Budgeting for Long-Term Travel: How We Do It (2024)

At some point in your life, you may have dreamed of taking an extended break. Renting a local beach house and learning Spanish with your kids in Costa Rica.

Or spending months traversing Europe by train. Long-term travel allows for a richer experience, whereas short holidays barely touch the sides.

Budgeting for Long-Term Travel: How We Do It (1)


    • Plan and research fixed costs
      • Accommodation
      • Food
    • Travel slow
    • Don’t book too far ahead for flights, hotels or cruises.
    • Geographic arbitrage
    • Pay upfront in advance for large expenses such as travel insurance
  • How do we ensure we don’t run out of money
    • What if a disaster occurs?
      • Have you travelled long-term? Do you have any tips to share?

I’ve circumnavigated the globe three times, alwayson a minuscule budget. Most recently, I returned from 15 months travelling from New Zealand to the U.S., Mexico then to Europe and North Africa with my husband and young son.

Right now, I’m in the midst of planning for our next long-term adventure, with a new baby in the mix. All this is to say, by now I have a good idea of how to pull together a travel budget to ensure maximum value for money.

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Long-term travel does involve a lot of planning, but budgeting for long-term travel isn’t as hard as it might seem.

Here’s how we do it:

Plan and research fixed costs

You have the same basic needs when you are travelling as you do at home. We budget a per day amount for accommodation, food and transport which can all be researched and planned for.

Extra savings tip: If you’re doing a lot of searching online, you can join Swagbucks and earn points called SB for using their search tool. Swagbucks also lets you earn free gift cards for taking surveys, watching videos, shopping online and more!

You can use the gift cards to fund necessary purchases (like stocking your Kindle library for your trip) or take a cash payout via Paypal, allowing you to put more cash into your savings account! Join for free with this link and you’ll receive a $5 signup bonus: Join Swagbucks Today



When we travelled as a couple to South America in 2011 we knew we could handle basic accommodation. It had to be clean but we didn’t need luxury.

With that in mind, I focused on hostel booking sites such as booking.com, hostelworld and hostelbookers to get an idea of prices. I then put together a rough estimate of per night accommodation costs for each country.

We then knew what we could expect to pay online, and could usually secure a large discount on the price by booking directly with the hostel owner either by email or from just showing up and asking for a room.

Budgeting for Long-Term Travel: How We Do It (2)


Now that we are a family we travel a little differently. We tend to rent apartments or houses so we can have a kitchen and somewhere to chill after the kids have gone to bed.

This makes budgeting for travel even simpler, as we almost always stay for at least one month in order to secure monthly rates (often 50-70% cheaper than daily or weekly rates).

We use Airbnb, Homeaway and VRBO to book long-stay apartments and usually aim for a total monthly rate of around $1000 or less.

After this is done I estimate a daily accommodation rateand then multiply it by the number of days we’ll be travelling.


Sites like numbeo make it easy to figure out how much you’ll spend on groceries in your new destination. If you’re planning on visiting multiple destinations, you’ll need to plan a little further ahead (love these tips!)

I like to check out the websites of local supermarkets (cause I’m a nerd). If you like to eat out a lot you’ll get a good indication of how much meals cost on travel forums.

We usually eat out a few meals a week when we are travelling, but the majority of the time we cook at home as it’s easier with kids (and one of the easiest ways to lower costs when travelling).

When we do eat out in cheaper countries, its almost always lunch at the local market or a small local restaurant. And street food, always street food.

If we’re in more expensive locations like Sydney, we tend to choose buffets or easy family-friendly options to stretch the food budget (check out this list of kid-friendly buffets in Sydney, some real bargains there!)

Plus, we find places like these to be much more informal which suits our crazy kids better.

Budgeting for Long-Term Travel: How We Do It (3)

In our experience cooking from scratch with the staples – fresh fruits, veggies, ground beef, stock, flour etc – is possible in most locations in the world, especially those with local markets.

This means we can pretty much replicate what we eat at home when we are away without having to navigate new brands in each destination.

Food is harder to estimate a daily spend for, so I try to work with a figure much like my weekly grocery spend at home. Then we allow for meals out on top of that grocery amount.

Travel slow

Slow travel is becoming more and more popular as people move to more flexible online jobs or build their own businesses. Location independence is the ultimate goal for a lot of people these days.

Travelling slowly also helps you keep your travel spending down.

3 reasons why slow travel is good for your travel budget:

1. You don’t move about as much so major transportation costs are reduced

2. You can space out visiting major attractions as you have more time. This means you can visit on slow days (weekdays and school term time) and take advantage of off-peak discounts or even free days offered by some museums and art galleries worldwide

3. You get cheaper accommodation! This is the biggie. Often private accommodation providers such as a condo or apartment owners would prefer to secure a long-term booking at a discounted rate to avoid vacancy.

Our apartment in Spain was rented for up to €400 euro per/week yet we were able to secure a 5-month rental for only €592 per month. Yep, that’s right, paying for monthly rentals costs less than 2 weeks of rent.

Don’t book too far ahead for flights, hotels or cruises.

The beauty of slow travel is your ability to be flexible – this means you can react to anoverspend by lying low for a while and stretching your funds.

Or you can splurge on a last-minute cruise deal at 80% off. We were able to secure a bargain on a balcony cabin on a Mediterranean Cruise by being flexible.

We knew we wanted to do a cruise but we weren’t prepared to pay full price as our budget just couldn’t stretch to it. I subscribed to a bunch of emails from cruise providers and finally pounced just one month before our desired trip.

We cruised from Spain to France, Italy and Tunisia before circling back to Spain. 7 days of pure luxury for under $200 per night.

To counter spending that much (it was a bargain but still a big amountfor us) I searched the surrounding area of the arrival port to find a budget apartment to spend the following weeks in.

That’s how we ended up in a town we’d never heard of before which ultimately became one of our favourite destinations.

I really struggle with not booking too far in advance because I feel like making a booking brings the trip to life. But, there are savings to be had if you show a bit of self-control and book last minute.

I only allow myself to book the first departing airfare in advance. After that, it’s all about the hustle to save cash.

We budget a ‘fun’ amount each month that we can blow however we like. It’s this money we use for cruises and last-minute weekend jaunts.

Geographic arbitrage

We almost always travel to cheaper countries where our currency goes further (this strategy is called geoarbitrage).

With the exception of Ireland where we have free accommodation or Spain which uses a stronger currency but still has a lower cost of living than our home country.

This is a choice we have made so we can travel for longer. Whilst I’d love to travel to Scandinavia, I know that one week of travelling there would equal a month in a cheaper country.

Plus, we have to save some of those expensive destinations for when we are older and not travelling with kids (or they can pay for themselves :-))

Pay upfront in advance for large expenses such as travel insurance

One thing I do book as soon as I have my airfare secured is book travel insurance with World Nomads.

That way I’m protected if the airline cancels my fare or something happens in the lead-up to the trip that means I can’t travel on the booked flight.

How do we ensure we don’t run out of money

Once we’ve pulled together all of the necessities and left an amount over for splashing out on last-minute trips including cruises we have a pretty solid travel budget in place.

We then budget exactly the same as we would at home. At the beginning of the month, I transfer our monthly allocation into either our travel account with our home bank or transfer to our European bank account using Transferwise if we are in Europe.

We withdraw most of our funds in cash for spending, to keep currency conversion fees down (if using a credit card).

We negotiated with the owner of our long-stay apartment in Spain to pay rent monthly, just as a local would.

Going to the bank to make the deposit each month was just another opportunity to practice our Spanish, plus it kept the budget on track.

The one thing that really slowed down our spending when we were living in Spain was tracking our spending. Now I track everything.

It’s become a habit and I think it’s even more important to track spending when you’re travelling.

I find it easier to reign in my spending at a new destination than I do at home. Simply because just leaving your front door is an adventure – and walking doesn’t cost a thing.

What if a disaster occurs?

We have a $20,000 limit on our credit card which is enough to get us on last-minute flights if we ever need to.

That’s about the extent of our travel emergency fund. A high credit card limit and good travel insurance.

Travelling long-term can actually be cheaper than living your regular life at home. You can forecast almost all of your expenses before you even leave home, and react to overspending by lying low in a budget destination until your funds recover.

It’s easy to keep costs down when you travel – even exploring the neighbourhood or having a picnic at a nearby park is fun when you are in new surroundings, plus they don’t cost much.

By travelling slowly to cheaper destinations, you’ll be able to stretch your travel budget for longer and explore more of this amazing planet.

Budgeting for Long-Term Travel: How We Do It (4)

Budgeting for Long-Term Travel: How We Do It (2024)


Budgeting for Long-Term Travel: How We Do It? ›

To budget your trip, consider the money available and factor out significant expenses such as airfare, travel insurance, contingency money and bills. Then, divide the remaining budget by how many days you'll be travelling, giving you with a rough estimate of your daily expenses.

How to budget for a long-term trip? ›

To budget your trip, consider the money available and factor out significant expenses such as airfare, travel insurance, contingency money and bills. Then, divide the remaining budget by how many days you'll be travelling, giving you with a rough estimate of your daily expenses.

How do you budget long-term expenses? ›

Creating a Personal Budget for Long-Term Financial Goals
  1. Clarify Goals. ...
  2. Tracking Income and Expenses. ...
  3. Prioritize Spending Habits. ...
  4. Creating a Realistic Budget. ...
  5. Using Automatic Savings and Other Checking Account Features. ...
  6. Avoid Debt. ...
  7. Review and Adjust the Budget Regularly. ...
  8. Celebrate Milestones.

How to plan a travel budget? ›

Here are five steps to help you budget for your next trip:
  1. Map out costs. Start with a fixed budget or calculate the cost of the trip and work backward. ...
  2. Research your destination. ...
  3. Start saving early. ...
  4. Be disciplined. ...
  5. Use travel loyalty programs and credit card rewards.

What is the key to long-term budgeting success? ›

Saving money is a key component of successful budgeting. It provides you with a safety net in case of emergencies and allows you to work toward your long-term financial goals. One of the most effective strategies is to pay yourself first. Set up an automatic transfer from your paycheck to a separate savings account.

How to plan long term travel? ›

20 Tips For Long-Term Travellers
  1. 1 Make a Budget. This is probably about the most important thing you can do. ...
  2. 2 Save. Another essential. ...
  3. 3 Don't Over-Plan. ...
  4. 4 Pack Sensibly. ...
  5. 5 Do Your Visa Research. ...
  6. 6 Go To The Doctor (And The Dentist) ...
  7. 7 Quit Your Job. ...
  8. 8 Take A Holiday From Your Holiday.

What is a normal budget for a trip? ›

2024 average vacation cost: Breakdown of travel, food and more. How much does the average vacation cost? The average vacation for one person in the United States costs about $1,986 per week. A vacation for two people will typically cost around $3,971 per week.

Which is a long term budget example? ›

Long-term goal examples:

Retirement fund. Paying off a mortgage. Starting a business. Saving for a child's college tuition.

Which is usually a long term budget? ›

Capital expenditure budget and research & development budget are long term budget as both are non operational activities.

What are long term expenses examples? ›

For most of us, a long-term goal is anything that is more than one year in the future and isn't a routine expense. It could be buying a home, sending a child to college, or saving for retirement.

How to travel often on a budget? ›

22 Ways to Travel More—Even On a Small Budget
  1. Take shorter trips more often.
  2. Take advantage of long weekends and holidays...
  3. 3. ... And shoulder seasons...
  4. 4. ... ...
  5. Go where—and when—the deals dictate.
  6. Prioritize inexpensive destinations.
  7. Work remotely when possible.
  8. Examine your prioritizes and eliminate expenses.

How to calculate budget for a trip? ›

If you're arranging your trip yourself, take the time to think about each of the following expenses and budget for them, if applicable:
  1. Transportation.
  2. Accommodation.
  3. Food.
  4. Tourist activities.
  5. Travel insurance.
  6. Vaccinations/medication.
  7. Visas/passport renewal.
  8. Clothing and equipment (e.g., suitcases, swimsuits, tents)
Dec 1, 2022

What is a good budgeting process? ›

It involves reviewing past budgets, identifying and forecasting revenue for the coming period, and assigning amounts to spend on a company's various costs. When done well, the process involves input from senior management, your finance team, and budget managers across the organization.

What is a good budgeting strategy? ›

In the 50/20/30 budget, 50% of your net income should go to your needs, 20% should go to savings, and 30% should go to your wants. If you've read the Essentials of Budgeting, you're already familiar with the idea of wants and needs.

What is successful budgeting? ›

A successful budget should show the accurate value of spending categories. It will help the company to figure out the spending patterns of the company. It should break down the big expenses to show the way of money transactions and expenses.

How much money do you need to travel long term? ›

It's about how you can still spend less than many people would in a year at home, even on a mid-range budget. What can you expect to spend if you have more of a backpacker budget, and will be staying in dorm rooms in hostels, travelling overland, and staying in cheap regions of the world? $10,000 is doable for a year.

How much should I save for 6 months of travel? ›

You'll need to save a bit more than $1,600 each month to make that happen. Or, if you're looking to travel for 6 months, you'll need about $10,000, which means you'll need to save just over $800 a month for a year to achieve your goal.

How to plan travelling for 6 months? ›

We have created a list of things to consider, helping you to make a suitable budget for 6 months travelling.
  1. Choose your destinations with your budget in mind. ...
  2. Flights. ...
  3. Visas. ...
  4. Travel insurance. ...
  5. Vaccinations. ...
  6. What to bring – Budget for 6 months travelling. ...
  7. Accommodation. ...
  8. Transportation.
Aug 18, 2017

How much does a year long trip cost? ›

In general, you should expect it to cost between $25,000 to $35,000 per person to travel around the world for a year. This rough estimate comes from reading travel budgets of other bloggers, various travel planning resources, and our own experience. This is just the midrange.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.