Have you ever wondered what would happen if the billionaires of the world started burning a particular currency, say dollars?What would happen if people in general started burning a currency? Of course, they would get poor but that’s not the point.But, what if people started keeping only the needed money and burning off the rest? What would it lead to?

Let’s say people all over the world started converting their extra currency into dollars and started burning off the rest? Well, the obvious question is that who would be mad enough to try such a thing but let us suppose that this starts happening. What happens next?

Well, suddenly as people start converting more and more of their currency into dollars- the demand for dollars would increase and the currency would appreciate. This would be followed by a decline in the floating number of dollars in the market.

Burning money decreases the wealthof the owner without directly enriching any particular party.This is particularly the practical aspect of it. However, according to the quantity theory of moneybecause it reduces the supply of moneyit increases by the same amount the collective wealth of everyone else who holds money.

Burning money effectively reduces the money in circulation and that money is lost forever. The point is nobody is to use it forever. However, this shrinks the money supply (a special case ofcontractionary monetary policy that can be implemented by anyone).

When the central bank has to reduce the money from circulation it starts selling government bonds or foreign currency. When the government burns money it does not have to exchange any assets for the value of money burnt- like gifting back to central bank.

However, if the economy is at full employmentequilibrium and if it is privately done by individuals, shrinking the money supply decreases the rate of inflation(deflation), increasing the real value of the money left in circulation.

Full employment equilibrium is the acceptable level of unemployment somewhere above 0% as there will always be frictional unemployment (people in transitioning phase from one job to another), structural employment (Mismatch between job and skill).

Money is in the form of paper and with negligible intrinsic value. Burning of paper leads to no loss in terms of real goods. An exception to this example would be that in Indiain 2007, Rupeecoins disappeared from the market when their face value dropped below the value of the stainless steel from which they were made as the real goods or the material they were made up of had higher value than the coins themselves. But if this is not the case and it is only paper currency being burnt, in effect the overall wealth of the world lies unaffected and in turn everyone benefits as the surviving money slightly increase in value and everyone gains in proportion to the amount they already hold (side-effect of deflation).

Well, all that said and done what happens if the billionaires started burning all their wealth in terms of dollars? Just to get an idea of how much is this sum let us look at some figures.

Well, as per Forbes there are 1426 billionaires in the world who hold a total of $5.4 trillion (2013). This sum could lead to a country which would be the 4th richest country in the world. Many of them have wealth which could surpass the GDP of countries alone.

If all 1418 billionaires spread their wealth equally, every billionaire would have 3,809,123,422.16 which would make 75% of the billionaires on the list richer than they are now. The U.S National debt would be paid down by a third. If they agree to give equally to every single person in the world we would all get $768.37 as per World Population data from U.S census.

So, just think what would happen if all of it gets burnt as dollars?? Well, we would of course lose out on the $768.37 that we could have got but the general value of currency gets increased due to deflation in the economy. This is if the billionaires burnt out their dollars.

What if the general public burns out the currency as a significant protest? Well, to see the macroeconomic effect we just spoke of billions of dollars have to be burnt as billions are in circulation at any point of time. The government has an interest in controlling the money supply, so would actively act against you.

An amount greater than >$300 000 000 000 is printed each year just to take care of replacing old/worn notes. Then they would have additional capacity at any point of time. Then there is another fact which points out to the truth that much of the world’s wealth is not in the form of physical cash or currency to say. So hundreds of billions of dollars would need to be burnt to have an impact. This would be almost be equivalent to burning down the size of a house in terms of 100$ notes.

Now, let’s get to the point in question. Can you actually burn out currency? Does the law permit you to burn off all your money although it is your money with all taxes paid? Well, varies from country to country.

A simple Google search would reveal this:

Australia: Section 16 of theCrimes (Currency) Act 1981prohibits deliberate damage and destruction of money or Australian without a relevant legal permit. The law covers both current Australian money and historical coins and notes. Breaking this law can lead to detention or a fine.

Brazil: In Brazil, whether it is illegal for a person to burn his or her own money is a controversial topic. It is not mentioned explicitly in Brazilian law. The head of Central Bank of Brazil mentions that “When money is inside the Central Bank, then it is the property of the National Treasury. When it leaves, it is not”. The production of paper money by the State Bank is under the exclusive authority of the Central Bank, and is issued by the Brazilian Union. By that reasoning, the paper on which the money is printed is the property of the State, and its intrinsic value belongs to the person.

Canada: The Currency Act states that "no person shall melt down, break up or use otherwise than as currency any coin that is legal tender in Canada." Similarly, Section 456 of The Criminal Code of Canada says: "Everyone who (a) defaces a current coin, or (b) utters a current coin that has been defaced, is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction."

Eurozone: According to the European Commissions'Recommendation dated 22 March 2010,"Member Statesmust not prohibit or punish the complete destruction of small quantities of Eurocoins or notes when this happens in private. However they must prohibit the unauthorized destruction of large amounts of Euro coins or notes." Also, "Member states must not encourage the mutilation of Euro notes or coins for artistic purposes, but they are required to tolerate it. Mutilated coins or notes should not be considered unfit for circulation."

New Zealand: Section 28 of theReserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989makes it an offence to willfully deface, disfigure, or mutilate any bank note in New Zealand.The penalty is a fine of up to NZD1000.00.

Turkey: In Turkey, defacement or destruction of banknotes can be punished with fines or with prison sentences.

United States: In the United States, burning banknotes is prohibited under 18 U.S.C.Mutilation of national bank obligations, which includes "any other thing" that renders a note "unfit to be reissued". But the statute has not been applied. Certainly people have publicly burned small amounts of money for political protests that were picked up by the media —Living Things at South by South Westwithout apparent consequence. The destruction of money is also bound by the same laws that govern the destruction of other personal property. In particular, one cannot empower the executorof one's estateto burn one's money after one dies.

Well, the interesting part is that practically nobody would be generous enough to give off billions of dollars for 768.37$ to reach you or like to engage in burning billions of currency. But you now are perfectly aware of what effect it can cause. Hope you enjoyed the read!



What is the penalty for burning money? ›

Burning money is illegal in the United States and carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison, not to mention fines.

How do you burn currency? ›

By now you've probably guessed that the money will actually burn if you dip it into a pure alcohol solution. The secret, of course, is the addition of water to the mixture. The water from the water-alcohol mixture evaporates and absorbs much of the heat energy that is generated when you ignite the bill.

What happens if you burn 1 dollar? ›

Burning money is illegal in the United States and is punishable by up to 10 years in prison, not to mention fines. It's also illegal to tear a dollar bill and even flatten a penny under the weight of a locomotive on the railroad tracks.

Is burning US currency a crime? ›

In the United States, burning banknotes is prohibited under 18 U.S.C. § 333: Mutilation of national bank obligations, which includes "any other thing" that renders a note "unfit to be reissued".

Do banks take Burnt money? ›

Handle burned money as little as possible. Attempt to encase each bill or portion of a bill in plastic wrap for preservation. If money is only half burned or less (if half or more of the bill is intact), you can take the remainder to your local federal reserve bank for replacement.

Are Dollar Bills fire proof? ›

American dollars burn at a temperature of 450 degrees F. So if a safe is left in flames hot enough for long enough, the interior of the safe can reach temperatures high enough to cause paper money to combust. The fire rating of your safe lets you know how long it takes for that to happen.

What happens if you destroy a dollar? ›

If money is destroyed (taken out of circulation) and not put back in by the Central Bank, then the overall money supply in the economy will fall. There will be less money circulating. Prices will tend to fall, and the value of the remaining money increase.

Does burning coins increase price? ›

Coin burning reduces the supply, making tokens of that cryptocurrency scarcer. That scarcity can lead to an increase in price and benefit investors.

Why does the government burn money? ›

If a bill is counterfeit, it is sent to the Secret Service. But if it's merely unfit by the Fed's standards, then the machine shreds it. Those shredded notes are sent to landfills or packaged and provided as souvenirs to the public on Federal Reserve Bank tours.

Does destroying money reduce inflation? ›

In principle, it would reduce the money supply a bit and put a tiny bit of downward pressure on the price level or the rate of inflation. But the amount of currency any individual could obtain would be so tiny in relation to the overall money supply that the impact would never be noticed.

Is it illegal to rip money in half? ›

It depends on how much of the bill is there. A bill that is 51% intact is still legal tender and must be accepted at its full face value. If it's precisely ripped in half, you have a problem, but you can send both halves to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and they will replace it with a new bill.

Is a ripped dollar illegal? ›

Under regulations issued by the Department of the Treasury, mutilated United States currency may be exchanged at face value if: More than 50% of a note identifiable as United States currency is present.

Is it illegal to destroy pennies? ›

It is not illegal to melt, form, destroy, or otherwise modify US coins, including pennies, unless the objective is fraudulent or with the intent of selling the raw materials of the coins for profit.

Can a country burn money? ›

Burning money is illegal in the US, as it's against the law to do anything renders a note unfit, including destroying it. Canada has the same law as us, it is legal to burn or destroy paper currency, but against the law to deface or melt down a coin.

What is the rarest dollar bill? ›

Called "ladder bills," the most sought-after examples are bills that feature the so-called "perfect" ladder serial numbers: 12345678 and 87654321. Unsurprisingly, these notes are exceedingly scarce and represent only one-in-96-million bills printed, meaning they can sell for big bucks.

How much of a $100 dollar bill can be missing? ›

Under regulations issued by the Department of the Treasury, mutilated United States currency may be exchanged at face value if: More than 50% of a note identifiable as United States currency is present.

How much are uncut sheets of money worth? ›

But don't expect to pay face value for the uncut sheets. A sheet of four uncut dollar bills will cost you $11.50. The markup helps cover the Bureau of Engraving and Printing's overhead and production costs.

How dirty is a dollar bill? ›

Its findings are not for the faint of heart. Each dollar bill carries roughly 3,000 types of bacteria on its surface. Common microbes found include the ones that cause acne and other skin problems. Anthrax was also detected, but fear not, it was not the weaponized variety.

What is the safest way to store cash at home? ›

Just like any other piece of paper, cash can get lost, wet or burned. Consider buying a fireproof and waterproof safe for your home. It's also useful for storing other valuables in your home such as jewelry and important personal documents.

Can you get dollars wet? ›

If your money is water logged beyond all hope, there's still a chance its full value can be redeemed. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) in the Department of Treasury accepts mutilated currency claims, which include wet money.

Is it a felony to destroy US currency? ›

Eichman (496 U.S. 310 (1990)). According to Title 18, Chapter 17 of the U.S. Code, which sets out crimes related to coins and currency, anyone who “alters, defaces, mutilates, impairs, diminishes, falsifies, scales, or lightens” coins can face fines or prison time.

Can you turn in destroyed money? ›

The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) redeems mutilated currency as a free public service.

Where does old money go? ›

When enough old bills have been collected, the Federal Reserve Banks will shred them. If you take a tour of a Federal Reserve Bank, you can sometimes take home your very own unique souvenir: a bag of shredded paper money!

Why do dollar bills not burn? ›

In the burning money trick, you set a bill on fire but it doesn't burn. The reason is the high heat capacity of water combined with the low temperature of alcohol combustion.

How do you light a dollar on fire without burning it? ›

When the bill is dipped in the water/alcohol mixture then lit on fire, the water protects the bill from burning. A significant portion of the alcohol is vaporized from the heat causing a large flame around the bill. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Methanol or isopropyl alcohol mixtures can also be used.

What happens when Shiba Inu burned coins? ›

Burning in crypto means permanently removing tokens from circulation by sending them to a dead address or a crypto wallet which they cannot be retrieved from.

How much shiba is burned daily? ›

Shiba Inu burn calculations

In one spectacular 24-hour period, over 100 million tokens were burned.

Why is Shiba burning coins? ›

Why does Shiba Inu have coin burning? The Shiba Inu coin burning mechanism exists because of its supply at launch. Unlike many other crypto assets, whose circulating supply gradually increases through mining or staking, Shiba Inu was launched with an initial supply of one quadrillion tokens.

How much money does the US burn a year? ›

The Federal Reserve removes and destroys about 5,000 tons of money each year. Until recently, most of that shredded money was sent to landfills.

How much money does the US shred a day? ›

Every day the Chicago Fed and the Detroit Branch shred about $26 million in worn out currency, for a total of nearly $6.5 billion in 2017. The Chicago Fed counted about $43.4 billion in currency in 2017. Federal Reserve Banks count about 100,000 notes per hour in their cash processing facilities, as of 2017.

Why can't we stop inflation? ›

If people and markets lose faith that governments will respond to inflation with such policies in the future, inflation will erupt now. And in the shadow of debt and slow economic growth, central banks cannot control inflation on their own.

What is the best thing to do with your money during inflation? ›

Real estate traditionally does well during periods of higher inflation, as the value of a property can increase. This means your landlord can charge you more for rent, which in turn increases their income so it is on pace with the rising inflation.

Who loses money during inflation? ›

High inflation makes life especially hard for people whose incomes don't keep pace with rising prices, such as pensioners and those with low pay. This is because high inflation decreases the value of their incomes and savings.

Where do you put money to beat inflation? ›

Which investments perform well with high inflation?
  1. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) US Treasury securities are essentially loans to the US Government. ...
  2. Gold. ...
  3. Other precious metals. ...
  4. Commodities.
Oct 14, 2022

What is the average lifespan of a $1 bill? ›

6.6 years

Can you still use old $20 dollar bills? ›

All U.S. currency remains legal tender, regardless of when it was issued.

Is it illegal to paint on a dollar bill? ›

Title 18 U.S.C § 331 prohibits the alteration of any Federal Reserve note or national bank note, and 18 U.S.C. § 333 prohibits the disfiguring or defacing of any national bank note or coin.

Can banks refuse damaged money? ›

Often times, even financial institutions won't accept cash if it's too damaged. This is because the Federal Reserve does not accept deposits of mutilated money from banks and credit unions.

Will an ATM accept a taped bill? ›

Yes, they do.

All you need to do is to confirm whether your money falls under the category of damaged or mutilated using the explanation that was given earlier in the article.

Is writing on money illegal in USA? ›

Yes, It's Legal! Many people assume that it's illegal to stamp or write on paper currency, but they're wrong!

What coin is illegal to own? ›

Of all the coins ever made by the U.S. Mint and its various branches between 1792 and today, there is only one coin that is illegal to own: the 1933 $20 gold piece.

How much is 10 lbs of copper pennies worth? ›

One modern US penny weighs 0.088 ounces. That means it would take approximately 1,818 pennies to weigh 10 pounds, which would be worth 18 dollars and 18 cents.

Are quarter rings illegal? ›

Is it illegal to turn a coin into a ring? No. US laws state that it is illegal to deface or alter currency 'with the intention to defraud'.

Is it a crime to burn paper money? ›

Neither the Bank Act nor the Criminal Code says anything about mutilation or defacement of bank notes. Before you start scribbling on those twenties in your wallet (or burning them up for that matter), there are some important reasons why you should not damage bank notes.

Is burning cash legal? ›

"Both have been booked under Section 124A (sedition) of IPC which can draw a maximum imprisonment of three years," said the officer.

Is it illegal to cut or burn money? ›

With that, you could conclude that yes it is, in fact, illegal to "mutilate, cut, deface, disfigure, or perforate, or unite or cement together" any bank bill, draft, note or evidence of debt by a national or federal entity.

Can burnt money be accepted? ›

The Federal Reserve DOES NOT accept deposits of mutilated currency.

Is it illegal to cut a dollar bill? ›

It is unlawful to mutilate, cut, deface, disfigure, perforate, or otherwise damage drafts, notes, or other evidence of debt that has been issued by a national banking association with the intent to render the bill, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued.

Does the government burn money? ›

One of the tasks of the Federal Reserve is to take old currency out of circulation and destroy it. The shredded remains used to go to landfills, but thanks to a relatively recent program, most of that money is being recycled. In Los Angeles, it's turned into electricity.

Can anyone burn coins? ›

The address, which is called a burn address or eater address, can't be accessed or assigned to anyone. Once a token is sent to a burn address, it's gone forever. Anyone who owns a cryptocurrency can burn it, but it's not exactly something you'd want to do for no reason since you'd essentially be throwing money away.

How hot can money get before it burns? ›

How hot does it need to get inside my safe for paper to burn? According to Firefighter Insider: “The temperature at which paper will burn can vary by material, moisture, and thickness. The average temperature at which it will ignite and burn is between 424 and 475 degrees Fahrenheit (218 and 246 degrees celsius).”

Is it illegal to iron money? ›

It is only illegal if done for fraudulent purposes.

Do banks accept burnt notes? ›

As said, you send whatever remains of the note you have off to the Department of Mutilated Notes with a form. They judge whether your claim is genuine, and usually transfer the face value of the note directly into your bank account.

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