Can you spot the camera on this cash machine? (2024)

It is almost impossible to detect, but there is a camera hidden inside this cash machine.

An off-duty special constable with the Metropolitan Police discovered it at an ATM in Westminster, London.

The force tweeted images of the corrupt machine as a warning to people to always cover their pin number when getting cash out.

The tweet said: ‘Off duty @MPSNewham Special Constable has sniffed out a covert camera recording the pin pad of this ATM in @MPSWestminster.

‘This is why it is so important to #CoverYourPin when taking out cash.’

According to Action Fraud, there are a number of ways fraudsters can use a cash machine to steal your card or banking details.

Using a camera is a more high-tech approach to discovering someone’s PIN. Fraudsters will then look to steal your card and make a large cash withdrawal before you are able to cancel the card,

Hidden cameras may be placed in the top or sides of the machine.

Other ways cash machines can be targeted include by attaching a skimmer that fits over the card slot and is made to look like a normal part of the cash machine.

It’s designed to copy the information on the magnetic strip of your card when you insert it, leading to bank account fraud.

A card trap, is slid inside the real card slot so that when you finish using the machine, your card is swallowed and won’t come out of the ATM.

Fraudsters will watch and wait until you leave the area, remove the trap from the slot and take your card.

If you still can’t spot the camera…

The fraudsters have added a front on the card slot that works as a camera. It takes a while to spot.

What should you do?

Action Fraud has guidelines on protecting yourself against cash machine fraud, which occurs when someone’s credit or debit card information is taken by fraudsters when they use an ATM machine.

Protect yourself

Check a cash machine every time you use one. Always cover the keypad when entering your PIN and don’t make it obvious which buttons you’re pressing.
Take a look around you. If someone’s standing too close, get your card back without withdrawing any money and walk away.
Your safety is the most important thing. Don’t approach anyone you think has been acting suspiciously and if you find loose parts on the machine don’t take them away with you.

Spot the signs

You find a wobbly or bulky part that doesn’t seem to belong with the machine, such as a cover over the card slot or a loose keypad.
Purchases and withdrawals start appearing on your account that you don’t remember making.
Some cash machines are built entirely by fraudsters. Be cautious using a ‘standalone’ machine, rather than a ‘hole in the wall’, which is embedded in the front of a building such as a bank.

How to report it

Make sure you have your card issuer’s emergency number with you.
If your card is held by a cash machine for whatever reason, call your bank straight away to make sure the card can’t be used. Then report it to us online or call 0300 123 2040.

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Can you spot the camera on this cash machine? (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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