Cost of Preserving and Storing Food - 8.704 - Extension (2024)

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by P. Kendall and L. Payton 1 (8/08)

Quick Facts…

  • Home food preservation saves money for some people. For others it may not save anything.
  • Costs to consider when figuring the economics of food preservation include: produce and ingredients, equipment and supplies, fuel consumption, capital outlays, time and energy, and the cost of similar food preserved commercially.
  • Freezing is simple and keeps food more like fresh produce than other preservation methods. However, a freezer is costly to purchase and operate.

Cost of Preserving and Storing Food - 8.704 - Extension (1)
One way to help manage rising food costs is with a garden hoe and canning jars. Home food preservation does save money for some people. For others, it may not. Costs to consider include produce and added ingredients, equipment and supplies, fuel consumption to preserve and store the foods, lost interest on large capital outlays such as a freezer, personal time and energy, and the cost of similar food preserved commercially.

Produce Costs

Produce used in home food preservation may come from several sources: home gardens, roadside markets, pick-your-own fields, or gifts from “green-thumb” family or friends.

If you purchase the produce, the cost is evident. If you have a garden, some costs to consider include the cost of the land; special costs to till the soil; the cost of such reuseable equipment as garden tools; the cost of non-reuseable items such as seeds, fertilizer, pesticides and water; and your time and energy.

The harvest value of your gardening efforts will depend on the market value of the food produced minus any costs incurred. If you produce a bumper crop, the savings may be great. However, if you’re plagued with crop failures, the savings may be small.

Although gardening may not be exceptionally profitable when you consider your time, it does offer many side benefits. In addition to the cash you don’t spend at the supermarket, you gain, through healthy outdoor exercise, opportunities for family activities, across-the-fence neighborliness and the pleasure of sharing extra produce with neighbors and friends. Other benefits include the ready availability of fresh garden produce without making a trip to the supermarket, that fresh-from-the-g good taste, and the challenge and ecological satisfaction of growing some of your own food. See Table 6 for a worksheet on estimating produce costs.

Freezing Costs

Freezing has advantages and disadvantages for food preservation. The two main advantages are that the procedure is simple and that it keeps food more like fresh produce than any other method of long-term preservation.

A disadvantage is the cost to buy and operate a freezer. If you already have one for convenience, freezing inexpensive sources of produce can be an economical way to provide a variety of high quality fruits and vegetables during out-of-season months. Also, home frozen foods can be preserved to your own taste or special diet needs.

Some costs associated with freezing food include:

  • initial cost of freezer, divided over 20 years if new, nine years if used;
  • lost interest on cash outlay for freezer;
  • maintenance and repair;
  • electricity needed to reach and maintain 0 degrees F;
  • packaging materials;
  • water and fuel to prepare food for freezing; and
  • added ingredients, such as sugar or antidarkening agents.

The initial cost of a freezer varies with size, type, special features and age. New freezers should require little repair the first year or so. However, in the long run the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends an expected repair cost on new freezers of 2 percent of the purchase price per year. For used freezers, this rate may be higher.

The money put into a freezer may or may not have been invested to bring cash income or to pay debts. If the interest from an alternative investment is considered in the cost of owning a freezer, base the rate on the return that would come from some other investment.

Research shows that it takes 0.l kilowatt hours (kwh) to freeze a pound of food and lower its temperature to 0 degrees. The electrical energy required depends on many factors. Some of these are:

  • Temperature of room where freezer is located. Freezers in warmer rooms use more energy.
  • Frequency of door openings. The more a freezer is opened, the more electricity it uses.
  • Size of freezer. In general, larger freezers use more electricity than smaller ones.
  • Insulating properties of freezer. In general, better insulated freezers cost more to purchase but less to operate.
  • Freezer maintenance. Clean condenser coils and defrost freezers as needed.
  • Amount of food in freezer. A full freezer uses less total electricity as well as less electricity per pound of food to maintain 0 degrees.
  • Turnover of food. Because the cost of maintaining food in a freezer mounts daily, the food preservation cost of a food stored six months, for example, will be less than that stored one year.
  • Type of freezer — chest or upright. In general, chest freezers store foods more economically than upright freezers. However, upright freezers may be more convenient to use.
  • Type of freezer — manual defrost or frost-free. Frost-free freezers cost considerably more to operate than conventional defrost freezers. For example, in one study at 7 cents per kilowatt hour, a l5-cubic-foot fros-free freezer cost $123.27 per year to run versus $81.37 for a 15-cubic-foot manual defrost freezer.

The cost of packaging, including reuseable containers, will range from 2 to more than 6 cents per pound. Rigid containers, such as plastic cartons or glass jars, cost more initially, but not when divided over several years’ use.

The cost of water and fuel used in washing, blanching, and chilling foods varies with area costs of these commodities and individual practices. One study estimated this cost at less than half a cent per pound of food.

The cost of added ingredients also varies with what and how much is added. Added ingredients to consider include such sweeteners as sugar and honey and such antidarkening agents as citric acid and ascorbic acid. Vegetables and many fruits freeze quite well without added ingredients.

As an example, the cost of operating a 15-cubic-foot manual defrost freezer, 525-pound capacity, purchased new, with a single 525-pound turnover per year, is given in Table 1. Add the cost of the produce and any added ingredients to the example in Table 1 to get the actual cost of the food preserved at home by freezing. This example assumes the food is stored in a full freezer one year. A shorter storage life will decrease the operating cost per pound of food, and a less full freezer will increase it.

Table 1: Operation cost of a 15-cubic-foot freezer per pound of food.
Electrical energy
0.1 kwh per pound to freeze
2.3 kwh per pound to maintain 0 degrees F
2.4 kwh per pound @ 10 cents per kwhPackaging (est.)
Water and steam (est.)
Repairs $450 * 2% / 525 pounds

Freezer, divided over years and pounds of food ($450 / 20 years / 525 pounds)

Interest from alternate investment ($450 * 6% / 525 pounds)

Total cost/lb






Freezing foods at home is not cheap, nor is the cost of storing frozen foods purchased commercially. However, a well-managed freezer can save time, energy and gasoline in fewer trips to the supermarket.

To get the most out of your home freezer, select a freezer to fit your family needs, use it properly, freeze only those foods the family likes to eat in amounts that can be enjoyed, and find economical sources of those foods. Table 7 contains a workshee for estimating the cost of freezing foods

Canning Costs

Canning usually is a more economical method of preserving food in the home than freezing. The canning operation varies from household to household — as to what foods are canned, how they are processed, the kinds of containers or equipment used and the amounts canned at a given time. A worksheet for estimating canning costs is found in Table 5. In addition to the cost of produce, special costs associated with preserving food by canning include:

  • purchase of canners (pressure and/or water bath);
  • purchase of special equipment such as jar funnels and lifters;
  • purchase of jars and lids (new lids must be purchased each year);
  • water and fuel needed to can foods; and
  • added ingredients, such as sugar, vinegar and spices.

A pressure canner is the most expensive piece of equipment needed for home canning, ranging in price from $100 to $150 or more. The initial cost may be divided over a 15- to 20-year life expectancy. Include allowances for repair and replacement of gaskets, safety valves and pressure gauges.

A large water-bath canner is useful in processing high-acid foods, such as fruits, tomatoes, pickles and preserves. One usually can be purchased for $20 to $40. Sometimes a container already in the home can be used. A jar lifter ($3 to $4) and a jar funnel ($1 to $2) are other helpful pieces of equipment for canning.

The cost of new canning jars with lids ranges from $5 to $8 per dozen. The jars and screwbands may be divided over an average 10-year lifespan but lids need to be purchased yearly, varying in cost from 3 to 6 cents per lid.

As with freezing, the cost of water and fuel to prepare and process foods by canning will vary with area costs, personal practices and the type of food being processed.

The energy cost to process the food will vary with the length of processing time and the efficiency of the burner in maintaining the desired processing temperature. In one USDA study, it was estimated that the energy required to process a 7-quart canner of raw-packed green beans, peaches and tomatoes was 1.6, 2.3 and 2.4 kwh, respectively. At 10cents per kwh this amounts to 2.3 to 3.4 cents per quart.

Table 2: Estimated yield of canned fruits and vegetables from fresh. Actual yield will depend on quality of food.
Fruits and tomatoesQuantityYield
Apples (sliced)1 bushel15-20 quarts
Apples (sauce)1 bushel15-18 quarts
Apricots1 box (22 lbs)7-11 quarts
Berries1 crate (24 quarts)12-18 quarts
Cherries1 box (22 lbs)9-11 quarts
Peaches1 bushel (48 lbs)18-14 quarts
Pears1 bushel (50 lbs)20-25 quarts
Plums1 bushel (56 lbs)24-30 quarts
Tomatoes, whole1 bushel (53 lbs)15-20 quarts
Tomatoes, juice1 bushel (53 lbs)12-16 quarts
Asparagus1 bushel (45 lbs)11-14 quarts
Beans (green or snap)1 bushel (30 lbs)12-20 quarts
Beans (lima)1 bushel (32 lbs)12-20 pints
Beets1 bushel (52 lbs)15-24 quarts
Carrots1 bushel (50 lbs)16-25 quarts
Corn1 bushel (35 lbs)12-16 pints
Greens1 bushel (18 lbs)3-8 quarts
Okra1 bushel (26 lbs)16-18 quarts
Peas1 bushel (30 lbs)10-20 pints
Squash1 bushel (40 lbs)10-20 quarts

The cost of added ingredients with home-canned foods may be minor in the case of vegetables (usually 1/2 teaspoon salt per quart ) to major in jams, jellies and some pickles. When figuring the cost of sugar, allow 2 1/2 cups per pound. See Table 3. Among other monetary factors that home canners should consider are:

  • Adequate storage space. If storage space is too hot, food quality will be lowered. If food freezes and jars burst, both jars and food will be lost. Also, jars and food will be lost if poor storage space results in accidental breakage of jars.
  • Possible food spoilage or foodborne illness issues. Food may spoil if reliable instructions are not followed exactly. Even worse, you may develop a foodborne illness.
  • Additional fuel costs. As a botulism prevention measure, boil home-canned meats and vegetables 15 to 20 minutes before tasting. Botulism toxin can grow in improperly canned meats and vegetables. As a precautionary measure, it’s important to boil all home-canned meats and vegetables for 15 to 20 minutes before tasting.
  • Year-round availablity of food at a reasonable cost. Some foods are reasonably priced throughout the year (carrots). Others vary greatly with seasons (strawberries, apricots). Preserving seasonal foods when plentiful results in greatest savings.
  • The cost of the food for the nutrients gained. Some foods are a more expensive source of nutrients than others. When canning supplies and freezer space are limited, consider the comparative nutritional value of foods available for preserving.
Table 3: Cost of sugar/qt of food canned.
Cost per quart*
Cost for 5 lbs of sugar*Light syrupMedium syrupHeavy syrup
*Using 1-1/4 cups syrup per quart. Assumes 0.0445 for light syrup, 0.060 for medium syrup, 0.0812 for heavy syrup, times the cost of 5 pounds of sugar, to get cost/quart. Rounded to 1/2 cent.

Drying Costs

Drying may be an economical method to preserve foods. It does not require expensive equipment and dried foods need little space or energy for storage. On the other hand, drying foods is time consuming and the end result may be less desirable than if foods are preserved by canning and freezing.

Special costs associated with preserving foods by drying include:

  • cost of dehydrator and/or screens;
  • cost of water and energy to prepare foods for drying;
  • added ingredients, such as salt, marinades or antidarkening agents;
  • energy to dry food in oven or electric dehydrator; and
  • water and energy to rehydrate foods to their original state.

Commercial dehydrators vary in cost from $40 to $350, depending on size, features, and quality of construction.

Screens used in ovens or homemade dehydrators may be as inexpensive as a piece of nylon netting or cheesecloth to stainless steel hardware cloth set in a wooden frame.

The energy required to dry the food will vary with the type of dehydrator and the length of time needed to dry the the food. See Table 4 for a worksheet to use in estimating the cost of drying food.

Table 4: Cost of drying food.
Cost of dehydrator (cost/expected life)
Cost of screens (cost/expected life)
Water to prepare foods for drying
Fuel to prepare foods for drying
Produce costs
Added ingredients (antidarkening agents, marinades, etc.)
Fuel to dry food
Water and fuel to rehydrate foods
Market value of dried foods
Net value (+ or -)
Table 5: Cost of canning.
Pressure canner (cost/expected 20-yr life)
Allowance for repair, replacement
Water bath canner (cost/expected 20-yr life)
Small equipment (cost/expected life)
Jars and screwbands (cost/expected 10-yr life)
New lids or new lids and screwbands
Fuel for preparing and processing
Produce costs
Added ingredients (sugar, pickling salt, vinegar, etc.)
Market value of canned foods
Net value (+ or -)
Table 6: Cost of produce.
Cost of land (if you rent)
Cost to till soil
Special tools (cost/expected life)
Seeds or plants
Fertilizer, pesticides, mulch
Cost of purchased produce
Market value of produce
Net value (+ or -)

Cold Storage Costs

Root cellaring or cold storage also may be an economical way to preserve some foods. Fruits and vegetables that store well this way include beets, cabbage, carrots, celery, parsnips, potatoes, rutabagas, turnips, apples and pears. Onions store well through the winter in any well-ventilated, cool, dry place. Store pumpkin, winter squash and sweet potatoes in an unheated room or basem*nt through the winter. Green or white tomatoes will keep from one to six weeks.

Special costs associated with preserving foods in a root cellar:

  • Building or making a storage cellar or room. This may be anything from the unheated corner of a basem*nt, to a galvanized garbage can or wooden barrel buried in the ground and covered with straw and a waterproof top, to a walk-in outdoor cellar.
  • The required storage space is lost to other uses.
  • Time and produce lost in keeping the storage area clean and free of decaying fruits and vegetables. This is most important to prevent further spread of decay.
Table 7: Cost of freezing.
Fixed yearly overhead costs:
Cost of freezer/expected life (20 yrs if new, 9 yrs if used)
Interest lost (cost expected yearly interest on alternative investment)
Annual repair allowance (cost x 2%)
Electricity to maintain 0 degrees F/yr (if unknown, estimate $100-$150/year)
Variable costs with amount of foods frozen:
Electricity to freeze foods (0.1 kwh per pound cost per kwh)
Packaging costs (cartons, bags, freezer jars)
Water and fuel costs to prepare and blanch foods for freezing
Added ingredients (sugar, antidarkening agents, etc.)
Market value of frozen foods
Net value (+ or -)


  • Simons, Sandra. Cost of Canning Food Bought at Market. HE-128 Extension Service. Purdue University, 1979.
  • Klippstein, Ruth. “Economics of Home Food Preservation.” Canning, Freezing, Storing Garden Produce. USDA Agriculture Bulletin 410. 1977.
  • Energy Information Admin., Dept. of Energy. Average retail price of electricity, by state. Available at: Accessed at 8/08.

1 P. Kendall, Colorado State University Extension specialist and professor, food science and human nutrition; and L. Payton, Extension agent (retired), Larimer County. 9/98. Revised 09/08.

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Cost of Preserving and Storing Food - 8.704 - Extension (2024)


What is the cheapest way of preserving food? ›

Cheap food preservation methods include canning, pickling, fermenting, drying, cellaring and making your own vinegar from potato peels or other produce.

Which is the most expensive method of food preservation? ›

The most expensive technique of preserving food is freezing. In order to freeze food items, a freezer is required which is very costly.

How much does it cost to can food? ›

The cost of new canning jars with lids ranges from $5 to $8 per dozen. The jars and screwbands may be divided over an average 10-year lifespan but lids need to be purchased yearly, varying in cost from 3 to 6 cents per lid.

What is the value of food preservation? ›

The aims of food preservation are given below: To prevent the growth of micro-organisms. To minimize the spoilage of food items. To protect the taste, color, and nutritional value of food products.

What is the cheapest food that lasts the longest? ›

10 Cheap (and Healthy) Foods that Last a Long Time
  • Dried Beans and Lentils. Average Price: Under $2 for a 1-pound bag. ...
  • Brown Rice and Other Whole Grains. Average Price: About $2 (depending on where you purchase) for a 1-pound bag. ...
  • Frozen Vegetables. ...
  • Peanut Butter. ...
  • Canned Tuna. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Whey Protein. ...
  • Apples.

What is the fastest and easiest way of preserving food? ›

Refrigerating, freezing, and dry storing are the trifecta of quick preservation. As I mentioned while describing their pros and cons last week, produce preserved in these ways requires minimal prep and handling. Most of the tools and packaging you need are likely already in your home.

What is the newest method of food preservation? ›

Modern methods include canning, pasteurization, freezing, irradiation, and the addition of chemicals. Advances in packaging materials have played an important role in modern food preservation.

What food preservation lasts the longest? ›

Canned Foods

The old grocery store standby is canned goods. If well-packaged and kept out of extreme elements, canned foods — including fruits, vegetables, meats and even certain dairy — can last for years on the shelf.

What are the 2 best methods for food preservation? ›

Both freezing and deep-freezing are the most effective methods of preservation and the techniques that change the organioleptic and nutritional properties of the product the least. Likewise, both allow the food to be preserved for long periods of time, up to several years in some circ*mstances.

Should I stockpile canned food? ›

Canned Goods Are Your Best Friend

As you make your tornado preparedness plan, make sure to add lots of canned foods to your storm shelter. These goods tend to last months, if not years, without going bad. However, be sure to continuously check expiration dates and get rid of anything that's too far gone.

Is it cheaper to eat canned food? ›

Canned vegetables are budget-friendly and keep for a long time so you'll likely cut down on food waste and save money if you choose them. Sometimes, fresh beats them out in terms of taste and quality, but not always. Frozen fruit is unbeatable in smoothies, and soups are a forgiving base for vegetables of all kinds.

What are the disadvantages of food preservation? ›

Disadvantages of food preservation: Excess salt and sugar are used in the preservation of food which is not good for health. Some methods of food preservation may lead to loss of nutrients.

What are the 3 main objectives of food preservation? ›

There are three basic objectives for the preservation of foods:
  • Prevention of contamination of food from damaging agents.
  • Delay or prevention of growth of microorganisms in the food.
  • Delay of enzymic spoilage, i.e. self-decomposition of the food by naturally occurring enzymes within it.

What are the 5 methods of food preservation? ›

The methods that are involved in food preservation include Drying, Freezing, Vacuum Packing, Jellying, Canning or Bottling. Drying: Food preservation by drying method. The main aim behind the drying method is to reduce the water activity efficiently by preventing or delaying the bacterial growth.

What is the oldest and cheapest method of meat preservation? ›

Meat curing and smoking are two of the oldest methods of meat preservation. They not only improve the safety and shelf life of meat products but also enhance the colour and flavour. Smoking of meat decreases the available moisture on the surface of meat products, preventing microbial growth and spoilage.

Is the cheapest and oldest way of preserving food? ›

Dehydrating is one of the oldest forms of food preservation. This method removes moisture from food. Removing moisture from the product reduces the ability of bacterial growth by taking away the element it needs to grow.

Which is the simplest method of preserving food at home? ›

Refrigerating and freezing is the easiest way to store excess food and doesn't require any other ingredients unlike the other methods. Most people already use refrigerators to keep food fresh, and the freezer is a great method that can be used for all sorts of food that can form meats to produce and even doughs.

Is canning cheaper than store-bought? ›

If you're growing the produce at home and canning it, then the price is less than $. 25 a jar, if you're purchasing the produce, it will vary, but usually it's still going to be less than $2.00 per jar of finished product. But don't discount the price savings by purchasing it in bulk and in season.

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