Converting Colors - RGB - 255, 0, 92 (2024)

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Here you see your color converted to 17 different color formats like RGB, CMYK, HSV, HSL, CIELab, Android, Decimal, and YUV.

🤖 Convert multiple colors at once or 📢 get Conversions and Harmonies via the REST API.

Are you interested in the nearest colors from our lists for your color? For example, the closest Benjamin Moore, Farrow & Ball, or Sherwin Williams color?

Get the Nearest Colors from the Lists


The RGB color 255, 0, 92 is a dark color, and the


version is hex FF0066. The color can be described as dark saturated red. A complement of this color would be 0, 255, 163, and the grayscale version is 87, 87, 87.

A 20% lighter version of the original color is 255, 98, 142, and 190, 0, 47 is the 20% darker color. If you saturate the color by 10%, you get 255, 0, 92, and if you desaturate by 10%, it is 255, 25, 108.


Brightness & Saturation Gradients

These gradients show how the RGB color 255, 0, 92 changes by changing the brightness by 10 percent. The first figure shows a shift by +10% for each color and the second figure -10%.

Similar to the brightness gradients but the following saturation gradients show a change of the RGB color 255, 0, 92 by changing the saturation by 10% instead.



The triadic color harmony groups three colors that are evenly spaced from another and form a triangle on the color wheel.


The complementary color scheme is a pair of colors which are on the opposite of each other on the color wheel.

Split Complementary

Split-complementary colors differ from the complementary color scheme. The scheme consists of three colors, the original color and two neighbors of the complement color.


The square scheme is like the rectangle color scheme, but the four colors are evenly spaced on the color wheel.


The rectangle color scheme consists of four colors that form a rectangle on the color wheel.


The sweet spot groups the original color and five complimentary colors.

SVG Images

A selection of SVG images using the hex version #FF005C of the current color.


White Background

This preview shows how the RGB color 255, 0, 92 looks on a white background.

Color Contrast Check

Large Text (above 18pt) WCAG AA ✓ Pass

Any Text WCAG AA ✕ Fail

Large Text (above 18pt) WCAG AAA ✕ Fail

Any Text WCAG AAA ✕ Fail

If you want to check with other color combinations, try the Color Contrast Checker.

Black Background

This preview shows how the RGB color 255, 0, 92 looks on a black background.

Color Contrast Check

Large Text (above 18pt) WCAG AA ✓ Pass

Any Text WCAG AA ✓ Pass

Large Text (above 18pt) WCAG AAA ✓ Pass

Any Text WCAG AAA ✕ Fail

If you want to check with other color combinations, try the Color Contrast Checker.

RGB 255, 0, 92 Background

This preview shows how black text looks on a background with the RGB color 255, 0, 92.

This preview shows how white text looks on a background with the RGB color 255, 0, 92.

Color Blindness Simulation

Color vision deficiency is a very complex topic, and I could not describe the different causes any better than Wikipedia does, so if you want to learn more, you should check out their article about color blindness. The numbers below show the percentage of affected people.


Original Color
255, 0, 92

Protanopia (L-cone absent)
Men: 1% to 1.3%, Women: 0.02%
132, 130, 135

Deuteranopia (M-cone absent)
Men: 1% to 1.2%, Women: 0.01%
158, 125, 81

Tritanopia (S-cone absent)
Men: 0.001%, Women: 0.03%
253, 37, 34


Original Color
255, 0, 92

Protanomaly (L-cone defect)
Men: 1.3%, Women: 0.02%
177, 83, 119

Deuteranomaly (M-cone defect)
Men: 5.0%, Women: 0.35%
193, 80, 85

Tritanomaly (S-cone defect)
Men: 0.01%, Women: 0.01%
254, 24, 55


Original Color
255, 0, 92

Men: 0.1%, Women: 0.1%
87, 87, 87

Men: 0.1%, Women: 0.1%
148, 55, 89

CSS Examples


The CSS property to change the color of the text to RGB 255, 0, 92 is called "color". The color property can be set on classes, ids or directly on the HTML element.

This example shows how text in the color rgb(255, 0, 92) looks like.

.text, #text, p{color:rgb(255, 0, 92)}

📋 Copy Code

If you want to add a text shadow in that color use the text-shadow property, you can generate a text shadow directly with our 🔧 CSS Text Shadow Generator.

Here you see how black text with a 4 pixel rgb(255, 0, 92) colored shadow looks like.

.shadow{ text-shadow: 4px 4px 2px rgb(255, 0, 92) } 

📋 Copy Code


The CSS property to change the border of an element to RGB 255, 0, 92 is called "border". The border property can be set on classes, ids or directly on the HTML element.

This example shows the color as border, it can be applied via the CSS property "border" or "border-color".

.border, #border, table{ border:4px solid rgb(255, 0, 92) }

📋 Copy Code

If only the border color should be changed use the property border-color.

.border{ border-color:rgb(255, 0, 92) }

📋 Copy Code

If you want to add a box shadow in that color use:

Here you see how a box with a 4 pixel rgb(255, 0, 92) colored shadow looks like.

.boxshadow{ -moz-box-shadow:4px 4px 4px 4px rgb(255, 0, 92); -webkit-box-shadow:4px 4px 4px 4px rgb(255, 0, 92); box-shadow:4px 4px 4px 4px rgb(255, 0, 92) }

📋 Copy Code


The CSS property to change the background color of an element to RGB 255, 0, 92 is called "background". The background property can be set on classes, ids or directly on the HTML element.

.background, #background, body{ background:rgb(255, 0, 92) }

📋 Copy Code

If only the background color should be changed can be used:

.background{ background-color:rgb(255, 0, 92) }

📋 Copy Code

This example shows the color as background, it is applied via the CSS property "background".

To optimize and compress your CSS code, you can use our online CSS compressor and optimizer based on csstidy. If you want to create a linear or radial gradient as background or border, check our 🌈 CSS Gradient Generator.

How-to use Converting Colors


To convert, paste a string in one of these color formats, for example, "FF005C", into the input field and click on convert. The result will be in the section Conversions, and the following sections will provide you with further details on the color.

Some color formats use the same notation, and the conversion will guess the composition of the search query. As an example, if you try to convert the string "338°, 100%, 100%" it could be an HSV or HSL color, the conversion will assume HSL in this case.

As this could lead to wrong conversions, you can define which format you are passing by wrapping your color string in brackets with the format in front. The search string "HSV(338°, 100%, 100%)" will give you the correct HSV color as there is no need to guess the format. Other examples would be "CIELAB(54.06, 82.36, 24.63)", "CIELCH(54, 85.963, 16.653)", "YXY(22.0327, 0.5584, 0.2850)" and "CMYK(0.00, 1.00, 0.64, 0.00)".


In the details section, you first get a summary of the color and, if available, a description like "dark muted red". You can see the color distribution in different formats. For example, in the RGB format, you get to know the amount of red, green, and blue in your color.

At last, you get brightness and saturation gradients of your color in 10% steps. So if you need a brighter or darker version, you can pick it from here.


The harmonies basically show you colors that go well with the color you are currently viewing. If you like one of the harmonies, you can directly create a 🌈 CSS Gradient or 🔧 CSS Text Shadow from it or view the harmony as a 🖌️ Color Bucket.

SVG Images

This short section shows you a selection of SVG files using the current color. You can download these files and use them in your projects, for example, as a background image.


You want to see how your color looks on a white or black background? Then you should check out the "Previews" section of the color page.

You also see the color contrast of your color on these backgrounds and get a link to the Color Contrast Checker with your color preselected.

Color Blindness Simulation

When you select a color for your project, you might want to keep in mind how this color is perceived by anyone with a color vision deficiency. Therefore I have added this section showing you previews of your color for different color vision deficiencies.

CSS Examples

If you are new to web development, you might want to see how to apply your color as foreground, background, or border color. The "CSS Examples" section gives you exactly this, help how to use the current color in CSS.

If you are viewing a color in a format not available in CSS, then you will see the color converted to a compatible format.

Color Bucket

You decided on colors for your next project and want to download them as a palette or share them with friends to discuss your decision? Then you should have a look at the color bucket. It allows you to store up to 10 colors, auto-creates color palettes for each of these colors based on the lightness, and gives you a WCAG matrix.

You can download each of the color palettes or the selected colors as a GIMP, Adobe® ASE, or Tailwind CSS palette. Additionally, you can view everything as a 🌈 CSS Gradient, 🔧 CSS Text Shadow, or 📷 Color Palette Image.

To add a color to your color bucket, I put a link "❤️ Add this color to the bucket" in the header section of each page on this website.

Color Contrast Checker

When you decide on colors for a project, it is essential to keep the color contrast in mind. My Color Contrast Checker allows you to check the colors you have selected according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

Converting Colors - RGB - 255, 0, 92 (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.