]
Currency denominator
All currencies [_T]
Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA [S]
Current prices [V]
Non transformed data [N]
Custom breakdown codification
Total [_T]

More geographical areas

Millions of Domestic...

Last updated: 26 Jan 2024 11:00 CET


More geographical areas

Debt securities held by Non financial corporations, Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023, Quarterly

Quarterly Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1... World (all entities, including reference... Non financial corporations Total economy Non-consolidated Assets (Net Acquisition of) Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Debt securities All original maturities Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... All currencies Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total

Show all

Quarterly Neither seasonally a... Euro area 20 (fixed ... World (all entities,... Non financial corpor... Total economy Non-consolidated Assets (Net Acquisit... Closing balance shee... Debt securities All original maturit... Domestic currency (i... All currencies Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total

Show all

Time series dimensions

Quarterly [Q]
(Modified), Quarterly (Original) [Q]
Adjustment indicator
Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted [N]
Reference area
Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 [I9]
Counterpart area
World (all entities, including reference area, including IO) [W0]
Reference sector
Non financial corporations [S11]
Counterpart sector
Total economy [S1]
Consolidation Status
Non-consolidated [N]
Accounting entries
Assets (Net Acquisition of) [A]
Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows
Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks [LE]
Instrument and assets classification
Debt securities [F3]
All original maturities [T]
Expenditure (COFOG, COICOP, COPP or COPNI)
Not applicable [_Z]
Unit of measure
Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity) [XDC]
Currency denominator
All currencies [_T]
Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA [S]
Current prices [V]
Non transformed data [N]
Custom breakdown codification
Total [_T]

More geographical areas

Millions of Domestic...

Last updated: 26 Jan 2024 11:00 CET


More geographical areas

Debt securities held by ICPFs, Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023, Quarterly

Quarterly Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1... World (all entities, including reference... Insurance corporations and Pension Funds Total economy Non-consolidated Assets (Net Acquisition of) Transactions in financial assets and lia... Debt securities Short-term original maturity (up to 1 ye... Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... All currencies Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total

Show all

Quarterly Neither seasonally a... Euro area 20 (fixed ... World (all entities,... Insurance corporatio... Total economy Non-consolidated Assets (Net Acquisit... Transactions in fina... Debt securities Short-term original ... Domestic currency (i... All currencies Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total

Show all

Time series dimensions

Quarterly [Q]
(Modified), Quarterly (Original) [Q]
Adjustment indicator
Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted [N]
Reference area
Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 [I9]
Counterpart area
World (all entities, including reference area, including IO) [W0]
Reference sector
Insurance corporations and Pension Funds [S12Q]
Counterpart sector
Total economy [S1]
Consolidation Status
Non-consolidated [N]
Accounting entries
Assets (Net Acquisition of) [A]
Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows
Transactions in financial assets and liabilities [F]
Instrument and assets classification
Debt securities [F3]
Short-term original maturity (up to 1 year) [S]
Expenditure (COFOG, COICOP, COPP or COPNI)
Not applicable [_Z]
Unit of measure
Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity) [XDC]
Currency denominator
All currencies [_T]
Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA [S]
Current prices [V]
Non transformed data [N]
Custom breakdown codification
Total [_T]

More geographical areas

Millions of Domestic...

Last updated: 26 Jan 2024 11:00 CET


More geographical areas

Debt securities held by ICPFs, Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023, Quarterly

Quarterly Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1... World (all entities, including reference... Insurance corporations and Pension Funds Total economy Non-consolidated Assets (Net Acquisition of) Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Debt securities Short-term original maturity (up to 1 ye... Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... All currencies Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total

Show all

Quarterly Neither seasonally a... Euro area 20 (fixed ... World (all entities,... Insurance corporatio... Total economy Non-consolidated Assets (Net Acquisit... Closing balance shee... Debt securities Short-term original ... Domestic currency (i... All currencies Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total

Show all

Time series dimensions

Quarterly [Q]
(Modified), Quarterly (Original) [Q]
Adjustment indicator
Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted [N]
Reference area
Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 [I9]
Counterpart area
World (all entities, including reference area, including IO) [W0]
Reference sector
Insurance corporations and Pension Funds [S12Q]
Counterpart sector
Total economy [S1]
Consolidation Status
Non-consolidated [N]
Accounting entries
Assets (Net Acquisition of) [A]
Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows
Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks [LE]
Instrument and assets classification
Debt securities [F3]
Short-term original maturity (up to 1 year) [S]
Expenditure (COFOG, COICOP, COPP or COPNI)
Not applicable [_Z]
Unit of measure
Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity) [XDC]
Currency denominator
All currencies [_T]
Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA [S]
Current prices [V]
Non transformed data [N]
Custom breakdown codification
Total [_T]

More geographical areas

Millions of Domestic...

Last updated: 26 Jan 2024 11:00 CET


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Debt securities held by General government, Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023, Quarterly

Quarterly Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1... World (all entities, including reference... General government Total economy Non-consolidated Assets (Net Acquisition of) Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Debt securities Long-term original maturity (over 1 year... Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... All currencies Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total

Show all

Quarterly Neither seasonally a... Euro area 20 (fixed ... World (all entities,... General government Total economy Non-consolidated Assets (Net Acquisit... Closing balance shee... Debt securities Long-term original m... Domestic currency (i... All currencies Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total

Show all

Time series dimensions

Quarterly [Q]
(Modified), Quarterly (Original) [Q]
Adjustment indicator
Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted [N]
Reference area
Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 [I9]
Counterpart area
World (all entities, including reference area, including IO) [W0]
Reference sector
General government [S13]
Counterpart sector
Total economy [S1]
Consolidation Status
Non-consolidated [N]
Accounting entries
Assets (Net Acquisition of) [A]
Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows
Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks [LE]
Instrument and assets classification
Debt securities [F3]
Long-term original maturity (over 1 year or no stated maturity) [L]
Expenditure (COFOG, COICOP, COPP or COPNI)
Not applicable [_Z]
Unit of measure
Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity) [XDC]
Currency denominator
All currencies [_T]
Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA [S]
Current prices [V]
Non transformed data [N]
Custom breakdown codification
Total [_T]

More geographical areas

Millions of Domestic...

Last updated: 26 Jan 2024 11:00 CET


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Debt securities | ECB Data Portal (2024)


How much debt does the ECB hold? ›

The ECB holds approximately 2500 billion euros national debt securities. If these debts were cancelled, it will render 3500 billion euros “destroy- able” [7]. There are various policies that could address this problem if the ECB wants to absorb more central money.

How does ECB work? ›

The European Central Bank (ECB) manages the euro and frames and implements EU economic & monetary policy. Its main aim is to keep prices stable, thereby supporting economic growth and job creation.

What is the ECB banking data? ›

The ECB Data Portal provides data on Euro area monetary policy, financial stability and other topics relevant to the activities of the ECB and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). ECB aggregate series are based on data from national central banks, credit institutions and international data providers.

What is securities holding statistics by sector? ›

The Securities Holdings Statistics by Sector (SHSS), collected on a security-by-security basis, provide information on securities held by selected categories of euro area investors, broken down by instrument type, holder country and further classifications.

Who is the largest debt holder in the world? ›

All values are adjusted to 2023 dollars. As of January 2023, the five countries owning the most US debt are Japan ($1.1 trillion), China ($859 billion), the United Kingdom ($668 billion), Belgium ($331 billion), and Luxembourg ($318 billion).

Who has the highest debt to the World bank? ›

No country owes the bank more than India, Indonesia and Pakistan. There are 121 low- and middle-income countries feeding into to the World Bank's (WB) debtor reporting systems, but almost half of the $391bn owed to the Washington-based multilateral lender traces back to just 10 of them. India takes the top spot.

Who funds the ECB? ›

The capital of the ECB comes from the national central banks (NCBs) of all EU Member States and amounts to €10,825,007,069.61. The NCBs' shares in this capital are calculated using a key which reflects the respective country's share in the total population and gross domestic product of the EU.

Who owns ECB? ›

Who owns the ECB? Together, the central banks of all EU countries own the ECB. Each country's share of the ECB's capital is related to its population and its gross domestic product (GDP), which have equal weighting. The countries that use the euro pay in more capital than those that don't.

How does the ECB make money? ›

The ECB's commercial activities generate around £310m of revenue a year. Around 75% of total revenue - £225m - comes from sale of television rights to UK and international broadcasters. The most significant part of this is the ECB's agreement with Sky, which is locked in until the end of 2028.

How many banks are supervised by the ECB? ›

Directly supervised banks

The ECB directly supervises the 112 significant banks of the participating countries. These banks hold almost 82% of banking assets in these countries. The decision on whether a bank is deemed significant is based on a number of criteria.

Do banks borrow from the ECB? ›

Less attention, however, has been paid to another ECB rate increase. Banks do not only borrow from the ECB—they also lend to it. They may deposit money at national central banks in the deposit facility. The ECB, however, sets the interest rate the commercial banks receive.

What are the 4 major categories of securities? ›

What are the Types of Security? There are four main types of security: debt securities, equity securities, derivative securities, and hybrid securities, which are a combination of debt and equity. Let's first define security.

What stocks are considered securities? ›

The term "security" is defined broadly to include a wide array of investments, such as stocks, bonds, notes, debentures, limited partnership interests, oil and gas interests, and investment contracts.

Where are most securities traded? ›

Some of the best known include the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which was formed in 1792, and the Chicago Board of Trade (now part of the CME Group), which has been trading futures contracts since 1851. Today there are more than a hundred stock and derivatives exchanges throughout the developed and developing world.

Who has the highest debt in the EU? ›

Though the overall debt amount increased, the ratio of debt to GDP decreased 2 percentage points between the third quarters of 2022 and 2023. At 165%, Greece reported the highest ratio of debt to GDP in the EU, followed by Italy. France, Spain, Belgium and Portugal also reported debts greater than their national GDP.

How much debt does Europe owe? ›

Total debt issued by the European Union will peak at less than €1 trillion at some point before 2027; in comparison, outstanding U.S. debt is over $33 trillion, and the outstanding debt of all EU countries is €13.8 trillion ($14.7 trillion.

Is the ECB more independent than the Fed? ›

The functions of euro system in itself are independent. The ECB can use all its instruments for the betterment of monetary policy. Thus ECB is more independent than Federal Reserve.

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.