Chamomile Flower Tea: How to Plant, Grow, Harvest, and Blend (2024)

May 31, 2022

Chamomile Flower Tea: How to Plant, Grow, Harvest, and Blend (1)

Chamomile is an easy-to-grow, common flower that brings whimsical life to any garden, and itsplethora of usesmeans it's ideal for growing and making chamomile tea.

But how do you grow chamomile? And what goes into actually making something useful out of it?

It's not as hard as you may think, especially considering chamomile is the plant that just keeps on giving - and growing. Let's see what this little plant is all about.

What Is Chamomile?

Chamomile is part of the daisy orAsteraceaefamily and is a flowering medicinal plant that comes from Europe and West Asia. These days, you can find it all over the world. Chamomile can have a delightfully subtle apple-like or sweet straw scent, which may explain where it got its name.

Chamomile is actually Greek and translates to "earth apple."

The flower comes in two varieties, German and Roman Chamomile; and while they do have their differences, German chamomile is considered the most potent for herbal and therapeutic remedies. German chamomile is also most commonly used in tea because it's less bitter than Roman Chamomile.

Roman chamomile has gray-green leaves and grows to about a foot tall. Its leaves are slightly thicker than that of its German cousin, and it has white petals that encircle a bright yellow center.

Chamomile grows well in temperate areas and grows with soft, feathery leaves and delicate stems. They're topped with small daisy-like flowers with yellow cone-shaped centers and tiny white petals.

Chamomile as a Home Remedy

Chamomile is not only edible, it's good for you too. It's considered a nervine herb, which means it helps relieve the symptoms of anxiety and stress by supporting the nervous system. This makes it the best tea for sleep and calming frayed nerves.

Chamomile is also a great digestive plant, as it hasanti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, which help to soothe an irritated stomach. Having a cup of chamomile tea after a meal should help with digestion.

It also helps with:

  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Acid Reflux
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Chamomile Flower Tea: How to Plant, Grow, Harvest, and Blend (2)

The benefits of this delightful little flower don't end at the stomach and nerves. Chamomile is a great plant for skin and hair care because of how soothing it is. It's a common ingredient in many products and is especially ideal for itchy and dry skin.

We can turn chamomile into teas, tinctures, elixirs, topical ointments, essential oils, and bath infusions. Any of these remedies could help with:

  • Excitability and nervousness
  • Insomnia and other sleep issues
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Allergies and food sensitivities
  • Heart palpitations
  • Menstrual complications
  • Skin irritations
  • Eye and mouth issues
  • Stomach and bowel complaints

Chamomile Flower Tea: How to Plant, Grow, Harvest, and Blend (3)

Benefits of the Chamomile Flower in the Garden

Chamomile is a great companion plant, meaning it's great for planting near other herbs and plants. They're also easy to grow from seed, unlike many other flowers. It reseeds well, so it will come back year after year on its own.

Chamomile is also a great pollinator, and butterflies and bees love them. Mosquitos, on the other hand, hate chamomile, making it a helpful mosquito deterrent.

To top it off, you can make good mulch and compost with chamomile since it's so high in nutrients.

Planting Chamomile

As we mentioned, chamomile is easy to grow and looks great in a garden, whether planted in raised beds or added to containers on your patio or porch. We also mentioned that chamomile is very easy to start from seed.

Let's look at how to go from seed to flower.

  1. Start your seeds indoors 6 weeks before the first frost
  2. Press the seeds firmly into the soil but do not cover
  3. Water regularly and keep soil moist
  4. When planting outdoors, space plants 8 inches apart
  5. Water immediately after planting
  6. As the flowers grow, use bamboo supports for top-heavy flowers


While chamomile likes full sun, it's best to grow it in an area with partial afternoon shade in very hot climates. This should stop the plants from scorching - but if you live somewhere more temperate, the full daily sun is absolutely fine.

Soil and Fertilizer

During the planting phase, you'll want to mix some compost or other organic matter into the soil, though chamomile doesn't need any fertilizer on top of that. The richer the soil, the stronger the plant.

Chamomile will survive in poor soil mixtures, but they will have floppy stems. On top of rich soil, try to aim for a neutral pH level.


Young chamomile plants need about an inch of water every week. As they age, they become more drought resistant. In extremely hot climates, chamomile will benefit from extra moisture, but it's best to allow the plants to dry out between these waterings.


Because chamomile thrives in warm climates and can be relatively drought resistant, it does well in very humid areas. While it can tolerate temperatures of 100 degrees Fahrenheit, it does prefer somewhere between 60-80 degrees. Chamomile grows best in zones 3-9 based on theUSDA plant hardiness zones.

Harvesting Chamomile

Fortunately for us, chamomile will continue to grow even as you pluck the flowers. In fact, it will only encourage further growth. The flowers can be used fresh or dried for later use.

Harvest chamomile when the flowers are fully open, and the petals arch backward. Simply snip the flowers with pruning sheers and catch them in a basket or bowl for easy storage. Or use a chamomile harvester as we demonstrate here.

Foraging for Chamomile

This can be a tricky one because all chamomiles are daisies, but not all daisies are chamomiles. You need to know the difference between chamomile plants and pineapple weed.

Because daisies and chamomile also look so similar, it's going to feel impossible trying to differentiate them. Your best bet is to use the petals to guide you. Chamomile petals are about 1 inch wide, with a slight notch at the end of each ray.

The centers are packed with yellow, tubular flowers, and they should have a subtle, aromatic fragrance that distinguishes them from daisies.

Pineapple weed is a close relative of chamomile and is often called wild chamomile.

While it is an edible flower and has similar benefits, its flavors are very different. Pineapple weed has no visible petals and a distinctive smell. Almost like, you guessed it, pineapples!

Chamomile Flower Tea: How to Plant, Grow, Harvest, and Blend (4)

Preserving and Dehydrating

Chamomile is an easy flower to dry. If you don't have a dehydrator, you can simply place them on a sheet of parchment paper away from heat or direct sunlight and leave them to dry all the way through. This typically takes about two weeks.

To keep dust away, use a lightweight and breathable cloth to cover it. Toss the flowers occasionally to make sure they're drying properly. You'll know they're ready when the flowers crumble easily when crushed.

Using a Dehydrator

The best and most convenient way to dry chamomile is byusing a dehydrator. Pre-heat your unit to around 95-115F and place the flowers in a single layer on your trays.

Depending on the temperature you've set it at, the flowers should dry in the machine in around 1-4 hours depending on the environment your dehydrator is in and the time of year. Chamomile will be crispy when dry. It is very delicate so be careful not to handle any more than necessary.

Chamomile Flower Tea: How to Plant, Grow, Harvest, and Blend (5)

Making Your Own Chamomile Tea

While there are plenty of ways to use chamomile in different herbal preparations, tea is one of thesimplest ways to make use of it. Chamomile tea for sleep is best served warm, though a glass of chamomile iced tea is incredible on a hot summer night.

You can alsoblend chamomile with other herbs, especially if you're aiming to target certain ailments. For example, if digestion is your primary concern, then ginger and chamomile would make for an excellent tea. Similarly, if you're struggling to sleep, adding lavender to your chamomile will put you to sleep in no time.

Rose Garden Repose is one of our most popular chamomile blends!It’s delicious and refreshing. That being said, chamomile also pairs well with other earthy flavors, so consider using it with things like:

  • Mint
  • Lavender
  • Nettle
  • Rooibos (red bush)
  • Fennel seed
  • Anise
  • Eucalyptus
  • Ginger
  • Yarrow
  • Angelica root

We've got something tried and true - though we always encourage experimentation - and we've tested the balance of flavors to make sure it's just right.

Try out our lavender chamomile tea and sink away into the warm, welcome embrace of a good night's sleep.

As an added benefit, chamomile tea and pregnancy go hand in hand. It's safe to drink chamomile teawhile pregnantand is a great way to stay calm and hydrated, but be sure to check with your doctor first.

Nothing Like a Warm Cup of Tea

Chamomile is a breeze to grow, a pleasure to have in the garden, and a delight for everyone involved. There's nothing quite like a warm cup of chamomile tea after a long day, especially if you've been tossing and turning at night. As far as a tea for sleeping goes, we wouldn’t reach for anything else, unless of course, you are allergic to chamomile like me. For myself, I grab the lemon balm and there are plenty of reasons why.

If you feel like you need your own personal tea blend or some help in making your chamomile tea just right make sure you check out our . I'd love to know, have you grown chamomile before? IF so what struggles did you have with getting it to grow, if any? Let me know in the comment section below.

Read More About Edible Blooms...

  • Dehydrating Fruits, Flowers and Roots for Tea
  • How to Preserve Flowers for Tea
  • Most Affordable and Productive Medicinal Plants to Grow
  • Calendula Salve, Infusing Oils with Herbs
  • Herbalist Garden: Getting Started

Chamomile Flower Tea: How to Plant, Grow, Harvest, and Blend (6)

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Chamomile Flower Tea: How to Plant, Grow, Harvest, and Blend (2024)


How do you grow and harvest chamomile? ›

Harvesting chamomile is easy. Simply snip off the top of the bloom, or gently place your fingers underneath the bloom and pull upwards, snapping off the flower head while holding onto the stem of the plant. You want to make sure you don't lift the whole chamomile plant out by its roots!

How do you plant chamomile plants? ›

Space chamomile plants 8 inches apart in full sun for best flowering. In hot climates, an area with partial afternoon shade is ideal. Mix compost or other organic matter into the soil when planting. Water immediately after planting, then give plants 1 inch of water per week until well-established.

How do you harvest chamomile so it keeps growing? ›

Simply harvest the flowers by cutting them off at the stem just below the flowerhead. Take care to hold the chamomile flowers as gently as possible – handle them as little as possible during harvesting and never wash them afterwards.

How do you prepare and harvest chamomile tea? ›

Good thing, it's easy to do.
  1. Chamomile flowers are ready to harvest when they are at full bloom. Ideally, the blossoms are open to their fullest, just before the tiny white petals begin to droop down. ...
  2. Once the flowers are thoroughly dried and cooled, store in a well sealed glass jar until next year's chamomile harvest.
6 Jul 2017

How long do chamomile flowers take to grow? ›

How long does chamomile take to grow? Chamomile usually takes about 60-65 days to grow from seed to harvest.

Is chamomile easy to grow? ›

Chamomile is easy to grow from seed – sow direct in a prepared seedbed in autumn, or indoors from March, scattering the seed over the surface of moist, peat-free seed compost. Chamomile needs light to germinate, so cover with a thin layer of vermiculite or don't cover at all.

How do you harvest chamomile seeds? ›

How to collect chamomile seeds
  1. Wait for the petals to lay back towards the stem, or fall off.
  2. A this point, the yellow center will brown and begin to 'flake' apart when touched.
  3. These little flakes are your seeds, collect and store in a paper bag.
8 Jul 2022

How long does chamomile take to grow from seed? ›

Seeds should sprout in 10-14 days. Chamomile is a fairly adaptable plant, but does best in full sun in well-drained soil. Water well in dry weather, and deadhead thoroughly to prevent self-sowing.

What season is best to grow chamomile? ›

Plant chamomile in the spring from either seeds or plants. It's easier to establish chamomile herb in your garden from plants or divisions than from seeds, but growing chamomile from seed is also relatively easy. Chamomile grows best in cool conditions and should be planted in part shade, but will also grow full sun.

How do you harvest chamomile without killing the plant? ›

To harvest chamomile flowers for tea, gather them when they are fully open. Pull off the flowers with one hand while holding the stem just underneath the flower with the other. Leave the stems on the plant to encourage new buds to form.

What month do you harvest chamomile? ›

When to harvest chamomile: You'll know chamomile is ready to harvest once its flower petals begin to droop backwards. This typically occurs in late summer or early autumn, about three to four months after planting.

How long does it take chamomile to harvest? ›

Chamomile flowers can be harvested all summer long, starting as soon as they bloom. In fact, you'll want to harvest regularly for a few months, since the blossoms won't all open at once. To pick flowers at their peak, wait until they are either in full bloom or just about to fully open.

How do you harvest a tea plant? ›

Wait until there are 2-4 new leaves unfurling from new shoots, then pick the top two leaves and bud from the stems with your fingers. Using this method of picking new leaves, its possible to harvest your tea plant every 1-2 weeks from the new growth!

How many chamomile plants to grow? ›

If growing from seed, scatter chamomile seeds and lightly cover them with dirt. Keep soil moist until the seeds sprout. Thin to groups of 2 or 3 plants about 8 inches apart. Chamomile grows in full sun, but needs partial shade while roots are getting established.

What part of the plant do you use for chamomile tea? ›

Chamomile tea is brewed using just the flower heads of the plant. Chamomile plants have strongly scented foliage and chamomile blossoms that feature white petals and yellow centers. Two types of chamomile are used for brewing tea including German Chamomile and Roman Chamomile.

What conditions does chamomile need to grow? ›

Grow chamomile in full sun and in well-drained soil. It will grow well in poor soils, so does not need much fertilizer and has few pest problems other than aphids. It is not preferred by deer. Since the plants are shallow-rooted irrigate as needed to keep upper levels of the soil moist but not wet.

Does chamomile grow back after cutting? ›

The rationale behind this is that it will spur the plant into growing new flower heads, but this practice isn't absolutely necessary. At the end of the season, cut the stems as short as you can and it will burst back in the following spring.

What temperature does chamomile grow? ›

During the period of active growth (late winter to spring), the plants thrive in a day temperature of 60-68°F (15-20°C) and full sun. It is necessary for all chamomile growers to make an extensive research on cultivars that produce well locally.

Can you grow chamomile year round? ›

You can also grow chamomile year-round indoors! We cover that in more detail in a separate guide but I'll touch on it here as well. The Roman type tends to produce fewer flowers than the German variety, so if you're hoping for an abundant tea harvest, go for German chamomile. You can find packets of M.

How many seeds does it take to grow chamomile? ›

Sowing indoors in the seedbed.

In early autumn, we fill a seedbed with a seed starting potting mix. We plant 2-3 seeds in each individual pot of the seed bed, and we cover with a very thin layer of soil mix.

Which chamomile plant is best? ›

Egyptian chamomile: Native to the lush valley along the Nile River in Egypt, this variety of chamomile produced is considered to be the highest-grade, best chamomile in the world! The tea made from Egyptian chamomile herb has a warm, earthy flavor with a pleasant fruity aroma.

How do you harvest herbs without killing the plant? ›

Use your fingers or a small pair of scissors to remove the stems if they're thick. Cut about ¼-inch above where leaves are coming off the main stem. Don't take off more than a third of the height at once, and snip from different parts of the plant to encourage branching all the way around.

Does chamomile come back every year? ›

Chamomile is Easy to Grow From Seed

It also reseeds itself very readily, so will often come back year after year on its own. The tiny seeds need sunlight to germinate, so spread them on the surface of the soil and gently tamp them down. Keep the soil damp and they will usually sprout within a week or so.

Where does chamomile grow naturally? ›

Where to find Chamomile. It used to be fairly common in Britain, but it is now only found in a few areas of southern England, notably the south-west and the New Forest. It prefers mown or grazed grassland in open places, such as sandy heaths, cricket pitches, coastal cliff-tops or open glades in light woodland.

How do you harvest and preserve chamomile? ›

Picking chamomile is an easy, relaxing enterprise. Gently pinch the stem of the plant just below the flower head. Then place your forefinger and middle finger under the head of the flower, between the flower head and the other pinched fingers, and pop the flower head off.

Can you grow chamomile in winter? ›

One of the best things about growing chamomile indoors is that it can be planted in the winter. Requiring only four hours of light per day, your chamomile will be fine as long as it has a spot by a south-facing window.

How many times does chamomile bloom? ›

In 6-10 weeks after germination, chamomile plants will generally be in full bloom and continue to produce new blooms right up until frost covers the area. These blooms are harvested throughout the growing season for healing and relaxing teas, or to be used for skin and hair care.

How many times tea is harvest in a year? ›

Harvesting tea leaves is something that can happen up to 4 times per year. After the tea is harvested for the first time in early spring, it can then be harvested a second time in June or July. Tea from the second harvest is the second highest in nutrients and flavor, so it is often used for more inexpensive teas.

What is harvesting of tea? ›

Tea is harvested by hand, not all leaves are picked during harvesting but only a few top young and juicy leaves with a portion of the stem on which they have grown and the so-called bud (or tip) – an unexpanded leaf at the end of the shoot. A few leaves, part of the stem and a tip are called "flush".

How many flowers do you need for chamomile tea? ›

Find more tips on drying and storing herbs here.

If you are using fresh flowers, double that measurement and use four tablespoons of fresh flowers per eight-ounce cup. Simply add the flowers into the water and allow it to steep for about 5 minutes, then pour the tea over a sieve to separate the flowers from the liquid.

Where are the seeds on a chamomile plant? ›

The seeds on the chamomile flower are located within the central disc of the flower, right under the disc florets. These center florets are normally yellow in color when the flowers are in full bloom. After pollination, tiny seeds will begin to form under the central florets.

How do you make camomile tea from live plants? ›

Place 3-4 Tbsp (4 for a stronger tea) of chamomile and your mint sprig into your teapot or makeshift teabag of choice. Pour 8 oz of boiling water over the chamomile flowers and mint and then steep for 5 minutes. To serve, pour into a teacup, using a fine mesh strainer as needed.

Does chamomile grow back every year? ›

Not all flowers are easy to grow from seed, but chamomile is one exception. It also reseeds itself very readily, so will often come back year after year on its own. The tiny seeds need sunlight to germinate, so spread them on the surface of the soil and gently tamp them down.

What temperature does chamomile grow best in? ›

During the period of active growth (late winter to spring), the plants thrive in a day temperature of 60-68°F (15-20°C) and full sun. It is necessary for all chamomile growers to make an extensive research on cultivars that produce well locally.

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