Can You Really Start Investing If You Only Have $5? (Spoiler Alert: Yes) (2024)

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Quick Navigation

  • What Is Micro-Investing?
  • How Micro-Investing Platforms Work
  • Where Is My Money Invested?
  • How Does Rounding Up Work in a Micro-Investing App?
  • Recurring Transfers, Retirement Accounts and Other Features
  • Pros and Cons of Micro-Investing
  • Pros of Micro-Investing
  • Cons of Micro-Investing Apps
  • How to Start Micro-Investing
  • SoFi Invest
  • Acorns
  • Stash
  • Public
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Myth: You need lots of money to start investing.

Micro-investing apps are giving everyday people access to the stock market for as little as $5.

Micro-investing allows you to start small — really small. Apps like Acorns and Stash work by transferring small sums of money from your bank account to a diversified portfolio.

Research shows that these tiny money moves can really add up.

According to a consumer study by Cornerstone Advisors, saving and investing apps like Acorns helped consumers save an average of $600 a year above their standard level of savings — and one in five users saved more than $1,000.

Is a micro-investment app right for you? The answer depends on your financial goals and income.

What Is Micro-Investing?

Micro-investing allows you to automatically allocate small amounts of money into a portfolio of stocks and bonds — even if you know nothing about investing.

This fintech term applies to a handful of mobile-based platforms that make investing easy and painless.

Here are a few common features these micro-investing apps share:

  • The ability to set up recurring transfers from your bank account to your investment account.
  • The option to round up purchases and sweep the spare change into your investment account.
  • Robo-advisors that select a portfolio of diversified investments tailored to your goals and risk tolerance.
  • Fractional shares of stocks, which allows you to start investing with small amounts of money (think $5 or less).
  • A flat monthly fee for services or a fee equal to a percentage of your account balance.
  • Educational resources that teach you about personal finance.

Micro-investing can be a good option if you’re tight on extra cash or you’re new to investing and not sure where to start.

You can customize how much money you invest and how often — putting you in the driver’s seat. These apps also remove some of the barriers of traditional brokerage accounts, such as account minimums and trading fees.

“Micro-investing apps lower the cost of entry, which opens up investment opportunities to a wider audience,” said Summer Red, a financial advisor and education manager at the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education. “Investing is complex, and the best way to learn about it is to actually invest.”

You can use a micro-investing app like training wheels to support you as you begin your investing journey.

Or you can use it as a second emergency fund or as an auxiliary account to save for a mid-term goal, like buying a home.

Still, most financial advisors agree these apps should be just one small (some might even say micro) piece of your long-term financial picture. They aren’t intended to replace your emergency fund or make you a millionaire.

You’re going to need to do more than round-up your Uber Eats orders to save enough money for retirement.

How Micro-Investing Platforms Work

Here’s what to expect once you dive into micro-investing.

Where Is My Money Invested?

After you download a micro-investing app and create an account, you’ll need to link a debit card or bank account.

You’ll also be prompted to complete a survey designed to determine your risk tolerance and financial goals.

From there, many apps select a pre-made portfolio where your money gets invested. You can usually choose a different portfolio if you disagree with the algorithm but you may not be able to select individual stocks or other assets.

In this way, micro-investing apps also work like robo-advisors, online brokers that use advanced software to invest money and manage your portfolio.

Portfolios most often comprise exchange-traded funds, or ETFs. ETFs bundle many different investments into one fund, giving you exposure to hundreds of stocks (and/or bonds) with a single purchase.

Exchange-traded funds provide instant diversification, and are considered less risky than investing in individual stocks. They’re similar to mutual funds in that respect, but at a lower cost.

From there, you can customize how much money you want to invest and how often.

Can You Really Start Investing If You Only Have $5? (Spoiler Alert: Yes) (1)

How Does Rounding Up Work in a Micro-Investing App?

Several micro-investing platforms work by rounding your purchases to the nearest dollar before tucking the difference into your investment account.

So, if you spend $10.35 on Amazon, you’ll actually get charged $11 and the app will set aside 65 cents.

Once your round-ups total a certain amount (usually $5 or more), the app transfers the spare change to your personal investment account.

Round-ups are an attractive option for new investors because they’re simple, easy and automatic.

According to Acorns, users invest about $30 a month, or $360 a year, with the app’s Round-Up feature. If you’re new to investing, $360 in the stock market is a step in the right direction.

Recurring Transfers, Retirement Accounts and Other Features

Every app also lets you set up recurring transfers from your checking or savings account on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. You can enable this automated investing feature in addition to spare change round-ups so your money grows even faster.

For example, you can set your account to automatically withdraw $20 a week from your savings account.

Investing a fixed amount of money each week or month plays into a key investing strategy known as dollar cost averaging.

By making regular, fixed-amount investments, you average out the roller coaster highs and lows of the stock market. You end up buying more when the price is low and less when the price is high.

Some investment apps also give users the option to put money into sustainable portfolios that align with your social or environmental views. You can make some green while supporting green companies.

Finally, micro-investing platforms offer other services, such as access to a financial advisor or a tax-advantaged retirement account — but you’ll pay more for these features.

Most apps automatically invest you in a taxable brokerage account, but for a couple bucks more a month, you can opt for a Roth or traditional individual retirement account (IRA).

Retirement accounts come with special perks from the federal government, like a deduction on your yearly tax bill. But it’s important to learn about IRS early withdrawal penalties and other restrictions before opening an IRA.


  • Easy to use
  • Safe
  • Diversification
  • Low minimum deposits
  • Educational tools


  • Miss out on retirement plan tax perks
  • Account fees
  • Limited investment choices
  • Not enough to reach retirement goals

Pros and Cons of Micro-Investing

If you’re not investing already, the first step is always the hardest. Micro-investing apps make the process less intimidating and stressful for beginners.

“They’ve changed the format and experience so it’s much easier to get started than it was with old-fashioned investment companies,” said Justin Chidester, a certified financial planner and owner of the fee-only firm Wealth Mode Financial Planning in Logan, Utah.

Realistically, these apps can help you set aside a few hundred dollars a year — no small feat if you’ve been living paycheck to paycheck.

But over time, Chidester and other experts say you should adopt a more robust investing strategy by stepping up your 401(k) contributions at work and speaking with a financial advisor about retirement planning.

Pros of Micro-Investing

Easy to Use

You do everything else on your phone — why not start investing? Micro-investing platforms feature easy-to-use interfaces that make it super simple to round up your purchases and manage your account.


Apps like Acorns use multiple security features, including encryption, secure servers and alerts about unusual activity to keep your money safe. Stick with well-known apps from companies registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


Buying individual stocks as a newbie can be risky. Diversification and asset allocation are the easiest ways to mitigate risk, and micro-investors do a great job at this by spreading your money across broad-based ETFs.

Low Minimum Deposits

ETFs can cost hundreds of dollars per share. But these apps get you started with an initial investment of $5 or less. How? By purchasing fractional shares of ETFs, which isn’t possible at many traditional brokerage firms. This gets you invested in the stock market quickly — even if you can’t afford to purchase an entire share at first.

Educational Tools

These apps provide lots of educational resources. They also offer financial and investment advice for beginning investors, from definitions of financial lingo to daily market commentary. They hammer home the importance of investing for the long haul. If you’re trying to boost your financial literacy know-how, definitely read up and take advantage of these free resources.

Micro-investing platforms are a great place to start, but most financial advisors agree that you shouldn’t stop there.

“Something that invests a few dollars a month for you isn’t going to make you rich,” Chidester told The Penny Hoarder. “You’re never going to be able to save for retirement unless you intentionally invest a higher and consistent amount of money.”

Cons of Micro-Investing Apps

Miss Out on Retirement Plan Tax Perks — or Pay More

Since most micro-investing apps offer taxable investment accounts, you won’t get the sweet tax perks of retirement savings plans like a 401(k). While apps like Acorns and Stash offer the choice to open an IRA, you’ll pay more, usually $3 or more a month.

Paying $36 a year to access an IRA is a pretty lousy deal. More robust robo-advisors like Wealthfront offer IRA access for a yearly charge of 0.25%, or just $2.50 per every $1,000 invested.

Account Fees

Account fees for micro-investing platforms vary widely. Some charge a flat amount for basic service, like $3 a month, while others charge a small percentage of your portfolio balance.

A micro-investing app may feature free trades until your account reaches a certain amount, such as $5,000. Most will offer additional services, like access to a checking account, for a higher monthly fee.

This may not seem like much, but it adds up. For example, a monthly $3 charge equals 36% in fees each year if you only have $100 in your account. Meanwhile, most brokerage services, like Robinhood, offer free trades and no monthly fees.

Limited Investment Choices

As you learn more about investing, you might want to DIY your portfolio or add specific assets. Unfortunately, micro-apps don’t provide much wiggle room as your investment strategy evolves.

Some apps won’t let you invest in cryptocurrency, and you may not be able to pick individual stocks. Many micro-investing platforms also lack access to professional investment advisory services.

Not Enough to Reach Retirement Goals

Micro-investments often lead to micro results. Meanwhile, retirement is really expensive: According to Fidelity Investments, you should aim to retire with about 10 times your current income banked.

So, if you make $50,000 a year, you’ll need at least $500,000 in retirement savings by the time you stop working. You can round up your Starbucks purchases for 30 years — and still fall miserably short of your retirement nest egg goal.

Can You Really Start Investing If You Only Have $5? (Spoiler Alert: Yes) (2)

How to Start Micro-Investing

Thanks to technology, entering the investing world is as easy as doing some research and downloading an app.

But here’s a quick rundown of a few of the best micro-investing apps on the market.

SoFi Invest

SoFi Invest lets you buy full or fractional shares of popular stocks, plus you can invest in exchange-traded funds — or collections of stocks. If you’re new to investing, SoFi has automated investing tools to help simplify things. Plus, they won’t charge you any SoFi management fees. It only takes a minute to open a free account. Then, once you fund it with at least $10, SoFi will reward you with your free stock — which could be worth up to $1,000.

*See terms


Acorns lets you invest your spare change through a linked debit card and/or make recurring deposits to your account. This investing app works as a robo-advisor by creating a portfolio tailored to your goals and risk tolerance. Accounts cost $3 to $5 a month.


Stash offers many of the same perks as Acorns, including round-ups, fractional shares, recurring deposits and the option to open an IRA. However, this investing app also allows a user to tweak their investment portfolio, with more than 3,000 ETFs and individual stocks available. Monthly fees range from $3 to $9.


Public lets you buy fractional shares of companies, and offers “themes” of stocks, such as health care and tech companies. This investing app also incorporates a social media-like feed, letting users keep track of other users’ stock portfolios. Public is a free app with no membership or commission fees.

See Also: Best Micro Investing Apps

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Is Micro-Investing?

Micro-investing works by saving small amounts of money and consistently investing it into a portfolio of ETFs or fractional shares of individual stocks.

Is Micro-Investing a Good Idea?

It depends. Micro-investing can be a good fit for new investors who want an easy, relatively hands-off approach to growing their cash. It’s not a great option for more experienced investors seeking customization or for crafting a long-term retirement strategy.

And investment advice on an app isn’t the same as investment advice from a financial professional.

What Is a Micro-Investing Platform?

Micro-investing platforms are apps that let users contribute small sums of money — as little as a few dollars — to a brokerage account. By connecting a debit card, a micro-investing platform can round up your purchases or make automatic transfers on your behalf.

Rachel Christian is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance and a senior writer for The Penny Hoarder. She focuses on investing, retirement, life insurance and taxes.

*Customer must fund their Active Invest account with at least $10 within 30 days of opening the account. Probability of customer receiving $1,000 is 0.028%.


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Can You Really Start Investing If You Only Have $5? (Spoiler Alert: Yes) (2024)


Can You Really Start Investing If You Only Have $5? (Spoiler Alert: Yes)? ›

Start Small

Can you start investing with $5 dollars? ›

If you only have $5 to put into an investment, a full share clearly won't be feasible. But the good news is that you can buy just $5 worth of whatever company or fund you're looking at. Now, you may be aware that some companies pay dividends to shareholders.

What is the $5 stock rule? ›

Stocks that trade below $5 are considered by Wall Street to be "penny stocks." These oft-derided, decidedly risky equities are populated by both illiquid, unlisted, wildly speculative "lottery ticket" companies that trade over-the-counter, and reputable companies that are either just beginning to grow or have perhaps ...

What is a safe amount to start investing? ›

If investing 15% of your income sounds like more than your budget can handle, you can start with a set dollar amount and be consistent about it. Investing even a few dollars each month can sometimes be enough to see a return if you're using the right investment strategy.

Is there a minimum amount of money required to invest if so how much is it typically for index funds? ›

How much is needed to invest in an index fund? The minimum needed depends on the fund and your broker's policies. If your broker allows you to buy fractional shares of stock, you may be able to invest in index fund ETFs with as little as $1. If not, your minimum investment will be the cost of one share of the ETF.

How much money do I need to invest to make $100? ›

With a yield of 4.5% at recent prices, a $26,664 investment would yield $100 in annual income and the same potential for capital and dividend growth over the long term. Savings and money market funds are back on the menu for yield now.

Are penny stocks worth it? ›

At best, penny stock companies are unproven and small, with dubious long-term prospects for success; at worst, the penny stocks are vehicles that con artists use to take advantage of unsuspecting investors. Many penny stocks are traded so cheaply because the businesses behind them aren't worth much more than that.

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Understanding the Rule of 90

According to this rule, 90% of novice traders will experience significant losses within their first 90 days of trading, ultimately wiping out 90% of their initial capital.

Is $5 a penny stock? ›

In the past, penny stocks were considered any stocks that traded for less than one dollar per share. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has modified the definition to include all shares trading below five dollars.

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The 3-5-7 rule in trading is a risk management guideline that suggests limiting the amount of capital you put into any single trade. According to this rule, you should not risk more than 3% of your trading capital on any one trade, no more than 5% on any one sector, and no more than 7% on all trades combined.

How should a beginner start investing? ›

Let's break it all down—no nonsense.
  1. Step 1: Figure out what you're investing for. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose an account type. ...
  3. Step 3: Open the account and put money in it. ...
  4. Step 4: Pick investments. ...
  5. Step 5: Buy the investments. ...
  6. Step 6: Relax (but also keep tabs on your investments)

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Compare the best stocks for beginners
Company (Ticker)SectorMarket Cap
Broadcom (AVGO)Technology$747.35B
JPMorgan Chase (JPM)Financials$580.82B
UnitedHealth (UNH)Health care$468.72B
Comcast (CMCSA)Communication services$153.65B
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As a general rule of thumb, you want to aim to invest a total of 10% to 15% of your income each year for retirement. That probably sounds unrealistic now, but you can start small and work your way up to it over time. (Calculate a more specific retirement goal with our retirement calculator.)

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Generally, experts recommend investing around 10-20% of your income. But the more realistic answer might be whatever amount you can afford. If you're wondering, “how much should I be investing this year?”, the answer is to invest whatever amount you can afford!

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The Financial Freedom Formula Is Simple To Calculate And Understand. According to the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement, you need to have 25 times your annual expenses in investments.

Can I start trading with 5 dollars? ›

If you're new to trading, it's important to start small and learn the ropes before putting in too much money. One of the best things about Binance is that you can start trading with as little as $5. This makes it a great platform for beginners who want to learn the basics of trading without risking too much money.

Can I start investing with $1? ›

Investing can seem intimidating when you see experts advising workers to put away $100,000 by 35 or aim for over $1 million by retirement. But you don't need a ton of money to buy into the stock market. In some cases, you can get started with as little as $1.

Can you start investing with a small amount of money? ›

Yes, you can start investing and building a nest egg with just a little money. Investing, over time, becomes habit-forming and exciting, especially when you reach your financial goals. The key is to start somewhere, even if it means investing your spare change.

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How can I double $5000 dollars? One way to potentially double $5,000 is by investing it in a 401(k) account, especially if your employer matches your contributions. For example, if you invest $5,000 and your employer offers to fully match at 100%, you could start with a total of $10,000 in your account.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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