Blog Income Report | Income and Traffic Report | July 2018 – Eclectically Ema (2024)

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Welcome to the first of many blog income report! You know what that means, it means that Eclectically Ema passed its first month. I originally planned to try and post this at the end of the first week of August so, as you can see. It’s a bit late and I apologise.

Blog Income Report | Income and Traffic Report | July 2018 – Eclectically Ema (1)

There has been a lot going on at the moment what with packing to move to a new house, going on holiday. I have then spent the last two weeks moving into my new house and our internet connection is causing us nothing but problems right now all while getting more and more pregnant as the weeks fly past, all while trying to keep up with a 2 and-a-half-year-old. So, as you can probably see, my posting schedule has slipped a bit and honestly, it has really frustrated me! Only now have I had a chance to sit down and unveil the first in a series of monthly income reports for you all.

So apart from this report, each monthly report will be posted at the end of the first week of the month.

Why do a Blog Income Report?

Before I became serious about blogging, I used to read other bloggers income reports and be amazed that they were able to make thousands in a month. All from working from their computer at home. I used to think…

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WOW, that must be so much easier than working a 9-5!!

I now know that I am completely wrong. I absolutely love blogging and creating and marketing. It is HARD work, and although I may not sit down and work from 9 am to 5 pm five days a week like the majority of people. I am squeezing in time here and there in the evening, at weekends and even when I pee…which is an awful lot at the moment! So, the hours add up, but if you want to make it successful then you actually enjoy putting the effort in.

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I have also learned and honestly deep down I already knew this but making thousands does not come in your first month.

While reading other bloggers income reports gave me the inspiration and motivation to seriously pursue blogging. The big bucks take time and 100% dedication, AMAZING content and a little bit of luck if you want it to happen quickly. The number one rule is that if all your after is the money. Then blogging is NOTfor you. You should do this because you love doing it.

These reports are really important for bloggers. It holds them accountable for what they have or has not done, it provides motivation for the following month, even if the previous one has been dreadful or out of this world. They show the rest of the world that you can be a blogger and you can be successful, for actually very little start-up cost.

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So What’s Different About my Blog Income Report?

My income reports are for the small-time blogger, the person who’s thinking about starting a blog or looking to go self-hosted and start being serious about it. It’s to show you that, it is possible if you put in the work. My income reports are there to motivate you and inspire some perseverance.

I am soon to be a mum of two! Which means I can’t pour every waking second into my blog as some others can. I am here to prove though, that you can gain traffic and even income from your blog. It may take a little longer than others, but I have other priorities that will always come first, as you might have too.

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You Need Your Own Hosting Provider

If you are looking for an amazing host for your blog (or website) then I totally recommend Bluehost. I am using them now and I have not had a single problem. Importing my existing site into them was easy, and seamless. Their dashboard is the simplest thing I have ever used (definitely compared to my last hosting provider) and the cost is super low! ($3.95p/m or £3.10 p/m!!!!).

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Bluehost is actually recommended by WordPress, which means that the support team knows everything you may need to ask as well as working perfectly in sync with it. To top it all off, it comes with a free domain name for the first year, the essential part of a blog, that makes you individual, unique and professional.

Related:Self-host your blog with Bluehost | In less than 15 minutes

Grab your FREE ultimate guide on getting started with Bluehost. This step-by-step ultimate guide will show you how to set up an account with Bluehost from start to finish. There is also bonus content showing you how to migrate your existing site to your self-hosted domain. My free guide to you has made it as easy as pie. Click the image below to grab your free ‘The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide on Getting Started with Bluehost

Goals from last month

As I have said, this is the first month’s income report. So while I didn’t have any goals this month, I have made sure to get my site to a point where I am happy with it for now, and it works in the way I want it to. I have also done a lot of reading about marketing, CSS, email lists and obviously income reports among many other things.

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What worked for me

My writing schedule of posting once a week has worked out pretty well actually. I originally wanted to be able to post twice a week, but that became unrealistic with everything else I have to do at the moment. There’s no saying it won’t happen in the future though.

Some weeks I have managed to write more than one post which enabled me to be able to have posts scheduled a couple of weeks in advance. This gave me a chance to relax a wee bit on holiday which was nice.

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Social media was a learning curve! Although I have used Pinterest for years, I have never used it as a traffic source. This meant a lot of reading up on different strategies. I think I’m starting to figure it out….slowly.

Instagram is easy enough to post to, I researched my hashtags. I downloaded VSCO on my phone and started to visually brand my feed.

Posting consistently is something I have struggled with. I am trying once a day, but sometimes I wonder if my life is really interesting enough to share my day-to-day and this is why I haven’t been posting every day. There are some cool holiday snaps on there at the moment if you wanna take a peek, click the feed in my sidebar.

Twitter is a slow burner, it’s not really something I’m concentrating on currently. This will come with time!

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My email list is set up using MailChimp. MailChimp is free up until a certain amount of subscribers. This is great for new bloggers like me, but it does have its limitations.

I had mixed feelings about monetisation. Do I do this from the start? Or do I wait until my traffic picks up? What a dilemma! If I didn’t use affiliate links or ads on my site from the start, then I could miss out on income right from the start, but if I do this right from the start are people going to think I’m just selling out?! In the end, I decided to monetise right from the start, I knew my page views were going to be low anyway In my first month, so I didn’t really see anything to lose. I’m still unsure about whether people think I’m selling out and I assure you I most definitely am NOT, but this is my job and what I love doing.

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To start with, any money I might earn is going to go towards paying to keep my site up and running and doing what I love. I know I’m probably not going to greatly benefit from any income from my blog right now and that’s ok.

On to the Traffic Part of the Income Report!!

As you can see my daily page views were pretty low all month. The majority of my traffic came in the last week, this is where I started using tailwind properly and consistently!

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I’m still amazed that nearly 550 people visited my blog and took the time to read it, this amounted in 1064 page views in a month. My only aim for this month was to have a bounce rate of under 50% and that I did. My bounce rate was 44.08%. For those of you who don’t know, a bounce rate is the percentage of users that click onto your site and have no interaction with the page at all and then click off of it. So to know that over 225 users read my content is very exciting to me!!

If you missed any of this month’s posts, here they are starting with the most popular.

  • First Trimester in Pregnancy | How you can survive using my top 9 tips(545 Page Views)
  • Second Trimester Joy and 10 Things you should do.(137 Page Views)
  • Bandelettes | Do They Beat the Chub Rub?( 129 Page Views)
  • 10 Life Lessons You Need To Know( 8 Page Views)
  • Self-Care | 20 Free and Frugal Ways to Practice It.(0 Page Views)

As you can see from the numbers above and the topics I wrote about. There were some posts that were much more popular than others. I used this month as a little test to see which topics gained some traction. I have also read on other blogs, that a lot of posts can take 4-6 weeks to start gaining traffic. It’s all down to the promotion and ultimately, Pinterest.

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Pinterest was a learning curve but has been my biggest source of traffic. For now, this is the only social media traffic analytics I’ll be including. I started to use tailwind seriously at the end of the month, which sent my blog traffic and Pinterest analytics through the roof (compared to what I had been used to at that point) You can see this from the 3 images below. I will be writing a post about how to use tailwind in the next couple of months, so be sure to come back and read it. Tailwind really has been a lifesaver.

Related: Tailwind is Made for Mum Bloggers, Here’s Why.
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Blog Income Report | Income and Traffic Report | July 2018 – Eclectically Ema (15)
Blog Income Report | Income and Traffic Report | July 2018 – Eclectically Ema (16)

This proves that even pinning 6 times a day (a mixture of original contents and other content) can work. Plus the great thing about tailwind is that the scheduler optimizes the times it gives you to schedule posts. This means that your audience sees your content as it’s synced to your Pinterest account and optimized for when they are online.



This is paid in full for the entire term that I have selected, so I will only post this once as It won’t be a reoccurring cost each month.

Bluehost: $97.56 (£76.64) p/y

Income reports

I didn’t make any income this first month.

I did join an affiliate network called AWIN. They have thousands of brands on there that you can join so that you can use their affiliate links to help generate income for your site.

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If you’re looking to monetise, I really suggest using AWIN. All your affiliates are kept in one place and your clicks and commission are shown quite simply. Perfect for a beginner. They also have every question in their help section that you could think to ask, so an answer is never far away if you do get stuck. Click through to AWIN using my link if like.

AWIN is an amazing source for affiliate marketing. You can Join here!

I do earn a small commission for any services bought or signed up for with most of my links, but this does enable me to keep the blog running for you lovely lot!

Related:What Is Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers?

Goals for next months Blog Income Report

  • To lower my bounce rate to below 40%
  • Gain 2 more email subscribers
  • Sign up to Tailwind Plus and get pinning!
  • To increase my page views by 1000
  • To have a way more organised editorial calendar of seasonal and evergreen content.

What the first month of self hosted blogging really looks like! #income #traffic #lifestyleblog #blogger Click To Tweet

That wraps up the first of many post about the blog income report. I would love to hear from you all either by email or in the comments below. Are you thinking of starting a blog? Do you already have one? What tips for a newbie blogger do you have for me? I’m all ears!!

While you’re here, why don’t you choose your favourite image from below and pin it for me? Share some love peoples!

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Blog Income Report | Income and Traffic Report | July 2018 – Eclectically Ema (2024)


What is the salary of a Blogger per month? ›

Blogger Salaries in India

The average salary for Blogger is ₹78,600 per month in the India. The average additional cash compensation for a Blogger in the India is ₹63,600, with a range from ₹7,200 - ₹1,20,000.

How much money per 1000 views on a blog? ›

While the amount of money that bloggers can make varies widely depending on the niche, industry, and quality of the website, bloggers with 1,000 views usually make an RPM of $20-35 on average.

How much do blogs make a month? ›

Blog owners with 10,000 to 100,000 monthly page views often earn between 2 cents and 10 cents for each page view from advertising, equating to $200 to $10,000 per month. Sponsored articles range in price from $25 to $750 for each post, depending on the size of the audience, genre, and individual sponsorship agreement.

Do blogs still make money? ›

Yes — Bloggers still make money. In fact, there are more ways than ever to earn a living blogging. Revenue streams such as display ads, affiliate marketing, digital products, and email marketing are just a few of the popular revenue streams bloggers use to make money.

How much do beginner bloggers make? ›

Within the first year, bloggers can make $500-$2,000 per month. As you can see, you can earn a wide income range as a blogger. But aside from the numbers, remember these important takeaways before you begin: You can make money blogging even if you're not a professional writer.

Can you make $10,000 a month blogging? ›

The quickest, and most effective strategy for growing a new blog to $10K/month is to sell your own products. Yes, it's possible to get there using advertising or affiliate marketing, but selling your own products provides the shortest path to big revenue numbers – with the least amount of traffic.

How long does it take to make $1000 per month blogging? ›

In most cases, you should expect it to take at least 6 to 12 months (minimum) of consistent blogging & promoting your content to start earning something from your blog. When it comes to making $1,000/mo in blog income, expect that to take 1 to 2 years of consistent effort for most people.

Who is the highest paid blogger? ›

Top 10 Highest Earning Bloggers 2024 (Earnings & Analysis)
  • Who are the highest earning bloggers? (And how much do they earn?)
  • #1: Timothy Sykes ($1 million per month)
  • #2: Chiara Ferragni ($250,000 per month)
  • #3: Melyssa Griffin ($238,000 per month)
  • #4: Sarah Titus ($200,000 per month)
  • #5: Pat Flynn ($200,000 per month)

Which niche is best for blogging? ›

Nowadays, this highly popular category has developed a long list of potential blog niches ideas to center your content on.
  • Movie reviews.
  • Music reviews.
  • TV show guides.
  • Celebrity gossip.
  • Celebrity interviews.
  • Arts and culture.

Do small blogs make money? ›

Bloggers make money in 5 main ways: Advertisem*nts: selling space on their web page or website for companies to advertise on. Affiliate marketing: promoting a third-party's products in exchange for earning a commission. Products: creating physical products to sell to their audience (e.g., merch)

What blog topic makes the most money? ›

The best blogs to make money include finance blogs, travel blogs, food and recipe blogs, fashion and beauty blogs, and technology blogs. The profitability often depends on niche, audience engagement, content quality, and monetization strategies such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and advertisem*nts.

Which blog site is best for earning money? ›

Best Blogging Platforms to Make Money
  1. 1 Best For: An all-round blogging platform capable of adapting to the needs of your business. ...
  2. 2 Medium. Best For: A simple introduction to blogging with (limited) options for making money online. ...
  3. 3 ...
  4. 4 SquareSpace. ...
  5. 5 Ghost. ...
  6. 6 Wix. ...
  7. 7 Blogger. ...
  8. 8 HubPages.
Feb 28, 2024

Which type of blog is most popular? ›

Most Popular Types of Blogs
  1. Fashion and Beauty Blogs. Fashion and Beauty Blogs never cease to adore their viewers! ...
  2. Travel Blogs. ...
  3. Food and Recipe Blogs. ...
  4. Lifestyle and Personal Blogs. ...
  5. Health and Wellness Blogs. ...
  6. Technology Blogs. ...
  7. Parenting and Family Blogs. ...
  8. DIY and Crafts Blogs.
Oct 18, 2023

Can you make $1,000 a month with a blog? ›

If you can start a blog in a niche that you're obsessively passionate about, one that isn't too saturated, where you can build a decent audience, then you can make a cool $1000 per month, or more, from blogging. Especially as a freelancer!

How do bloggers get paid? ›

Affiliate marketing is one of the most common income streams for professional bloggers. This earning opportunity tasks you with promoting a third party's products — usually using a link or promo code that's unique to your blog — in exchange for commission earned on each affiliate product sold.

Can bloggers make a living? ›

Bloggers can make money using a multitude of different strategies. Some require more effort than others. Most blog income streams rely on precarious conditions, such as search engine algorithms and brand budgets. Therefore, it's highly recommended that you diversify your revenue by choosing multiple methods.

Can I make money blogging in 3 months? ›

Conclusion. Remember that making money blogging takes time, effort, and patience. While it's possible to earn income from your blog in three months, it's important to focus on creating high-quality content and building a loyal audience before you start monetizing.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 5521

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.