Compound Interest: Why Shouldn’t You Eat Rhubarb Leaves? – The Chemistry of Rhubarb (2024)

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Field-grown rhubarb will shortly be coming into season and appearing in supermarkets in the UK, so it seems like a good time to take a look at the chemistry behind this odd-looking vegetable. It’s mostly used in pies and desserts, but it’s only the stalks of the plant that we eat – and there’s a reason for that. This graphic takes a look at why, and also looks at the chemical compounds that contribute to the colour and the laxative effect of rhubarb.

Firstly, let’s consider the poisonous nature of rhubarb leaves. It’s generally thoughtthat this is due to the presence ofa chemical compound called oxalic acid. This compound doesn’t just occur in rhubarb – it also occurs in lower amounts in spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts. Obviously, we eat those pretty regularly just fine; in vindication of the old adage ‘the dose makes the poison’, it’s the higher concentration in rhubarb leaves that poses the problem.

Rhubarb leaves have a comparatively high oxalic acid content of around 0.5 grams per 100 grams of leaves. This is present in the form of oxalic acid, and also in the form of calcium and potassium oxalate salts, and is at a level much higher than that found in other portions of the plant such as the stem. The suggested lethal dose of oxalic acid is in the region of 15-30 grams, meaning you’d have to eat a fair few kilograms of the leaves to reach this dose, but lower doses can still cause nausea and vomiting.

This was discovered to the detriment of the British government in World War I, when, due to food shortages, they advocated eating rhubarb leaves. Of course, this led to cases of poisoning, and at least one death is reported in the literature. The only other study on a death due to oxalic acid poisoning was back in 1960, so the specificsof the mechanism of the poisoning are a little hazy. However, it’s known that, in the body, oxalic acid binds to calcium ions, producing calcium oxalate. Calcium oxalate is insoluble, and as such accrues in the kidneys as kidney stones.

It’s not quite as clear as oxalic acid or oxalates being the culprit, though. Some critics have pointed out that no traces of oxalates were found in post-mortem examinations of those who supposedly died from poisoning after eating rhubarb leaves, and it’s also been suggested that there may be another, as yet unidentified chemical component in the leaves of rhubarb which contributes to their toxicity. Compounds known as anthraquinone glycosides have been suggested as potential candidates, but as yet no specific compound has been identified.

This leads nicely on to a discussion of some of the other compounds found in rhubarb stems, which include anthraquinones. They’re contributors to the colour of rhubarb, although not major contributors – that part is played by compounds called anthocyanins, common causes of colour in plants. The major anthocyanin in rhubarb is cyanidin-3-glucoside. A range of anthraquinones are also present, including emodin (orange), chrysophanol (yellow), physcion (red-orange), and rhein (red). Besides their colour contribution, these compounds and their derivatives also give rhubarb alaxative effect.

The compounds of interest as far asthese effects go are the sennosides, derivatives of anthraquinones. During digestion, these compounds are hydrolysed into a number of smaller molecules, including rheinanthrone. It’s rheinanthrone that is thought to be the primary compound behind rhubarb’s laxative effect. Sennosides are also found in the senna plant (hence the name), and are commonly used in laxative medications. They’re included in the World Health Organisation’s list of the essential medicines.

Compounds from rhubarb have also been examined for other potential medical uses. In particular, the anthroquinones have been researched as potential anticancer compounds, with both emodin and aloe-emodin having been shown to exhibit anti-tumour properties.

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Compound Interest: Why Shouldn’t You Eat Rhubarb Leaves? – The Chemistry of Rhubarb (2024)


Compound Interest: Why Shouldn’t You Eat Rhubarb Leaves? – The Chemistry of Rhubarb? ›

High in oxalic acid

What chemical compound is found in rhubarb that is poisonous? ›

The chemical villain in rhubarb leaves is oxalic acid, a compound also found in Swiss chard, spinach, beets, peanuts, chocolate, and tea.

What is the chemistry of rhubarb? ›

The main chemical compositions of rhubarb include anthraquinones, anthrones, stilbenes, tannins, polysaccharides etc.

Do rhubarb leaves contain oxalic acid? ›

Rhubarb leaves are quite high in oxalic acid and are definitely poisonous, but the stalks are safe to eat. Skunk cabbage and the large-leaved house plant dieffenbachia also contain dangerous concentrations of oxalic acid.

What substances in rhubarb plant leaves can cause abdominal pain? ›

Rhubarb leaves contain oxalic acid, which can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, seizures, and death.

Why can't you eat rhubarb leaves? ›

The bottom line

Rhubarb leaves contain high amounts of oxalic acid, which can cause health problems when eaten in higher amounts. Symptoms of toxicity include mild gastrointestinal symptoms, as well as more serious problems, such as kidney stones and kidney failure.

What is the compound in rhubarb? ›

The major constituents of rhubarb are a variety of phenolic compounds, such as anthraquinone derivatives, dianthrones, stilbenes, polyphenols, flavonoids and chromones. Among them, rhein, emodin, aloe-emodin, physcion and chrysophanol are well recognized as biologically active components.

What is the chemistry of rhubarb flavor? ›

The chemical composition of rhubarb juice is characterised by a low relative density and low Brix (4–4.8 °Brix), due to a low sugar content (about 12 g/l), whereas the total acidity is high (about 17 g/l). The major acid is malic acid, followed by oxalic acid and citric acid.

How do you extract oxalic acid from rhubarb? ›

Extracting Oxalic acid from Rhubarb?
  1. Cut up rhubarb leaves finely and soak in 40 degree Celsius water for several days (so the oxalic acid leeches out)
  2. Add calcium carbonate to form calcium oxalate which will precipitate out.
  3. Re-acidify with HCl.
Apr 22, 2017

Is rhubarb a laxative? ›

Rhubarb has numerous health benefits. It can remove toxins from the body and is a natural laxative. Its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties protect the body from many health issues, including the risk of developing cancer, heart diseases, and others.

What plant has the most oxalic acid? ›

Foods high in oxalates (oxalic acid) include:
  • Spinach: 755 mg per ½ cup.
  • Firm tofu: 235 mg per 3-ounce serving.
  • Soy milk: 336 mg per 1 cup.
  • Potatoes: 97 mg per serving.
  • Beets: 152 mg per 1 cup.
  • Raspberries: 48 mg per 1 cup.
  • Navy beans: 76 mg per ½ cup.
  • Almonds: 122 mg per 1 ounce.

What food has the most oxalic acid? ›

Vegetables that are particularly high in oxalate include:
  • spinach.
  • kale.
  • swiss chard.
  • sweet potatoes.
  • rhubarb.
  • beets.
  • potato skins.
Jul 20, 2022

What are the medicinal uses of rhubarb? ›

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the rhizome and root are use to treat gastrointestinal and liver diseases. It is also used in herbal formulas such as Ma Zi Ren Wan. In lab animals, compounds in rhubarb called anthraquinones reduced pain, inflammation, and some tumors.

What does rhubarb do to urine? ›

The symptoms of rhubarb leaf poisoning show clinical signs such as low production of urine (oliguria), excretion of acetone in the urine (acetonuria), and excessive albumin in the urine (albuminuria). In rare fatalities there are signs of damage to the kidneys.

What is the chemical in rhubarb leaves? ›

Poisonous Ingredient

Anthraquinone glycosides (possible) Oxalic acid.

What does rhubarb do to your stomach? ›

The fiber in rhubarb helps keep things moving through your digestive tract, preventing problems such as constipation. It also contains compounds called sennosides, which act as natural laxatives. The tannins in rhubarb also provide anti-diarrheal effects.

Why is raw rhubarb poisonous? ›

Rhubarb stalks naturally contain a very small amount of oxalic acid. The usual issue of concern with oxalic acid-containing foods is the production of calcium oxalates in our body, which comprise kidney stones. Heed the earlier warning: Do not eat any rhubarb leaves and you will be fine.

Is rhubarb high in oxalates? ›

Some examples of foods that are highest in oxalates include green leafy vegetables, soy, almonds, potatoes, tea, rhubarb, cereal grains and beets. Oxalates are also naturally created in the human body as a waste product.

What is in rhubarb that causes kidney stones? ›

Some examples of foods that contain high levels of oxalate include: peanuts, rhubarb, spinach, beets, chocolate and sweet potatoes. Moderating intake of these foods may be beneficial for people who form calcium oxalate stones, the leading type of kidney stones.

What disease is common in rhubarb? ›

Botrytis fungus causes leaf, stalk, and crown rot. This disease is common in areas where rhubarb plants do not receive proper air circulation and high humidity is present. Eliminate rotting material near the plants and apply a fungicide at 7 day intervals as soon as you notice the disease.

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