Credit Card Consolidation: Consolidate to One Payment. (2024)

Credit card debt has become a significant problem, especially after the Covid-19 outbreak. According to, consumers are paying $120 billion in interest and fees every year, and with the global economic crisis, this figure is expected to go up in the next few months. Unless consumers consolidate credit cards into an affordable monthly payment plan, it would be tough for them to pay down debts.

Table of Contents
  1. Credit Card Consolidation: How can you consolidate credit card debt?
  2. What is credit card consolidation?
  3. When is it good to consolidate your credit cards?
  4. When is it not good to consolidate credit card debt?
  5. How does our credit card debt consolidation process work?
  6. How can I help you get out of credit card debt?
  7. What other services can you get from my team?
  8. Pros and cons of credit card consolidation
  9. What is the average credit card debt in the U.S?
  10. Is a Credit Card Consolidation loan a good idea?
  11. How can I get a debt consolidation loan?
  12. Does Credit Card Consolidation hurt your credit score?
  13. How can you choose the best credit card consolidation companies?
  14. How can I consolidate credit cards with a balance transfer credit card?
  15. Can I still use my credit card after debt consolidation?
  16. Is it possible to do credit card debt consolidation with bad credit?
  17. Can you lose your house due to credit card debt?
  18. How can you consolidate credit card debt on your own?
  19. What are the other ways to reduce credit card debt without consolidation?

Credit card debt consolidation is a popular credit card debt relief option that helps you combine different credit card accounts with various due dates and interest rates into one payment. When researching credit card consolidation programs, choose one that helps lower your monthly income.

When is it good to consolidate your credit cards?

Credit card consolidation is a good idea when you:

  • Can pay one monthly payment
  • Want to save money with a reduced interest rate
  • Want to avoid late fees, fines, and penalties
  • Want to avoid collection calls and lawsuits

Ideally, you shouldn’t consolidate credit cards when you can’t:

  • Pay one monthly payment
  • Live a frugal life
  • Take the advice of the credit card consolidation companies

How does our credit card debt consolidation process work?

Once you contact us:

  1. You will work with my assistant, who will take down the details of all your credit card balances.
  2. I will review your file and contact your credit card companies, informing them that they cannot harass you anymore.
  3. Once they know I am representing you, your creditors will consolidate high-interest credit cards at very favorable terms.
  4. I will have you work with my assistant to make single monthly payments to the creditor.
  5. You will pay off credit card debt in six to nine months.

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  • Get one easy monthly payment plan for multiple credit cards.
  • Reduce annual percentage rate, waive late fees, fines, and over the limit fees.
  • Choose the best option to consolidate credit card debt and reduce collection calls.
  • Avoid lawsuits, judgments, and wage garnishments.
  • Offer a No-Questions-Asked Refund Policy for unsatisfactory results.

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What other services can you get from my team?

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1. Pay off your debts sooner

Taking out a low-interest credit consolidation loan may help you pay back creditors faster. Credit cards do not have a set timeline for repaying the outstanding balance, whereas a consolidation loan has fixed monthly payments with a distinct beginning and end date.

Takeaway: If you pay off your credit card debt faster, you may pay less interest overall. Furthermore, the sooner you pay off your debt, the sooner you can start building an emergency or retirement fund.

2. Improve your financial situation

You can stop worrying about multiple due dates every month because you only have one payment when you consolidate credit card debt. Furthermore, you can determine how much to set aside since the payment amount is the same every month.

Takeaway: Best credit card consolidation options can combine two or three payments into one. This can help to simplify budgeting and reduce the likelihood of missed payments.

3. Negotiate lower interest rates

The average credit card interest rate was 18.26% in March 2022. When you use credit card debt consolidation options, you have to pay much less.

Takeaway: Top credit card debt consolidation companies can help you obtain lower interest rates than the average credit card.

4. Establish a set debt repayment schedule

If you use personal loans for credit card consolidation or enroll in a program, you'll know exactly how much you must pay each month and when your last payment is due. If you only pay the minimum on a high-interest credit card, it could take years to pay it off.

Takeaway: With a fixed debt repayment schedule, you can eliminate any unexpected fluctuations in your monthly payments.

5. Increase your credit score

Credit card consolidation can help you improve your score over time. On-time payments help you build payment history, accounting for 35% of your credit score. So paying a single monthly bill on time should improve your score.

Takeaway: This credit card debt relief option can only help to improve your FICO score when you make on-time payments.


1. It will not solve financial issues on its own

Credit card consolidation does not ensure that you will not be in debt again. If you have a habit of leading an extravagant lifestyle, you may do so again once you are debt-free.

2. There may be some initial expenses

Some credit card consolidation loans have annual fees, origination fees, closing costs, etc.

Make sure you inquire about late payment fees and prepayment penalties. Depending on your lender, these fees could range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Before you take out loans:

  • Do your homework.
  • Read the fine print.
  • Use a credit card debt consolidation loan calculator to understand the total costs.

The total credit card debt in March 2022 is $1,041,912,322. (source: debt clock). The clock is ticking, and the average credit card debt per citizen increases with each passing minute. The average credit card balance is $6476 per individual.

Average credit card debt

State [Debt Amount]AgeRaceIncomeEducation
Alaska - $7089Generation X - $7236White non-Hispanic - $694090-100% income - $12,600College - $7940
District of Columbia - $6367Baby boomers - $6230Other - $632080-89% - $9780High school diploma - $4940
Connecticut - $6237Millennials - $4569Hispanic - $551060-79% - $6990No high school diploma - $3390
Hawaii - $6197Silent generation - $3821Black, non-Hispanic - $394040-59% - $4910
Virginia - $6189Generation Z - $231220-39% - $4650


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Is a Credit Card Consolidation loan a good idea?

Yes, it is a good idea, provided you continue making the monthly payments on time to repay debts within a defined time frame. Also, search for the best credit card debt consolidation loans, compare the terms and conditions, and choose one that suits you the best. You can also look for a suitable credit card consolidation loan online.

You should go through credit card consolidation pros and cons before choosing an option to consolidate your credit cards. You will be aware of what you need to do to take full advantage of credit card consolidation and repay debts within a definite time.

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You can get a loan from various sources. Personal loans for credit card consolidation can be obtained from your friends or a credit union within one business day. Peer-to-peer lenders, banks, financial institutions and online lenders offer debt consolidation loans.

However, the best way to get a low-rate credit card consolidation loan is to knock on the doors of peer-to-peer lenders, as they offer competitive rates. You can also borrow a home equity loan to repay your bills since they provide the lowest interest rate. But, remember: a home equity loan is a secured debt, and you can lose your house in the event of loan default.

What to keep in mind before applying for a personal loan

  1. You will only qualify for the best debt consolidation loans with a good credit score.
  2. If your credit score is below 600, you will qualify for a credit card consolidation at a higher interest rate.
  3. You should always compare personal loan rates and repayment terms to find the best deal.
  4. Credit card consolidation is not a good credit card relief option for seniors since it will impose a new financial burden.

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Does Credit Card Consolidation hurt your credit score?

One reason debt consolidation for credit cards is good is that it doesn’t hurt your FICO score. You’re paying the full amount at low interest with this plan. Hence, your FICO score doesn’t fall.

However, if you take out a personal loan to consolidate credit card debt, your FICO score may drop initially. Applying for a personal loan triggers a hard inquiry in your credit report, hurting your FICO score. Once you take out the loan, you’re supposed to make monthly payments, and if you can’t, then late payments are recorded on your credit report, which pulls down your FICO score.

The simplest way to use debt consolidation programs without affecting credit is to make payments on time

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  • Check if the credit card consolidation company has an affordable fee structure and sound industry experience.
  • Read the online credit card debt consolidation reviews.
  • Ask the company how they will combine the debt into one payment.
  • Ask them if you will get any legal advice if creditors sue you.
  • Ask them if they follow the FTC laws for eliminating credit card debts.
  • Ask various questions about credit card consolidation programs and see if they can give valid answers.

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How can I consolidate credit cards with a balance transfer credit card?

You can apply for a balance transfer card when your credit score is good. This card comes with a 0% introductory APR. If you transfer your credit card balance to it, you won’t have to pay interest during the initial period. (That's why it’s called 0% intro APR credit card.)

What to keep in mind

  1. You have to pay off the entire balance within the introductory period. If you don’t, you will pay high interest on them. So, you have to set a precise payoff date.
  2. Creditors will make a hard inquiry on your credit report so they can decide if you’re eligible for their best balance transfer card.
  3. You will get the best credit card only if you have a good credit score.
  4. You will have to pay a balance transfer fee on the total amount transferred.
  5. It is best to transfer the balance from credit cards with high-interest rates to reap the maximum benefit.

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Usually, when you participate in a credit card consolidation plan, creditors freeze your accounts so you can’t make further transactions and incur new debt. They are already lowering your interest rate, so you should be grateful to them.

Your goal is not to increase your debt but to reduce your dependency on credit cards with good money management tactics. So, instead of thinking about new credit cards, learn how to live within your means with a budget.

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Is it possible to do credit card debt consolidation with bad credit?

Yes. You can approach top credit card debt consolidation companies to enroll in a good consolidation program. They can provide professional help so that you repay debt and, in turn, will improve your credit score with time.

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You won’t lose your house for not making payments to your creditors. Credit cards are unsecured debts, and creditors can only impose a lien on your home after obtaining the judgment.

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How can you consolidate credit card debt on your own?

There are a couple of ways to consolidate credit cards on your own. You can take advantage of an unsecured personal loan, home equity loan, credit card consolidation loan, and a balance transfer card to do it. You can also borrow against your home equity, life insurance policy, and retirement funds for DIY credit card consolidation.

I have already discussed ways to consolidate credit cards with personal loans, consolidation loans, and balance transfer cards. Now, let's explore other ways to consolidate credit cards.

Take out a home equity loan

You have equity in your home when you have paid down your mortgage balance to the point where the appraised value of your home exceeds your outstanding loan amount.

Home equity loans or cash-out refinances allow you to borrow against your home equity. Because your home secures the loan, it typically has a low-interest rate and high borrowing limit. Lenders check your credit history to determine your eligibility and the interest rate you will pay.

You can eliminate credit card debt with the proceeds from a home equity loan or cash-out refinance. However, these loans may have high closing costs, reducing your savings.

While it may seem appealing, turning your unsecured debt into a secured loan is not good. You can lose your home to foreclosure if you fall behind on payments. Furthermore, if the value of your home drops, you may find yourself "underwater," owing more money than the home is worth.

Borrow against your life insurance policy

If you have a cash-value life insurance policy, you can use it to pay off your debt. There are several methods for obtaining the cash value of your policy.

First, you can borrow against the cash value of your policy. Rates are usually low, and you don't need to make monthly payments. Any outstanding debts at the time of your death will be deducted from the death benefit. Instead of a loan, you can withdraw a portion of the funds without repaying them. You must have enough cash value to cover the loan plus current policy charges.

You could also cash out your life insurance policy, terminating it in exchange for the net cash surrender value. This is a bad idea because you forfeit the death benefit for your survivors and will almost certainly owe taxes on the cash-out amount.

Borrow from your retirement savings accounts

You can liquidate your retirement funds to pay off debts. But there are a few restrictions.

  • If you don't repay a 401(k) loan within five years, you'll face early withdrawal and tax penalties.
  • If you quit your job, you must repay the loan balance within 60 days or face penalties for early withdrawal.
  • You can borrow only up to your 401(k)'s value, and your loan can't exceed $50,000.

Keep in mind that this is your retirement fund. You will lose the money if you do not repay it. Plus, you lose a substantial amount accumulated through compound interest.

To summarise, don't get the impression that borrowing from your retirement account is a good idea. It isn't.

Opt for cash out auto refinance

A cash-out auto refinance replaces your current auto loan with a larger one based on the value of your vehicle. When you apply with a bank, you will be given a new loan to help you consolidate your debts.

However, because cars depreciate over time, a cash-out auto refinance may result in negative equity in your vehicle. This could be an issue if you want to sell the vehicle or get into an accident.

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Credit card debt settlement

Debt negotiators ask you to save a particular amount in an escrow account (usually known as a trust account) every month to accumulate enough money for settling credit card debt. Once you have saved a specific amount, they will immediately start the credit card settlement process. They will ask your creditors to lower your payoff amount for a lump sum settlement. They will call creditors and negotiate until they agree to reduce your outstanding balance and waive late fees.

Once they decide, debt negotiators will ask you to pay off the amount agreed upon and complete the credit card settlement process.

Debt management plan

Nonprofit credit counseling agencies usually offer this credit card debt relief option to individuals who can’t manage credit card bills with simple money management techniques. Here you get a smart budget plan from the counselors who negotiate with your creditors for a lower interest rate on your credit cards and a brilliant repayment plan.

Once they convince creditors to reduce interest rates, you can start paying off credit cards.


This is the best way to pay off credit card debt. You can file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy to pay back your creditors, depending on your financial situation. The U.S. trustee negotiates with your creditors, sells your non-exempt assets within 3-4 months, and disburses payments among them in Chapter 7.

In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the scenario is entirely different. Here the bankruptcy trustee gives you the option of paying off credit cards for 3-5 years through a court-approved plan.

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Credit Card Consolidation: Consolidate to One Payment. (2024)


Credit Card Consolidation: Consolidate to One Payment.? ›

In basic terms, credit card debt consolidation allows you to combine several credit card balances into one new balance. If you're currently making payments on multiple credit cards each month, you may be able to combine them into one monthly payment by using a loan or a balance transfer.

Can I consolidate all my credit cards into one payment? ›

Banks, credit unions, and installment loan lenders may offer debt consolidation loans. These loans convert many of your debts into one loan payment, simplifying how many payments you have to make. These offers also might be for lower interest rates than what you're currently paying.

How can I combine all my debt into one monthly bill? ›

You can consolidate debt by completing a balance transfer, taking out a debt consolidation loan, tapping into home equity or borrowing from your retirement. Additional options include a debt management plan or debt settlement, though these options may hurt your credit score.

Is it better to consolidate debt to one card? ›

Is it a good idea to consolidate credit cards? Consolidate your debt if you can get a better interest rate and/or it will help you make payments on time. Just make sure this consolidation is part of a larger plan to get out of debt and you don't run up new balances on the cards you've consolidated.

How do you pay off credit card consolidation? ›

There are two very common ways to consolidate credit card debt. You can transfer your other credit card balances onto one credit card with a balance transfer. Or you can get a personal loan for debt consolidation and use it to pay off your balances.

How to get out of 15k credit card debt? ›

Here are four ways you can pay off $15,000 in credit card debt quickly.
  1. Take advantage of debt relief programs.
  2. Use a home equity loan to cut the cost of interest.
  3. Use a 401k loan.
  4. Take advantage of balance transfer credit cards with promotional interest rates.
Nov 1, 2023

Do I lose my credit cards if I consolidate? ›

If you get approved for the card, the creditor will not require you to close your other cards. And even with a debt consolidation loan, you may only face an account closure restriction in some cases.

How to move all debt into one payment? ›

For most people, a debt consolidation loan involves taking out a single loan that pays off your existing debts. This could work out cheaper if you're offered a lower rate of interest overall, when comparing it to your other debts' interest rates.

How bad does debt consolidation hurt credit? ›

Debt consolidation can negatively impact your credit score. Any debt consolidation method you use will have the creditor or lender pulling your credit score, leading to a hard inquiry on your credit report. This inquiry will decrease your credit score by a few points. However, this credit score decline is temporary.

What is the quickest way to pay off credit card debt? ›

Strategies to help pay off credit card debt fast
  1. Review and revise your budget. ...
  2. Make more than the minimum payment each month. ...
  3. Target one debt at a time. ...
  4. Consolidate credit card debt. ...
  5. Contact your credit card provider.

What is a disadvantage of debt consolidation? ›

Your debt consolidation loan could come with more interest than you currently pay on your debts. This can happen for several reasons, including your current credit score. If it's on the lower end, lenders see you as a higher risk for default. You'll likely pay more for credit and be able to borrow less.

How much debt is too much to consolidate? ›

It generally takes a DTI of 36% or less to get the best interest rates and other terms. Many lenders won't loan to borrowers whose DTIs are over 43% at all. Even if approved, a high-DTI borrower may have to pay more interest on a debt consolidation loan than for the loans being consolidated.

Does your credit score go up when you consolidate? ›

However, credit cards and personal loans are considered two separate types of debt when assessing your credit mix, which accounts for 10% of your FICO credit score. So if you consolidate multiple credit card debts into one new personal loan, your credit utilization ratio and credit score could improve.

Is it smart to consolidate debt? ›

Consolidating debt can be a good idea if you have good credit and can qualify for better terms than what you have now and you can afford the new monthly payments. However, you might think twice about it if your credit needs some work, your debt burden is small or your debt situation is dire.

Is it better to pay off credit cards or get a consolidation loan? ›

Debt consolidation is ideal when you are able to receive an interest rate that's lower than the rates you're paying for your current debts. Many lenders allow you to check what rate you'd be approved for without hurting your credit score so you can make sure you're okay with the terms before signing on the dotted line.

How long does it take your credit to recover from debt consolidation? ›

Debt consolidation itself doesn't show up on your credit reports, but any new loans or credit card accounts you open to consolidate your debt will. Most accounts will show up for 10 years after you close them, and any missed payments will show up for seven years from the date you missed the payment.

What's the best way to consolidate credit cards? ›

There are multiple ways to consolidate your debt, such as balance transfer cards, personal loans, credit card consolidation loans, home equity loans, home equity lines of credit (HELOCs), 401(k) loans, and debt management plans.

Can you make multiple credit card payments in the same month? ›

You're not limited to a single monthly payment. Smaller, more frequent payments can reduce your interest charges and provide other benefits.

Should I consolidate 2 credit cards? ›

If you qualify for a lower interest rate, debt consolidation can be a smart decision. However, if your credit score isn't high enough to access the most competitive rates, you may be stuck with a rate that's higher than on your current debts.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.