Catholic Church Real Estate: 7 Surprising Papal Properties (2024)

It’s common knowledgethat the Catholic Churchownssome of the most ornate and impressive churches in the world, but have you ever wondered what other properties they have in their portfolio?

The Holy See is the organization that owns the Vatican, i.e. the smallest independent city-state in the world. They print their own passports, have their own media, and even maintain their own mail service, all for a population numberingno more than 1,000 people. But the nation’s tiny size doesn’t hold it back from making the occasional territorial acquisition.

Catholic Church Real Estate: 7 Surprising Papal Properties (1)

You know all about the Vatican Museum -but have you heard of the Vatican Gardens? This massive territory covers around 57 acres of land within the Vatican City. Photo credit: Michal Hájek

Despite what the conspiracy theorists might say, the Holy See does not have a shadowy hand in property markets the world over but it does actually own more papal properties outside of the Vatican City walls than within them. Indeed, some of the Catholic Church’s wealth comes from its highly diversified investments.

Their property portfolio includes opulent palaces, London apartment blocks, improbable relics, an archive stuffed full of some of the most important documents ever written, and one very powerful telescope. Here is a list of our favorite papal properties that you’ve probably never heard of.

Catholic Church Real Estate: 7 Surprising Papal Properties (2)

Yes, the Vatican even has its own postal system! Photo credit: Filip Mishevski

Table of Contents

La Scala Sancta (Holy Stairs)

The Scala Sancta is a set of 28 white marble steps in Rome near the Lateran Basilica. The stairs lead to the Sancta Sanctorum or Holy of Holies, the first private Papal chapel. They might not represent a very large increase in Catholic Church real estate, but they are a particularly significant one. Catholics believe that they are the same steps that Jesus Christ ascended in Jerusalem on his way to trial with Pontius Pilate. They are believed to have been brought to Rome in the fourth century by St. Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, and used to reach the Lateran Palace.

Today, the stairs are covered in wood to protect them and can only be ascended on the knees. Pilgrims from all over the world climb the Holy Stairs to pray and honor the Passion of Jesus. The stairs are open to all. Both the Scala Sancta and the Sancta Sanctorum Chapel are the property of the Holy See, controlled only by the Vatican.

Did you know: According to Catholic tradition. St. Helena is perhaps the most successful relic hunter of all time. After being dispatched to the holy land to look for such items by her son she returned to Rome with an immense number of relics including fragments from the True Cross, the nails used during the crucifixion, pieces of the rope with which Jesus was tied to the cross, earth from Golgotha, the Holy Robe, and of course, the aforementioned staircase.

How to get there:
Guests can arrive by bus from Piazza Venezia: 81 – 85 – 87 – 850 or from Termini Station: 16 – 714 – 360 or by metro line A at the San Giovanni stop. While the stairs are free and open to all, the Sancta Sanctorum has a small cost per person.Address: Piazza St. Giovanni in Laterano, 14 – 00184 Roma

Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo

The Apostolic, or Papal, Palace is one of the most used and beloved pieces of Catholic Church real estate. It has served for nearly 400 years as a summer residence and vacation retreat for the Pope. The Palace, designed by the great Baroque architect Carlo Maderno, sits within the town of Castel Gandolfo though it doesn’t belong to the town, or even to Italy.

Its status as anextraterritorial property of the Holy See proved wildly useful during World War II. Pius XI publicly withdrew to the Palace when Hitler came to visit Rome and later he used itas a center to house refugees. The special legal (and neutral) status of the church protected them from attack.By some estimates, thePalace and grounds of Castel Gandolfo hid and fed hundreds of Jewish refugees and others targeted by the war. The gardens even had a makeshift maternity ward as pregnant refugees sought safety. Some 40 children were born there.

The palace has historically swung in and out of vogue depending on who is Pope. Pope John XXIII was often seen around town, chatting with the locals. Pope John Paul II spent, by one estimate, over 5 years of his 16-year pontificate here.

How to go:
For a long time, you couldonly visit on a guided tour, booked in advance, through the Vatican Museums website. Luckily, the Vatican has opened the tour up to selected operators this year and Walks of Italy now offers a tour of Castel Gandolfo.

Catholic Church Real Estate: 7 Surprising Papal Properties (4)

Wandering the gardens and palace at Castel Gandolfo is a once-in-a-lifetime journey few get to experience.

The Holy House of Loreto

This is yet another humble structure whose immense value is based on its spiritual bonafides. It’s also, at first glance, a counterintuitive piece of church real estate – a house that no one lives in. The Holy House is said to be the house of the Virgin Mary. Not a church, mind you, but the actual home where Mary lived, conceived, and raised Jesus.

When St. Helena was on her aforementioned relic-gathering bonanza through the Holy Land she hada basilica built over the humble building inNazareth which stood until the collapse of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Catholic traditionhas it that, when the Turks were storming the gates in the 13th century, angels miraculously brought the house from its original location to Croatia and an empty space was left back in Nazareth.

This happened again three years later during the Muslim invasion of Albania when angels moved the house to a town called Recanati in Italy. Its third and final move was eventually made from Recanati to its present location in Loreto.

More recent investigations by the church have supported the claim that the house is, in fact from the Holy Land, though historians tend to refute the role of angels in favor of an aristocratic family in Loreto by the name of “Angelo” who apparentlypaid to bring the entire structure, or parts of it, to Italy. It was no small undertaking, and whether you believe it was angels or just some very determined crusaders, its presence in Loreto is itself a minor miracle, much like that of the Scala Sancta in Rome.

Thousands of pilgrims visit the large basilica built around the house every year. It’s been a Catholic pilgrimage site since at least the 14th century, and the number of miracles that have purportedly taken place within it are deemed by some to be even more important than its murky origins.

Did you know: Because of the House’s miraculous flight from Nazareth to Italy (by way of Croatia) Our Lady of Loreto is the patron saint of pilots and all who work in aviation.

How to get there:
Loreto is just off the Autostrada A14 between Pescara (south) and Bologna (north). Paid parking is available beneath the basilica. The Basilica is open from 6:15 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. Address:Piazza della Madonna, 1, 60025 Loreto AN

The Holy House of Loreto, via Wikipedia Commons, by Zorro.

Mount Graham International Observatory Research Telescope

Here’s one you definitely wouldn’t guess: the Holy See actually owns a state-of-the-art observatory onMount Graham in Tucson, Arizona. Then again, what would you expect from an organization interested in the relationship between Heaven and Earth? Not that they have always been friendly to astronomers. Aside from the heresy trial against Galileo, the Holy See is also famous for persecuting (and eventually executing) the 16th century monk Giordano Bruno for proposing that stars were actually other suns in the universe.

The Vatican’s first observatory was started in Castel Gandolfo in 1891, but its astronomical institute has a history dating back to the 1500’s. It is actually one of the oldest astronomical institutes in the world, even if it hasn’talways sat exactly on the cutting edge of astronomical thought.

When light pollution from the growing cities in Italymade it harder to view the night skies, the Vatican founded a second research center on Mt. Graham, one ofbest astronomical sites in the continental United States.In 1993, the Observatory completed the construction of the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT ) with funding from Fred A. Lennon, a man once described by Forbes as “the shiest billionaire”.

If you happen to be in the neighborhood you can take guided tours of Mt. Graham that teach you about the ecology of the mountain and show you around the three telescopes on its summit (only one of which is the property of the Holy See). Tours run from Mid-May through October and have to be booked in advance. For information on how to book check out their website.

This Nebula is just one of the many images seen from the telescopes of the Vatican Observatory on Mount Graham. Photo by Jjstott

The Vatican Secret Archives

We hate to be killjoys, but the Vatican Secret Archives aren’t particularly secret. It’s more of a clumsy translation from the original Latin which is probably closer to “private.” That said, not just anyone can stroll in to take a look.

The archives were founded in 1612 and hold some of history’smost important documents, including the papal bull that excommunicated Martin Luther, effectively starting the Protestant Reformation, the request to annul King Henry VIII’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon which was refused, effectively starting the Anglican Church, transcript notes from Galileo Galilei’s 17th-century trial for heresy (maybe don’t mention that if you visit Mt. Graham,) and letters from Michelangelo, Christopher Columbus ,and Abraham Lincoln, among others.

Of course, it’s not the physical property lines that make this Holy See property so interesting, but the vast amount of information, history and, yes, the occasionalsecret, that make it one of the most impressive of the Holy See’s properties.


This list already contains a house within a church (the Holy House of Loretto) but we would be remiss if we didn’t briefly mention the Holy See’s church within a church – Porziuncola. This humble chapel, which sits inside the Papal Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels in Assisi, is the starting place of the Franciscans.

As the story goes, the chapel was given to St. Francis of Assisi in the 13th century shortly after founding his new monastic order. Francis died in a cell next to the church in 1226 and it has been an important pilgrimage site ever since. How did they get it inside the basilica? They didn’t. Instead, they built the basilica around it. Fun fact: the tiny chapel is one of the Catholicism’s most copied buildings, with several replicas scattered across the United States.

Porziuncola, the church within a church | Photo by Georges Jansoone.

The Gardens of Castel Gandolfo

The Apostolic Palace sprawls over some55-hectares of land on Castel Gandolfo, much of which has been landscaped into beautiful gardens. This same plot once comprised the grounds of the ancient residence of Emperor Domitian. The Holy See picked up the property in 1596, and Popes have summered there since the 17th century when the gardens werefirst landscaped.

But the shady holm oaks and cedars, along with the begonias and pansies you see today were not planted until Pope Pius XI renovated the palace after the Holy See’s ownership of it was confirmed by the Lateran Pacts in 1929. And it wasn’t only plants that he added to the newly-restored grounds. Pius XI alsomodernized the place by adding radios, telephones, eating places, lights and even a greenhouse and cattle barns – which proved useful to help feed all those refugees during the Second World War.

Did you know: Pope John Paul II caused a minor controversy by adding achlorinated swimming pool to the gardens and his Successor, Benedict XVI, is said to have favored the shady lanes of the Giardino Della Madonnina.

It was only under Pope Francis that the Vatican opened Castel Gandolfo to the public! Visitors can tour the impressive grounds every day but Sunday, including the Apostolic Palace and the Villa Barberini, the latter of which built on the first-century AD ruins of Emperor Domitian’s country residence.

Want to visit one of the Catholic Church real estate properties up close? Our departs from Vatican City using the official train traditionally reserved only for Popes, the Swiss Guard, and Vatican citizens. Just 25 kilometers from Rome, the stunning landscape and calm atmosphere of Castel Gandolfo feel a world away.

Catholic Church Real Estate: 7 Surprising Papal Properties (2024)


Catholic Church Real Estate: 7 Surprising Papal Properties? ›

After gaining permission from the Vatican, Burhans underwent a comprehensive of bringing the Church into the 21st century. A live database provides a visual of all its land holdings. Conclusion: The Catholic Church owns the most land, far more than McDonald's and billionaire Bill Gates.

Who owns more real estate, McDonald's or Catholic Church? ›

After gaining permission from the Vatican, Burhans underwent a comprehensive of bringing the Church into the 21st century. A live database provides a visual of all its land holdings. Conclusion: The Catholic Church owns the most land, far more than McDonald's and billionaire Bill Gates.

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Torzi also fleeced the Vatican, according to prosecutors. He was found guilty of fraud and extortion and sentenced to six years. The Vatican sold the building last year, taking an estimated loss of about 140 million euros ($150 million).

How much real estate does the Vatican own? ›

Landmark disclosure lists over 5,100 properties. The Vatican on Saturday made public for the first time information about its real estate holdings, revealing that it owns more than 5,100 properties, mainly in Italy. The publication marks one of the most detailed disclosures of Vatican assets ever.

How many properties does the Catholic Church own? ›

The Vatican has released information on its real estate holdings for the first time, revealing it owns more than 5,000 properties, as part of its most detailed financial disclosures ever.

Is The Catholic Church the richest organization in the world? ›

It's also one of the wealthiest. The church has vast assets, including billions in real estate and some priceless art, not to mention the Vatican Bank. But its finances are largely secret. Tallying that immense wealth is pretty much impossible, according to experts.

Which church owns the most land in the world? ›

Roman Catholic Church: 70 million hectares

The largest landowner in the world is not a major oil magnate or a real estate investor. No, it's the Roman Catholic Church.

Who owns the Catholic Church real estate? ›

​​​All property within the archdiocese (i.e., schools, churches, playgrounds, cemeteries, mortuaries, houses, and land) is owned by the archdiocese.

Who controls Vatican Finances? ›

Oversight of Vatican finances is divided among various entities. The Secretariat for the Economy, headed by a cardinal, is responsible for financial matters. The Council for the Economy, composed of cardinals and lay experts, also supervises financial operations.

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Pope Leo X (December 11, 1475 – December 1, 1521), was born Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici.

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List of wealthiest religious organizations
OrganizationWorth (billion USD)Country
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints236.0United States
Sree Venkateswara Swamy Temple35.0India
Catholic Church in Germany26.0Germany
9 more rows

Is the Catholic Church the largest landowner in the world? ›

The Catholic Church owns an estimated 177 million acres around the world, which makes them by far the largest landowners on Earth. In second place is Canada's Inuit people who own 87 million acres spread across Nunavut (Northwest Territory), Yukon and Northwest Territories in Canada as well as Alaska and Greenland.

How rich is the Catholic Church? ›

The Catholic Church is estimated to be worth about 30 Billion USD.

Does the Pope get a salary? ›

Popes usually get paid hendsomely, the current wage he gets is $32,000 on a monthly basis but he refused to get any of that money. Instead, Pope Francis decided to either donate this money to the church, use it to endow a foundation, placed in trust or pass it on to a family member.

What church owns the most property? ›

It's hard to compete with the 170+ million acres owned by the Vatican, or with their 2800 dioceses, 640 archdioceses, and the 1.3 billion members . In America alone, there are over 200 dioceses and archdioceses, 17000 churches, and over 68 million Catholics (of which about 25% say they attend mass each week).

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Unlike many countries where real estate is predominantly privately owned, the Vatican's land and properties are all under the direct ownership and control of the Holy See. This unique arrangement is primarily due to the Vatican's religious and historical significance.

Is The Catholic Church the largest real estate? ›

Second on the list is the Catholic Church. Their 177 million acres are located throughout the world and include churches, schools, and farms. They also own many religious landmarks like the Scala Sancta and the Apostolic Palace as well as farmland. In third are the Inuit people of Nunavut in Canada.

What organization owns the most real estate? ›

Who owns the most land in the U.S.? While not private landowners, the U.S. federal government owns about 640 million acres of land, which is 28% of the land in the country. Out of all of the states, Nevada has the highest percentage of federally owned land.

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Today's real estate empire

Out of the 40031 McDonald's restaurants, 37295 or 93% were franchised, while the remaining 2736 were company operated. This totals to almost $42 billion worth of assets on the balance sheet, making McDonald's one one of the biggest real estate company in the world.

Is The Catholic Church the largest landowner in the world? ›

The Catholic Church owns an estimated 177 million acres around the world, which makes them by far the largest landowners on Earth. In second place is Canada's Inuit people who own 87 million acres spread across Nunavut (Northwest Territory), Yukon and Northwest Territories in Canada as well as Alaska and Greenland.

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.