Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: What to Expect With Your Finances, Debt & Assets (2024)

Filing for bankruptcy is never an easy choice.

But sometimes, it can feel like the only way to escape the vice grip of debt and move on with life.

Most personal bankruptcy filers will turn to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which offers almost total debt forgiveness and a quick discharge time.

But before you can get a fresh start from a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you should know the basics — and what to expect from the bankruptcy process.

What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

In researching your options, you’ll find there are two common types of bankruptcy for individuals and couples: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. While similar in many ways, they differ in some big areas.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also known as “liquidation bankruptcy,” is a bankruptcy by which individuals or couples who are deemed to not have a high enough income to pay back debts can absolve themselves through liquidating their assets. You can include both secured debts and unsecured debts.

If the liquidation doesn’t cover the entire debt, then the remaining balance is typically forgiven.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy, also known as “wage-earner bankruptcy,” is for those whose income or other qualifiers make them ineligible for Chapter 7.

These individuals or couples will work with a trustee to create a payment plan lasting three to five years to repay most of their debt, and they won’t have to liquidate any assets unless they choose to.

Of the two, Chapter 7 is by far the most popular. Here’s how to determine if you qualify and how to file.

Pro Tip

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy can discharge a wide array of debt — credit card debt, tax debts, medical bills, personal loans, payday loans, even some types of student loans.

Before You Can File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Before you file, you’ll have to determine if you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Seeking professional advice from a bankruptcy attorney is the only real way to determine your eligibility, but if you haven’t committed to getting one yet, here’s what they’ll look for.

The Means Test

Because the basis for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is not having the means to pay your debts, the first step in the process is a “means test.”

The means test is a form you’ll file with information on your income, expenses and family size to determine whether you have enough disposable income to repay your debts.

If your income falls below the median income for your state and family size, then you’re more likely to qualify. If not, it’s still possible you can qualify. You’ll have to report your last six months of “necessary” expenses to show that the money left over — your disposable income — isn’t enough to make your debt payments.

Credit Counseling

You’ll have to participate in a pre-bankruptcy counseling session with an approved credit counseling agency. The U.S. Department of Justice provides a list of approved credit counseling agencies in each state, but you can also do it online or over the phone.

This session is meant to give you an idea as to whether you really need to file for bankruptcy or if an informal repayment plan would be better. It’ll also help you with budgeting in hopes that you won’t repeat the bankruptcy process in the future.

The fee for this credit counseling session can range from $25-$50 and lasts 90-120 minutes.

Bankruptcy History

The last thing that can make you ineligible for filing is your history with bankruptcy. You’re ineligible to file if you’ve had another bankruptcy case dismissed within the last 180 days.

You’re also ineligible for discharge if you’ve had debt forgiven in a previous Chapter 7 bankruptcy case in the past eight years or a Chapter 13 case in the past six years.

How Much Does a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Cost?

Once you’ve checked those three boxes, then you’re ready to file. But be prepared for the costs. The initial filing fee for Chapter 7 is $338 as of 2022.

If you can’t afford the fee, you can either ask the bankruptcy court to split it into four payments or apply for a fee waiver when you’re submitting your initial bankruptcy petition. You’re usually only eligible for a fee waiver if your household income is at least 150% below federal poverty guidelines.

You’ll also need to pay a bankruptcy attorney, which can cost anywhere from $500 to $3,500, depending on where you live.


  • Over sooner
  • No impact on wages
  • Keep your house and car
  • Support payments may be dismissed
  • No debt limit


  • Damage to credit
  • May forfeit house or car
  • Loss of property
  • Other debt and payments remain

Pros and Cons of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

The upside to Chapter 7 bankruptcy is great. You can get much of your debt discharged and be able to start fresh. Other pros include:

  • Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be completed in three to six months (versus three to five years for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.)
  • You get to keep all your salary and wages after you file.
  • Most states allow you to keep your home and car, especially if you’re current on payments.
  • Chapter 7 bankruptcy can aid in getting a family court order to dismiss child support and alimony payments.
  • There’s no debt limit to qualify.

The major downside to Chapter 7 bankruptcy is obvious: potentially having to give up many of your treasured things. But there are other drawbacks you may not think of.

  • It will ruin your credit and stay on your credit report for up to 10 years.
  • If you’re behind on your mortgage or car payments, then you will likely have to forfeit them.
  • You’ll lose any luxury possessions and nonexempt property you own.
  • It won’t automatically absolve you of the responsibility of alimony, child support or repaying student loans and mortgage liens.

If you owe far more than your assets and/or property are worth, Chapter 7 bankruptcy could make financial sense.

Still, while some of your property won’t be taken and sold to repay creditors, much of it will be. Chapter 7 bankruptcy might be better for renters who don’t stand to lose their homes or for others with few assets.

Filing for bankruptcy can also be an emotional decision for many people. Take that into consideration when you’re making your own decision.

How to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Once you’ve determined your eligibility and counted the costs, things really get moving. Here’s a step-by-step guide to the process, whether you hire an attorney or not.

1. Find a Bankruptcy Attorney

When you’re struggling financially, the added expense of a bankruptcy attorney can feel like just one more thing you can’t afford. But Chapter 7 bankruptcy has long-reaching legal and financial impacts, the process can be complicated and you may only get one shot at getting it right.

Paying an expert to guide you through the bankruptcy process can be money well spent. You can represent yourself in your Chapter 7 bankruptcy though.

2. File Your Formal Petition

Your formal Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition includes submitting many bankruptcy forms and your filing fee or waiver application to your local bankruptcy court.

3. Submit Documents to a Bankruptcy Trustee

You’ll need to submit proof of the information you submitted in your initial petition to your bankruptcy trustee. The trustee will be in charge of executing your bankruptcy. They’ll round up your property, sell it, challenge creditors if needed and monitor your eligibility for Chapter 7 throughout the proceedings.

3. Attend the Meeting of Creditors

You’ll attend one meeting with your trustee and creditors after filing. You and your trustee will review the documents you sent them with the creditors, and they will, in turn, inquire about your finances and property.

That’s usually the end, unless there’s a need for more investigation or documents, in which case your trustee will schedule another meeting.

Be aware that if you don’t show up to your meeting, the court will dismiss your bankruptcy case.

4. Take the Debtor Education Course

To get your discharge, you’ll have to take one more course called the Debtor Education Course, which you may do earlier in the process. This one is about two hours long and can usually be taken with the same agency you did your pre-bankruptcy counseling with.

You won’t want to procrastinate on this. You only have 60 days after your initial meeting of creditors to file your completion certificate with the court.

Failing to file your completion certificate will cause the court to dismiss your case, and you’ll have to pay the filing fee again to reopen it. You’ll also probably have to file an extra petition requesting they accept the late certificate.

5. Get Your Discharge

Once you’ve followed the steps, the court will officially discharge your qualifying debts and close your case.

Be sure to hold onto your discharge order, because while creditors will no longer have any claim to your debt, some may still try to come for it. All you’ll have to do is send them a copy of that discharge order to get them off your back.

What to Expect After You File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Between filing and discharge, there are a few events you should look out for.

Automatic Stay

Once you file bankruptcy, creditors and collectors will have to stop trying to collect their money while the case plays out. That’s called an “automatic stay.”

If a company continues to try to collect during the stay, it’s violating a court order. Let the company know in writing, and the collections will likely stop. If they don’t, notify the bankruptcy court, and they’ll likely pursue litigation against the company.

Seizing of Assets

Your trustee will handle all of this for you. In the unlikely case your home is one of those assets, the trustee cannot come over without first consulting you. And if there’s any disagreement as to what is included in the bankruptcy estate, you or your attorney can file bank forms to dispute.

Receiving Reaffirmation Agreements

For secured debts that you want to hold onto — usually your primary mortgage and car loans — you’ll have to sign a reaffirmation agreement for each debt, which will waive the discharge of that particular debt. These will be sent to your attorney and will have to be signed by both you and the creditor before you receive your discharge order.

Jen Smith is a former staff writer at The Penny Hoarder and author of “Meal Planning on a Budget.” She gives money-saving and debt-payoff tips on Instagram at @modernfrugality.

Senior editor Johna Strickland contributed.


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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: What to Expect With Your Finances, Debt & Assets (2024)


Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: What to Expect With Your Finances, Debt & Assets? ›

A chapter 7 bankruptcy case does not involve the filing of a plan of repayment as in chapter 13. Instead, the bankruptcy trustee gathers and sells the debtor's nonexempt assets and uses the proceeds of such assets to pay holders of claims (creditors) in accordance with the provisions of the Bankruptcy Code.

How much debt is too much for Chapter 7? ›

The U.S. bankruptcy code doesn't specify a minimum dollar amount someone must owe to make them eligible for a qualified filing. In short, any debt is enough debt. More important than the size of your debt is the size of your income. How much money you earn affects whether you qualify for Chapter 7.

How does bankruptcy work with assets? ›

As a part of the liquidation process, a court-appointed trustee is assigned to a bankruptcy estate to gather and oversee the debtor's nonexempt assets. Nonexempt assets aren't protected under the Bankruptcy Code and are sold for cash. The cash is then redistributed to creditors.

How do you keep assets in Chapter 7? ›

Chapter 7 bankruptcy rules provide several ways for a filer to keep a non-exempt asset from being liquidated. If it's important to you, you can try to convince the trustee to accept an item of exempt property in its place, or you can offer to re-buy the item from the trustee.

What to expect when filing Chapter 7? ›

Once you file your bankruptcy petition, the court will mail you and any creditors a notice entitled,“Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors, Deadlines.” This notice informs your creditors of your bankruptcy case, provides information about various court deadlines, and contains the date, time, and ...

What would disqualify me from Chapter 7? ›

5 Reasons Your Bankruptcy Case Could Be Denied

The debtor failed to attend credit counseling. Their income, expenses, and debt would allow for a Chapter 13 filing. The debtor attempted to defraud creditors or the bankruptcy court. A previous debt was discharged within the past eight years under Chapter 7.

How often are Chapter 7 bankruptcies denied? ›

“Chapter 7 applications get denied more often than people think,” Derek Jacques, of The Mitten Law Firm, in Michigan, said. “In my experience, about 15% don't even get approved. From there, they can be dismissed before the process is completed for a lot of reasons.”

How do I protect my assets during bankruptcy? ›

You can use exemptions to protect your property. If you “exempt” an asset, it will be protected from being sold to repay creditors. Protecting assets in bankruptcy usually depends on the exemptions available to you in the state where you live. Exemptions vary from state to state.

Do you lose everything in Chapter 7? ›

Although Chapter 7 bankruptcy is known as the “liquidation bankruptcy,” you won't lose everything. In fact, you are unlikely to lose the things you need most. In any Chapter 7 case, filers can claim a number of exemptions that protect all kinds of property – some of which might surprise you.

What is the downside of Chapter 7? ›

The main cons to Chapter 7 bankruptcy are that most secured debts won't be erased, you may lose nonexempt property, and your credit score will likely take a temporary hit. While a successful bankruptcy filing can give you a fresh start, it's important to do your research before deciding what's right for you.

How much money can you have in the bank during bankruptcies? ›

Keeping cash when filing for bankruptcy does change somewhat between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies. Under Chapter 13, you also have the $550 cash exemption along with a wildcard exemption up to $1,475, allowing you to keep $2,025 in cash under Chapter 13.

Will I lose my savings if I file Chapter 7? ›

The short answer is that the purpose of Chapter 7 is to give you a fresh start, not leave you destitute. If an item of property, an investment, or cash is "exempt" or protected under the bankruptcy exemption laws, you can keep it. Get debt relief now.

How much money can I have in the bank for Chapter 7? ›

For example, typically under Federal exemptions, you can have approximately $20,000.00 cash on hand or in the bank on the day you file bankruptcy. The vast majority of my clients have considerable less than $20,000.00 in the bank the day I file their bankruptcy.

What can you not do after Chapter 7? ›

However, there are certain restrictions and limitations on what you can and cannot do after filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
  • Avoid Spending Outside Your Income Levels. ...
  • You Cannot Neglect Your Alimony & Child Support Obligations After Chapter 7. ...
  • You Cannot Ignore Student Loans. ...
  • You Cannot Eliminate Most Tax Debt.

Do creditors get mad when you file Chapter 7? ›

They don't get mad when they get your bankruptcy filing and they don't cry when they get your bankruptcy filing. Instead, they process the bankruptcy notice along with the thousands of others they get each year without an ounce of emotion about it.

How long after Chapter 7 can I buy a car? ›

Getting a Car after Chapter 7

You should receive notice of your discharge roughly 90 days after your 341 meeting of creditors. After you get this notice, you can get a loan for a car. However, it's still better to wait so you can improve your chances of being approved for a loan with better rates.

What happens if you make too much money for Chapter 7? ›

You'll likely fail the first part of the Chapter 7 means test if you make a lot of money because it compares your family's gross income to your state's median income for the same household size. You won't get a break if you have a small to moderate family size.

Are Chapter 7 bankruptcies ever denied? ›

The court may deny a chapter 7 discharge for any of the reasons described in section 727(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, including failure to provide requested tax documents; failure to complete a course on personal financial management; transfer or concealment of property with intent to hinder, delay, or defraud creditors; ...

How bad is your credit after Chapter 7? ›

Assessing the Damage

If you know your score and file for bankruptcy, get ready to watch it plunge. A person with an average 680 score would lose between 130 and 150 points in bankruptcy. Someone with an above-average 780 score would lose between 200 and 240 points.

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