Blog Posts About Money Mindset & Success (2024)

4 Mindset Tips for Service Based Entrepreneurs

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Blog Posts About Money Mindset & Success (1)Building a business can be challenging emotionally, physically and financially. It brings all of your personal issues to the surface because it demands that you step out of your comfort zone, be productive and invest in yourself and your business.

You need to grow as a person and grow your skills in order to grow your business.It’s actually a personal development journey! Which is a great thing. Who doesn’t want to be a better version of themselves.

But, many entrepreneurs ignore the personal development aspect and therefore, make their journey much harder for themselves. Below are 4 mindset tips for service based entrepreneurs to help make the journey much more smooth.

Focus on what’s working:

When we tend to focus on what’s NOT working, we ignore what IS working in our business. This tendency comes from early childhood when we were in school. I know in my case when I would bring a report card home, my parents would often focus more attention on the B’s and C’s that I got rather than the A’s. Their emphasis was on correcting the “bad grades” rather than giving me any praise for the A’s. I know that this is where my perfectionist tendencies came from. The thing this, setting a goal to be PERFECT is unattainable and only leads to frustration and an assault on our self confidence.

I had a mentor who used to say that you should focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses because if you focus all your attention on your weaknesses, then at the end of the day, all you will have is really strong weaknesses. Makes sense then to not to focus all of our attention on our weaknesses – right?

And this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t working on getting better in all areas of your business, it’s just that you shouldn’t ignore those things you excel at. Work on getting even better at those areas where you excel.

So, you might be a really great coach but terrible at sales or marketing. You do in fact need to get better at those things in order to fulfil your mission and serve your people but don’t give up your dream of coaching just because you suck at sales. It is a skill that can be learned.

In the meantime, while you are learning to be a better salesperson, focus more of your thoughts on the glowing reviews you’ve received from your clients and how good it feels to help someone else achieve their goals.

Vow to be Visible:

It’s essential to stand out and share your gifts in order to succeed as an entrepreneur. Whether you’re building your business online or off or both, you will need to connect with others, develop your public speaking ability and your language to be able to communicate the value you can bring to your prospective clients.

Back around 2003, I started a resume writing business and built my first website with an ancient website builder. I was so excited about hitting the publish button because I thought that surely, I would be fully booked with clients within a week. Sadly that wasn’t the case and it wasn’t until I started putting myself out there and connecting with prospective clients through local networking events and advertising on a local directory that I started to land clients.

It would be nice if all we had to do was hang a sign in our window and instantly have an onslaught of clients but that’s not how it works and many of us have unknowingly taken a vow to stay invisible. That might be because in the past, we were criticised for not following conventional rules. Or because in the past, we were told to not to be a “show off”.

I didn’t start bringing in clients for my resume business until well over a year after I hit the publish button for my website. I was afraid to stand out and be seen and present myself as an authority in that area. But once I did, I gradually built up a roster of happy customers who were grateful for my services and who landed new jobs as a result. I had to get over myself and my disappointment in not seeing instant success in order to do what was needed to succeed.

Stay focused on the present:

All kinds of fears confront us on the journey to success as an entrepreneur. Financial worries, fear of failure, fear or success, fear of criticism, fear of standing out and being visible and on and on. And they can all wreak havoc on our emotional state and ability to stay productive.
But all these fears stem from having a focus on the future. Worrying about NOT meeting our money goals, worrying about doing a talk at a networking event, worrying about whether we can deliver results for our clients.

All of this worrying can lead to burn out and giving up on this entrepreneurial thing altogether. Instead, maintain your thoughts on the present by whatever means works for you. Journal, meditate, go for a walk, take a break from your desk, count your blessings.

My favourite tool for getting back to the present and bringing my emotions back in check is tapping. It neutralises the fight/flight response and over time, it rewires your brain so that you don’t go into panic mode and are able to stay more present, focused, resourceful and productive.

Remember to have fun:

One of my favourite jobs from back in the day was when I worked for a recruiting firm. Not only did I make great money but I worked with an awesome group of people and the environment was generally lighthearted and fun. We worked hard but the emphasis was on FUN.

In fact, the partners who owned the business had this motto “Have fun, make money” and we did. We often went out for lunch together and had a great laugh or we would go out on a Thursday or Friday night after work. We had golf days together and even took a day drip to an amusem*nt park. The more fun we had, the more the money rolled in.

We often take life too seriously and forget to have fun. Without incorporating some fun into our day and week, it can make our business feel like drudgery. Write a list of 10 things you enjoy doing, things that are fun for you and make sure you enjoy them on a regular basis through the week. If you’re like me, that might include dancing to music, watching a comedy or sitcom, going out to a movie or taking the dog for a walk.

And, having someone support you in managing the inevitable ups and downs while growing a business can help make the journey much more fun and shorten the time frame from struggle to victory.

I help service based female entrepreneurs with the mental and emotional part. I empower you to take the steps you need to grow your business and your income without grinding it out and sacrificing your health, sanity and time with loved ones.

For a limited time, I have opened up some spots in my calendar for complimentary money breakthrough sessions. Apply for a spot at this link.

To Your Success!

Blog Posts About Money Mindset & Success (2)

Certified Tapping Into Wealth Coach

5 Tips for Developing Sales Confidence in Your Business

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Blog Posts About Money Mindset & Success (3)I’ve been in sales for over 20 years and during that time, I’ve had to overcome a lack of self confidence and deal with many limiting beliefs in order to succeed. One thing I can tell you above all else is that sales success has much more to do with what is going on in your mind rather than the actual mechanics of selling.

You can have the perfect sales script that has helped countless others sell thousands of dollars worth of products and services but…if your throat tightens up the minute you open your mouth and you get all awkward and uncomfortable in your delivery due to lack of confidence, you’re going to lose the sale. So, below I’ve outlined5 tips for developing sales confidence in your business so that you can close more sales.

1. Release Negative Beliefs about Sales

I remember attending a sales training conference about 15 years ago where the trainer played a word association game with us. He would give us a word like “puppy” and most of us would say something like “soft” or “love” and then he would say “pizza” and we would respond “hungry”, “delicious” or whatever. You get the idea.

Then after several more word associations, he said “sales rep” and to my astonishment, the first word that came to mind was “sleazball”.
I was amazed to learn that program like that was running in the background of my mind.

Can you guess what kind of impact that was having on my sales results? Yep…my sales results at the time were reflecting this negative programming in the background of my mind.

If success in your business requires one on one sales conversations, then you need to identify the negative attitudes you have towards selling and let go of them.

We’ve all had negative experiences with pushy sales people and sales is NOT about arm wrestling a prospect into buying your product or services. It has far more to do with your energy and enthusiasm and your ability to convey how your services solve a problem for people.

So think of positive sales experiences you’ve had being a customer or in the sales role and focus your thoughts on those. In fact think of buying situations, situations where you’ve made a buying decision with a salesperson that felt good and you will have a much better example of how a sales conversation should feel.

2. Develop a Strong Positive Self Image

If your business requires selling one on one services or coaching packages, know your value and what results you can bring to your client, whether that’s helping them to create a sales funnel that converts or helping them to achieve their income goals. Knowing the value you can bring and the problem you can solve for clients helps to develop a strong positive self image.

You probably have lots of skills and ways you can help clients but by developing a clear message that communicates how you can help solve a client’s most pressing problem will not only help you close more sales but also, boost your self confidence.

If you’re new to coaching, you probably have some degree “imposter syndrome” going on. Over time, you will develop more confidence as you put yourself out there more and more and have more sales conversations.

See yourself as an expert NOW and focus on what you bring to the table rather than worrying about whether you can deliver the results you’re offering. Again, you’ve probably got skills that someone else is willing to hire you for and that makes you an expert in their eyes.

3. Visualize a Successful Outcome

Visualizing success is very powerful and has been proven time and time again, especially in the world of sports to produce results. Visualization helps you to build confidence in yourself in a sales situation because it elevates your level of belief in being able to achieve your goals.

If your business requires selling one on one services or coaching packages then before having a sales conversation, picture the outcome you want otherwise, your thoughts will likely turn to the outcome you don’t want….no sale.

This doesn’t guarantee that you’ll close the sale but…it will help you to feel more confident and relaxed during the process. And, if you’ve had some sales already, all the better. Recall those experiences and get into how good it felt before you get on your next sales call.

4. Remember that Selling is a Numbers Game

If your business requires selling one on one services or coaching packages, not everyone is going to be ready for your services no matter how good you are at sales. There is no sales person in history who has a 100% close ratio.

So, you are going to get rejected from time to time. Accept it and don’t allow yourself to get shattered when someone says “no” to you. They aren’t rejecting you, they are simply rejecting the result you offer for the time being.

Maybe it’s not a fit for their business or, they themselves lack confidence and don’t feel like they can step up to the plate and do their part. If you get a “no” and feel that you could have handled an objection better, figure out how you will address that type of objection the next time and move on.

And, remember that every “no” you get is getting you closer to the next “yes”.

5. Let Go of the NEED for the Sale

If your business requires selling one on one services or coaching packages, let go of the need for the sale. When we’re attached to the need for the sale because we have bills to pay or an aggressive sales goal that we are trying to meet, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves.

It often backfires when we feel pressure to close a sale because our prospect can sense our neediness. So, let it go. Focus your thoughts on serving your prospective clients and trust the process. If you get a “no” remember that it’s just leading you closer to the next “yes”.

Make sure that your sales process is set up to constantly bring in new prospects so that you will soon have another opportunity for a sales conversation. Keep putting offers out there and relax. It might feel like the wolf is at the door so to speak but if you relax about the situation, things often have a funny way of working out because…the Universe has your back!

Did you enjoy this post? If so, then check out my program, Tapping Into Sales Confidence. It’s a video based program that helps you to release the mental and emotional blocks around selling one on one services. Check it out here.

And, if you have a goal to earn more in your business but feel stuck at your current earning level, reach out to me for a complimentary MONEY BREAKTHROUGH SESSION at this link.

Blog Posts About Money Mindset & Success (4)

Certified Tapping Into Wealth Coach

5 Ways to Manifest more Money in Your Business

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Blog Posts About Money Mindset & Success (5)Earning more money from your business has as much to with your mindset as it does with your marketing strategy. Perhaps even more so. Clients often tell me that their marketing wasn’t really bringing the results they wanted until we started working together on their mindset. Then, it was almost as if the damn burst and money started flooding in. So, to support you on your entrepreneurial journey, below are 5 ways to manifest more money in your business.

  1. Set an income goal – get clear on what you want to achieve:

When you want to manifest more money, it’s really important to set an income goal. Too many people resist setting goals because they are afraid they won’t reach them and they fear being disappointed. But your mind needs specificity and clarity. Just like when you are taking a road trip, you need to have a destination otherwise you’ll be wandering aimlessly and might never get there.

By releasing those fears around possible disappointment and setting a goal anyway, you will greatly improve your ability to achieve that goal. You’ve probably heard or read that people who set goals are far more likely to achieve them especially if they are committed to achieving them and review their goals daily.

Pair your goal setting with daily intentions to take a further step towards your goal and you’ve got a formula for success. Your daily intentions might include reaching out to 5 new prospective clients or posting content in 5 Facebook groups or doing a daily livestream in your own Facebook group. It can also include maintaining a positive mindset or even spending some time visualising what achieving your goal will look like once you’ve achieved it.

  1. Release the resistance – release anxiety, doubts & fears:

In order to achieve your income goal, it’s essential that you release any resistance you feel about being able to achieve it. That means releasing any anxiety, doubts and fears you have about your income goal.

Nothing scares money away faster than negative feelings about it. It is counter-productive to continue feeling anxiety, shame, frustration because it’s not a vibrational match to what you want to achieve and attract.

But, I know from personal experience that it’s hard to switch off those negative emotions when you’re not achieving your money goals. And, it’s even more difficult if you’re currently in a bad financial situation such as mounds of credit card debt. It wasn’t until I started actively releasing all the negative emotions and beliefs I had about money that I was able to change how I felt and improve my financial situation.

Further, if you’re feeling fearful about stepping out of your comfort zone and being more visible, you’ll resist doing what needs to be done in order to attract clients. So releasing the fear around doing certain activities in your business will absolutely help you in getting the word out about what you offer.

  1. Script – Review yourincome goal daily and write 10-20 minutes to get into the feeling:

Less thank 5% of people set an income goal and fewer than 1% review their goal daily. And, the 1% are the top income earners. So, it makes sense then to review your income goal daily in order to increase your chances of achieving it.

But, most people aren’t so much interested in the cash itself, they are more interested in what that money will give them in terms of freedom and lifestyle.

So, get really clear on what your life will look like when you reach that income goal. Will you move to a better place, a better home? Will you quit your job? Will you travel more? Buy a new car?

Scripting is a highly effective way to get into the feeling place of achieving your income goal. Take 10-20 minutes per day and describe a scene where your goal has already been achieved. Write about how you feel, what you’re doing, who you’re with, etc. Get as detailed as possible and have fun with it. Use all of your senses to describe the scene and allow yourself to feel joy and gratitude.

  1. Visualise – spend a few minutes each day visualising your goal achieved:

Personally, I enjoy visualisation as a way to get into the feeling place of achieving my goals. Not many people do however because they believe they’re not good at visualisation but the truth is, everyone can do it. If I was to ask you to picture your child or your pet in your mind, you would be able to do it. Or, if I was to ask you to picture the route to the grocery store, you would.

You can do the same thing in order to help you achieve your income goal. Imagine telling your significant other and your friends and family that you’ve reached your goal. Hear them congratulating you and see them celebrating with you and a glass of champagne.

Also imagine all the things you will enjoy when you reach your income goal. Will you spend more time travelling? More time with your significant other going out to dinner? More time at the spa? Whatever it is, you can spend just a few minutes each day visualising the outcome you want.

You can also use visualisation for performing certain tasks successfully in your business. Let’s say you’ve got a public speaking gig coming up. You can imagine yourself standing tall and feeling confident while you give your talk and the audience smiling approvingly.

  1. Trust and enjoy the process – celebrate and have fun:

Trust is an important component to achieving your income goal. Trust encompasses feeling worthy of achieving your goal and believing in your own abilities. Goals are future focused and so it can feel like a long road to reach them. But when you celebrate your progress along the way, it makes the journey more fun.

So although you might have a big income goal to achieve in 3 months, 6 months or 12 months from now, set smaller goals to achieve in the meantime that are more activity focused. So that might be booking 5 strategy calls each week or posting in 5 Facebook groups each day. Whatever the smaller goals are, celebrate when you achieve them. This will build trust in being able to achieve the bigger goals.

And, your confidence will increase each time you achieve a smaller goal. Share your success with your significant other or your business bestie. Set smaller goals that scare you a little bit such as doing live video or reaching out to another entrepreneur in your niche who you might be able to collaborate with.

Have FUN along the way. You can’t work all the time so make sure you build in some fun to your day. I love taking my dog for walks. It gives me time to clear my head and get some exercise. I also love to dance and I take weekly dance classes but I also like to turn on the music randomly during the day just to dance around and have some fun. It doesn’t have to be something that consumes a lot of time or money. By building some fun into your day and into your week, you will enjoy the process as well.

If you have a goal to earn more in your business but feel stuck at your current earning level, reach out to me for a complimentary MONEY BREAKTHROUGH SESSION at this link.

And, if you want help in releasing limiting beliefs on an energetic level, download the Top 7 Limiting Beliefs that Sabotage Your Financial Success. This free guide will help you to tap into your natural talent and ability to succeed.

Blog Posts About Money Mindset & Success (6)

Certified Tapping Into Wealth Coach

5 Productivity Tips to Help Female Entrepreneurs Earn More Money

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Blog Posts About Money Mindset & Success (7)There’s a lot of advice out there on how to manage time better and be more productive. This post is a little bit different compared to the typical advice on planning & scheduling everything in your calendar. I like to be flexible when it comes to my time. But there are some principles that help me to manage both my energy and my time so that I’m more productive and ultimately…earn more money. Below I share 5 productivity tips to help female entrepreneurs earn more money in their business.

1. Do the hardest thing first – If you find yourself procrastinating because there’s a task that you need to complete that you feel is hard or that you just don’t want to do, get it out of the way first thing and then you will sail through the rest of your day.

Eat That Frog is a book that was written by Brian Tracy several years ago to help people with PROCRASTINATION. The theory is that if you plan to “eat the frog” first thing when you start your work day that you will get much more accomplished in your day than if you put off “eating the frog” later in the day in favour of taking care of “more enjoyable” tasks.

The frog represents the things that you don’t enjoy doing. Brian Tracy is an accomplished sales trainer and motivational speaker. So back when I was an inside sales representative (for B2B sales), the thing that I dreaded the most was cold calling new prospects. I found that if I completed my cold calls first thing in the morning and left my follow up client calls for the afternoon, then I got so much more accomplished in a day.

By contrast, if I started my day with follow up client calls, then it would like take up my whole day and I would never get my cold calls done.

You can “eat that frog” with anything that you tend to procrastinate on. If you want to exercise more and find that you often put it off to the end of the day and then you never get to it, try doing it first thing. You will feel better knowing that you’ve followed through your commitment to yourself and enjoy a much more productive day.

2. Watch out for distractions – Feeling Overwhelmed by shiny objects and information overload?

If so then you are probably not making much headway with your business. Trust that the marketing program, tool, information will come back to you when you need it and when it’s right for your business.

Don’t worry that you are missing out or that the opportunity won’t come your way again.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or confused then it might be best to leave that marketing program, tool or information alone for now.

And, the reality is that with Facebook ads and such, you will probably see that opportunity to open your wallet again at some point in the future but don’t buy it just because you might need it someday or because you think this will finally be the thing to propel your business forward.

If yourself spinning your wheels and getting distracted by the next big thing to promote your business, land clients and earn the money you want then decide now to let go of this pattern.

Take a deep breath and embrace more simplicity, more trust, more peace and you will find that the answers will come from your inner guidance…not from outside of you.

3. Embrace Imperfection – 80% Perfect is Good Enough – often we find ourselves procrastinating because we’ve got an underlying fear of not being good enough. We tinker with our website, we re-write our content and tasks take a lot longer to complete than they should or worse, we never get around to putting ourselves or our content out there.

Even the most beautiful diamond will have some small flaws.

Striving to be PERFECT will only serve to frustrate you and can lead to burn out. You only get better by taking your first swing with the golf club. With the first swing, you’ll probably miss the ball entirely but after 1000 swings with the club, you might actually start to get some good distance with the ball, especially if you stop along the way, get some coaching and ask yourself, “how can I do better?” and NOT, “how can I make it perfect?”

Making mistakes and learning from those is how you get better. Essentially, you fail your way to success. So celebrate every time you make an attempt and know that you are GOOD ENOUGH.

4. Exercise Your Comfort Zone Muscle – it’s usually fear that causes us to be less productive than we could be. And in this context, when I’m talking about productivity, I’m referring to actions that get results. Often we will spend time on tasks that really don’t bring dollars into our business.

We think we are working on our business but really, if you’re not connecting with clients and putting out offers then, you’re not really being productive. You might be working on your website graphics or content. Or fiddling with your sales funnel. But if you’re not getting into conversations with others, then you’re not really being productive, just busy.

So, take some time to look at that and be honest with yourself. Are you staying in your comfort zone? Are you avoiding those sales conversations? Are you avoiding networking events? Doing live video? Public speaking opportunities? Workshops and home parties? If so, then set a goal to do one of those things that scares you. The more you stretch yourself, the easier it gets to take risks.

And, if you’re building your business online then doing live video is the next best thing to being in person. People connect with you much better in video than with written content.

5. Celebrate the little incremental accomplishments – often us big picture goal setters put off celebrating our progress in taking steps toward our goals. We have an end goal to get to $10K months in our business but fail to celebrate a $100 sale. It’s as if that $100 sale doesn’t count but it totally does. Because it all ads up. We know this intellectually but unless you get excited, grateful and happy about it, you’ll have a hard time keeping the momentum going.

The journey will start to feel like you’re climbing uphill through snow….without snowshoes.
Even worse is if you have set an income goal for the month and you feel disappointment if you don’t hit it. The emotion of disappointment can be detrimental to your business. But if you’ve made more than the month before, it’s a reason to CELEBRATE!

So, set some activity goals as well for the month. Such as a goal to write 30 days worth of content or to record 30 days worth of YouTube videos. These are things that are totally within your control. Activity is often a lot easier to control whereas income…not always. Then you’ve got at least one thing you can celebrate.

If you have a goal to earn more in your business but feel stuck at your current earning level, reach out to me for a complimentary MONEY BREAKTHROUGH SESSION at this link.

And, if you want help in releasing limiting beliefs on an energetic level, download the Top 7 Limiting Beliefs that Sabotage Your Financial Success. This free guide will help you to tap into your natural talent and ability to succeed.

Blog Posts About Money Mindset & Success (8)

Certified Tapping Into Wealth Coach

Past Money Traumas that Affect Your Present Level of Financial Success

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Blog Posts About Money Mindset & Success (9)Financial limitations can often be traced back to past money traumas. The emotional impact of those events can be lasting. As an entrepreneur, you might find that although you are enjoying financial independence in terms of being able to earn an income without a traditional job, you feel limited. Maybe it often feels like a grind and when business gets slow, you double down and work even harder. This leaves you feeling frustrated thinking that you can never get ahead.

But it’s not your fault. Long ago, you adopted an attitude about money from different life experiences and messages passed on to you by others that have set limits for you in your mind. By becoming aware of these events and releasing the emotional charge around them, you will be able to re-wire your brain for greater success and happiness. Below are 5 common past money traumas that affect your present level of financial success.

Early messages about money:

A necessary starting place for releasing negative beliefs about money is looking at the messages and stories that you adopted as your own during your formative years.

If you grew up hearing messages like, “people like us can never get ahead” or, “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” or, even more commonly “rich people are evil” how do you think that will affect your current level of financial success?

Those messages that we hear when we are younger, usually between the years of 0-7 years old shape how we view the world. During our formative years, we are in a hypnotic state in a way. So messages about how the world works get deeply ingrained in our subconscious.
If you went shopping with your parents as a kid, you likely saw things you wanted from the grocery store (the Lucky Charms cereal) or the department store (that new Barbie doll when passing the toys). If your parents consistently responded with “we can’t afford it”, then you would have very quickly developed a belief in lack.

And kids are relentless, I know I was and at a young age, I would ask over and over again for the things I wanted when we would go shopping. So, I heard “we can’t afford it” a lot before I stopped asking.

Do your kids a favour and don’t ever effing say “we can’t afford it”. Being aware of this belief in lack that I took on as a child, I was very careful when my son was younger to just say to him “not right now honey” to his relentless asking for stuff he wanted me to buy for him.

Clearing out the emotional charge and beliefs around those early messages is necessary in order expand your financial success.

Past business failures:

For most entrepreneurs, this isn’t their first rodeo. Very rarely do entrepreneurs get to six figures in their first year of business with their very first business. Often they’ve tried and failed in other businesses in the past. But that entrepreneurial drive keeps them going and perhaps chasing another other business ideas.

However, these past failures affect how they show up in their current business. They resist putting themselves out there in marketing their business or, they resist investing in themselves to get the support they need for their mindset and marketing strategy.
If you find yourself saying “no” to doing Facebook lives, doing sales calls or, investing in yourself and your business because you’re replaying in your mind how it didn’t work out the last time, then you’ll stay stuck.

Anytime you reflect on past failures, you activate that feeling of disappointment and dread. Especially if you wanted success really bad and worked really hard but faced criticism from others in the past or had any financial losses. It makes you skittish about taking risks and risk taking is a very big part of entrepreneurship.

You must let go of the past because it has no bearing on your future. But, we tend to repeat the same patterns over and over again unless we work on our mindset.

Fear of Criticism:

Ever hear about the “Crabs in a Bucket Mentality”? It’s a metaphor for human behaviour. Crabs in a bucket will prevent other crabs from getting out. They pull whichever crab is trying to escape the bucket back down inside.

Humans are a lot like that. If one person in a group is attempting to achieve success beyond the others, they will have the tendency to pull them back down to their level through criticism or other means. It might be due to jealousy, competitiveness or their own fear of abandonment. It’s the tribal mentality.

And, during tribal times, our survival depended on working as a group. The primitive part of our minds sees moving beyond the level of success of our friends and family as a threat.

If you find you are holding yourself back because of what others might think, then the fear of criticism or negative judgemental reactions from others is something you need to let go of.

There have been studies that have shown that people tend to earn between 10% and 20% of their peers. If you want to move beyond your groups income then it would make sense to find new friends. But you don’t have to do that unless of course you find that your circle of friends is truly trying to take you down. Although, it would be good idea to find a mentor or mastermind group who are already enjoying the financial success you desire.

Most of the time, the fear of criticism and judgement is in our minds and releasing the fear transforms our experience. We feel more at ease with taking risks and moving to that next level of income. And oftentimes, our circle of friends or our tribe supports us in our achievement of success because it inspires them to do the same.

Fear of Success:

Unfortunately there are a lot of negative depictions of rich successful people on t.v. and in the media. Take Mr. Burns on the Simpsons or Scroodge McDuck. Both are selfish money loving and lonely characters. And there are many real life people who make the news who have millions or billions of dollars who are decidedly NOT nice people. Remember Harvey Weinstein?

So, it’s no wonder our minds fear success. Who wants to be a lonely horrible rich person? But the more you look for negative examples of rich people, the more you will find them. However, most rich people are friendly well balanced philanthropic people. Think of Oprah or Louise Hay. They just don’t get as much mainstream media attention as the negative ones.

Another contributing factor in the fear of success goes back to negative messages we received during our formative years. If you heard “don’t get your hopes up” a lot as a child them that feeling of excited anticipation can feel threatening to you. That feeling can signal future disappointment for you which feels even worse.

And, worry that others in our tribe or circle of friends will criticise or become jealous can contribute to the fear of success. Feelings of stress and excitement can feel very similar to one another and so because we tend to avoid stressful situations, we might also avoid going for the success we desire because of the negative associations with feelings of excitement.

Financial Trauma:

If you’re like me, you’ve had a financial trauma in your past. It’s worse as an entrepreneur if it’s related to a business. Quite a few years ago now, my husband and I were in a business that drained our finances. In fact, we racked up a sh*t ton of debt over the course of 3 or 4 years in an effort to succeed in that business.

And digging ourselves out of that debt took another 3 or 4 years. This experience had a really negative impact on me. In fact it was traumatic. It held me back from investing in my business for a long time. I was afraid of getting back into that financial mess again.
All the stress and sleepless nights, I just couldn’t go through that again.

I had to clear out the negative emotions and beliefs from that experience. Because no matter whatever positive self talk or affirmations I tried, my emotions took over. And, my fear of financial ruin, held me back. I had to work on releasing that negative emotional charge associated with the debt we were in, in order to move forward.

If you’re had your savings wiped out and racked up a bunch of debt, your negative stressful emotions will keep you stuck there. Where emotion goes is where energy flows. And moving forward requires you to release the negative emotions of that financial trauma.

Reach out to me for a complimentary MONEY BREAKTHROUGH SESSION at this link.

If you want help in releasing limiting beliefs on an energetic level, download the Top 7 Limiting Beliefs that Sabotage Your Financial Success. This free guide will help you to tap into your natural talent and ability to succeed.

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Blog Posts About Money Mindset & Success (2024)


How does money mindset affects individual success? ›

A healthy money mindset includes positive beliefs about money, such as seeing it as a tool for achieving one's goals and living a fulfilling life. This mindset can significantly impact how people make financial decisions, manage their finances, and ultimately achieve their financial needs.

What is your mindset about money? ›

Your money mindset defines how you think about money and influences how you save, how you spend, and how you manage your debt. It's your core beliefs about money and your attitude towards it. This includes: What you think you can and cannot do with money.

Why is your attitude towards money the key to financial success? ›

It will help you achieve financial success. An abundance mindset is characterized by the belief that opportunities are abundant and there's enough wealth to go around. Those with an abundance mindset are likely to take calculated risks, invest wisely, and make informed financial decisions.

What is a good money attitude? ›

Remember, a positive money mindset involves taking control of your finances, being mindful of your spending habits, setting financial goals, and investing in your financial education. It's about understanding your money values and beliefs and challenging any negative thoughts or behaviors that may be holding you back.

What is the power of money mindset? ›

Money mindset refers to the attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts an individual has about money and wealth. It can significantly impact financial behaviours, decisions, and outcomes. A positive money mindset often leads to healthier financial habits and success, while a negative money mindset can hinder financial progress.

What is the power of a rich mindset? ›

Unlike a Poor Mindset, a Rich Mindset, represents growth and a belief in abundance. People with a rich mindset understand that wealth is not limited and that they have the power to create their own financial success.

What are the traits of a money minded person? ›

Those are:
  • Money is all they talk about.
  • Money is all they think about.
  • They take financial advice from anyone just to acquire more money.
  • They compare their finances with others.
  • They neglect other areas of life to acquire more wealth.
Feb 15, 2017

How do I improve my money mindset? ›

Six Steps to Creating a Positive Money Mindset
  1. Forgive Your Past Financial Mistakes. No one is perfect. ...
  2. Understand Your Thoughts and Emotions Surrounding Money. ...
  3. Realize That Comparing Yourself to Others is a Losing Game. ...
  4. Work on Forming Good Habits. ...
  5. Create a Budget That Brings You Joy. ...
  6. Remember to be Thankful.

How to get a millionaire mindset? ›

How To Develop a Millionaire Mindset and Get Rich
  1. Cultivate a Growth Mindset. ...
  2. Set Clear Goals. ...
  3. Invest in Education. ...
  4. Embrace Calculated Risks. ...
  5. Develop Multiple Income Streams. ...
  6. Live Below Your Means. ...
  7. Network With Like-minded Individuals. ...
  8. Stay Positive and Persistent.
Oct 6, 2023

Why money makes life better? ›

There are obvious advantages to having more money. You can live in a nicer house and drive a nicer car, take better vacations, provide quality education for your kids, gain improved access to medical care, and have a more comfortable retirement.

What is the relationship between money and success? ›

Money Does Not Make You Successful, Value Does. We are In a world often fixated on financial wealth as a measure of success, it's crucial to recognize that true success transcends monetary gains. Success is about making a meaningful impact, leaving a positive mark on the world, and finding fulfillment in what you do.

What is important in life success or money? ›

The secret to success is not money. The secret to success is living a life congruent with your own values. The secret to success is defining what is important to you and appreciating what you have.

What is a bad money mindset? ›

The scarcity mindset is characterised by a fear of not having enough resources, including money. This fear can lead to negative behaviours such as hoarding or overspending. Those with a scarcity mindset may feel that they must always have more money and are unable to enjoy what they have.

What is money personality? ›

Figuring out your money personality means learning how you feel about saving, spending, and growing your money. Knowing your money personality helps you make better financial choices that are right for you.

What are examples of money attitudes? ›

Status: Some people use money to express their social status. Having the best and buying popular brand names are important to people in this profile. Status- spenders like to “show off” their purchases. Indifference: People who treat money with indifference tend to place very little importance on having money.

How does money affect an individual? ›

Money problems can affect your mental health

Worrying about money can lead to sleep problems. You might not be able to afford the things you need to stay well. This might be housing, food, water, heating, or treatments like medication and therapy.

How does mindset impact individuals? ›

Mindsets can influence how people behave in a wide range of situations in life. For example, as people encounter different situations, their mind triggers a specific mindset that then directly impacts their behavior in that situation.

How does growth mindset affect success? ›

Those with growth mindsets embrace challenges, persist through obstacles, learn from criticism, and are inspired by the success of others. With the growth mindset, we can acknowledge our failures and find inspiration to keep improving.

Why does money mindset matter? ›

Developing a good money mindset can help you build stronger personal finance habits. Realise that no one has an infinite amount of money. Be honest with yourself about your spending habits. Take advantage of affordable savings techniques.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.